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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1905, p. 4

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The. canadIan Statesman Thp, lfhlon I-11e Stav eneBOWMÂNVLLLE, A3195 E uU~ ~'~--- -~ I Is the best ail-round fence in the market. Abouel iht a-perfc in every respect and 1 ur prices are imeet reasonable- Lawn M owers A full Une of the latest improved Lawn Mowers-Carefully selected- fully guaranteed-No better value anywhere. RI~E &eo, OppùSite Post Office. Phone, 6( PUBLIC HEALTU AS AN ASSET. The Ilife and usefuluess cf aniy àmem- ber ol the commuuity is worth mouey to 1t; sickness and death meau lbases te the public as a whcle as well as te the family and te the individual. 'The phil- osopher wb avccated a law-te puuîsh every persen wbe became iii was net se far wrong, if we predicate kuewledge on the part of the invalid, since eickness is almost iuvariab1,ý due te seme avoid- able act or omission. Since the neces- sary knowledge is net general or common, we would suggest that a small appropriation for th-2 expense cf circnt- ating the admonitions cf the Board, cf Heaith would be a strictly ecouomic measure certain to justify itself by fim- mediate and very substautial eturna. Heretofore this ýwcrk lias been lef t en- tirely te the newspapers, and these are doubtless, sURi willing te be taxed in the gecd cause, but it le aise true that it weuld etîtail additional laber and ex. pense on the part of au institution that is already both liard worked and poorly 'paid. We appreciate the necessity cf sucli educational work or we would net sug- «est sucl i mssionary enterprise. Ig- norance of the simplest rules and negleet cf the most pimary precautiens have o xacted a fearful tax. We are told cf ýcase cf an outbmeak cf typhnid fever in a village wnere the autherities were ready te accept it as a judgment of beaven Examnation by the bealth officer shcwed that the sewage cf the d wellings was practicallY drained into' the public well, and the watem was acý- counted geod because it was l'clear! "' The penalty exacted was eleven lives, witheut- couuting after effeets, cost and sickuess. Thé experience is a cemmen cneeexcept in extent. Ner isit pessible for the officiais te guard every lieuse fremn the consequeuces cf sucli ignora nce or carelessuess. The only remedy is education, and we insist that the need is more import- ant than that cf uew lieuses or better school bocks. It wculd est littie te prepare oceasionally for evemy news- paper in the county a circular letter such as the Provincial Healtli Board could prepare. EAS fER WEDDINGS. TÎ-ompsN-LAw. The DaVenport Methodist Chumch was the scene cf a very pretty and quiet wedding Monday eveninif April, 2th, wben M. Rusell Gerry Thouipsori, eldest son cf Mr. and Mrs, S. IL. Thomp- son, was joined in marriage- with Miss IHelen Sophia (nee) Nellie Law. daugli- ter cf Mme. Josepli Law, Toronto. The groom was supported bv bis brother, Mr. W. J. Thompson, the bridesmaid being Miss E A. Law sister of the bride. dressed withtliose co ninaàtions cf cream silk and lace and flowers which harmen- ized splendidly wîtli lier briglit, happy and winsome face. Bey Gee W. Dewey peformed the ceremonv. The, hiappy couple left on the 9 o'clock train April 25th for Gravenurst, their future horne,1 axid showers of rice and well wislies. The bride was presente [wth many liaudseme and useful preents. BouLTR-HopER Ahappy event was.quietly celebrated nt the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs CI P, Jerael, 26 (Jady St , Rocliester, N.Y,. oni Wednesday eveniug April 2lth, wlien Miss Annie Maud Hoeoper and Mm Ernest -Fredeiick Boulier" were -united inlumar-- o'clocK. Thâ e remony was Performied by ReV. W~ E. carrolI, B. A., ili the vregence of the immediate relatives, of the contracting« parties. The bride whe wa8 given awvay by ber fether, locked charming, in a 2own of cream silk daint ily trimm1ed with idlk braid and wcore lily ofthe valley. Little 1Miss M-rj0rie Brown, sistelr of the bride, was flower girl and worj, a Pretty drese of white orgRadie caring lily),cf the Valley and roses The 1hdcsmai!d was Miss. Eva Brown, si,teîof tme bride who wore bron il ad srredswetpes.The grüoomwa supported by Mr. Hugh Cooper,' Kernev%. cousin of the bride After a wedoiing supper at the home of the br e's pîiren ts ihe happy couple left amie shûwer., cf rice and goociwishes for Burketon, where ttiey tooyk the C, P. R.' for Linds4y, Peterbore, Toronto and, Detroit, Miçlî The bride*s gcing away suit was navy blue ladies' cloth with bat te match. The presents were a loveir collection. Among the guests from a distance were : Mrs. Cuthbert, Kirk- ville, and the Mlisses Brown, Toronto LITTLE LIVES LOSTI The annual report of the' Registrar- General for Ontario shows that lu that province alone, out cf every one thousand children born oee lundred and eleven die before they reacli the age of one vear, and lu every province cf the Dominion there is the same ap. palling loss of prectous littie lives annually. Most of these deaths are due te disorders cf the stomacli or bowels, and most cf these little lives could be saved if mothers lRept always at harid a simple remedy te giv'e tne littie ene at the first sign, cf trouble. Sucli a med- icine is Baby's Own Tablets, wbich cures constipation, diarrhoea. indigest- ion, simple fevers, teethibg troubles, worms and other miner ailments, whicli if net treated promptly become most serieus. And the mother lias a positive guarantee that these Tablets contain ne poisoneusopiate or harmful drug. They are equally goed for -the new hemn baby or the well grown child. Thous- anda of mothers say Baby's Own Tablets have saved the lives cf their little cnes. Ycu cau «et the Tablets from auny druggist or by mail at 25 cents a box by writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Ce., Brockville, Ontario. DISTRICT NOTES. Robert J. Lapp, mail carrier, died suddeniy at bis home iu Coîborne, aged 61 years. Tbe late E. D» O'Flynn cf Madoc, bequeatbed $3000 te Albert College, Believill1e. Miller's Grip Powders Cure. Sold bv Stott & Jury, druggist, Mr. Chans. Britton, Newcastle, bas purchase3d a driver [rom Mr. Ilobt. fier- ness, Charlecote. Miler's, Worm, Powders cure fever in eilîdren. Sold by ýStott & Jury, drug. gists. Mr. F. A. Luke, Oshawa, lias pur- cliased the b-atcher business cf Mr. H. Nattrass, Millbrook, Miller'A Compound Iron Pis, cnly 25 ents for ý50 dozen. Sold by Stott & Jury, drug-gists. Rey. Geo. MeGregor lias resigned as pastor cf Pickering and Broufgham Presbyterian Churches. D1 o yen feel tired and weary witliout anyappmntcaueDon't be alarmed, aII ~ou require is Vite Tonie, it will soon bring b)ack your strength and en- ergy. B tte ty a bottie. Mr. R. M, Mitchell, druggist, keeps lu it stock. Mr. Fra nk Glatworthy, St.Cathariues, Men's Ncckwear in the new shades . Resida, Green, Oystcr Gry an.d Fancy Browns. Yen Cant buy better fitting Footwear for Men than the Chas. A. Eaten Co's geeds. Made at Brockton, Mass.

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