A4 FOUNATION 0F IRSUTH' Against Every Temptation theVYouth Should Stand for Jionesty. Mau ie a millionaire many timesi over in the pos-session of! hlood cells. Woemau le not quite se rici, lfor scientists have proven that the normal number o! red blood celle J iJUI A"fiC-i. 4e;- lin;inwm--ju A deapateil froint l3ooklyn. N. V., be apprec(intedý by the mot bers of lit- aud a hal! million, te, the square millimeter. says:-iRev. Dr, \cu cli 1)ight Iillis fie obidreni, and so the time would The normal celli la fot absolutely round preacbied froin the folowing text:- conte rben bis bonesty would gt e' in heaîlih, but, lu, disease, becomies ex- Thou shah flot tell lies one to ait- ita the trafic. Foi' two yoars the' tremely irregular in shape. every one can other.-loeviticus xix. 11-. boy strugglüd for bin footing. The bcieni perfect hesîlih and possesa fthe mil- lions of ric'h red blood corpuscles if they If. is a ý3ýi iing fact that the foirer second spring somne kiud of distemn- only know how te go about it. Dr. R.V world 0l f animais and men live by per brokoe out among bis berd of Pierce, consultiug physicien to the Irva- ligand treachery anîd decoit. Ail coirs. I-e difi not know but lu miglit lids' Hotel and Surgical lustitute, at fluf- thimtflat creep and1 crawl1 practice prove serious.- Noir to fell bis cus- flai, N. Y., adrises crery man and iremau fî'nud, Iho'Unde'sw cb ilas s f t0mer3a the truth mas to lose Ilis te, prepare for a long 1fr by ebserring na- of deceits for unsuspeccing fli "hotrude andi se bis conpetlfors gain ture's lsws. In the first p lace, if yeur tes hodigestion- je fulty, and the food yeu fox douLies on its trnck anid by pro- If. Aff or a sleeploss night li e irt t at je not taken up by the blood and assim- tells e esc!aPes. The w oit, more cun- nto a priatlng office and brouolit ilated properly, yen need a tonic and diges- nimg sill lopa rom it biingplae ot afitle cua'epaning the tive cerrector, something that wlll increase upo te ~ong u nasif topasituation to bis customecrss ayiîg lie the red blood corpuscles; ha believes in te drink. bot othecmise is it i oul i iot honestly solitbem milk. ging about thie in naturels. owu way. th lwr rerlf e niedbn inlcornih hstrdears ago, in hie active practice, lie founti fli loer rdes o mo naefiI na sng fotailitbistrae "mas that an alterative extract of certain herbe fhieves, gamblers andi ail irbose gone. But a iending phi-ysician in the, and roots, put up witbout the une of alc- stock in trade is flic passion o! their tOWm, vubose pracuice was amion-g licol, would put the liver, lungs and heart felloir mou. 1liccetlo h rtcincudrn prdac lcbl's btrefi inte fuller sud more complets action. This of flic pOtty criniini. Indeefi, the Gf lies. One ulay this doctor irot uedicine hae called Dr. Pierct's Golden irboe b or ord l ifsraa an an rtile di iingaIlflicmotersMedical Discerery. By aeiuelating tlie whl oe ol i t ak adanatceavsngaltem esfood esten, t sueurmeies tie bleoi, samd, iu- fili is made up olflihose uliose stock in fle iccty to goard against impure', tead of the ill-sliaped corpuecies, the par- ia frade is some forno! fraud, Donteo mîflk during flic boatefi sunmner; eous blood takes on a rich redcoier and fells us fliaf the t'eani that les just nionthsanmd told tfhe story o!f hfs the cerpuscles are more nearly round. beloir flic w otîf of liard morli and boy 's honesty. The physician said Nerrouenies l only the cry o! tha starved hocet ldusty i flc t'almof ies ba th I oflispet moey 0 k enrras for food, and, wheu tha narves, are hneis relm doiis feli r ie s n o! the milk d ean su ocet, aadfuaffed on ricli red blood th ers o ecs Tbisream o doeitis he caln o thernik ceanandswet, nd hatthose irritable feelings, sleepe-wallat niglit poverty, vagrancy and bumar wi-ck- lie l a riglif to charge more. sud féels refreslied lu the merning. ag.THEN THE REWAJID CAME. IiNTOWLrDGE 15 POWVEk. ut fic ýgtcat world o! indusfry ai tjrafiýc bats journoN cd airay front For I eî's flic boyi sold lits mil1k for If you waut te, know about your body de' Lit.anîd icauf. 'l'ho tactory, flic 6 cents a quart as opposcd f0 flic read Dr. Piercels Commuon Seae Medicat1 ho iAdriser, irbieliccin be had for the cost of toe and flic bank are fouadedi- o tlor mnawio liad 5. At 30 flicj mailing, 5o cents lu one-cait stanîps for tlic truth. îbeanants of flic era of lies man iront from flic dairy lut o a lotli-bouud book, Or 31 StalaPs for thec romlain, just Oas(oui' oarth shîow's bore moaf prospelous business l i in h fy.ipprcrrdrlue Spgs d anfi there a pocket of tire~, named Now tue history o! bis great succes dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. VESUVIUS OR1 MONT PELEE, 15 flic history of bis hatred of liesi Dr. Pierce's P1eanat Pellets cleause the and bis love of truf b la flic muer boelaand tlmuhlte tht eluggigeli liew. as reinladors of au age irlic the flic car h iras a bal o! fame. Modemr pît ciilizafiomi îvould break dow'a ut fer- Macchiavelli exempted lichedplom-~~ ly if mon mre to rot urn fo flic an-I tist from flic lame o! trufli. He urgedi imal era of lying. Wliat if flic pro- tbf t te spiy must lie, the lover use~,* * nident o!flice banfk lad f0 end ecdidecelt,flic gamefter shoir courag 1H AIl day wltli unning flic bookkeeper irben lic lad a poor band. and the' IfTElLqi ail nightlst 1fis clcrks w cr0 baud- meakah or that, roason. ing iu ]ying reports of flic sfook? irbea John Milt ou'bocame foroîga Wbat if every manufacturer huad fo secret ary te Oliver Cromirell lie ai-, stand w itb a scourge abuvufliheI axs wonaomut ln diplomatie natters weax or and spimner? liccause ho aimnys told fthc fiufli M11Y WAY TO MARE HENS PAY .iNoirand thon a mnalis socceed- wihle flic diplomnata thouglif hoe ias lunflicfirsf plnce, me try f0 have cd for flic bour by a skilliful lie, but lyîug. our bouses warm, dry and cleami, hencefortb evcry nercliamîf la a detcc- Society SfU1 belieres lu custom- irrites Mrs. Wmn. Waiker. We bavel f ive on fhli ur's track. The history bouse les and lu diplomatic lies, but tliem îvhifemoslîed and flic old gravel of thc great firm of to-day is flue cvery tormu of 1I lng ig a form o! fai- faken eut and mîci put la during histoi'y ofm an bonest trafic-mark. The tire. Character leaksaay flrougli Augua,5, len if is xrarmi and dry.* irbole tlieoty et theý trafcmark for a lie as flic liquor 'in the cask la Cloa ouftflic nests once a monfli flic pamking o! sugar or coffee is that w astefi by the wormbhoies. Against aud give tliem fresb ones. Clean offi flic people can dopend u'pon the o very f emptation flic youfb shoui licthepfatforms under the roosts every fmuitlflness of flic parier. Whaf li stand foi',flic frufli. Honesfy turfis mornlng, summer andfinrimf ercxepf if tbft seifs a certain grade o!fu ooi- flic poliffrian into flic statesmn.ASundays, thon sprinkle coni ashes on ,on or cot ton cf ofl? The more tact anme for honosty fabte lan-grA, then.'.a fliat flic people of thecotr bae riches for flic financier. Btter flianiGCive flic foins cieanuiaf or evoI'l disc.e rel that flils manufactureri boaufy for ivran is fhls praise. morniag, lu dlean dishes. During nieve cmwîeau os 1f ing -thlreafia or sella " Sle niirays speaka flic frumf b mmi eaflier give if to them tw'ice co yi undimer flic name o! wool or Young_ man, if_ you builfi youm lite ou a day, and inlueflic mter mamm flic ilThe mercants capital is bis lies.l'on uii on sanfi. Fraud la a mater. If is easy to, keep flic diabes honestmy expr esd fa goocis. bulible fliat soon burats. Trufl is la îai if af niglif, affer flic fow1sý The .îay o! trofli also is flic mal a foundation o! rock fliaf shal not bave go-le fo roost, l'on fake mmeiU ofi prosperifî andi îîenî.fb.lîoaosfv i le reuioxcd. bot mater, ompty flic dishes, masb Promnotes prosperityv. Mati1 years I flin tf, aundtliey are ready tolbe- ago I knom a youth ufio bas sinco e~" filol fic h moralng. We used f0 limbed to higli position. His faflier Veteran Commoners.j gaflier beaves la flic mil afor tbey iras a farmer wh ibofvof severai mmles'I more melf driefi and store tbem in u from a g,-owing cîfy. One îoî'ning Here are the usinas of somne of the baga ready to put lanflic bouses for flic boy o! 18 makonefi fo finfi bis reteran rnembarà of the Oonmone,thir thfli liens f0 scratch in and wie iroulfi fa ededand tflicfamiiyaeadteme fyeaste sdatf or flicgrain amongst tfbom so faher agaEani thenumbrio!.esre the ficliens wouid bave to mork for if. Dler PENDtouhtleNT P nHed .he hart erved the publi:- We give fem a arin masb in thbe' liffle far n 'afo a dairy. Fromflic Yeers cf morning, thon scaffer a liffle grain begiiiiig li hadtheideathatiffh i'ough flic haves to keep tlicm lieliiiagliebadfli Ida fbatIf ieALe. Service, bitsy for nubile. Give tbema a liffie bad beaitby cous andi nover foifi lies, el on etgn.. 0 3 and solfi goofi miik, aundif lic purifi- Hou. John flaggart .... 68 3 gainore f non aadat uglifail flic- cd has miik and aerated if, if irouif1 iHon. William Paterson.. 65 3 j3grii- hev rili caf- up. -ian. OEOl F AlGREAT MEDGINE A Prominent Montreal Woman Tells 110w LydIa B. Plnicham'a Vegetable Compound Oompletely Cured Her., The great gooti Lydlia E Pinkham's Vege.table ompound la tioing among the women oi America is attracting the attention of many leading scien- ists, andi thlnking- people generally. àm¶-ý Thefîollowing letter le only one 01 mmy tosands vrhlch are ou file in Plkhae office, and go fe prove dtiq uo thn.t Lytila B. Pinkl- 'a Ve ýg lube Ompound rmuet be a F medyo!gat menit, ofherwiee t ia neSpo uc -nmarvellous re. aunong aice asit b&ing wumen: 1fkxn tiEwy msrrage my beam hbeffl blto si. -raibecsnaery narronsq ba sio gpairthruhthe abdomen, ,~$ar. Te uonhl paloisbecamemoe MâLuw-y Tnhçau, td imecaeabur&nen md îeid c xned me rtbt !help nti D aj»e i begain rmgng it I fait ecian 0 i"ed rt guxe çm44 t end nîU osagea)dleok betI er thap Ydid liew t vunrlm, cti thora la nïe joîe' . u . . .bouse . ovr e wonders your mcd. e wened." M,. A0. Lataller, 702 cu>1i,, Mme'a Quebec. Il yen have sujp eseti or palatal menstruation, 1wea ne.sao!flhe stom- ach, indigestion, bioating, ieacermhoeu, ùooding, aervçnms prostration, dizi- ness, fainfncss, "tion't-cnre" anti "wat-f-beief-alne"feeling, ex-. cifabiliiy, baclinehe or the blues, these are sure indications of feiale weali- noms, some tierangement o!fie uferus or ororian trouble. In snob cases there is oua trieti eud truc remedy-yti B. Pinkham'à Vegetable Comouti 8fr wifld arer.... Dr. Sproule .........,. Hon. James Suihr!and. Sir William Mulock .... George Taylor ........ HonRî y'nd Prefoutafme Sir Fredariok Borden.. Md ward Ochran. . .... Hon.Cni. Darld Tiedale. David Henidereon.. A. B. Ingram ..... j.... Dr. J. D. Rid ... Heu. L. P. Brodeur... James Brewn ......... 1 32 14 14 14 Danadien Hors.eliho W. Tht pr'ze l11 f othîe Canadiau Hirsa Show hb lcouIncremed ievery yasr untîl IL now emounte los,3 ou mie eum ef $7,000 lu cashs and caps, uid are dirrbuteti for tht benefit e! this most important agrionîtural Industry. Tht 111m. As.nuai Canadien Heorsa Show mli b haleMll Toronto on Wednesday, Thursiday, Friday aud Saturday, April 251h, 27mb, 28&b, aud 29 h. This la Eser waak anti their Exceliencies the Governor-Genersl sud O:i ns e! Grey, lh %va ,alacteti this perîoti for their iret vibtoteToronto' , andti li preside erer the opculug of the Herse 'Stow. Rtduced railway rates vîIIbo matie, raturn tickets being sold et single f are on thte penlug day anti a fart anti a thîrd on the t eia ys, ai tickets gooti te raturu until theMouday s! ter the show. Entrits close oW Aprîl 121m, wth tht Seoretary, Eleury Wade, Parliamant Bui!tlngs. Informatl&n ln regard te boxes, etc., eu be ebtaineti from tht manager, Stewart Houabcu, Torouto. Eleetric a1wyExtension. In connetou wth bheabe,, wa note flu Moud ave papers a-mong the ap- pýir&tioae for private bille iu eue te ex- tagi the Lime fox tht commenemnt anti oompletion of tht Toronto anti York Radilal Rallwày Company's Uaes te contrat au extension te Bowman-. vIlle sud Oobourg, te acquIre land for markets andtiut coufirmu agreements mîtia by tht company wlth thetotwu o! Whïtby andi tht townships cf Scarbo ro', Pickering andi WbîtbyJreepeotîveiy. Frddie-"What de yeu suppose flot moosly barber aaid wIen le shaved me?" Choiiy-m iL"I deo'f nou. " Freýdde-'« 'He said if me- minldfirhlmo! a gome le usef-i te pfny îl wep cby alifeti u thtI Hïaro.' 1 1-1 1115 the10 nVLUUULwar1111the grain 1k thcy will not go shivering to bed. We try to batch oui- cbickens early, so by the last of August fi brt 0f Septeinber ire have the cockerels ready for market, That stops the expense of feed and leax es more room for the pullets. We tryto hav e the pullets in their bouses for winter büf orre they coin- mence to lay, for w e tiîd if weo move themn aftorward it w il stop their laî îne for awhile at least. We gv thoîn green cabba"gne and raw bet to pick at during' the winter, and in the summier wed from the gardon. This- is the resýuIt of one year's work wlth 83 hene-: I89l dozen eggs, $243-11 02; 21ý dozen solfi for setting, $7-. 42; bonsand cbickens sold, $113.70; total receipts, $364.14; paid for feed, $149.16, lenving a profit from 83 hens of $214.98 or $2.59 per bon. I VALLJII OF A COW. ïïAithougli the final proof of the val-t ue of an~y cow and lier riglit to be1 kept in the bord sbould depend uponE hor ability as shoxin by the scalet and fat test, it very often haýppons1 that a dairyman in the selection of! cows for bir berd, says Prof. Beach. The cow, whose good records are known la not usuall.v for sale. Even ifthe buy or had timo to mialea short test that would not lie auffi-1 dient te prove the worth of the COW. Usually lie bas te depend upon ex- perience and possibly la somne cases careful stutly. Thousands of dairyinen have owned and handled cows noariy ail their lives and yet are poor judges of cat- tCe. The reason for this is that the knowledge wbich tbey have gained from their experience la auperficial. They haý-ve riade littie or rno stU-dy of the cow> ex cept fa the aggregate. Tbey, have neyer proved,(! or corrected their jiudgmeut by records or tests Tetype o! a good" ai, cow ila ea vague cneto lu tir ndsuý A A z- - - a- W- '- 'P' P - Ilmu usually catches you in your weakest spot. No matter where it Is, Shi- loh's Consumnption Cure. the Lung Tonie. wîil reach the seat of the trouble and cure youi, Your mnoney back, If ftdoesn't. 2îec, 05and$10 - y mather llmnifed lu moaf soils. So flicho u.panee are coîtmmencinto use nut- studv o! fectiify fa practicaîlî rer- tor, and fliere is a prospect o! a duced f0 flicefudy of those fliree." profitable trafic w ifl that country. Canadian butter is also recapturing BUTTER COMPETI TIONS. flic markeftl ic heYukonî. Prof. fufick believed tlieor asi The flair1 men o! Irelanfi and Dea- more clicose and buffer lilg pro- m narki bave uliat arc caffefi surprise duced inlaQuebec noir f b n uOntar- I1 buffer conupof ifions for their buffer- i0. niakema. The conditions o!flice coin- Ho sbowed tbft there la room for potitions are fliaf a conîpet fra aifogoocl deai o! imnpmovcmuonf lunflic dispateli a package of bu-tter f0o a average production o!furili liy Can- certain contrai point immediateli' up- afian coma. Iu Dcmnnrk, fleicnlves- on fleic rceipf o! a felegrnm.lie figotion o! oneofo! lis officiais lad must aiirays lie preporefi, andfinmusf shown flic lowest average for berds flot irait fo nmke flic butter aitoer mas 5,000 polunda of mille per coi recoîving notice. N.'o competitor 15s per l'car, wirhle, some bords mwent' up able to asceraimi ilon lie mr.ay mc f0 11,000 pounfis. lu Canada flic couve a tefegrmît', qrvon ilion al overage is umore f lic 3,000D pounds, domnpofifon iý15 eIo place, a , I ,-iîli a foiras higli ïus 50 f berefore, if lie 1neudaf l e his laInrepiy te Mr. A. F. MacLaren, nome oan flic comnpetito, ist licMr. *u0t1 ev ariulrso efi must alu wa lic epae for ny et hof f oern cics ithbpara!- cmergoacy; that is, for a cale on fine %rax, ant idfidf th oug iti any daylunflic calendaLr. muet w-itbobject1ion1ýs 13 flic olfi coun- Takimîg a casuai vicu of flic butter' - ,sîfl it ifis mang fs -ny,, and,~ maiing business in Canuada, if moulfi thougli liew-ould'not rocourmenfi pri- appeai' flat some fin1 sncb sstom vate factories fd to adopt flic me-ý os ffis migit lie productiv-e of great thofi, lie belleîed flic custoîni coui d goofi. 1f woîîfd sorie as n constant lie mode generaliili a î car or firo. ticoîtîvo fo those irbo enferofi to1 The afivantage la flie prevention of keep up a bigl aveorage staadard Of sbrinkage, andi thcreby keeplag flic producf. The idea is commondefi to clicose moist ani-i tasty. dairîami andi to ail irbo arc seiking TELEPHONE QUESTION. te afivauce the manufacture of first doass buffer. Sfr William Mulock's speciai domn- mit tee ounflic toieplione question TO TELL TIIE AGE OF SHEEP. ogm'eefl ou a "et of questions îvbicb w ilieo afidressefi to afi toieplione Deafition la slieep is lurreguiai', do- comipanies lunflic Unitedi States andi pendiug greatiy upon fli crare and mu Europe f0 ascerfaanflic subscrlp- foodi thcy redoive; burce if la unrei- tion rates, flic nature o!flice sor- able in soie cases li efermiuuing vices, flie profits andi ofhem' particu- age. A sleop lias ciglif indisors in fama. lomor miv. The two in tfli centre___ are caifed tfli "contrai incisors" one on ecdisid o!flieose flic "infernal loferaI,"and f lose ounflicoflier sile TM EP ST A R flic -corner.- Uadcm' ordiuary dur- diimsfaaces,' dentition la as, foifo vs: T LLS HI"SEPR At fron t telve f0 fi!f con n oatis, theO cenft'al per'manent incisors are up andfinuw eor at from eigliteen te tîrîtt -fur aoalis flc iferal at-Postmaster Lee lookis ton Y ears Younger oral permanent incisors are up andfina TIan HisSeventy-Six Yeurs andi Ho w-car at f-tom treaty-seven f0o thirfy- Gives the Credit te the Great Cana- flirce momufls, flic extemnal loferai dian Kidnev Remedy. permaaent incisors are up andin mear; at froua fturee fo four years flic TARUCINTA, Cumberland Co., N. B, corners are up aad in moar. Of Âpril .3,-(Special).-Horatie J. Lee, course, tli. firsf teefli are femporary, postmaster liere, us now in bis seventy- andi flese arc shedi and replacef by. sixtliyear but so bright anti bealîLb'doeo permanent coes af flic ages mention- hloiok and so energ0tic la le that lie cd. If -requ ires coasificiabIe practice would easily pasa fer feu years yoangrer. f0 enable a mon f0 tell the age o! "How dolI keep Young looking, "the auy atnimal by flic thl, oand capoc- postmaa5ter says. "Wel 1 attribute it iafiî lu slieep or caf fie ivbcre deati- largely te mv geetilalti andi mur tien la 50 imregulor. healtIid mafil due to the use of UÇddï' Kidney Pille. GALICIAN COLONY. I11T 4irI..qrnAîî thn ,.,1..M .h , District North of Prince Albert Wilil be Set Apart.,, A despnfdh froin Winnipeg soya: ('îlot (olenizafi0n Comiis-fonen S- W. Peters anuouncofi on Wednes'day that a n'ai coiony o! Galician mouid lic esfalilisîed uorfb e!f Prince Allienttfis yeor. Aft or cnmefui in- spection liefounfi thore are fmonty flouanfihomesf coda availle lanflic Battieford District, and accommo- dation thene for a bundrefi thousa seffliers. Immiiigrants arrlving tbf .s yeot-r arcbtter postefi o fi gc-1 gm-aphiciI conditions of W;ýestei'n Caý,nad a tin lahlicpusasi,afi tli laad~deatinai~çftis !ciftd ,4il £hose suif ering withl Bo is, Scrofula, Eczemna will finti invauabe toclenseth, lo .Dave &Lawenc Ce, Id.,Mnre. ,« ilCU *CC.leareUne CvalJueOf t LIis flit- uer Reinetiy somue yeers ago. I was thon sufftring.froru Kiduey Diseese My feet aud legs swtileti anti I lad te, Ise eight or ton fimes lu tht nigit be- cause o! urinary troubles. Six boxes of Dotit's Kiduey Pille restoreti my hlat h at that time anti I have nset them at lutervals aince. To enroue uffliiteti with Kîiney Trouble I say '«Dotid'a Kidney Pille are ail riglit." Try tbîum anti yen wil le sure te finti a benefit." WHEAT HEL-DS F ALIN G. .TJ'itcd States Famniers Ma Chanige Thelrluefioa A Washlnigton des hfdlany:' O groafirbVa0fief fi aoug tf luorfbiemni border are irofusiiug f0 gnou bof sanifiJamneaW-Vilsýon, Secretary oet Ag- riculture, ou Wednosflay, "and i unes the Amnerican formersan goef beir metbod o! gt'owing flua pt'o-fucf fliore wiiilibe n large increaso linftle prude of brenflsfuffs. The evil fiay cannQf lonîg lie poufpotucdnotitlisfanfling flie farmens cfflihe Norilimest bliieve thev hafi sol cd the probiom. by per- mnifting flie landsfo loy flioir al- f ernaf e yoars, "Af presont flic averago prouctiuzon o! wbeat to fli-carme is ciglit busliels, irliela Euopefli fe ragnou fblrt. Las \'e flic Amenican m 1 .based upon p ersonal opinion than upon evidence or fact. Intelligent aý1d progrecsive f armera and dairymnenl, hoýwever, are becoming more familiar with the fact that malk and butter Producing qualities 10f cows are ac(comipanied by a gen- eral vigor, conforrmation, tempera- iment, fnnes'bcaripg and, other foatures, thtire quit e cliaracteris- tic, Dairyme,,n who profit, most in the keeping of cows familiarize tliem- selves with theose characteristies, and undermfand their relationship te capacity for production. The~ genieral è~onstitutional vigor of the cow,ý is of primary impoprtance, and- that of nearly as great impor- tance, are efficient digestive organs, sfcong longs aid a higbl1y developed nerve s-sf cm.' FOUND IN THIE SOIL. The following brief facts are 1--olled down froma an article by Prof, C. (G. Hlopkins, on "Fertility, of fthe Soul": "Different tylj2ýs of soil produce dli- forent crop yields un dem' flicsamie conditions. "Soils side by side, but cultivated dilterently for n terni of years, pro- duce very different yields. "The sanie soil differa at dillerent I Urnes, accordin g to its ctltivatîn and otber' trentment and lack of treataient.. "One soi l i produAco twenfy bush- els of coin, another forty bushels, another eighty bushels. "One soul is worth $20O an -acre, another $100 per acre, anof ler $200 pec acrc--largel-y because of their difference la fertîlity or productive capacity. "Soil can be 'rue down.' "Soil can bli mproved. "The fertility of soil eau bcnia in- fta!ned. "It immoufli money to know soils and bc able to improve thorm. "'The study of souls is vltally con- ected with profit and proprioty in farmaing, the gron test îndustry fa Illinois. "N eitber live stock nor clover, nor botb togethor, wmli nîintain the fertility of the soîl ,e, go "The oîîly way: 'Presev go pbh sical conditions and thon- put i dback uipon the land ail of the rer- tilîty w bicl isl taken off. "While there are ton essentiels of plant food, seven of fhem are usual- ly slipplieddin abî'ndance; buýt itro- gen, plosphorus and potassium are * Wanted, A Good Agent FOR 3 The OLIVER Typowriter, OOver 100,000 of these machines have been sold in tûe OUnited States within the last few years at the saxnp price q which is being ehargeti for any other standard typewriter. This proves concinsively that the OLIVER ie the very best 4 machine matie regartiless of price. ' As there is now in Montreal a factory devoted exclue- O ively to the manufacture of this machine, it eau be bought 4 O in Canada for the same price at which it ta sold inl the O Unitedi StaieB without, adding from $25 to $30 to caver daty O anti charges as do ail other staubard writers, This shouiti be a very attractive propoýsition to a"ny* 0purchaser of writing machines. Apply to the SCANADIAN OLIVER TYPEWRITER CO., q 183a St. James St., Montreal. ducat os thanthe lndf refuses te groir wbeat aay_ longer on a -profitable basis. In order te save fhe ibeat flelds e!fIte IUnitedi States me lave sent au expert te thc nonfliera part o! Norway andi Sieden te mid legumnes wih w.2m1ii rowin acoýId ci- mates. -Il1flic iheat farmers o! thc great Norfhmest expect f0 gnou mhent 0f a profit f bey mumst mofate flir cropa. At, preacuf me lave -no iegumlnous plants mdicl. ilviigroir in flicNonfli- ireat tînt con lie rofoted wulfi uliat. "'Wt a coatiaued decrease lu-.flic yicid lanflic Nerf biest fhe formera o! Iowa, Ilinuois, Kansas anti Ne- braaka wif i begin groming micat agaiu, but fiey iii 1 fl, ot --,seunt'il fbyeau get at Icoast a docllar a liihlfor lt.' A mou is rmaý3ster lu is omu louge ilio ïn. s'fbIornie. TREATY WITH TEE AlYEER.- British Mission te Afghanistan Is - Succesef-ul. A dcspatch front Londona s: It la officialiy anoucei fiat flue ifrit- lali diplomnatie mission (o! Afghis- fan lias, concludet i.-t emeraatwif tbe Anîcer, and is rý.'uirnng te Iu- di a. Notîhing la kuqnogo!)ft-le fernis o! fhe agreenment, bo-t if la oplueti, more or bass atha~iv], lt if Imci -dcsaon exfenoi3n 5 o! raiulways,; andi telograpis oc th fe Indo-Af- glianistan frontier, ni fie strength- lotiosl'f her rcte-ns inho )caeretaet nta fly?" "Bluffiy î3dtibat le ldnear- Iy bal!f a street fo r %a nta1 art ACoileS rin Ire erail WIl, th 1arge, stif tay wlZres, makes a perfect fonce: Notr one pound of soft wire entera into the construction of ' T ~FP rOSThe uprights are <wnovably locked to the or absolwitel with THE PROST WEDUE-LOCK, making an aboueyStock-proof Pence. The Loeks bint i wthout kilnld ng 0new miethod of enamelling and baking preveuts rust, which adds greatly 0' 8 te the appearance of the fence. Make neoinistake, Buy THE PROST. ~ 1. t la the, heavlest'and the best. For sale by ~~~~~~~~ C30M TOv, nnyàlen $ e e ee a 5 2 ýe.à,,D-1 c ý1,e we a 0 ný6 DOMINION ,PARLIAMENT NOTES 0F PRO CEEDINGS IN THE 1HOUSE 0F GOMMONS. CANýADA TEMPERANCE ACT. Mr. Gerv ais lutroduucefl a blul te ameuil flicCanada zTemnpemaLnce Acf.' The billproposesfoimike fie rigif of appeai applicable fotufie Canada Tomperance Acf, GOVEIINMENT OlIDERS. Sir Wiltred's motion, fiat on andf atter Monflay noxf (loverntutuent en- flers shoumif have precedence, tunmoed- fat ely off ci'questions blii memiem's, iras pnssed. CE N-,TlIE TORONTO. Sir Wilfrid infommo Mr. Blo-dca f bat fliceix it for flic election iu Contre Toront o md licou issucti. Nominations mon o f0f ne pince on ApriflIl and flie oleolmon on Apnil 18. He hafi ai firaf fliouglif flat if woulfi le uecessaî'1 f0 have a regis- traftion oethflic auboofi suffrage votera, but upon cnquiry lad f ounfi ouf thaf fhis ouifi nof lic ecessany as fasf year's< iffstsuvoulfi le suif- able. DAIIIY INDUSTRY. Mr. J. A. Rufidici, Dairy Commis- aloner, gave sonie inferestiag figures f0 flic Agicuffuraf Committee ou flic gmoîvtlxo!fie dniry lnflustry la Canada. He saifi fli total value o! dniry proflucf s mande la Canadafosi year mas $80,000,000. An exaunfe1, of rodent groifli mas confieasod mlk. In 1898 ire umporfefi $59,101 co! fliat product, wblst iast I-car irO ex-! porfefi $150,094 monfli. Our boificon! fli chdeese mnarket o! Great Brifain Is stnengfleieulg, as Canada nom sup- plies 72 per cent, o!flihechclcse lm- porfefi flioe, andi of flic branfi uhicli la our specilty, flicChefdar, we supplied 85 per cetut, o! thir aefis. The-deînand for Canadian dairypro- ducta lunflic West ladies uns groir- Prof. Ilufdici suggosfed fliaf flore mas possily an oppomtunify for our Canadianformons ici comamoenflic manufacture of soff obeese for home consunuption. Peplyiug te questions by niembers, Mr. Raddick stotefi f at flicre con neveu' le any trnde fa buffer betuea New Zeoauti or Australia anti Can- ada, mith flic excessive freiglit andi dufy of four cents pter pouaf. The DON'T READ THIS. Every Day is Bargain Day q At the qPeople's Fuel and s Lumber Depot.I We are stili handling Best Brando Cana dian * Cements, British Columbia Red Cedar and other gooti M Brands Cedar anti Pine Shingles, 'Pins and Hemloek à Lumber, Dressed and Undresseti, Doore, Suit. Blinda S and Mouldings.j Fresh Mi1ned, Seranton Coai, Cannet Coal, Steani q Coai, Charcoal, liard anti Soft Wood, Long, Sawed andi Split, Slabs, Edgings, Landi Plaater, Fine and, Coarse Sait in barrels and sacks. We always aim to give the best value at reasonable prices. Hligheat Cash- Price ÇE paiti for Grain andi Seetis. SMeelellan & eo, * King St East, Bowmanville. AilSOap isfnot -Pure soap That is the reason why $5ooo.oo reward will be paid by Lever Brothers Limiîted, Toronto, to any person who cani prove thiat ~SunightSoap contains any form of-adulteration whatsoever, or contains any în- jurious chemnicals. Shrunken woolens, frayeti linens andi sore chapped hands are evidence that ail soaps are nlot pure soaps. 1Sunlight, Soap îs guvaranteed to be a pure soap. Dealers are authorized to returfi purchase money to any one finding cause for complaint. Suniliglht Soap is equally good in hard or soft water. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO 1001 , - -, - Mr 'nr nç,