£ TERMS P-$O er Annum. AMS&SON, In Adance.BOWMANVJLLE, ONTAiR,' ýWEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 19'05. VOLUMEl N,1 i SprIng9 *n Imortations out thî pigTe are now showing the,,'contentb of scores f,_.ss a le of M h ave oosb ee&y ds, il 3 Dres TimminsPritsý, rilsSateens and'alvlylto NwW s ' ~~Goods of ail kinds suitable for Shirt WastSuits, * ~Carpets and Curin fietThe BIGGEST Stock of Carpets of ail kindî; as we llla-8 the* b Lavy flouse IiBowmnanville. No Better Value Anywhere.., Avery choice loýt of Tw'eeds and Worsteds for Men's Suit$. 4 Bowmnvile, -4y The Corner Shoe Store' The Proper S h ine Our han.idsonxeC'ooteSes OJIOCOLATES For Ladies, and ehILdren! UHOCOLATES For Men and Boys smïartÏ"alnd up.to.dIate. No deaxer than black ehoes. LADIES" SHOES Wih ubbar heels. A very popuIar styleaut $2, WLADIESe CQMMON SEINSE STYLES' Low he-el shees, strap slippersi and elast!ie frontfs, Sot t uppers. Pliable 501es.ý - PA TEXNT L EA THER S. Good patents with or without rabber heals. ,Sbudy our windows. THE BEST MADE.- Our big ussortment ot knock- abouts, 20 styles, bougli and trusty. OUR STRAJP SLIPPEBS. SLarger dslythun ever". Chuldj's -4 te 7.1 49e. p Misses 8 le2, 89C. Lacrossa Shees ieacp antci gooti. BIIRN & 0q OshwaU T (D h,à q2 tns ;à, TYRON. ~ TRAVELLER'S SANDWICHES. The annual meeting et Tyrone Foot- Take soea-sandwiches matie witb bail Club wns boIt Saîurtiay April 22nd, Clark's juicy, appetîziug, Lnuncli Ton- wbou the fotio wing officers wereealectoti gue--Notbiuig hait se tasty, -PreRident-Rev. L. S. Wight, B .A.e i B. D; Vice-Preietn-F. G. Byni; Top Prices for Butter anti Eggs., Secretani -Treasures-Percy Clemens; Captain-.Frauk Werry. Managing Committee-B. Pollard, A. W. Clamons, T, H. Kuiglit wante Sour butter anti Wilbur Moore anti J. Souci. Fielti eggs, tarmers. Very top pnicas witl be Committee-L. rhompson, N. CollacuIt, pait. Don't hasitate te brng ait Sour L, Roopar, N. PooIey anti H. Burgaes farmn produce lu the provision line-be Regutar practico Weduestiay anti Sat- cau lake ait at bast pnices. Re lise urdav evenings. Tho îeam wiîî play undertaken te supply a firm tn Montreal practice matches at any convoniant anti eau bantile a Ion of butter a week tue, anti 1000 toz, egg@. He wants your produce anti will pay cash or rade. Cat I to soea buabout il. TOWN COUNC1L, AUCTION SALE. Report et Town Council meeting of AT may ItI s on an susitie page. 'Beiow is SThe'AY Mav 18-The executors ef report passetibY Flinance Commibtea teolti Deacon [,lace, lot 10, con. 3, and Popte by cnin,ý', iDariington,will seIll tbyauiclion on anti ANDptdby TER.cil:the Promi!ses.' Sale atiI p. i,, L. A. Fia AN WAERW. To=, auctioneer. cnu Foundcry Ce,1 repaire for STRA A 7TeLv ro Egn................$ 92 60 STaRm nar SlAY wiif3lbevîsoit Ilo Can. Fine Englueý Co., ropairs 1Bannet ouse aI 2 p. m, See ativt. for Engine... .... ..40 00 witli terme anti ether particulars on Jas. Elliloît, Gasotine, ..... 44 00 another page. Electnie Light Ce , thawixug pipes 25 0oo______ R. Nash, lime . ' 4 10 25 W. a. Williams,1 sbnnp'g toos 2 ti L.AWN MOWERS. MeCtellan & Ce., wond .........1 7.5 W. Bennett, labor.............. 1 (69 solîcil a caîl front my 1oit anti new Durhiam Rubber Co., supplies ., ,,, customers. The sbarpanlng anti ne- ,W. H Dustan, supplies .....1568 pairngo anMwrarntdo W. Etiger, filing tanks ... ... 4 g5t0nn oerwnrattit R Nash, asst. engincon ........ 2 ()ô give antima satI8factIon every lime. Scissors andt knives Grounti; sawe - sbarpened; iigbt jobbitog a speciaity aI $239 8~2 the West Eut Smithyi King st. PU13LIC PROPERTY. W. -H. WILLIAMîS, M4cCtllan & Co., cot......., 14 50 19-2m. Bowmauvilie. W. H. Dustan, rope.,......,. > 35 8 14 85 APR1IL WEDDING. RoAnis AND STIIEETS, David bMutton, la Wm. Luxton, RobI. Hicks, Jue. Thickson, Frank Burns, Walter Hli, Ricli, Hait, Chas, Gootiman, Wm. Iamley, W. L. S Haucelzi, J. F. Bannes, B. Dillhon., Thee. Pente, 1~ g, a, 'a a, Ca)NTINGENCIES. Expenses Division et Counlies.. Il Caun, Colieclors clampe, etc, Jno, lyle, cierk's acet........ I Poon RELJEP. Clark ativanca te Inoigonts MeCleilan & Ce., coul anti weod. Dr. Poîbor, attentinuce. I 23 o8 18 58 19 8 10 20 10 20 2 40 6 00 1 25 2 50 .1 ES 1 88 $161G 65 1600 8 22, 85 12 45 9i2 8ý0 .5 Wm.Oke ptwiu, T., -si, 81 5 A very pnotty wetiding took place Wednesday, Apnit 26tb, aI 4 o'cteck p mi. aI the residence, ef Mr, Thos. VanCamp, Darlinglen, wheu bis second tiauglier, IMiss Bertha H. was united inl maniage te Mn. Fred. J. Gala, sou. et Mr. J H. Gale, et Pont ,Wbitby. 11Rev. Hugh Munroe, paster et Bowmanvilie Presby.- tenian church, offiiatiug. ,T!îodtimwing nooni was decoratet lu pinkl anti white roses anti the bride, prettily gewuetid lu creani crepe de paris o-var laffetta, anti cýarrtng white roses, enteoe thle roomu onc br tlher'e ;arm. The 1bride wats attndti y er sistýr Mse -dauVa- tCmwho Ibeoketi cblarxnîng inlcreI '1Th grooim was suppoCrteti by Mn. Hugh Jtefffinv, Wýýhiby. Af tan the ccremoîîy the guo-'se oairetI lto diing reoux. whicb wae decoratot w'l,emilax ant train ton a trip te western point2, AUlitelgetreliýable mon seekingf' pleasnt mpîcyme , usul!ary o on c oriie, are ativisedte 10 write Luowý te 'MareIaIi&cce., tan importenS1 Lv- tien, Ont, That Listless Feeling - WYhen you hve î:o aippetito, Wlien %-eu are alwiays tired, (even more se in the mrnàing Ib an ut nliglit), When your nierve, r shatter- ed and wlien you laek im, some. thing is serio)uslywrn g, 'Your Sser-ed BEEF IROiVN ANIIN This fer lu. Itissold teese F..KrSiA.ke,, The Dugs nt piln. Phono 49. Bwavle Fellowing wresuccesetu app0i'a"s fer liquor licenses; Town eZ sbaýwa- taveru licenses, Mary.-Baude, Jh Smith, M. Finnegan. Cnooper, Arthur Wales and 1,. G. iate. ownt cf Whitby-tavernlceeWP Lewis, Johin Perrin, M. A Bne n D. W. Megaffin; sbolio 1s E Armstrong. E a et 0îhit-averna licenses, R. E. Angoil, Rag an su Frank Mallel, Cedlardale W 'hiîbv1 Burnie, Myrtie Station,aniOve Sebert, BooiuPrt er'tvr Ilcenses, LwsBnoia~ ie Searles; shop lcu~s ila .Sot James Gerdoni, Pceig ?br o Livýerpeel. Aibor Il ravi,,lreot and T.nC Murs. ý. roug' eGeitl vAthatrd, ]anul fer . '1 dul Rbb hat C reedtîpaiyr' c..S re roirin, fand ..e..wil and rlef St e novmerst e de ge ved a ,slor. r.bnsJas ranley part ectorthW John Gibson fan ..Mr.Lon Bell and sisterMaggie reently visited friands aI Tyrone... . Mr. Tom Martin -basim- proved bis property by a fine inew fonce -Mr Frank Bradley wilt draw the Leskard mîlk Ibis summer. . .Mr. J. Clarke, Ballyduff, was recont guast of Miss Ada Truil.... Mr. Lockwod and f amlly have moved te pur viciniîty.,. Mr. John Morris visited friends lu Orono receutlv.-Messrs. Fred Truil and Herb. Findley vislteti frientis aI Kendal. .Mr. A. W Kennedy visite3 t Miss Elva Truli ... .Miss Martha larvey's oalfe housebelti effects passed, off wel.Sho aes horîly for Manitoba, aryn with ber the besî wishes oethlie0opie et the section, Ras il ever occurred to you that meet sickness commences with the teaci This is because the bloed bhecomesimii- povonishod Ibrougs lack et fnonnish- ment.,I e att e elsdke ,well take Vite Teule. R .Mthl Ce., druggists, koap lb lu stock. Rev. A. C. Crews, Torüu, Genoral Supenintondent ef Epwor-th Longules, will lecture lu the churcli har ne auspicesofetIhe League or hnsa May il aI 8 p. ni. on "The Mamotl Cave." Music will be turuishetiby local talent. Admission 15c; twe foir 25c; chultiren loc. Evarybodly corliaity inviteti. 17-3w Death bas again visiteti our -cer- muniîy and rennoved from our midst Mn. Wilson Adams well k;nown anti higbty rospoctati. Ho bas beoen aiiug for years anti'et laIe bas beduconfined te bis beti but death relievot i8is uifer- luge Tuesday night. The tunoral Fr1- day was largely attendeti. È1ev. Jos, Ward contiucted the, service. Thel floral offecri ngs were beutfni hese wha atteniâed froni a tistiaeweo is tbrea sý,tep-sonsfrom Uniteti States, Mr, Frank -Rogers, lus son I-taw, Witb)y. Theý paîl-benrers were MsrsGeo L ao cni hIren, Hock Ï lsî1iodý' 111., neturnetihome Tuesday ,lasI,.. Mu.Pbilip Tye, e reovatig bo bes. .M, S Suweu J. ned Atils7woý,rti bas latoian enchart i f£70 tres... .ogatustinste 'Mn.. sud MsTr.PoweÇPr-a vouinfgdug morni ng.. Il.pivearv J une Pi asudý 17 complexion im causeti brugtin, peer -blooti, buit you probably don't ko thent by tbbkiug 'Vite Tôuic you eail hav"e briglit rosv hekR. Mî Mtcel * o., druggists, kep it ija tocký COMING ANNIVEREI Enisk-illeu Solina Providence Maple Groe IESTLETON SARIES. Mav 14. May 21 &22, MFIv 21: May 21 & 24' May 28 & 29' Junle4, Juno 18 & 19. Bgtmz* ,ofl* um*tOf prvmi r A WESTDURHIA?, BOY' Mr. W., K. Sampson, Bagot, Man.,, recentlv sent us a copv ef the Treherne fimes in which appears a portrait ef a well known West Dnrharn bov-Jos; A Oshorne-, Mayor of Fort Frances. It bas taken us seme weeks ýo obtain a likerness etof lis Worsbip, and it affords us grentest pleasure o te-insert the i'ieess" and the sketch of bis busy lite. Hie is the sou of the Ie Alex. Osborne, at ene time a succossful teacor in Ibis couBty. His mether il stii living and is wit tM.W Nende, nDow of Fort Frances. Ont., but for mariy vears, ag-ent efthe Canadian Express Companv ln this towLp. In addition te what 15 said- of Mayor Osborne in the sketch it b, but fuir te say that hie is au active and strang Liberai and for business reasons lias declined proferred nomination as n candidate for boîLi the Di&minion and ,Provincial Parliaments at tle last general elections. Mr. Arthur Malcolm gashed bis foot while cutting- wood .... A voung -heir gladdens the hýome of Mr. Thos. Robin. son,...iJýevC. WVu]ff, Detroit, vielted friends bore .... Mr Lapp, Peterboro. lias a numb-er of moen loading telegraph polos... -"The Srno' a Port Perry craft, was strandoed near Mrr,1H. Gien- hy' n ad to hbo assisted ta move... àMýr. W. Rîchardson, Toronto, recently vitdfriandislhare. ,... Mr. John Wi1- lian,-Qjr , lias rezovered from his iilness. They mako one feel as thoug Ileo wvas worthhlving, Take oneof Carter's Littia Liver ïPuis aftor oating; it will ralevedysepss>aid digestion,'give touei and -vig'r to the sstemi A 1arý,e conregationattuddtho Quiirtorly service Sunda Ymrin.. Mr. R. Ave;ry i8 at the Toronto Genoeral ilospital undergoing troatment fo-ra dWiseo ankie ... . Mips Bortha Tyo is viiigfriends lin -'O.rs U. J. !Hoitge,,Wieae s~iiiga M'lr, M.1,B. Crermau',;sn .. ,ismr Haumis visitji?,: hedsiBokln *~~~~ ,h apoEL.CEitdvisit- Mlay 9. 11EALT11Y AND VIGÙôaoUS. Mr- on SiiELT=ON, the well1-kn-own bridge býUild- or, of 101 Shorwood StOttawva,stes -"! have u'sed Dr. Chase'sKduy LiVer 1Pil!s for kidnley and liver derauge.0 mlents b1rougfit on by opsrand flîîd thoia botter than anv pili or- medi- cino 1 vo usod. They cleansecd my svstem iaud made me fool hoaltliy and vig-orons, and botter in every way." Vis*Eitors :-Mr. and Mrs, F W. Lee, iitdfriends i'n Pickering; Mrs. J. Curtis, Tyrone, speut Sunday at Mr Jame3s Pyeý's;'Ir, John and Master Br1.caMMotcaîf, at r.. E. Stowart"s; Mr1-L B. Williamns and dauxhter,Elva, Rracbrigeat hor pa.rants Mi- A A'ert's3; lMr, Jioger Baocat Ba stock; ýMiss MagieB8ell, isited f rieuds,ý in Oshawa, rcul....r a.Pei niel y rcvoigalter the accident re-. ceivod r, r. W 1sek's baýrn raîsrng te maeour auivrsryonEmcpire package anid wateh resuitsî. W WTNGeneral Merchanlt. A very fine lino of mon's overyda ' boots, Ladies' Medium Boots, Ladies' Doneola Sos Ladies' Pebblo Bals and1 Men's Box Caif j ust received, and wffl beý sold ai close prices tor cashi or produjce. W. M. Wo=rr itN,Genieral Merchant. ______ BLACKSTOCK. Recent Yisitors:-Miss Clara Parr at homo; Miss Mary Jackson, Toronto, witli Miss Bruce; MIrs. Paterson and Nirs. Pett, at Mrs. John Jobb's; Mrs. (Dr.) Moore, Brooklin, at ber motber's; Miss Hiattie McLaughlin, Linasay, at home; Mr. and Mrs, Montgomery. Oshawa; Miss Sara Parr, Lindsav; Miss Nellie lholmes; Mr. Fred. Beacrof t with frieuds in Lindsay; Miss L. Short, jr. toacher, witli ler parents at Manilla, Miss L, Davidsýon, at Qsh-aWa; Mr Herbert Parr, morchant, ini Lindsay.. Dr. F. Marlow and Miss' F. Walton, Toronto, at Mr. N. Marlow's, Black- stock..,.Rev. HI. T. Ferg-uson1, Mono Road, one6 of our old Caýrtwrilit boys, proachod a, good sermon in the Metho- dliot obuarcli recn tly. - .Mrs (Dr>) Mc- Culloutgli bas roco,,e-red from lagrippe.. ..Mrs Jas Marlow and( Mrs, Butler rocently visited ln Linidsa-. . .. Mr. Clareuce Fallis lias secuired a position in Gsh awa marbie wor-ks .... Miss Pearl Holmnes bas returne5d froni visiting lier brotlher lu Oshbawa,. ... Rev. A. ,C. Crows, Toronto, preaclied aniniversary services in Blacekstock, Mathodiast cburch Sunday. . ..C. W.Marl6w imoved iinto the Albert MaVirlow torraco. and, Mr. Cronk, Cheemaker, lias moved into bis bouse ...1ev. C. 0. Jolinston, Toronto, will lecture in the Methodist OliurehMa, 24. A-yer.s Your doctor wili tell Yeu that thin, pale, wcak, nervous chui-, dren become strong alnd 'Well by taking Ayer's. Sarsaparilla. Small dos,.es, for a few daYs. The changeis very pop and very manrked. Ask your onoot ie mee niagntiletwarpw of wbicli will make it ndftialya important a centre a s NiagaLra. An Mr. Osborne's efforts, lut erested lu the scheme, and bave erganizeýd ra coýmp;nv witb mions of capital te develop it, The work bas already com.,mened a-Pnd it is being pushed to completion. lu- the nogotîntions between the capitaîlsîs-' and the town Mr. Oshornie bore a 1eac- ing part, and la8t Jarnary Fort Frances ciîzeus iu recognition of bis services, bestowed upon him the highest houer iu their gift, the mayoralty. The respect ln which ho is hoid b bIis tellow nowspaper men Le attsted. bv the fact that ho was lasI ercloe as the President of the. Westerni Canada Press Association, and .hiranof'the Executive Committee. Mr. Osborne married lu18, rissý Iladskis, daughter of V,îepgsCol- Ieoer. He bas beena Fn iextensive, traveller over parts e aaaltl known. Ho las been twice teJamne B3ay, penetratiug te the Arcîic Circle Îl 1899 and 1900, nnd marching 2 00 maIles acreessthe northoru lundra-s et Canada, We regret te leara that M7a, yor (Os- borne bas been -very i' o om ek but is uowcoalsn. A POPULAR PAS-r0i, Mr Thos, Paterson has handd us a copy of the Ottawa ofiene prl2 whicb makes the folw-gknl e- ference te a former mnuch steme pastor of St Panl's cburch Ibhis tw "Xesterday markod tbh c mond aniiv- ersary of Rev. J. H.1,Lrnbuî's ceming' te Bank street church, 0Otawva, and every organi:atieu lu n rnoctieon with tbe cburcb uniited te ouerhlm by bearty colebration ojf thie event Last nig-,t at a congrgaiealcocet ho w5 s presentedl with a s-k own, and Mdrs. Týurrbuil witb a andsomo ý)neup- hoistered chai.!; Mrý D. B. Gardner, first îaddrescsed Mr. 'rurnbuit. le said the pra,,or had found the congrogation nnited ail prespereus, and the good flloshi e the members and adherents Ibad heenï nourisbed by bis able and sl-arfe ing labors, and those of Mrs. Tuxubuliu1, and the progress ln every brandi etf the werk had gene on uîintoirruptedIlïy Evory member, ho said, ilad wre beartlr te houer the clergymI-an it this concert and lu a more tangible way te show bis love for hlm ai'n bs wite. Miss$aladread thc dd isnu e hait of the egogto, bc showedcý the biigl i eemluinwhch the familles etthe cngrgaionbetiI pastor and bis wi-fe, Tbe presanrta wndbe t he th ontn cengegaten.The first two years had been bigtand happy asud bis vst wero, a ploasure., Conclinig. Mr, Turubuilsaid if ho had been tea UY decree succes',tul it was more than ia -â7i due toe oLcouragement and woýrk cf- bîi wit e. At the close et the progrania a daint7 supper was served hy the Ladies Aid, la the basement, wliero a sociaiolo hait heur was spent, Mr. and Nirs W. M. Joncs3,Botmn ville visited aI Nr, Chas.Roes.. Mr. B. G. Stevons lias ben treatýin z bis store te a ceaI et painit.... Deýbate aI- Division Friday night tu 'ResoIved ibat Prohibition is more honeficial Iban bigli license" ...Mr. Walter Cr3 dormani'e, yeungest child bas been 11 iwtlicouvul. sies.,. r.and Mrs, M. A. Jame1 Bowmanville, visiîed frtends bore Sun- day .... Arbor day was observed at tàse echool witli troe planting, ec,..Nr Harvhy J. W. Roynoids wbo bas beon in the employ et Mr. Massey ut Den. Ioula Stock farma near Toronto Yisited bis parents bore previous te loaving fer Penusylvania wbero ho bas scrda position en a dairy tarm aI 860o per yoLar ...Mr. W. A. Lammimanbusilv au- gag-ed lu building wire fonce ot whicI ho bas seld several biudred red s feýr the Oshawa WTire Fonce Ce Ltd . .. ir. and, Mrs Chas. Blanchard visited aI Feley..- ..Miss Effle Taylor is visiting at Osbawa ...No service aI Etdad Suuday ewing te Qnarterlv service ut IHampton, ... Mr. J, W.,Brooks has ow about70bciiad et fat caîtle liaving îeceivod a car load trom Toronto recently.. .. NMr. Il. G. Pascoe bas a sovore aîtack üf whoeping ct.ug h . ... Our dressmakeis are werking over-time gexting ready the xiew trocks fer thie annivorsarv... Messrs. Vice Bros. have an extra beayy season's werk Ibis year-.. .Mr B. G. Stevens ig ag-ain en the road witb bis wagon..... Mr. J. Moore, linydon, bas beon visiting' ut Nirs E. G. Fascoo' 8- ---- Is aconsituio!!l diea9 i I MIAYOR J. A. OSBORNE, Editor and Propnieter oftbte Fort Frances Times. Mr .AOshorne îis aBomuie bey, aI Cie -pubfic and higbh -!ools et whic ten h reeivtihis educaio. iu Apil182h cmeWst 1n ad-1 ing luin npgate om hree"or like aIl true etrnrhodd't waiI fer werk for wýb(ih hd speclat pi p A tth1c'1ty. At tibIs ha sîay1ed tonl Ibrea earsand xi1885getl be naualid preper greev. uwspper work. le enîro1th e employ 0et Ib W:innuipeg T!ipes, as ,a re-porte r, bu th foLlo)wing year founti hlm back in the, serv 'ice et tbe ci&Y et Winniipeg, as assis 'tant tax cllcornapsition oL- ne- sponýisibility antid pnaîe For ton yeairs he remmineti a this p'dst, nequir. ing turing the inlerval a comploteý knowledge of ailt tai intricate bearîngs ef municipal finance-a knewledge snbsequentlv te become.invaluab!e botb in his uewspaper work and bcî public lite. In 1896, journaUsm again beckionet hlm and lie sot eut on twe somewbat importaL.t ventures' pubiishing the Manitoba Magazine aud ibe Western Workman, the officiai organ ef the A. O. U. W. The firet nameti, for resens that ware attributable te conditions other than those Ibatcuit ho controlledt by Mr. Osborne, was net a conepicieus suecess,but the two ventures provet Mr. Osborue's fitnoss as a newspaper man anti a uewspnper manager. The Braueon Sun was thon lookiug tor the kindl ef man lîbat NMr. Osborne liad sheown himseo tlo be, anti the preprietors etl that paper matie hlm a tampling offer te ho ils manager. Mr,. 'ebor-ue sait ont bis other ventures, anti aý,ccordin gly move t t Brandon, wbene bis energy anti ability speediy fergeti the. Sun te the6 front. Tw, o years inter the paper chaugeti bande, anti Mr. Osborne moveti te Rait Portagere ha acquireti an 'interest lu The !ews. This removal was an important avent in the lite et hoth Mr. Osborne anti New Ontario, Rne became interesela the country, anti the more ho learneti et ils reseurces and possîbilities the moe enthusiastie ho became lu bis ativecacy ef ts lsaims, A uitIle laier ho movedti l Fort Frances anti purchaseti The Times. which ho stili publishes, Later ou ho foundeti Thse Gazette aI Raiuy River, anti aise a book ana statienery business. These varions papons bave doue mucli te oducate Canadian public opinion us te the minerai, agnicuLtural anti industrial opportunities offereti by New Ontarlo, andti t correct the impression, prevail. iug' till a few Sears ago, that it was a 'country of muskeg anti jackpiue, or of rocky, bairen waetes. lu 19, ut the teathicf Mnr isn Mn. Osherue punchaseti a -ontrç)iliugý le terct lu bisnid papen, the Bianidoni unil198.Hostili reta inLeditsRainy RixcxY In xtis owvr he cad- IIo W se Ljcn ï aneru w nd teenct. Mr' Osonodee0nie3o e ni aillehu bs rige hil hiat Se ho0oldthe randon Sua ut wanî eaohi earanti Irias ec 20 i es nýo a