I I cai'alirvmhct bat tiestroyet ie~ Bu ure ihat tItis iprunes, souakeclanti choppet, mate gan oetLage cf te rentlhn, ilOr, nom huislin~o orcbbiathit is h uran ni;shk h eiin nte nilway bridge bobireen Mutdemnuitd picture in the form of 1acpal udmc efutcle one h Ieasun nitesr ,f t" f-brbiu mas ulpoîl ont. Russian i labell h on the wrp- Mue of bbe quirketeanuit asicat clourts cf justice, lancite angle cf antiC.ov.-Cen. Tirecof shaiso ivit-a prosthsibe euto th crtimsns mnch o ent al ece rmnofngcfth eavary î'ercol bit ratier, wcî uovlsi' oubott o. ,i ais to dean n gueaay pan La bc ubicb ils the Nichelas, or Little Pal-Ieuspor.Aicii'ftrbaaspsheblteunigptemdaheiceo ewu o refs-t uater nitfeugb mthbb ia by. i en bte roseeu ani vie bcac, wbeu'e be Grand blute txxuiît. At heen strmucinfrontlem ciîa r'.icndiin ofbbeexermet i S&Bixiolso Srgqua'chuteirexeaind or obi chltrn b-c f 8thetsarii tat he ro lasI mua iras tiRet. Eurn the gmeas oututandthpae thiey the1o~r~ ecd ileucf rx dutt~~ TItis suhattut-fer apeuicut medi- thutcntnabatpysnyry Sctt& owc a" -gaeth eit t te ow byod ar rfoni-anti atits, anti teeps cskia ue t of10fI000 is dvto us A ('AVAýLRVMOEiENChemists wibt soap anti wat-r, te nampauts. A tfev iijutes beloee. Aiulvaiceti chilien- st gloated 3anti dear. Place sente fuga lu a unies cf $2,500 a yeaunogfri A t'spacb irot Tolte suri- 'bbcTo Cirun Brcuuze. Mate bthe article the bell of bctaiheucitthe fl ansiuu0,&sYilll: stoun-e ,Ctrib et aaimtrimn remi odt0l- - nitthn ea l xitbn iee f nunt Dke înrgt rot bcgu o Sltuw ly, but sur i uei, cielxxc: ae itp a, csireeeiwitb beoy anti edcl e, ca-liym1i-mi, gintFili îume tpei casts b et fth alr at poeeeioloe ilWitnI fhe cotuni-Iit iiOp~a lvu -b ruîigne rbmo t etcminfr fcî Mnnbul ynna' otruix lI . uts %c.md;audrggsi t , heh tat i olsetxit b icgs otanngsort oic.sos Tts aou eaîtin.bne nie amai ogtertorubi b idea auniafltyt dstnh day~~~ orgbbbhyton ubcnptigteSafndna . Tttebleprcee b sep u asuantpue eiar jocetht erieshadoe or" uiril bbantrfî'aios.bateontouscd 4 exEd 'EEE« 441M ý MEE should be performed as rapldly as Wash chiffon, especially white, andi lE'0 9 pssible. it can be miade to look almost like I u m ~ o b u s lirt fiý o m . ilk , u se a p a d n w , M a ýlte a la th er of1 b e t y ll w cuvered with velvet instead of a soap, andi lot it stand tili lukewarm.- About Fthe t0,N_ 1 rmvos the dust beautifully, but do not rmb. Squeeze ont came- WYY UL Il u eever cut string if yon can avoid fully, and. rinse in two or three lots ...lo s it and if it lias to hbeuct do it as of cold water. Dissolve a littie guin nerthe knot as possible. Save ail in a teacupful of water, and add a More Serous Situ tio No racs t e 1the string, and f oý the purpose have few drops of vînegar. Dip in the * a special box. If" string thus saved chiffon, andi do not squeeze, but lay Russiar Army.is to bie really useful, each Piece betweea the fol"ds of a clean cloth iR ssan ..ry.DOMESTIC RECIPES. mustbIle doue up separatelv, so that anti pat -with the hand; pull out care-- Friei Clte.-Pt a uar offou easily ble undone, bel oie it -is fully. Cover with a piece of tissue JAF MVINJ-EAS. ros to fua1'ivu, estofLia- 11 pn;addstwPuteaqartoof uls 0put away. This small econcumy, if paper, and iron with a moderate JAPS MVIý;GEAST. ross he 11n Rive, wes of Lio- ina pan addfaithfullyn carrfiedthfeutcawill ut savel mav ma fr0Iro, A dspatch frein London as agwt ,0 orsemen. The baking powder, one cnp each of su- pnisl h er o tig 1 Reports reoriveti bore show that part operation began Xvest of Chitaitzu. gar andi sweet rnilk, two eggs, un- necessary ia every kitchen, and alsu I3Pcause lit I1 full Weight. at lenst of the Russian cavalry re- One force of cavalry stole into Lao- beaten, three tablespoonfuls of lard for packing up parcels. SELECTED RECIPES. porteid teo u t Tacha have gone hunshi, andi siiînltaneously another and one teaspoonful of lomion ex-~ Life can bc sustained for about Scallopeti Cabbage.-Cut a small You get a full pound of tea isde the packag. h backto te nrtheth nmeloss caalry fore aprrccetiTachotact. Mi soatandnttrarigs.. irixdso o w trnadne.Wtticnbagenutequarersand ou ta- ead raning netincudedin heWight but the prucise ontrme of the raid which is situateti 13 miles sonth- 011Yavli fothene lard forbt dfI hoing not tooWen er is not ltnowii. It does not sceenito west of Chitaitzu, and 27 miles West lhot, just hot onough. They are de- one qartroli htiton coldliv b tlerola-hdt, coant d ate sohn wper-w g have developea iniportantly. 0f Liao-Yang. Niue thousand cav- lUcious.- oe atr fthe-at tue.of fectîy pop oadlti, chop utand.seasn th H iom ged by automnatic4*electric mahie- To CleanCthe eRailngs ofpBanisters. Ppe nialti utr etu Tt is reportot inl St. Petersbnrg alry, with artillery, approached the GneCoks-Tocps oas- Wash ail the dirt off wlth soap and a raw eg-g and stir luto It. Moistea mnachines that neyer mnake rniýtaýes (clerks soreie thtalreJpns oc suo- river a mile bélow Tacha, and at- es, one cup each of sugar and lard, water, and whea dry rub ith twO weîî with liquor froin the bcdf pot. l) andthe tea is pue into the -pckages aftrbhg tht areJaaesxfri- ano otidbalte l aqcoens. parts of linseed ou and onepat fTura the mixture Intol a greased ),puep g ing east to outflarik the Russiaus. temipteti to cross at 6 o'clock latetinrs u odcfeeadsd.I the sml ftetr at ihat over t fne bpeartr-of Acorrespondent at the IRussian eveniug ativancin"' on 1eiouti Giger naandOnecup ach f tupefinn. weîhed IlGne np.Oecpec fpentine bc objectionable,, use two crumibs, Wet these with pat liquor- - headquarte's says that the posititn (1eowtal) . o ym' eteNèw Orleans melises anti sugar, prsfsweohateuprt fni ble oeoi afa or pleica tedavdi]e uuc ta byoe con-Tine shel fOan' etethree tablespoonfuls of lard anti sixpatofse olndnear ofndbkcvehl nhu; Put a po und package of Red Rose Tea on ci seois t hae lma ademor cen- he heîiugalcohol, but the mixture of linseeti thea brown. The time requireti te , and it will, weigll 19 to 20 ounces, acCrdiflg to the ' Bliated cfdmrletnetainti the cntifucoli co il ce, eue teaspoonlul each oil anti turpeatine is rnost desirable. tmansfomni the homely f are of comneti 0f cnnaongluer ntisod. ~ To Clean a Feather Bea.-First beef anti cabbage into a dianer te esc h edwaproorteta ordot ~~J proach cf an early Spring. The Ja- SPOILT CARD )G AME-ý. For Apple Salat.-Talte rapocecais ban nta small.wihn anneib shmt e'wehx ucs parlese have brouglit up mnaay siego A dcspatch freina Russian fleati- enooth, eti apples that are very qatt ffor i ohtgte niehsms ooe us ileg cufrni Po re thourgandil sonna111. arters, ltan Moiiiiain, Mýauchur- tart, cnt a 'dice fron theoenduti, en antist ite o e.tMlx bthtoroghr nvt e hîs mt hsonrt ust wy ie ofîeiaepuýigPtlf'H a, says: During the Japanese boni- temoî e the dore, Tlhrow the peeleti set nth Alovamtelage tonh nt e ceti the sasn usnally gvn vryhn aotRe oe e awy f Chinese report. that 350 siege guns bartirent of Poutiloif (LoueTrc) apple jute colti yater te lteep it bag. Put the boa int the bag, [ive minutes. Perhaps hall an hourmasewegt quality, purity, and cleanlines ad are in position ut Liao-Yaug. 'Hl a pioWjtle frein a siege gua froni disceloring, anti chop rather shako iu the bran, etc, anti tie up w Iud suffice.:ou aiftonwlbeuladcmpt W nY The elti corespndet cftheentereti an underground hut, burst ionaneil pouix it ith chppi on- the cati. Euh the bag well anti Frieti Clery.-Scrape, wash antidu aifcinwl efi n opeewe e s t Standard says that the Japunlesoc are inside anti tome off the heet of in ni eiave ta o nishakolte ttheronghly. Talt oeut the dut the stults jute pieces four or S BR O ,StJon entertaining ne illusions conceing lieueanit anti woundeti a colonel vinogar dressing. Scatter choppeti boa, shako it tiioreughly and A it jl ive juches ion.,Ck tender inbi-T.H. SAB OK , t. oh N& the peace umers. The educatet i ant toostaf parsley over, andi serve. bc equal te new. If the boa ho eryiig atei atr 0 l BRANCHES. TORONTO, WINNIPEG. thtJaa ane psilyucp Iing front ofwe The Secrett 0f S er aages ytwo lots ef flour, etc.,wîll be eut te dry and tifrain antisprat clataasse a ntite et aowsprsib uce pîaigcri.o lerihtXoiI eltthi otvr mtrequireti. - place. Whoen fi, dip jute a batter In ron oflouehe o hhas lichieveIfti peprhemhesde i Ktchen tins imay lho brightened by imatie of haîf a cuplul of fionr, siteti this orider and put over ail fine breai or twe figs.1 Prunes myh rpr pence utlsehsahee ird- fliîk, the Russians are trying the cf- net burst, su long ns the san sages boiliug them in strong borax wuter. twice, with a saltspoonfui of halting cmnmlbs dotteti with butter anti spria- cd ia the saine way i rfmei fîii_.C eblect, whichi is the tiostruc- fect of coucetratei siege anti mer- are fresh. The cemînen practice of tien of I1,ussian power ini the Far batteries ihgo esls i-Riase ia hot water t yanntiun- pewder atitofae lsait, antikei lgty wt aeu. Blt h cnm fbuhsi ut tur wt eeirentfrpicking sausages is net te be rme- adtesie Et wenir it evlva imolsilet îgaean s2asrassiu-cîniuiti s- al hegayless theý- have been very much uog- wet up with a bouton egg anti covered hall an heur anu brown. werthy of studyinglauavag ,t edrit ei ipsil. tnneeslmay. a t1mrtr inl-cnnesctape. Aîw s tes a îlectoti they wiii bc silver bright. enough mill totemaltethe 'btter Serve in the balte dish., househeli, as they qicty eutp The Daily Teiegraph's Shanghai taeubl e ae.Ah t ew sages ore apple oasting in a pot or saucepan is manageable. Fry te a pale bnown Spaniih Stuffèti Onions-Peel largo te a heavy itein in teyamsop- correspondent reports that Oea. SCKES N OIN riemenit. u theialysutalefo snui ecs faaretbute..is atiseveBermuda or Spuuish onions anti par- diture. For instanc, asrhbn Staltcieberg anti threoEBussian ilan- Adsac ri t eesug T Bell Rice Successfuly-Tave meut, such as French colts coolt te wîth sauce piquante.beltm fotnmnus. Dan mshhtisIte atinauc- ftr coon elswHewua iver usdA iinInetnheexs hu Latiy a large snuce-paiî f0 oi'ngperfection. AMlit, anti heat a gooti Scaleopeti Cublage with Cheese.- anti lot them. get penfectiy celt. With et rots. Sweepingboos hud wate,, ait otththeuhlu. Riverh tablesooAfuoffitiiiplngeltarpotsBell tt cabbfeblalwinwatrsharsarp ltffeddîgeutttht conteo frer nnover euch th fleoroxceptwhen i -sinco the coirmmencement of the war au ,sl ttooihy al h alsonu fdipn naPt oltecbaei w aes EIOT-NCI UNS Rssansict nt wnndd e herîce in severni waters te nemeve the Brown the meut on ail sides in this, drain anti chop fine. Malte a white eaich and fil wîth a fencemeat of actual use; they shouiiu neb A ~GUS tisptoi reu uld says:andumber cf 3, i9hxed to te(u, et. Thnow into the fast hoiu- se as te hartien the outbside anti auce of one tahiespoonful of fleur rmaced meut, veal, hain or chieneasteti on the point o h atl Th .la,,panese frd TMuensdays anti ete rof-r130f429he - 4,007 snti ing water, utitiaatablespoonfit olflteep ln the gruvy. Thon timaw the stiret injte two of bulyling hot but- well seasoneti antimixeti with eue- heati upwarts, agantawalo 'lle destay n Potioff 11111, wandth the hositul. 1O,722 eev07eretin t inegi, anti cook for exurthy a Pet te the sitie of the fineand let ter thianeti with a cuplul of het third us ranch fine crunlibs. Seasen piece of furuture t- h ktha Ml(,(!ýýcsday o Poutiloff H-illqueuterhe foaniboum.17Thon rrain the, buttquarlt oslawtyouithTthedraitit.iehltaantik seusonetiiwithe rayonnekantisewsthesaittantiendeyandewantisaatlattieaarenfandishltilthoneputisaway laothp 8-iuch gens, carrying 250-pounti pro- are incapable of further mlilitary ser- through a sici e, anti leep the rice ia ou the Pot; baste it freqnentiy. This sait, with a pinch of nutmeg. Euh butter, Set the stuffeti onions close breoni muet.* Dusting roi hc jecfflies, inuicatlng that thev are vuce, anti 77,727 1were returnoti te a warm phace til wanterf. is a very economical mode of cook- 'a balte dish with garlic anti butter together in a dish, f11l the interstices are suspendeti by a silgfrn h siege gizms, useti et Port Arthur, anti thu ranls. An Or-ange rnl,-Which yen wiî ing because of the sinalquautity of it, spnenti a layer of cabllage on the th op ur auct ter moreevnh ane shound was e hu tho first te,ec mounritet inluposition lite ils matie hy boiling thnee-quanters fine requiroti te heat the miniature bottoni, squeeze ever, lb a ittie wthe to. Pour abouthfoi nghaltr e, thya i so a ops before the Rissian linos beiow Mnlt- CAN FLOAT WARSIIPS. of an puinti of loaf sugan iu eue piat even. To malte the joint more tasty lemnon mica anti less of onlion julce, ineasocktenlieepinthe bofrohua- îeofhe r dry den. A acw siuaution, therefone, A tiespatoh frein Teltio sys: Tt is anti a quarter of wnter, stilmlg it atit an enuon anti a few bits of celery cover wlth the wvhite sauce anti thisîg-buanuc atebtnio confronta tie, Russian centre, anti posttiveiy assenteti that most of weli. Squeeze inte thir the juice of te the pot. with gateti cheeso. Fi the dish iu the dish will do-anti coot, covemeti, A SUGGESTION TOMTIES the general situation appeurs >te the Russian wunshlps which were thnee oranges, stir weli anti atit one ___ bll an heur. - ucovor anti brewa To the unother of emî o h have beau rentiened more uncertain sunt et Pont Arthur dan ho floateti quert of water, anti a lew stiips of lverty.palatable sIl inhioe questianofismostteresn. anci more demilcteti hy the Battle repaireti ant i mude aulbefr ulinoaepo;siraltgter. Stewed Cey.-Cnt off tfhe coanse11,er boys 'ltnoclt ot hesu cf Sandopus anti the arrivai of open 'ture service. It has been ascertaimi- Place lu a cevereti jug anti stand tili green stallts anti îop the tops of the rate that maltes honecooiasu weatîxor inticating an enrîy spriuf. eti that the explosions by which the colti, Atit a few suices of orange ho- I 4 choucer te within five or six inches slclt anti tiaws fronhnusat ON ~ -- Russiaus hepedti t cestmoy thora, af fore ser-viug. IIof the roots. Tnim anti scrape the exclamations of imptetaan O THSHTA E[V ER. fceiei hi itng, ant i titi Flat Gingerhread Cake.-Take oeeans uuoig l Atiespntch frein St. Petershurg net 'damage their structural parts. Poundi anti n quarter of fleur, and fo these anti the staits, *anbeu mnt sy:TegoiiinGvrietlinto it wont four ounces of lard on fer ton minutes lu bot saîteti wnter. One menson why th1 i'l us cirls l intensif 0(1 y the news of VLADIVOSTOCK RIS ATM. tiipping anti n quator f a Poundi Drain anti lt thein le upon a soft h e w ar o t s i tu tesortestutin n o ha A esacbfrinTe e ay: heeof browu sugur, with cime ounce ofcioth for filteen minutes., Hav they wear theni indonsat n. th 'soaestuto nteSa epthfo Tkosy:Teeginger (grounti); aticime Uncl "ouzar Iofv to i"e byin a saucepan enough Tockthe wuntcr, muoh ofthsrinua River. Despatches froua the front la relialae informuation te the elleet molassos sligimhthy w anitit, anti, latU n l of (z r ï w t stooosmetecvrte ck eny wi la7t nb er eyswanclp state that the saine 1i -moguns thbat whea Geîm. Kuwummua bIt of ahi, ngoei eapoofr f amon e talt, nti uttoese Intheut, takin witl'i whiclb the Japanese teck 203- iTotio eauly this uuietb for Coron ate cf soda dissolveti in n littie lute- stakscame d uto rothseino t low- gpers il, the bou1se. heil pesma Meire tfjl11 are now canno'nadlug theoibis nmissionî was te mltce an utivance wr Isheti naYokhrecr ott raktei.Se lo-b f leens foin te s ntith Russian contre. These genis wre ngalnst X lndlvostock. The route pudding tin, eut jute squiares wbiio ___]y___for____ en er. Tasfemitesaorhet lsh scratches proued by thhh(v cevoet y ,wy buit fieldi al- of bis uivance bas net been dis- hlot, anti set ou a siove te cool.hitnshroatItinte a ches the itte mnwa u hi wav. banching froni the main lune, closotid. Cchery w ith teato sauce is an Moscow, Satîurtiuy, Feb. îS.-With- the gate, pussing the Cbudoff Cleis- pan with hrewnp.d roux, beill ehe th prs h hîe lsttire- to positions frein which heavy ig The Tokio newspapers have noteti excellent vegetuble course. Bell sev- lu the wxaIls of the lar-famnet Kremz- ter~, Ivun's Towar, tbe great Czar min-ite anti strain laver the celeny. qetybogtaa guuma oan mate the Rirsajan centre the continueti withdrnwui te the oral bonds cf celourl, freeti frein green lin Palace, almest underneath the~ bell, anti a long rew of canon cap- Stewed Carrots-Pane anti bell they louve the anie xeeiat untenahie. Staff officers snav t hanorthwnrd lun Ž.ortbera Coron oi anti rut mte tur ch ilengths, tili historie tower froni wbicb Ivan the tureti frein Napoeon la the Wjntor full-growa carnets tender; let thein aubject te enaugts tidc become necessnry te oitber ativance smiall hodies cf EnasiansTt la ataàt- tender. rain the celeny very dry, Terrible watcbed the bonds of bis 'retreat of- 1812. li a minîute the get coii, anudixxitb a petabe gougecotsTisiax-clmyhoe n- er abandon the Slia River position. etd that the fortifications of Viadi- place it in a bot i ogetable tilsh anti enemies failing boeutb tbe axe On carniage was iu front cf tîmo Conîts eut ilabo sunulihalls lite marbies. cod ifbb Th n rwiilotbrcide They anticiputo a Japanose move- vostoekhvlaicbuengreatîy strengb- pour overi~ t serne tioti unliti but- the fumions Red Square, andi witbjn Of justice, cde ib x'll f thoaleawitruxfa nepo-bente mwtear siela hlo ment lu the dirnectionu cf Slnmiinting, oued îateî.y. ber sauce linxvhicb is mixeti suffîcientl a atones tbrow of the great heuoitoftriangle aupponcbh, forntung nanuurcw fui of butter, heabti auiidstirnet befone the colti menthe os a h the objective being Teling. ~temnato m;uce te givo ail a nire celer 1Mescon, Grandi fuke Sergius, ulnci entrauce te the NîkclsKy gabo. There sinooth, witb oeeof flour; thin .tis anti fax ou. Turu tIme O4ery OVeri anti brctbon-in-lnxv cf ELmpoor i'ich- 1 a iian ltuu wruun 1ieiit ufîo~otilt esnankles thus hecomeacstnoidr TO WEARPUT APSJngo--1beyý sny that a auinaonýce. scattem cimepponi parsiyoy ver elus, anti theo elici cfthe rouction- sepe fe ad i fkien bbc ttrewlçwitb apepr ntionî-hot m eu; eas .jo-ing the mid wenbrthe digxi desptehfrei Pais ays hsouldti Ilne ojutgeti hy the "lothos anti'serve. aies, met a terrible death sbently andti trow a beunh xxhicb ho tati con- uto anti atitithe carrot halls, Cook u oelg xcp bneps St Pespterabng orPrieaspoe Th bb e re. Ho shtilJago-"quitecCor- Fisb Pudding-Poil a medihumibefore 3 e'clok rid nîaternoon. . bnahhsca. erbeutlte rehae hog;trwte the enter air, antit, cane f St eesugcorsodnho h et eshudb ugdby the ahzed batdockanti wbou cooti 1c- The tieti nus centunitteti by a single caltiboeah iscet Aterileouiltby r hattitbcuh'tbe Echo de Paris s sthat Mrlilclothes bis uife wears."to i -m b oe n errs.uxm bex eeat h xposioni folleveti, andta bail of iha aittle mnlced arleantiev.ar éuedt i ____the___________he______n________________ benath 'leirnapeltedtihbbcgrinri stono walis of- as the boy contesharnt colo Oyaînia's force la estiimuteti ut 384,- ulce fluky piocea. Poil about hall a Grand Duto's carrlage n homb' 999me That caier Oca. Kouro- __________________ pouixti oipotarces ati wboýhn cootedi chargeti.wihthebbsane bugb pôerer x-Itte arsenal andtithe(Cuirts of Jus- IIINTS FOR THE IIOM1E. play lho shoult i mv i ev pattin lai)cbllOved toe b about ttec mb thoin througb a wre siCi 0. Mixl plesive wbicb xxrougbt 11initer vonI tire., shoca anti put on bisipes h saine. Ttc plan cf bbc Ruasiansanp-bbhe fish al-ipotate togother, atitiPlebvesdeatbTb'Jie issile was biofiuicfsocevuoaniWe coknon e set a tand lt lihcsaeuthseulbbheaic peuaste ho to i Gceas ne. Korene Isait, Popper, andi cayenne, a nicel hoade ixtb ranls 'anti fragnets efftichis arase. Whoui it bati learetic ingrontestvanilt balbbtheursbchitisnier.u patins urmy te 500,000, anti teep I Inap of butter ou' clanifiet heef lron, anti its explosion bore the im a gbzastiy sighî wosproecteti. On oat edsgeab drwh winter there, are înlanysom i it ut thînt sbrcngtb, ant, inlutîe, L.sum tti ipping. aul egg huaten ini twe table- pethel xletjnisfragmente ofashe, brdg ho noticeti in the rout. wbea bbe chiltirea go etvm te wer eut tbc Japaneso.___________________ ,poonfuIs of rmilt. Stir ail bogetter, mounts, wbicb stroîx d bbc snew for thGrsndhuDfue uergîts, cf bbcaul efnebihng a tak Popeut adf the am.e Thensipestn sv and if yen lite pai aloi, utit a litte iyantis arenui. Every w intiow in the wîth thc wreckng cof bbe carnae rs toe iha ite goidyswa.Anicnarl b nbi FOUJ(}HT rPWITI{ C'UINESE. ÇThere is ne specific fer Cbuoly cheppeti. Butter a piodhclsh, groat lelty facae cof te Palace off"Tic Grand Dutc s bond batibecu enlatioïl. A iittie sait throwvn ou en is savot the stmi pa lo sAys ac eegafrein Sebua re1-putinbbrrixtrewib i ibte or Jsuit usshtteet, nt bts faoiuron bsxo- ,anti reýlucedtit the coul wili oftea lean te fine jf nerves of te trampn nistupn siy:A tea fro S eteisbrg esmpin Fehaî,e- butter on bbc tep. Bute nn5ii bot irenuvwere eînhedtiet decpiy in bbc na shapuespulp, uidbbebreak anti yen are iu a hxmry.upat densis fbc e-s prsthat aftl" l yts cu- ercise, nourishing food and threugb andthbbctop is uicciy broexvn- w alla of the usa ua abntrei arsluhsuvrofigtfulyruuiici. A oci ouhwandTicun e tav oos, Sippr catabu ruil betwee Russians ad Chiiiestet Scoaway.mlfugerwheacing a iikb.soalkeringawa fiînyrrbashouitircb scusorinfrequeatly hnsldabeue-bail nsuemur-ts asodo-ahauasseme ret btwea usiaa atiChnee u Sots Enusin wllcone Hum Pcl.-Tt u out fTHE ASSASSIN feunilyiugn.. sve'al iyards auey. A ntout-wash: lb heipa gneatly te han- bos nicraui at fa a village fort-- mjles uortbxvest 1 otaf eliI Sncb- n, yen oftyo Esias pretty near curing ia, if there counurion sait, a quarter of a pounti belonmmdiith noise. The mether ixho wiandsboscenin iron ca fea-ngp edofRitin t saytigt uid of buly ,sait, reounîces ci saîrpetre eia t ho ntt fgtn nmnc itaniaseenn ioltien the geinas antisweeten thc breatb uhnie .'om vionaselsetinhe Chlese io. he is or hng turdonoutl- antioeunece of hrcwn sulgur. Mixgroup" cf tlie socialist revolutionary of blooti wemc evenywhîcnî(,. Olîr a bealies koeping the teeth healthy. te economîze ila foosevsat beýtrs b'exltb tenssins ant a f g onstfpeope tru ho te ail togother bborougl, anti ilrub p- y, wbjch bas reme dotrpo e mgiensc lttltlaeiTe ot ahsoii wy o xctetheok it xiifintitesipe x ensi,r ýbtering wicans Chanda fina wrî rtîvngaatth ant itb this umixtrure. Let bbhe minent officiais, anti lonug ire pas- that bbe body Once hbîti ouacutbeti useti ut nhghbanti again ia the pontment wcrbiu trI in inu-ï uig wihaCiara ol re1vngan i o cd sentence cf deatb upon Grand Tbe ceartuman lut me ning xitb mnring. un gooa hum uc l-skild he halh non un. ig ta ntufrnifour acdais.b-DultoSerg-ius. pain beside a deeP heie un bbc pave- To remeve ioumoulti squeeze soure 110W TOICLEAN ETE nLaterpretLer anti fiei oe îung. bn badixtoneurung ftalbe ady. ThueurandDulte er ,thuttelieimet. lemon-juice on the spots. thona mb Frmtre menrlte Itoati ti for onti ef breaek, aabc ti ii bbe sbatow of doabb. Hel The bouses, drugging the fronit irchi wth sait for a few'minutes, Noir thut peu-tonba auIlcoi BOURS AFFCThD.Ç Frrn tme im emeral te icae jtfor uariythre xveks, h- xvsthb rociplent of repentef xar-wtt-cia of tbecrarringe, bal dashet tbn put on n layer cf sait antifabuenable ut rmuy uiei a m od A tispatch front Berlia snys: The docters prescribed ced liver iulg eliul t Wie unff at hesa bceur jugs, andti labenate precauLicus ixero off, nîntdeneti dwitb painu, te sint di'- enve lb. The spots xiii isappear, ens te have a necipe 1rrcan b Bore bre is ccîsiderably ifuenceti1 il for CnUM0on f witb a daap cletb; wipe vomi dry, bbcl i-e sourfgen areribtalig eoete eahdteýae, and theIEVlinon A hUlENT iellevber beere aoatug, hiti ma amnt hibwa xiite .hi b-It1e1 pouce - -n1111-ifcre.eslb Laof hthendahere.tec-e xvitbA ."b"",-eclnigavterbaud, sapantioldai naeuse.w