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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1905, p. 4

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-pl t fa, nId ftÔhq Piut a coat of pant on an *l 'ho'use andyou'Il corne pretty~ near to having a new hous," is an old saying that's proven true every day by the elti bouses madie new with THE SHERWIN-WIWAM,43 PAIN7 S. W. P. protects andi beautifies. It's great dnrability, beanty of finish, anti eceoomy, gives satisfaction te the house-owner. It's easy werking qualities, great cevering capacity, honest measure, and strict pnrity, satisfy the demnantis of both painter and bouse-ewner. SOLO DY 1 Hî,,rdna re, Stoves, Tinware, Tinsmitbing, quali.ty the Best. Prices ~the Lowest. rhonie 66. etc.1 Oppoilite Post Offce-. Losing Money on Iirses, 'ThéePGandian Statesman Dominion and ProvinciÏal Pèzrllamenit repo'rts are oin an inside page B iyvs. h short se n, b 1ev. Dr. HEilliswï!i bt, ftouud o n another pageý hieaded- "A Ecuiodation of Truth'" As 1 a, pecial faver ite the editer readl it pleAsiL. B aun versight Iast week a c1ipping froim tLe 0O-hawa Vaictrreflctng o)n 'ur couýnty eoncrllors fer noi, Fonr- er erectt)-n a oiuty hoiteof refuze idpred iluo t.is paper without being so creditKed. W a -dmendorsegany opino sii orÎ;lv , e, - sFd lithas gutter sn-ipe sheet, and di'sagre3 with the entmentet hatpartiulaFr para- grp.Durnam-ncount% !bas ne presting 1need foýr a heus, filrefugZe lu reporting the Epeeeh of Mr. Thos %aker at theqpecial session ofCunis Couiic'i, Cobourg Sentinel-Star ta',s:- "H1e went on te prjvye that the business of the counities ba-!flot been carriad on honesth. and referred te the money that was wvsted lui Cainçbellford bridge There was anothier side te this uestion -we had passed illezal grants ' Frem these ch rges by Coun. Baker and sitailar charges from et bers there seems te be good greund for asking for a Governmeut Commist3ion te investigato said charges. lu two articles in a couuty town pap- er- referriug ti the session e! Ceuntes Couricil last week at Cobourg Finance Minister F. H. Mason ia referred te as Mayor of Bowmanville. Had tbe, rosi Chief Mlagistrate net been present at that meeting, there mig lit bo excuse for the errer. Wo, hope Bowmanville's delegates were net consenting parties te the compromise agreed te. Separ&tv ion -sbfuld have bt'en pusbedl wheli necessity for divorce was se apparenit Soma men soeem tobe easil ' vhumbug-ged Backbone and decided opinions, areciii- dispens-blle quiAlities for public men, A grand cpportunity te secure a mueb desired separation bas been lest THE LATE HENRY ELLIOTT, J. P On March 2oth another of the pieneer settiers cf Darlingten, n the pcrson of Henry Elliitt, seniiJP. passeti away at the advanced lage of 95 ye'irs and 9 menths, being probably the eldest man ln the township Deceased was bora at Eastcet in the parisb of Morwenstew,1 North Cornwall, England, ia the vear 1809. He learned tbe trade cf miller at at Buck's Mili in Deon. and on the 4tb day of M-ZY, 1831 sailed trom Bideford.-in the barque Bolina bound fer Prince Ed- ward Island and Quebec, reaching Bide- ford, P. E, i., on the 5tb june Atter a stop thereof ten days the tidv little craft winch had breught 61 passengers safely from the old land, left for Quebec reach- ing the an'-ient capital ten or twelve daN s later. Mr- Eli'tt and about .300ther pas. sengers camne bh batteaux teo Kingston, thence by steamer te Port Hope. There was ne whai f at Port Hope in those daysi and the passengers were carried ashore by a big boat called the Red Rover own- cd by Jacob Mitchel, an ucde of Dr> Jt ;_ MitcheU. t,,rmrlv ofEnniillen FLOEADRA-8.yrs.,, G. Powiitree fer Ofii3 rf&rs., W. F& Jowell1, Bow- MELODIxY-2 .1rg., brown mare, S. HL Knox, lBnffalo N. Y., $5i5 ResAlns-j r8., L- W. Cochrau, $300, WiLli Y ILT-2 yre, Il. S.,ory, Picton, Ont., t'25. WAVýERILY 1BELLE-I r. H rry tes, Buffalo, S'225. WAvRRLaSY QITE£N-1 yeari, W. Lý. Cochbran, $105, WILD CLOVER-I ýr., W. L. Cochran,, Yates, Buffalo, $380 1WAVTuIrLY WINNIEsi-7 3'rs., Thos Graham, Clarement, Ont., $275. CeýQUxEr-7 yrs,, Dr. H. A. Bruce, Toronto, 1250 PîcKwica andi WAVERLEY I KATE- matcheti pair, 4 and 5 à râ., respectively, J. A. Tappan, New York'Citv, for James Stiliman, President National Ou Co., New York, 86'-0. MÂD8yrs., satdi e mare, Geo. A RoIston. Port Hope, $170. os-5yrs., carniage mare by Muckie Wilkes, S. H. lteynolde,' Bow. manille, $185 i ERAEF-6 ýrs., carriage mare by Prince c f Erie, Barry Yatus, Buffalo, $260., NOlïGi-4 yrs., bay gelding, Crow & Murray,,'1'oronto, $340. BEssîn-5 yrs., chestut mare byý Squire Riok.eli, J .8. Walk or, Clarksville, Mo., $310. IAGos-8 ýrs , thoro-bred< mare, E. T. Gay, Attica, N. Y., $130. FLIRT- 2yrs.. chestnut fihly by Aiarm, Thos. Cowan, Oroàn, $85. LADY ETHIEL-4 yrs., grey ponv by 'Squire Rickell, J. A. Tappan, New York, $250. TEE PPrr-2 Vrs,, bav pony mare, sire Alarm, W. G Chisholm, Belleville, Ont, $310o. I7AM O'SHNTERa-1 ye&r baV pony stallioni by Sm', bItt Performor, Abel Scott, Bowmanville, $100. Toi'sy SwELL-3 Nrs, mare, J, T. Wallier, Clarksville, Mo., SL40 MAGGEI MAY-4 rs , rean mare, W. L.Cechran, $180. RIOEL'Sllrniss8 ,r ,A H. Goti. frey, New York City, $630. ZARiF.&-aged mare, W. C. Jav, $e0. ALTiionpE CouNmss-aged mn a r e, Telter Bros., Milton, $225. Ray Gelding, 6 yrs., John Macdionaldi & Co., Toronto, $177 50, per T. Roîston Bay CDb, W. G. Glever, $125. NoT.ES. Priscilla the Grand Champion mare la a prime favorite with our citizons who are glati that she bas talion into sucb gooti handis and romains in Canada. She was bougbt by Dr. H A. Bruce of To-ente andi will we trust Win many mnore high bonors in the show ring. Mr. Beith rot nsèd *0 bld in or'have -lAVE YOL E5M --ne of the lai EInglisi 8/4 Bleached qualitv, fi-ne and h 9/4 Bleacheti S quality, per y d.*'* (Obeaper SMen's Work Lots of Cloth ii S sewed andi mado S will stand rougli u Boysy 2 Boys' 2 pioeeS inucu ouon gon urn gito #r Tweeds and of euly sucb geod fabries that will stand the rough usuage that every bey gives te bis elothes. yle o Eiprs~Fine Fofotwear shown at Mcà1urtry's. RELLA waI be deli9ed of Mh new fabric. atest of SCreations 1Twill Sheetings extra heavy per d... 35e 1Twill Sheeting, flnest ..........450 LUnes, in stock.) king Shirts 50c in thc-se- shirts, strongly, Sup eut e! a cloth that usage. piece Suits Suits lu sizes 23 te z3 rrIestley s Estrei la Cloth A Dainty sof t clinging mnaterial of Silk and Wool similar to an Eolienne. The newvest of Priestley's many popular eloths.- At this store in N-Lavys,Brn, Black and in Peairl Grey. per yd..$ .0 Tapestry Table Covers 8/4 Covers in different shades of green, and red grounds with -ptetty scroil patterns, special value on thèse Import gyoods. Prices each..... .......... $1.50 &ndt $2.00. Ladies' Pure Linen H.,S. Hdkfs, 5c and 10e. INew Lace Curtains, 50c to $4.00 pair. From the Miii to McMur'try's% White Spreads direct from Englanti te our store we save you middlemen's profit. Heneyeemb Quilts ...... 81.00, $1.25, $150. Mar8oilles .......... $1.50, $2.GO, $2.50 up. Véry Special Values. Table Linens Anether shipment of Our lleted gooti value linens reacbed tbe store this week. Speeial values at 25e, 35c, 50e, 69c, te $125, Boys' 3 piece Suits Boys' 3 piece Suits, sizes 28 te 33 out just like the M eu's Suits. A new and large range just in of most stylish pattern tweeds. Buy the young man bis Spring It s agenralteue ati ppeize, gvesa fue losy v len i Charze ofrte at ae Senator anti-,every golti moëdal oôn Hacknos bt I It s agenraltone ad apeize, gvesa fne l Il y Simpson, the late James McClellanbei . on. ceat, bardons the muscles and. places the anîmals in the -an employee at the samo time. Th o- hdei t ergrtei best u uondJit îcài'n forard work. 1h cos s25 ets P ur -p-ounu. ~lu,- vçg yer L.ili ot urchse apr-,lSt 1i !l~ I.C 1~ u rtrv. Our Ne\ý Paper fi Are se attractive and specially iesire your earli eacb or only eue ron, ar interested !ri beaultiful an( alto prvdtte Most cc Paes.Every pattern inatteor Io0W Low the pricE 'w BIG 20 Iookstorel the township, muaicipal parlisament ws -H movedtot Hampton when Mr Elliott 'was N apone treasurer which office he held ai *fer 48 years, anti un bis resignation his NO e son was appointed. Ho was appointed- Roi M W El 1 t justice et the, Peace, anti for many y ears-1 asWaII as with the lreAnthony Wasli,112ce mig inbetore them la i a r~. lie g ws ifc.beng Refermer He 90( SD r&Y etcoe considerable intercat in the Upper 8a SCanada Bb!e Society anti for some years Out 905 .- was the eltiest officiai et that institution cha in Canada H1e becanse a member o! the Pcr late Bible Christian chnrch seen after loiq à offer sucb a. variety of chexce that we moveiag te Darlington anti was a liberal kni supporter o! the sanie. His bouse was01: ýy -0sit whether yen propose decorating always a home for the early missionaries Oa:i nd tcqually welcome if yen are merelyý antiministers. When the unionwascon- eoO smateti ho joined heartily in the move- har Ai progressive ideas in Paper Rangings.: ment anti continueti a faithiful member of *th e M ethodist churcb of which hoe was a tregular attendant as long as his strength woulti permit. His illness was of short s -H ome Elegance! duration being confinedt te is bed but a thii lis se îargely a question fcw days wben hie quietly sank te the rest imc : hica rcmaineth for the people of Ged mi of Wall Paper that ùio bouse- * Fîve. chiltiren sur%-ive being Henry. Nc boîiershuldaiLs.eonido tThomas anti Mrs Katerson residing at j_ the dims tae strliugly4 FHaifn. J-ames at BôWmauàv le, and e the laiisof he .,ýr1kng * John at Toronto A T Elliott, druggist thtj bantisome patternss ecured. by at Fort Erie anti Dr. J, H-. Ellîott Of the thai SSanitariurn, G.raveahurst, are grandisons C usths eaen *The f uneral whichi was largely atteaded ti, enotwitlstaýnding almsost impassablestate tbo But while preparedti t of the roads, took place on Mairch 231-da the emati or lg e from the resi,'dence ef bis son Hl Elliot,t meet th ,dear orhih whero he had i-adü his home fer the ye elas Syl an Dsig adb. iast few yea-rs A service was helt iniO- 4th e church whlen an address was givenq Modern Color>Effect, we hlave by Rev. Jesse W hitlock ot Toronto. who T ~mpet rageof owr Gad ~was a shipmlate witbh deceased frons Er-g- and 0fle, rg e anti Attracdve e jand to prince Edwvýrd Is!ai 4 vees a on hew Molest te e ign . Atati ý ago, Inter pastor of lHampton congre a- e ýe o howMolet ttiDen Rev F. T. Aniderson the presentvo *pastor, and Revs. WV- R 1ech d On' 2joillife, o'ti frients, assisteti at tche ser: en vice Trhe romains were interreti lathe T i- iienforer bbleChristian cemetory Wheside 9 Ihîs late wife. The paili earers *iere Bowna.nvîrie, Onit. Eî_WaTdHati J. Y. Col Etwaxu CI Tr... ,T r n o thî eseph and eKrlk 1 j iakney herse,4 anti secured for the lova Scotia Governamentlà Experiment- 1Farm alt Truro, N. S., the splendid Oung- 3 vear olti Hacknev gtallion Cliffe ,sador, impnrteti last year bh Mn. eith te complo3te his World's Pair ntinDznD anti he won at St, Louis,- îiaoanti Toronto. Be is a groat, 'ofewith local hoprsemen being a od upstanding herse with lots oI sub. xnce anti fine quality. Ho 'is turning ut te bo a moyen ot the most son8a.tienal îaracter anti gives promise, se bis im-2 rter, says,ot becomlng one ef America's zing show herses. Whilo ho was neeketi down te Prof. Cumming,3 ,for 111Y $ 1050, Mn Beith consitioroti- bi sily worth doub!e that figure. We caM.,er this herse oeeof the biggest nrgainrs of thîs sale. SPECIAL TRAINING. Spýci&l preparation for tioing some 1 119 anti doing tbom weil, shoulti be Iciltid in the training et evoery yeung in or *emani. ýo preparatory wonk is botter designoti .monre effeutive-in-enabling Young 3plo to makre a Euccestul start in lite tn that given fnom termte tenm in Lt peer et training scoels, the antral Buisiness, Colleeto Toronto is a wvell equippeti, Weil onganizei,- >roughly mnnoti antiefficient ischool, ~gîves the ,up.lift t temore iban ~Illahndred yeunýig peoplo evory aby prevding juat siich cour"seg as ,,ry ene sohûulti pursue. T'he Spnin -- Terma begar ni on pil Srd,, it S.tudonts mav nowyt enter any day, id continue worh te enti et anv e ourse soç.There are ne vacations. A v hantsome atalogue is sent biy the ineipal, MNr. W. B1. Shaw, Toronto, rectoipt of a pstal rquost. EVER TrRIED CLARK'S? Clarlc's delicieus Pork. anti Boans ? not, ýUy a tin-tlhev are ai rigbt. Olak, fr.Monrea. WooD ON LEAVING FoR, LONDON, ONT Great coriilitv marketi the proceeti- ebvSYra udd.asl o inga turing tlse fareweil suppertendereti choice potatees-2 varietios, would make te Mr. William H. Greenweod on Satur a fine change ef seoti. Special pricos in day evening. on tho occasion etf bis large lots. Stereti in 'fruit collars in dopanture for London as mauaging rear of Big 20. editer of The London Froe Pr-oss. A large number cf repreeentativos et the 1117MiUM city press anti kindreti interesta were,M M 1A associatet inl the compliment te Mr. i BOWMAN VI;,LE. Gnreenwoed witb the staff ef The Toron- j te Wenid, with whieh rapen ho bas been connecteti for sevn s ursan. As news editer for the iast tow years, Mn. Green- woed bas beceme widely kuewn as ee-F a nal et newspaper men. The inany adi- dresses matie turing thoe evening al tostifledt t the great estoom ini wbicbho had beon hoiti by bis cenfreres anti the vory friencily n& ations that ho sustainoti with evieryone with wbom hoe carne ili eoutaet, The Wenld staff presontoti Mr. Greewoodwith a h;ndsoeue case e!i solidisfiver The Toronte lresLiub,- ef rhiehois Vice-President. gave bis a gold blocket, anti Char articles were pre-sottihy frieudset the pross. Mr.a' ~Greonwood- un4erta]cea blnew-dutieýs- --Speelel- Bargaiu&- offere-i- It immrediately, and ha.q o- y te realize the linos o! Fancy Gootis.? expectations of bi6 frieuçis t0 achieve tihe utmost s p eces s-dys Teronteo o ai~eey orsetec Globe.Fo aiacoycrepn ne Etiltor Grewo s a Whitby boy- yen want-te useý the7proper thini-k andi is son-iu-law o! c our erty towns- ln note paper anti envelopes. My imnan, Mn. W, W%. Ta mbI,ýi), M.ý A. Hiis 'rieutis bore iuite luevýery goti wisb vanlety of ovorythîng lu this lno for bis sueceas in his;' e jour-alistie is great, anti prices right. apherà Bowmanvî1le, Otaio -PUMPMA R- cigterns ani Wells Cloan- ed ami Dug. The, uew books obtaineti as tae are pu blisheti. A special liue See xnyLeader iFraiuedi011 p, Trbcock, =-bu_. MUU agia, or ioHnsAL5 DONAJLD 0. M. GALBRAITH. narrîster, Soiitor. Netary public, Private and 0opn eest a tl au,nt ates. 00Agent 1-' rTite Midland ] ant. .avt. Copany. Officeeopposite j Marty'1 tre. King, S. Bowmanville mileffrom cenltre Of WbtbY Town..ex" fol both ,raiajï nti Stck-13o acres. mani the Pr'ovincial Pr! 'ia wmng Short*bornfi beau raiseti on tht, farta. Geod buiil orchard, etc. Objeet hou sdiing te dividea. taIe. A;,ply to MISs J. S. Ta:ntsoN orD» MCGîIrr.IVRAY Wbiiby, ont., B.J.Hazle0wood, M.D., ,: Office and Itesdence uext Door tu ex 45 WoI Wa ntt; T IHE Undersignedla prepaird t 8s.A0 e higest pnice for fi divereti at tihe Camnbran Woeo i n-1 ton. - - - D. 'PA YLR T HE EARMO-Y _m À r QUARTETTE; g F. H FOST, A. je, NoL AUfMAJL H. J, NIGIIT, W., J.,SItMi Engage e!r Conceýrt/ _ T81,nnlvensrie-,anld 0ther nt t4lument$3. Will pro vid( e bl t prOgrM if deslred. Termwde a Atidresq aUl o0muications t- MaDnr ad oucr S5prinq is IHere' With ber warm sun and twittering bir s and Spring suit.s ,wlii]sDorî b3 the order of the day. What more titting thon than te go and bo pbotographed when yen are loeidng your best. Why not drop in oeeof these Spring days at Tait's & Co's Studio, opposite the New Post Office, whore v ou eau be sure et a good Ilkeness, satisfactory work and righit pi- ceS. When the day is very brigh t we, sbut eut senie of the light and when duil we Jet more light in on our subieut se you see that any day will do-Children's photos are a spee.'ilt with us, Bring a7ong the littie eues. Opposite New Post office. F0 &C 1~ -a ~**WV'VVVV~' ' ~LYWYVWV'VVV~

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