FOR PERFECT: HOME * EASY TO UTSE, BRIGHTEST AND BEST *Ail Druegists and Dealersi. TAKE NO OTHERS. P'otato na-Tesi oaes pool and suce; talc eue smin vhwitLe onion, Oloppod fine; snikl iis over the petatoos; .tako liait cap vinegar, -eason, te teste With pcp- per anîd Sait: MIl Up the cup witi Pot water: pour ibis over the pote- tees; taIse half cap et nîitefi Paiter anti pour ovem ail; set ewny to cool. IÇarnisli, yeur saled ,bowi with ici- tuiro louves andf pour ini yor salafi. Sluce a couple etflinrd-hoiled eggs anad put on top. IIINTS FORIluE LIFE. If the, hand are rubbed on a stick ______of celory after peeling onions, the Las becn takeo front ,ýhe V mell wiil becntirely eivd __________________ lis ben akn feinthefir. ad hs tA cioth wrlng out of hot vinegar A hecoine Cold, bea, t i.Up ith Lth,rean'dwater adli ntefrha cgg aîda tie raedleonp jlus hot as can be bor7ne >ill often A oi*tth Aand nu tmcg. Drop the batteýrWthroli eve a hc'-adache. a spon lto te f;ing an i If a hoot or shoe pinches ini any Loiinpo lard and fry quicklv. SpI)nkle 1, I eipai-tici lar part, a cloth wrung out A h iar fres 'igrc, fableo0f eryhot watcr, and laid ovor the eue@[1 tiS A Weet Potato Puddinig.-Mix wih lace, >whiîe the bont is on the foot, £one pord of sweet potatoes. grated will expand the leather and give re- i, aw, Wiif a teacupful of j-molaisses, lief. 1 ~t\ue b bateni eggs, one talilespoonfl Persons with gouity tendency wili o* f butter, with two tablespoonfuls ef derive beneot tfroin oating an apple SIX LITTLE I'DDINGS. sugar atîd enough riik te inake ai the iast thing at night; it shouid, of. If.isa vryoidan tîte sayngthin nuxtare; acdd 0ne tpaspoontuj 0Of course, bc thoroughly masticated. A. tiat "tepryof f teuding sai g nger and spice te taste. Bakcelone very Iittle saIt caten with it will the at ting" ir o thePudingv inanami a laithours. aid diges tion. the in .-yTis dearly cahsesp e (nraclher'Piuddiig.-Onie quart ef The nmoment you Icave your bed, aliy hn th eaomis oband epi, scalded milk, fdcc tabiespoonfuis ot or 'bath, is the bost time to shave. burd en thpromeis pond ther.rlied cracher, smail piece of butter, Alxvays wipe your rîzor decan, anfi budietifveofrganikuo ani'thej feur cggs; Pake ie ,hif he, adstrop it hofore putting it hwny, and mae.tiveohans is ontno u iî~'serve with any kinfi of swect sauce. lwnys put x-nsa>ngbus nv, has thse pudding, -antitire I Bakzed India]iPdin.-w quarts with the lather on it. x rage man and woniaî' are readily sc~e iîk~ihsiUead0C Gilinig is otten îîttenly reinoved toadittht it al hait cups Indian inoal (yellow), one frin china by the use oft sooa iin ulitsteovedmi thst i aiPure tablespoontul ,ginger, letting this wnshing if.. USe soap i1stt.Rd of failis heylov itstil. ureandstand twenty minutes; one cric mo- soia'w hen wasbing 3 oir prert3 t'a- fresh ingn-dents are the iecýessai'Y lases, toeg slrtsi 1 baî,s sof a goofi pudding, as indocedt eg sleau f10cps, etc., nnd they will retaiji their thev are of 1ail other dishos. ('ie c ggs); a piece ot butter the size of Pauty as ln as they irc-iair. Un- thstire cook must he iookod to acnmntant Bk w er.broken. f or the nest, an-ii upon the resait jP oison troni becs, horniets, spider wieh attends his or lier efforts mrusti SELECTED RECIPS.bts t. a eisatvais the verdict depenfi when "tho p)root I cd by the application ofet ural parts iail in. 1-, aked I'otato PJuddinig.-aMix Of conîImoIn sait nnd bicarbonate ot Panish Puidding-Put into one and twelve ounces of r-iashod potatoes soda, well rubiîed On the surfrace ai- ahait pl ats of coid water, hait a with two ounces of chopped suet, ctedi Ordinaniy mud is as lecitlof peari tapioca ani lot if. twe ounces of gratodl cheese. and quick and eqficacious tactor in allay- soi o hi a euate which scason witii peppen and sait. sti, ing the pain and inflarrnîtionL. Pol it untîl ciear an-d sotit, which this ail tetlher tith a gi,0f mi ký If xhen you are bai ing anythiag iili as about aa heur, stirringj and, if eggs are cheap, use two well theoOven gets too hof., put in a Pas- treqrîeîjiy uhuie boiliirg; add a quai- Peaten (yolks only),.lPut ail into iin ot cold water insteacl off koopinig toc et a tencuptul of sigan, finît a a buttercd disb, set in a good even. tho dcloIoen. This cools the ex ii tunîbler ot currau îeiiy and a little nlien the top is et a golden celer m heser rising frein the 'rater sait, steadily stirrin-g until ai] the the pudding is ceoked. Prevents the contentsi trom burning. jciiy is die<sel> cd. Put inte a moid Roast Tenderioin.-'l'ake two ten- Wlhca coeking in a gas oven abai and serve coidi with creani anti sugar. derloitîs ot peck and split 1locnigth- Or tin of watoc should always ho Quick Dufl Puddings .-Sit with wîso,, but do net entireiy separate keof. iii he oeon. ene pfut cf fleuir one ftnsneoî,tui et the Pal> os. Over one tenderlein If oorkthn range or steve bas Prices Crenni Baking Pon'der andi a place a dressing ot Pread crumbs, a g0t spetted with groase ie cool- liiltic sait: stn into milk until a sott littie onien juiee and sage and sen- îng, and you cauinet get if. te pol- Patter is produced. Put as mnny son wîth butter, popper and saltih afouwyt rmv i sa cupm as yomî desire loto a steamer, Stir in one weii-b'eaten egg, then putfows:-Take a littie hand brush, fersi haVing the clips weil gi'cased, ',he other tendor-loin over andi wind Prcterebiy the 0ne used for brushingt and iecdi cp put a tabiespoon- a string around te koep ihem te- tPe panis befoire put ting thon- an ay,1 fui of the batie-r, on top of which Igether. Season on the eniside with sinear it. weli with so00f roui the placeaa layer et str.uw,,berrios, or any isait anxd pepper' nnd tack on witht eiovrtegay otbcr horry o navseiect. Cover Itoothpicks tbreo slices ef bacon, parts.- tewrs Picb'd a the'so wthanihr .lespcoiful oft Ronst about if ty minutes and serve usiîal, andi you wil l ind the grease tP ate inf stcam for twenty IWith a Prewn gravy. lia S Eisappoared, and a liriliant minutes. ~~~~Foam Sauce-One cap palvorizefipls ilPeteîeni >,p,îiis1î Pudding-Put te'eo (uncesisugan, ino eggs; Peai sugar and Pi' te na'shiing--Py mendingr tbutrail.d a uitiLe sait in a pfiît jyolks' together ini a bowl; set in aniy litte ie hes ifathe sateen. Then of w titac, nit whon it cornes te a jboiling rvater, stir until bof., then poaesd ihnamwlo n ý,(u s -uc 4or s wllimaceadd whjtes beaten stiff. Put a boiled soap. anc ta thîs plonge the il tlthecciîistency of hasty pud- jsrnnil piece ot butter and a table- quili. Squeeze witli tPe ancis tufl dig oepi. sthied. Aft"î' it spoon et brandy ln a fluai; peur over tPe water hecoitnies rirtv, thon place Sthîn tho sugar and eggs just bet,ýoîe in trosi>h 1uds and i opoat the pro-r serving. cess tili cleati. tilse eut the soapt Coc,,anuf. Sauce.--Haif a peundif snay~ai se ai snc USE of sugan and tue ounces of butter 1say ueeetucwti hk i an util lighf.; tabiespoontul eof the qriit anti bhang ont te dry. Wheu fleur, milk of a- cecennut, nnd a-,d ry, shako lit tiil if. is qui te soitt tabiespoontul ot net gcated; Poil anifI.'on ne accoui use a oniy enoiigh te cook the flor. mangle, or the quili will Pc uttonlys S Y R ~ jMugwuinp Sauce.-One cap of fatooie S_ Y R U I--D stgan,,iait a cup et butter, rînfiones It purifies the Blood and cures 1 egg Stir ail togoibor Witheut îîav- ROn FiSI, D TEONPOL.t îing previeuslys bQate-n the cgg.ea.IffPE I 1 istili very ighf.. Ilavon te tasie. To live v cl i wthin oe n îo ne, EM 1,Ntwithstanding its naine, this is a_________________ Humorsthe* best sauce imade. Sailt Pwene heuim a lird Sauce-One ccp et sugar ande ahait caup et butter. Bn Ltd., Mutrea. tfh, andi flavor with vanille, ciii- inamon, on nutnieg. t H TINIREI3D fiLE Cap)ital of, Trans-Caucasia a Centre Ofi Arined Confiiot, Imipoverished soil, like iMDov- eri.slied blood, uîeeds a proper fertilizer. A ehemist by analyz- ing the soil can tell you what fertiliser, to use, for diffeî'ent products. If youî' blood is i mpoverishecl(j your doctor wiIl tell you what YOIu îîeed to feî'tilize it and gix-e IIEALTH IS TUE FIRSI ESSENT-IAL Ibm H.lpe Womoen to Win and Hold Men's Admiration. Respect and Love Woman's greatest gi*f t la île power te inspire admiration, respect, and love. Ticre ila n liauiy in Penlilwhicl las more attractive te men titan mnere regu- larity of feature. To lie a sulcessf ul wile, to retain the love and admiration of her husband, should lie a woman's constant stady. At tiecffrst indication of' ill-iealth, painful or irregular menstruation, headache or backache, seeure Lydia B. Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound and' begia its use. Mrs. T. E. Gillis, Windsor, N. S., descnibes lier iliness and cures, in the following letter: Dear Mrs. Pinkham.- " Wbin I commencefi to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vugetabie Conprrafi 1 was sut- fening with weakness anf woînb trouble, headaches, backaches, and that worn-out tired teûiing. 1 have enly taken the Vege- table Comnpeanf a few short wceeks, and it Pas made me weli, strong and rî'ehst. 1 helieve that Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetabie Compund is without equai for femuale, trou- bles." Women who are troubled with pain- fui or irregular menstruation, liack- ache, bloating (or flatulence), leucor- rhoea, falling, inflammation on ulcera- tion of tic uter us, ovarian trouliles, that "bearing-down" feeling, dizzi- ness, faintncss, indigestion, or nervous prostration may lie restorcd te perfect iealth and sf.rength by taking Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetabie Compound, Sureiy you cannot uisi to remnie sick, weak and disonmaged, when yo'î, migit 80 easily lie cured. The mcdi' cine whîci lias made so many otier women well will cure you also.- andovery yen î'prît hy soraething tonr tPe raiv days n'biciî, seener or laici', are iîound te "eine.j To trv te correct oui' 0w» individ- uni tnrîlts, insf.ead et wontloning eatj the size and iibei' oteach ethec's.t To ho pot ttcf f rnnk and loyalinii ail 1 Our theîîghts, nords, arid deeds, ai-d le ot e'- n2' have poweor te inake rmischiî' botten ris, To ne> ci' have a secondi quarrel,j for tPe vory îgoed reasemi that we nover have hadi, nor intond te have, a first. To imoLe miti ci f our respective niotheris-iii lnrv, and tvry rîr hardesi It get oit weli with ail eun new i'e- latiules. TFo maLe eî'or meitte tha. golden rul etf Unedlie-to Penn and for- To esouitlv resiolve te always stand shoulde,_r te sheuider te tighf. the hattie et lite, for union is strengf.h. To niever do things, however imach ivo would liRe te, that we know are against'the wisbesoethe other, and, ithexe ail. lievur tny te doceive or have secrets tnem oach ether. To keep a shar-p lookout for the 'littlifntWt tihie Jute," wn ich will changetensreofthe cdieos-ý tic' duet froin i e k1oious rmajor te thoenieuratulidner key. Te, if our nariiag'e is a tailuro, let nebotly Put orirsoix os be atvam'o ofi tPe sernowtul tact. SIMVPLON TUNNEL PIFERCEB Tl-e and a -Quarter- Mile-Bore Urndier..tiheAlps. A Bei ie tfospcttb, Il s:-Pro babiy, the pe oin fe teSimipiea Tunnel fa non' Cemp 'l leI. bTPe mai aev's nos <ba i 01>1' a ton foot sopamatfi tPe j FAILYWETRE REUiNITFEB J - i 'Whai Immigration Officiais Were Aile to Do. A Torent o despatci says: The wonk oftheicPro>vfacial immvaigration Loffice ait te Union Station is nef. withoat its touches et romance, as, île tfoflowing stony shows. Lnsi 1 week an, elderiy man and bris site arnived he borîoîn Norwny in seencb Ontario e year ago.,'l'bey did i ne know tic exact wiorenhouts ofthte yeung meni, aird Mn. T. Soutýhworth, Birector et Coloîtization, n'as askefi te give what assis! amide Po coulini locating theuti. Peîiding the resait teaipocnî'y employrri5'n ns ebtained foi' the man in ibis city. On Wcd'nes- ýday the immnigranits anî'iving fa To-1 conte iiîcb.dedti io yoaug Nonseglan girls, wbe ceuld nacf speak a word etf English, andi sho hmd thnoughi tickets freiNeî'n'ev to Lisgan, Ont., n'Picb as the seqîlel pî'oved, sheuifi bave Peen ma-de oui te New Liskeand. The services et Mn. A. L. Hentzberg, Consul for Nýorway andi Sn'eden, were ceqmistionied, and iif was tien founfi that the girls werc daiighiers of the inan andi sornan meationesi, andi sere iooking for their brohens. Tic parents andi iheir rhauîghters were soon bnoaghf. tegether, and lheir rejoiding at the reuinien n'ast mist sinceî'e. Men- n'îile the colonisation deparimeni liad, thnouiýh itsî'ccrd,) et New' On- tari> settiors, tracofi il0 sons, who aie farîring n'en Nen' Liskcanfi. and bave xvnit ion te ibîni. A 'eply n'as reccivei on Wcdnesdaxc, a-king, that the pare»l s aîîd daugiters hie, sont on, and expreusing plensuica ai-,the mamaner in ubich tPe ofiiais hafi looked'aater thei. BRITISH- ARMY INCREASED.1 War Secreiary Says Strength Hlasi Ileen Augmented. A despatch frein London seys:-- TPe lieuse et Coînions on Thunsdey fichated Mr. Nomion's amenfiment te tPe afidress in nepiy te the speech frein the ibronu calling tPe attention et the King ie tue con dition of the arîtu, which, tPe amoodment assents, siens "negligence nd mismanege- meut"-liy tPe Ministers. Wer S-ec-- tery Arnold-Forster detendofi Pis con- fluci t ochlairs, sayiag that tPhe effi <tfnt' of thtu arm for the d et e et tPe Empire hafi increased, andi tint the total stnength ot tPe, ncmy bcd boca lîîcnensed sinco the BernWax by 35,000 mon, n'bile the estimnies hed been reducefi $5,00,000. Ttn'es the inîtention ofthé War Office, hie saii, f.o Ping the ariny up te the neefis oethte coufntry; ani thing icss than ibat, ho adlfed, means aste et mon ey. ROW'S THIS ? W5 offer One, Hetndrcd DolnasRawrd tor a'îy case of Catarnb <bat cannot be'i Catarili Cure. P. J. CFIENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O We, tSe undenaîgiicd, have knewn F. J. Cheney for the mast 15 yceas, and Pelieve bine Perfestl1y honorable lu ail business transactions i anf linanei-,ly able te carry out any oblicratlonsI maie Py their 11cm. WE-ýT&TRJAx.Wholesaeefruggista,"oledo,o I WAL.T)ING, Kîssbs & MAii, Wiioiesaic D'ug. gists, Toledo, 0. Hats.i Cataccah Curcol a ken iitsrinly, net. ing dlcectiy upen <the Plood andi mueus sarfaec of tPe systen. Prive l75c. user Pottie. Solti by al Dcnggista. Tesmiala free. Hall'e Famiiy Pîlare tlie Seat. Tehacconistt-"Ves, I Wn'mt e boy I1Sien6eages weiy ttticrlse Im bene. ïRave yoa Pefi any expeni- L<5'1uisliers, 0<Iren Youulîfal Applîcant-" Lots !" -Suppose I shouifi mix ap the There are, et course, many mecm- price nmarks on these boxes, couifi jbers et Perîsaînent whose výoire is lied tell tie geoeticgers frein tPe ncver beard ni aillain ither lioîse. you Cnes?" r Tol'emrache declared tPe other 'Easy 'nough." day thet lie Pad nef. spokei oluce in -Th-w" ha as i intPe boxes voie is so rarely hearfi that it is 'TPe n'e cigest tus han-dly iecegnfzcd. n'ets po thepuiciesipictrs.Thicf.y ivo peers lest session f.alk- __________ cfte the extent et frein one coiumîî - . te ene andi threeinniiatoîs cach. No fewcr 1ihan 260 inemnhers et the mneîenetn±'arnea fous etComInnas spokCe tor' ass ftiugareneecveywsna ien bll an heoach f(Iiiiig the plac cofidncelu 'rr's holesssoî-ahMii -She (poeticaliy)- 'lanilt that srîîî. setgieis, LHeroli l'ePaae c1 and geli are Nratu re's ena iet- i~int easons why we think Re'T s is the Pesi I ea ie Canada hiave Peen-r puiblislied in ibis paper. ]lave they beeti convini ing oeeug b induce you to the tea? If- tbcy have, the a'dvectising lias donc ail that wag O>pected. Trhe tea inusi do the relti, and [ thinli it If yolu Pave nef. yei in ied the tee, you will per-' laps bie interositedinii learning thnt Sevona'l more ren- sons are yOt te tollew. Tbcv vill Pe inf.cmesting and well worth i'cading. T. H. ISTABROOKS, St. John, N.B. BRANOtIES : TORONTO, WINNIPEG. THE MONTREAL 1WITNESS A. truly Great Newspaper. The - witness' lOaily and >rhre , gives ail tie newsIllit la werlliy thmeet enloîl ettac a vetr'c re'sdcr. I t iteeps its readere iveli lfo, mendeu 1,11uirasideiof interest. 'maec abi, te teiegrapli, cid ils itleho,,a toestuer catoî an encr inLrea8iîig staff et compétent ediita ed repurters, LI, ntte m itýe liioaws tOluilins secondtite rene. The 'îV ilss' editoriai paîges are ane2owledged hby its reaticrk on an ridas ta Cm e olitfair ced turcibw,. Reliable ceinierciatiiîewa and quetations ofthile mooocy, stock endj pro lace markeos are featurs tht imaxe It of grtat value je the weiId or toie'aerce, tmauanti agriculture. The ,'WItiea' epcial îltpai te uts, aucli ai 'Thet iiimo,' 'Literary Il"î 1w,"Letters freon P.radfris"neBya Page,' ' entlr's otriier, 'Queîts, ',irim.itu'4I orticiitural, ' Xctclaar>,' 'oir, Pt, Mia,', eU.'Nuan limatc,' 'Ohes,'1 e., etc., are aclp coiiducteà liv ipmcIaj,aîiU t l arge expenie, efferîng a iMoit alaicbic prîviiega te Wtnass' readelrs. la u; >6tiie'W'- s'waa alutared th y e laie John neugail, and hl@i alul a ste stiply tue Donminuion et Canada with theuet ipossible neya- Uppr. Onme whilcC mould iaaskgecp iu mina ligl i ieuali d be 'for oUlnti anti Rine aad -Nativîe Latd.' li e 'Witnes' liai greiva Ince <lien. M ioderu machlnery and plresent p csiiliiiiei have matie great Impruva- meursbIievItabIe. Butit liai neyer uutgruwn the principieEthat are, auote gay, emiracet on lisicerner stolle. Fvpapals 1itve luta ea înueus existence ter se long a pericd. Fewslliiola i eled te tha canie priîicip licianaihave hî'cn cenîrelirdtby te saine tîîîOic for anu izlite coa long a lime. TI e recýut is tit lai Wls' n uta a loyalicenhtituciicY that cacau bt lttd toiceave it lu a <nintoetaîîy î,tlier îulîi'nionî. A nucîvapierpublOqhod on lihe ,Wiîaeîa'1 unes needthe tuespperi 0f <hogse wvli'îare îviîimg io pOitlisicuiieiriptlon primme feroi, enIcAOn that It a eiuitîc'ily ficom in îh' oitesit oetlisi &tîlcriles i ecI revenue frein perlil 'ions adi'ertiîeîacna, ,etc., thu ter puiblications icri pt rtgartllefi orthttir reicra. uc tinderaîl ul fUît n day er two Cfoî e OrislmaO thl e '.Wltnciî' retaîcil over tmvo l)iîusnd tour Liidru d dollars toi the inîviton oetune atiertisement clîal culdte injureiis c li a 1h> ' Wlmncai' 13 ertatiîiy unique sartg <lie greni inetrepulitan nespapers o et wîorld. Tri,. Dcif.>'Wmirîeaî la ueranduTacEW"ÇmuE M Y iTa 5is iîa110a year. Puusisiid by Jouti DOG-1LL & Ses, Titantreal. WORLD WIDE ARTICLES A Wetkly Reprint of Articles from Ltadîng Journala <eid PF5iws Reîlzcting the Curi'ent Thought o! foth leuFîrs Wrcd %Vide1lean iru'el ef Imtrest and eieapîi ci n;ih gl <Es ecleti; I il u cu.nn. a li>'With anuYtllii"e t it,1V im tesa lIa f rive. Foi' the giil i noi of oaa doilar atlsud1 rtt t ringsc, 'rry week or n year lac Ccir articles tîsat appear ttilag 1tehe 'ciY"i 1lueItcati- log Btirlsh, Amercies, art(] Foreign pulcatoiuiý ol dui'it u peii te tlie tinlig elenîentlIn eîch ce ni Inunity. these mewo'mtumekuuîs wlinl the' uvoîltithinkett re cri IzIn ;guit tlîcs c VIll finti filas <tui efrare enter- intet as oet misions. a imt.îoaltcty urvorl-idiite 11, lisInlttrats au a i oa> xe te grîsi. The tnuaT subscrlptlon ill'clîieî 199 OAthteATURElt, am a rilnnfiOme etiastytiur. il mli ie ct cccetu'isgc te cisc atdiece forea eliitn' <i Pannai eîlvcrpttl'n price ih s ,sud tic pubIilîlirsainue Joii1DcuAL Box e .oriati el. MESSENGER " STORIES Storles, Iliustrationsadîanecdtesare pechapi the nain Icattires uf attractlin le The NertrImeru lïoucesiger. Bu!th<le steriesnaere OcRr"tuliY cisacaliait the j crercis> a îivcot ilaunce Il tlie liaas ofor ld 9anti yonng. 'T'hon theroe rc ap'l ut'i' eins ivoted te TcaIPerfi! ce. the uui Sciieol, 1tt lîtl Peopl'c adtti ome. TSI paper la ci tepularftht a isît niibr of Sindail' chools il Canadas andtheliii tlisOtafo irreiatlri Ilta et> Ccciit,a'î' I.nsitînil e more reguarntîendanct', litsnIiiu'5tenti' peopie, 1ce i toc11tLintceasia the ponce la extreicai>' ow. amîilý' Th. iu'cnger la ointtd on maîchi btter nanan Ithe, treri ii'and lian Rc-'X7S, donc, it, puit,4nme iiinîjiml et somethiug. tee. 1 can't think wPelier it's stcoakv bacon o' a pliate o licefi te îaioos." l T h pr ovetayou tiat Dr. C"'s' .Olainent!s a certain i iiithe 13 dCorpuscles ta " 11,111 Il -1sai-s ut n hv0cIi miicairtth ~e -P A dosp eci fro nt St. Pe ersbuîrg Tl'le sti-kors are ai l eorgians, an dii tr d h t p iî t e o g lo h pa of m i e ep asta eSing.l m ti rdor , ana Sais. It fa Ioported <Paf. Tilis, capi- namber about 40000.are laeking in 1+ It my e - amianged as tPe phar et meetig. Thcy re ý or x"riet ~ in t. ~<ay n1 ~USiion'sorins .ha -o since stoppefi the let ~ m ln5i..ÇS tai o etRussian Tr'cîs-Cacasia, la a Tlhe steanshtp ifnos frein Costan- ileeti a tonli, but more likely yoi telographis. butfiflieyta tP u.s.c, o ceilîtr-ofet net, andiubat fghting isi tilople te liati Cmihave ausiondefine OCetae a fo kinetnn rons tPeItalian andi Sniss asuo, inc ssa t. tun'î'da ave bco ktlod sonîcsile, ot the greaf. tunnel sho ls or weundefi. hlundreda of ameicadfadstebnd 't 'A uhre ' uaa Musumas aie yandîiirfaitPe A tEsNOttheIOR Ielernent iacking bnsw Iecohr nTusy Musuu inscae by heirofrein th ein RIGNiPnyour t)R.aîteru:on. PPhon'ork et constructitag~ ___ ia at a siandstill. Madny of the i'e- Tht'sfuurio iitP 'oceano~ 1 fat food that BLOJCHE TA ER Siflînts have Parcicaded theausoIeix egon the authiemit'es arpeam' for the'i 0 easily digested and assiii WA T15 odaRcr frSecb kn ia theiî' bouses. iiebbey andi vie- tloen t hveroamsei uerîpe' atd s finBrtish 'aliement'. ieîîce aî hve ee auprtheetîto. td a BaLeu is, quiet, ail tPe Aî'menian t 1i utteaîeteîma tnyThe Mu-cous Xivimbrane and the Who are tPe groatoaf. <amidons in a b o a ' a v b e n i e s f i , P u i b t e a t ' i n a s a o n e t i b i r a n t o l ~f ~I o nj f l I m p o r t en t P a r t i if. P î cy s i n t e n l a d baksae a-O usnssuac' mili-i- Imy in al the citis seiii tehart.' Heal.h 'or' Sirnesa of theBody- at prosent. il - aliaent there are et Bain-ection.l> jiinadloqtrlte te pi'veatt he on-~~TePieMîistrPnstela Ontiey, asbai airomanon îifBay et ofcondiitiouîens Piing'-te oTf Codi Liver i 11 TPe,\Iucous ttomtranc ts tPe la- hmilat ad a tsrincha r tkeny usat aeit Re ncon es. aty mPry eunie~tr, arl I teorn..ifie iiiîg et tPe body, aîîd et cili usbaeaitfhit smchsM atis ucsii 0 enstosueekleftnactî do utioettb 'un- I ilîorihaî tegte ssandi organs. lTho monuent!Balfour. Accecfiing to tPe "Premier Othr clle oit,ýiicàof he aua- t wll'loris an srenth <Ptis muceus amembr'ane beconîcaes ut Panlianientary tiecerfiandf oin, as arsidc0d Su er kldorFis, sîcb as Eka ter; nosiav tÇbharilfcodiio,' I Ji iMi'Balftir spoke 317 celiris e wla au ayterbe îccîsSraoi Aeaîfr»sk-ctdh hii le body when rnilk and eî'eam e odiflc n. ite ltei, . O have Peen cmmitiefi. Manager'Ail- oth(ors, are in a condIition of caDi fail' to do iL. Scott's Enît-ulsion , Austin Chinnherlainl 237, Scler anliefi, oet hie .Naphuin Rîefîiig plteen Partial fiatoî' extsg tu ICethe laîne'1a 20 rM. ynfi- alwts he rn;ilwy t nne-u-fa CSantd bntrlim1 ùse chilfiren, noce al Parniefito e datb. nppan.ntiy have beca naiiibli, i., 1>0 i-1-d~.d'es a tsP',nin n et e 8,aniM.A'of- ors A-- cgn - oficai an ed air eil er R ent -4 ,i-afk, o 's--rf lo rso- ing t. 1A ,'jý Paxcai' 0 il0cnnud Lajeff-LalajetttetcisettertioainS.we' h bd swsîg îm bae 66clîoaîi n isaBw nafi t i nîeî"s faiîv have heen Pirhgand merhîs reî hop 'anv' ;e uhe'i hlru tsiio tniclsqeah ey eunîn11s les". 21 I.,i' "r)CI, 0 hop and frc1g uiexm 'o't Th'e casuaIties are ankaown, bat j man. Meny Gevernmacut n'onî5s in or d1s.fable t e nisoaso. Noxi m1 - n od14 er s e e ic C r . ht 15 gcnraily tieuglît thov n'ere nef. variîonsparts oe thtPecoruntry are un-! If ýy en nure tat 1teeurognsli yuiie naiMc1W;s57Chccji belo' ethoîsad. 'io'e amiiesdfofin the suspensions, Iliait et We su slend yotia sample îay P sur ilî iMcous McFO- wmtP 137 nd th132, r.sp Asqvuith boowathuan.Whl fmllbrane ef sema' nnu asc fe- Ly wtte12t5n M. ti 132, Mn.10,asqnt' Merc diiaggcd fîonmtheir bouses ati h , woî'kmon in Liban are on stnike, B ii îî~~ quirca inmnîuduIfo at taiuient. w1 i b 15 n L rg lP 1, ef muriceil tescet.sfioues'ly attecting the manrufactura to' in fle tonîn i e- I îîcî't. s OaaneiouiÀe'fi- Mr. John Redmnonfisiti 109. No- i la c po ted fnom Contantinople etf miitary suppli s. h t so he w a p r Ge ïldo'i te att, ni e r,,at, irocty b odiy else spoke 1 0 o um s e l en- that Batoaun and Poi, in Trans-Ca- "ho St. Peters'burcg enkien iin viu but h is onfi'uvrnpperaîvy u h torn oue t aml-ani ilaie' 1 0>Peîlcorîs Mcmi- serd la the lieuse Of Cemmoas. v caie, aî'e tîden nioli rule, TPe of- iemporarily resumed thudr occuipa- sPaît nruchy f'chis are lheiplesa. Marders an-ci tiens shite vOtinig for meniers o etT ubi.bae lu t' taiîmd f-LîiHuait is ncit.f spekc h 52.i arqon are Icequient. IhiIs nemorefi thi ipeciai mnixefi commission, Put - fllJÇ ispluiiiisini ni Cen-lia tic Lords ns ila t1Pe Commons. init wanshîps bi'îigto tic RUs- ihey are pessessûd f ttPe spiit e of UDIIi siale fiapei sson o l ,',inLod lan s, e bai1 telai si sialn B>imck Scefothvebsned tinrest, aedmîfi r sense et poe a' IIMSS eîiad's.ul 'flid esoei136cbumiPr pî>~ on AmiEaglahmer ,ntwho bas jutitins, tic latiea f ohnidindeste o 1 u Pd f l.hi eîiiml ( cuî ote nx uopcsuPs oanis a touan 1ubi0re -hum litc ewa% ti'a >e Lasi ." anti nîaku,Sa rabi ittk 'Pms.1lrlîis& u. 0u>tt, igîiLalOt af 10lrkitWlrfstogutc Unfi lis -Om»e destroyed. Uut he moi fe utiheGvrmcî.Sl kiî o n; hîdpnes 2 hleedingand protnuiding piles, tPe manuaia4rers bave gar rcnteed if.. Se tes- timonaaiî lu the dali>' press and asL yoarncigb- bers wbaf Psy think ofit. You caen mc iand 1nàidlOenrs O . ANSON,BAES & C o.,,Toronto, pcrîtlanfi toe jl'Ol1: Firs I CnaaC ~ D r 0 C h ~ O i -m o ~n t I a a d ;S econd C t s , UP U'a d s. j Childeîî-Firi t Cla si tunder 10 andi ever 1i ye'. are; uuderlyear free. Seconid Clasî. uuîd "I lloe iiids," ho gtuitly12 andfi,ver i year, bail <are; ti,.il r 1'<car fre sge.deci,1loent? iatfdiTnphe rot Clans licluel s îîed at 10% ai bed Aîtltioîîwiat idshet1 reýductien off îeml' iired east snd westbcundt buit hastoii te the uipen plano an"ud ratep.> Seconîd Clans, t% reduii tinI combluefi stnît raî'ng I wnish 1 su o a eandîtiwestSouind rade;. Ihîn<l." They anc ainmg for a n mst AI. A. JAM&S~, Agrent, 1105. Beovni ville, Ont iel," said Sags, 'I o>mnu<or <V. inany dogs have tmcr sease than THE DOMINION TJINE thefi' masters '"Vos, hicoofi1 in 17 St. Sacta-ma(nt St. Montrent Craggsý; -" I Pave a dog ike ta ________ eut why ihey iaugh&d. lctrnces las yeac ss. clebs a ipselîlat'. .Teim DOUoÂLL Ten aces i own am that11 Deacen place aluated on Lot No 10. Cou 3 Darlington, îhere is on the premeies3 a two @tory ruugh cast bouse. containiap 8 tours nasd pantry w*th.wodshcýd iuno.Gord wa'î r on lIs epremin'îse, a'aio rams hbar, 18 il'-36t. Gond grdÏen amd asorchird iof hetween 300 and 400 appe tiree'. Tsenders will Ps r(celve Pdfo he paroiFcaof the abîme up te Mi-. 'I. No ~tende'uese a cepls-î pramisea or Io W. 1B. leeb omav1. 'Tenders ti bPs ndiiEul t Vd Ge7 G a! <.- braîti, Bjristu", Besnïvîlle Q STEAMSIIIPS. PI<OEOSED SAiLISýGS 1>ortlaûd to Liverpool. Domnion,......... SuIt Klmp -' c3 tonld> ...... .......... - Ma, th !londmion. ............' Ap' ist, Vaiîectuvr ..........." ' cu, Kesntoi......... Callng et M H l'ex We"'.i.. d. * .~B0FROST,~'e Ornamental Gates Ltgbt in weight Artlstlc En-dosigu )o: awyonhand. Every progressive and é FOR SALF.D EROT L .0J. MONTJOY, n-klee IN RlI9TS 'i a e ne i il -- - - - - - - - - a lie -iê e-er.-g