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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1905, p. 5

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nk Railwav Svstem. mb$ âa im tatt< ýt VY TIME TABLE. OMNILJL 2 95 NVILLAâ STATION. OMNILJY121Db G'omuWI4br -- 6&.m. 1 Express .... 5.02 à. n Sn u aM o o. 0~ # Loc>al.757 e *d's aAndiaddress01ou Pm.Passengr-1 36 P. m, iio j î)23 -- ied- . .7 3 g i I Mr. Gardon Jury le holldaying ln Mr Eber G. Foley, Seafor-th, 18 visit- lng his parents. Mr Frank Knight, Toronto, spent Sundar at home. Miss Pearl Noice, Guelph, is guest of Try a Fruit Sundat) a-t TboB Tod's,. Buy yoGur Poat_ý uple tP murddii. utysplé tP New wedding cake t)ûxes-lovely ones -at ST&TIESMAq office. Spécial clcarin g puéees ou, ail sme goode at The Mason Co's. V U GGIRL WANTED ta aesist * .A. ~~~~in Oonfectionery stüre. Appiy t o rcsfi ut~ ii gs TUloInsATOD, Bowmaýnviiie, o TpPie û F URNISHED COTTAG7E-T en.T.Il. Kniight wants yaur butter «ad AtDOWmanville-on.-thl 1"k e. Apyt ALAq M. WVLLIjAMS,, BOWma,l e 27 _,s.farmers. Yerv top prices will bc paid. Don~t hesitate to-bring al yvour S. r TURSE GIRL-About 16 , eareof tarm pModuce in the rovno nA Tii. sur ilt oDr. Pitcher'. Back.. a.aueirdneyrTabesover Other forme .t tmt.nt is due t, the fact that they are *0e pres cription or Dr. Zia Pitcher, the. <aons specialit-were msned successfülly .and tested iiin *te pratice by him fer Rany y.ars eethywere given te tii public at large. Tb.y Co tinexpansve specilic ingrediente mot foumd in ay ethal Km4ey r.nu.dy. la it any wondor, thon tiat they cure lumbago, iabetes, graveI, Brlht's dises.., urie acid in the blod niiegmatismi aeuralvia, drpsy, irriabilit id th t =e 074"e,.*and Cidmey troublsof l people and cblîdreat when ether remedies ~i0 1 11pad what Mns. W. Martin, 'Orange. Viie, Ont., bas ta *&y: Il om, time ago 1 bil a good deal of trouble witb my back, 4me to a colsi that sttle4 in tiseKidneys.- 1 wc-m*so treubled wlth dizeineas and 1 etarted takimg Dr. Pitcer's BSacisache- JWdy Tableto, end by is th t*I had uaed oue bottle the, backaohe, headacis. end 5feiags of dfise b ad ail disap.. P"rd. cogldr te Tar>lets mgoed Dr. Pitçkher' akal.Kin Tablet* e. d by 9%$ista or fsetby usaI. plauuing erees anu shrubs, poultry, building boeuses, etc,, pertaining to tarm lite that wil nterest and instruct John Brewer, praprietor ot the Alinzton ilotél, G. T. R Station, wae ined $20 and coste $6.90, for slling liquor en Sunday ta Wm. Stonestreet, an Englishman. This i8 thé first blood drawn by the new LI. cens Inspector. The fine would nu doubt bave been larger but this ie the lirst charge before Police Maetrate Horséy. Mr. James Parr, P. M., of Blackstock, ex. Warden of the unitéd counties of' Northumberland and Durham, aud father of Miss Parr. of aur Public Séhool staff, spevt Sundav in town, 'thé guést ut is old friend, Mr. Robt.Bryans. Mr Parr teoné of the salisi men of his, district, and alsa une af thé most highly esteemed. Hé purchasesi tbe right of way for the I B. & 0 ILy. through Cart- wright and flot one of bis-decisions was objéctesi ta, either by thé Companv or the farmers.-Lindsay Post. A GIJARANTEED CURE FOR PILES. Itch!inig, Bld~feigor Protruding 1Piles. Driiggiet-s refund money if PAZO OINTMEN9T faiL4 to cure any e, no '.0 latter of hiw 1long standing, In e, L)14'dar s. -Firîtn~leto sella 500 lu stasipe aana il wil hje !orwarcedl has resîgneand accepted tue rector- ship of Amheret Park church, Montreal. Before lcaving Kingston, thé Abbots- ford branch o! the W..oman'a Auxiliarv presented thcm with an appreciative asidress andi a surn af gold. in a beauti- ful sauvenir of Abbatsford. Rev. Mr. Harm'ey la a méphew of Mr 'W. M. Hlorsey, Policé, Magistrate, Bawman. ville. Rév. D. O. Croesley's many frieuds wil rjocéta léarn that hé le Wall pléeagedjwith hîs réception at; Whitby. Writing ta a fricnd lu Bowmanvil le hé says: "Alter two Sabbath da.gs with thie church andi people, I have to say that mv impression@ arc most favorable. Theré has héén no lack o! cordial wél- came or af kindly expression af appréc- iation. and, best ai al, thé people are expectant af gond bcîng donc. This means ca-opration, a nds therefaré i.uecess." -At thé -récent -examinatioxis-, of- the Conservatory a! Music. Toronto, thréé of Miss Luttrcal'e pupils weré sueceos- fl-ssNellié Wight. Providence. made a good pass In Intermediate 1 lana:, Miss Lena Taylor. Sauina. also made ak gond pass lu junior Pianio. Miss Lena Hrn a! towu parssd thé Prirnary in plana. Wc ogatlt théséû voutig ladies 0on their success andi Miss Luttréil, "o, whose pupils alw.gym make a good record4 pleasantly surprified an Tuesday June 27tb. it boing the fifleentb anniversary of theiïr marriagé. On thiis occasion iAbaut 0 relatives and frîpnds -assem- bled and gave them a complote surprise Mayor Tait réad an address and Mrs. Geo. Sanders prese.pted a handsome rockinz chair on bafo!f those pré- sent. Refréshment4; were servéd and a vcr enoyaléevenicg spent. THÉ STÂTESMAN 0oCcpieS a placé Of distinction and proiid proinience that vcry few éther local papers iu Canada do. The publisher of Printers' Iuk. a weekly magazine for advertisers, bas jast Wormed 1u8 that Tiiu STATESMAN 15 a.title to be represeiited on thé Roll of "BO«rerecaueü of its circulation ratines. We naaturally féél! proud o! this because no amnunt of! money eau buy a place, lu this list for a paper not having thé ré- quisite qualification. Thé swuru week- ly average circulation of this journal io twenty-twa -hundred mand sixtvy-niue copies. A îmnP'e' e!Ycî;,e and fi e cM(cy for 2il throet *~ ~ ~ ~ 1 CrUÇon Aii.lXc .lt Geo. Smith makeO g00d Photos and prices are right.7 Flannel Coats and Suite for Men very The Maon Ca. have just received an elegant new assartmcuî of ladies' neck- Wear G. B Chocolates "The finestinlutiié Lan,à" a fullIihue jubt arrive at Thos Tod'é. An Ice Creain Soda drawn tram Thos Tod's, Soda fountain Is a cooling drink thèse bot days. Be sure andi see Oco. Smith's new photo mounts. The new white Tor- séhon is a beauty. Studio STrÂTESMAN Bloek. Very special priees on boys two andi three piece suite aIse meu'ij suits at cléaring prices for July. Sec the Mason Co's adv. The New Cloths have arriveds Now le the timé ta leavé your order for -a new Spring Suit.at Coueh, Johnston & Are.van sending yaur absent sont or daugh ter THE STAÏTESUAN ?> Ifnot,wh.yp It isa anntcreeiting létter [rom houle eývery weck. Hello! have you heard that M. M aver hasa lrgestok o haecpsandi gente' ~hater, l th vry lstcst style? C411 Ladies' Tailor made fikirte regular 82.25 to 1 2,75 for Ladies' and Misses Corset Girdies, reg,50oc pr for' 81.75 38c. Ladies' Shirt Waist Suits, a fcw léit at leéis thar E cost ai manufacturera. E Ladses' Muslin, Lustre, Silk, Satin and Print Blouses- at' E sacrifice prices. E Ladies', Misses and Children's Straw Hatstia e lear at E st price. Emen's and Eoys Suits at 25 per cent off régular prïiee. Bargains ail over thé bouse in every départmcnt, tbat wilpay to investigate. G, û rcers' due bills taken :as cash. Sa ~WM C.SOfxl&e,,m1"on1 IlMM&I4wMIutII:p:1urr3 6#4Lî

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