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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1905, p. 1

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t ~te~'31i A:r 'I TERMS :-$1L00 Per .Annuum, OuR Towi AN COU-NTY FRT Ta WoRLD AIFTERw-AiDs. M.A AE InI Advance. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOI, W-EDNESDAY. MAY ý24, 1905.VOUEMN.2 S5pring 3lm portatieOns4 Coueli, Johnston & Cryderman -have been very busy opening SOut their Spring Importations. They are now showing the,"contents 01f-scores of cases and bales of- high class goods:- Dress Croods, S ilks, Dress Trimmings, Prints, Drils, Sateens andPa lovely lot of New Wash Goods of ail kinds su itab le for Shirt Waist Suits,ý *Carpets and Curtains fietThe BIGGEST Stock of Carpets of alL kinds as well as the fietassortment- of -Lace __Curtains __ever --sown'-- by -oarselvea -or ---- '~~by any House in Bowmanville. /N No Better Value Ariywhere, A very choice lot of Tweeds and Worsteds for Meii's Suits. Bowmanville, The Corner Shoei Stor., The rouper ASu'h ine For the merry month of May- Our handsome Cliocolate Shoes. OHOCOLATES fo'adiesand'chldren! UIIOCOLATES For Men and Boys, Smnart and up-to-date. No dearer than black shoes. LADIES, SHOES With 1tub ber heels. A very popular style at $2. LADIES' COMMON SENSE STYLES Low heel sboes, strap Blippers and elastic fronts. Soft uppers.1 pliable soles. PATENT LEATHERS. Good patents with or without rubber heels. Study Our windowvs. THE BEST MADE. Our big assomtment of knock- aboUts, 20 styles, tough and trusty. OUJR STRAP SLIPPER.S. Larget display than ., evet-. Children's a specialty. 8PEGIALS Ciiild's 4- to 73b, 49e. Misses 8 to 2, 89c. La wrosse Shoes eheap an4 good. R puR1k& CI Oshawa- Two-rin-Onj.e -2'ti ns 1c, 6i il 4 " 25o.j AIJOTION SALE. NEW LIVERV STABLE. SATISRDAY MAY 27-The Levi Amnot tarm nenar Solina will be sold at tbe Benn.ett House at 2 p. m, Seo advt. I teg te notify the public 1 have ro- wlhtem adother pagteuar.o opoued the Central Livery and have a Topnee page. tr ndEgs. god number et carrages and hrses Tcp rice fo Buter nd Egs. for public bire. I solicit a shame et yeum ptronage and assure our cuetemers er T B. Knight waats sour butter and geood service. Ordere nigbt or day will eggs, farmers. Vemv top prices will he paid. Dou't hesitate to brin-- lljolivur receive prompt attention. farm produce lu the provision lino-be dan take ail at best prices. Ho bas undertaken te eupply a frm in Mentreal aLd ean hsrdie a ton et butter a week sud 1000 doz. eggs. He wante your preduco and will pay cash or trade. Cail te see hlm about iW A NICE HOLIDAY IN ENGLAND, The uew Allan Line service fom Montreal te Havre and London every two weeks, coînmenciug May 131h. Only oeeclase et passeugere carried, called second cahin; ail the accommo- dation on the steamer heing tbmowu open, T oronto te, London sud to Havre and returu 10 Toronto 8389 30. Tickets géod for eue ycar. No inidental ex. penses, a nice way te take a holiday at litIle expense; single tare $4665 Same tare trom Bowmanvillo. M. A. James, Agent, owmaaville. Tho Papor Hanger ------Wo-is--lionee twih von-liI tell yen that the wall papors we soUl are the mest satisfaetory in! every way. We have the exclusive sale of 1manyv beantiful desiguns, se when yonu buy bore you will be aesured, that yonr walls wilI not look We aise have a few linos aI 3e. per roll that are wortb 10e 10 12e. Roomi Monlîings at 2e an d 3c per ~Air "oods crîied in Stoc k. Big, 20 Booki3tere, ~wnnf Lie. t WILLA1ID CALDWELL, Proprietor, Telephone 127, Bowmanville. THE LATE MR. JOLIIFFE. The funeral of the lare lOrion J. Jol- 111e, Classical Master of Ottawa Col- legiate institute, took place from the Mrthodist church Wednesday afternoon and v. as largoly attended. The body was accompanieI here by Mr, J. 9 Egleson, representinx the Dominion Methodist church. Service was cou- ducted by Re,ý D '0. Crosiey, pastor, and Rev. T. W. Jolliffe, each paýing high tribute to the lite and character of deceased. The bearers wore Messrs P. Trebilcock 1 Jas.' Gale, John J. Mason, T. C. iewell, S W. Mason and Il. Rico, The chie[ mourners who attended'the funeral were hie aged father, Rev. Wm. Jolliffe, his son Mr. Thaver Jolliffe. and Mrs. L. Jolliffe and son Mr. Harry Joil-ffe, St. Thornas, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Clatworthy and Mrs L. John's, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. A. J Lacy, Camborne. Major H1. Snelgrove, Cobourg, a personal friend, came Up to attend the funeral. The deepest sympathy of our citizens goes out to the agedi and respected father ln the paso!n te rest o! bis last child, AMer's When the nerves arc weak are tire althe time, easily discouraged, nervous, and Irritable. Your checks are Sarsaparill pale and your blood is thin. Your doctor says you are threatened with a nervous breakdown. He orders this grand old family medicine. - .and ordf,,1 .,,aie.ine for lin- ýCasti'e 1 r% - N boap When we off er you OCastile Soap it le the original Shel Brand made from Pure lve 011,70 nd,; centaine 67%;ý of same. It is pure, and cnan nothing inJurions te the most elcaeskia. We bave twe size bars, 25e and' 35e. If yenc ask for -Castile soapi we do net Offer semething', Just as Good as Sheil Brand and cheaper, but wi. give yenl the Gienuine at the cheap pi'e. 1We baye but onec quality- The Best.-The saine price to al. The Lowest. F1R K%Éersiake, The Duggis5t andJ Optiocin. Phono 49, Bowmanville. COMING ANNIVERSARIES. Sollua Providence Enfield Ebont zer Maple Grove Bethesda May 28 & 29. June 4. June 11&12. Ai ne 11 & 12. J une 18 & 19. mue 18 & 19. DURHAM DISTRICT Di VISION Will bold regular sumamcr ssiosa Maple Greve on T;uay ue 6tb. Af temuoon sesin e 1iunn ing 1t 2ock and a pbi meigatigt 'clýck. Mm. J. M. WVaiîoni, Grabd ,Scrýýibl ex- pected te ho in atte!1daun G1oodrep- 1eseu)tatiÎon l qustd 1 ' BA,o, W l î, D. W.P.î:.S TRE LATE EDWARD REESON. Af ter tbree years ef il! boalth Ed warii Beoson, Columbus, passed away Tues- day moruing, May Ilth, aI the age of 77 yoams and 5 menthe. 'Be was bora lu Lincolnshire, Enlaud, came te Canada in 1857 and settled lu Darling. ton, wbere hoe fammed for a number et yoams; thon lho heught land in East Whithy, known as the Thomas famm, wheme ho mosidod until tbmee 'voars ago Ho aIse bought the Graham famm. Mr. Reeson took great pride lu farming and farmed wîî'n great succese. - in politicesho was a Liberal. Ho was ai- ways a vemy honorable industrieus man. respected hy ail wbo knew bim; a geod noigbr and kinci father; a quiet God foaming man, loved heet by those wbo knew hlm meet. Ho left te meuma bis boss a widow, eight sons and two daugh. toms. James and Hlerbert are ou the! farm, William and Charlie lu Brooklu, Jo'eph la North Dakota, John and Arthur lu East Whitby, George la Os- bawa; Mme William Balsdoa at W hitby and Mme. William Hayes at home, wbo kindly waiîed on ber tather tbmough bis last ilînesse. The funeral took place ou Satumday and was attended by a large cortege of finonde Decoased was intemred la the Union cemetery. The pali beamers wore Messrs. E Boss, J. Lick, Oshawa. Thos Wilbur,, Darling- ton; Wm. Bobbs, Frank Garfat, Jno MNcKenzie, Columbus. The family have eue sympatby lu their beroave- mont. REV, D. 0. CROSSLEY APPREClATED. At the regular quartemrly meeting- et the Official B oard et the BoWmauvillo Methodiet church ou Friday eveniug NaV 12, ibis mesolution wasuuaminious- ly adoptod by a standing vote. Meved hy M. A. James, J. P secoudt- ed by Dr. J. M. Brimacorabe, and.' BI±SOLVED-'Ibat our respected paster the ltev. JD. O. Cmessley having accepted tbe invitation et the OfficiaI Board of Whitby Methodist church te become their paster at the cýlose of the present Couference year, .wo the mem- bers of tht: (fficial Board of the,,Bow- manville Mothodist churcb hereby ex- pross our bîgb apprediation of his services in the pulpit, la bis faithful -pasoralviHia-it an< a-e a an-an-d citizen duming the thmee years ef bis pastorate uew about te close. The luterestin the Suuday services hb beon well maiotainedl, ho bas sbowu a taithful adberenc e t ,hae Methodiet doctrineand discipline in hie pmeachîng sud has nieyer tailed te impreessbis hearers with the necessýitýY et personal pietv aud loyal support et thc gospel r fJesus Christ, A gratifyiug- increase lu chexcb membershiptbas marked bis pasterate, and altbough I te deman1de on his lime and onergies have been cxatxg Gd as uealndlmauJ ho le physically stronger au njo ýi-s botte2r hnealththan when he ýideýei1unmi -th- pure biour n'es, c. i weee x 'n""- pastorale bore. f or wwomo nS new CiÏrcuit gartS7-, *~- 11 eýTta aka ,PrOvIdenrce imay continuei *e e ii rv s to guidoaîd blees hlm lu hi the bowgls ihtIbat o na tamily may eujoy thefeo- Kffl* t* bowea rmaVlar w hip f God'e peopblte i b new fioId rw. on jv$*.PH8 .gh ýe factivit'y. THE LATE MR, JAMES WYLLIE. WEST DURHAM BOYS, Bv J, B FAIRBAIRS, BOWMANVILLE<, Amougthemauyyouth o! this country O)NTAeTo, rN ottisk Â4mericarn. who-have worked ung by rung up the laddem cf success in this practical womld About fiftv years ago there came te may he mentioued the man wboe por- Bowmanvilie, Ont., Mm. James %le trait we have ploasure lu preseuting te a native ef Brechin, Fortarshire. He STATESMAN readere this week. was quite a chamacter, had beau well educated in the old land, wrote a good baud. bad geod business ability, and could have succeeded auywbeme weme it flot for the terrible drink habit. Hie first place of esidence was Moutreal. My fiend. the late James Dakers, also a native of the saine towu,î was at the time sscretary-treaburer eT the old Montreal, Telograph Compauy, baving risen te this Important position byheexceptional talents, Scottish Industry and iutezrity. Mr. Dakere was a large-bearted, genereus man, and ne Scotcbmau evor appealed te hlm. ospeially trom bis ewn uoigbomhood, wbo d id net receive help andsympatby. Naturally wheu Mm. Wyllie arriv ed lui MVontreal lho bunted up Mm. Dakers, aud wae at once takea by the baud. Be gave hlm a position lu the financial department of the Companv, and bad it net beau for the unfertunato habit me- fered te bie migbt have Rbegu a succees- fut man, Mm. Dakem'd fimet experleuce of bis friend trem Brechin was se amusiug that I caunot refrain rom telliug it. Havtnz got roariug full one day lu passiug down a street in the French part ef the city ho saw a cow standing lu front ef a Frencbmau's bouse. A nevel idea stmuck hlm, that ho migbt REV. M. P. TALLINU, B.A., PIiD. have a ride at very _ little- expense,-se- without more ado ho jumped ou the back of the animal, and tbey started Marshall Pý Talling is a' Durham Old down tbe street belter skelter, aud the BoY, " sou ef Fraucis and Elizabeth ewuoer ilaful cry "Stop thief." In due Talling, and wae hem lun the tewn of time a policeman came upon the sce]qe, Bowmauville. Hie early scbooling, and our Scotcb friend was placod in somewbat broken aud irregular, was dumance vile. ebtained ut the publice chools eofl3ow- mauville, Fenella, Hampton aud Balti- Wbeu hoe came te himself he realized more. In the last aamed school hoe was the fix he wae lu ard managed te got a pupief the proseut editor ef THiE word te bis benefactor, wbo bad quite CANADIAN STÂTESM AN. At the Bewmau- a time lu persuading the authomitios ville Hizb School lu L878, when Mr. W. that it was merely a drunken freak; Oliver, B. A., was Principal and Dr. W. Lut finall y get hlm released. 0f course E. Tilley. M. A., Mathematical Master, hoe had te beave the city, and having he passed the third and second clmise acquaintances lu Bowmaaville from bis teacber's examination and after attend- place at home ho took up bis residenco ing the Model Scbool ut Port Hope, lu this beautiful little- vIoWl-in Ontro -uxider-Dr. D.-J aoegginulie taught steloul wliere-ho remained mauy years.1 Ho for three yoars, eue year at No. 1, Cart- flually went te Toronto and thero died wright, and two at Pemvtown. l 882 suddeffly ef heart disease. le -rdatpl ith ;nmtnnra My object lu writing yen this littie notice is tce ompbasize wbat 1 bolieve te htrule-that no people have developec the pei P0ýinsten luthe hum111blemwValks of lie wmore ýthan Iecoth, Mm. Wyl1ie was -a poolet o ne1, ean eJrdo Ho liasP- a bakeýr b ý trate aaUd eee sbep ou a corner et the mnain' street. B e dubbod il "The Poet'e Corner." Hoe wmote frequentl *y for the local pross, and some et hie effusions were really Wnrth pmesoving At the lime 1 cul eut many et bis piecos with a view te utilizing Ihem la the fuatur e, but uuf ortunately they get lest. 1 soud with Ibis a poem, the onlv oee1 can la.y my bauds on entitled ',My Ain Countrie," that was puhlished lu THiE CANADIAN. TArESMAN, April, 1873, and I think il le worth priuting. if you tbink se, kludly give il witb Ibis btter a place lu yeur valuable paprir. , MY AIN COUNTIIIE. OH! there's bonnv bils and delii Inrny gin coutrie- Decked wi' heather and bluebells, 1e3rny ain Contrie! Thrie the lintie singe ire lay 'Mang the flowery banksansd hraes, Whaur the burnie rows and pisys, in my ain countrie, The wild waves dasb and roai lun y aie countrie, When they kiss the pehbled shore O' my ain countrie, Slow 1 have longeS to roarm Where the breakers bear the foamn To ira caverned roeky hoe Ie n y aie Coutrie. 110w are a' the friends 1 loved In my aie ceentrie?~ Ah! some fax awa' hae roved Frae my gin countrie; Corne within the grave are laie, Some have cîossed the ragteg main, And wil caver reteru agate To rny aie couetrie, Att I drop a briny tear For my aie couintrie, For aud fîtendsansd neihoîs dear Ie my aie counetrie; For the huml, the hosky glen, For the wornen and the men Th at I used lang syne to Iken Ie n y gin counrie. Oh ! may beaven smile on a, lInrny aie countrie; And let still its blessin&S fa' On rny aie couetrie; For rny hesît stili Swelleth there, 'Mgrf It ills iand woodlaeds fair, And~l ever waft a prayer For rny aie couetrie, Safoty.tor Children. Scbool and the tollowing year matricu- lagted from the Jarvis et. Celbogiate la stitute. In Arts. Mm. Talling purmsued the philosophical course and graduated witb honore at tho Univorsity et Torou- teo iu F88. 1)u r i 1g îbýi s stud en-,t diay 4 ho wo -t twe up rumoS in ý1 op an ravel. Ho graduated at Kuox Cellege ila1890 aad was -,mrmediately ca lied te St. Jamres Church, Londou..Inu189 ho wedded Miss Mary A. Cooper, daughter of Mr. William Cooper et Torouto. After a succeseful mIn istry ef over savon years la London, during the latter peried ef-which ho was Lecturer in Psychelogy at the Western Univer-1 sity, ho withdrew trom pastoral womk te undortake post-graduate study. Two1 yeame later ho won the degmee et Doctor of Pbilosopby eum lande at the Woe s- tem University. Since that lime, tbougli preaching almeet centinuously Dr. 'ralling bas been engaged lu literary work. Hie fimet book "Extempome1 Prayer, " was issued ever two 3 ears ago audistgnel its foumtb edition. It le official ly recom mended for the use et studente la 'heological Colleges on hoth1 sides o! the lino and bas hall as wamm a roception la- Groat Britain as -lu Amer- ica. Hie lateet heok' Inter-Communion Witb God," bas juet bean puhliebed and le eviewed in another columu, Dr. Taîling le a loyal son of Dur ham Count» and bas taken au active intorostinl the Durham Old Be, s' Association since its inception. DR. TALLING'S NE'W BOOK, 'Inuter-Communion With God." a new wemk from the peu of a Durham Old Bey basjuet been issuedby The Fleming B, Reaveil Ce , ef New York. As the titis implies Ibis is something more than an ordinar.y treatment et the subjoct of pray or. It aime te emphasize a side of communion whicb le not commouly dwolt upon and wbich the author be- lle', os enet sufficiently cultivated. To quoto trom the introduction, 1 «Aiming aI an explanation et reciprecal intercourse and efthie application of Divine Power te buman interests it will bo seen tbat we are really expleriug spiritual laws lu their relation te the natural world. lu se tam as praver preduces rosuit il niust opemate lun eue of thmoe ways-1 eiher hy magie; or by miracle; or throuzb its normal relation te other Mothiers ebould nover give their litho I1Iforces 001 isUUOvV' D. I ue Isi'l mowuld ho lawless and undivine. If oees a modici ne that they do not knowj wholly the second, il weuld ho wbolly te be abeolutoly sale and barmloss, AIl tpmaua n nxîcble. Ifl i__________________ so-called soetbing medicines ceutain any sease the last, it will ho te that ex. poisonous epiales that stupety the help- tout capableofe expl'inatienanad will -less little-ene wi-th-ut-uring-its-ah-etratik a oc mn o o. Baby 's Own Tablets le the ouly medcie 1 is mystenlous -pr-oeififiUsuclxvî -u - d '- mell@intorest te us ail, redoives in these pages- od t fer infants and yeung eilîdren that givosstereng and original trealment, he the moîbe r a positive guarantee that it bock ishi bgtly commended by Dr.G. Sarsiaparilla enijoys the dis- centaine ne epiate or barmful deug. çi Millig-an. liiderater o! The GShi 1 mcio of being thbe great.. Mileu llmn~, So. (MGil 1Ji~Asr'emblv, by 11ev. Principal Shtiveo -Milon L Herey, (MeGll Ui-cf WcliffeCol1egeanUutbers. Ilegard. est, CUrCtiMOand preventv versity), bas analyzed these Tablets ieg kteedrrpf the Canadian Baptis i mdcn h wor d bas eveir and says: "I heroby certify that I bave saves, 'lt 15 sure te make a stir owmg to Il readu2 a careful aualsies et Babv's Own îh~ e e and striking way nwic lu aw . ti «nal-on Tablets wbicb I persenally pur. entiior pres 1erts ttboreli-ieus man as "ii- rmedaine, produin g Its un- cbssed lun a drug store lu Motitreal,- nc vestigatiug bis ewa relations te Ged1 aldefeL . "a the said analysis bas failed te detý,ct Se jar as we eau predict Dr, Talling's ei âe ffcAb uprIAy- the p)resence et anv opiate or narcoîle book premi8es te ho evea more succSs- ing, vitali?îing an enI cb la them." This on tmtes fui than bis eachier volume 'Extempor - cqn-give their uifle ones these TbeePa e"whleb Ras already goe n - -he blood on wich Lbth wîlr-hau-assurance tbat.es ,vintdo ethadoev.r good-that they Cane'nt possibvy do ar.The Tablets cure ind sin e.R .Bwe b elaigjorg=e, bone and Vi sued- colic, constipation. diarrboa iml rcecirc, înipeg, wae preset ed ceL n usi fover, toetiug tncub1es and al miner ed by, thecon,)rgregationi with a parse of uOfrH o' u h aî lents. oI- b .80]st(e1em- 50,and Mrs. 130w les evd a a ud-fr K "s n wbere or sont by mail aI 5cI bxsome Cdiamond lsud ruby pioce etfjeweî. Sibst an aVing Hood's hy writiug the Dr., lîms ediciti(3 leryMDs.JBowle At ai3t4L.X IIDr J, 1i CQ., rovIIQt e *i ý-ý "MMtfiseje ý lieu tu LIUY VviltiLi Lir, t5lIL 31 ýr AL Là[ f NOON MAIL TU TORONTO. BOWMANVILLE PAvonriD WITII ADDI-tû-O- AL MAIL SERVFSeE - We are verv pleased te in"form the people of Bowmanville and o ther pat-. rons of the post offi.e in this town that the Editor of thie journal has succeeded in securing a mid-day mail t3 Toronto. as we told .,ur readere last weok that we wero trying to do. Basides inter. cedine with Mr. J. Henderson. Post Office Inspecter, and Mr. J. E. McLeod, Superintendent of the Royal Mail Ser- vice by letter, we had a persenal inter- view with Mr, Geo Ross, Chie& Post Office SuWiýintendent, ani as a resuit of these efforts we wexea delighted te receive Mouday mnrning the following letter: Office of the Supe'rintendent of tho Royal Mail Service, Toronto., May 20, 1905. M. A. James, Esq , Dear Sir. The P. 0, Inspecter refer- red te me that part of your lotter ef the IIth inst. having reference te the des- patch of mail at Bowmauville by train No. 11, passing at L 86 p m. and 1 bc,, te state that from the recommendation of this Branch the Postmaster General bas been pleased te put this extra des- patch into operation cemmencing witli Mouday uext the 22ud inst. I trust thi will ho satisfactery te yen and the patrons of the Bowmanville effice. Yeurs truly, J.- E. MÇILEoD, Suptk As stated last week this mid.day dospatch of mail will prove a very great couvtnz, net ouly te business men but toctiesgenerally. As this mail will reach Troront-o at-3,20 p. m-. letteri for the main business districts will be delivered the samne eveulng. To busi- ness men here this means that orderî for marchandise eau be sent hy thim mail and the goods ln many cases be [received hiere the saine uight or next merning. But te citizene generally it will prove of still greater advantage. For instance a letter requiring prompt anser, received from Toronto, may ba received bore by the 10 o'clock delivery, carried home by sohool children, clerkà or ethers who cait daily at the post office at noon, may be auswered and the reply peated hi' 1 p. m, and despatched îby this mai. We are very sure our people will-apreciate-very bighly tbis addition te our mail service grauted se promptly by the Peet Office Department on our request.« On lnquir-y at the post office we wcre inf ormeit that 75 lettere fer Toronto ouly were despatched on the 1 p, m., ai Mouday the firpt mid-day mail sn-m when it is genoerally kr'own that a noon- dlay maU le m 11ade Up at Lp. m.fr T metoîay oeletters slaould beq7 for Torouto recoived bore by the r- ing mails are despatched by this mnail instead of lîying here tîl 7 p. m. It may not be generally known by business flrmH and citizone ef Toronto that a mail je made Up la Toronto about 1.30 pni. for Bowmaaville, and is des- patched by the train eut of Toronto at 2 o'clock, reaching Bewmanville at 3.30 p.m. This is a great couvenience and would be s-iii more se if used more by city people. Letters mailed in Toronto tee lato te cÉatch the 2 p. m. train corne down by the regular mail train arriving boere at 10.21 p-.m., and are received next morning while letters posted ln finie for the 2 p.m. train are ready for dellvery bere about 4 p.m. Toronto people sbould post thels letters bof ore noon for Bowmanville wben possible. Pain fremn indigestion, dyspopsia, and tee hearty eating, is reliovod at once by taklng oee f Carter's Little Liver Pille immodiattly after dinnor. Don't ferget this, WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. West Durham Wemen's Instituto will1 hold special meetings as follows: BOWMANVILLE, Thursdav June let at 3 p.m. in the Council Boom. Subject. "Women's Institutes as a sebool of Domestic Science, " hy Mrs. A. Kinnev, Graudview., "Taîke ou Food," with domonstrations by Miss, Jessie Hille, Toronto. HAMIPTON, Friday Juno 2nd at 2 p.m. in Town Hall. Subjet : "Tho Modemn Home," Mrs A. Kinaey, Graudview, "Aiius and Objecte cf Woineu's Insti- tutes," Miss Jessie Bille, Toronto, SOLINA, Sons' Hall,IF riday, June 2nd at 8 p. m. Subjoct: "Eveninge at the Homestead," àfrsr. A. Kiuney, Grand. view. "Practical Hx'gione," Miss Jessie Bille, Toronto, As ail addressee wil be found very interesting and Instructive the public id cordialty invited te ail the meetings. The members will be glad toeot N.U and you w ill ho henetitted by the ad- drosses. Besorvo tue dates and attend auy or all (f the meetings.

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