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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Mar 1905, p. 1

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TERMS :-$1.OO Per Annum. OUR TOWN -AND COMNTY FIWST; TEE WORLD AFTERWARD8. M. A. JAMES&ONPrpets In Advance. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WXEDNESDAY, -MARCII 8, 1905.VOUELNo0 this VOTE FOR TUE BY "LIwma-JBITSSL F AKES This i the last word we can utter in WED a Is te timeto useSulphu, Saltetreville in connection with the Rubber Com- uinot pavby-laws hcartab uiteS for the.r approval next Friday As the ho- the disperinslbyaco o and Saits. members of the Board of Trade of our togotX~vre amsu !Iak town and a mass meeting of the citizens nov stallton, mrsndfisal av satd i wuidbca aait t teharness and sadl os~ eognt Fo ou 3 to, - oM,. Roboert BIlh omnile n. interests of our town if the ratepayersd opiig5 ad looorgseo not authorize the Council 'to pass the copIsig bylaws, The los$ of The DurhaniRub- I his st ld pioiigrcr I ~~~~ber Company an-d its employing labor ta hi stand unalit aigrpa A ÉIUT'the number o! 86 and the payment ont of stnsueu (Sublimed) ~ ~ ~ ( a good class of ctienand the empty pie ttopicclNtoa n (Sbie)ing Of 32 hauses and the lessening of the InsttoIn ait hw !Aina h A L I BeU ater, Ois5C value of these houses and conseque'ntly /is o as 1.Bihsspro ~~~ Beiiten Satpte,3 uuC.tee Ptah evcry bouse in tha town, is a matter we I jadgment u of linto roinHu (Nitrate o! Potash) ~~~cannot regard with carnplaicency. No s!eto!0!leu shdbau8 fe Esn at,51b'425.macipratitem for consid&ration inry in continena oneitoia hs Epsorn Sits, 5 b~ 25c.and approval hv the town may confrontgrashw ati ruatoma (For Stock) us in our tîme. and we hope that aur rashw townspeople wllnotallow these v aws n 'y e said t otuo oto LF~Glauber Salts, 6 K;to ho defeýàed through apathy -Rate- iirt order T'] Hckn a wo t c 0 L' J oh s7 (or HlorseSats payers must remember that not to vote wax ta publie o-ra a eclec h C âu b ob sto &Glube 6ib 2 co n the same, as voting against The MR.* J0141 M.' ýt1-?]e rost sAîîsfactorhroso ~ti Sauelwrequîres that two thirds of the 11cutvad Are S llin AilWe also bave chear.er grades avaïlable vote must be recorded in fayor SINGING EVANGELIST. class o! maresl and a aoue Ax S lin llofte vlasta cryte rudra larler rrotia o!ihseln of Suiphur and Saltpetre at niuch o!e, ibynaws crry tem oruade ower ~~~~~~~~~certain conditions thnee-fifths. You wlll, Engaged with 11ev. D. 0 - Crossle yn arar n adl os~ta lowr pics. ecthen that any who are- opposed have revival services lu Methodist church ohO simpiy 10 stay at home taopractically vote Bowmanville handsoèie confr in o ooao against them Ratepayers, get out carly himbest ao ioîeaaaprl h II~ a d. i s C o a t s ~ p R. t.ers aKe na voe forbathby-las Vot befre Grat iteros Gsrfatti the eviva ser highst ignotFrethi clas, thra i 520 noa, o aatosae cm-vices begun Sunday nizht lu theMto lasago eada rIrt ciock, the dis - mmtt2 oc o ar wokn g iant svthemntereas t Church by Rev D.O. Crossle ý, pastor, prices and aoasetfo silgrai The Drggist nd Optca.mo ithec twnho r ouben in ghe inte and Mr J. MI Whyte, singing evangelist. dema nd in thenf ftr Poes TheDrggt ft- Otican- f te ow muh robleingetin te he eeins bvThen' emeetingsioai oreh AT «H '" P IC .Bownianville. vote in. ' e cannot afford t oeindiffer- ad a good i avlenb een eltattrendedl woaih remnan aros swh AT H L P I E nt aven a matter of such vital importance Verwhowlshtd ometing1haveooensOldpofthe OrSer Î R E E . ~ t a t h e f u t u r e w o l fa r e o f a u r t x -n i a i t n w e e M r V y e c n u t d c t l g e f i A C I NSALE. animens on a guitar Service will bc MASONJO AT HOaE W~O~E-~DAY. evory night in the School noam ho- NO TAX WANEDOFECN WRE MASONIciAr 15--Mrs. John ginning at 7 43 and closing at 9 o'clnick. xip zs t 5t, Broken Front, Darlin-,- Evenybody is weýcomed . i e tisa ii dB O 3(GThe Worsh F Master. o~~and o , )cOOBOIJRG. Dominion Gvorurnent starîs ils Tari t0 *r n f éwual mlo 1,S al 1 o o n vSesl s.i fnn ___L,________COBOURG.______________________D inqintGig rm r a erah h Gb .CA . .NT -vo a e - WFarauto oe .C mmisi o a ta he h ceodmugly ploassautt )r i nFniday FMr.Ax' I Ht will somNwhwcaseleunter a proposa ght in thoîr noix lidgo ', Bleak- FRD , Mareh 17,-Mn. John Withor- M.Ea .MLaNwate soe i . e, nwill Président o!flime West Durbani Con- ta hothouse m istneanwids A T su evc~rhiu boig now l-)ed mst LA, W. TaLL, 9.uctioneer- Stewart Gordon, Toronto, wtre in towU no pnacticaliydpu hlyuo A Tattractive an'evoryane irsn was Satunday, settlllng Up the estale o! istefe thist afeil ut wr pnlm .s.raf use lu admiration, It is .daimod ta OSHAWA. Jndge Anmoun. ...This week limh-n laa !e yaraag wsstopan doM o. aoneofo the moat handsaw L , asanie residence enected opposite lime As'çlum scn s wt!p n oas u rIV us ns tho Domizion for~ .'xlrs, ~auntice --for lthe Superintendent was compleled. cneuwlotete h CltO Brot apinethed o Il sein,,. Mr Cutc an d daughter Pearl 01,e &Oke were the cantractors. Ther or the expenie:c eust aspl h Fid the ladies xx ile ual su fnI dress' who have been'visi iug the M isses Davis cou tract was for $5 700.. .-. LeuN- o f demadulie t ak Nree werebaud ~mey goned ud lok dhave cone ta Toro ... Aý inkersary F. MNacNaciitan sud Major J. W. Odeli, o bsIaew albselmIlm in inehr o.O e teht M thodist church Sabbath iveek. "1ev. Dominiou"Artillery Association Ottawa, palicv. Ta claé n aifo wn Maer D B Sosa K. CPm n an-GioWsbber, w-ho wa, pastor o! the Lient-Col: MacNachtan was elected five or thirtypecnt oldsmWrhpf ara KC.su ci!T c-- t re ' n d p îc s 1h tm-s tyr-one ýcî - o. ss Vice-President o! the As olto.--mean a tex o!fbu 10etaO h hoRxhn mmbrs te i4-.minhr gUetS b, large adec~ 15ser- Mr. W F. Kerr-, Cauntv Crown Atton- fencinoe requine nateii io ï kin a l oouu L. "Ie onta ideht ia in- frai-n Seat Mio! Hig s n T o,,ýis d i om e his imaens. .. E- V 'V l'-x - . Ch d ev eath oil N1anda Y investizgatimig the cents ta e r ee cn ts p rnodvf e trinth oer LvesLottoî-v. Miss Nwakt ) I d nteCrýi[ hotu ifi.téinvestigation tak- bodi wono skuglmewi-trqun Lutelgave Lz« Liebeslnam, cuchSidy... Mis. Carnie Leask ing place beforo Mn. John Thaclnorav, Ofa(, dtopln u raesta Rheinbengr's Dire Jagd sud aImer 1s learuiug phsAa- -rapb)ing w ith L M4gisrnate, Case was dismissed. wersdanai them as ie am TheCorer hoeStoe T E H RMO Y M LEWHITBY. numnhera. Miss Tait sanzGuvl D'Hard- Stedhani... .Oshawa Cunlers Pinîlcipat- You se! xycn have used everytiîg for monta now Fuesuiyegedntm Q VE ARM TMTLE E elot's Mignon sud e beantiful lule cd lu thé great bonspiel et Peterboro. - thae obstinate case a! constipation; ibiamamwfactui-ea iefuig hn W.U.ARTETlTlieE,, arenof sang a!flime ses o! ber own c-rmpositiol ...Mn. Wm. Hlland bas bea cho en proves tisat Nou have ual tied Vito might be sorne ecs o otyta The Coner S oe Stoe W. . Gibb is te _ew ard-n Mn H J. KiuightI cave '41 crawn youinspecter cf the uew public buildings Laxative Fruit Pilla, olenwise 30U would conserve oeidsr u f F.W FRST9 . ENeLAThLtINOntario caunny. Queen" sud lime Stein san- traim Heide- ta ho erectod. ... Mn, W. G. Armtrong would ho cured. R. M. Mitchell & Ca., compel UulitedSaeacnns,0so Fil. .FROSUIT, A. E.XC A. B INRD Ladies sud gentlemen who take Mil- burg. Thene was also 'music by Migs Sang in St George's chrch Sunaday ... i-- gioe-sts keep te nsok pterpa IlI.K-GIW.J ,RCAD er's Campauund Ior Pilla alwa, a gnow Temblyn sud Mr A E. -MeLaugiuinMn. A. R. MocLean bas neîum-ned friant5li tc. ~ terpat nti nnr u Ehi.htrh cousecutive'season 1904-5, youngen in appeaance sud spirits. Timere waa mucm diaappoiutment fait Toronto whene he underwent an aperst- dsO&, o Sold by Stoît & Jur3v, druggists tiat the "Grand Oid Mans"a!flime 1ade ion fan appendicitis.. .. Mn. E. B. But ths s allie as, udilwoldaipl There re 22prisoers i the aol ad Mr.E.ARPLEunGROVEws nfanonstrlurtthoraaiderer ofctéiIne-,fsudrsson-h Enan metsfogCncraCntcsTen aeorpnsoeConciegarsdtsE.Rousil ws lo alelOWnailrad aseraolmeIne-emaras im sllerWebae Tees, Aunivensanies sud Olimen Enter- 531 unates in Hou1se a! Refuge. lbrough illuess ta -be presont sud la pendent Orden a! Oddfeiiows, sud Pat u tainient Wii praido ime ntin Areyou udepnden or ave ou aaiugGrand Master Coi. J. E. Farewell, Recent visitons;: Mr sud Mrs. Vickeiry, inodest tarifofiee pû et.uo taiimnt Wllprvid te ntre Ar yo idéenan o hae oua in-Vhlîn , viaited Corinthien sud rimeonix Oshawa, et hen parnts Mr. sud Mrs. manufactunedfecusdeptelm prog-rom if desircd. Terra moderato boas? Gel ont o! sîavery sud ho free, Theovestibule was cnvere n to a ges.E. Wilkins, Mrn sd ,iss Webster,ft a!ofa iir to!wgaorlbr Address ail communications ta Write G.'Marshmall & Ca., Landau Ont.,pet ersmu omwt als Mle' rpPwesCr.Sl yCm)aa rJ tvnecpie a FB . FROST, B. A, and thoy wmîlsbsow yau rue way, Tbey ga wthda odls smla sud ibbon ,Sot& Gnip Pder s CrePo dhy-am oe, I n J. D t Mr. T, j. wr et picease be edo o haeatve e hosadaottmentdlaed teteLengsowul IodenJirsrtggsn. E wthCaeeGueae M. dJ artacas ogcmpttin udi exquise fse____son.i hedc Coie'a; iMisses Amy Aluin sud Launa sympatmy wilhliedcnugcIo!wr ieManager sud Conduclar, freedoni. oraîlona, Dainty nefresimmonts wstim;Mr nJh Saes 4. o: omnie OtBimacombe, tawu, with friendaMnlulmSaesevriceieogaz- Wimiby's waterwarkaaxa tem bas beeu delicous bot coffre wene senved bv OBITUARIES. Alfred Crumb aI homo.. ..Mr. Wm. lion O!flime U.S.seltutBrd out a! business far lwo weevs-Jsr k brigimt yaung ladies Tihe funetion MdcReýuolds lest a venv valuable han e wine la free undrlmtaisdao A GREATCHANHANrostbaa_____pu____Tepipesare_______trai_8_taF1n30 pimend elgT ipMonH.iloThe- pipesasare lastedsd froa ic8 taan10not3r pomsud12ail netbuie depenogh i sem seme lat t lav th ecbatnhose,.-. ..Mr. S Snowdeu, Jr., waa lu wire, tise sortscifyusinwe-oe îu Men's Heavy Rubbers Most sensible people want ta kuow aurraundinga Iu true Masauic senti- Tiomas H Doncaster, proprretor Of Toronto neceutiv ou business.... Mn manufacture, hian os7s'dl lim nesanwbv ~el, imereaon hvment limey werc "Hlappy tathson ie Daly Hlouse, Toronto, died suddeuiy sud Mns T. Suowvden, Sunnise Cottage, limone 1is a duî!twn peyou.l Btt buokie, snag proof, KI iaTueLscnds avsoeet atsdhpu ame ge Ho!hadwr1l faiio Saturday nsn.trad a snnier ! 'Ienr F idav , aoin te r hildh wpd vvu ~ IIIIIT<I Icases is because it bailds up the tisane The amjiing Sans o! England iodgeH a akdli scoksdwle il boiug lime 191h aunivesasry o! tieirassdlm eeu a a ufr ail sizes, ............... $1l 5 wayj of which lime humen body ismalle; il la roons was k-'indly piaced et lime service ont frians hehiad lime caunter ta got saine mnig..wr .Pwrbspr o ieegae n octnieîln al izz a riatunai taule, composcd a! herba, !lIeMasous sudl was used as dress- fnesh air W ithout a w'oid, ho fela time chsdsnwBne...M .Cý parted, but if Iht wr rc emn banka su fruits 11. M Mtchell Ca , mu nOOm3.fonr and expired ln about five miaules Tnimbie ias iad la gip...cp ooaidt eavr ubsrue druggisîs, Lkeep it in stock, If wc ruai be aiilowod t0 express opin- Deceased ivas 52 years of age, and foir-- rance lesison next Sabbatm mornng. sud. more salmfcaysi eo oc Fet ndFeit ilev GWHdesnLusv hioanIssdohesmilar functiSons Cayremine luton og ofte waso anmmed lc or akbyM.Pu rbl ihn eha'n ieca ne ist rev ,\ýeasosa ienxtsu h n-emaIythi at hen adutd saiCninln ogeOimnasrssdcack, Bowmanville. sud aImer interest- présent condition ietrfwudh Lined ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~i Bots Readyh to Bn daisn oin villo e nt Snlrlo tisn wa thatey n ntenj as a~n~-~.D-iatosits iinsCmou laay to B yi sunvived by a widow aud four ciildi-en. ig features. ... Mns. A. W. Foley bas injurions la lmt] ens !liefre Lînh eare. o anoa.D at ils non aa a maicwureaalwatariotiloe anths age o comveiaian LTromns ee B-ht roo e-hd o8lits t ddm panticîpale. Il m ual Ou Thursday rsn Taitblefbuo Mayor dnuggsand.where timnougimau Ca ada-lu-mak-C Boy l' 1 t ý> ............. 60funerai service Deceased was bari-n Mr3. Gea. J Kirkpabnick, Mn. sud Mnalctte youtbs' H11 013........ 50 This store doals as liberally as M ar h 1 tfl h,'6qiesKingston whesohie resmded uni about R.s Creedon, Mn. Jack Lawrensoîs,hed ewangofte 4Mens Rubber Boots ......... 3 25 possible whether il is- buyiug ox l4th we expool la the inflamed faurteen yoai-s ago wmeu aime came bore Mi ses Lillilan Doughty, Cors Lano3. the R ubher B o ots., 1 9 solling. A bout M rch throat, h e alsB esides h on sorrow ig Iusband sd n c Oeaisv N icholson, B r e a M M l a c i g b c , t h l a D L i g h t W e i g h t l u n g e ; a ndt c o n t r o l t heh M n s J o hnc H a blo t aw, a n a e d f l h e A gh e N o k e se M a r y b r o u e l e n ' tc he sa i l w c m lo 1 h egtRubrBos.158 lpaslmhiietme burewso!rsely bu 0lle daugimber Evaaime lbaves one ister, Madebine Davoupont, FernJenuinga, face, tes bien's Cloth Top Rnbbors...11 t aste getprices, il aecupîed by the Post Office, sud in hardest of coughs. Mn John Maynard, sud twoî sisters Mrs Nokes, Mosans Fred. Saunders, Dr. tJie urinar dsreran Lady's Clalh Top iRubbers.. 90 sella for the Iowest. the mean lime we are making somie Ayaz's OCh" Peetorv5 1* we@li5 kDIenli John Frieudship sud Mrs %% J Moone Nanman Speans, JIack MeMilisu E Weamntonwtl bîg~~~~~~~~~~~ reulosl-u !bot, .I ~U~ thi.a 1i btebs qiim.0 iug.ton, sud anc brother, ài-. John Pattins(on. JacitxigeoFùG' Mens Waterproof Overshoes. 1 la35,,,i e ogi adcla1 ltn -A T- shoes sud rubbers. 2ýc UcV. slaloms were pivileged Witim beiug with Cooe,. .Miss Lilli1an George heid anr o ' T isti porintfrhe si ffoing atweesoIrs neos ioal irmay erntly eo-Te d wihotanth et n M-UIr1Don't mss bi oporuniyi fr owol hedu ing elswereksfonusckeos s enjayhe rtmday epetiy ou TueA ivh Burnids&i eOowianH. KniTohttoFLinday Foleylms andrcrnCtuohs vshavv. i gienud nBwalTnoto Lndsenga ll eto 8in d area d, 1e tabestr Il~~~~bauu sud at Kirsoamo Ibtbe ei mng h ecoratla s elug purpi an !, oid s esth uatv sbtacs On sh a w a OnJW A " 0 l z e betým e a;-191i fulthealirs an sthrim L dis'Misin' Amow ngd g e% s r e M a Ann--iï-. test(c, O e lso t Im ral u On ~ ~ ~ 'Ti mohe MWucrv BCornerse' Parlor Sho', Store. ,40%owanville, <Aw.PlautbdîewICrce h ia BaritCiurb Kng Wewav u lNra ree.Bu , oio iayN. 1The Mode! Grocery, Bomanviile. rpy.yj. ffvpy -l&UUVe% stan, o! whick decoased was a memnber, QUm~UO LIs4 .,.i.

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