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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Mar 1905, p. 1

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ana la t £ Il, luAdviance, OuR TowN",AND COtflTy FinOT; Tuxu Wauu> AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES & SON, Proprietors J3OWMAN VILLE, ONTAIJO, WEDNESDAY, MALICH 22, 1905. VOLUME LI No. 12 Impor tations Couch, Johnston & Crvderman have been very busy opening out their Spring Importations, They are now showing the,'contents of scores of cases and bales of hi'gh class goods : Dress Groods, Silks, Dress Trïmmings, Prints, Drills, Sateens auJ a lovely lot of New Wash SGoods of ail ki.nds suîtable for Shirt Waist Suits, 5 Carpets and Curtains The BJGGEST Stock of Carpets of ail kinds as well as the5 finest assortment of Lace Cur tains ever sbown by ourselves or by any.House in Bowmanville. A eyNo Better Value An'ywhere.ýii A vry-choice lot of Tweeds and Worsteds' for Men's Suits.4 * Bowmanville. The Corner Shoe Store' When Doubt Buy our Cclebrated 6tGerm:àan" Sehool Boots1 for your family. They are Guaranteed We stars,1 ready to take back any pair of German Boots shown to have: 1.. E4hoddy heel sîiffners. S SMiddy inside heel pieces. 3. Shoddy inside soles. 4. Cut off Vamps at tce caps. 5. Cammon cotton stiteiig. "German" Boots are neat lu ap- pearanL'6. eywear out any atier boclt lu the market. Tfiey Arne no dearier than man'y i-ýoor boots, hhey ýf "Made in Canada." ~ They are -made in any of four leathere-light ta ileavy. Tey are macle in sizen tg ýt auy boy or girl. c an be bougit only at ruma' f1rni 0rimr -%wrn BverythingNew With a ful liUne of the best Boots, and Rubbers on the Canadian Market. Shoes 1Now Open for, your inspection., It is Uoomy, 1 Eýel Cosey and Splendidly Lighted. lu --SPECIALS-I "Sovereign" Shoes for Men "lQueen Quality"l Shoes for Women «Ilochester" Shoes for Children "Granby" Rubbevs for -41l You arc specially Invited ta aur New Store. Cail and Seo us whether yau buy or nat. Fred. R. - Foly, Opposite The New Post Office, Bowmanville. M f NOT UOINI* TO EDMIONTON. IWieu wo bold tie public that we iu- tend ieavi nz Bowmauvilc for tic wet we meant it but an "Tic beet plans Of mico an' men gang aIt azley "ours is no exception ta tic gen oral ule, so wO are st1lu Bowmanville and expeet ta romnain bore indefinitely. We are making btter photographe uow than over, people say . We have a fine uine a! real oak Ira mon the latent tiing for holding one, twa or more cabinet Photos, Caîl ta lot us show them ta, you. TAIT & Ca., Photographers qppoite new Post Office. 50-t.! CAR» 0F THANKS. As we lbave tic aid stand to enter. our uew store wc take the oppartunity ta thank aur mauy Inonde who have no geuerously beîped us ta buld up a suc- cessal cio business lu Bowmanville. Wo started lu a modeet way four years ago with tic purpose aI dealing fairly, ionestlT and cour teousiy with ail. aud aur large yearlv increases is to us tic ab e vid once liaI our efforts bave bean appneciated. W, have tried Ita make JOHN MAYWOOD. John Maywood of Toronto, Vocal Teacier. han secured tic Assembly Raarn of thee111gh Sehool, Bowmanville, lu which ta teaci Singiug and will boc home evcmy Saturday. Voices lested froe, 4-tf. Visitor:-Mrs. (Dr.) F. C. Trebiicock and daugiler Marjomie with Iriende lu Toronto; Mm C. Pascoe, at home; Mr. and Mm. Chanle Williams with finonde lu Toronto, Mr. Williams being a dele- gate to thc Ciosen Frionde Grand Couneil; Mr. and Mme. C. E. Stewart visited ticir brother Mr. John Meteal, South Darlington; Misses Gorlie and Laura Rauton visited rIonda lu Oshawa - Mr. John Hockin le moving 10 tic Noti Ward. The wall paper seasou je icre and we are better prepanod than ever la supply youm wautn with choiceet deigus aI bottom pnices. Cali early and have fret choico. We aiea have a uew 25e Tea liaI is a leader, W. M. WOTTEN, Genoral Mrciant. iEYES TESTED FREE. *àp RiG is neariy here again and with il camOles That TIRED Feneling --YOU need nat have lb if you will "Iclanse your system 10W, by taking a baIlle of BURDOCK anld SARSAPARIlîî.LLA Il will remove thec impurîties f rom bic blaad. Inereaso your appetite and build up yor whole systeun, Regular $1.00 for 7k~ Thc Druggist and Optician. Bowrnanvillo. AUCTION SALES, TRUmSDAY, Mardi 80-Mm. i. L. Bmowý,n, lot 14, con 6, Damlington, wi!ll s4ol al of his valuiable Iarm stock,implemients, etc. Sale at 1 p. m. See billeý. L. A. W. TOLU, auctioneer. LESKARD. Mr and Mrs. Thos. White sited Mrs. T. White, sr.,lithle, re- centiy .. .. Mr. and Mrs. D M. Iiiings were recent guests of Mr. Wm. (joý1ram Mm. Gamnet Gilban k bas gone ta Osha wa to engage in painting.. .. Mr,, David Gilbank, Tyrone, bas purchasad a fine brood mare Iromn Mr. Dwight rwn.. ...Miss Stephiens, Oshawa, is vstn Miss Ada Truli. ...About 50 perýýsons enjoyed athMr. W.J. Kellý'i Thuk a M.Dwight Brown bas pPV chase1;d a threshing outfit.. .. Mrs.JonT Morris received sevore injutries rib- ing attacked by a rami in tic b;,r ard Wodnesdav last, Stuc WIllb .U ta use lhem leg forio, tm TYRONE. Ail are glad ta hear o! improvement in Mr. A. E. Clemens ox.Reeve and Captain Wm. Farrell who are in Toron- ta General Hospital for surgical treat. ment ... Mm. F. Gý Byamn was delegate ta nome Circie Grand Lodge in Guelph ...Mesrs. Chas. and John Noble had a vory succes8ful sale af farmn stock and implements Thursday l6th, ....Miss Alma Pollard is visiting bier brother Mr. O. S. Pollard, Toronto .._Con gratulations ta Mr. A. W. Annie and bride (nee Miss Addie MeLaughlin second daughter of Councillor John W. McLaughlin) wba were united in the hol-y bonds af matrimany Wednesday 15tb. . .. .Mr. James Storie will remove to the Noble brothems' famm which he bas rented. Mr. W. N. Pasco had a wood bee and oystem supper. . .. Mrs. John VanNent and Mms. M. A. James visited their lather Mr. Jon. Bray, Enfield .... .Mrs. Silas Williams and Miss Annie are vis- iting Nestioton fiends .... Miss T1aylor, Detroit, Mich., le visiting ber brother Mr. Wm. Taylor ....Mrs. S. Shortriûge visiting at Whitby ... . Mr. F. L. Van- Nest han maved framn Toronto -and will engage lu famming bis mothem's f arm.. .Mm. W. C, Werry bas moved on to bis tarin. the Geo Wilbum famm....Mr. Albert and Miss Ida Moore, Raydon, vlsited their sister Mrs EG. Paseoe. -, .Mr. Thos Stainton lost a vainable brood mare by being kicked. . ..Solina Division intend having an aystem suppor for members Friday eyening. The ladjea will serve the cakes ... Mr. Bilas Werry, Enfiold, spent a few days here rocently.... Mr. B. G . Stevens, P. M., bas purchased a new driver. If your blood Is thin and Im- pure, you are miserable ail the time. It ia pure, rich blood that invIgorates, strengtheas, refreshes. You certainly know the medicinc that blngs good heakhto the home, the only medclcne tesed and tried for 60 years. A doctor'. medicine. 'Ioemy lfe, vithout doubt, te etr' sarll,. h i8 the moat wondefel xnSi- bie 1, h word for nranesMy cuêl pmnt, ad 1c no hnkueno b,." Il ' IIIJ i1111111 ~bosides stockicg it with the best liges of5 Ubote ' ioATO. U u II ( DU ii~iI .1 IIV~footlwelar. We extend a cordial invita- A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES,. r o LwIMi tion to the publie to eall and Oec us in Itebing, Blind, Bieeding or Protruding Piles,.IW% onr new quarters whether you buy or Draggists refand monuy if PAZO OINTMENT 4 f ails to cure any case, no matter of how long Vj o On b. AInO~fi.r~ -P* o R FOLY, ives case land rest. 50e.f our druggist hasn't biO ,z£ya m th on te Mucort I& FRED, . OE t send 5çInMstan& tw 1o owre gktv eof . leaPjq»f C)sh w .'nt o r js ppiie thonuew pst-and ains. lx i 6 to C., St.Lote azaVkSM tlv.pfl* TtWN $ HALBOWWANILLE.r i.5I NEW TOWN HALL AND PUBLIC hese two buildings have grown ont oi LIBRARY eavh other, for the disposai of the site of the oid 1Town Hfall to the Govern- ment for a Post Office paved the way We present to our readers this week for the new Town Hall. an illustration of Bowmanville's fine The mandate from the people to the new Municipal Building which was Building Committee of the Couuicil was begun in 1903 and was completed to- to exercise rigid economy in the riew wards theendo1f1904 at acost for the building' for the Town offices and Public building proper of about $15,500 Hall, and the instructions to the Archi- Extras were nlot on the building to a teet selected were to aim at a dignified very great extent. Th6y include to a simplicity rather than ornateembellish- large extent the furnishing not at first ment. The building is designed in a intended to be done until later on but quiet, modern Renaissuance style in brick which citizens advised the council te do. work, a stone Basement stary and a eut For Instance, $1122 was spent lu opera stone ontrance daor-wav with stone chairs. A cheep common chair was at steps leading thereto, -The roof is first spoken of. The ftting of the covered with Canadian siates. Public Library and Reading Boom not The building is seventy-si x feet long at first intended to be done by thean it-oeftwdThbsm t Council, (ost nearlv $200. Oulay for anit-oefe ie hbsmn ent $60, Fitting up new locii-up make contains the police colis, furnace, stor- the greater part of the extras paid age ro om and lavatories. The ground Brock and Pennington. floor contains the Council Boom, Police Court, Public Libmamv and- separate Aniother very big extra was the sew- offices for the principal town officiais, cm to conneet with the post office sewer- viz: Clerk, Treasurer, Collector, Police pipe; freight aud labor made up a large Magistrate and Chief of Police. The suri This was intended as a deferred upper story 18 oecupied entirely by the expenditure, but was donc Blinds anci Pub'lic Hall, (Opera House) Stage and stage fittings, painting scenery, etc. Gallery, together with the staircases Gcst another $100. Levelling the and ante rooms. The Auditorium le gronde drwin eathputting in a fitted with very comfortable op ora chairs nîew pump a fance for protecting the and i4ill seat five bundred. mne Gai. grounds, laying a pavement along the lery will accommodate one bundred and south end to the police office, eost an- fifty. The ceiling of the Hall is loI ty other large sum not at fimet be consider- and it le particularly well lightcd by ed. A grant of $55 to the Superintend- three large windows on each side wall ent, the architeets fees $521.90 and the, The contracte for the work ýw era smaller items of ex penditure that seemns awamed ta local contractors in the insignificant in themsélves but in the persons af: Wmn. Brock-brick- work aggregate amounut to quite a siim-alI and plastering, Andrew Pennington- these together rau the total cost UP to carpentering, slating and painting; W S17,168387. H Dustan-sheet metal; Rice & C.- With the steady growtb of our fair heating and plumbing; Bowfflauville Dominion and its wonderful develop- Electric Lîgbt Co -wiring; Keitb & ment Irom swaddling clothes ta the Fitzslmmons the lighting; Canada power of early manhood, must corne as office Desk Co --the seating. Tbe a natural sequence with progressive Architeet was Mr. J W. Siddall of To-1 people the improvement of the publie ronto. Mr. Le,ýi Morris superintended buildings of our cities and towns and the work. the replacing of those which have out- Congratulations and compliments lived their days of usefulness by build- many have corne ta us from manv ings which are more in accord with the persons for the splendid structure and important position attained by the town the internai arrangement and bright, in the community and the necessities of cheery offices. its business. Travelling troupes say it is oie of This procesof evolution has been the beet opera houses for its size in the operating in Bowmanville and the country. The stage would ha botter citizens have reeently erected on one of for large companies if it were ton leet its principal streets a new Town Hall deeper. but on the wbole notJiing~ but and offices. and the Government has commendation bas reached us. Delay added a new Post Office. We trust in getting the achitect's sketch aI the that these examples will be an incent- building for the illustration is Our ive to business and private entemprîse reason for the late appetimance oI this in the samne direction. To some extent article ANN UAL & 0. E. AT HOXE, Wellington Lodgo, No. 19, Sons aI England Benevaient Sociely,beld an ex- coedîugly pleasant At Homo lu Iheir, handsome lodge room Tuosday evon- ing, March 14. The members witb wives and daugilers weno present aud ail soemed la lhorougily enjoy th.e occasion. Mn. James Deyman, Wothv Past Prosident, accupied lhe chair, ana lu a iapp manner preseuted tic pro. gram. Mies Mildred Grigg. MisNellie Wight aud Mr.H (',WAo.kman rcuderd piano solos; Miss E. E Boacock, Miss Laura Bragg. Mr. Jabez A Allum. (Toronto) aud Mr. Wokman gave vocal solos that wene heartily appreciatod and onconed. Mr. W. J. Berry ecited eplendidly l'Thc Union Jack," and by special roquent, "Tie Polish Boy," and 'dn. RobI. Halmes onletained tiecocm- pauy with a humonaus rcading on a Mouee's Advenlure lu a man's Irausers. Mn. E. Oea. Hart, W. P. P., peened tie objeccS aime and cdaims af tic Onden lu au intelligent and humoraus speech wiich was anc aI tic bits of lie evcuing. Another number warthy o! secial mention wan tic Highland fling by Miss Nellie Gould wio dancod il very uicely and was accompanicd ou lie piano by Miss Gigg A vote o! Ihanks was ae- corded la al wia assisted on the pro- gram, pmaposod lu a suitablo speech by M. A. James, P. D. D.,, econded by Mr W. J. Bragg, D. D. Mr, Allume grade- Iully ackuowlodged tic thankti on ho. hall allihe perlormmrs. Roîresimente, comprieing sandwiches, cakes, pie, etc., wero served. Delicious hot cofiee (Chase Messrs. Çawkcr & Tait with tic prompt and willingservice allihe waiters helped ail ta spend a mont cujoyable nd S-ocial avenncunder the auspices o! the loyal sno ! ngland. Wc cannaI have loa manv lodge functions oI Ibis eharacler, May those wh o partlclpated. THERE'S NO BETTER F00». For aIl tian Clark's doudcous Park and Boans- plain, wlth Chili or Tamato Sauce. 5 and 10 conl tins, THE BAN» CONCERT, St. Patrick's Day was layally colo- bratol lu Bowmanvillo bn a grand concert givon under tic auspices o! the Durharn Rubbem Company Baud,, beld lu tic Opera House Prlday evoning. A full bouse Lerteuted tic aid favorite, Mr. Chas, Kelly, Gucîpb, and is clever dauZiter, Mise Hattie Kelly. Thc Bandemen looked spic and-spau in Ibeir new uniform Tboy played ticapcning numbar o! aci part and pla.Ved weil 100. Thoy bave made commendable advancemont during the win ton Credit le due their enorgotie leader, Mr D, Mominon and ticir own untiming efforts for tic progrons shown. Being St. Pat- ricks nigil Mm. Kelly sang several Irish selectiaun and responded froely ta tic encore whici fallowed overv number. Tic mandolin solos by Miss Ktelly were tic featuneofaItic evcning, being gneatlv oujoyed and praieedby ail. Tie mand- olin and guitar duels by Miss aud Mr Kelly caplivatod tie audience who gave tiem tic closent attention and heartient applauseo ouaci appoarauce. Aiea tic guitar colos by Mm. Kelly and tic piano solo by Mine Kelly gave ovidence that tiey bave l noue o! their former ekili and power lu baudling tiese iustrum ente. Eddie Piggott, tic bamitone comedian, of Toronto, eutertalned tic audience witi humorous selectiaus aud 1n dàiff"e-r routi i'i c-hanraetorand was rc-c>lled- afler e' eh nunuàber. Miss iaibel A. Tait, F. T. Coll. M , tie talonted accompaniet played Ion Mr. Pîgoîl. The Baud fbols higbly pleased aven lie iearty response and gênerons altendance et themr fir8t concert. JMR. BEITH'S HACKNEY SALE. WItDNESDAY, MAR.CH 29, 1905, Mm. Robert Beiti's -reat uumeserved auction sale of 5u thorobmed Hackney stallions, mares, filles and other carri- age horses will hring to Bowmanville bosemen Imam many UuitedStatcs and leading homeemen of Canada. A speclal car will ho run from Toronto ieaving at 9 a. m, It will ho tic gresstest sale ever beld lu Canada lu this respect that I86C,000 ta $75,000 worth of 1Hac!kuoy wore nover belare offered at any sale, owned by one man. Mm. Beithi lspend. ing over a thousand dollars lu catalog. ues, advemtising and otier expenses for tuis sale. Sa that there shah hoc no in- terruption in case of unlavarablo weati' or, hoe bas rented a tremendously large tout in Toronto under wbich ta couduet the sale. Referlng to tuis sale The Breeder'm Gazette of Chicago, anc of tic beet stock j urn ais published. says oditorially: Roýbert Biti wilI disperse is great 1-ac1kney stnd at auction on Wcdnesday Marci 29 The vendue will ho held au Wavorley Stables, Bowmanville, Ont. arlo. and soma 50 head of high-clane, ilarkneve wiIl go under tic hammer. Ticre will ho included tic champians, grand ebampions and'resomves at St. Louis and Chicago, Mr. Beiti states tiat Ibis le the best collection oI prize.. winninz Hackueys of tic breed luArn-. erien. It should ho rememberod Ihat Mr Be-iti bas beeu a mont iutrepld showrnau for many yeams. No gamoe bas beau too big for hlm ta fly at. He has sent hie hanSs 10 ail tic largest shows, met ail corners, and won many most important victorien. Asa breeder hoe bas won equal success and ho basi furnislhed foundation stock ta manv larme whici as bred on and pmoduced pize-winnoms af thc iigbest ordor. Mr. Beith's conuectian witb tie breoders af pedigmeed Haekneys Iu England bas been ca close for many yoamn liaI ha has been able 10 import animais of tic very higet dace and best beoding and among lihe mares and stallions wilI ho fouud corne eal plumc. We hope West Durhamn farmems will ual allow ail of tiose suporior Hackn8yn ta go away fmom tic counî-y. Now tiaI the Hackney les s popular for cingle drivers, carniage tcams and genoral purposes, a few af tiee hould bo kept lu the couuty. Tic Beeder's Gazette statod editor- ially reccntly tbat had Amenicans fromt tic begining doyoted Ilicir timo and attention to bnecding for caaching and, canniage qualities instead aI for speed and roadater qualition tbey wauld now, have as perfect ieavy leather hanses an they have standard-brode. Il a horse show in (as 1 bollevo le ticý case> ta teach us wiat ste cbcd type of borne for certain purposes-Ifor carry.. ing or dawing human weigbt, for in- stance-tien wiy nat accept tie win-- noms aI theno shows as the hanses for tie womk in which ithey won. For twa yoars at alil hase cilles tie Hackneys have demonetrated thoir superiority aven ail breeds for heavy leather uses. You have stated tint the time bas came and ta romain foroyer when the hanse aI boue, substance, width, weight, action and boauty hag cornpletely-aver- wie'med tic harse ligit a!flank and boue, slab-sided and agged-hipped. witbout action, style on beauty, ored anly fum specd. For al i eavy Icather purpases the llackuey bas sufficient size, power and action. H1e le tic mont beautilul o! ail barness bornes, and If tic ieavy loather borne ia ta ho used lu elties and~ parks only tic Uac7Kney has also sufficient stamina, DEATB 0F MR. GONANT. Mr. Thon Canant died, aged 63, Mar. 14 at IlBouna Vista," tic family reeid. ence, souti of Oshawa, alter a sorte- what pmotmacted ilînese. Deceased was descended Imom Rager Conant, who came ta Canaea Iromn Massachussets ln 1786 Mm. Canant was of U. E. Loyal- jet stock and enjayod thc distinction ot being the largeet land-owner in the section. I1e was muci givan ta travol, ho tmavelled tic continent aver. made noverai tripe ta Europe, and went once amound the world Ho was, an author of mepute, bis pen iaving givený ta the world "lUpper Canada Sketches", and -Life lu Uppor Canada", bath o! whleh valumecs have attained a large circulation. Mm. Canant is sumvived by bis widow, anc sur-. Gardon D , a student of Toronto University, andl four daughters-Mrs. F. G Brethour, Toronto; Mme H. B. Mi ors, Bar-rie; Mrs. T. E Baker, Oshawa; and Miss Edna at homne Mm. Con ant is maurued as a devoted iusband and indulgent parent; lu religin a Metbodist, lit polities a 111e Ion g Lihera I. Thc Editor aI Tutu SIATESMAN anj ayed the f riendship o! deceased and Ioe luintic deati of Mm, Conu t that ho-lost a warthy friend, Scrofulai Es verY Often acquredi though gerali iy rffte Bad bygiene, foui r, impur4 water,r mng its causedP., tùbércles" ted where it - aliowed to remain tU*brcu. loss 1 orcosu a pyety sw otk ok eveorv- oe 01 31 u -r BL Ir -L Li 1 la « -L VOLUmE LI No. 12

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