_________________________n'XII"___ à Whon the Head aches and the Ton gue is Coated it is Biliousness or Constipation. Torpid Liver is at thte bottont of the trouble. And it takes Fruit-a-tives to makeé that lazy liver work. Fresh fruit is fine for these troubles, but one can't eat enougli fruit to do ranuch good. The medicinal elenients are in too small proportion in the ripe fruits. A clever Ottavva physician discovered a methodby which fruit juices could be combinied- so that tlîeîr medicinal action would be increased nany tumes. Fruit-a-tives are these fruit juices in tablet forni. Tirey ONT[ARIOJ'LEtSLATIU KE WHIAT OUR LEGISLATORS ARr DOING AT TORONTO. flOUSES 0F REFUGIE. Mr. llanna introduced a bill re- specting Municipal f-louses of Refuge extending the l1ime during which the Governient will puy a proportion of the cost of sucli buildings. GRAI \TS 0F LANDS. Mir. Foy introduceci a bill to arnend the 'Act providing fer grants of cer- tain lands to vi ounteers who served ini South Africa and on the frontier in 18 66. The ameondineot extends the tinie for înaling surveys. 1IL also provides that the givinig of, a powor of attornc.v for disrnosinrr- ofi xcte p'-r Wou!d Scratch and Tear Away the Fles h - E:ýgh-bours CaiIed it Wvose Cas, ZEVer Seen -Grevi Wîorse Under Doctors. CURED BY ONE SET 0F CUTICURA REMEDIES r ~ ~a~r~L~7Joe r~ ~ K~yf~fl.s¶ImaSVrWeBb..«.U ~ X~fli~ .~-'~r~r~roeI rrrY~'nr'~a~At4 -~ ~r~rrr4r~-~ -S n~* ,~ rt4~-r ~ ~ -~ te~rrs.-Tt 5. r ~r r~t-~ - - rrrt~.. i~r~ ~mrr~rrr~m --t '~m -~ -rrt -~ ~r-.- -- I - ,r~. -~rrt~- ff±r- - - -rr .2~rrr~ err- _____ rt-. ~1 REAL REFOR111IN POLANO. Renarkable Step Taken %by Em- < peror Nicholas. A. St. Petersburg despatch isays:- Tlherc is littie room- for .ske-pticism a's to the gefinjeoýess of tjt, broad POlir 'Ir F Iniperial reforrm after the jreMarkable steps sanctioned by Erm- Peror- Nicholas ini the Jti)4penal re- ScriPt iss-ued on Tuesduy' tiodiiying the restrictive decrees in -i3nte of the western goverunients of - ussÂa and giving the Foies greater frr-dclen for acquiring farîning lands and pur- chasing lauded properties andinl- dlustrial preinises an* gi iflu p '- Q - mission te introcluce the Polish ail Lithuanian lange ages in t: ' 1 riî- ary and secondary schools whoye thc niajority of the inhahit,-tiits ari non, 1 1 m-mý--"), viead'-aches