*e***8eçee*e*O*4e****8e..ee.eee0e* .o thev were honest, Mon were anxious 'a thon, Just as you are, this moment; F OR vi: nebu fr he welfare of anation __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ PERFECT grweoungo persuasive, grew- *HOME cracked jokes, ridiculd and praised, J, and the audience jeered and cheered eDYEING. as the spirit moved thom, aven as they à jeo to- day. So keep cool. They are ____________________ail gone. They are ali forgotten * ~ Crowds gathered on the' thoroughfares * EASY TO USE, BRIGHTEST AND BEST. andilathe prineipal places, and knots * ASK, FOR THE "DIAMONDY * of people llstened, jtlsf as they do to-day, * * and friendsbîps grew irmar and liste e Ail Oruggiste ante airs TAKE NO OTHERS. stronger. But the crowds are gone, * * ee e .e e * * .. * e.~hai ops dra gone, tbetowns are goneý _________________________________________________________Tbe are ail f<.rgotten, anld aven the na tions are blotted ont Se keep cool, my friand, if you ara a winner, do net THE FOUNDED 1889 ft h too exultant, for it is only for a little BELLE VILLE ilo j whila at bast. And you who have lest, 1 Unedo flot take IL so mucli te beart. Yon Busin ss Oolegehave dlzne your best, and have deservad 0STEAMSIIJIPS. succss parhaps. IL will flot be long LimitS, -=before.vou and your victer will ba in a 1'ralning UNEXCELLEDland whera there ara ne taIse friands nlo eepng; Shorthand; Tvpewritiig; R -,D ALIO and ne spoilad ballots. Sa lat's lzeep offi ok; Teiegr;iphinig and Raii- Portland to Liverpool., cool., This lîttia elaction that excites wiay Work Frenchi and German]. Eveoo Depg.rtmient a speciaity. Dojminion ...........Sait, Feb. 251, 2 p. ni us 80 15 but a mare drap, ln the ecean of Czinada ............... .. Mar. 18.h, this --reat world's Oa0nts. i. A. Tûr;saw, Beleville, fJ. FrithJ"ffers D omriion .. ............ April îst: Secretary Ont, t'resident Vnouver.'...... ..........h (~)KensugOn lth, COUNTY COUNCILLORS CRITICIZED. Cadi...._...............î2na', Call ing at Halifax Westbound. What basa incratif.ude for'a Camp- beliford paper te publish suceh an editori- B arg in l Raes.al as this after over $20,000 watt spent r a i n lb lnthindto Liverpol: First Oiass-$50.0 np on a naw bridge in that village of the výards; Second Caws ffl.0Opwards, Valley": -Children:-Fi,-at lass, under10 andover i1 . "Tecnilosf oth brad One Cutter. One pair Bo- 'haitf are; raieliyear free. Second Clat-s, under locuniorofN thmead sleihs T C ST. 12 and ',ver 1 year, halt fae auder 1 year free and Durham hava shora non enterprise sleîgs AT IOST. RDond Trip Eîrst Chss Tickets isstued at 10% and no charity in tha erection of a Home reduiction off combineSl east and westbcunâ for the Poor, their mean, salfish plea Repairing and Painting îaeSecond Gclass, 57 reduLtio,, off comblined being tha tan institution of this h ind is Bugges or prig jst oin east and westbiund rates, too axpeniios, wLile ti ay squandered Bugie fr prig us c M .'11A. JAMES, Agent, thon ands of çColars ruuning about the menced. Brrng them along '1country inspecting bridges which nle- andleae tem-ývth ý-ie.Bowmianville, Ont teutbs ef thaîn I-now no mora about th'tn andleae tem ithme.or to serial navig.ation la the moon Ve bora THE DOMINION UINE the councilfrs cf Northumberland and Durham have distinguisbai tbemselvas, âzà -, r 17 St. Sacrament St. Montrealý however, 18 in building bridges, an BOWMAVILL. -$5-0,-OO-Ï'Oarterprltse which la the past txwenty BOWM N VILE.SAYSLIQOR lEN AVE 250000 O easrs has cost the people $50,000 more ____________________- DEFEAT ROS~S GOVERNMENT. than was nacessar.v. Where bas this money garePIt is te ha hopec that a TheVToontoONEneerorgaof the mrel tnd ls fmnwl .7 1Spanca, lu the March 3rd issue saŽs: il is neaded at their actuaI co-t, and at "Wa do not behieva that the present tha same time do what ofher fensible Ontarlo GoîOi-nment Owes Its Position couricillors are îîoîng-ercct é. Home for lu any sense tethe liqaor partv. Liqu ir the Poor. --lie raid. Is the titie of an interesting Book- men are andeavoring te make it appear Thsia rtvton arigum t let which explains our system by that they ware victors la the recenit rsisartt trn aranmn contest. As a matter of fset, the Lib- of the Upper Chamber of thes4e Counties. which deposits may lhe maSe and ea at otmr oe eas tI f ratapayers W i 1read the, statemants withdrawn by mail as couveni- failture te do right on the temaperance oeen nothr page madvate or fopefo ently as if your own post office question than ail the votes that thae tigte ilhv oefe o were Our office. biquor traffie controls in the Provinee. hult SenS for lb. Vou wilILt may ha that the liquor party SUp-- f i& luteing. ported Mr. Whitney becaure ha did flot, promise radical temparance measuresSO E EC TS 0 sud that temperance electors supperted iO E S C E S O Ç~an~I~ahîm bacause ihey had lest hope oi radizal! r a a atemparance legislation frein the Liber- P T NT MiIIE p r ~~~~ais, but tr3 iig te please twe parties is M T N E IIE Perm anent nearly aiways certain te resuit* in dis-____ plaasing both. We tako ne stock lI Mortgage Compottlon such newspaper storias as the oe con TheRIfistory Of the Origin of Many (e'ormerly The Canada Pemanent and tained lu the efllowing paragraplis 1, f These Remiedies Ila Western Canada Morgage Corporation) clippad fromn the St Thomas Evanlng enPeuir Journal: ela. TORON\TO STREET, TORONTO lu Toronto it is generally undarstood Jthat Mr. Whitney is under promise ta II O ALBRTR the liquer man te rapeal the law pro I S Y AL à,1.-T R âw- viding for the introduction ef Local; ~~' G ~~ THI 'I ha distillers and hotel-keepers raisedPres fMnacuesSenn LL U0a ,U a fand cf $250,000 to aid in the datent ef an Establishmnent Knownas the Ross Goverument, that is known.. Buffalo's Seventh Wonder. _must win upon their mewitile sad, Mr. Whitney must'___ merits. The International a nd preteet them f r oim t he If we couid tracs the origin of the dangers et Local Option.llow true iTany things which entas into our daily Dictionary, has won, a this is, oniy time will tel, but the hotel- life we would douhtlass b graatly Our- ~~~~~greatdsicin upn aagetvictory, sud that Mr Whitinstances we uld find that thay had 4 riy wiil make concassions te tham. thair bagiuuing la mare aciet. l its merits and is in' more A heaîkeeper ou a train the other ,otha cassomwa w eof i thtIth î day was talking te a minister. Botlh origiutdi easrk fgnu.l i 0U('stili others we would find that they are general use than any other had oppoed tha Roes Governfmant,0" the direct outgrowth of patiance andXpar- bacausa tee nxuch had been promised to sistance. Iu ethers wa would discever work of its kind in the lte temperance people, and the other,;that semae article which is of constant the minister, because enough had not ,u lotuiasluewskout Enghl1-sh language. epeîe. only the fevz until semae man dacided lu the course of the discussion thte te give what ha knew to e lioe grant A. H. Sayee, LL.D., D.D., of Oxford hotel-man said te bis clerical friand: ibanefit te the whele world. Utûersty EnlaS, as ecntl ~ "Yen nee'in't expeet anything frein The histery et the enigin of propri- eil:I side avluwr;i the Censarvatives 1, with al lte hotel - etary, or as thay are more commouly Sifleuit te couceive of a dictienary more e exhustie nd omloe. veythngls keepers ofOntarioe, entrihuted te a known, patent medicînes, bas in semae in it -not only whatwe migit expeet te campaigu uund te help Ms. Whitney, instances beau paculiar. For instance, find lu snuch a work, but aise what few of with tae p!edge tIsat Local Option weuid a certain tenic witich is dispensed at us weuld ever have thought ef looking ha repealed " ail seda water founitains and is found for. -, That is a pretty defiaite statamant, ms ersig-b huad fpar- A supplement te the new editien hba n d seams te lia authorative, tee." i sons, and which is used ceustantly liy as many brain workers, was origiuated bronht t fliyup u dae. hae-bauj by a Hlarvard professer. t was found lieukIing threngh the latter with afeeling AN ITERESTING TRADE-MARK toalie se baneficial titat titis professer of astonishment at its eompleteness, anS DECISION - aterward determined te pnt il upen the thie amaount ef labor that bas beau put market lu shape for usa by ail whe de- Ower1e tadî,rk a wlîasai sired. The resuit lias beau titat net only FrL _«ATest ln Prononciation," in- witolesale and retail dugsswil l ei sttstneue ihbnftlyams Fýjrie ade-Âinarstd e as duggitsuntold numbers but the professor's structive nuS cr.ieatainingthat the propriators' for hîŽhol fasily Aie ~ et Dvis Pankiler averecntl family is-iu receipt et a large income 1 lustred e pamnphlîet. oferrv ai'aikle iv ety frem the sale. Titere is certaiuly uoth- G. & C.DvME R RIA M CO., n won anoti'er trade-mark intringemant nwrgints.Tepoes c- PUBLSHER. "~- 'they 100k action against the Lig iten- lng roug lneiupis. T ite pofesero NGFILD, ASS.ing Medicine Company, et Rock Island, ferryebnfitlupontankidthe sud h SPRINOPIELO, MAnS. * restrain them tram usine- the word îifwi as srelqnildt ra-ierwr CRESlOLENr ii i io51g -taabt bei anCd ecad rcaý froîî'lic d tn -to0. It creesb .autLar r, d-rd ot-tll]y anltepti lotocrreS avr enCiS -e - S-el or t uebrnS ic ii t rie cvrth f nloge na, cn'utannt . 'rufa ec t f dnc.t n'coughionrono ni U2, the t ,t. Vp- e- mie te o li 't"-' ly dru,.,, tt , Iie. pneul (n r trt of price. C u i x. A va -oeeont. it î- nl -et, s a i Or k f eni- 0 uaend or0 fa A- 233m Ei. Jan tP.,ý ing fselic,cre were a Snsstîlon- sud aae- so Tisera wlp Ctisa t%î(il tiSeS te hinga es ltera aleaxys W;11 be liteathesaot vioboughl vot essui tlis(,se vhs l li titei, toeailupower sud tq- e who wauadtole . Tiare wereeciarges tmd euar-chargcs, axposurea ale ivera -sters big anti graters uittile t i-re wnnaiera EewhecrieS 'Grafýli Grf! Tiet! Tifiot'lulte laco< ilage of ttcm-'i listand t t 'ko actaSi lon thc fit ait reaven as tse t o-elaî t ý l Wienan hx pi a2 iaS ln Spd ni- v ~ eerotiti' juf a- 55 haveliter 11--aai, rienlû nnn cJ to oes o fnaiete~u Scîmale, i-utS la la recogîizad as a pro- gressive sud publia-spiriled citizen. Mauy attacks lava beau maSe upea paient niedicines et laIe. Fer soe reasea certain passons lava fait tlîam- salves celleS upen te decry lIais use, te lhrow doulit upen tliai efficacy, te question ltaeis louesty as well as tle loor oet liose w ho bava speal s ut- lime lu pertacting lsem sund makiag thib value kuewn te tisa public. But lu answan er Ilahsa attache au invastiga- tiou xx'ns Pdemandad and il -was provea tua lusse mdicines whicit for uaarlry fryyrslad ýretained!tiseconiec ptlitapblie di have menrt anS liton- I)o' ,nuleri omt o eiei. le-tises htd sent the klinde op t-i tii' xvtm-oxvtop, unSd y xiqsos iîes xvetchjtmg tihe t't-x'farraîli muake theis to;lct attîli niiabiout Ils 'i n t ie (tuS tit C lic l x a dressing, autelb-y lit tiuethox xv(,ýe,e oit! ferthlicsraimslixa tu to goSovi t leils. Iiin a tex i Orii,- 't e'- il birdp xvcîe sarltmg, nSett'at, xviile xx impe fittitd itltelie- wexrscseehu euti, aêkig nd situes, toiscusers antijacket xere ihutl' on. i Sonxtiîites tisa birds von, aidfiex I t giy off aftastiteir hreakfast, with. cries et victory,Beoy saiS. Semaý- DR. MACKAi~~~ Vlmes" he won, and vient shoùtingREA ON NQ IO S1 I 'c days i asadsaw, and Bey horud-REA 0%N N0 For the Treatment of art eut sud thcelîlcOs 1fiew off ut thte sa - niWHY YOU SHOULD USE INYT TBut Mrs. Sparrew's clock showad, its face inuthe sky as 11111e arliar A bu ti uLtSE e M.e eaucitday, sud hy oarly spring il _ Lle acntelnttitiP vnsgthlm up se seen th.era was timeU te play outdoors- before scheol, ai 9elic iobaon~ste ivli wiiîetChs-' cuorgetic Sparrows kept Unvarylng Suceess. Onr, ising earlier tnrac(arliet-, just te The City Couneil et Montreal haRs en heat hlmr, [Roy sai 1, lntil ut ]st- dorsed this marvellous dir'covery. The would y ou helieve it?-they got up FinanceConsmitaet fMontrealr6enttl'vYalut fouîr lunlthe'noruino-. voted $500 te defray ltae expeusaetf 0- Then Boy had te give up, hut -it cing lire imadicine luait eh fthîe Oity was about vacation-tinme, andi lie Because It Ns Rellable. Police Stations, as prompt application siS habc515 net cure. Noxt wlnter Semaeona has said "Asingle fact is werth a slip-' et lte Treasment le liad cases will pre-1 he weuld go hy thoir dlock uguin, fn fagmn. vent te aaltiscotiu el ccnrrîng IanS be-at thentuaa ,tee. la fagmn. lu ltaeIls.W No Sanitanîum - is required Tita A few facîs -I introduced this ea te the public Treaimeut eau lie takan ai home No WHAT CAN A 13OY DO? about ten years ago. In tInt short lime the business has special diet requircd 'lito adire te se- This Es wlîat a boy eau So, ha- grown te such proportions tînt we no* occupy the largest formn is simply uccassary and spirits causa boys have denc it.: Ten xvarehouse in Canada, avoidel1 for a fcw days. Ho can rito sa1'oemn. Alexeander -Titis madicina is niow within ltaerancit Pope wrote bis funteus -OSe te Soli- Thus enorm-ous business las been buiît up witlout et ail, tbe priue bat ing beau raduce.d. tInde" vihen ha vies ouly 12 vears extensive adverîîssng. Tite wenderful resulis obiuinod witit old, the worst class et drunkaxds ceming ba - Ho cun write a greanthook. Ha- The merdhants wlso commenced lnndiing Red Rosa fore the Judges of tha Recorders' Courts cauuay wroee is first volume, tire Tea tan years ago are the most enthusiaslic in ils praises ln Quelie sud Montreal warrants lte -lo lc"which took the liter- statemieni ltai tle diseasa of Drunken- ody nos ca 1 eured--eadily aud ïumely - ary world by storini, boloro ho xvustody undar ordinary circumstances sud wiîbthi i5teclis. Temrhnswosl t h epewodiki, the reasouabla desira upon taepart icf Hae au write a successful pla.TLce mar ha ts wldbe sali iti eol wodrnni, an inebriata. John O'Keof(. lte lainons Irisht ac- aefudtniloudereidn Titis treaimant le simpiy lte madicine toi anS pluyw-%right, ux rota a playTh rn1 ReRoeea iscetd everywhere cf te medical profession-teO e - 11hais cen',idcred ceeS to-day. wheu T'lhred, "ad R sTn," i nt e ho ratisasleilamiisraio.ho- wss enly 15. as n guarantea of ti î-et-ulîy n hs h ret s a toitsadmnisraton.He' can becon'e fumonus. Chi-les dîrink il are ils lest advertisers. Dr. MNaekav's discoery is the resut Dicken diS his " Sketches bv Bez" e1 ü25 ,cavrs et practice as a spaciaiiet as I htbud owsIl2 i s o-co yu red bu expert. Ile is a inamber efthlie Collage s e wl ia eoeh is2 i s eao'u rad bu l et Pnysicians sud Surgeons et tise anme s lown te aIl the w'orld. iProvince et Quebec Ha cat i 'make bis mnark" se well T. H., ESTABROOKS, St. John, N. B. Tit Gvanmeîcf uesc ttrugthtînt il viiopen his carer. Palmes- BRANCHE~S: TORONTO, WINNIPEG. Tle uGesrdoernm o ubosethrlita ste nEngiuud's gi-est states1nan, ________________ ________________ madicirre for priseners appaariig lunlte nsamr , sooloneuEg Courts la lOOt-Official Reports esiablii li.-h, Frenc-h unS Ituliatha-t are $545; Commlitee ei Cuof l expenses tente. Ameug Its lesdlug articles la 80 ver cent et curas wiîî tîsese caes niodels ef cemposition to-Suy. te Lindaay, re Rail Road Delienînres eue by thte Eari et Ranfurly, entllled Il aueter iet u8rit a 6; Wn. Barton, italsry as Collecter for The World'a Mealt Advanced Govern- M'it1h lte publie sud officiai endossa- foea i s 13. Wllliauî Pitt '515 il.10,$6;JR.MLgiî.s'aya aen;retlurlee leUt lion ans tise record et resuits puhlisitad 10,t6;J .MLuhl.faàya et ra kdrre fteUl lu s unnacessarv te wasle monay ex- + ressurer and dîseoants for 1904 sud 5, States, illuatrated; The Empire ef peietn frhrAlcumnc- APLSI CT- AN $53.40; M. Ch9pan, rabatse o taxes, Rothschild, wlch tegether, wlth five tien priate.800.cemploet atonsand 'l varlely ef other tiensy prihematetrsat lbon Adjurned bl frtMonday la Aprl articles, uake a m st iteresbng numý THBE LEEM1NQ MILES CO., LTD NAonaswthaqxresaAio ai i1 o'clock p. m., ber, Pnice lOo. a month. The Coo- MOINTIEAL, land wito landles ail tise aiples shipped WM. J. EACC, mepollan Ce , Irvinglon-en-the Hud SOLE AGENTS FOR bylte Company Undzr date et Faimu- Tp. 04ork. son, New York. DR. MCKAYS SPCIFI FORary 2eth, Penrl Cean,tle, agent says: N. B.-Tjrutitees ef achools Who have DR.MAKA'SSPEIFO ORCompany's sales are. Kings $5 0e; Spies net aîroady doue se are requested 10 FOR OVER SIXTY YZEARS. TT TTTT Inf11 $4 25; SPI'z $4,25; Bnldxvin's $3 5o;, Rus- forwaràuames et Trusee sud Sec-Trots- III-<II~IH'PJN '~X ets $3.25 frge ondfutGensurar te te Clark l.mmediately. WJ.B Mirs. Wlnslowas Soolhing Syrup han lJ1Ufl~JJ~I1Jk~.Ju ing s net muchinludamand, $3 00 for liest + een useS by millionsetfniothers for _________________________lots No demand for pos fruit. The thiaisdlîdrea while lecthing. If dis- Companyanow las a stone sterage iluurbe atnihh andbroeHABITu Oocoo~y----oooooBlythesweod Court, ample te handle ail A flAPY ER HA IoniesaS yat igcitldsuffbrke ndet y-u Q Q et its business Lt aisolias wheîesaie aud rei gwh painofCtisueng sud csy-n r etiS stoeas at 102 Bathwll strrýeî and 380 ai n wice anet aCultleeof-r, u U NCiByres Rend, Glasgow. 1Large quantitias Gladstoae's PyiinGvsWarn- ai socesud tigels betti etfor il Y O et ~ofapples ara new receit-ed wseS handiad Phyai sic Goian Giverica nlw'noohn krp"fr h1 O 1~~I~IJ7 ~ tQ thie satisfaction et sippers. n gantaGrwnImeîa ren Teelhlng. Il wlll reileve te I)I< N.s'Custom. poor litle suiferas immcdiateiy. De- pend upon il, metiers, there la no CARTWRIGIIT OOIJNCIL. Tise grewing habit amengnsl Amer- mistake about il. Il cures Diarrheea, THE SP.IIOW'S CLOCK.,- bans ef taking a muet tablet or soearagulatas thse stemacit sud bowels, IflddSnet seem 1te ba a very itard BLÂOK5ThOCK, Marei 6,.h, 1905 dishersos called digestive atter aating a curas Wînd Collc, settans the Gum:s,, nînther te pet a certain litt1e brewn n earty meal, 18semelting lisat Sir reducea lInflammatien, sud gives tene euSunSpai e strel tct t lte Réaler meeting ci Council; meai- Andrew Clarke, Ms Gladslene's phy- andi enesgy te the witele systain. Craig housoliold startid moraltmgs.besilpeu;mits -dsd sician advisas strongly ag-ainsi, saying,"s.Wnlx' ohtn yu o They xvcta cvet-ywîera wheu occa dopted. Com munie, tIen front EL P "It lea alslutli dangerous te lak le ochildren teething is pleasant te tise about, but te tari ttorn wasslte Koey.reweigh sosies at Nesiieto'n. tise stomacli, remedias iviicit are vepu- taste und- is lte prescriptien oet ýe ltrouble. U'rom Mr. Spencer, Superîntendeut et iarly supposaS te nid lu tise digestion efthtie oldest aud hast tfemralo hyi Chrstma ,wa o v, uknow, Union S:,atîen, Taoento, ra the et food," cians anti nurses luilec.Uni'lad um~ett~n~s tî0ïiti~îlg tepatferai tation beuweu concsiîons 4 Thora isnolt !iz kuowu te tise science Sae. Pietet-iecmt wa*e up for; se Fatmer Crslg calleS, end 5. Cariwrlggt. In reply Mr. Spcn eof medicine tflat cmn performlte work bote eSb i rgii hugh- Mother Cruig entreated, antid strcen stated that ou acceunt etftitIs point ofet it umnan stomacis. Drugs do net Out lte world. Be sure andi ask for Sue plîtcheti unS llckied ln valu. beog se near ,te Ncsleton, lie roulS uot ans caunot digest lte food Tisay "Ms Winslow's Seetiing Syrup' Bey was uIxvays laie te breakfast, grsu lthe requeat, but wouud oun Equest simply daceaipusa it. Wisat eau lia anuId suabdie ils seat at sciteel:don: ng tle Exhibition pcriod st Toron- more ravoltieg on dis2austing titan lise sprat~~~~~~~ and is-aLisd uais e n ld2ay stop titeir mixe3 train thougîl et takinz soetiting intolise CZARS MANY BEDROOMS. ment, lraving liehind him an equally dNtisai point fer titi pnb'io couvenleoee. sfoodseit havele ong sinsuTh île geederofth Cari spnt an rethes oueol H0a'8 as tl t hat the Camp-ny in- torrdpyen.hv etalaea as e Tiellrd charaestortl Czai niic talfialys~ceee i eltended if possible te give a rauch faster corpin xclIîntue yasoy tS y tmp iliîm off. 'a~~ýrveca te suri froaiLiudeLy cxti!sason. The ostlv wav te overcome indigestie redwh a caion t ot I I-l vis oîy eve yers îti h Freai R. Kincade re weigit sosies ait aad ils cvii affeacts is te ramoeaalli mn- w-a tuclu Mole Crl ,sad Nestieton. talion, congesilon anS inflammationliogtseifueecfaEnii- suri thardlness ivoulet uer Sefer'a Frmr A. A. Powerp, re Separation et frem tisa stemacit, livar sud intestines, h manecpiug s tustati powsillon l bey viho was hardy xvi oulS psowlie o oîîîîtis. tereîy agent is.ail oves tise Wlnler Palace. My friand a hardy nîqu. The C'erk was lastructedte luwrite ta ild ii.inquirad et his guide vilethar, umong Site lsy awche onle tnoraing, thinle- Mn. Spencer at Teronto fer nfornaatlle bna len abci aonieo otites tlîlgs, ha migixî ha avorert iugl aiBu t leeîuhpyoe t the posslblliîy ef secornog a site ahmleyr trace of rritation and wîth a look ut the Czar's bedroom, ilii niit~utBt- orgit wep tfor tisa eretlon of a new sat4ef welgh aiaSdgsiessaasteebut was told hhat hieisti nounl sk wlct eswide rame, nt cales ai Nesbletoui S allen for tise cou- ogn vl xrc feits eSalpartiuau esail îfrn tise gay twitter cf sentre spai-ovis, veniencofethipparls et lire îtock, and tsige emaaoo ii borf nte avesy ilgitîl Ne wondcs thit witicithlld iahely fetunet a soosting- tl5o. pdli.ýia e g5flII7. muscle, steady narres sud a soundlaMjsylsuwfe n lse place je the vines abeve lte iii-- Thse Clark avas instmoeîed bo prepare heaitity body If yen siffer avit head- fe i altl Sexy, s By-iîw te inorase the Bot ui paiS te aches, indigestion, flatuaency, spots be- Sutleeniy sie stefileti s knewlng ruardfes ercectlg wlre tances aleng ta foraeltae cyff, vertige, os' dizziaass, THE BESI 'lONIC. uv-itohlr sinie, public igiway linlshemunic'paIlLy. palpitation et the heant. sleaplessness, Tînt niglit, us sIc vit upthlîg lte Ms. James Byers gave notice ltaIa raysomcttobe at afty et Osdinasy sens buttertnilk is a bat.- hti yn ionShobed, ne longer beavy, ccxl meetinlg et Conneililu April, ho box et Ml-e-na trom Steti & jury ene o etri- onlc, anti is sgi-eut deal ballai- 'but aicrt anti scady for uew inter- worid iatroduce a By-iaw te appoint efos eibl ngfasavts atttodltitan was oeves bIlleS or boxeS esîs, site salel: Patîmastero, feues viewoesasd pound- la tise remedy le sheava by lhii offer t0le pb h hrit rdco.Mil "1101,suppos wo sc if yn dan-keapes foi-1905,ratura lte money -if Mieo-ns doees net u yledatlio oo.M "Ito, sppoe w -ceif ou ari keeerefor190s afat-nes drivas umiles away i e secaa net get up hetter- morttlngs hy Mss. The Clark pald te Treasurer $17,8 lscmil sîtcin docter, te gai a leetîle of pepalu or i'arscxvs dlock ltait by moiler's." ieiteroaslpaid hlm by tise Bank on Rail criS ilver oil, os beet extract. wliea. Thex issu tait ed abîout lte Spairow Road Dabanturesi. On ordes paiS Wm. Mn Et Gale, aSilesof the tUiberne a1tishe saine, Lime ho :s ieeding 10is rainiiî inthlie vinocu.. Ilekin, e Indigent, $2.50; Mcs. Jasen Esrîswsl ouo audyia calves good, riait, nutritions buttas- 'Mrs. Slîat-ox's Uýock!" axcihueS Irvin do, $4; James Ho'mos, fcrr ei Sas The Misses Olamenso, Ceune Se. were milk,' a thousandtilimies bettes fer Roy. 'Whal de yeun îîean, tuotier? nimber for bridges, $67; George Me the isosîses e f wo deligisifl ifà*ernoon hlm Ilîsu the stuifthtie doctes, wili Blas site get a dlock? Wlera Sues Lauglisin, expensee te Port Hlope,, etc. ae îwe. give bien. site Il _1-h1, les doc - The cougregation cf tise Disciple choral _______________ -el py-eýt Gd bý-' top v L; "n. W, cf:,iIpIf-,Rýý alid sf,".fpý -i -1