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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1905, p. 1

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t tmn~an, TERMS :-$1.OO per Amu. Om TowN -AND OOI7TY FURST-,,T aE WOýrID AirTznwÂRDS M. A. JAMES & SN rpit In Adsrance. BOWMANVJLLE, ONTARIO, WEDNES-DAY, MARCH 1, 1905. VoLUEL o iIj ALle" PRICEt GâO"eh, Joihnston & rGrydermat * Are Selling Ai! La dies 'Coats AT UHALF PRICE.* ~Men's, and'Boys O VERCOATS AT 3a D-1S COUSNIT. Ail kinds of Furs at reduced, prices. The Corne Shoe Store T-EHîOYMLi QUARTETTE. Prices 1A GREAT CHANCE inMen's Heavy RubberS Best twe buekie, suag preef, rolled or close ies, eua 25 ail sIzesý,........$19 Lined Boots. Nexý,t Fa!! these Unes lll li mnch dearer. Yu, avenow a chanfce to caplune ta pair oIf thel best at a reduec pr'e. Ileavy or lIght -egt Wc are k-eeping Up the - izes of oour popular- hues .off Grand 'Wearing Boots. LOWEST PIRICES IN OSHAWA. And Stili We Sing Ouir Cheerful Rubber- Song. 4en's .............**1* ...-.$ women's................* , * Misses 11 to -1............. Chlt's ...... ............ BOYS' 1 to 5.. Yottths' Il te 13.,... lyen's Rubber, Boots.... ,Llght Weight Rubber Boots.. Men's loth Top Rubbers- - Lady's Clo th Top Rubliers .. Men's Waterproof OvershOes, I Burnis & eo., Osh awa. mmon he, h.%Iain Cornori P . H1. FRtOST, A. E MCLÂTJGIILINl W1 J. KINIUIIT, W. J. S, RICKARI) Eiglith consecutive season 1904-5, Engagements for Concerts, Church TeRs, Aniversaries and Other Enter- tainmeuts Will provide the entire prcgrom if desireti. Terms moderato Address ail communications te Fe . LFROST, B. A., Manager anti Conduotor, 4r5.9 mo3 Piwimanvilie, Ont WC Arc Always, Roady to Buy Rýeady tepay althat wecan afferd fer Butter and Eggs and other things that a grocery store usually gets from a farmer. It should -al lie of the first quality then it will bring the top pr tce. People who wo 1uld like cash, cngct it, those who wouid jmat as 50011 take trade cati exehange what they bring in for the Higbest Grade of Orooery Goodness. i This store deals as lierally as possible whether it is buying or i It pays the highcst prices, it sella for the lowE5at, -A T- SUGAR BEET. COMPANY. The Trent Valley Sagar antiCeiti Storag eCompauv are loacting at Peter- boro anti wili be in a position te pay 85 a ton for beets includinoe freight. Farmers wonlti do well te see the agent. Mr. W. A. Irvine, who willcali slortly. Centracts are being rapidly'filiet inlatlis localfty. .w SOLIN A. Mn. Wm., Taylor lias purcliaseti a ncw Morris piano (reom agent C. N Ruse Hampton ... . Farmers' Institute wis woll attendeti Thursday, Messrs Nash anti CIannon gave goti, practical atidresses afternoen anti eyenung Women's Insti- tute met at Mrs Jno VanNest's ie tlie afterneon witb a gotiiy number prosent anti a profitable sesson. ... Mm. Ellis iPascoe, Enfielti, visiteti bre.. .. Miss iEffie Taylor lias licou ill.... Mrs H joffroy, Bowmauvulie, visiteti Mrs Silas ~WiLias... . Miïss Etina Reynolds, Scar- bore, is visitinz f rientis bre... District Division meets in Sons' Riail on Fnitiay, Mardhi oth. at îe a. n .... Division thfis -welt debats ; Reselvýedl: That oe [bas more influence in the world than braïn'"-Caeptaineti hy R j iMcKesscltk anti A L Hascoé. .. Miss Nora Werry, is s, isitîng at Mur.* R. J, Lulce's, Kedren. . 1 -Mn and Mrs W Chas. Werry visiteti at Cjurtic... . Mr, Thos, Sbortridge, Columbus, spent a -few days here ... Congratulations, Mn. Algernon, Vice, on ,our récent marriage to Miss Louaý jackman, Bowmnanvilie. lVIoYillg, Sale -0F- Oontinflod Tilt Mareh Sth. About Mànrch Stit we e-xpoct te nove into our new store,forel ocuidby the Post Office, ant inl the mean time we are mnaking some big reductions in our st-ocs off boots, shoes'anti ralbers. T (J ~Don't miss this opportunsty. The MLvodel Girocary Bowman ville,1 Parlai, Shoe Store. Bowmanvile. flot Water Bottios, Yeu lmnst not txnkof common every-dayB "eD Bo lesianl yringes in connection with those ta we have just received froini manufactur- ers. The NEW STRONG ue, the tiglitseams, -the pretfitting stoppers and counectonsý, instire satisfactions that you wï von't get front ordinary rubber go-I)d si These goods are the 7ÏBEST. The- price the LOWEST. FOR e rslake The DugitalldOpca ,Successor to J. W.McE ID Bo Wxan ville KENDAIL. Miss L izzie Lun is visitinglier sister Mrs. James Boyd ....iss idith Ellilot, North Bay, visited ffriends aad r1 elatives. .Mr. VVm. J Fowier bas rmvdthe phone fromn Mr. Joe Thornes to Mr. Win Bryson's... .Misses Be~and Mary Ijnderwood visite(! eriends lu înPort Hope A very quiet wedd*o ing tookplace. Feb, i4th wheun Mr. MuonCmskand Mliss Pearl Porteis, both o,- thia village were united lB hol!y mat lov n their return t,) the -ilae ,he )ung men and women took t; ppo)r-unîtv of showing their good -%Yi!" ,nd wishles by -oing te the home off the bride3, andi in a b)rief atidress extendinga,4 cn gratulations etc., to wbieK tho bride* groom liberally responded . VI.G Crawford bas ffuliy reco,, rd fo i HELPLESS WITII SALT R1~M'~o imany montlis mv wifewauabee serve lherself withher hands becAus f sait PIieum, Dr.ChesOumtba entirety cureti ber andi' srnl recommend il;tto an wo ffe fro similar ailments, b:eing- M. i . a Pigeon lii, Mi5ýissquol Uc tue. PLEASANT ATHOE The Officiai and Trustee Boards off the Methodist Churcb entertainied the main bers and ex-members of the choir and Sunday School Board at the Sohool- rcorn on Fridav evening. Covers were laid for about one hundreti and tfl!ty and au excellent supper consisting of mreats, salads, pickles, caktes, witb deliclous apple pieanti ream was seryed Ater &Il bati doue justice to tbe goodt tings a-short tiffle was spent lu 6ocial enjoy- ment, Mr. Levi Morris entertaining witb lus gramaphone. 1ev, D. O. Crossiey, pastor, calleti the company to oruier and intersoersed the programn -with timely reînarks andi sug-gedtîons Miss Gertrude Cawker openeti the pro. gram witb a piérno solo, Five-miniute atidresses were gîven by Dr. Tillev, recording steward of the Quarterl., Board, Mr. P,. C Trebilcock, Secretary off the Trustee Board, Raey. Win. Jol- liffe, Messrs. T C,.Ilewell, C M Cawker, Wmn. Trewin, Bey. T, W. Jolliffe, Al. A. James, Treasurer Trustee Board, andi J. J. Masoui, Treasurer Quarteily Board;ail eampbasiz5ed their apeito of theywork d1oue b'y choir and Suuday School.- Solos were nicelyw reuidereti by Miss Jeinuie NMeLean, Mrsý l , 1.riTley,' (Tronôtto) and 'Mr. H1. J. Kibait bàeÈng encored and pleasantir responti. in -- Miss Beacock and Mr. A WY, Pickard sang aýduet, anti Miss, M "aWan aud Mr O. Smitb gava a readiug andi recitation that called for encores. Votes off thanks woe passed to the ladies andi committee who supplied andi served the supper, to those who contrîbuteti the program, and te the Boards for their generous and thoughtiul entertaininent The eveniDg was a moét enj,)yab!1e one andi the entertainment was ail that coid be desired. FbOWI. lDy RuîueII 1&Soa. Lou"~ EARL GREY Canada's New Governor-General Eanl Grey, the brother of Lady Minto, dees net cerne te, Canada as a stranger, ferlie lias been a frequent visiter at Ottawa durîng Lord Minto's régime. lie was hem lun 1851 of an olti Northiumberland family living at Howick since the sixteenth century. His grantifather, the second Eanl Grey, was the Whig Prime Minîster who carrîeti througb the Reform Bill in 1831. Alfredi Henry George Grey, the new Governor-General, does net nped te feuli acîr upen a, family tree for a record, as lie bas made bis own name secu ce. Hie as educateti at Herew, Trinity Celiege andi Cambridige, taking higb degrees lu history anti law, anti at an early age entered. politics, being for six years a member of Parliament. lu 1894, while lie was making an ex- tensive tour off Scuth Africa, word came te hlm ef the tieath off his uncle, te wbese title anti estates lie succeedeti. Earl Grey 'was a close friend off Cecil Rhodes, anti was thse one man who knew bow te ma nage hlm; andi on more than eue occasion wbcn the Qolossus ,of Southi Africa threatened toe ut leese fromn the mether country anti malte Bliotesia an independent republie, the gentie flrmuess anti influence off Bar Grey matie the tlireat fade inito thin air. leie l one off the executors off Rhiodes' will, anti las an influential veice lu the Rhoedes scliolarships. Atter the jamesen raid in 1896, lie succeeded te tlie administration et Rhtotiesia, anti lere bis Ëtrengtli of mimd anti purpose, his knowietige ef men anti methotis, bis tact, diplomnacy anti persenal magnetismn enableti lim te rfide bravely over many obstacles. Ile lias the courage te take the initiative wleivrit seems riglit tu branci ont inte new lines of effort, and is a strong evroff bumauity. On bis large estates lielias successfully carrieti eut bis oda f coýô.nrait!ve partnerahin; lie is the organizer of tie Public lieuse Trut emau, hi7a aks ve atma naestheI saloons off Englailu, by a ubprtv l limiting the interesýt te five per cent, aipoibtn the sale of shaires in tlie ope'n markiet. Earl Grey bas clear-cut features, darli eyes, a sliglit pateli off baîr, malt- ing an oasis lu the desert off his baltiness, a milîtary bearing anti aquiet, ener- getie, d'ecsive manner. His family censists of' bis wife, bis son, Viscount, liowick, anti bis tbreed~aughters, Lady Victoria Grenfeil, Lady Sybul Greirj andi Lady Evelyn Alice- Grey. Eterei according to At of the i'ariiamont of Canada., in the year 1M0, l'y W, C. Mack, ait te Deparmont of Adriculturs, DURHAM BOYS' BANQUET, SEVEN'TH ANNUAL GATEERING AN UN- QUALIFIES Sccuas, A hiappy eveut anti one thoronghly enjoyeti by every participant was the seventh annual banquet given inWebb's Parlons, Toronto, on Tbursday evening Pcb. 23, untier auspices off Durbam Boyvs' Association of that citv. A gotiiy number attendeti anti a splendid social, eveniug was pleasantly spent, Two mottees were prominent '-Welcome"I anti IlWt love elti Durbam our Home- landi." Aucw ensigu, tise seal enign ef Durham ceunty ia Englanti, witb the addition offtise Nlaple Leaf, bas beau painteti anti helti a plaue eon the wall at the had o! the banquet bal, The roem was elaborately beautifioti witb -flags antibannerettes, anti the tables were- matie attractive witb >pnetiy, bouquets. Guests were receiveti at the entrance from the elevator anti escorteti te reems for disrobing anti were then usheret inlte the reception panlon anti intreduceti by Presitient Hughes when they were seon sunrounieti by frindts anti matie te feel weicome Af tonan heur speut ii.greet- inga Lui neewing acquaintanees, dia- uer was anneunceti anti ail proceetied to the banquet hall wheîe a leatiinz meumber cf thse Association mat at oe andi o! each table anti bis wife at the other, a nice arrangement that gave a bome-lilte feature te t"e feast. An unique menu card was preý,entiteacs guost, the ieading litersuny parts o! wbîch we berewitl, present;. ersDurham expeets tsat every man tiste ght witl A , p rs icanu::iNature abbors a vacum. Bis8que of Darlrigton Oyster. Give nature- thrce helps, anld Cartwringht Roast Tut key. 001caseofAcon-Mauvers Crauberry Sauce, nea.rly every case o!whher nor custerns sale fis infuite sumption will recover. Fresh varîety." -Autsonv andtGieneowtta. air, most important of aIL. Cavan Slashed Petattoes. HopeFreacb i'eas g 'Now is the wtier of or ciecntet C n "erlry Made 11JiI h qua JL y Who 8tr vlefrvclory 1'- the fdmalbou Newraetle Orange Je!ltes. Bowmuanviile Lemou Je lites. P ec,..toral Were brook z::a?::tte Russe. Nourlshing food cornes next. "Hew bsappy couldI he with eltIgr, Th.ae~ inecicine o conrol Car _ rneraway ."-Gay. Then., amdcîet c-to Cak eapoltuausCreans, the cough and heal the Iungs. "Wl dth ail tisy f aulta 1 love tisee ei>"- "pe Ask any good doctor. Blacketock izA8sorted Canes. 1fi5rat tred yer's cer-, etrz I yeerg i"Thesei1ttile shinge '-'- ittLe littO"me."- aga. I haaesoen terrîbue caïsaof g Oeno pple. <rolds,' th. catts, creS leyGt. 1 am nfneyer with(int't-" Orno5 ,EnIikilI n o. a ,ges. LBRT G. BE.xsareue, Markttia, G01- Hampten t3ananas 25>..ic., s1MN. e. C. Ayrr. CO. Port Hope C,ffee, Aildrresta fr ewelMas. "Yet have I sometilg la me daugeronis,"- H-amlet. n Sereael,.y fall], ue epicure wou'd say Co nsumtiatoano arni Ihv dunelto ay" 1<.fthd.mnd datv cttn ~ Secenes a rceBîu',1ýu g, lla he anquet's e'eër- When full justice hati been dcne te the excellent bihl-off-fane, the programu ferming a page of the mena cane was introtiaceti by a short speech by the. Presitiemt. Bore is the prognam page off the after-dinner ententaiument, with eue correction ; DURHAM[ COUNTY. 1792-First settiement o! Hope, Clarke anti Darlington. 1816-Finat settiement ofCa van, Man- vers anti Cartwrighst. PROORAM. THE KING. "Selfisis man antistainless gentlemani." Addresses.,... ..................... Music "One pleasure past, another btili we gain."- , Tise Audience "And I would tisai my tongue coulti utter TheSioughts that arise lu nie"-f-he Speaker,, THEPISESIDENT--ME; J. L. IIUGHES. -I amn monareis of alilI survey, My right there iesuoce t'ouslpute. "-Oowt'er. -DR. J. T. GILMOLIR. -A feliew of inufinte jest, of Most excellent fancy "-Haamiet. BEy. GEO. WASHINGTON, Sýt. A. "A proper mac as one shall ste in a somnmer 's day."'-MidzumnerNighDisteaic.ne. DR. D1. J. GOOGIN, M. A. ..çomc,giveu& atasteof yeurquî.tty.'--IIa-mlet. THE SEOEETARY-ME. T. TELLO W' LE)1GS. -, have dgne the company ,0511e servie, and Shey kaew 1.' '-Otiseilo. THIE LADIES. "Oreatares native tinte gracions act." To ant. to each, a fair gond ntght, Andi pleasing dreams, andslaumbers ight " Scott. A duet "II feel thv angel Spirit" cap- itallv reudereti by Mr, James and Mrs. Scrimger-Massie was fe loweti by au entbusiastic recail. Dr, J. T Gilmoun, Wartien off the Central Prison, matie a speech that matie tiseconutrv-rensred ones o! the companv long for tise das.s of their youth as hoe describet inl extenso thse olt time pane-ing lieu. the coontrv sin lu,--sebool with its "discorda grand" an-m other popular past tises that he shook eut o! the saiiutuar.N off uxemories " and roundeti off bia- happy speech with Jarres Wbitcomb Riiey's Pnom a -Visit te Olti Aunt Marlis" Tue sweet x-oice ,qf lvir McLean-Diliwfurtit was beard to ad,-antage in hon capable reiidjtiout off .The PasZsing Seations" whicbi dem ati. ed a louti encore Rov. Ueo Washinz- ton M. A,, Lemonvile, a Solna b v lui a reminisceit Veilu toli o!former exipeî i ncsanti recommtndttd the couiiircas> _ieoti puee in wtiucb to be b rn cati reared- where on" ii 4 Ici loilse witb Naue. Miss Ftorence, Ei zutb waltoî> 21 Bloor ýt , m . au ace 'tnp- llsh>ed eloceutionist, b'. spcial re-qitest. ,-ocitetithe 'Maleiiouess o1 Malabar, su d 8o Weilh itishe gi've th4>e umben tiar sho was recaileti. Ie ratites s0 natur- ally anti gracelul'Y thatse IsaR pop)Ular neadr a may scia fuctins.Editor Jame o!Bowanvil8waà the ,oui repesdlitatiVü direa ruin tht UUUtY; ,4 ~ropoded to & calt for & Shms. minute speech. The olti favorite song. star, Mr John D. Keachie, by nequest gave a couple oGe Scotch'airs in hbis bru.- fliant style We have seldom heard lhlm do better. A racy speech from the ever- ready Mr. Dan F Burh of Port Arthur, convulseti the Company with laugbten, A lady cornietist, Mrs. Freeman-Titus (formeriy off Orono)l gave a couple Of Felections with acceptance Dr. D J. Goggin was the speaker off the evening anti dwelt on the freetiom of tbe country anti the intelligence off the City anti re- ferredt t Canada as a gooti 'Daughter lnulber MotLer's bouse but Mistress off ber Own. " He matie a capital speech. Mr. James Massie then sang an orig-. inal composition as follows: Tune-"'FatherOF1n' The Boys of 016 Durhamn are gaeat min at 115e. "ers, For atn' and drinkîn' tiuey shine as the woe, For wit and for learnin' they sure git the ca.ll As the boys from 016 Durluam's the flower e tbem aU, Then here's a be alth to ye Durham old bo)ys. Decondeets of Thistle. or Shamrocic. or Rose, For wtt anid for learnin' ye sure git the cati, As the Boys from aid DurhaaVa the doýwer ol them ai. There'. "Stark", the Inspictor, givce hirn a wlde berth, - As he andi bis, cops think they own the wktole earth. There's "Carry'the lawyer, hld have yesiat 1dowe. Anid"Bowie"thinks he's the bist Doctorla on. There'eD. J..Goggin, bis larnin'ite reat, A powerful kood speaker. he does it seo nate. But asObairman ai Dinners.the crowdlte enthuse Sure there's none of thons in t wtth Jimmy L. Hughes. Theres GilmiouV" the Warden he rue a hotel, Fils guests they are happy,tbe imeais are se swell, Thsre's preachers anti dectors, and min of great Why D.urhsam Boys rank with the bist on thse eartis. The ladies are with us, God bless 'ens 1 say. Each bultet its billet, each dog has his day. But for raie bearty greein'and tryin' to pleasa, We ail taIse our bats off to Tom Yellowlees. Rey. Dr. M. P. Talling, B. A., spoke efthrree Mae's of Durham who ha& shed tbein influence anounti the ambitions City of Hamilton. Speakinoe fer that city Dr. Talling saiti that Durham .County might well be proud off Rev. Neli MePherson recently cailedti t Indianapolis, of Dr Samuel W. Me-. Connachie anti of Charles McCuliough. Canadian Clubs are planteti now al over the British Empire anti are doiug a notable work for our broati Dominion, but the Canadian Club o!fiHamilton la. the parent club, anti it owes its origint chiefiv te Mr. Charles McCullough. Shoulti we net be prend of hlm ? (Cheena) Af ter another recîtatien by Miss Waiten Mn George 1 Ritideli, son e! a former, Presbyterian ministéer lu Durham,wa introducdt anti matie a short specech, Anothen soug bv Mrs. Dilwortb andtauh Presitient's cesiug remarks co,,neluiedi one oni the bebt pregramius the Assecia-'s tinbas isteneti te.The cotgOde(- Don ath lee-itV 1Dnhm was sasng bysàl'r. îKe;ch ie0ai'a1i joineti lu the chorusi. T.hen cîncie was formed anti Aulti Laug Syne wasi enthusiastiie- ally snng wîth the usual, claspiug ofr bandis d accompan'i,iJ motions and the 1905 banquet, terminateti. Misaý Margaret Yellowlees was pianist We onilv succeedet inl obtainiug a Partial lst of those present but besîies tbose mentioneti as taking part we noticeti Mr.Thos. YeI]owloes anti family, Dr. F. W. Manlow, Mrs. W. Yeomans, Mrs. anti Miss Jessie Dickinson, Miss Arvilla Cox, (Bowmanville) j. S. Bond, Mrs J L.ý Hughes, Miss Bertha Hughes, Miss Isobel Ratcliff e. Dr. J. S. Somena, Miss Louise Hanson, A.M. anti W. 1.. Richardison,' Mrs, S. J. Gibson (Winnip-. eg) W. Stark anti wife, Mr. S. H Jet- fery and wife, Mrs. R. and Mrs. E. J_ anmi Miss Strewger, Ethel--Titus, Ida Scrimger, Stella Leslie, R. J. Dilworth. T. E. Washington anti wiffe, Stella Coleman Washington,. lilda Washing- ton, J. Ji. Copelanti anti wife. S. aL Gibooîîs anti wifo-, Misses Lizzic A. Smith. Bella Caswell, Helen Cozse.no, Etta M. Tait P. T. Tait, B S Vanstone, Thos. Caswell, E J, Creeper, Miss Louise Eliiott, W. W. Hern, Maggie- MelCailuns, V.- Craig anti wife, Editii Lelean, Prof, anti NIrs. John, Souair, ers. Geo Mitchell, Ms.Hiýarvy Han- son, J. A. Hansen aLti wi'te, ehilip Thomas, Miss Ethel H. Moiloni, Birdie Dean, Blanich B. Yeoman, Mrs. J. D. K-'eachie, Minnie L. Caswell, Mrs. andi Miss Eila -M, Eldiridige, Mn. anti Mro. John Fergason, Mrs. Anderson, (Port Arthur) Wallace F. Maas anti wife, Mrs, M, J. "Downey, Mrs (Dr.) Talling, Misses Vivian and baur-t Bickeil, Mrs, Hl. Sheard, Mrs. Smith, BlitW. William- son, (Indian Heati) Misses Hattie B. anti Barbara W iîliamson, Mrs. R. Pean- don, ni. anti Mrs. Henrv Bennett, Misses Lena anti Winniffreti Bennett, Mn. anti Mrs Leu! Washington, Misses Sara Stainton antiEthel B Washiagton Etiwart ieluding, Misýs Fielding,, Mise L. Gnlly, Mn,- andi Mrs. A. Chailenier, Principal Wm Scott, B. A., Miss Laura NIl. Wickett. Hood's Sarsapariffia encys the dlSuý finction of being the great-. estè curative an uenîtlve medicine thewrl has ever known. It iS an ail-rouind medidne, oducing its un- euail:e et, by purify- ing, vitalzing ond enriching -the blood on which t5he health and strengthof every Orga, bone and t'issue de- pend Ac-cepte Do substi- Lut,. for Hood's, but 11fr uistk Y-, F, i giHoodj a 1 35

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