I ~ I FOIR _____________________PERFECT: DYEING.: EASY TO USE, BRIGHTTEST AND BEST. ASK FOR THE «"DIAMOND." AIE Druggists and Dealers. TAKE NO OTHERS.* THE FOIINDED 1889 B ELLE VILLE Business College, Tralning-UNEXCELLED Boleeplný Shortband; Tvpewriting; off IWok;Telegraphinp< and Rail- way Work; Freneh and Germnan. Every Departinent a Spe1aty. J. A. Tousaw,j Beleville, (J. FrithJeffers. Secretary f Ont. PIresident. 181 One Cutter. One pair Bob- sleighs AT -COST. Ue-&p-ýiring and Painting Buggies for spring jlist com, menced. Bring themr along and Ireave them -with me, Wm. dguer, BOWMAN VILLE. SAVINC MOUNEY Is the tîIle of an intereatsng Book- ]et which explains our systeai hy viici tepoîis nia>'be catie and wihdrawnlb>' mail as conveni- enti>' as if yeur uwn post office 'verse ut office. Sent for i. Vou wiii int it intereting. -- Canada Permanent S Mortgage Corpointon (iu-ormerly Thse Canada Pet manent and Western Canada Monigage Corporation) TOROTO TREET, TORONTO The New and Enlarged Edition Contains 25,000 Ne w Words New Gazetteer of thse World wità more than 2,000 tilles, baseti on the laltt eliuaso-eurm New Biographlcal Dîctlonary containIng th6 nines of over 10,000 ntodf persons, date eof! hirlis, dta.,etc. Editeti lîy W. T. HfAItILIS, P1.D., LL.D.. c38o Quarto Peagea lew Pisteg., 85 llsrains h lIn . Aiso Webter'a Colleglato Dctionary wiih sîtô Pages. 5400 lustrauions. Size.7xoxainl. A Spechai Thin Paper EditIon De Luxse fspn-ttr i es ates as rsgalar esitton. Tt haslin coer.asdnoo ars. m : ixY5~ FRS lA Test ilu Pronunciation," baneu. tive and entertaining. (D Alec Illustrateti pamphlet&.< G. a C. MLR.RIAM CO., PLeb!îahersa prinsfiild. Mas&. Il ils tic grave cases cf a physici- an tliat boielit tie undertaker. 1Sweeý-t Gil- Frlent-'"Yoii are lushiag, Coma! Whel xvaa tiat cloinsy partner cf1 ynuîa sayinig?" Miss KnîscIy -"Oh, uotiing! Ouiy tiat before he sudusie ic sCcmed a ,lcsert te hlm." "Tint is no reasce uisy ho sinoulti wlz like a tireme- îiary, la it?" Establihed z879. 51 Wlioopng Cough, Croup, Bronohitis Comgh, Crîp, Ashmat; iphtheria !eîolls a boon to Asti-imaties cro' M xE utcalong esasibois l nstandards ron-Jy Coris tri 1msua crt ic- red oivr th Iset ed-i f.r1s.c.1tise bro sisal tuubes w ii evrry rcath,gi prlon«rt ais ce. at fr0 imot. Tioscf cocsn tiuvs icu.*hno, or sinfcrars ron cironie briccitbi-!h Im'uiudiate reaier tom cosgisoor îfim codutios, tise trot. ' t'po- Cesiloco assocdC by ru.-gist r et re pald ounrreipi f ps.e creosoxursaf.Srusd for fs,, lut.amst, For, SALE Ten acres know. ao the elcil Deacon place aituated on Lot No 10. CJon 3 Dariington, There is on the premises a two storY rough cuat hausee containing 8 roome and Pantry with woodêhed adjoining. Gool water on tihe premiqes, aso framne barn, 18 l:i 36. Gond gardo and an orchard of btween 300 and 400 af8pie treep. Tenders wil be recel ve ëd for the purchase of the above UP to Mar. 10zh. No. tender neceasarily aecepted. Term,ý easy. For paticulars sipply on the promises or to W. B. Pinch, Bowmanjlé. Tenders to be addressed to D . G-M. Gai- braith, Barrieber, Bowmuvilie. 6 Doniinion Lino STEAMSHIPS. PIIOPOSED SAiLU 's Portland to Liverpool. Dominion....... a. Fe!). 251h,-i 2 p. Inm Canada.. ..........Mar. 151th. Dominion:...........Aprîlelt, Vancouver ... :': th, Kenson._ ......151h, Canaa......... 2 Callng at Halifax Westbound. Rates. Portland to Liverpool: First lass-45O.00 Up. wards; Second Clage-f5O,00 upwards, Chiidren:-First Cissg, under 10 and over 1 yr. hlli tare; nnder iyear free. Second Ciass, under 12 and ùver 1 year, hat lare; under i year free. Riund Trip Firet Class Tickets Issued ai 10%1 reduction off combined east and westbcund rates. Second Case, 5%. redoction off combined enst and weâtbound rates. M. A. JAMES, Agent, Bowmanville, Ont or to THE DOMINION UINE 17 St. Sacrament St. Montreal. SEPARATION 0P TEE OQUNTIES COeMrrrEH APPOINTED) TO INTEST£IGATE A large repreeenîsîlve gaiherlng met in lie Concil Charnier Port Hope, on Fritiay aftsînoon let.I anti for tirei heure dltcueeed theadvleabliiuy o! lie teparallon of Nom' humberiantianti Dur- lise. Mr John Kennedy, Warden cf the Countieb' (Jouncil vas votedti btli chair. Mr. Kennedy saidti laI ho hati net sbudiedth le question very mach anti tit net kuow wiether separallon weulti ha advisabla or nol. Mr. MoMilian siti îist prohahly the Township cf Clarke hati erigicatet Iis malter. Faeiiug tirougieul lia ri- ,dIng vas liaI Northumbeand tiCouuty vas very expeasve se far as bridires vers concamned. The river Trent ruas through thls Coanly, andtihle Councll are conlinssaliy spendlng moaay for lia construction cf bridges over thls river. Lasi yîam $25,000 was expendeti on the bridge at Camphaliforti. Vary soon a usw County Jail vill bava te ha bujît anti If va visi lo e pamaîe nov le the lime le sot. Tise firat maîler la theadat- viaahliity sud Ibis voulti stand discus- sion. If fi wouid prove baneficlai, rien by ail means separalo. Our Counly rate la netilgier Ithan places visera liera le .10 union, but lis faIt tbat should, Dur- bac decitie te mepurais tie rate Ina fev yeams voulti liareduosti, Mr. A. A. Foyers staleti thaltishe people cf tie Township of Clsrke broka grount Inl the malter, By a unanimous vole at tie municipal nominations they ashe t liaIproceedings ha laken 10 hmlng about'& espars lion cf tic Coun- tics. Thinsaterti le ha considerati are -,do lhe majorlty cf lia people cf Durham nltie rfi, ant iliiiilprove prýofiùable? We muet beas lu mlnd that lu ail probabllity tie reesviiill Ite future ba our representatives lu tia Couuîy Council, anti Northumberlandi wiii tien hava fourteen eschare le our ton. Tise malter cf qualilaalluuleas constant tercent ant i viiiproveoeas logs v are uniteti. What do lia people o! Durhacmev cw f lia Town- slps cf Pemcy anti Seymour. No cbange viii ho matis lu our equalizatlon se long es illa lefI lu s Coccîltes of the Coun- c 1. LasI year flops Townsip Counll appeaieti; tisir equaiizatlon vas lover- ed,but lie axpense inuuredwvas $1,000. Nov s inte limas b cake a rmaya lu tie mater. The people of Northumber- landtinlk thor a e nud o! ccnsy lu Durham, aud Dnrham Ihinica liera is no bll lu li te bridgea lu NGrthumber- 'anti. Mm. E. fi. McLsaii, Clark of Newt casths, suppleth le meeting viii a le. o! figures vi!ch wiii prove vary belli- fol, The Epeeker peluteti out liaI at ycar tbere vas m-xperded on ir1c1get 833,187, andi of Ibis amouný, $3;100 came te Durham. Mn. McLian asnggeated te appoint a Comsifttee le lochkmb tisahemalter and make a tiorouti.inàvestîgatlen. Mm. P. C. Tishilcuick, cf Bovinau- ville, d1d ne*ttIink hy eeparaticu Chat dthey --dti ave any great amount of contey aI firet, but in tie eud il vouiti prsuve beneficiai. ,Erery four or fiva yeare tie Cou'y Ccuncil has le cake large eippndluures for bridgea. Eýgit years age $15.000 vas exoanict on a bridRe aI Campiseliford; two ye%ars o $6,000 0on a bidpe a% flasti.,Lco; las. year lie new oue aI CaiDpb.)Ilford cost; uver $20,000 anti o! course DuramseIn calieti upen le psy lbar share. Accord- iug, le s chaýtz nge lu l aw w v wtllbe oblgei e aIte Ge e ieolt iiiigen sud frcm Lice yul merûp ne henefil, A dopa- îason ocntli visi'ed Ottava, aiking lise, GoivcrEnli fl t l ! e.lieover01bisvsing bmidcs. ud i ibs 1ledonai t vii proved soe reie!. We arc,,aIý pres- eut f.ace te fa-le vii a-.lagoexed 46 wunt eset. Durham at the present tino had a population of 29,000, aud Little Jurneys nder the Aet of 1903, wve are entitled te ,eparâtion.e The question arlsea,can t Toth om s f yen rua theo Cunty of Durham wlth 1 lesis expense te every ratepayer than via ReStorerS.preseur, uniledl We are now paying E Great$1 30 te every 70 cents cf the Northum-. G ratRetorrs Iberland paop'e. A Oounty like Dra We have ail becu ciarmied with the -wlcb cannot sustain isown Provicclal t sincerity of the weman who called te buildings le not living. The whoie Issue ber uigibor, " How are ye ? Net that s Ihat Bewmanvilie wanla the ceunty 1 cars a bang, but just te make a little buildings, but Port Hope muet have conversation."1tbem. There is eue sort of communication Coi. Hughez sald, liaI st the townE- i that dees net belong te the ceuven- i i oiainh s se ed i tienal, ferced type. It is the eau cof ni oinarteiongaaoed te do eail the ild th prer l th suferr, henation. He felt sure that the Oounty letter cf tic sick to tic trustcd phy- cfDramcud nbeonafia sician. w uth hame oldrte a las aira If eue is iii enougi te admit it, hie or w tesuture s t ya, n she wants direct, personal, immediate would venuetusythat at the close belp, net vague, experimeutal, general of the year wouid have a surplus cf $5. dosing. Coffiu varnish provedi te be It wae moved by Col. Hughes, Reeva the last remedy in the wold for Mi. of Clarke, seconded by Mr. Bragg, Peck's rheumatism, and it is only eue cheirman of Finance Commîttee o! the î of a theusand cases on record where Ceuntie' Ouueil.-Tiat elfter disous&- tiey had te guess again. There is f ng the question of separatien o! ibese. indiscriminate takiug, as well as indis- UJnied Countiesi, we would recommend criminate giviug, and the weak and btacmîtab pone eg belplcss are the victims. Two-thirde cffuilbat olite iucappoIdetasd repo tie grait of tie world la bciug lootcd 'o an adjourued meeting. Carrîed. frle ttheieihomeThe followIng oomnittee wae p- ioffice cf a physician who bas broken AÂPwrak;Toa og the werld's record for the number 1 A A Po pro ;re; Thom&%ooldouLovn. patients examiued and treated, Io tise otHp; hmsDaldoCvu doctor with thonsauds ef patients, with M" J. Bragg, P. 0. Trebiicook, Bow- a mail large enongli te require a special ni Rvilla. They will report at a meet. mail service, gîviug the wuild a square 1 ig te bu held In three weeks' tle. ideal? Is hie giving sncb case individual 1 .-4--- - attention? Is hie able te give the su!- MILK IN WINTER. forer who has placcd bis life lu bis bauds the latest anid most improvedPrfH H Da IsPod- lneatMent that science offers? Does ho 1ý tien and Care. bold tic record for the numiber ef cases i aain diye pcr t Iactually curcd? 1Cndaidiye Per t This la a big scientifle quetion and il have lessened their eforts in the ehsonld be approacicd witli the true production of w inter milk; couse- jscicntific spirit of faithful inquiry, lise quenitly w e have a -hortage and a freim cant, period of high prices. Net m iany are Dr. R. V. Pierce, bead of tic fameus'jr, a position te avail tiemiselvcs of Wold's Dispensai-y Medical Associa- thse ood prices ncw oii'ered for tien at Buffalo, weuld tell yen that hoe dairy proiducts of ail kindsi, and Idees net attempt the superbuman feat cf cspeciaîlly for fine butter. The f ol- reading tic hnndreds cf letters tint are lowing are tie essentials for eceee- sent te inm day in and day out, ycar after micai production cf wiik*ý- year. Marshall Field, tie great Chicago (l'y Fresh ccws. It 'is unisatis.lic- Imerciant, would make clumsy work cf tr rigt pouoml it h Ipcrsonally taking care of ail bis mail ' trytri ccws moc fiici hav orders. In grent ccnccrns the work is a er systematized, witi cach detail lu thi been milkiing -during the past sum- bauds of an expert. Wheu Samantia mer. At loast nue-hall the ccws Allen weut te tic New York stores sic ShcuIld fresixea betwcen the first cof insisted upon buying cf the proprietor,1 Novemiber and the lasi. day of Pcb- but Mr. A. T. Stewart iappened te be muary. ont. Dr. Pierce bas but up a great (2) A miodcrately wavm, cla, Iscientitlc bureau of medical experts, light, wvell-v,,itilated stable is a and wien ýou aend or go te hlma for grcat aid inli e economical produe- advice yeu get tic prompt, direct, per- tien oi winter nilk. Ccld and bad- sonaI lie!p yonr case demands. If yeu îy ventilateti stables mf.can added have locomotor ataxia you arc net set ccst for feetI. upon by an important personage wio (3) Chcap. succulent ieed is need- bas specialized on tic ear lu soins for- e.Tsi etgtb rvdn ieign bospitai. Yen get au expert upen n ia,,rlgescov hyad your special trouble. If yen npplv for cern sle, mnangels, coe rti n ielp ila, .letter this letter is carefnlly suiabowe meni. A. 4 j od rtoïnil stndied and immediately subaîitted te ioracwgvng4 udsfnik *tic physicianuwio bas devoted bis ie 1dally Or - ma1ingi [ 2 o1n c te flgtiag yonr particular trouble. If butter' per day is 30 te 40 pouuds j yen comle 3ycurSelf you are put lu c0i n silagýe, 30 nounds mangcls, 8 charge of a doctor who bas specialized te 10 potîndls ciover hay, 4 poundsI for~eas aonticd bsas thtreat- bran, 3 poiinds grouini nets, a dI 1 eus yen. WTici is tic scieutific vway- pound oilIca1.c. E ! t sible cent tie te go te eue doctor and demaud almostt hay, puip the rool ., tiaad ix tic omnipotent knowledge, or te depend buiky feed to.'cther ,for a i'w boums ripou a carefully ogaized bureau cf befote 1nceding. Add tule neal t experts? flic biX.plait aiLUti ime of fecd- Which i ie te bc of tic greatest Th fiý-g iigavientsis ay Pc belp.la time cf trouble, eue loue doctor lix Pied loto twe portions andi on- passing upon tweuty diseases, cr twenty ijîf Ucgîx-en oteamcii cv ig-ht and doctors ready to give ticir best advice iong.Tiecow ce ljbc e upon eue case ? f(ilf ssott e it is tic day cf tic specialist, and 'egular'y ly nictiaia sîdb tic World's Dispensary Medical, Asso- uîdr lose obserx aiin bythc feed- ciation, xiti its -staff cf emrint physi- er1a)orier t ot brappetite, ce- iclanis, xxith its dispeaisary and spien- [nelenlklerîdc rco *didiy eqnaipped bospital, with its sorld- dSos I h cdrfni i o ifamous medicines and its houer aund co 1 rtby cnuelceilian cane ln deal--ing ileicpublic, bas itpodac nadiyte fairly won tic lrget ptrnagtnt etr ..muiîa cgvn aeu Tis uet uslttejcurucy "ýte a a ri(0)W Xill soonl natil iit gi-eut imcsvn tto.Tecrsa- fprftbefeii rcr nml lune for a nov jall and soe provisIon for tha Couny poor.- ThLi wil côsl ai least $4C,000 or $50 000,andaIi Durham has for this expenditure ie accommodia- l ion for a faow crîmînais and oue or tvo Indigente. Nov Issu opportun e tIntre te look b inote malter, aud If we caui net decide Itlelt us forever holti car pence. Ha beliavedtheIbaCounly of Durham as a whoie wae lu favor o! eep- aratîcu). Tiers was a very large expen- diture for the building o! bridges anti granîs for the building and opa;nlng cf new roadai. Hs didn'tl ike te charge tha men of lhe eait, but tiay c. rtaIuly isti more "ct'eîk," or as ex-Mayor Jameis put it mors mildly, "assurance," thau tle enuin tih esat. If the sep- arallon cornes ah ut andi we thon cake geati for the building aud oeaing up of new roatis, va wili be derlvlng a bentfit from tie esame. Tbe jail ques- tion vas another very importantrmaîler. At present a nurubar of the Indigents e! the Counly cake their home liera. If tie jail couiti ha cleareti oftisens tie Gos ernumnt woulti psy the satIre ixpi,ýndîture of the lau. If the seps- ration of the Countien comaes aboul,and a 1uew jail la ersoled, thse whuia of the runulng expenssea ouid coma froc lia Giveruiment. The coat of tie Admîn- Ietratlon oi Justice for the year 1903 was $15 719; o! Ibis %mounl ame receiv- ed $316, lesviug lhe Cenlies to psy $15,403 Froc 75 te 80 par cent, ef j iii salaries hava le be palti by the countioeïemplybacausewehoute ourpoor tiare, Mr.Trehilcockpeinled ontthaIIhe repretanlaiivas o! Northsumberlandi hail greal fear e! separaln. Tisa ex-War. tien anti a Cobourg repnaseut attve me- oeutly waiteà i on lie Cohourg Couin- eli re ra site fer the new jail. Wban asiid for a report Iheyre! used to gîve It, feariug tbey woulti commence an ag- itation among tise Durham reprasenla- tIves. Thon the affaire o! the Counlies ara net ru nearlys veli as they shoulti be. If private gentlemen conucteti Iheîr business lie way lia Counties' Council doos tbeyvoulti accu become hankrapl. Tue Counlîsa' Concil ai- ways lias tee mach ceney. By a sepa- ration lihe Ccunty affairs wonid be cou- dacteti mach mors aconocicaliy. In thea lsteroît cf lie Counly'c! Durham i. Ihougil vs sio'ild separatesud lote norie ieabout IL Mr. Bragg pointeti ont tisaI 75 par oent, cf tha expeudura cf lieOCeun. ties' Council veut ta Northumberlandi. Mr. W, H, McCallum, Clark of tie township c! Ucpa vaspzext te speech. îfy. He made Il very Char tiat 70 par cent. cf tie expersditure of the Couuty Great Woman's Remedy for Woman's DIS. I D RaYiKC K AY'S sEcwIc For the Treatment of f Used in connectio n vwjth the Province of Quebec Probation System witlî Unvarying hnccess. The City Ceuncil of Mentreal has e dorsed 1h18 marvellous discovery. The Finance Committee of Montreal recently voted $500 to defray the expense of pla- ciug the medicine in each of the citv Police Stations, as prompt application of the Treatment to bad cases wili pro- vent the fatalities cnntinually eccurring in tie ceils No Sanltarium is required The Treatment can be taken at home No special diet requirod The desire te re- forma is simply necessary and spirits avoided for a few days. This medicine le now wlthin the reach of al, the price having been reduced. The wonderful resuits obtained with the worst class of drunkards coming be- fore the J udges of the Recorders' Courts in Quebee and Montreal warrants the statemnent tint tie disease of Drunken- ness can be cured-readily and Eurely- under ordinary circumstances and witi the reasonable desire upon tie part cf an inebriate. This treatment 18 simply the medicine of the medicai profession-the oniy sec- ret is ae to its administration. Dr. Maekay's discovery is the result of 25 years o! practlco as a specialist arnd expert. HoI is a member of thle College of Physicians and Surgeons of the Province o! Quebe TheGoverament of Quebec through the Judges ordered ovor,500 boxes of the medicino for prisoners appearing in tho Courts in 1904-Officiai Reports establish 80 per cent ot cures with theso cases. With:the public and officiai endorsa- lion and the record of resuits piiblîshed it is unnecessary to waste money ex. perimenting further Ail cummunica- tions private. THE LEEING IILES CO , MONMTiIEAL SOLE AGENTS FOR DR. MACKAY'S SPECIFIC FOR DRUNENES t( Pl c CI rE t] el dI P G b, a Ci 0 vç s a t, i f4 t a r) a t 0 'OMUNION PARLIAMENT DO-MINICIN LANDS. Mr. Lake uns lnfermed by Sir Wll- j~ rid. Laurier tint tic matis refermeti no in his auteeeuîmy speech weme tic ordinar3, Domlliion lands la Manite- ba and t1- Nottisest Territonies. i±ici w eue selti ut $3 a acre, tic mrire bicg fixed Py au orteies-l Council. '1hey wercnt open to pur- Chase by cxcî'y applicant, Prit unre reserveti for settiers, THE AUDIT OFFICE.4 Mr. Fieliniug îormeti Mr. Lenicx liat be was îînt au are of any lack of tficîeîîcy in tise werlcing nf tise amu- it office, ns indicureti in a question propeundeti Py Mr. Lenuox. Tise fox crameit isopcd thint wxosuld not be useccssamy, tierclore, to introduce any legisiation witi a viexv te se- curing haumnoay belween tie audit ofice andtihie trcarury bcard. Tic l'iole nmatcu-, ioîvxer, migit Pc aid t bePcstili undot- considemation. MilS. CLOSE'S SCIIEME. Correspoatieice reiatiug te Mrs. lmer C. L. Clese's sciseme oi îringiog ont pauper cisiltiren fron Englaaîd te Catnaauns tabled. It eonsists of a lertei froua Mrs. Close, apply ing for Ccx cmamehît assistance cxvatds hem sciseme, and a commun- Catien frosa Mr. James _A. Smnart, formcrly Jleputy Miîaister of tic lu-ý cerier, la rcpl tisereto.. Mm. Smart said lie deparient wotîld Pc willing t0 provitie oul of Ccverm'nut latis a section cf land4 of 640 acreýs upon wiriitstiturleais mgit Pc cpcmateýd and rau-iedon. Tish oemma culd not provîde any tumiser at its own. expense. A propositin for fre earas betxveesî Montreel and Tcronto culd net Pc entertalocti, as thero vas noland w ithin tic arca whiir bclengeti te tise ioverîiuînt. VMýPLOYJfIkýNT 0F ALIENS. Judge Wiucisrtcr's report on tic aliegcd eînploymcnt of alicus lu cou- tectien xith tic survcî s cf tic 'Grnd Trunk Pacifi E Iailway, te- emthcr with ticecévidence taken Py Iin, w-as laid on thse table cf tie louse, Tic Judge sayssilu us rom- atots:-' Mm. Havs antiMar. Stepieus tas ing aýtated tisat tisoy -eme unable Le obtain capable Canadien engin- eers te do ticeîîecessaî-y work la con ' nccioa ixiti Chia railway, i1nmade iaqniry xiti refemence te tise Capa- bility and availebility cf engianers, Pon fitie iesitictts la Canada, anti examied a nuinher cf eminent eu- giîîeers on tint questionî. Tic cou- senisus cf tiseis' cxiieeis tisaItichre Wns a sufficieucy cf capable englacera te perfecinthtic oik as wcîl, if net bctter, tisan tise American enginecrs appinte&tiasd tritt hati reasenable efforts been madle Px Mc. Rays or Mm. Stephens they wbuld have had no tiifficulty xxhates cm in cbtaiaing tic nccessesy talenît for tise xork to be perlormeti." PRODUCTION 0F ALUMINUM. Senator Domville's meselution, au- tisoiig rie eppointittont ni a spc- i roatmittee te inquire lato tise producrtion ofe! naina atndialtînunt in Canada, -,,as edoptetiPy tise Son- ate. TiserontmitIcc xviii cosîsist cf Messms. De Bouciserville, Sullivan, Edwamtis, Wilson and tic mover. Aluminuin is prodlucedi fs-ont day by milkbPc timn in lua rleauly 'tarer lutte a dlean peu Pby a dlean pei-non anti Pc eteveti shoî'tly aller aIrain- ing frosa tise Paru.n, hi lano ceason niy xvlntcs- nxulk sitoîld iua-.c a "rcwy odor." Titis "cowy odors" as usu-ally Cailset Py flth uhicli drops ilit ei milk duî'inglthe mllking, or ia absorbed biy ticeuxîlk fron thi -nul air iiietsetabîle. Milk sisonîti Pcremoveti froin the stable luefore il codale ticthetemper- attIre of tic stable air, etierseise il will alîsoi-Ptailta apldly. Altos strainiug nisQ snilk tees not nsmîelly coquice any special coeliug otier tien tint whicis takes place frein tie colt air, if it Pc stirced ocn- cesienally te prevenit tise creesît ris- latg andti e sîUunilernt coelin'g tiscouginut ticeiviole mess ef mllk. IL is aise îxccessaay te prevenît tic milk fcee'ing iu. eider te cistalu tie PesI cesuits. If senît to a winter icmearncmy, il sieulti c e liveceti et leat three tintes a wcek. If oxaifactunet ont tie farm, il siculti Pc mate imb butter as sooli as plossible elter il ia tmaxen frein tie cou, Tie longer tiat mIi la skept belore belug mate into butter, lie peomer will Pc tic producl, No other female medicino lu the world lias received sueli widesproad anid unqualified endorsement. No other medicine lias sucli a record of cures of female troubles or aneis hosts of grateful friends as has Lydia E. Pînkham's Vegetabeco oud It will entirely cure the, woret fermas of Female Complainte, all Ovarisau Troubles, Inflammation and Ulceratien. Fallinf and Diaplacelement ef thse Womb, and consequent Spinal Weaicness, and la peculiarly adapted te thse Change of Life. Il has cured more cases of Backraehe andi LeucorrSoa than an y other reIn- edy tic world bas ever known. It is almnost infallible ln sueob cases. It dissolves, andi oxpels lamera frem thse Uterus in an early stage of de- velopmcnt. Irregular, Suppresscd or Painf-ul Menstruation, Weakness cf thse Stomaeh, Indigestion,. Bloating, Floodiug, Nervous Prostration, Headacise, Genceal Dcl- ity iuiklyyied t il. Wom trubls, auslg pinweiht nd baekacihe, 121- staniy elivet an perancllycarti y il us. Uderailcirouamastances it Il qicky rmeva tat carig-dwn eelngextemelassitude, '"dois't came ani "antto-c-lft-lon" felig, xcinbiily iritablillty, nervoa.- nesa DizinssFaltuea, lcelesaesa fitulucy meancolyor thse "blues" ant hadahe Thsearcsue idiatinscf emle eaness, or sm de- rangement o! h trus hc hsneicn lascrs idney Complainta andi Etukache, of cither sex, the Vegetable Compound always cure$. Those womcen who refuse te accept anythiug cisc are rewarcld a hundreti lisousaudti imes, for thsy gel .whal they want-a cure. Solti by Drugsla everywhere. Refuse al aubstitutes. THE MONTREAL WITNESSCý A truly Great Newspap or. Th.e witnclss [Dafly and I xvoeîfy] give i l the nowst hut le worthy te attentlonof flie average reader. il keepe its readera well intoraiedon ail, subjects of intereat. The cable, thse telegrapli, cais the telephone, iooie lOan eci lnrcaslng stac ec oinpect e itors andi reporters, aiintt a ae ite iews colainius seconte o oue bcise Wtse dîtoril Pages are ackovedgedbhy is readere on ail side ta e Ctît ir nti orcible. idsteîtbiec oîte 1,ircal.s. ani quotations of lise noney, stock and producs markets are teatures Uînt make It of geat value In tise wved or commerce. fnance and agricultute. Thle 'wtnesl' s o c lai tiepartntoats sUCh es 'Tise notîle,l' Literary IZeview, ' Letters Itm eaers 1 i;ys Page,' 'Cilicren's Corner,' - ueries,AgricutUral.,' 'llor>tlill ttuia,,- veterinary,1 'Pouliry,' 'Pets,' 'edîcal," Logal,' 'Nuro lematie,' ' Choss,' etc., ce., Are ahiy cenducteti b peciaitata a large exponse, offering a nicet valuable prliviege to - Vminess' readers. In 5186tise Witncaa' was etarted bY tthe iat' John nongaila im)1 Miwas ta suplrthc Dominion of Canada witb tÎue hesi t sll!e5 nae.On, witicîs w uld always keco aInlmnd hfgs idea le an Ce'for Mlied nHomescand Native Land.' Tihe ,'wtness', bas growit since thtsen. Moadern mncilnory and poeoxt p osslitiels have made gratimProve- mnent. inevitabie. Bîlothiagneyer enigrown the lic nciples thbat are, 64) te gay, engraveti on its corner étoine. Pe pprs have bad à continuonSesteons o ogat l.b Pewer sOuave helte the saine prnliples and bave been contif db tisaime tamily for anything ilike Bo long a tine. The refluit ls tt tis , witne8m' cnjOye a loyal constituenley that cannot hoe teipttsi tO leýav It tu favour of any oiler publications. A liewepaper iubIliseTion thte 'Wltneis ' lnese needs tl ýise 55 () these Who are wl lang ta PaY Ils suhacriptlor Price for flic ra stfttit VO narl oges la tise Inter est otf1lis ubscribelw mclne esie frons lrnloadeg seetg, etc., tisaioiller gublicatiotiS accepi regrasailee 9fe thir relaiera. We understa nd jasi a ay on tva befare Chi Stl , the Wiiness' refused aven two thousand four isundrcd dollarsfor isel1 Insertion of au adycrtsement cal cuiated ta injure is subsenibers. The 1 Wltaess 1 ia oertalnly unique amoIlg tise great metropolit5tl THwsPa ersot tise wonld. Tek t Im' TNEss la $5,5? and TEWEEItLY WIT14ROS 158$1 l fa y eaM Publisiseti by Joe-c DOUGAnt. & SON. montreai. r WORLD WIDE ARTICLES, A Weekly Reprînt of Articles from-leading .Iournals and RcViews Re!lecting the Cannenýt Thouglit O! Both Ilemispherts. Wonid Wisi s ar e fiîeet;ans ciseapaiss as a igh cnasâ electlc it willcoixno aorabIy Wilh anythîng ai several tunies its ýOnce ii'On the small sum cf one ollar ne a-haif t - bringa everY week fna year file beet art[sicl at apea uring tise week la the lead- ,n li Amrcn nCFn lga pu alatolis. of course il aplieSîs to tise tîsttlOngaeientîucaisinnunty, ise whowent ta knowwisat tisewonld thinkens are thinkîng; bai tise s mlii fiutasfulor rare enter- Manient as of wiîslom. It Ils absaluteiY worid-x.vîde la lis Interesta and has ne axe ta griad. Tise amnia subscniptioe lucludes 190M cÂRICATcIIED, a masst eacertatinag revlew Of lest yosr. , It ailho sent f ree of charge te anY adtidess for a short time. Thse annual stibacrîption pnîce la $1.50, anthie publissera are JIOHN l>OUOALL& Soi, of Silautreai. " MESSENGER" STORIES Stenies, Illustrationîs and anecdotes are perisaps the nain fesiones of attraction la The Nartisera Mlessecteer. But tise storles are go esnefoliY chosen tisaitishe>"corciss a sweet jîtue la tise lives of old sud young. Thon thons are speclal ilopartaients Cet eted ta vemperînIce, the moday Scisool, tIse ttls People and tise Home. Tise paper la 50 populartata Test nusubeo f Sandcy Scisools lu Canada and tise Unitedi States are Ung It te g rocs adv antago, insurng a mocre regular atiendance, hesdes extertd- leg t airInfluence ton good i lateitomes of thelrreoiars. Tise Norihetis * Messengen le probably rend every week hy iveli con tOa aquailer Of anil"lul Vcpe wie. us for that rosait the pnice 1s extremelY Xcv. bampies frete on ttpp !uction. Tise Messenger la prluted on maîch botter papetan tormerlY, snd lias hansl eniarged anC otiscrwise Inpnoved. il 1-16 pazes weeoliy 40ec a year. S. S. Clubs a spectlly. JOHN IIOUGALL -ON, Piiblishe,t,n')Tm1rul. an eleclmic proccas. and tic patents thlird tome and passed:-To iîîcorpcr- for tise proccess expire siertly ia ate tise Lcndcon & St. Clair Ilailxxay- Great Britain andtihfe United States. Comnpany; te iiicnrpomalcte he eorg- Senator floîlville tiaks ticre 15 a ian Bay & Seaboard Rasilxxay Cont- great future for the industry, anddlho pany; mcspectioig tic Calgary & Ed- lay s stresij upon tise fact tint if it menton Ilalxiay Company; irespect- la establisied iserce cxery cent xviii Pc lng tise Walkertcn & Luckow Rail- speat aud rensain la Caîsada Way Coiiipauiy; respectlîg riseAtln- tic, Qiiebec & Western Railu ay Con- BTLLS PASSET) TITE SENATE. Ipa'i. Tic Scoute adjout-nedtiet Tic fliowing 'Pills were read hic Vednmesday, Mri11 r- .ým