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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1905, p. 2

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0,"Uz tho LU OU NS d0- our 0wi Ï.DMNION1PARLIAMENT The Gold Dust Twins are always ready te work; they are certainly artists i the cleaning lihe. There's noibing cleanable whioh v-711 not clearr-and do lù betlter, more 'auickly- and more economically than anything else aua You are not serving your best interests if you're tryingt-o keep bouse without GOLD DUST, OTHER .qGFaNERAL Scrubbinog floors, -washif lrgcffthe rSnd fdhhes, dleawg wood- USES FOR wr, oil cloth, silverware and tinware, polishlng brass work, GOLODUS IEeasigbath rorn~. pipes. etc.. and rnaking te finss sott scap. M d y Ti ,E N. K. FÂIRUANK COMPANY. Montreal, P. .-Makers of F.? RY SOA P. BOrL? DUST mk adwatoi' S@*e she statovi her erranvi, asklng lïew mach ho would 1ny for the contents of the bag. "Eighty cents," sýhe thoughlehosuiv, but ,i-i It c 1ouild flot ho, se she askecf again. This lime therc was neoinistake. - The, price," ho saivi, 'is 10 cents a Poundi anO -y~ou have got just cight cents' SIte fled anti though ibis baupenO- 50 rlyoors ago, she still has a gooclly suî ny cf caraw~ay and- whC-ii s-be gives lier granrlcxhidren.co okiea coiîtaîning some cf the séIfswmae soeed, she iay butelî-'nîthis story. "1Si UMPS." For the clightful oveainen cf sum- nier holiclays, wih their lonig bours for oui vioor gaines, notbiîig can ho better than a gante which, as playeci lbirty I ours ago, stili saouis tIhe host cf ail gaines fcr c-O- huines whben ycn doc not nwant a serietis gaine cf Cricket. "tnp-'is net onilke cricket, bc- cal 's lCon'.sts of Ibcwl ing, Liv hîline battinig and iiakti l1uts for i our sirle- butthe nîcko.ts, n ibicb are cniv ,twolv-o yarel:sopoît, acmlew ith1 ahý:i stîlo stuic, ani yi use a iust 1,o0- sl1', n--rhaudhalls, W,'li p;t-hed 4p; .941dif', in blis ecx- citeincnt-foi- the gatielais ftrn vcryý oxcilirg-he sc.n;l lu a swift bail], ho cannot gel Ihe, baîtsiran eut witb il, lhough it cai hoerc ofcil ither with a hit or. as a by-e. liat ninkesi the game viery qcick andl lfveIyr, how- over, i8 Ihal tliore is n bowler aI eacb cdatiaitJ ither cf Iboin cai bei, l iiocti 'v ho gels the hall, no mnattîc w hetler tIbo aîmn aI Iathe o)thur o nd i-s rcauiy andu in bis place or not T bus, if the lioiling is sa att ho niai he o oleil by the n'ex1 liallbefoeo ie b as inishov imalring bis-rua cil tht' hsL UJereoisa ar mac aI cadi otviof cours, as :ý,in double wickel cricket; andti hey mîtst n-i,-' vtheir s'tips nith buth i Inid. It isin lte 0'.LitemOiît cf bhomo how.led to while 'ou are not roal-ýy Ihat yen arv' verY lhable te put vonr- Self out hie striking îvtth one bandl only. Dut leur innngs ila most hlike- IV te o Coi to an itsglorious endv t!îroughb but'boi'g stnpe,"h- cas1he letaptation teswpo aI bsesloîv ballis l great, wbiie tlîey arc oiy takviî ii.y the %vicket-keepe-, 1who k-,aOso bonýi">-, anîviunless ho Oýaa stu-IaIp you-boîvls Oirectly h le gels the bil.Tht' ganol ntqîk bî'îsk fuin: and, as bhbsiles"i-,' ev euoe lahusy. YOUNG FOLKS SGMEBDIY ELSE. Thore&s alî%vay s sonîoebody else, uiy r hgriflveswhen a ciiDl i bs-J; Smebovly wthstesi or tcars Of eacb littie lass or la-J, If yeilr forchends frown but a little xx hle, Soîuîiebovly elso is sudi, .And ubonever your sunny faces saule Somebody elso, is'glad! A CORNER IN CARAWAY. This is a truc stcry cf a young girl fîhai i cdf mine Who liii o'on a famivllike iînany farmlers' caugh- ter ouoîci ler specuviniu uny by piciagberesandi nuls, Gîte vay, ]acii Itmiiothorm nake curai, ay cookhs, n býright idea came ho ber- wby -cta ýhescaraway se t-- oi Do'ua ii, 1, 1falb'S mni lot ---g! 1 la--ig-1---f-pa t-h- iat îvbtetos oIe ie-ms soîvin3- N. ry a'vcusy ii-Jhe watch -Ibis p. Tb&blosso s isppo-arovi antd Iheirm lithoe green seevis appoaroul. Thcncae the hay iug an-J you snay ho ýsure nxy lady wns on bativ te tah' he caraway plants as seon as theortaon with scythes bad et thons dlowa. To dry theni n'as _the next stop aud4 meaowbile she d- uî planning. Caran ay n'as scarre anti quite -a nFesFary tbiag te have, so of course it nould brin-gfoc-J îci ('e. She tbougbt it woiu h wortb n cllil îîto10piaco it too high, $2n poun'l, and jucigi g by Ihe we- i- ihc sh' ha-J carriedn'O 1-0 bthe altuc tej dry, sbe wolild bave threo g lltnhm usothor somne te use ah Suba huumni as elli hc1 getting tcosicevis off the stalks andc aflor- ivard -,,pnmat,ý ing, Ihermfroni 11W chaif sud itsovf sticks, but il nus pions9 sut labýor for ber min a-nns busy spnigthe comiag money, coîntiîig 11pon av)I g at the vory Icast, $5, fur havI she ot a big'bng cf tlhe auce, frshstmeaviw grcwu sevl, At0,as hue vattulda- ariv es -,rd nUIt ht' wprecices bgcoitaýin- ingtheoutme ocoof tht s 'ason, she woatho cwuan-JproeeveviaI 0000e lii (m] v lv hakory ithe r,, -This 'hel had ieciod us the propor place ho ds oscf lier- treas-ure. The cion-k C) CD il NOTES 0F PROCEE-DINGS IN TUE HOUrSE 0or iiIVON3 AUTONOMV B iILLS. tnnybilis, Thle ls a marked chiefly iby thle foI all y c prese'ntin.g sone dozenj amtimiients. the mojre reading cf Which geaieraliY sufficed 10 bring theni bcfore the House. 'rhère was a short genleral taik on clause 16, but Mr. Borden's amntiment exentually was defr'atedi by a nîajority of 68. ELECTION ACT AMENDMEINT. Mr. R. L. Borc'n introductcd a bilI te amouçi the FDoinion ections act by adding a couple of sbseto~ Onie prov ies a penalty of $200 On any person wxho ciî-uiattes a fast statemicnt cf the îvithfiaal of 11,a candidate, and the other rccjuir", al bis, posters and circuiars jst-ued iný promotion of a candfilatesitrs te bear th,-,inaine andad-s fte pi-inter and publisher thercef._ The latter, ' Mr. lic-cOcuexphaiiacd, ias taken froni the English election act. SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMK1 TES. Suppleinc;îlary estiniates have been piaccd lîrfore l'arbianient asking for the su;m cf $13,414,973, making ,a grand total exponditure for the ye-ar eniling Jue 30, 1906, of ç$81,979,- 371. H1ere are sonne of the kcading Enquiry into the operation cf the' tai 1,0l,000. Sa ry to two athiltional S1upreme Cwurt ju.iges in the. Nurth-xvrst, $8,- 000.(; SalLýry cf W. P. Archibald as Do- minlion parole ofilcer, $2000. Towards a Dominlion Eî'xhibition at Novwetniud.,;er, $000 Quinueniaicensus, Provilices 0f LManitoba, SasXatchewau and AI- berta, $75,000. Steamer for service at Victoria, B. C., $25,000. 1Annuity to the wicow of the late lion. Wnî. McDougail, $1.200. Mlitin, chargeable 10 inconie, in- clud:nrg $685,000 further amount t py an'd allow:onces, $35.000 futther am-ounit for allimlat<drill, andJ $110,-1 000 furt.hlr auo; nt for Esquinialt defences, $1,734,490. To pay Cirand Truiok Pacific Coin- pany for survol s, etc., with inter- est at 4 per cnt. to the lst August next, $352,379. Construction ivatioi Transcoatia- en tai, $1,000,000. Terinisand ii it cf way, Aîlditioiîs nI loatostePar-! hiament lu Ï"'n-j 100000. Additioncu te VwIastt flick , dcpart- i bildIing, $75,000. Add!iticoi, aulioiluit, Ottaw a an-Jd (dorgin Dy srvo ',s,70 ,000. il25,1 000. ada onO Moxco,$50,t00. Aý (dui il ice h-ri] in steà-nîi-, I ower S.Lawrcr' (.,and.-LN ortliuin-beLr-. -and Straits,' S175,000. Maintenance xossels îatrolling Bln- soru'o Day'anO-e-adlsî gaiti iiiais taiîîiag- police posts, $65000. Patrol i Oai, Noal h urst Mo,î'tedt Police in lu-so's Lay, 1*40,000. Towards noîîutc~î.no-tn the 300th auvosr01cthie City cf st. del, $5,000. Amnong thoe votes for public wîî)rks ,iu Oiitario thefooig are in- clu ,dcv:- WcHllîi dcanal, luctric iig-htiag and i ower plitt, $40000. Ottaw a - Astminooical Oiserva- tory, fittinos, fnriiiture and tranisit Ottan va--Parliaiiit Luld*ngs, dl,- plicato set of transforniers, etc. , for, e ct r: c lichting; s3stomr, Jinstailec Ottawa-Public buikdlings, lighl ýi groundcs, Parlianient 1h13y ç"ctic it$310,000. Otta%\ -lliepartmv (ntai builng, fit- fln ,s for saviags 1ban' bi-nPo- office D~îlin,$000 TELL SUFFERINIE Frmithing and Bleed;ng Eczema -Pain Trrible- Body and Face Covered -with Sres- Doctors and Medicines FaiIed. ANOTHER WON"ýDERFUL CURE BY CUTICURA N<l~o tongue can tell how I sufferedl for five years with iltching and bleed- Ing eczema, until cured by Cuticura, and 1 arn s0 grateful I want the Mworld to knOw, for what hielped me will help others. My body and face were covered with sorca. Oie daIyit would seem to be better, anid then break ont again -with the most terýribl ýe pain and itch- 1g have be sick several times, but neyer in riy life did I experience such awful siffering a~ with this ec- zema. I feliit hat dath was near, and Ilonged for that, tille whenIui1,,ud be at rest. 1 ha(!tir iany different doctors and iedlicines w.,ithout suc- cess,-when My mother insisted that I trY ýCuticuvra. Ifeit better aft er the first bath with Cuticuira Soap, a4~& one application of Cuticuira Ointment. I continued withl the Soap and Oint- ment, ard ha v- taken four botties of Cuticura Reý_Soivelit, and conside r nly- self Veil. An-Y person haviig any doabt atbout this wonderful cure eau writeÎte niy address. Mrs. Altie EtSon1, Bellevue, -LVich."1 ITIINGECZEMA And Ail Other ltching and Scaly Eruptions Cured by Cuticura. Trhe agoniziug itching and burning of the skin, as in eczema; the friglit- fui scaling, as in psoriasis; the loss of hair and crusting of scalp, as in scailed head, from infancy te age; al demand a remedy of almost super- human virtues t0 successfuliy cope 'with them. That Cutieura Soap, oint- ment, and Pis arc such stands proven beyond ail doubt. Catitora SoaP, Oiatnetd ' ir r adtru, Vie xld. ilipots: Loodon, 27 CharterhOuse Sq.; ar, R Fo de la laix; A.At,.Ii.,,Ji. Ln oSydxey. Poirr rr~S.Chrn. ie., ootnSIerope. orea fx flow ta CreErrema." Maired fra. -Uvegular moQuihiy meeting hcld on liiooday lest, mnembers ail presset, Re3ie MoLaughiin praeiding. Min- u os of Leat reeting rend and on motion cirnflrmed. fi. rl cm efore the CourcilÉsnd asked fur repaýira t) Gar- dosifi. h eove sîated th;a ttho Pethmeiorwounid hba inatrUold te h are ý ,ama put in propersap.Nôis -n Ai-ngci sppiied fidaaeafr 4 aheop k 111 d by doige R. j. Bruce %pl lied for damage3 for 6 eheep kilild by doge mr. H. Wood uppeared befüe the fJouncii ardiàg the ereotion of a wire fonce.1He w(u'd bulld t s ubjeot bo his own inspectIon, or the Lieuncil eouid. build it subject to their Inspec- tion, otherwie ho would take hie pro- sent feuco down snd have noue ait ail. A ieîxgthy discussion foilowed botweeu the Council sud Mr. Wood, who haul an Idea of his own about the kind cf fonce he wished to buiid, while the Counel hsd suothrr. Lt wae flaaliy decideil that Mr. Woti muet LuidO hie fonce, according ta the By-law of the ceuncl govorning the slime. Movtd. by R. Jobb aieconded by T. Bruce, that Mr, Byets bo a coin, te confer with 1Usd C, inof Reach, and have roaï on Roech boutry irepàired. O.ders were granted on the Treas as foltows; R .bert Bartiey, Indigent nid, 3 mon. $15 00; W. Hocken, do $2 50 Mis. J. Irwin, do $4 00; Madipon Wii- li!a, vrepaire fur brxdÀe $6 55 H1. E liott, Tp. Clark, Dàrlicton, to Cart- wrieht sharti of werk oni Town Lime $5 94. S. MeKee, Tim ber for road $1.25 Johu Tenant, workr, $1 00; Municipal Worid B'anka, 50Oc; D. J. Johuatç,n, work andi repaira for Calvert 1.; J. Gale, Ptg, $23.75; j. G. Mazlo we, building two new bridgea $02 13'; -Jar G. Marlowe, drawiug gravtI &c $21! 90 S. MoLaughiin wiro fonce- bonue 21 roda $5.25; Nelson Mb-ai-Iw, 'ira fer-ce bonus 50 roda $12 50; .1ms Gardon 319 loade of gravel $31 90; Louis Fit z, Cart- wdIght, sare of, work on Manvera Botandry, $117-87; M Chapuxan, Pnth- marIer work on rend, $21,11; L B3art- lett 45 rode m'ira fence $11 25; Jîll. Ton' ut 63 roda wiro fonce $15 75; & W. Philp, work on Rosd Div, No 40, $35.10; Albert M Gill graivol on ýMau- ves Boundry $39 40; James Ginn,werk ou Johnatous 1111, $2& 0O; Robeat SDInke, woîik on Rloud Dv lNo 15, $20- 82; S. Page cuAitrg and grading bill suid woik ou D4rlinzion Boundry $16- 50; W SIi lx gravelIing 17 roda at 45o $7 65; T Browvn, qrading road on houndry $4 00C; A Eî,-gllsh, work on Road D v, 127 $7 50; T %Vhl;field garavi $2 70; S T Bruce, werk on Roýd D-v, Nu 19,$22 75 S Robbiiie 224 rode wiîe fonce $56 00; D. Hall, 122 rcdt wire fonce $30 .50; A Gibson 98 roda luire fonce $21 50; L Werry 321rodi w>Tb fence $8 13 Stauferd Swaiaà 20 roca ni1re feuce $5; S Swa xi, Coder for Culvert 500; El Monutj îy,58 roda nira fence $14 50; W Bradlbnrîn 57 rola wiru ferce $14 25i; Ve s loutj -y, 3IL rodi wIre feoce $8 V3; John M AcKee 48' rode wiro fouie $12 (00, W Port seans work on r 'ad Div N> 4S. $6 00 P rýW Bradbnrn 3rdw n3 facire 2$7,5; J thn IaoMoy 65 ri wire ýfpaeý $16 25; Gav, Io"y waîk bildIgbridg s ost of B ack- 1;tock $2ý125; James Mtcnfor bridge Tinbrr $ 43 8i; Jas MeHlll 32 ro-la wireo fnce $8 00 A Smith, gravai oýn RoaJ Div No 22, $6 00; N Acugerl four theep kiiied b7 uloig $16 00; El- 5vlontgsmory, work -ou R"ad Div No 33 85 50, A Werry 111 rvdý m'ira fonce S2- 93; D Galbraith, o-ver m'ork on road S3 50; U J Bruce, 6 eheep killed, by doge ï valut, $16 00, DM les cextra work cu ruad Div 'No 17 E5 00; D E;eQ:li-h, work an Co-1 2 810OU; P.,rr Br.ou. siid- rien $1 47, G Hawken, fo- kgravel $7 00 Clork Silary P.-stage, &c $65; D Failis Tituber and aswlug $39 54; G UEecey, 65 !cada cof gravei $0 50. R Spink!,, gravel on rca-i D,v No 18&15 $12 85. Couecil a Ij vrned JAPAN BECLINES AR~MISTICE Easis of Peace Proposais Must First IBe Accepted. A S t. Peitersburg despatih says:- Il is asc(:(rtainedi from officiai sources Ihat nu atîistice cannol ho nrrang- cd. Jaipan bas imadie ilknowu ehat she ill nol consent to au armistice C.N.R. bridges, soven, miles above, NorthBDattlefoO-. Gne man i-as kilÛ- e-i by apuloey falling from the steam. pHlotvriver an-J strikig hlm uontshte-- leavl, as-Jancîbor losI bhislilfe hy lailingf rom toec bridge uiivrîa iog. Another bad bis jaw boue- broken, wlhIlst silil another havI bis inger smashed by bcbig caugbt ha- lu ocu Ihehobanmer andvlthe bead of a pile. He lia-J 10bave bis lingerarn- phîatovi. Ko isamnesare giveti. STRIKE IN THE CAUCASUS. Russian Railwàay Employas HaVe& Ail Quit Work. The St. Petersbutrg correspondent, cf the London Times ascribes the' imore lhreatening taristhuestrike- mevoînont bas i akon to the facý ,tltiv mobiiizatioîî la stili procediaýg. h 'txormmn have hecome alarmsvl au-J -etrs- Thed-i rsrva4 lixes- --, ha not becîs ugiy, but they are nctor- iousîy mnver the coîstrol cf the r- vol ulionnî-y crgani.eations, whd may cr i' sy net decivie upen extrerue Measures - The correspondent adtis Ihal ia teum is cut off from the werlti, al steamers having stoppevi. The mail- w ay einployes in tht' Cavicasus arc-e: happ!y bhy 1aceusevl sýa!aries, bul t s 1000 LLUBi thjdLte nmissioni ra lIte ilhiuis rýîte ho speîît ouithe f"maally accep>te-J the basis cf berý Trîscoti,-aîl0n11ntecco-aîpropoi, t 1 , ili, l.e wil nvt bc r- cavasul i- couant for -a--lairge jbsnsoîi-- -- ---- Î prebort ion cf ttc suïiýpemvna;- s.' T e situit egrin li 1n Coroparcaiîvilh 1lait yvar' s actuai l Thle sutios: uain the afoi- one u ngut. Mvo iti seun you a gn- erous sanple cf these pills Ahsoluhc1y Proc, sealed sud postpaid, thiat wil couvince yo e oend dcouht cf their wondverful curativ-e properties. A- dreas, W. F. Smith Ce., 185 St. James Street, Motreai, Canada. Smiîth's Pineapple and ButterLut PIS cure Constipation, B;iliousïwss and Sici< l1eadgche, lu oee ught, Ail dealer-s 25 cents, A Cure at ~thoPeop~'sPrîce, 'Ah, darling mine, anmy el-J cake1 wouivi he aîîgel cake if you manu- faclured ill'ý "les," saivi the oc i-malboîmaticiaîs nith g gleienuilais watbery bine eyes, "I'i e nîn ys loeiat il that îvay. Iharriiage ,is ni-itin; hen Ibhe uitIle cnes coma it's mltiplication;ý e-heu disseniýÀon icoîns op leclouvI the horizon cf theirbaies 5t' division; au-J whea the finalprtn cornes it's subtmaction,'h homne îanevictues, tonics or cuipe-unds, ou- joy a large sale for a few years, thonu disap- pear fromi the public attenîtion, but Dr. Pines Gel-Jeu Medical Discoveny ba. proved suicil a reliable bîcood reumely au-J tonie Ibat it often eujeys te confidence cf sevemil generaticus iu s faiuily, sud its in- croasovi sales year by year couîing froîn the rconîaendations of Ibose ube bave tried il, prove its lagting mnt, $0 that eveýry baitle bo'ars ithe stamup of publlic ppoal. 1Every other biood-mnalier sud Iten Iie for the StomTach ttIàdwýe 1kucuofeutisaoh, but Dr. Pionce guaranteesý that ne( alcobol is conitainev i lts "Medicai Discovony.1" -- - - - -lir pe si; i. -Jai anos i i ah- advlhioîi of 91,250n00luIl' ibtbst'no Iciiruleioltio o 1l on 1'- oars trris ('iomi - m. eting bliodils a i Vitr s51111mvci a ' AMiieIn erCa-vCHuïr11ttmvirtoi ophi5h il sisists in ii huabhi - -1S" th'taT mrvlcrî- i t 'oveti$e 0v i ,pi- ur ' rai'ttu;L dhs'wa- t'(ti-vltih- é Il qu at -dv' - i î ' i'ii'g : lv b ht" i. 1 ,11 fand thea, ut he rn'yodui l-'w ies1ch tnl ' c ihcy g-n r l i rond to ho pus-be-J nithIil pmibe xiiilcaee.Rsia e Gvoiîi'-iît eniel-gy, tegtit' itîl, htshes h ateîî'gI (Proaaunced SI-kýý,ec.) Fer saleeut al rug srs, $i.00 par btiel. IF yeOur drtist hsut Payeinlo in stck cal at r. iîîx' Limbllecl>i79Ki sreet, wesýt, oon sda largo sabpntetle n'il Ue giveni ycu Sc s a test. To persans living outside of Toronto z, samiple umxied apolrs Good tea must he grown un d-e proper, LOw, damp or swampy lands in a xvarm, hum-id clirnatc produce tea of rank, rapid growth, coarse in texture, woody fibred, rudely flavored- makes a cup heavy, murky in color, rough-tasting -~it is poor tea. But the Indian and Ceylon teas used to make the Red Rose brand are grown on the high lands of India ahd the mnountain sides of Ceylon. These teas are grown in clear dry sunshine, they mature slowly, the leaves of the Ceylon teas are tender, delicate, finely flavored, but flot strong. The Indian teas thus grown are full bodied, richly flavored, smooth in texture, strong. Such Indian and Ceylon teascombined in Red Rose Tea produce a cup of a rich rosy brown, strong and smnooth-all the ric hness and strength of Indian, ail the delicacy and fragrance of CeyIon teas-that dirich, fruity flavor" which belongs alone to Red Tea-more qualities" of tea excellence than any I udian or brand of Ceylon alone can possess., Ï is CILd1Tea T. H. Estabr ooRis --. St. John, N.B., Toronto, Winnipeg 4 i f /1 the pence of Europe. 'lle usuai pro- ccdexîts forý the councu c f a wam are reversed is this case. Ain armnis-- tice geiîetally prreceaIn agreomoul In ca the lime àa-Jplace frot-a imeet1ing of usegcOtiatex-. 't a je-- wblch usualiy foliow a suspertcn c'f hostilitie8 haie boon arrangovl, w-by sheul dapan, simply hecause she etticys the nOvaîtageocf tho militai-y situation, infliit another defoat, nith ils acccinpanying slaughter? Nothiiig neoulvl ho gaine-J by il, andulrmuch ipht bc lest." Nowv is the lime tb huy Chamheriain's Codle, Choiera au-J Diarhoea Remedy Lt is certain 10 ho necieui eoner or lter ance when that time cenes Von uill ueed il badly-vou will -need it qntickilv. Buv' il uow. It rnay sa-vo lifvi. For sale b-ý ail tlruZg-isls £4ANY -BAI) ACCIDENTS. Two Lives Lost, on C.N.R. Bridges Near Northi Battleford. A Winnipeg dospnlcb surs:-A North Dattieýforvi, corrvspon-loiit States Ibat uîaîmy accidents have ïIak- on place iii the conîstructionî of ibo eau (revcte .$20,00!0), $400,j Gwvuc SoinvdlVuhlic buildinig, $ 10, - 000. 1-laniilvan - Pitoffîce, ailoratioîîs te builvding,$700 Clîlf nspelot eihv f Cuse- tlns of P îtS l!ItICerase cf $300, nnkiti i $2,800 per afo--x. a nti fi.lIiý o-oi byl'ga~ oy s, Aotlaîtic oist i-tý:if aii t,,sivnt aunce.ý To prux hietàl forth0forganis'tiou cf tueg -Caîna is 860 nngQ00.$0, sý(000.1 sooiti-on viamoby viectr tbn- tarond uio a-J $a70,25 nc0 ev pcriaenti îosfo atr m-rctindc jleg fianff$60.000.0- 1"oîv dý7iýrvlofag ant gesýpaneyi rtoCti amount vl revggO-- Costruffceto cf naddiiok n-J so-i -e ist-ti Dan, 9,]000,r tisteand ioueprornt, invema-n nîv(ýitît pharec pavbîg 1' ;iaefinalsl vote, 3l5 ta ion f amI!iroîpiiu-ociets aaina

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