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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1905, p. 3

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Aftï:SOLUTELY NEEDLESS AGONY C hse y Uterine Disorder-s and Cored by àLy*ia ftE. Pîàkbai'sVe bI Crn ,u A great many won-,en suffer with a form of indigestion or dyspepsia which does not seera to yieid to ordin ary treat- ment. While the syrnptoms secin to be similar, to those of ordinary indiges- tion, yet the inedicines universally pre- scribed do not seeni to restore the pa- tient's normal condition. jB a~ e Mr.Pinkham claims that there ke a k!tind A, dyspepsia that is cansed by a derangement of the female orgainism, a.nd which, while it causes a disturb- ane -imilar to ordlinary ýindigestion, Uanrot bo relieVed without a mnedicine ïvMich net onl, 1Y cts as ua ste mnech tonic, but lie pcular terine-toni(c eifects kAý proo0f of this-, theory we.ealu at- tention to thse case of lirs. Ienry Bealabîen, 58, Sparkis St., Ottawa, Ont., :%ho wa.s completely cured by Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetabie Comnpound after everythîng else bad failed, She writes: Dear Mns. Pnk "-m "I1 had been troubl6d witli indigestion and rerai stoei disorders for nearly a year asorenea lun My stouiscl and was un- able to digesîtmy food. 1 diet«.d and doctored wlthont suecess; but Lydia E. Pfikhanis Vege"9le Comupound brougbt me permanent relie-f. -1,used tbree botties and ficured me of m stomach trouble and built up zny gen- eraichesIth. 1 now enjoy a spleundid aps.- tite, en rtest ail kinds of food, bave no trouble 'wth indiges-ton, and, know tkat 1I owe it aiu te Lydia .. E inkhamns Vegotable Compeund.11 No other usedicine l, the vvorld ha& received such widespreÜd and uiiquali- fiedendorsement,or hassucli a record o cures of female troubles. as has Lydia Li. Pinkham's Vegetable Compoundâ. HELP 1 HELP 11IIELP!î1! 11e-p tise pub'hsofe!Tan STArES mAx.. Hurrv !,p' tee, pease NSow le tise riglît tume, We- are giving our suisecnihrs one of thse best local papers ia Ontario. Our list of suiscrise-ns is growiag tester tise ear tisa fer years Just now w-e arc o ieng a bargain thst V wtisat for a mentis we are giving IHu STATnsmAN -4te enti e! 1905 fer onlyi 6) cents, anti The Weekly Globe ansi - C anadia Farmer trea as a preilin te everY person w-ho sente- us a new suis. ecription for our pape-r and 60 cents Or auy pere-ouflot a subseriber wiso sentis us 60 cents caa get both papers te e-nd e! 19J5. Papers may be sent to different attirese-es. Thse Vlee-kly Globe has a new editor wbo is making w-enter- luil mprovement la tisat aid favorite family newspaper Iintily make oar great bargaia offer known te ycur neigihors antfi rencd uhelpUs to get IWO0 more mnembers ifito eur STATESMAN family. Will yen try te se-ad us two new subscrlhers et this rate? Ii se, weili accept -$1, This me-uns tisat w-e'i Pend tW-o STATEIIMANS te any tw-e at- dresses and twa Weely Globes te two addresees ta cati o! 19',5 fer oniy $1. 4> Isn'rtisis a bargain olter? Address: JAMES PUBLIBSFO RQoussi, Eow-manville, te learu tisi, it Ila cal Science L-as ai _.lat tnaussphet un preducýing a positive Cure feu- are ateeisii e M edical Profession as S li as ail Rupturet. C, sas that bave desOsd huinalail 1. geniiy have yielded iI - s hon tises. Seopina- t ien, paie, danger, or I ~ lime ,frein Work to eba reakable cures psr- ormed la tisat cf J, . i -, ~ tetceson, Esq., JusteG - ~. e-fPesce, Madoe, Ha - port-, iigs Co., Ont., hos portaitber apears. -Be la sredt aWO years. 7Lo ,furiberin troduce ibis iventerfulcua !F. , ,'. Ren.2î East Quers sue' i, book Ca Rpture be 50w.ý JELESSON 0F T1HE BIRDS CTCp Immortaiity - is -a> Reality Which SfapintnenandPui Instinct PiWoes, . the WorI«'s Greatest A despateis freus, Brooklyn, N. Y., "!,et net your beart be troublecd"SknC rs says: Ilov. Dr, Neweli Dwight Iliilis while Paul added, 'WVe know tisti preacbed kaom. tefollowngtet: heealy oue faourtberncle b O PL T T E T N bouse ef this tabernacle were dis- net made wftb bands,, eternai in the n r solved, we bave a building of Qed, heavens." Fû r veryHu mour, mmra i ifilems an bouse net madie with hands, eter- The testfseeny of the greatoat e i s naul in the, heavens. seintis also is another witness te im- 10 o creulà, iwm iiiaflncy lu un -ehis- -tetters t'oIumïbus - nsrtalhty. -h Tt s-a - problem -that- thre speaa abut n unisceerei co- man who bias the oe last f act la the10M . tiaýe-at. The new world was eut of cnse outr eigbs al the millions. Thus sight, btfrbs twsars Professeor Curle's jutignient l ai world. Se bc ,turnetd ibis little sbip unm thse rorring after ho announced ' eaonza tcig9d unn toward tbe setting sun. Day after bis discovery was worth more thia fts siaiece.1ie rgi u dayCiiusaidstdlyo.Bst scaling, as ia psoriasis; tise loss of isair ytollabssildsed n is e jutigment of al tbe other1- and crnsting of tise scalp, as in scalled sailors were full o! terrer; again and _500,000l,000, and nfot otherwise SS is ead; tise facial disfiguremieat, as ia again tIb4-y mutinieti, For sany witb this hope. pimiples and ringworm; tise awful dnys Columjibus concealuti thse jiai Many ignorant people bave ne suffcriag ef infants and the anxicty distancetbey bad saileti. At last bc tbougbt of inmortality. But tbere of 'wrn-ont parents, as in muille crust,, saw a goldeni bougis doating fa tise nvehas been a T oeî, or sean Of tetter, and sait risens, ail dcmiand a waters. On thse bough resteds a car- supresee genies or philosopher that remcdy ef almeet superisuman virtues dinal bird, îith wings tired tbrough bas not cherishied this faitb. The te successfully cope witis theus. Tisat the long fligist. bigiser aise hie had climbedth te Cuticura Seap, Oiatnient, and Pis Ta tbat heur Columebus exulteti andi brigbfer bis hope. Socratea waa tise are sucis stands proven beyond al his heuart sang for jey. Witb instant irise-st toucher that oe-r walketi the diouist. Nostateseentis matie regard- * ision bl ie posi f rrn the bougb te streef s of Athens. Slowly Socrates ing tisem tisat is net justificd by tise * tie great forest, frn th ýe single bird coastructeti bis arguments -for in- 'strongest evideace. Tishe ptsrity and te d)cks ! wof sngtes oust sortuiitv, anti on tise raft of bis ifa__sweetuess, tise power te afford -imme- beisntitis rei coucs an th setin stnet andbisfaiis ut ut ntodia te -relief, tise certaiaty ef spcedy son vas d th a-,if"uscoeoi the etigsnt 'd kns ai the s, otrîntaadandi permanent cure, tise absoînte onth I sale tý2 ili udsafeiy and gea eoomy, bave made nîght tbrogis, knowýing 7t-bat wben Paul fa tho groatefpilsp huîmor remleics Of tlicci leorld. t1cise j dariiu n ie siadows de-d the -Hohrwshveprdcoi Tara ______ %%,Way be Woo-ld bshld tise ne-wworlti. ing aayfrein ail, gospeýls o(Ifdoubt Al knj ow !i1-he resuit; fbis is bistory.' antidesiPaul s -id "I kaw Y A S0 O T R For the erporer the bird o! hope that 1 bave a bouse eternal,- and Y A SO O T R an-O fisat ofthie golden bougb toîd looketi forward te tieatb as te tbe Itchiiig and Paiif ul Sore.sCover- no lies. Tisey-were the fererunners heur o! victery and supreme happi- fng Head and Body Cured Of tbis splendid confine-aft. nes. 0f ber great aien bave be-rn By Cuticura. And not otberwise- is it with- the cbuded intheir faiths, but in tbeir "Fotr fiffeca years iny scalp andi 1 ee 1-rgigsor theiLs ariii A toobest mo!menots. byave cleareti the forciseatiwaaoeemass o! scabs, and youî w ifeorcfdiM.i th idoclus mny body wss covered with sàsres. nigbt you awaken full o! fear. Anti Wbnt a word is this: -l bad ra- Wordo canuot express isew I uffcred thon a gruat, sweef bhoe sprîngs up. ther ho wrong witis Plate andi Socra- troin tise itciinganti pain. 1 isad Tise ebld shah net refurn t e hnrgtwibtoewb ob given up bepc 'wien a fricati tolti me eyeu, tut anti denv.- Thereforo lu bis iast and lte get Cuticura. After batiig witis YOU SIIALL GO TO 11LM crowninig book Professor' Fiske re- Cutîcura Soap andi applying Cuticura corda bis faitisý-that imseortality la Ointincnt for fisrce days, my iscati was Suti-lenly tise bepe inisortal siaga in the goal teward w-ich tise worlo as clear as ever, sud te miy surprise 1 your btnart like a birà. It tolls o! process of evolutioîs bas heem strug- sud jey, one cake ef soap andi one box tbe undiscovereti country o! Shsakes- gliiîg frein the very beginnia, For cf eiatmneat made a complote cure in peneo! is ,bpp hiIl o!Paadie.science bas hecome a propisetf m one week. (signeti) H. B. Franklin, Foc, ns Columibus founti for us mort ality an-ci ail the arguments are 717 Wasisington St., Allegiseny, Pa." Ainerica, Christ sisceverc- th ie City csuaie Cuticua Soap, Oinment, and Pis are eod th.-suý5eut e! ed.Affer years o! reflection anti muc i R.. de la la~ii;Aeeli, R. TowS, a C, Sydney. potr - &che. doap., Bostou, Soies Prop.. But cfa tisougitfui men trust study wo bave founti the rock. Hope M=d1te Hýt lVeYluor1 tbf s hope? De our instincts deccive bas ibecoîne conviction and immnortal- us? Instincts tell ne lies te other ity tise selace anti creaturcs. Already tise robins Gare 0F DAILY LIFE in tise .ark . Soon tisey wfll btiild O1I tiroir ni-s and bat ch their youno- But for inn'ortality life scarcely lai September tise robins iili stairt Would bocuWorth tise living.Tise sot.Wien tise yeung bird is but statossean plans tise people's geeti for tise dighît te Florîda. Wben & Itfeacba'i the people anti receives few- ieels bave pas-seti by, a! ter tise blame Thse merrisat gives anti re- 1 oîî fligist b-y day andtfhe fs'e'.iig by cives ingratitude. (Mien tise best isgisi, i--ho yeunïg Isirds -Whi. l-f lrai m"-ir as cieanitie wis BTTt AT IL QtP tiseir new home-tise fereruinners ef clinbt> f place anti power.Th isstpî gý u- hunian pilgrima, who tire o! tise ice In hlourso! tiopression public mcatrcdontpi sa.iggoibt anti£no 0ftise -Nerth anti make lonîg fer tise dreasuless sicep- ever o iefril ceayîehd their wany te tiseoanegroros of Wrou_.is-t. one would ho unequal te sinuîilking aîîd 'tn thein tise mlk tise Souths. tise baffle of tise aîorrew but f or tise nndctreusa ntilts ute 5sau Now, f eai whbence did th ie rebia inimoitai hope. H-ours fisere are facurti O teate uil cre f gef tîsat instinct about FIentda? 11,w w-bsn ftle doors open into issaven; ftakea edntocrise itiedr aiiSur- disi a young bird tiiet opoed ies is knowing tisafseen he mîust leave bis reunding parts o tseco before cYea in Prospect -Park know ,tint fssatido ie o_,helessilking. Pacticles o! mranure or tisere a-as a palmi troc anti a cool leng7ingly tow-ard tise slssr other turf haaglng fote iese tarts SMPing ini flic w-urus fropic land? Weil, Must tise boo'îa ho cloSoti forever? 1dati tiseir w-ny into the selk paîl any tbe'ugistful sean can answ-er tise Milst w-e louve tise homre anti the cify wancd e setisabpeiiifymo!tamals- quest ion. -Foina is a real laad. nvrte refurn? Wilfise bangor wihdsrltepusblt fmk Lon ag th roin adeitswayonefor heaufy anti gooducas nover ho in1g go'sd butter. Anof ber difficuity ciay's îeurney nos-fb andtihion turnosi salisfies? At boft tissworjldi s a fisthaeany of ana bae sebuttrie sentis agaia teo Scape tise winter. littie rage. la tise roologicaveai gar-Ie Tl'ie next year tise robins uent aerth dons is tise aufusma t h golden-creaf- croas that tbey boit if for tee igreat once smore and ugan returacti soutis, et ongle s9tanids alw-uys on tiý,seutis a leag-th -o! tino isfore cisuraing, fin Bu fseinnîr o! Florisia w-as in aide o!f the cage wfis ifs be-ad ' order t get sulhlicient bulk or quan- tise niether bird. !tîtttssea-twa tise bars, ai.raiaing andti ty for cbunning. Tisc surlier mifk- cestral iinresOî ccsc tallizedto strailîing withis ho1atitowarci tise cse som eacitor tle, anti e!fo wht a!isic.Seutis. Tison w-be-n tise spring again cus 1ii iewioeirde o Tis r-c-eisingFloîdadeeloet ponenfs landtitise ongle stands ai- chunning. Another point tisafisa thelioe n'to, lttl bid orninw-uys lookin-g tewardthtie Nortis and froquently nef antorstood by inalers Prospect Park. That is w-at Our straining tOw-ard tise landi wiere on tise farin is thut tis eratshouIl great poet imeanas whouho Systiat cons ho irabdn I cS cproperly ripeneti for a goti day- -c rc xild romheaensas cholAn-as bther ulsnbdng pca. oret producf. Wbere a censiterable weaeeiàlls1 reain hesaefbtte nioffscsuptns xetn quantif y of creassii is securet ceacis hopeo! mmetaliy l a alace w-, TIiivisf on boucs cornes fithe irrvortal day if !S otten echuinnet Prlfca have let, tis hope. LOOking upw-uc , fscý uîswe,çusiisgs abutter iaýckin1g "fG1'n 1tupHiisit)fiser." ThonfM' ho e rpnsw-cil as bte ri -tienS w0eld howsomfc1ising as fol- NEWÎ BUILDING iyATERIAL.,Xï INSPECTION RECIF'ROcîTy. lors: Affer giving careful attention te tise titai la o! îrilkisig, te secure Provincial G'elogist on thse Sand-. Goverumnents of Unitedi States andi a cloa produet, tise crease shouiti ho Limie Brick Intiustry.s Canada Hlave Agreesi. sepunatot as quickly as possible froni A Toront o despateis says:-Prof. An 'Ottawa tespatci s ays;-p'r tise.milkanti ke is as ol as issh- Mille", Provincial geologist, bas pro- soine imeth pine flic hi 01 ce. Whor1ec qiela aville tise0 poresi a report on "Tise Llisestones beth saides o! hsGetkshippngUit ro60 eu hoquiçky coe t the 50 O! Ont asio.-anti it bas just beenbeetian o isfo ecreaoakshae r 0deres ofetseol curodtdt-insure proer souriiig, anti if t bouit eha boit utas loir a tem- pe-rature as tise circunstainces w-ill permit. Facis f resisbatji o! crouaL siseult be auised ite this andti isr- ou'gisiy stirresi tog-ethor, until esioagh 15 seditret for chuirning, andti iree or fouir bousasioulti elaps-e aft or tise addition o! tise lnsf lot o! ceansbiso- les-e cisurniug, se as te insaneq o! fise w-iole pole. If l7 beftier te, elii salqatiisaetsi bt boitcretuteelon , t etts cîtouhul'lie nr i it on unil tira butter grntS n . i-a!aout 1Ih,,,si zeo!fran e! cern. boustIhe butfeýýnmlk- ca ru!ll dun', i tise lînit i u i ashet 'ilipure, cot -ate Uni-i uenscteabi spce s enso UCevOICte o the Portland cernent indeustry. Sone splendid illustrations adora the se,- por. Queensland possesses the Meost ia- teresting flora, and the most aumier- ous and valuablo wild fruits in the worid. Coo1k's Cotton Root Compouni. Tehe only saf e effectual snonthiy medicine on which wonsen can - 7r idepend. Sold iu two degrees of strengt -No0', for ordinary cases, $1 perbox; No. 10de- grees stronger for Speciai Cases, $3 er box. Sozd S al druggss f or Cook's Cet- * ton iticCompound; talu no sub titutS,. The ook ediine O.. Windslor,UOtario. lives. Althose snffc,ýrïng with Bouls, Scrofula, Eezema invaluable te cieane tise blooti D avis & Lawreince-Co., Ltd., Montreal. y FAIM ýTNOTES. If is tise duty o! everyoite te ac- quire andi iaintain. Hoe w s if fo himiseif, bis faseily, bis ceuî[-. lie- fore there dan ho a higis type o! on- joyseenftishere inuaf bc meunste pur- cisase this'esans o! cnjeymeaf, Tise fiing for tise fariner te do la te have a fine growrtiso! diore.Ti cuit ho easily got, by usîng tise pro- per asitount s u o!etsi ani phoaýpho-r- iC ajcit!. l'doer, n alnl reot cropaý, ptass lafli saf nee-te-t elehnt; tisreor potasis fertilizers a-e fuut te ho tise be-st for tison. Tise alinosf universal practice e! pote ogrow-ones fa toe ut seeti pe- tutees detun te tino or thrc eyes, i fius ccreasitig tisecosf o! planfiog, w-bicS is nhiuaý7s ieavy fagrew-ing 91)tuf es, unles vu do as sono peo- ple bave heen known *t do, aftenpf te groir a saal patcs fron tise po- fate purlaga.. Potafo greiners lu Europe w-ho hase. made this a ýmat- foc of spociai sfuty apparesstly ail avoidti anethod. They platt w-bat fisey cail blg seot, usual from 1,- 500 te 2,000) pounts per acre. This accina extrasvagnt. A littho doyen onr i!falf iseulti be seetet initis evory conhination of grassc>,w befiser for ineatoîr or pus- turce. Tise truc grasses, se fan us science. bas dscovereti, must tase ail o! tisaiîr plant foot frein tise sou.: j but tie legunes, sncb ns elevec anti nifaîf a, ar e nablcti byrme-ans o! tise bacterlu visicis sock on tllc recta o! lthese plantfs, te utilize tise fr nt- rogen co! tise air, anti, insteaIletfex- hausting t honitroges e! tise soul, fise legumes tond te incease tise sup- ply, anti act us boat p1lant s or feedi- ors te tise nitrg-is oxisaustinggcss os. If is vory 7ins4portaist, tis"refore, tisat exery * v 'eor snendow sb0uld - ceint nia homo ýpes-ensfal legunse, be- danse tise preýsene o! these nitroen gafiserers w-Ili net only cause a grentor prciucf ion frein tise etber grasses, but if w1li mako-tise pasture or nieadoir more onduring anti louve tise sou nmore fertile tisait irulti 'otiserwise be tise case tuben tise sot is fiîsuliy broken for tise grew-ing o! other cropa.. LIVE STOCK NOTES. If sfca dy, cesît inueti perseverance w-ill net cure a balky hornse, nelthc-r iubip non ligistet straîr will. Sncb robais sisoulti ho relegutedt te iard stock lu a doubîle toas anti ail lick- inga disp7enactiiits. Tise elle-ctf o!aiton tis- a enti o! sheop is net-sgenecnlly uiienstooti. Ifs effeci. is -te give tone to the organ- isse. Tise asi o! tse blooti of a isoulfhy siseop soains about 60 poer dent, sait, andi thle asis o! urine 33 per cent. Tise scundify o! s-ucis an important constituent iii the blooti me-ans a relaxation o!-vital eniergy. Tisen is ne secret proe-osa thuf bningas jucccasîritfh blins. Tisose.w-ho detalîesft is tis1 eir he P!unw-is- ferýi aniforne- r tie w-ho appe lenerytusy cealme heas la pitbya keepsingrain onfrte w-r ine for egg production, anti aeeing te if tisat tisoir liens hase a ration of grain, gsif, greens anti somo animal food, Whoeping Cough. "la tise SDring of 1901 mv ciiltrea had whooping ceagis," says Mrs. D W. Capps, o! Capps, Aie 'Il used Cham- be-lain's Cougis R-midtv iti tise most satisfactery results 1 tisink ibis is thse beat remet %7 I have e-ver seen for wiseop- log ceugs."'Thsis re-sety keeps the cougis laosg, lesseas tise severity anti frequener of tise cougbing speils andi couateracîs any tenidesýe t 1omard pneu menia. For sale by ail driiggleto. WHEN IS SUC.CESS FAILURE?. Whsen it dwnrfs, cranins or iaterferes with aaothers's rigisis; '*wbe-ait blinds 1 ou te intezrests o! tieman, at tse etier Wea there is a dilsisnest or a t-eceit. fuil dollar in Your possession; w-heu YOur orpisans, or tise ,uii,;o!wtise oppor- tunitiles ofo! tiers. When you rob tisoseowho work forsou ef w-bat is justly tisoir tine, andt iesi pose as a pbilaiitiropist by cetrihutiag a susaîl fraction of eue unjuat gains te some chanity or te tise eadcwmnent o! some publicentttoî.Sces the watcr which wiIl drain away from the butter is perfectly froc of Th@ inatter of sait andi color is a question of taste. Suficient quanti- ties should ho used te suit tise par- ties wý,ho are to consunie the butter. It i fa dliscultitnf warra clirrates to keep the butter at cool cnough tei- peraturo te insuj-e long keepiag. -it is possible that the butter.could be placed ia vessels cevered iu such a way that tlîoy could ho entirely sub- nierged la a tank of water, provided this wa* orcena be renewed frequent- ly froi a reasonable cold well or sprîng. The subnierging would eut off the ifune of outsfde air, and ehoul(l insiure a teînperature of-fromn 55 to 65 degrees, wbicli wouid keep the bujtter-firm,-and athal ature-s il ougbt te keep for a nuseher of days' and net lose its original fresbn1ess and sweelness. Let it ho esephasized again that the main fea- turc of naking good butter is tbrough cleanliness frein start te finish of the process, and the proper ripeiiin- of the creai before it is cisurne'i. o e 1114YollHaye AI wyjs Bollgli In Use For Over 30 Years. T.,rz- -N7A OMAS.77 MURRAYSUCT N? YA l??. Rice & Co., We have introd uc<:dUa whoàle lot of improvements on the the Lest testeed maýý--t2ealwe have exete or alen-t in the SO'lutely Ï11n i the history- of ed ivnin are these- The perfected H y gî e nïc C us h îo n Frame, t h e "8w S 11I's H y 9gle n îc Haiindle BB.r, the Improved SILL'S IHÂNDLE BAR Morrow Coa.ster Brake. Massey-Harris 'and Imp'*al icycles. havwe these InIatstideas. SILL rHA ND30.LE B ARP The SUiIVS flande Ba Dr is a new idea. It Pr£Oxnotes the cfaortof ridling bY reo- màoving t'ho $train usp n the arma and hands so that the weiiht of the body may hoe thrown ferwvd over the front foril without any possibility of the hands boing cr-azped or the idiasp loosened by the vibration that would otherwise b. set up were the handie bars riffid. The Sill's Bars tafte up and absorb the vibra- tion from both directions, because the action of the sprinp; is controlled by a hinÉed part which directs the mnovement of the bars ini a downwards and forwards tilting motion. The purpose of the spring is to supply a cushion to 61, ive " inder the pressure of the arme. The hinjàed part strenâthens the steering poist and leaves the operation of steerinig no less sure and easy than it is with bicycles having rîÉid handle bars. Write for Catalogues Canada Cycle & Motor Co., 'I TORONTO. Agents fo r the Massey Hlarris Bicycle, BoWmanville. Li 'Two ys Take ai~ r II(WhaMets SevenM2lin b. ca r9 h pea 12 uon~s=box. sgntrSc. i i 4 The Kind Yon Have Alway s Bouglit, and whieh has beeiî lu use for ove-r 30 years, lias borne the signatnre of and bas been made under bis per- SOnal suPêrvision SInce its infanÏcy. Allow no one to deceive you in thig. Ail Counterfeits, -1imitations and ýI Just-as-goed I are but~ Experiments that trille with and endanger the bealth of Infants and Chidren-Experience against Experiment eastoria is a hârmiess substitute for Castor 011, Pare- gorie, Drops.,and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasànt. Ith contains ne-ther Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substan-e. Its ageâi its guarantee. It destroys Worms~ and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colîc. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatalene-y. It assim-ilates the Food, regulates the Stomae-h and Rowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. 'The Children's Panacea-The i'other's rieînd. - Bear& -the Sig-nature of Filin cf lK 1 Ç,'etî-iiàmrýhle ýnný- ;, ýl- i - ii i Ï-" ' i ti'.1 17,11 1'linese lof3t their -el 1 - 15L-

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