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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Mar 1905, p. 4

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.~. ~-~ fWe are j1 The, ranaialall it11& jreport cf t'r) v otb er pagei d-__tugA______yTVtAnq__i_________e nadebted- te The Guide for the - ,0 Port Hlope meeting on in-1 m anet spartio cfthe coun -___________ ________________ )t remember anv ýear since Oc E riptions'to TEK bTATESMANj .- eceived as have corne in sinCe thie paper is keeping its hold j______________ confidence. If our readersA uie to recommend this paper 4%4wet f emdi thev wil te doing us a 7 AI es.Send it te yonr absent NepCn o d ley wîll value it more than b 's worth you eau îend thern. Many people during the very severe weather in Winter are forced- t e emagin indoors and con sequently misa their regular daily exercl8es whi-.h is se essential te their health. As their daily meals are eaten as usual what la the resut ? ln- -digestion,' -iugifsh LteConstipation, Head ache, -Biliou.sness- and--General WeAness. Jus at aI Ibs iînewe highly-recemmendil ViNto Tonie wUieh hen 1taken- with- Vito- Ljaxtative 7Fruit PflUie -stimulatesalal the organs te acýttin ad th!is- in-a n3Itm et __perfect health. Pilla 25e per 1box. v"RODKE M. MITCHELL& CO. Phone 9' Chemists, Druggîs- 2. Ladies' Fur Coats, Ruffs, Mufs GaUntiets3, Caps etc. alSO Men'sCèats, caps, gauntlets, etc, to be sold at cost prie for the next month, at M. Mayer' S Fur Store, Couch. JAuhston & Cryderman are sellIng ail th-r Ladies' Coats at haf rie and Me's Overcoats atone third off the regular price and are making big redUction ln Vie price of aIl kinda <of furs. F- -- --- grownftl US Ç ->» tp Our ,former respected citizen and people. Thougli no one would think se friend, Mr Digor.y lla. ne, writing from from iooking ai a fluid glass of milk Lawton, Michigan, says: 1 receive TuEr, and a solid apple, the percentage of STATESMAN every-week ail right; its a solida and water in a pples and in mîlk welceme visiter to me and it is like a is almost the same apples being- 85 pur letter from Bowmanville as I kflow aIl cent. water and milk 86 per cent. There the news aLd what la goingeon in yonr is more sugar iu apples and more acid town I hope 37ou will carry the Bv in milk. A diet ofbothapplesanduîilk Law for the keeping of the Rubber Fac- is one of the mo8t wholesome and well- tory which I think will be a very good balanced. The petash contents et bath plan, and may »e the opcning for more are high They are the best food for factories on the same r iver in time If brain, bene andâ muscle nourishment, theBowînanvillians only know it they and ln their effect upon the nerves they have a verv nice town and ought te trv are soothing. te keep it in good shape. I wish I was ______ there te vote for the bv law as I used te -do.- **Ho Is -Eniphatto- If Canada is te hold full credit, ,for T I nor and straignu business eîn everv--farier-and -exporter niust- be abrte suspicion- Nobedy helieves-tIsaI the-Canadia-u exportera are--as a-rule- tricky rescais, who seek toeoenrich thein selves at the expense of their own com- mercial henour ana the couutry's good naine; but that 1-ave been shortsighted enough te de sehbas been established, beyond questioýn.- The -Ediof-this- journal boaght four barrels of Northern them frein a Darlington fariner reedv Ipacked- for ehipinent -te England OnIv eue barre], was fit for sale te auybodv except for evaporater or eider milI pur- poses. CiSain Hughe, M. P., speaking in the bIuse of Commons the ether day ln Ireply te Mr. Hf A Warul, M. P.. on-the sts and O0ptîcîans. place for the outlet of the Trent Valley B 3w a ij. cen aI aaid: A further point I want te nowmanviiie. lay before the committee la in relation __________________________ te the dispute about where thse entrance ef this canai ahouid bis. Mv hon. friend Counties' Council are about te ask for ought te know whs Port Hope cannot an extension eft urae for the erection of get the entrance of the canal. Durham a house ef refuge, thete ime-lîmited bv la getting a town cleck for the town er statute talking thse present Concil bv I Bowmanville; therefere Durhamn cannot surprise, of whom tnaý,nv are inewm have the entrance te the canal. Lot Thse only thing heycan rush la a bridge Igel cau«ht with thse ballet boxes in and then the- are readv te be rushed West bastings, and therefore West eut thenîselves There's a "Iwe ma2b.I bastings cannot gel the entraucete the ine" la the bodIv ucrporaie for whîcn t canai. West Northumnberlandreturned five-cent econonmv (1-8 net furüi a Liberal, and consequently West S'grease. -'Coîborne Express. What Northumberland ia going to have thse dues t1is last sentence meau ? :eotrance to the canal. Dudd's Kidney Pilla Cured Robt. Bond of Bright's DIsease. f or I{m, new pronouncs Hfrrm -Well Mv. BRRYDGS. sOnt., -Mer 6-(Speial). -Arnong the mauy people lu this neigti. borhoed who tell oethtIe great work Dodd's Kidney Pilla are doing, noue is more emphetie thîsu thac eld and re- spected citizen, Mr. Riobert Bond. 111 believe I owe my life te Dedd's Kidney Pilis," Mr. Bond seys. *'My attend ing physican said I wss in the stages of Bright's Disease and that there wasnhope forme: Then I em- menced te take Dodd's Kidney Pilla and used in ail twenty boxes. New 1 eat wcll, sleep well. and my dector says I arn well Dodd's Kidney Pillsanad nethiug else dured me. Dopeu wouder Iamn alwý,ays ready te say a good word for Dodd's Kidney Pilla ? What will cure Bright's Diseuse wili easily cure aniy other form of Kidney Disease, Dodd's Kidnev Pilla will alwavs c(ure Brigrht'a Disease. They are the Only rerîedy that wiIl cure Brlght'a Direase. Be LItre you get Dodd'â. i- OLD MEDALIST-and Fellow of %-I-Toronto College of music and laie Organ- ist and Choir Director of Yonge St. Methodist Church, Toronto, 18 prepered to take a limited number of pupils in volce (Sopra&no ouly) Piano -anudTheory, Pupils prepared for Musical ex aminations et Toronito--nivrsafty, -Toronto Conservatory or Music and Toronto College of Music. Apply between 9 .S arnud 5 p.m. atl -Tait &Uo's Sfudio. _Eveûnzoa at-Thie GOtegon1 corner Wellington and DivisiQu Sis., BowNmar,« ville. Terrns m oderate. Orono, Auetioneer, Forth 11 ounty of Dârliain, - Saloîe-promptly -attended to iand- upon reasonable terms. Dr.Tucer' Lie ad tro'theDr.- with 3e11une.87-6m ALLAN LINE LIVERPOOL ÀIND LONDONDERRY ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. FROM ST. jOHN. FROM HALIFAX Bavarian ..Sat. Mer. Il Mon, Mar. 13 Ionian,. Sat, Mar. 18 Mou. Mar. 20 Thnisian :.*..Sat, Max. 25 Mou. Mar. 27 Parisean.... Set April 1 Mon. April Lleduced Rates of Passage. Fit t binu-450, and upwards, according te steaer:t Second Cabin, Liverpool and Lon donder-ry$57.5,and $40.00, Loudon SIÀ50 extra. Third Class, i5uperier accommodation, ý27,50, to Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, London. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW Mougolian...,. Thursday, Mer. 16 noon, For Tleket, andi Everyjlnforatatlon Apply te X A. JAMES, BowinenuusvW1 THE Undersigned is prepared ta pav 12e per pouud for unwashed wool free from tjýivred at the Camrbran Wooleni Mills, RaMp. ton. D. TAYL0Rfr1 5-4rn, Pioprietr Special Bargains offered lu al limes of Fancy Goods. For satisfactory correspendence you want te use the proper thing in note paper and envelopes. My variety of everything ini this lune la great, and prices right. The 116w books obtained as they are published. À speeial line at loc. See my Leader Frained 011 chromo at $1,00. Pu TrblOcke: B.J.Hazlewood, M.D.,O.M,~ BOWMAINVIIJLE. . ONT '&OLD MEDALIST of Trinityl Un '.Aiveraiy Toronto; Four yvears Attendinag -Pyii and Surgeon ai Mt. Carmel Hospital~ PitbrKs. Offi e and Resideunext Door to ExMayor M-itehell-s, Elgin St. e-eTlephone-No. 1118 A- fuli lî11ne cf CosClSw Saws, Saw Handies, Saw Bl2s Saw Files, Axes, Axe Ilandles, Axe Wedges and Spiitting Wedges. Cali And Sce our Six-hoied Can&alo "S'PEEL RANGE" and ottr Pour holed "WELCO1XI NATIONA RANGE" befure yuu buy a Soîd only by Phono 26s . owmawiilIee

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