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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1905, p. 3

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[t [s So Easy ta Cure Yourself 01 111E' ONLY TRUE RELIGION ITNFind Out Whorn You Have Wron -ged and Fruit-a-tives will do it-surely and-qulckly. We saty so-as do peiople you nsay kno who have been cured of biliousacs. beaaches T elS ai eoe G d i _ t-! tet~ i.eIlipterixrence of one who tried these T e tn eoe G d V',ruit.s.ti'-s are perfect for consti-oated persans. 'lie y are easy and aild in "If 1 have taken anything froini one to \whom iiyou have donc barm is acIÀe11atnd leave no unpleasant ai ter-effects. I have recommended theizi Lu my f-nends.11 Isis. ..N013, mters, NS. anY mans by~ false accusation, Ire your eeybecýaw-e lho is a witaesq store him fourfold." of your cradig ven iwhen lho 'ery day we sec how difficuit it la sulent lioi a dumb lvitness to is to repair evil. it is casier to u trnyouropmson our Y ROYAL, W rnad a twisted limb than to repair @nrli il sa ita, n1tr wrong, wmhen justice and trutb havek turers do net love lIseir îictinms. _____ beesi distorted. Tt ila not oufly le 'ihere are some noble bets anbon.g the cas of oudinary possessions and us who repaitr the ovil that. bas heen the common boisty that appertains wroughit by otheijs. I considor ta te mney and matorial wealth thiat a beaultifuýl thing-ift is a sigar of ozr Fruit Liver TbZts. rep-ration is painful. It la especial- 'nagnificerst and great. uman soli 50c. a bax, At drsiggists. Manufactured by ÇFrust-a-tives Lnted, Otta ,wa. ly in spiritual possessions that it. is Idarily. Whbri yu i e tears shcd _________________________ _________________________ iicuît to repair theo exil that man tbrou-gb the fauît of others and you'Rw9 ____________________ - -'- __________doffs to mari. wipo theiaîvay, whlen you sec the Sresu-ltiieg in abnormal stimulation or our have heem calumniated, lies downtroddea victimesof thre injustice baie heem cireulated about you, at. or uiiiPu,(nnoss of naakinad, witb tiresr ~,te neofsst bny ad inuerfet nu frst lan arnalnattera, then -whole,- boues broken anid crusbed, and you c ri Aio oyaa asclrsale; noih;a la done with greateril.alse thenti up, ns-I the menibers of the Tftaeon ko h ol. Tis19cs.1r you notîced teiimrati- IRcd Crossa Society ,pick up tebu- Hn.riL i of' 'r ence of public attention to]leurne 'f i in romeinas u. a atï.tlclield to liriagan 4eaos hoema red nlsorrie scandaiad its patience îhnthons bach mb ct.p, nd thus, hon- 'D- ewiigfur tho h -o eprto? or hîux',aaity la i-ispornutilated e . veetables and salads furnish the - ias oe-tdcnimteiidc t .e ha oîîloP I?'JRIES0F IE TACE. lmns fgothaJrpaei d, whbo ho faillawitbia the grasp becomie 'of ius lanthîIli if thcre were rkih in ailtlt Th-e face roceives an undue share satisfactoey forai.oratorpdjsie hhi-tbcn on oil an oe When children baoseappeuite, i on at- atdjttse 0 hc tb otco( t rpieth -e dn of the injuries that result feoni Our seî fpmeigtouwt authe justice 'of individunîs or tflits,- her-, to cen-w-bat bas been pure, we114b rude but ex Pressix e nnanoer of celo- dicious indulge~nce.,i try feeding tbera lice of the State, nxith wbst lury bis soiled hv othes, tý; onus those who Ba brating national independeace, for it ohl but fruit foî' a day or se, poor honor is tom 1te pieces. But bla .ve been Itruek dexn by othcrs, to is more exposed than anv offbor partnoqin ivxattrotil hobasle udig tîe mse p wat thes bve asîe:tra work. iexcc(pting., perbaps, the hairds, 1to th, pp(ienuiqicllrascr itýýe(irctbits wbcn hoexisb;'a to put douan? isýastrouis rcsults of pea urex islfuis om ies l au-it to-ether a'ain! Tlhose Who make Notbing is miîore iflltfor a umait 1!an. Cati ats Cig. suds buste oery fd ilw-hen it was a. que-sýien of than b cnox gcta ho bas nature has Pl0500. Chideen ho arepropely fAxviiidishen sc nad ruiuing hlm iiarc doee rug nd b" t hubl t- Thbe injury muaIt bc very slight that sufxer litle, Ska rule, froin tooth-smoen gslwweui aa vr orpiil iint oh vory pae-gtallte doe nt eqir bc nutedat e- ch, raache, nerves, brokonr sloop, citore givnrighlmn back bhis good ixhr obscotntc ~etin f ureo, ormst C. roe ventilation, daily out- repttin.Tt1 is a strang thiog to sec to Bu in of hisobaactr ae cn-door exorcise andi regular moaltinses oîuîaîî tam-icic'td xith forcign inatter of aealePuba t peit n wlic law is nutet taiou this 1whattC ttt ar, ceNm1le those reason hel soine kind, burnet paper, bair, porw ale-otal ,pleît a point. Jbhe reparation oflorod te a i great ings xhoi the sight of tir der, cindees, or Clay, antd it laisi goddgetonarsfor an errer mnc1, luin îgard to <icltin â unflo nd oaprae.Wegluten port1, cuit, with the best of caro, te pro- bis persen is net elual 10 the baI d etws t m1eex radilgwîhve vent disfieurenioat. But tbewenîsds II0W TO TAIXE A REST AT HOME done, and dcs rot tako iiito accouent Yet tlî5Lt is lte oiyý truc andal great Ix ye are gfP irlly se palaful chat sonna- A favorite cure, anti one b,- is torasunta and suflering. 'i-bat is reparaticix. I Household thing must bho donc fer these relief rcocedc y "h ihly a retten spot in the cosssciort'-e of A FINE LE 0SN. 1rcmine y "hfaculty"," l r before tire docbor arxu.the IIone day la bcdit'est." But il smoe, ta private as well as ini public T'i ho rîief et the publicusgave sio Poitional Tir the tenporary treatnisent of aa i fbul arrdeu, r i Lok ripou Ibis chief of the thouiht j t hing, isair t0tbb, theniot fequntforn o isOflitle se.Noreaingof nypxblicana. LHe roali7es xîbnt repara- wisdG.--iof te x'rilorxvba xouldTh F lFourtîs-ef-July injury, the firat 0b- sert or kint islapermittect, nom- Cononx ba l s tanbecie aco nerti. bc te t ise x aneî ed i Ins 10 riinc-mot hnI ject la te appiy socnretbing that nl versatlon. The ceont sbould hbclcept htiisobem cnred t iescaï>i n: !ôic exo.ýýluetho air. Carron-oil, coin- sdr s osbe ni h rse' Let us talke care! Thore ila acor- silîl ltigbn-r la the oral orlciand sùtIMs JI'ed ef eual part'& of lincos-oil ms r n le. Aoe a tain ceparation that is tauglht us hy Ïb break tblrough 1bbi, barr i 'ra of or- ani im-wtc, as sanctioneti by.long things, eeytobe n or the Old anti Nexw Testaments, a ce-1disxary ruienieclty anite (do evely toube ad ory illparation according 10 xhicb the man xx'lat .la not usually -doin c, 1aibis ac- usaige, but other oila or wxhite hae ave te ho entiu'ely obliteratd rwobsdu vit mnas huieei ,eba- is esn unie nsny ho esployeti. Carholated Ithe "Cure- wiil, fail te work. The ivronga Ccdf. Notbeg 1-i,9 moro truc. Tis, uiy bretiseon, ; ILa terirsrues- oil s'lievcs thc paie more quicekly, patient ahoulti. ns Mr. Giilbert pets _Butxxbt oicuoî doiera sa'Ixshdehigt yu e butitcometho so onlage ur illi on o bi oera, try anti freru 119 ,We confess osîr sina te God, day. faces or near the eyes. Pieces of think of aothiag aI al" Any food Iini ulco rvt lr-aesri i,,tdiclisi aseptie gau7xe, lint, or clonc, sol t tal'en ought' to ho of the lightest we go te lu lepdlco p'iae 'breresm geadficîtsla's musîsa ahoiîld bc appliei, saturatxd id, anti for driakg weak ton, pre, senfesstt icgan iîîy. _nolcdg Cor-life, thirt procce i ir-n m hcumity r'Q. with the oil, for thene de net ad- îosabîy water. Ibis rost relaxeles thogil,.Tu srgt of out' intelligc-nc, preholenms that we '~ bore s ivii ab tsorbesît ctton. msd oy aîimsls.Oeco-but iti lanet encsugh, caumt etsolx'e and againist xx-ich ocsî me1 0 Blistcrs snay bic craiacd by puncture ter'ausi,~ Te as'c God's forgiveneca lter hav- poor honds are aatrt s against 'IOYAJ wil anedeaon hesdec ose n ns ecinmttdiug . , ýad, ing ill-troated aiea and net to at a lbard rock. i to the- bcalthly skia, but rare înnst tbc dîai ak idamo m ol-once neoceti to s'epair lhe.,evil ire 11ibnreare 1yierea Ivetwocarn-ot tnkcn te prom ent remex ni of th ki sprain b, ýas it la aspleýndid pro- bave dc -and hebol thoir xxouinds la pcetm fIatcatog uioiy'u h e sýlupartio for the eiice, n lirat forcis thir covering until heal- halagtl rnido" ad net riglti aFai idfrxbt hrtfrcîlhoneî n'aIlnly b c g o-nno g o u g h o ri h l m sp op le , -H o is 1 n o t. T bis is x v a t Il e s a v :- ip l ut' t d t o e d b s, a i ir iug i-ls orcu-reti. 0 guoc caougbe ordnary popl". f vttu have donc exil toîxard yu amtpeoi hnfospice nliatise cyclîls are inoved la hurn the injureti porson sheuld ho amei bbhor, go asti wi pe aW"ay J bteequson.Bttreaca- f95Éitdea lte openi the eyes aîsa no SUNSI IEGVSSEP er.at hncret a yfo-11 haaetloveiittny lifetat are 'exauinatien sbouid hc made, for Ail suffeer ri îepeaaagi as. e like te gohovCI, eteree nd e yt soso1n tiiere i layas.danger that foreigna J, olitysntn sncr o ecso 'e.Ta antgvigsrrusal li in oa op il tu1atter will lh o prritted te eniter :thoi r lwos:i; t h l . th e vr % hoat se)- lýý,ý-f)G l-ti, 'f, ýs bbec o17e, or filaitthe atcsiby odaof !poc.iilsuIb-el. 'tînuv wemcaarc,1 iirs -t coimauelcnb eur U,iill-ttstcthtitxnassa the btienA ashes xxiltbc turuot Ic1- nmartyrsa b leoplo:-ýssas and yct. tee ef cia imu eth tr.W x-ad anJ cause ýgreat isritallîn'. tiy noic te sima-hlla-as if t iverLo Woc to the relie' io hat hush es can,,not be.,apareci hter;i 5ao fSuge. isCl obs Wafi of int aturted ith il n evl. ting. Wearvoibcheconscience- 1esleep! Woe 10 the- te fia ass,-ult ef sc practim.Aandait butes he- paper On "ixXeiy Day Wsh of c li stcsand wbo oil sý aasovl tsn, L~ wrvis. Carry xxbwo bave said tb tixir brothcs almocst pettyosalstst tsLvug. h nnhasotao-e abcîtihoalplet, nt htucya pr sols acîthe sbatiy ide of te --thhi fe'- 'I us fst al. I re hc Thcîey m-O. Ilbgsho tie shoultI ho iueluridt in ni light cor!-! rond, and do -overytbimg te keep oflixordF) that bave moutiledthocec el m ass, rCyo al press ila order tb prom cut asovemerit, tire influence of kindiy eld Kin.- Sol, ings like a poisoneti mint andi xxho 'ihis stoî-y la gi-t a aî,ti agnifscunt Wansau, Jamnes Wcber LCuur, Dorothy exea if onlyV eue eYe lias heen itjureti. xviose isses may sonscîlmos bring regret lb afterîvard before Ciod, but as xxeiliasnsa-turnl anti simple. '1hoce Cnmflld, Lawrence Pocry asîdi others. It luisimporant, also, te bave poix- an csnhecoaîimg aumount of color texxo do not spenît of iltomani! ita nctbsng împosssbl-e in it, îîothing- j IMat'ginal.m incîides goulxe -exeln .dt gain rmoeciIrns hocylids tht ir faces., but wuio givsathons be _ios îp !ls Duplirity of the finat conate adonius teoxxhirlucmilta-y veros-e y Alfred L)amout beforo the skia bias benleti over thoraUleammly of bealth anti cerfuineas. ceuscitiico! Ilctrulb of fbbc soul! ci'ago caunot hocsitiate I. We i-nuityon. for the in la rusîation insincet by I!Pale erndi s ýickly looking ivousen sîny 111E ONLY TRUE RELIGION. runnot aa,lr. w the ica f to-day, u theia is soinctimies 50 grent that the becorne bhlooscing -ands strounu if tbey Tho oiîîy trise religion la. irst oft Ilat eus' wvay of thWdia- relises te lids are thiekeneti anti thcir freedoco it jxvibut skthe' suishice, and they alhIuina. If y ou bave tranîpleti nasinilate these fuels. ivater fhoirx Nagara 1River ahovothe of rolion ispairecl. aboulnînke the moat tof il anti nsk upon yeur fellowixuan lou imua,-t, irst iThe lumiusîîeandutiflamnaghonslylasoulieAîrimiidntthc I acet-ateti wouands ahoulti ho clenma lail hebth ludoors and lontI ,henever of ail, rai-se hlm Ifron ilihe dm555;if tuaItlcmvoums tirkross anti dishoa irili soon tio cratxing iutes- Iros lte cd of fori< -tr ymersof a i etla au at icie îuyuuotnkesty, as lire clevours ail impurities, iver on ftie Canariaux aide. il is tire orsgtinsiyunas 5pousl, heed salîkeof da-cou h- -- apu'ung fortimitask - .stu'caniof lukexvnruîs xvner thatlibas Lige' 10carîmets of, clothea fron i ts bis iorgivcsîe-ss. Tixeusprosenrt your- hallspuri frh froci that suaiî'a installation cuf Ihese grent 'acadian timn o ilLdoTi. '-ev shousîtitho-n ho acorcîimxg raya.. soif befose bbe Etes-mni IFath o-. Obier- heurt, becauLse il -,Vus brougît tmI oi or pIlat, xx 1h their niamcstb covorcd xîitb an ohl dressinîg or n wisec lie willi appak te ynv s healt ontact iviti Chrhi. Wb-'n that l'as- l races for disposing cf the "deaci" P ie c e o f d o c n c r u b tio r t is s u e u u îd e r r - o s i h s o e t e ho . 0 ." , e e M aî 1 bo rosiAND INDICces adSfiîcti bc bat ball Iakte icuur ncousîtisîg ivater te their greattchie, ht bbco air. Revn i'cry abstemniotîs People are terirle xx 11h blocaut--Tu xhrt ottgolti, anti ethpaeC lîl-gecteuiasdre, ~ ~gnursg puiiu Ltleeýdi)g, mue rabter how profuse it cften suffcrer.a front in-igma-tion I purposo la th£,i multitude ef pour sac- Igoiti. xere fgîled Trib sncoxv. l sique eail aacinatiuxg ai IConstru, amyho mai luost al ways tic heltiçau5ced by ovec-eatsag. Thiio uaýt itieuîni ne? saJitb thé Lord. Br-ino- COuiti"0uso lger blins1fbbc ilaofc-i- tioli xVork Ibst ia nqcdu andst ila cl l lh-d1mis pressure auginst bbc jof foodti tby tîeis net ti aotst,,oemisolton.jcno aa o Ing thse mce i lse a'.aetci.To mo h nier suîîlorling ouefor the day, beift Ïla sdi>stiisct ly) nbmict i to sie. Anwcay h i!,ul.tho toub o*oti ig igrqtuenessprsnecTWic mmurb aI the umethey .vtake ,il. W - pojl ur hbanr]a Iwili b1ide au5 b iltait w as ul xî'hor ci nccs i-tyhfore OWs:. sd fpuItkby - hef-o catig tweithre xviii appesotheacae cf e ira sine pesfrou puyen ixa y luaieüoneas- sf tb g7thha!it , p axît no tCstoe ege Éf tuoen l'onet forget ihat the baby Out- wirliasi dnohr ( jaý1iýl1: gruu is f ootijual as lho dcs bis lunch, nii 1tIo ioas cerne honteic -ed1i ,,-ou uisaefudc let.Baîhtt loua bics te i 'ern 'asof trie,, iivte"a rsstirb area of (loi , uIthttncl ditost aîihue- vith lber tiay's work te o',cîk puclu."11e aulx-allen c-ieteis bý; ouse." iaaaRiver ai Impoat Poimît hî.s ciotacy are a valuinlle means of a tiuinour at seei o'elock. St 5 Lsc îot hs rsJ-"ha We are ail smu' seuls sekiîg îoo l uageundcî uJvoe Jmjiïmtiiig arurvy, rachitia, Jinerboal thanikîtîlfor a gooci moal, enta heart- v 'ret porhfr me xouu nvtoiiicu iircpoîisCity;ad asîinmg (doule tbiis, tas dýuibiatces anJ othier dls'eaaes of ilY, and lasamuprus.oti b inti suber'have u'oqircd fis nt i oxr liais i, o ouidixetce'div tival comiiizintioss olligedti 10 tig "'th i,,gst hurnuel 4iteuc iygin. a- eeltw'aids ste flts rather xxocSe than itrent nîy corots?" Wboýt satemr'n Lat ueiIv a1 îoe itc omaredti l in theoixorîd-ti rougt solid rock, iîss lcilcirca a nt îhbter for il. Tte csoaof bhisisi'oris'Frfl a otIh 25îîr u-a. cf Viia.ls 'c o eustrcea- j nder tthe'iver', te a point directiy taseipor-"lecL4scrausse ttoyrec smproper- simple. Ste was tireti omt; bî'r 1the innocenît ictima thal la uîeant,[luZe thiat a umimas ai vabloîx le la the ' tilint tie' gimat eurtscin of mater A eiini that plonges over tthecoutl of ynor-bt. Ariio f th tcsourt, like te rosI of lier 1lidy I!but ttc presnco of e'-il uta. 'ihe ffredoiii of lus sou]. It ceuisiatsili-ore dilxitb suitable additions, xxil i as unfit for work, asdîthettcliges- sacirt uî>kcaîj o t lrakm uvyfotaaifibond-. osoie"FanlIa.-lit ail promabul-ý acricedbullck an-nt sol th brakin awa froityhamettl,_ onewxho blew ir opn bbe sabat l" tuti ut tanfoînil la-i lion ofla meal m--e7as-isar-re-.-fr eupe;ti,îs ta-ca bal,1. - it t -, tCn-- s- ivetyo s bcn ist m tbe o hsboxslxxe- tcfsI -xeit.Itlathtmi cîcsîutni-- ~ hoe hoar ainIng fe fo uly, tas aovcin ug.e suceessflesh ai1alo Depseld cotiglx t.vxîItc s'eauîote I î,a e aTI sx-rEh yaregua un-jIfo t'vo- tr.lm hvuo old by il Drggists. mut-iLt suit cihuit- cuol--izar unls' vj ho twather 'eatr oS loti molg he sel el 'ni - ltxt l Fmii (' 1* ', -co ta 1 wl l il jo tu nuintier MnissAnes C. Au t d wywltl-,any objection I I 1', - si ibm tceîugest cuti ttt-re'cr bis taattac-untitefatty Pro- toltcscycfliytcicmer ua tia'ie-l'l rsl' jtaxiî Iouiducîsdurlng the c eatcl o tcColain ie;AIer et ~mO ec'î- I hti- unitci m 11S uo or'rfeaie hu iars s 'L Ir nutiita Oppo r-A m..t stihtOid'buis ikui ____________ j~ ..Scel cai LroyScojb-S1 en'rnnzoes soldLn past 12 W.- TissIE -'ClIT WATERS ANDm IbArrirLANDS Lindsav te Coboconik and Lakefield, 8-Diniles o! as picturesque aoeiî)elyatuJ popular cummer rosonÎs as exist ln this Province of LaRes ExcehlletS'eam- boal s-rxice ttrougthout lu taix' cone- tien with G T. R. and C. P. R. trains durinz the ceason. Juue icitote'Octoter lst.-,Steamer îeaves Lind ay for kSturgeon Point anti Boeax-geon dailv int Il a m. and 5 45 p, M. except on Saturdays, wben the eveninz boat awaits the arrivai ef tise G. T. R. and U P R, evening trains f rom Toromnto and Port Hope. June 19th ta Sep te ber.- Steamer I ettvec Lis.dsay trîo-iweekly (Moncisys, Wednesdays and Saturdays)for Fienelon IFaiq, Roseda!o and Coboconk, retura- ing came day, i Jâme Il)L to Septenheï'r lil.Sem crs Icave akfelifor Stonv Lk j Pointvs daiiy onpar. aio! ail (;. T. R train; onectngai lu1rieigh i-aIls witt steamer for Buckhiorn, Cbomong anti Robca'.geon, andi during thes~ en eriùd Bus connnection la given between ,t'erboro and Cisemong. to and front Burlili Falls, Bobca3 geon anud Inter- mnedi,%to Points dailv. For rates for excursion parties, lime- cards, folders, etc.. applv te hTisernt Valley Navigation Company Limitedc. l3obcaý geon, Ont. 25-bf, JAPAN BORROWS MILLJONS. Bonds Wil be Flonled ia Loudon, Berlin and New York. A deapatcb fm'ossNoir York saî-s: - Senmu fîstai tetails cosrriag li latoat Juspaciese boau ln 5,0, 000 xx ere mande publmc on Wotidnc-stiy.1 Ttc bondts xxilbtientîerestat aI 4, per cent., antiane secxred hy n sec-i oaci lion upon tte tobacco icaopoly. Tte ican mill bt ilvlied iste thee equl parts, Londoin, Berlina cusc New York ench bnltiag $50,000.0000. Tte sohaciiptien price prohahly n-i ho ttc sanie ns ttc previeus boan, îv1ich xxas 87 5-8. An iuterestiug, featxure ha Cermnuîiy's direct partici- pation i haetîo can. Tte Japanese lioveranuient pracîlcnlly pletigea itseîf siol 10 dram ùon tthe susrrptioîs! receiveti bore heore Oct oiiou 31.1 lausttc eveuit oh pende resulticgi frein the coluilig negcmiasions beh- txrccui Ru ana! Jaaett pro-1 ceduf this lbau xxili tJc aplie;dti l- ward the s'efuning of Jspiei's ils- bemýjnul tiehl. If not t iml go Icbo te couats'y's mar ciodit. Cime n-up ttî cocf groe ~quality. REWARDS FOR HEROIS31. XYen Who Saved Con-irades in Sar. nia Tunnel Get Medals. A despatch. front Sarnia, Ont., saYs:-Mayor Dlavid Barr, at a pub- lie meeting of the Town Council on Wednesday night, proeotecd Royal Hlumane Society inedals for he-roismu to the folloxving nmen for bravery ia confection with the disaster ia the St. Clair Tunniel last October: WVal- ter Hawn, John Blake, James 1in- ilton, Alexander Forbes, William Camneron, John Arbnugh, Fredorick Forrester, 'Charles Fisher, Anus Macdonald, Franklin J. Mceoe. The men displnyed conspicuous bravery at the tUne six mon were fatally over- cone by gas in the tunnel. ONE DIILLA1R, SAVED Rî_,TRL1SENT9 excee-d tenper cent onI bis earEingil. Ho m* send inedollars 1n living:Z expensies for evory dollar Raved That belng the case ho cannA. be too careful about unneeessarv exponses. Very cf ton a few cents properly invested. like bu% iig seeds for his gardon, wll cave several dollars outlay later on 1t 15 the carne in buying Charnberlaind Colle, Choiera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It coStS but a few cents, and a bottle of it ln the houseo o!ten caves a doctor's bill of sesieral dollarL4. For sale by ail dru.ggists. HAVOC BY TOIINADO. Frobably Sýixty Killed by a Fierce Storni in Texas. A despatch fron Nocano, Texas, ,says:-A tornado and thunderstorm passed a feuvrmiles west and south of here on Wedne(,sday rnorningp kilI- Uing four-teen personsý and injuring many others and destroying a nom- ber q hotises. Many iarm bouses wverept entirely away. 'lho school bjouse, three miles wcst of boreý, was dlaraged.. Reports of the w%-ork of tetornado are still coraing in. The numurber of killed aadý injurod Will ;probably rcac-h ixtLy. CATARRH0 R E,, ls sent dirt ta th0 dileased parts by the Ilaprovedl Blower. Ileals tle ides, clears the ah, Piassages, stops droppiugs In th; throat and pnanaa'ly cures Catarrh and Hay Fever.j3Iower free.AIl dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chtase Mei _iine Co.. Toronto and. Buffalo ire COL etuý 'ikmze my n TWo Days. iants. This signature, e box. 2Mc, e 'nLý-i

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