~en~ne overv aWedtisd a nieath fc TOWN COUEQi'L. Regzlar rnonthly meeting holà on Monday evep.ing last; membera %Il pres soMayor Archie Tait, pretiding. Mijnutes of lest meetin-, read, and on nito onfirmed. 1 A. petitien was rece!ved ifrom Mes3ns. S. j. lHall annd J. B. lMrtyn, aaking pulsinto ot o(crtain treee. Rcerdte readas bd SreeCern- From A. arberoSc. Pub lrary propsiton romthe Horticulturai Se. ey and the Higli School Board. (wranted. Patitions výere recelved frotté the Sec- retsry ot the Hoefo fr the Aged, and aise frem L-R. Adair, M. Colison and Mre, Spry, askaig fer remialen of tax- es. Granteci. Frein T. E. Hîgginbotham and W. a, Wiliîamsi, ashing C, unc;j to contin- ne a tile draîn f tom Centre te Dberty tîraet.. -Referrýed to R)iedes and SLreeta- -Conniltttea ntie.net lng. A number of Appealis frein Aeses2- ment were referred to Court cf Re- vie Ion. Etom hMunicipal World, a2king fer Eiectios ef Publie Proporties ta town andi dero riptlOn of saie. n2ferred te Public Prop. Cern. From Rubber Ce. Band end Bse Bai C;baekegfor Granu for 24ýh. Py înueraticu. Làîd on lable. Regardeig arqus frum the Dur ham Rubber. Cce., akgfer free waterr aiid wbich wae presseured tolest year's C onci nM oved by Cu le 31vsson, aeconded tby CeJunollorKig That wh eeethq GCeseidatel 1Mu- cn 'i a iÀct of 1903, S. S.E. oz'Reuoton and beatedi, they Laà ne right te abk foi a grant, and lia coaeldered it gai! For WVee FI an well as Big Ones *Grown. Ups'"have no rncnopc 1y o Chidren take to these de- licicus crackers ike thcy do to bonbons. Thrs an appe- tizing crispness-an Lnviting deiciousness about thern that i ipyirresL"ÉbIe. IWholesorne and nutritious, SYMTOIISTHAT INÀHTI y' R Mqù Grahaml,, , mes M cGreg6or and Wes1ley Ordecrsj werep grauýtedi on thle Treasur. ~Jaon irwiui, -$4; F Hl Maaon, Sec. cf er,3e spîraion1, $19; Riobert lic efor uQ'e, rane Uli for eleoo, $4; DEnglsb, alaîyasemor Rand ?uaee 50 ")0; T atefr iu Il1 05; WBet, ba'anca on calaryï, ,eag.&e-, $;Jo Ferder, repaL Midianl1 Base Bail League. Lt. fyeu ýWant te eC i freon requn, *at, ~ P te ND.OR. y Iiwiuy ede tiire eptlreet dand otet Mt tii bl srn. OurLc finstia qi te hýuafrom othequCot,bum ey hsu dce ket cauedauJ t fernatter OcunM ln. lesvos-ecd or ifoupt< Berdirg tht e Fundr eutr aer aprirn the rown bfe e e adthecev, ed ?Ccounbhi usem twnhe Ce , Lt aî Lh led diducd an areon towthe -beaes rgeotsm, the oin tailtheut n Brook, ttth opy o o tfdry acu hat was batng used in towu. The m tho eni carried. Coume i adjourned st oidnightî AferVears of EprecAdvises WmnI Regard to ThieirHeth Mrs. Martlia Poiman ef -5 r-Clester-Avenue, ewrN. J., wli laa graduate Nurse froin the Jloekley Training Seheol, at Plilindeiphia, and for six years Chieif Clinic Nurse, at the Phladeiphia Hlospital, writes the letter printed below. She lias tihe advantage of persenal experience, besides lier proffessional ednicatioç,i, and 'erlat sbhlas te say May be absolutely reied upon. --_Man.y other- wenz are -afiete d--&slie- aase-They- can regain li'atth icitlie sanie way. It is prudent te heed sueli adn ce froni sucli a source. Mrs, Pohurnan writes: "I arn fùinly persuaded, aith LdaE ukir se the safest a.d best m.d. -in for any suffering weman te use. "Ininediately after my rriege 1 f eund that sny healtb be-an te fail me. I be- carneý weà~k sud pale, with se- vfere beýaring-dewa paine,ar fibachaches and frequeut dizzyspeils. The doctors pre- scribed fer me, yet 1 dit! net Tho annuel metinu ef the -Uldiend Bagobali Lea-gme wae held in Port Hoiýe on Cud rîdy. Mesers Tho%. MoI- isail and Thos. Re'-s represented Co- bourg. The foilowîcir fflsera were tuieted: Preadnt, F. C. Pathick, 3awmanvi]lle; L4t Vice-Prei. R. J. Meczi4, L.ndsay; 2A dVîce-Pres. A, Hlatney, Oshawa; Secretary, S. Lock- at-oPort Hfope; 'i.reasurer, -.- C-- -B. Crawford, Port Hope; S. W. ~Snders, Boemar ville; R, E, Ltyti8id, Pterhero; W G. Canuainon, Oshawa; TZ Muiheil, Coboqrg.1 TIhe rembazahip'fee was put ab $5. sud easlb t3arn mli hîývete put up a mârk- d chý que of $25 00 vos a Ruran- cee te floisîi eut thLae e550flUinp rei wiii be aiîowed $5.00, per gatre and exp'nsmea, If teains cannet agrse upen an urnp ce, it wil l e left te the PreaI- dent te decide. $10 is to ha depaeited with euL pretest, tihe inner of the gaine te, minthe protu eýt. A ruls mas pa a d thab ai! k-.arâ mutet be razlste r-d -y May 20t . Af er 'Lat date any player muet be a ren'd'-ut