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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Mar 1905, p. 5

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Occasonaliy curatomers tell us they have dealt at otir store regalarly ever sinee we comrn eed-business in1856. This is a record to be proud of. W e appreciate customers, of that ki nd, Our customers expect, THE BEST that's the reason they corne to us and we neyer disappoint thern willingbj. If by any means whenever a customer buys an article at our store and finds it unsatisfactory we always stand ready to make it riglit or returil the price paid. We value the confidence of our custorners and do everything in Our power to merit it. If you wish -prescriptions or taiily recipes prepared you will get the best of e'verything at our store and Our prices will be faund as low as. is consistent wLth Our higli standard of qua ity. Qraduiates of Ontario Col. of Pharnacy; Detroiti Optical College; Chicago Ophthalmie College; New York School of Optics. Read nI t fnew books lu lie Library. DF PJCIfR pOgbiuary ef Mrs. Cox is on an isd 110W are yea liking 1ev. Dr. 'Hilli s' BA,rs. Elsermons? Maple Leaf Association expecte te tiiebanti Match 81. Febtuary wae a blustcry month liat £ NY We6 weulti not recall. Milk lu Witer-Read Prof. Dean on ils production and care. TABLETS big advt-sugar boens pas ugrCos How farm bauds live in Britaf n ie an interestinz article-raad i1, j - Bowvmanviile is abreasl t olite age- wages anti rente are advancing. Have s ou sent THE STATESMAN ta GIVE your absent friend ? De il now. Nigbtwatcliman Jas. Fletcber bas QUICK been making bis autborily known lChar)le Kelly is ceming Match 17. RELIEF Resere dae-al will waut te bearbim. Whoen may we expecî Ibal electri c A ND rail wav running Ilirougi Basmanvilie? tLent begins Match 8th and ends POSITIVE April 23. Easter will be ou April 28rd. March came in lear andi very cold, CURE. 'lhe winter's snow is st11lu en vidauee. Tue Ontario Legisiature bas been called te mcclt on Wetincstay Match 2-2. Spriung lamb le $1.20 a lb. in Ottawa About tbe bouse department is veryj good. this week.1 The wonderfully radtieSazt cf Dr. Mere farmers are Iakiug Daily, Globe Pitcber's Backaclie-liney Tablets in eur- than ever betore. ing lie severest kiduey, bladtier and urin- Editors now sigb for buckwheat cakese ary ytroubles, makos those affe. teti reJolce. d Suî h disteases and disorders as lame 'or adpr alsrp weak hack, swelliug ofthte feet, puffiaess Homematie Humbugs-lOc per lb. under lie eyes, gravel, brick deposits iu batarday aniy aI Thos. Toti's. the urine, scaiding, fiequ 'nt rals turing Mrs Samuel Allun, Lako Shore East, the day or night, pain in the joints, uric lias bcen vory ili. acîul la the blooti, drowbincss, hcaiac.h Tratorllycrsbvee on raç id loss of fiesi, habituai constipation, I Tao~ ronth rley arstguateioeni fiver toipor, wivea fthf riecin. yr,y ci- Yoe h-ewrglto gaus ia children and the aged--are ail Mrs. Jas. Gardon, Canton, is sisitiug quickfy relieveti and peu-aenly cnred. lier iter frre James Day man. Mr. E. Dawsou, Main St., Xircardîi. - 1Better la :ýish affection on a faitl Ont., enys: "l ard nuîk ant isn-t dog than ou an unfaiîtul tricuti stoopiug, tagetier >ith exposnîre to colti MissBatc owll apoi broir u evr bdccicand.ti dny isiting ber sise a.lrs. J. A. Willis. troub le. The secretions were Ili;cl1:and MieEhlYKgo!S.Mrae' âcauty. Nothing clir.vcd ic nt i-s 1i tiot issEhlYKn fS.MaLae a bottinef Dr. Pitchers 13 ckacic-Kidti y College, Torouto,spenlt Suuday aI home. Tablets. They soon stoppe ie mpa-i nt Deep bîealhing practiseti taily in1 soreness. 'lie Kitiney actionu b--c n.apin air -iili keep nwav consumption.i normai anti icaltiy. I ana exceedïîugl Do you waEl Durht.m ecarate?Ret grateful, antigladt adath .is iestîrrontc. report of Part Hape mneting in thua tic expressions of goodwill 1 have papecd others gvc utteranct.' - PPr It is no s-coder Dr. Pitclicr's TaLit Watkwortb was withouI a mail tram of a Kitues- specal t nnd contain logic- snow ileekade. ducts not found inl conmmun kitacy pilîsMr. anti Mcc. Chas. Willls, Teronto, 5o Tablera la a bottie, Price zfoc. or 3 fo? wera Snnday guosis of Nie. anti Mrs J1 Zina Pilcier Co., Toronto, (it. Witls the increasinz briglituese ofthle ------solar orb ail nature wylil gradually hc-S 'come possessoti cf new life Mrt. Jon. Lane, Port Penny, wes lu town boomîog business for- the Sun BOWiMANVILLE,__MAR, 8, 1905. -ita. lie seeks a local agent. j1ea thëhealh noes.Grand Ledge A. O. U, W, moe ui Reat liebealis ntes.Toronto Wednesday Match 15. Dole ý1l1 r W. L. Keyss bas been quite ill. gates anti wives go aI ingfle face. M#r H. A. Ward, M P., bas couiri-- Mn Daniel T. Aluin, Crona, on Sun- but;ti five dollars teward the parciase day wasguet o! bis anale anti autit,a et addftional.lanti by the Clarke agri- Ma. anti Mrs. R. K. Scott.-Port Hope i cultural sociely. Guide i Police Court cases bave beon mare If Ibis epringlike wcalher continues Mimerous et latetlina usual anti Police eitizens will soon, sigb for Warren Magistrale Horse «v bas nol enten mach Dingmau's watring carl.c idie breati for soeawccks. Miss Kelly captivatoti ail wihber Councillar Clemens is lu Toronto ti's 1I msie the last appearance bore. Sic week, wfti bis braîben Mn. A. E camtes again Friday Match 17.r Olmn.Tyrene, whois uletirZoing Fred R. Fo'ey will move imb bis new t au oparalion in tie hospital. store ou Tuesday ï,cxt Match l4th, on Mise -Rellanti anti Mies Margaret anti atter which date lie public le cordi- Allen representeti Bowmanville HisI- al' invitedto te lie nwest anti meet orical Society aI tbe Ontario Hielerical modern sheastce in Ibis district, Socielv lu Toronto last week. The Durham l-ubben Company Baud M1r, George Wilson, Editor ot Port have enazagedthle oli favorite enter- Hope Guide, went ta SIenilvilH ontainler, Mr. Charle Kelly anti bis ac- -Wedneday te attend the faneraI et bis complisheti dauzbter wiîh a goati hum.- ssîer-in-law, Mrs John Wilson. ori sIt t gis-ean enlertalumeut on Match if Port Ilope seeme laobe a storm-ceintre 17. -~~ for strange occurrences ciofate A! fright car ianging aor bie sideofo!the viatiuct Match 1 is onaeftIhe lateet. Keep lu mind tic special Aunivecrary services Match 18, 19, andi 20, in tie S. A. Barracks. il biniu 21 years sinca tiey frst opened tirem la Bowmanvif le A large quantity et wood le eut ina bile lecality" whici cannaI ho trawn oun account o!fte great daoth o! snow. anti il may remain tili next fait or winter - Campillorti laiaid SlIn The Pianeerthieliet et delegates creditioti ta Howmanville lu attendance aIthe Onlario Alliance convention le largerî lbau tram anY other howu-,N.A. JapW. Jeffary, W. C. Frank, A. L. Brown, A Barber, Merk Munday, J. Muuday. R E Osborne. Prom Courtice Ras-- Jos. Ward, B3. D - . dlundle' W. R Caurtice Hampton, ýE. Hast- ings. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES. Itchîjngý, i-i. Bleeti g or Protrudine Plies. Du4tefuidmoy if PAZO OINTMENT feus te cureanycse, i Mealter cf how ien- standing tuM teSt as. Firet aplicia fijv'sse desi.tLi . if out druggislha't t ký)-5' m sap n twl .forwarde i pot.pald Iby PrsMdeu o~SLotihià& At incun mntît uuncî ruin Ii.maniville, where a jail anti ether bud- cen tlY we naticeti four men ai came lugs wilI bave tobha recteti. Il lethel Ch(Jristian naine silîing lu one seat- uaiosoiinItuhu h Lewis Ccrnish, Lewis Iamley, Lewis county te have lhie counties sepanaleti -1 Jollow aud L ew is L yle- ail goed tel- P ort H ope dispa îc hi nlu T oirc nl o W erlt l w ,s n f E g a d h u h t l e f I o k y g in 1 Mrs S Mason, et, enlraine I the betweeu Oshawa vs. Bowmanville was' mamrnns ofthle W C T. U. anti a tew playet inl Oshawa Mat. 8 betore a larzej friands aI tea Priday evening, it beiug crwti. The Viclers outlaveti their her 83rti birî5day, Al bati a very apponents at every point, îaving acomn- pIoncent limae anti becthal Ibis ageti binatian wiich puzzleti Osiawaites mni christiana temperance workea may ho the defence was bard' le pass The sparedt taclebrate many more hirtt- score at ha!! lime was 5-1 lu Bowm-an- days s-- illc's fa% or anti bv fui!l ime lie viellons *Lite's Little Difficultles" co,.ntinue ta mad attiedt ree mare miaking lha final divanl Vime teaders et Punch, aniTHE score 8-i. Little roughwork was doua LIVING AGE raproduces "lTic Tenti- 0111Y Ilrce men hein g aulet off. Ma. meuil," -The Smilisens, the Pankin- Frank Downey cif Bowmats-ille rtfereeti sons anti Col. Ieme-lopkins," andti t satisfaction of bath teais 'T'ie wiu- -Tho Box" in ire numbers for Fahruary niets lineti up as olte-Ga--G 25, Match 4 anti Match il. James; P oi nt-N. Legze, (capt); __________________________Ce-t-Edick; Rover-T, H-unIer;j Farwarrls-9HIligginbothami, C Lut Sore Throat und Comghe uez, anti L Hooper, At halt rime ai 1A simple, effective and safcî remedy for ail thioat skaiiu, race was rmn off, apen to irriîtionisfendinOsawa, Wiitbv and Bawmanviloe for a Cresolonoe Antiseptie To.blets sis-ca eup. Hubert Hîigg.inbmtham oef They combine the geiicdai value efCresolcncwitlh Bowmani ilie won easily by the leugli. the sooting properties of lippery e dm and licceice 19G, l ~ôo!Iei-ut - - 1 1 * Nicholls selis cheftp. Miss A. L Armour spent Sunday wi t friends in Toronto Mrs Isaac Hobbs is recovering nicel: front a severe illness. Dr. J S. Sorners, Toronto, spein Sunday with bis parents. 1 Town water works have so far, es caped a freeze-up this winter. Ganoig.Broscelebrated G. B Choc laIes a full line aI Thos. Tod's. For thie finesî stock of Ladies' Tailo: 1mace Skfrts cail at Coueki, Jobuston Cryderman 's, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ff nkle have return ed f rom a pleasa-nt visit wllh friends li the States. Dr. D. S Hofg, Oshawa, h-is beer appointed an associale coroner for On tarlo County. Wellington Lodge, No. 19, S. O. E. wil I hold thef r annual At Home on Tues dav March 141h. Miss Annie Weslaway has gone t( Peterboro where skie has taken a positioi wf lb Mr. A W. Cressman. Go to Nichoils and look nround anc see what you ought to pay for Youi goods, do it now. Mre W. W. Allin's new home will b( the W. C. T. U. meeting place on Tues day next at 8 p, m. Ail corne. The very latest in Wedding station. ery and Weddin6r cake boxes at THtE STATESMAN office. Ail kinds of Purs 10 bc sold aI cosi price aI M. Mayer's Pur Store, corne early and get a bargalin. Tuesday, March l4th, opening day at Foîey's New Slîoe Parlor, opposite New Post office, Bowînanville. Cousgha, colds. boarsenes, and othert tr.al aliments are quiclcly relieved by Cresolene tableis. ten cents pet be:t. AU drugglsts Mr. Hugh Wflcock, hutler in S enator Puiford' bouse, Brockville, was Iu towu Monday looking like a senator himself. Wash greasy disiets, pots or pans witli Lever's Dry Soap a powder, It will rea inove thie grease witli the greatest ease. 36 Mr. Jam( s Smitbhlias returned from Toronto Hospital where lie uuderweut a successfuli oneratfon for appendicilfe Ladies' Siik and Cashmere Blouses tlie latest styles, and specially good value at Couci, J oknston &Cryderman's. A big lot of Drese goods selling off at about balf prfce, some of them. ai exact- ly baif prfce al.Coucli, Jobuston & Cry- derman*s. Ladies, you should see the popular fashion magazine, The Designer for AprIl. Il is fuill f Spring suggestions and styles, 1Mrs. W. R. Bond and Miss Effle Bond, Oshawa, spent Sunday with ber father Mr. John James wbo celebratedbhis 80tl birtbdav that day, Miss Madeline Daveuport, Park lli, and Miss Feru jennings, Paris, are the guests c4 lMiss Hielen Nokes, 146 Syden- hiam St , Toronto. ltio Licenise commissioners for East Durham are Thos. Hewson, Port Hope, Iiarry B. Lawson, Perrylown, and Thos. MeCarnus, bailieboro. Rev Samnuel Mlacauiey, superannu- ated Methodist minister a former New- castle pastor diod ai bis home In Bell- ville, Mardi tth, aged 57 s~ears. Mr. 0 J,,Joiliffe, who hasbeen serouq. hy iii for soi-e lime, is recovcring, and will probably resume bis dulies next week - Ottawa Free Press. Now 13 the lime ta gel a bargain ln the Pur bine, M. Mayer Furrier is selintg off bis enîlve stock nt greatly reýduced prîces. The Town Courtcil have purcbased a new town team for $385, one horse from Mr. Ribhard RH. Souchi, Providence, and oue from Mr. Tlhomas Scott, Tyronie, Mr Colin McLeau wbo bas heen in Cawk tii & Tait's rcery Ptore for the past tlrece years, bas aceepted a position in F. Simptooü's grocerv, Yonge St., Toronto, C. NI Caivker & Son wîll have mmi.er 50 piecesaof lrcshi, smoked breakfast bacon and hams for sale Ibis week. ýQuality Ille best_ ns leoetBse d get a piece Ibiswck At asocial evenimgof the Ottawa Normal Sehool students Fridav eveuing, -tie- tYct-wa F-nFcssva-i-. Brown of the Normal staff, gave ltvo songe in bis usual effective etyle. 11ev. G. W. Henderson, pastor of Cambridge St. Churcb, Lindsay, will preacis mieMionary sermons lu the Mothodiet cburcb Sunday. Collections and subscriptions lu ai d of the mission- ary fund. Eddie Pigot. the clever Toronto bar- itoue camedian, makes his first bow 10 a Bowmanville nudience St. Patrick's nizbt at 1 uhber Co, Baud concert. Ad- mission 25c and 85e Plan of hall opens Monday Mareb 1. 1 ' At the preseul rate a large percenlage cf Campbellford's population will in l'cw Galvauized Tubs ai Nichalls'. r PeaNul Crisp'at Luttrell's. Gel sour milk pansaI Nieboils'., F renich Chewiug Taffy at Luttrell's. Buy ý car graniteware aI Nicholis. Don't cough your lite away-lake 301. Buy yr P'oultry supplies at P. Murdochi"~ tYau gel 301 for coug'hs uI Mitchlll' Drug Store. Výieil Cawker & Tail's China Ptrior- Second floor. Humbugs 10e per lb Saturday only ai Thos Tod's. Delicious Scald Creamn every day ai T. H. Knigbt's. Take Mitcbell's Emualsion cf' Cod Liver-it'sgod T 11. Knigbt bas some good beads af Cabbage for sale. New wedding cakehboxes-fov(ely ones -at STATESMAN office. I.eave Your orders wf lb T. R. Knigbt for fresh flab everv day. Blood meal, Meat meal, Qystrhel], Mica gril, at P. Murdoch's. ~ T. H. Kuighl lias fresi isb every day. Leave your order witb bim, Wben y ou rcad Cawker & Tait's advt. remember what thev say are tacts. Buv vour glasees for winlcr reading from Mitchell, lie 1Drug-gist & Optician, Pratt's Pau .!q'ood, Pra#'s Stock Pood. Ppatt"i ce Powder f P. Mut- docli s. M A. James is Governmeîur îssuer of Marriage License for Durhiam Countv. Seni. TuE STATESMAF le s-aur absent friende. $1.50 pave for vaut own and a new subecription for 1905., Thle Provan Hayforkssbe5af lifter can pass tbe stop block with a luadcd sliug, also hoisters ta savo tram climbinZ te change fram anc mow to the other. We have Iliree tracke-stecl, iran and wood which we guaranîce. AIea besl llayfork Rope alwax e on baud. Write fer prîces ta C W. Soucu, Enniekillen. Don't put off arderfng the papers you want for 190,5. Order ta-day, James' Publisbing Rlousti receives subseiption for evcry nev-spaper anti magazine. Senti in or baud in saýýur order for ail the paper.s yen wart (Get anti ew name for Tua. STATESMA - nereneWal andi anc new subectiptio- îfor ,$l 50, lu its report of thfiý enedicùs' dance at Orc no recently Th e Nevws savs. The proceeding-s were esuliveucti bv four Young- ladlies tram Bowvmanvile, tic Misses McGill anti Miss McCallum, who danceti tie Rig-hia.itiFlin~-. Sward Dance and Scotch Reeita suit tihe taste af tieman Scotclimen present.j NFRivoiUs Sicx IIISADCEa-Mr. O0 Barber, Simcoe, Ontario , wrît3s:-'Il was troubicd for a long lime witb bea 1- aches, wfich woult caime on about once a weck wili sucb violcnce liaI I coulti net eat or do mv work 1 triecl lu ad- ache powders anti quîck cures which diti no good. About eiZht mon -s go1 tookýLz Yoesfi ln.1Ii7s'N erve Foodi anti 1 bave nal becu troubieti with icadacie since." Il la nat Irise thai the best catîle are market for C. MI. Cawker & Son bought tram J 11. Werry five export steers wighing aver 1400 each and two beifers 1100 cacb for their local trade. Tiese catîle tank ainong the bast ted lu Ibe Township. The place to buy tbe best qualfl-y and tic largesi vaniety o! al kinde of meals ta select tram ila tram C. M. Cawker &Son. Canadian tarmers will read witb in. teret this parazrapb trra Exeter (Eng- land) Western Times about llolswortby (Dev-on) Great Catie matrket Pcb. 15- 6 steers, aver 2 yeare. solti for £28 5s apsece; 6 steers under 2 years £20. 17s. 6d; 2 steers under 2 vears £19 2-i 6J. Cow anti cal' £18 15s; grazinz heffers LIS anti£17. Fat cattle tram ;£16 to£22. Shccp £2 apicce; fat àecp 86-ita 43s A £ is about 85 of Canadian monev anti a shilling 124 cents. Same 250 bullocks anti 100 sheep were sold. JOHN MAYWOOD. Johni Maywood et Toronto, Vocal Teacher, bas secured thc Assembly ltoom ofet i ligh School, Bowmanvf [le, lu which ta teach Siugiug sund wîll be bere everv Saturdav. Voices tested free. 4-tf. SOUE PLAIN WORDS. la tbbcintroduction 10 bis sermon (on Malt. 25-21I: lWeil doue") Sunday main- ing, Rev. D. 0. Crossley said: It is a pleasaut thing 10 be commeudeti for wbat yeu have doue andti t recels-e the con- gratulations of your trientis. There is, liowever, something better than the. cern- mendation. It ste cocnsciounaesof havýing doue well, of having acteti aobly. hoaorably anti justly. Thc appreval cf the wold ie somnetimes flot wortb very P bush, No. 1,,0 40 ff 421 Il il -- )040"fi o040j fi fi 3 ..,0 00 e0 38] fi Twa rewed l 11(YU Oea'-, white tn...........0 301 RYE, if... 0 00 ue BUCIKW-IBAT............. 00e Pua, lakee1lPbush., 0 0 n el Canladian Beauties O 0 0 le Mummas- t O 0 0 ei Smah fet O 60 ln if Blue li O 60 CLoveta SEED ..............O 00 TimsoTriy SlNED.........O 0 81UTTEa, hast table, e lb.,.O 0 i P-na, .............060f PorÂTOES, e bhueh ........ O 66 H,~1ton.... 7 00 et 0 70 0 50 0 75 0 GO 0 60 0 60 0 00 0 00 O 20 0 20 0 60 7 59 1OUSE WANI'ED IMMEDIATE- ly-a six-roomneci bouse. to rent, or purch- ase, centre or north of town preferred. Miss REID, Ontario Street. 10-1w* MISS M~ABEL A. TAIT, BOWMANVILLE. ACCOMPANISI'£AND PIANO SOLOISI Concert Engagements Accepted. YINE FARM FUR SALE- Part of the I oldand weillknown "Mayfield" Farmbe- oning to the estate of Jo8. S. Thomnsou1 !nile. from centre cf Whitby Town-excel1ènî f or both grain and stock 130 acres. Many of the Provincial Prize winnling Short-horlis have been rai8ed on this farm. Gooti buidings, orchrd, etc. Object in sclling 10 (lividc an es- tate. Apply to Mus. J. S. TH:MSON Or DOW & McGILL1VRAY WhitbY , Ont, 8-7w. a i n Siik, Cord de chene, Nlatalassi adfa-.'À tîî. ciuii with cliffon, Jet La(e, ,At Xanufacturorz" prioces .2 0 wo alike, Also Ladies' New SpringCt, Skirts and Raîn Coats. Dresoc oodinîx ail the Latest 'W1oavec including, Bolienues, Cord De Chena, Voile, C repe De Chene, -Satin Vanetiane, Mohairs, Lustres, iHenriettas, Silks for shîrt waists s uits, Blousinge etc etc. Ladies Blouses, white wear,l unde skirt and wrappeie. New print3, Zephym's, Muelins, Laces, Embroidories, Flouncingo' end evemry descriptions olwsh material, suitable for -shirt waîsts cuits and dresses) New Carpets Oi-cloths and Linoleuins. Mens suite, spting coats and saparate Pante, Boyas'4uite;,aud kntickers.ý> NZew epring Rate and Cape, shirts, Collars, TieoP, Swiaaters and Hbe -etc etcý Grzoj orsEu ills taken. ascash, A. - ,Nex dOO tû OWIT& U Wh at do Yon Know ? Do you know tuat after a Short- band or Commercial Course with us, Yen are sure of a position at $45.00 andi upwards per montb as a starter? Senti us a postal, with ytuar namne andi atdretss, and wc will tell Yeu ail about It. 4 Richmond St., East, Toronto. R. D . NIMMO, Principal. BÀAcrY-At Brooklil, Feb. th, the wife of Mr. Frank Batty, or âa daugbîter. M ARRitm D. McINDo-FoWLýE- At the residence of the bricle's sister, Mrs. Thompson, Prospect st., Bowmanvîile, March J'et, hy Jrev. D 0 Crossley, Frank E. Melndo,. Cartwright, and, liena Ethel May Fowler, Manvers. 1 1 WFtTM0E-BARET-At the residence of Mr. Frank Whitmore, à4elfort. Sask, N. W. T., Feb. 2nd, by Rev. W. 0. Murdock, Dr. A. E. Wlaitmore, formerly of Toronto, to'Annie Mild- C. E Barrett, Tyrone, vt. ELLIOTT-At islS afe îesidence. Mount Pleasant I Pine street. Wocdbridge, on Feb. 28th, John Ellhott, lu bis 531th year. Kather of Mis. Thos. Ellitt, Hampton. WoRDE -In <Clveand, 0hio. William H., beloved husband of Nellie' VanCamp Worden, aged 61 ycars-. F'RAmE-At 6 Wellesley Ave., Toronto, Mar. 8rd, Isabella, wife of Luas Fram e, and fourth daughter of the late Richard Shaw, Bowm an- ville. DoNCÂiqTR-On March 4th.suddenlycf heart failure, hms D.Loncaster, proprietor cf T 1 Dl House, Toronto, lni bis 51st year. Interred lu Orono. The-oEan w hoa -o ud TheGrocer who woulIdn't, Every day f-ýrom five to fifteen letters are received by The Ogilvie Flour Milis Co. from women living ini the smaller towns throngliout Canada, saying they have asked their grocer for Royal Houseliold Flour but can't get it. One wrtes-"I told my grocer, Mr.----, that I would buy 'Royal Hous-ehold.' regularly if he would always keep it on hand, but lie said lie wouldnt't take on another brand of flour untilhle was obliged to?" Another says-" My grocer is an 'old fogie' and neyer gets the newest or -the best things until the year after." 'A third says-' We haven't an enterprising, grocer in. our town alrd are obiigc d to send to------ for 'Royal Household' or take a poorer flour," Write dired tte. O ilve 'S. If you cani't get " Royal Hlousehoid" from your grocer, w-rite to us direct-we xviii immediately give, you the name of the nearest grocer who keeps "Royal Household" and send you also the "Royal Ilousehold" recipes. There is no good. reason why.your grocer slhould, compel you to use ~ inferior flour-no first ciass grocer xvi liesita.te to order "Royal- Household "for yeu, andi even the smallest dSer wiil get it if you iuisist Uponil t THE OGILVIE FLOUR MILLS CO.- LIMITED, MONTREAL. Wednes of Mr. 1Ro the scene wlien bis united in with Mr. of Bowma chorus wa partv ente was t 4 stefi The bride velling sui bouquet( Emmna l f and carriv ,wroom wai Patton. guests nel v here a si afier whic 5.30 train, man file a the recipie uEeful prýe will reside ton's frieu wighing th wedded if Cor FLoLuI,eJ W SFAT,F n SI BARLEY, V VELLINGToNTEIOKEP 4 _ D _ isay,Marcb ist at lime rsdn bort Tnieker, Allaudale, wae _e o! a very prelty wedding, 9 eldast daugbler. Mary, was tic hoiy bo)nds of wetiock, 4 ,AthrWelling ton, formruely ,ae bcbng rentiereti the bridaI ercd tia drawing room, which 4 ully tiacotateti fer tic occasion (Second iF£oor.ýl Swas ucally dmssot lu a Ira li et navy blue anti carrieti aI etwîîcca-nas 'liesaiTits ePàrIýr- -is COfr l ic0 x th- argtst vanlely iaiter assiseei shntesa o f Dnncraii. Tea Sets re C'x ' - o.?I atcers,2mugs~ od pink carnations, wbilc the ts ably supporteti by Mn. W J ams ec Atter congratulations the aîsce a m p t u a no s s a p p e r w a s s e c v dW a e e e * t ï g t , U p y '" ' w - e % . k -h the happy couple lotI on lhe for a trip le Toranto, BDW- and Moutreal. Thebnitie w-a" eut eftimany bandeorne anti ThOnk'ugyou for the libcrai ji rcm- g- 'Ln tepast, w sente On their return toa wn oual lu inAllandale. Ma,.Vuoling- ; - ouai heiCompliments otftte Soi -on, 4 nds lu Bowinanville jain !-ripstc' -r,4 ýa happy anti prosperous~->- IIÂNVILLi6.A1K.îV rrc-oîed ~ccOusa 100 Is ......... 32 50 te82 90 t sIb ctvocetus, 0 uitrîi a mle. 'ail, bush --.).... 0 Ou05 .arîng ~ il 10 f larei 0,f 10R85,

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