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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1905, p. 6

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1ý a chariz to It is ý«jffl«* E e.-Qý the liut,ý, W 3 >eee9,ý'. *e sent to the luble %%!th a del- y POOr h0USf,1keCýpe-r can spoil the liest tca in the ýnajujn_, ut dâ b icate ýissuû papùr fI il!, arouiid . the t'ho 10est h0usekeeper cantiot make a SaËsfactory cup of tea from b If \-ou have bo'*!,,d a hani to makè a poor leaf. Tae, use of WELLS, A sandwiches, bc rý1rof1iI 'lot to eut it Ut ujýli1 it is, RICHARDSON a rnuý,1 'have hc shai-pu-t and Mil ROVED'HUTTER f1c)r jdeal i'esijlUý, th(-, hani ý-houl(1 be aved, rathur Ibar. ,ul, in slices. jiuciu are soine. poopIc who Gives tha True Golden June Tirit that Guarantees Prize Buttep."e L bruad ,,, i' - 11 a good thick slices of Tb.e Laegest and Best Cpeai--ierles and Dairles In the WOI slice of ham hotween, bui there arc A HAM. others who anpr(ýcjzite ;i dairoy sand- It is nut a1wuys an easy inatter wich carefuIIý, niide. bî ead for LOCK FOR THE DAMOELMI TRADE MARK. BEYIARE 01" v TITUT3 AND Il Ceylon tea is an assurance that YÇ)UC skili I'vill Lot be wasted en for an inexpericiced cook to boil a such an one should bc hoine-made, Sold oniy in sealed lead packets-Black, Mixed, and Green '. 1 d0ilerit is not in the least ragged twenty-four hours' - old. Itshould lie (for or s iiigy, and will eut to excel eut very thin, so that the whole f apan tea users), 2 5c. ) 30c- e 40c- s Soc. , 6oc., or Soc. per lb. lent , 1 ý111vantage. Neitber is it possible to bread, butter and bain, together is p poor material. Every package guaranteed. hum so that, while perfectly well baked in small, IoLg tins, and about FOR SALE BY ALL LEAIPING GROCERS forinulate an infaflible rule for the not thicker than an ordinery slice of Application to coüking. Some cookn weigh the hum bread. Then it should bc carefully -Y oor L1ýf0I ý1ý11 and putting it into cold water, wait spread with good butter, wbich must y YOUNG until it boils, and then time it flf- net bc hard, bueshould net lie ac- Fashion *1? well up in the bed, and then Putting teen or twenty minutes for each tually nielting. Cover one slice of OTICE IS IIER] the bread'with the bain, lay another gond, substantial pillow or bolster Pound. But even this rule sometinies RV_%LKS N pplieation wili be Ili fails, for the bain inay cook over it, and press down. Cut the ation 0'f'the town of Bowi well paoked underneath theni. more lature of the Province time, of course, the patient wearies quickly under certain conditions than slice across, corrierways. It is not te alk D00<>0000<>O<>O<X>ý 8ýs«ion for ail Act: of this position, then the support others. iiecessary to remove the crusts, i çr 1. Te validate and con should bc withdrawn and fresh re- But in case the bain must bc boil- the bread is home-made, riot stale, COOKIN' TITINGS. being a by-law intituled lief is afforded. Týis would alsû ed, it is well to piunge it in cold and eut thin. If the sandwiches are give great comfort to people partly water enough-to cover it well, bring going on a picnicý or for a lunch, -BELTS HATS, GOWNS. When iliy mother's cookîn' things 1,By-law of the Corpor Bowniauville authorl2 Yqu bet I never vrait to leau The Durban paraly'Zed. it g-tly to a boil, and then cook it where they will have to bc kept some Even the leather belts are on gîr- To Puf-away my hall er gun- Liniited $15,W0,00 and OV ï,-, slowlY, being sure that it never gets time before eating, wrap each one in (lie lines. They dip in front and of- the purposes of the sal The. practice oî cnnsuming more ITEALTII, HINTS off the boil, but lièing equally careful a bit of waxed paper, and put fhem I drop 'cru where they are an' run ten are held in the back with a large Fer fear l'Il bc too late. 2. Te validate end coni fi-ýù,d than is for t'bc rýllll*_i at no time to let iÎ l3oil furjously. in a tin or air-tight box. Yeu can buckle. The most exciting kind o' ganie being a by-law Intituled tion oï the booV ;s a very )Id ()ne. lilliousness will gererally Yicldl to Twenty , minutes for each Pound, vary these by pýuttin& a thin crisp Burned, painted and colored leath- fi-ne purgative. coo lettuce leaf in with the bain and Er toy, er storybook. ,By-la* of the Corpoi ked according to these directions, ers are pressed into service for belts, L le BOWIÏlqnville authori fi " ý oIdýqý to Iliplioccales, 1 J'imples are caused by an unhealthy shoul(r bring the bain out in good adding to- eaclh a half a teaspoon- t 'ern go, an,' iiever mind, to exeharg e the îndeb abolit Ioui, 11111i(11,(ýd ' ý ,,, bc-fore ,>,,Iàditioii of the blood. A mild aper- conditioin. MI of mayonnaise dressing; or you and these saine leathers are used foi' The very minute that I firid hani Rubber Company Ille o1ilission OF Ïý-,1t and healthy, living soon banish- But a housekeeper, who lias ha d can nse the dressing without the let- collars, waistcoat, lines, cuffs, etc., My mothers goin' to Cook. te thern te a bonus of 0 t1ý,at, lias ýu1jt - upon motoring costumes. by a mortga es them. trouble with boiling bains, says she tuce- ShaPell belts of colored leathers- machinei7y.,Fe on Its l1ý, hiýýotiie popiilar in iiý,iny Places.. Ilay'-fever will soinetimes PrOve will Dever boil another. She bas When niy mother's cookin' things, l'he bal n11idiw,ýs of overeating is tan, blue, red or greeu-are trimnied 3. To eonfer such rights amenable to the inhalation of cae- been exPerimenting and bas come to Pr'aps Ws pies te bake, said Corporatlon as rng,ý 110, ý0 ïnilch in lhe bolic acid vapor, or snuff- conti i CIIOICE RECIPES. with two narrow bands of patent Er doughiiuts bobbin' up an' down advîtrtigeowi to enable t -lng the pai-àdo'xical conclusion that '-a leather. The bâts are pointed at In boilin' 9' t!ýr(_ -wn iipni) tho digestivu organsas cocaine or opium, boiled bain is best baked. She uses Füied banarias-Cut balf a dozen the back.' rease till' they are t6carry (jot the intent Jn the of an excessive Rickets in children is invariably first of 'all care in th brown, and for o1ht r parpoees. po* e selection of bananas into halves lengthwise, Linen tailored suits are very man- SIMPS(îX & BLAI dEý0iio1ýý matter which caused by the little ores having been Er p'r'aps ît's Joh.hnny r cake. 1n,1ý bcclo'l'e 1iligýýrous to life if re- the hani, which nhe is going to cook. strew some caster sugar over, diP nish and severe. The mosi, denirable whatever kind of thing it is, of the town 0 fed upon sloppy and unnatural arti- Next shé trims off the enter skin in a rich batter and fry in very hot model at prescrit bas a long coat 1 always like to hook sohettors for in ili', system. The poisons cles of dict. Feed your children 11vo- and the back with a sharp knife. butter for four or five minutes. Dish very loose and buggy, with revers The biggest Piece of dough 1 can aro proihic,ýd either by decomposition pérly; it will rever have rickets. Then she makes a biscuit dough uP, and stew a little cochineal sugar lin Dated at Bowmanville, M Of tiie qii,(Iigested food or through Bleeding at the nose can often lie which will bc large enough when over. and collar of colored en, blue. An' bake it in a patty.-pan, (144octivr- Irausformation within the stopped if the patient stands with table- mauve or green. When nie an' mother cook. organ" and tissues. rolled out to the thickriess of about Duteh Sauce-Put three The roft satins with cashnierc -Burges Johnson. are the products of arms upraised for some time. The an inch completely to envelope the sPoonfuls of vvater and thrce Of backs in white or colors are being application of ice to the spipe is bain. 'J'bis dough is rolled out, and vinegar into a sancepan and thicken and silky lie je. iý(,Uontnolillg animal foëd: ment, eggs, used for a liumber of the iiew blouses look at bis Iovely also very often effective in stopping the bani laid on it. The edges are it with the yolk of one egg. 31ake for spring wear, These wash exceed- THE FlNDING OF TIMOLEEN. bis blue ribbon!" and ý!w1l-fish; and since the kidneys the trouble. wetted, folded , over, and carefully it quitc hot but do not let it boil. ingly well, and have very reliable arc ciigaged more than other organs Quinsy shoiild, immediately its pinched together, so that there is Squeeze in the juice of half a lemon wearing qualities. -I am sure this ir the most dread- -Perhaps we shall ýn the removal of this class of pois- présence is suspected, lie treated net any possible way for the steani and strain through a sieve. ful birthday any . little girl ever naine upon the col' Ilie first indication of serions with: Salicine and chlorate of potash to escape. Fer simple gowns there is a reviv- Judith. -Keep still 'r, had!- said Mildred, as she and Aunt rachins, guaiacurn mixture, Then the ham is laid in a Apple rolly-polly is a very good al of interest in the sailor let me sec. j', 4 1 aro often found in themý each 2ý1 Il baking dish for a family when apples are _-waist. 1, , The plaited skirt and the sailor Judith stood before the stove in a But the collar bol permanent organie diseases 13 ounces. A dessert-spOOlIfILII every pan and put into a moderately hot getting scarceý Make a light suet waist combiDe excellently, ai-id the dingy little station fur avvay in word, lias beun produced, however, there two hours for an adult, a teaspooii- oven. It is baked for three heurs, crust and roll it out thin. Lay tvVo niake up an easy and yet stylish Britinh Columbia. ave, generally*repeated evidences of ful for a eliifd. care being taken to keep the heat thidkly on this slices of raw apple. for the country or for informal wear. The train had been three h Mildred was danci Poisoning of the system in the forni Dog bites should, in every case, bc uniforni. At the end of that tinie it Scatter over this a little grated late. It was past eleven, and pour- of indigestion, headache, vertigo, first of ail thoroughly cleansed in The ready-made c( -ert coats show come to Le rny bi: lis taken out, stripped of its cover of lemon peel. 'Roll, tic in a cloth ý iný in torrents. "m's Timoleen, darling, rieuralgie pains, rheumatism, gout, numerolis collarless ileck finisbes, but said she, hot water, the bleeding being en- biscuit dough, which bas become wrung out in boiling water and the smartest coat of this type bas Can you get us a carriage?- ask- She fed hini -,vith ori an irnletinite sense of illness. Then couraged. Afterwards cauterise the browil and hard, and set aside to floureýd. Boil for threc hours a ci as it bas always had, a conventionai ed Aunt Judith of the sleepy-lookiiig the appetite faiIý-, the sufferer reduces raw surface with lunar caustic, or cool. The who cookg lier serve with hot treacle poured rou 1(il. station-niaster. and cake from thf the amotint of bis food and obtains carbolic acid. Then dress the wound bain this way says it is far and To make beef tea quickly, cho Il coat collar and plain-stitched sl(_ýeve -Not to-night, and.then cuddled do, -relief. There may lie, however, a, i P a finish. -How Jar is it to the vill - aga n with hini clasr with 0arboIiýýed zinc ointment. away better than a boiled one, for quarter of a Pound of lean. steak The ilewest pocketbook is long, e age. 84ddpn ýaIarmin-- attack resenibling Screaining children should bc treat- the dough keeps in the fine flavor of very small; put it into a ý,nlà 11 sauce- narrow and very flai, and of en- :-T4eFýrIy three miles, i and even more fatal in its ed first of all with cod-liver oil. If the fiairi, soille of which is bound to pan with a teacupful of cold water velope shape with a strap hanç this does not give relief, this mix- bc lost in the boililig. 11 Tlree miles froin the village, rain, birthday!- said she. ýViien an improvenient of the health d a pinch of salt; allow it to souk on the back. One of the r wind and Egyptian darkliesr! Not a . when the ý,tation Bicarbonate of al, so t is of in the inorning lie turc may lie used: I rcaleiliber an old lady who kPt for ten minutes; then bring it slow- - l'in, very pleasant prospect for a wall,!", is rocognizable alter an accidental or soda 30 grains, tincture of cardi- a delicatessen store years ago, writes pigs stained in brownish laid- Yorkshire must hm, experiluentïîl restriction of the diet, ly to the boiling point, stirring and berry shades and sprinkled with langhed Aunt -Judith. moins, spirit of nitre, two drachms a correspondent, who ilivariably boil "0 aujiiy, what ever in the world Sonie one on the sou it should bc taken as an indication Pressing it well with a t5PO011; ileur-de-lis. and that probably that the ino(le of living lias not been shall we cÏo?" cried Mildred. each, and aniseed water to make boiled lier hum for two hours took gently for ten minutes, strain, skiai, A very lovely shade which will lie "Stay here all night, 1 suppose, Le made for hiin. 1 two ounces. A teaspoonful every it froin the pot, eut off the rkin, and serve. much in evidence this season is a r. "But 0 my darlir altogilheiý rc'rrect. But it i >ýý net al- two hours. sprinkled the fat part with grated Browried flour for thickening gravy delicious bluish purple, known by ýa avelled could ilever, ilevër le, Ways an easy inatter to upon id Aujit Judith, who had tr the best iueans of correcting the bread crurnbs, and then put the bain and soups should bc made as foi- the naine of w in ,ood violet. It is - all over Europe and Asia, and . was MiIdredý eýi-ror. ýý change of diet may fail of HOWIS THIS? back into a i-noderately hot oven for lows.-Into a shallow bakîng-pan troduced in faced cloth in two or never daunted by àny ordinary dilh- -Are vOu going tc Ili, dosir'.'d effect if it lie tý)o abrupt an hour. It tasted and eut much sift ilour until' about half an inch three qualities. culty. long?" àsked the st better than a bain which had been deep; place the tin in a moderate There are man3î new and beautifi-il 1ýYes, ma'ani," said the station- "About a iiiolith,'ý or loo rk1,dj(ýal, and privation is not We offer f)ne Hundi-,2d Dollars Reward for boiled ail the tinie. oveii, and stir froni 1 to time till master, "that's just what you'Il 'id% iýi1; ýny,ýanofC;ýtarrh [bat Qcnnot bc eured by -le Ën all A certain soft silks in the stores. Son-le of dith. fo( llail,ýs Catarrl) ctýrc. li'. J. CUENEY CUI If yen wish to use a whole ha, the flour assunies pale rof- thern are almost a-.ý sheer and pliable e to do. It i mfor- Weil, then,ý iiiissy, jd is iiecessary T-edo, Ù, b*oiIA-d for. the table, e,ý-d car. put-'it fee color; store ed table here. but at nity rite there hutil tu n'rd te gooà dI ý,, j in a ---tar. wili -_ --the little dog '94m- 1m ve- linzwi, R, U -s niec y -C lons a.v chaillil bc a roof over your head, and that's tayQ Lion, iiiýî Iii ýiianý oa-ses -an excess isý ëbeney for tbelast 15 yeý,irs, and lielleve hi 'u it Plettil 'Phi, -will keepi indcfiiiîtrly, so that Soine very toques 'In decorat-ed. You - might bake the pretty simple and von can louve one, The abandon- perfectly honorable in ail business transactions à gooýd supply may bc prepared at a great thing on a ni-ght like this." .1 and Il' -described above. ý Thei you once. Use more titan \ ou would of and turbans suitable for traveling 'in case,.any one inq 1) o;11 (À ýert'aln articles of food ith financially able to carry out any obligations ail, as There were two rickety settees in , w ade by bis firm, rnust bc sure that it is thoroughly the ordinary ilour. have been seen. The straw used for the room. Aunt Judith made a nest said the stati-011-ilia"s itiwe cmaplete mastication Of others, In WALI>IXG KINNAN & MARVIN, é old before begîiiiiiii,;ý- to inake it look Savory Onielet-Beat up four eggs these are mostly rough v.-eaves, one f But no message c better than a decrease of Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0 pretty for tfie, ta'ble. Beforehand ery coarse and looselv vý oven being the Yorkshire's oý1 witl, a little, filiely chopped parsley, v dred, and settled herself ilion the Ihý3 entire quantity consumed. Someý HaWs Catairb Cure la taken internally. act- you should have prepared a thick pepper and salt according to taste. a great favorite. other. Soon the'south-bound train Mildred went back Hmes, indeed, the difficulty cari bc ingdirectlyuponthebloodandmiie ussurfaees l It is the acine of fashion to have teamed noisily in, but left no pas- Timoleen went, too- uvercoine by the administration of of the systein Testinionials sent free. Price by taIýing a Pound of gond, sengers; and when it had golie, the o 9 aze Put a lump of buttrýthe ie of an belt buckle and ornaments for the laxatives increased consuiniption of 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. lean beef, Putting it in ail earthen egg iiito the frying-pan, and as soon back to match. The iiew belts are ' coat Take Hi 11's Famlly P Ils for eonstleation. jar with a lu alf cupful of water, put- as it is clissolved pour in the egg station-inater took bis bat and water and more active exercise. many of theni wide at the back, ting the cover on the, jar, and seal- These things enable the systein to mixture. Ilold the pý-n steady with and the lantern and went out, saying ic hole pointing somewhat. ilorn- ing up tI through whieh the one band, and with tt si oon stir the bc woi-ild return at six in the i CL utilize more fully the food that is With the new sty, les of bats the eaten. MS I)ONKE-Y KOUROPATKIN steam is ustially allowed to escape, omelet till it bagins 4o set. Let it ing. with a bit of bread or biscuit dough, tulle veil conles in triurnphant. There $eu, i To determine intelligently the brown quickly on the under side, and "0 alIlýty," cried Mildred, "lie bas pana by, i eau bc no question -of lace or by putting a. whole cover of the ve'ls left us in the dark!- Hoak th, course of treatinent in iiiost- cases It Is Declared to Be a Danger to turn carefully on to ý, disb, folding f1datIng down at the back when so 1 dough over the pot. Place this In "The liglit froin the rtove is t>aýs.2:îes. involves an investigation of the di- the State. one side over the otll(-i-, like a puff. h the oven, which should net bc too Rice Fritters-Boil ýýome rice till inuch of the trimming of the bat ' s cnou,,Ii We shall sleep all the bet- Catarrh a gestive'eapability of the stoinach 'ne London Daily Chronicle pub- hot and leave it four or five hours' perfectly cooked er theu ter. ', i]ý wat arranged cachepeigne fashion, nor f 'ý1'aid Aunt Judith. free. Ail ileale ;md an examination of the functional lisbes the following frein Berlin:-A TaIýe it ont, rernove the rneat, long scarfs twisted about the necok SMediclne Coý. Put drain and put in a c1,ý;In saucepan. and falling to the foot, such as were -Butý 0 aunty, lie bas locked the iýjtvgrit3, of other organs. It is gen- learned donkey in a circul, at War- the cover on the pot, and return it Cover with milk, adding one ounce door! Ile bas locked us in?" crIed eraW, more expedient, therefore, tO saw bas been cleclared to bc a dan- to the oven, leaviiig it till there s of butter to each pint oý inilk used, worn Ifý7 some fasbionables last yeux. Mildred, in di8niay. 110 POVNDS 1): ýý4bniit the case to the physielian ger to the State. not over half a coffee éupful of liqul The prevalence of the very high gir- 1han to bc governed by abstract Id and add suffiCient floiii to inake the clic must have been iioticed'by every -No niatter,- laughed Aunt Jud- The clown in the circus puts this left in the pot. This is to bc used 11-ILNýture stiff enough 1ý:) drop froni a ith. -11, ,vill unlock us bright and Bi9ý Lump of Rich i>ules or the experiences of other animal through certain military Ox- as a glaze for the bain, ai-id should spooli. Have, a saucepali of boiling shopper. Half the streét gowns seeni ea rly to-morrow rnoriiii-ig." Temiskariiing peopM.-'Vouth's Companion. ercises. When the clown cries -For- bc brushed all over the top of the lard or clarified driPpý.ng ready, and to lie furnisbed with a Iiigh belt, and How the wilid hovvIed! Ilow the 1 A despateh froiii HELPS IN HOME NURSING. wards, and the more energeticallv hum is quite cold the glaze vvill set into it drop the rice biitier, a spoon- ward!- the donkey proceeds ý back- bain while the glaze is Warin. If the the dirmer or evening gown which. rain da-hed against the windows! mr. élibson, the Di ful at a tiiiie. Coo!ý till a golden bas not such an arrangni rii is an Onc had _ý broken pane, and Slinuld De FIrmýFir,,;f the clown insists on the donkýy ad- quickly, and when it is dry a second exception. bas in bis oflice an kieà. 11w riphf )1ý1ing to do, the,, jj,ý vancing the more persistent are the coating should bc put over it, re- brown iiid-theii drý- 1,ý-i,,le the tire. T here's a new belt that is ta] el, -ould hear the water dripping, 1 of siIv0jý taken frol Grate the rind of 'a 1ý--;on and inix ý1ug (irjpiýiiii2ý, down the wall to the floor. 1 mine' ]-!car Cobalt it kInd1ý bili and the patient movements towards the peating, till the bain is smooth with wonien of ordinary proportiolis. it with caster sugar. Iiiist thký over iiichesýýwide end . 11,at a dreadful *rth(lay,!" siglied Teffii i 1 Railwa wili tliank tfl(ýi-wardq. Be pa rear browÉ and glossy. A sniall cainel", 1 It is abo,,,it 2-1 g the fritters and serve 1-t. You- lnaàý 2 ing oý the i Finally the clown is obliged to hair brush can ý'e used to put. the mineral iipiii, ýis Vour patient is and flavor 111- ci-ý ac(ýoid-ý laarle of two bias strips of Jus'ý then s',e hcard a noise at the ý1 1 fie act1% ýc man out, -NOW 1 -'kDOw your Proper glaze on. jii,, to taste and omit the CIUSting. ýeWed together iiÎ the' IniddIc and broken window and raised herself 011 Twerity-iive ilich-, lo vibo is laid aside fr(jjik wurk. Act naine; A is 1<ýuropatkin." Scr3,ý,nis of Put the hani aivaý, till the glaze is l'avorite Brown Bre,ý,]-',é\fter try- flariug at each side. When it is lier elbow to listen. What could it es wide, and two î ýýlth promptitude and firm- laughter follow from the quite cold. Then it is ready for de- drawn around the wailt the belt lits be? Was it a tramp? Was it a practically all sýillelir, all jerkîng and knocks The policý-- have now ordered thc cir- coration. Professional cookl, use for ing varions recipes for j)1-own bread to perfection, bur lar? Was it a beur? and I1oiýc- P,, cheerful and buoyant cils to bc closed, and have arrested this butter which bas been worked Our fainily are urnàniiiý)11s In their The Iiiieii parasols are iiew, aiid 9 'Pounds, and Mr. Gil to a ,,vver speak of the sym- the unfortunate funny man. The, until white, but it must bc liept verdict that this is t1w 1ýest of all. Again caine the noise. First a valup at about *,8h50 The recipe was obtair, d fr - will doubtless en oy great popularity seratebing, theu a sera bliig, and Five op(-,nl*llgs aie 1 ptonis of yolir patient in bis pres- fate of the donkey i-ý unknawn, but cold during the process, or it will ular chef, whose browa bread is in for a time. 1-leavy ]!non is usul for then soinething sniall and white ed in that ence, unless asked by the doctor. it is fe,,ared that lie will bc exiIed to get too soit. - The butter can bc the more practical sort, and th- are bolliided into the roo t, great cieniand at inany social folie- in, and ju'nPed discovery, a a Never contradict- or argue with your Siberia. used, white or colored with 1 CI, embroidered in very open Pk1' i erns up on Mildred, whiniiig and licking previous bad harinless colorings, Pink tiens. Tvý,o cups of sour milk ' half or ni padded embroidery, exactly like lier hands. about a half-in iiiion patient; dor't relate +--- cap of bak-iDg moIasseýý, half cup of ore has hppn ghinn oases, or give details of siiiiilar mal-, THE -WORST XIND. and green. 1Joinbinations of all. three ý1,_ 1;--- _11 -_ - _- 1 - -IlLe-ILQY-LL-i 1_ýý1_U11 ý ý = UM the -season is in ricli silk tinsel, and ntee to that efîQct goes with eac 1, tice work and dots, dots of ail 1 May be ornitted if preferred. iwalk-ing, but pref1erýv ket is bestput aoross the bed, ai- a ýhr niouirited on silk bas a capital effect. Most of the new liats are extreine- lowing plenty to tuck in each side, Package. sizes, circles, stars, and many other lof an open field f n aiýge of plain ly, dashing. The object of the n1allylcaring 11oýhing for re Ho as to keep it sniooth and avoÎd It is to be had for $1.00 at th.i2ý, desig s, corne easily, even to the It can be had in a rý the wrinkles that are zuch common drug store, orfroin The Wilsora-Ilyle novice. EXPERIENCE EXTRAC'PS. colors-pale pi-jik, heliotrope, gold, turns and beuds into which the silver and pale hlue-in sorne cases turned-up briais are twisted scenis to last tiinp. he was 1) causes of bed-sores. A spare pillow Company, Limited, Niagara Falls, When the work is comPlote the barn Ilere are a nuraber of valuable handworked silk flowers beine- en)-- h-ý fell asleep in the is put awaY in a cold place to give be to.give the bat theniost vouthinl' should be kept in a cover; it is use- ont, suggestions for keeping the air of broidered on it. and jaunty effect possible. '1ýýo uni 1 - fui for raising the head, for chang- 1 - , l- 1 17 IN the bouse pure: The spring crop of parasols is very ver,ýa1 is this effect, that ehle, ing in place of a hot one, and for Five vears ago to-night, i-Ic-nry," Plenty of sunlight. gay indeed. A parasol being one of 1 womeji and inatrons -,Yit] The qiiaiitity of supporting the, back when à patient rernarked A dry cellar at'all times. the inost becoining adjunets of a tastes are buving bonnels in Sv radiLini is lyli3g on his side. to be in a reminiscent inood, -you -uýr À Freptient inspection of plunibing. toilette, a little extravagance is te, toques and hats. Aniong other (la,,I-i- as heat, it is s h, In Casee '%Vhere Absolute Rest of askeu me to say the one little word Open war against the feather dus- be allowed. A great deal is called ing shapes, the so-called collar hat weight of vvater to the Body is necessary., and the pa- that would make you happy for Il ter. for by many of the new ones. Para- is conspictuoos. The collar is mere xpresse -Yes,- rejoined Henry, with a ly an liour. tient gets very weary of lying still, !ëh thorough daily airing of ëdeh sols in fine handkerchief linen, ern- asecond brin-i attached to the crown, energy of a saltspoo a Most welcome rest and change to long drawn out, "and womanlik( rooni. broidered and inset ý%vlth exquisite the space between the two brims giv- 500 tons a mile hfigl the limbs can be rnanaged by the' said the wrong word.- Shaking and brushing 10ý0()O t1ines a nurse raising the knees of the patient clothing lace, cost alinost as much as a gown, ing an excuse for inore trirnming. to 1,00 out-of-doors. and more than soine gowns. Very Sometiiiies the eollar ir Made of tulle bv the Ffomer--"Meeker says he tells his Opening windowý- at night; dis- sniart are the bright red, bine, green wired, or ros wife everything that happe es or ribbon. chernical. energy hithE carding weather-strips. and violet taffeta parasols, with uni- boy--Huh, that's nothing, The use of stained floors and rugs mal heads carved on the handles. lui, my wife a lot of things that never The Great Eaglzsk Remedy. did happen." in preference to earpets. Achemisette noticed among inany positive cure for>all fortes of Daily airin-, and oce', -beat- extrernely attractive ones bas a nar- coated, c 0ý Sexual Weakness; Mental and ar j ing of 1-nattre-ýes and Waill'ets. row stripe of light-bitle embroidery 1'WUR£Aý,DAFTE1L Bra!nWOITY, Eý»Q&J«S, 8 rý mild in -iictio». irst 3iran-"What a bore! I've got the 1-ciroom et set in between strips of fin-, Valen- ipation, L emtorrhaea, Impotenýy, Effects of Abuse or te, rnake a speech after dinner and ------ Const xcess, all of which ead te Consuraption, night of clothing worn during the ciennes lace. The stock Ir-ec-ts the infirmi Insanity and an carl rave. Price talk a lot ý of nonsense.- Second k-headache. le" ease, six will he UD Fe chei-,iýsct1n in iý little point infront, 1 lx for &5. One wilfpil U ýC - Man-"Cheer, up, old fellow, thore's ÏÏttle furnihire aild vo ijncovered an(l ili,ý :-,,-eins unusually well pe by effi druggîsta or maileil in plain )t of price. Write for Pamphlet. t 0 ves roboýdy 1 kno Want -Pur moustache or beard 5.eWlar P 'ý.k w hetter qualitied il$. nid 9 sels contaJý1ij»ý sofle(] wîLtýý1' in shii1ýC(l, wý ý-ofý1,, of theip are apt to Co. Wi-çl--l. 9-t-.ýloi do that than you. the bedrooni, tnii abeautLMbrown«ricâblack? Use ir 1

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