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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1905, p. 7

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Red Fealther Ceylon Te proof ag7ainst a ir and moisi 6zriis terefoe neeri BLacki, Green or Mixed, always îh i steilized parchr pert , ?1 ed Feail AsaagsPtiig.Ca tirce ýugr i t.emove irom ii-ýll -l( fi e argu Pdin.-ok hrcanti boat tie f50 mixtures togetier. Boa! a La M ie- tia sharp cupiis ! apamguistip unil on- eplce is tov anti heat until itihkuife ninke tirougi a round Of beel Lem, thon drain. put ista a sauce- tikens. Whean tiorougily cd aui incisios ait inci apart. into the pa 1w alsniflsn utrat qt. cneam. anti vanilia fa faste, bobes thon nînde stick lonsg strips nf euetalepoosil i .ou; ao fo- tison fîceze. f at sait park. Rub fie sulat witi goserat sîisut. Ait ae dipUl Strawberry-To i qt. idi iui a tiresning muade of aqual parts ai af i mlk, an alteanpoonfs.si u - ti4 eggs heateii unt.il liglit. oil~ 1 amil! viniuea seasoueti witi Sait ant un fortitcalionlb a l l-, i ery Sueet, austi put ini frecezer,. aniý peppl' lo.i un i i ýa- A(ltiifia nuillk nowly, .!ncîs *,c Lemyfoe tiitejiemc u mrc t oums Pot lie tunt ailfieijneaisi et f cWk1i5e pltwa stmawbeiel anti i ciue ie 0nt nMenrt rafporapu a itIles LTae irns ieý ine andk aiti ptcos If ti uce er titbf i ef tok auri if t îth rou to tour svl-eac1ggne cupftîl aI fore lmeZin-g fIle adCiliit uouid auefatîr hor.Set a iaylu fie gravyý (~~~~~~~~~ asaau ia niatapnfn ii a uri.Tacen u eysiiaeeigbt an top. W 1v-n colti chpeipam-sley. Linat a welbufm-aooi midi'ate. We soei uevr'tîlin anudsre eti akin dis wih fi rauainiar i us pat creaus1, but, fud if t,)a nicIsba Loaf.-ii teoybr ic fie espamragua fipa; pour la fie as- for anme. Raapberry Creain is matie pountis çetpet mvher! aise- paaîaanti sauce, and Cookt wifi flue saine way with fie exception o! qure fatud fnicdFi eh dinh Su ssater lu fia aven fo ti f- fie inuit change.j qa, toe aip a f p ai diusncti sait ten minutes. Serve -wlti egg sauce. Banana-Tie basa of fie cran ak u u icahrd ,tv ýVllt-eSpoge ale.-ifttogthe 'steasisnonfuis, ecr, o! Sait amîd pop- Weill 0our hanna ana fleueti torneg a orPar', anti uoisfeni ail witf b wo boaten gmanublateti sugai', andt oue toasp ous- sour baast ae hefome irug aes eggs anti a teasponful oi nion fuai ai bakimsg-powdtem. Atit ta fie-in sugar wiîî ho aticeti. jiice. ,Woîk in fwo fablespoanfuis anti sogar anc-bal! cump al sweet milk, Costard Creame-Far those nia of mebteti butter, anti pack un a] tise weeli-heafen wbif ns oi tinec 'ggs, prefer ta Cook thir creums fie foi- greasoti moiti. Caver; set Su a roasýt- apunchi o! ,saît, anti one teasponul lowing la a goati imie: One plut mlci îing pan af bniling 'Mater andi cnok nimnt flas'amiîg. mutk, 2 eggs, i. cup sugar ant fivn nasad'0-i o w us et Yauu Bets-The boots shossît ho lng ta faste. Put mutk anti sugai tie Ina! get coltin tufha sîxolti halore aboout fiei s;iza o! iickory nuits, if togetier. lient oggs anti blond aIlMtumnintg oumt. ('y i fIeý outer leaves are rugged thiirougsly. Cooku mutil t iick. Wbcn Jeiliclied e Tougua.-ilt a tnmsuioe or rusty, remove fiem, keepung ctiao anifee.anti wbun colt phlace if iu a brick-1 tose tint are tender anti whole, _____d sboimoIti, Into a 'piît of Sea- XVsixvll, takiîîg cas- .a tabea INTS 'fO HOUSEKEEPERS. sort ant 1etdbc sot t lime skin af the beet-mont, anti coak half-isox e! snaoîd gplafiss and Wnlien ai oliîsg waf or, sligitly saîteti, on- Sulisilit anti air are fie vu-ny beat fis lS diiesolveti pour fie stock t fonder. Cnt off tie beaves clOSe I sanutumy agents; theceiame, tiey aoît i ognl i ot.lbi fi te moont, drain ini a elanoler, jsiotslt ho lreeiy lavitedti f euteri amit dp fiîe seeonng itilui cvry nomo! ie use cool, set on tfle ici, until tie jelby toc, sait, pepr siainjuîico. The best xvny of treating a stove ]e very firîîî. Tu-is ouf an a ceid Set Su a saucepan ofniboiling waî or, wiicb bas îlot heen blacketi for some pla tei'.Wa nc ¶ ta get veny bof, whil yau sr'rape tirne le ta muh svcll w-ifb a iioxvpaper, Strauerrniy ue-V i u- f andtia thefi beets. Whoni fie louves usîssg a îitf le dlean grense of saine quarter cupful,.ai butter lu a boxvl, are tiSsiet, bay the reti beoflats about tzint. If xxiii soon take a polisis ai- anti.5f ir f111 creaiisy; fi n atit, gradi- then an a gacîtisîs. fer a îew treatusents of tiS soif. ually, a tree-quarter cupfub ni pxv- Pineapple Omeîet.-Fiva cggs, ne Beoere uslng a ieos dinties bine -welb dorot sugar, eiiriisg constanïlî. cup cooketi plucapple pulp anti Jiiice, hoil lu. Tis savon ht îrnmu sfutcî- Ci-ualn, undam a lf ripfln of rip5e fevo tablenpnns flon, 'two tahsle- ing. ant iSt latsdouble ns long. strasvborriee wifh a sise- ril, asti j sponsbuternuemus- i enausai iisiclîîfis are cîuickly uidi-i .ui thcsu xxitli the sauce; add, last- S alt. Bont yolks anti wites recam- anti ssvccf by boliing la cîcaîs wafen1 ly, if isn'ly, balf dorfiLI i hipped 14fly, aumf atit sait ta suites. 1i'ook with n gond lump of soda attet. ci-oasis anti serve wsti the puddting. Il ïour iin butter n fcw secondts, but ta T 'l dea nly cruet baffles, etc., a pudding forîsi s nt Il.s ak neflo bmon. Atit ta yolks, tien atit put a iesv stnips. of bloitig paper l t in I'ettte or a melon munît. fie fruit, siti a few dirops of l'moîî fie hettie siti a lit fle vinogan, cuti juice, anti cnt amut folti the nisites in fie sane quautity o! svnrm. wxater, TiDINESS. last. Cookt as any onselet, anti serve anti a piece, ni vashing soa. bihake witî poWu tereti sugnî ailteti evar a fesv timon anti rince iii War-n ia- Tiere S iso necti 4o lnookesfdy amoef. Carnisi. wlti a îosv apraya ten. ' l'en if you are wn-kig ahoîf fthe' oI pnmsiey. Wnton S qulfo as teicalabie as mit fbouse. Vou cunnat ho an chn"nlul Veal Cutîofs.-Tiim off boue,.ýn nt la ixing batters; ant inl many lu-, ibm s0 sell-nonpectiisg w-boi yîsu are griafbe ani tip sm-abl rusfiea veni stances cake in ligifer Sf matie sihcarelessly di-es e asvica yeui ar-el sut a egg anti seasiiset crackter esater infhor than milt. nuit ani îira.-ýîtable, nd evoîs the crumnbs anti fi-Y. 'Illse fs-iîîuings Ilion yau houl milt, greaso fulelhomne xorkei- wis bas ssq bolp, nulh snny ho stewc'd assî servtil uoxt day. saucoîsaî witi butter hefone putfing a littie gond maiginen, t, an ha Are gond bake in lu amekins xithin tshis millu. Tisa xiii prevent fie betîs. highly seasoiset whsite sauce. gransules tint galber au fie bottom. If gloves are ssnmn f0 Io fie itrfty Banausa Frifter.-Scioct threc goati of t he saucepan, tiat are so asrtito xx ab, lu, fhey can ho timasv off ut To.iti hanuauas. Peol nîîîd csflis ita sasi off. 1nîsy moenst andt expose a pair e! ~sles acmoss. Lct stamnd coveroti If yen have nef a glass foir nios- mutn fine fromn tint. A cioau clati sV th oranîge juîtu asnI juiceof e! ne urng sssoticine, get one ns Socin as1 xxon round fie bond nica sxx'eP-sg lonsen foi sxoîai nis, Ihe-ur Posbl. ooso ail kid -ywl pncvcît fttic mli- from i-ncounîilgi tocs o! a cupisîl of juice requiseti. Duit) an usslchs ln sie tisf if S isayovr sain tiusty nd dnusfy, anti if cn ho ensily lu ogg and simetiteti wicaf iiscîit fust trustf tefions, anti gbasses xxth! remoset in case nf ami uaexpoeic crumhs, anti fsy Su deep fat. Seeteu tic s.siius doses unankeul cois ho visiter. A gond plan for fie homre- the ornilge juice, lient anti thicheaC 'bougist cieapiy. evonteu Sfis bo ave a large ovemaîl fa witi aise bicapissg fenspoan flaur s'Oî- wark in, wiicls, ss'bî inken oif, se 111 bed iSto aise leieng feapoon but- SC-ME CIF-ItICE RECIPE1S. tispiny a neat tirons, qolte îrcc irons for. Srein soîsarafe disies xii Cariel Custai'i.-Nine fablespan- Iluff anti tusf. sauce piiui~d axer boana. I! yau have fuis nf gcniubaîeti sogar, one ndt The ioiso-rker is a boftfer op- noe ýr usei s]ireidd( wheut biscuit one muýJ pits of ewect iilk, tirea portuîîity nf itecplug ien gond looks cmmnfor tppu, ymbae a bentl)en aga ic icsgrl tn fie businss girl. Sic lins piesau jsrprise Suý store, ns t licy si-On fise stove Issot ton lha o iUtn ifaari itoeig i bmose'n anti lnoit s0 much baffer fî,til anti bo-t i îeit. huit doa so bur sometimes dirty cars, ansd tirougi os'akercîums. Stir if al tic; fise until moiltet, smnky tnnels, anti atimutýity or. Su-CoktiSfawemie.- oune fio îu i diat hn fecusty strecta. Sme con ie aLs te- quart Ibot-efaite one pilutsgr5i ~ - ndastetpn asa oco.ionai a prnperly prepareti anti anti on ~i plt wates. Boil f1ie:W Iim on ît afi tiufe hoan is . egg put cooketi uinai, wie tie buisiness p -i Sugas- anti wnflem isafl if draps ofî - must put up wxitls wiat sic can get, fi pomi lite jeily, tien put filn jtaar i. Sot tiîba but thora S sso reaonu wiy niaý bens iii ndt cent fîva minsutes. a Pan ai -vtLen lisasc antid t shoulti ust puy attenstin ta lier jva nlrepIaffer on square cakel fxvpeuty muious for tilsi, s drens, the keymnte nI wiici sîsaubt -pans, pour ticherca mon the platter ' -O-unl c ils. bc noeaf siens, anti se sinulcl bc as lutii o finý fias anti set Sa tise bnrigif tar iîsl Iodhto od iyi apa si osbe DiilFo this for fera more tinys, iun- Blc eau Sonp.-Cua plunt black uapaaîe sl oaha fIasl u la lite jeiiy. Du anot s-e- beans, fera quarta colt suater, one 1u1 o Ml-NB GRANITE. het îteon-s but put thora itt annil Ossion, txx tcaspaemîfuîls sait, elygisois coiti. Seal th hopfas au-%sa slIsPaonful isaîser, One SPOOn- Ithý laoing heesu lbaugif tint wit paaffne. The berrnes xxibl bu ifuI rnusstanil, ane tablospoonful Ilour, mentiig gransite or xxooti fibre is au firnl, kipbir shape, anti ho teie- fs'a tabi -sp)oonfi huttesi, one lesîsaî, impnsalillitv, buit afteu a bittbe ex- cJluis vî.D not tsy fa 'do mare txxa bard-bolijet eggn. Suait beamîs pesecc onc leane tisat suci ieunt- flýan a quarti at ni,; m tSua ia xxay, or. oser- nigbt. Boit is t5vo quarts caîti iîsg cati bc tone, anditat home, xvlfh yau wii SudI !if( vaîyv hart ta nn- xvafor, PsIy aloîs lu butter, atti faniaient no expensa. bgo jone. Simumner f111 <louc very saIt. Wh:i a granite basin an keffie ho- Coca Mffns-nefouficup but- tub beans timougi tin notaîstir. Put giS ta l'-nk, fie mile îny hcoue- tr e-uricup) Flugai, on eg acig-II geg, ta bell. atic sait, pepper aisti uu- lari a ittia amud a, cappen rivet f iiCOfoi-incup m i , i anti aoie- tard. 'ihlice seith fie Pour-, whilci druse ont ut a . ilt fates but a mn- hall dupa flour,, oiisfouii-fi csmp cocon, bas be,.a couRt-i sith fie butter. imecnS, very uifîîe sfromîgth, nul the *teeo iataurig fenspons bakiîg l'axe- Sucicsîî leiii anti u-ggs Sa tureen anticln S ' eletuiysopt.fect (cir. Date iîs quick aven about pars- fi' sonp as-cu them. 1 _îzcs o! cappcr'mis cfa may bco mugit, feîsy minutes. Omarsi -e Cnte.-Txo dupa ni sugar lu ahe fliardwinare store, pmcbahly for J'atata Bacla on Lettuce.-Ctt nut f(grauil j1a t el, fx i il,~ aIf aon 01 (ir u i le cOn ta a packleage assaortot. 'Ibese * Istato halls anti coabu isu ioiiîg saît- j d), fxx- .s:liaI týfespaoîls of bah-1%es-î l1 iku-ly mev aiii l fie granlfexxare leai svator miail fender. Cane, must bsýng a oîander, one-hali cup ai xVater, f Isat osa, ;wouli uise lu a lifetime., Tie tatou tînt fu dont unfil tiey lisse inb voIS ci fi' a;,nst xvhifea e ix wo e Ilýia a iauI on on-- ont, tic hiape. The trnissmgs sruay ho roat.ý- goss mtt sue ik ana ct sjsn dS i oal inS sopamato vossc anti senseti iext firen, 1e uutpns I tsi ta o m,- ýeatit, if lapmsa day, Mate Whbita, Saune nitxn table- dipsii ,iFynnelct ni( tieti tih e ssnbýï1, puo- spesn Ibutter, tîvo fbeposaio in u,- atro l uflo ul-cduo ontigËn1adtwu Illiur, saIepens salle, anti dasis of sai iiiLt a, qhsates- af a1 cuon aissb-c ie osolii rsat i u roibutus-sînil i a ons brown, orI fic rive c-hanmiiereti tin-t or at' shite Popper f0 aise cup creais oria ail aousarfs-o a ncupful oi fliur, teneul osut ta init inS place. tlia milk. Soi-se enci plain separateîy, nanktuiiil frntlsY, then stic Sn grai- rivts aie soit anti taaruy iianipuba1,t- ns usofatoos Ioatý hettor 0on single alus tise 5int nfi o, tiral stock, season ____________________ 5e-tii quit anti- Dies-e, aussi[ cootL tiree ssuîe.NaO stir ia firec cupfls A S i ac of cold mut cuit iat snsabl piecesi, lx -eli, fisun timon ista a buffeucti signifies robust health and gaod mis uicxo niîcnsniht digestion. You, can always masitd oteafa, iîrînlî niti c;;, asnd - irexu laf beovus. arry a smi-ling face in spif e of BostonOn liris- o! éare and warry if you leep unifte sIhat Sînur, mse oi Inuin yotr lîver- right and your Icupful of hot miilk and coak f11rot minutes. Separato tie' yolks and whites of four eggs, beat tie yolks ntLteJseason witli 4 third-teaspoonful o ea is s0 packed as tao e Sait anti a hall saltspoanful ni white ïture. ils delicate, yet fil, ,paprier; add the white sauce, beatin'g well, folti in the stiffly boaten svhites ard tri ta a lo'lha)t omeilet ýp n -nyrput up i lead bat tiÀga ea abepofu fbt ient-liried padkages-40. C t (r. 'Cover 1thepan aad cnok j the olei n abt nfur tonl miin- icein >m-, ,Ofi'cap stes. Folci ant i romovv tG hot pIat- fe.Ser-e at once witi strips ou byacon crisped by cooaking iu the G', en. - ilanana Carlotte-Soak une anti one-third tablespoanfuls of grausulat- cd gelatin iunue third 'ýf jacoip uf - colti water. I-leat one cup of banasn letfuce leal with a spoonful of dress- PulPi a dou!binP bolier; when thor- ing over potatoas. These are oxcep- ou.ohly bot addt a scant cup ut sugar. tionally dainty for lunciauns. XWhen the ssigam is' dissolvoti rernove froîn the fire. Pour ene--third of n MlOT WEATHIIER COOLERS. cup 01 boilin(-,Water over the gela- The olloing re"triad and tu' tin15, tien add' the hot baîsana puîp, racipes for inn creams. They are so Add alsin the juice of a saur orange. easily made that the fariner's tablîe Set tig dinh containing tiec mixture shnuld nften redoive themi foi dessert. 11 a Vain of Sdn'Mater'. Just before Chocolate-Melt 5 tablespoons' h bogins ta etfolti into it the gratet ch.oate and hall cup ,înga,.1 stiffly beaton wlîltes nf fnour oggs. Into i pt. boiling milk stir gsPouir luto a maRI wbichi has been whieh have beau beaten Iight wIth linedtwh hbanna -,icesfiali! the We offer Oi)e Hunflred Dollars Steward i ir 1rny case of Catiri h tins Canoet be eu- cd ly Hali's c'îtarrlî Cure. F. J. CIE-NLY & C0 Tdedo, O We. Vie untiercig-red have knicwn F. J. Gli'nev for tie !iaet 5 years, anti bdileve b;m pet foot y linoîible in ail business transactions and finairiailly ableto carry ont auy obligations msadiehylits fi rm, WALDING RîsNANi& MARVi-,,j Whcissate Druggists, Toledo, O lilall's Catarrh Cure is takien int-erinally. net- iî g direfotly upon thse blond andtiluonssrfae ei the systemn Testimonials sentirs P e 7.5 oints per botte. Soiti by alli Irnggts Take Hall's Familv Pis for eCnatipltin IORONTO EXHIBITION PRÎZE LISTS The Pilsie List forthe Capadiati Na- tional Exhibition Toronio Out . hl thîs year wili h bc dfro.mn Au'g 29ýh ta sept 9.h boýtb days inc1usî,.e, 's ci n ta baud. Evervetcass hbis bchr Oughlv resised and in vin cases addeý-d ta. The premîums ta be di-tirilbuted amount', iuc!udin)g medmls. plate ah èpeeialhs ta upWards Of t40,000 in value of which $35 000 is ln actUal ca8b, Fieid vi arshal Lord Roberts, V. C , la expect-1 ecl ta ufficiate at the opening cerelnoties on Tuesdav, Au-ust 29th nd !ta be a constant visitor duning tse' firet week. Thse famous band of-tsenthà G uards, considered thse linest militarv musical organizatin i the United Kingdoni. and the f tvorite household band ci Bis Meje-st 'y thse Kin,-. wili give two concerts on thse grovuds dully. Pictures and art treasures loaneci by the Kin,, (Abbey's zreatCloronation picture being inciuded'i th4à Corporation ef the City cf Lordon, the Republil of France, Sou th 1Censing. ton Muspum, lttght H-on Lord Strath- cana and Lieut-Governor of OIntario, Hon, Mortimer Clarke., wiii contribute ta thse most magnificent ami most bîst oricai dispiav cf art ever mac!e on -this continent. Entries close Aug. 15-fh Copies cf the prîze list audentry blanksa cau be nsad on application ta J, 0. Gir, Secretarv and Manager, Canadian National Exhibition, t iv HLl1, Toronto, Threce mon, ecdiarmed wIli h tw o revolveors, held up andrbd in a Chinago resort s-ýas ci oole Fvo thousand dollars worth efîeselor anti mnones' as taken and ise ýrab. ýbers ,scapë.d- Cures them r3P0erManertly. Davis Lawrence Co., LsdO., 31ctneal. GLIOOM AVOIDED1. 1 "Cnnspnuativeiy Ixel ofite Rus-- sins e lamu f0od." "Welî," answenat Mies Cayensse,l 'tiey are prohably umore ceeonuli on_ý isot boissg acquainteti niti fie womksI ofa saisie aIfie fussian isos oblasts."1 FOR OVER SIXTY YZEAS Mrs. Winsoxvs Saotlsiug yrup basj Isea uset hy sîilît ans e!fsuothers for thir ccltien whiiie eetig. Il dis- tumbeit at uîgiît andt brotoen Of y-ior i-csf hy a sick cit soffcriig ansd dry. fing Nviti pain oi Cnttfiug'Teeth, scnd ut once anti get a bottie of "Airs. Winsiox's Saotiing Symu-p for Cuil- dlrou Teefhinig. If miiieieva fthe ponr itft sofferer imsmcçiatcIy. De-- pend upon 'if, mofhcî-s, tiene'is n(> asistake about if. If cures'Dincnioea, rogulates the afoissSci anstibuels, cures Wiati Couic,,soitens fie Gunms, 1i-etices Ilamnuîmation, anti givas toue ani encrgy fa the wbuolé systesu, -Airs. -Wtiis's Soothiug Syr-up for j siiltiren tefthing ta pîcasant te fihe tnstc ant i sfthoeîprescription o! oae of fia aident and lsost fetunie physi- lasanti nurses in tie Unit ed Statea. Pnicu twenty-five e nsts a baffle. Solt hsy al! druggists firougi- ost fieworiti. De sus-e anti usi for i'Mns, Wnslow's Saofhlug Syrup."ý PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS During June, July, August andi Sep- tomber thse Chicago anti Nati Western Rv. wiil sd l rtsm Chicago round trip excursion tickets ta San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portlandi, Ore. (L.ewis & Clarkte Exposition), Seatt le, Victoria anti Vancouver at vcry iow rates. Carres- pondingiy cbeap fanes [rot ail points in Canada Clicice cf routes, test of train service, favorable stop.0e-erg au d lilsersi1 nelura limils 'Rates, lelders adsud ll Information ca ha obtaîneti fnom B., H Bennett, Garai Azent, 2 Esat King St , Tcrnonto, Onst. 22-9w WIIAT CIIOWNS ARE WORTII. The lSghtest oi Rurapean Crow'ns us fhe State Crowuni Greant Bif n, hilci w as matie fao' Qucen Victoaria. jAltlhaughit w-igha oaly 21b. Tas., ifsý valuîe la 81,500,000. Osse enor- m,,ousý sappbime camo fmonsthe signet oi Etinardth fe Canfossor. Ia fie FaPpe'n treas-rrc iusc ara tn%ýo Crawnus usilci are vaisseti 0f $2,000,000. One nftin îwas fie gifS nI Napoleon ta Pins %II., -anti castains fia langes eemmaltd1 i Sutire n'vont. Tic otier, fie* gif f n îseiInabella ai Spain faý PSjuîs iX, n elgia i1bh., amstiis 511E OERDID!T. papulu pSace o' mui to-dy," -,il unr piano." "Ye5" eplet Mm Peper, andi t was an-t itS, wns'f St?- Y' 1=1 ciFour Facts ForButn firepoinly Sik 14o e Lots of tailored stitching iS used e 1ý Bracelets, basîgces and wnist vel- 9 vets ai-e ail wnmn.1 To Consider1 MuTringý parasols are-a iga Li'dia E. Pinkhame's Vegem'abie GtsrpoUand Whita penn buttens ,are 1uscil un IIa.s ans UieqiUale Rcd of Cares- the xx hileIlinons Airs. Tinkkam?'s Aduice 18 (Jonfiù- Sut'hebaiig an f h eratet5a,ýs ( n inmîng. iai, Plrec, and alwaiis Hffils lace beadinglan the seams in, a beaiitifully sîsapotai prncess diFIiîSr.-Tlat almost every operation flibr. ntroe, mrca beu -u aun tr hospitals performed upon women iasjckreAnliaibau becomes nacessary flimaugli nege to ics anti xistnnia are,,heaped on one asnob symptams as baekache, irregular bat. and painful menstruation, leucorrhoea, l ' ne are ,la'. oy mauve heifs, dieplacements of tise utemus, pain in hcacrkd with paons and having pennl *the sida, bssmning sensation in the stoma- iuckles. *aci, beariag-dosvn pains, aervulusness, Clhain sýtitchiug, doue lu heavy dizziness and sleeplessness. rope silk, j'. nue of the fav orite trmn- SECOND.-Tic medicine, fiat holds iîII mles tie record for fie largest number of A coulac of bliick or coloncti veivot *absalute cures of femnala ills la Lydia finishes înany ai tihe linon anti pique * Bi. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. coats. If regulates, strengthens anti cures Adjust'able revers andi collar oi diseases of fie female urgaaism as whitneo ctoîe lembraidosv sultan, inuthing else cau. the ses ere,,t coat. e For fhirfy years if bas been ielping Even tise tait ai lias yiel7ded tetise women to be strung, cuming bacîtache,' cra7e for elhawsr sceves, ,vuti is inervausness, kidney troubles, all uter- coats show tîsat mode. ina and ovarian inflammation, weak- 'Th- i.sck sanode hall sie lavery ness and dispiacements, regulating snrt, svitl a somasshat benvy sole menstruation perfectly and oveneom- îsigîîy iolîied anti blacto bols. ing Ifs pains. If lias, aiea praved iteif oeitiesevbtaae ny luvabuable la preparlng for childbirth oueh ofbthe ntho s reoI 1nuY and thc change o! bife. onein bdov îtSuth cotrepein TrnBD)-The great volume of! ns- File (htoieti wae tlicifed and grateful testimonial is on file St ,,aubhoto-idthat tf iehowsir, at fhelic nkham Laboraforya Y ',tos htaretn ois' Cognt Mass'. many of iwhlcli are froî,nftime teSvî n i-inimoti aroun.dtiI ue bon. i me publislic2d by emssogiVe Solteý ens'rafbl er muh soliste e -Senc o!fievaine of Lydac Iorerthumi latvar ondne is E. Pnams Vegetae (,,Compouaid and 1- " Mrs. Plnklia's advice. ipartîcularly îîaiprcssed vthfinpulls FuuTu.Evey iîig wmanluthat arn e.nging up along tie Canada le asked ta accepft te outrln. fallowing invitation. If Is free, well 'Tie kibteti or all-plaitcd -skirt, uni- bring you lieniti and may save your i-mýl 4met suinonarr ameong nuits of i life.lincn, pique andi otior short s1çirts Mrs. Plnkham's Standinsgln-vitaîlion o! firsar niaf criais, le exot to bo to Women.--Women sufierlng from anvs' angond ally popular this seatson. form cf female weakneassare iviteiti ntc h e nescb i pompfly cummunicafe, witli _rPiz- IWay, for simple bljousas, nsglclf iam, af Lynu, Mass. Al lettens are dreap esen ut the olbow. Tiey are receiveti, opencd. reati andi ansss'ered s'ery fuil but (eo iot bag, wiici is by wamcn oay. Fromsymiptoosgiven, ta say that fhey are cnt the exact your trouble înay b cattiantithe len.gth ef tfi'armn. quiekest and surest way of reeovcry The îîowest tbing secn lu a paint- adviaed, Out o!flthe vast volume of!x-cx td parasoul xVu of s-ousiseine dn einol, panieuco la treating femalo ils Mm. panteo oee ida svitx ph*anti iPiukiam probably hafie veny knowl- ycllnw rses, andt on fie niher with atige tiat will ielp your case. Sumely, a bunci ai tistles lu theli- iiatural ans' woman, idi or paon, las'aery fcolish relors. if she dons nof take advantage of thus Alreluti vtcdtd nt generous offer o! assistance, b a ret i af i ite dw temynt- _________ereti in white, groms andi yellowscat cd. It 1sa basf f0 usesîtianhale as tereti cxii-tic brui, s tIe tIs im- sean ans t aîe foi - fit ta ho- ining le forget me efoss.ise andI cerne tan larg, gaîite i able bun-,heon of bearded ihat. to licol off for anme Ic s:tnuscearouni, Ti hirt oifite shucîr fs-nets are andi if iftedes ti ware vii efitlàaIllfuilandt, il intendoti for tuîbbing, the riv et, but ssii! cip ass' nre LuL tter wexhn goretI at tie top and r, I hece exists a des 10e foru'ctm- asu -imta fie bauid, or 1v-id arnunti Woo ou fibre ssich unt ii%> now ,ne nc ticbipn by ticýs or juin sratier Lsupposeti touilt bo nuentieti. 'f-be ar- thani by sbircing- or corcling. ficle ir.endeti svan a tb nihati____ rînite a hnlo t rokenisitoSt. l'ile an uer toonk sanie pttyatoks~ttcloriRoOt Compoun-d.' if fn bel 1.-11) the bt,' Tlheonly safe effeetuslmo.ithly it to ble up Tflue lant a î.5medc'nocon whSci womcn cen Sdepeuti Sald inutwn degrees af flne, but ta suaVýe the no, ore strcngth-Nu. 1, for oîdinary sub.stte.Àutal, 'iýte place w-as paimifeti 12 cases, $1 perhoxz; No. 2, 10 de- grecs stronger for pcl uver, anti a ti-m clatiproes"t!I aMer Cas~es, $3 per boy._iSolti hp oa fie paint, pnjiteti again, aii lo! the csrigistes. .A siefor Cok's Cot tub wssanquite as stroug us oer, if etton oteCmou. ; aten ,net strongos- Su Ibat place. eokMdiie0.. 'Windsor, Ontario. HiW'S THIS ? J nT' HELP US ALL YOU CAN PLELASIE Atidress: Tsî. S rÂrESMAsx, BowmUnVille, Ont. iTHE FOVNDrED 181,9 BELLEVI LLE Business Oollege, Tr.ilnng-VN EXCELLE D )rk kee0lî g; Plîni thanti; Tvpewriting; Oiffice W n k; Telegraphing and Rali- wiay Work; French anti German. Every Deptetmont a spgbc-lalty. J. A. Ton.eaw, 1Belleville, fJ. Fritti .effers, Seeretary j Ont'1 President. (35) HiE WAS A SWEPE. IAbulot d wayfarnr svas pussiug a puhuic-insmse inte at nigit, svýhcu n inroigner esas ejectedti hecrom ivia borealal tic slgis ai exfu-eanly rougi usage, butf, uses ethelees, n'as muigi-1 lu; lautily. "Whiat iSathe jote?" fia gentlieman asiiet.- -Wly," saiti the otier, "a Man camne up ta me lfinh an jnst nn-, gave nic a ieanfil punch an fie lIane, andtisoit, 'Take f int, you nasfy Nomevegiaus.' " The Ioîeigmser tien feli tn laugusiisg gaun. "B3ut," the gentflemnî saiti, "Siene's uofhiusg very funny in tint." "Na," fie mais anwered, "but tison lie bit me a crack liee yna, anti affernartia tuocteti ouf sssy feetb, sayiug 'Anti tata fiat, fao, you xxref cicti Nons eglan.' "- "But stiuu I ca'f sec auytbissg fuusy.", " 1la! ho! ho!" fie otien yeîicd; ",tic jnte is tint l'm nt a Narwa-- giai; l'ni a Sxetie." IIUMAN IIAIR MARCE T. Tire hsunan hir iîstustry is a very active onem in Fransce, fie tepant- mnuesfs mont frquentiy viaiteti y hy e mairnemrclsanfs bouus; tise oi Cor- eze, Creuse, Allier, Cher, Bau-dogue, anti Hausto Viennse. The average pnico given for a fu, long hbo ai mr is !ram $2 fa $6.25 fanrfihe vemy besf qrînlity andt colon. Tie girls o! the districts mentionotiahave, u'ici aref cxceetimguy poor. atipuinte fiat fbeir hain siali nS bceuct short Su fsonst, anti coucu-ul fie sisamu appeamauce af tie bact by a timapoti coliroti baudi- kerccic. Tise hast shudea o! light andtiblonsde bair. ai-cobtaineti lirim (inauy ani Sn'ifenln , anti for tiesa Iigîl prices ame giveu. "My dua," saiti Mrs: I-Ieipnck, "I'm positive tisaS aur George is finustln;serinnsly oI mafrniîomy." "Well, I only huspe an," roturueti I-Ieuipeck, witi unuusuai spii'4tJ 'I wsoult' samst anylbny ofnii nîut t be an uufoutussate as ta regarid if asÀ a jate."ý ,Anyone seedlug a skcetch andi descriptin a quei setain eur opinion free w ether an InvýenýktYý1ion îs probably patent able. CouI"nunlea.ý tiens strietly confidentlal. Hlandbook on Patentae cent free. Oldest ageney for securing patenta. Patents taken tgrough Mun & (20 recelVO speciet snotice, wîtbout charge, lu the  landsomeli llnstrated weekly. largestev Culation of any scientifie journal. Ter=us, $3 a year - four montho, $1. Sold by ail newsdeaierg. MUNN & CO.aoIroaday, New York Braneh Office,. M p 'St.. Washington. D.C. mnean healthy, atuirdy stock. Let th sof eak-ipncesa creep l -and you'lil be more Mouey in .ick tock tha.n Would pay for Pfitèrson's ReadV Roofing Paterson's * Wire dge"la iair. tight, water-proof, fire-prou! protec- tiOn for barnes, chicken-houses and ail ut-buildings. No trouble, no extra expense, lu put, on. I.et us senti von sasseples anti a copy of!ur 1iR~enBOKIIT. When vrriting, let us know if yonr dealer carrnes patcrsuns -Wir E dge", 1efng.Menon thapepr, gTont Intr,aî INTERESTING Em - INSTRUCTIVE "Correctflgih How to-use Wt". A MONTIILY MAGAZINE DE- O(TED TC TIE USE o0F ENGLIzil, Josephtno i'urck Baker, Edîtor. Partial Contents for this Month, Course lu Engiteb for the Begînner. Course in Englieli for the Ativanced Pupi. Slow to Inerease One's Vocabulary. The Art of C)nversati un. Shonuldsud Would: How to Use Thens. Pronuticiations (Century Dicttonary). Correct Englisb lu the Home. C )rreet Engl ielin the Sehool. WVhaýýt ta Sy sud What Nut lu Say, Cirse lu Leter.Writing andiPntain Aihaeilst of Abbreviattons, Buisine,ýs nls for the Busineis Man. CuL"mud Wrd: iow ta WriteThiemq. Studic, nEs uElsbLiteratnire, $O Yar. .11 IO f ; 11i o COR~~F«1 F iti H Eoi[nli AGreat Opportunity We cordially invite every friend of THE STATESMA&N te heartlly co- eperate witb us in our efforts ta greatly increase our numbe r of subscrib- ors We now offer te send THE STATE5MAN everv w@eiý frnm thig date to January 1, 1936, te new subseribers for onis TWIENTY PIVE CENTS. To every person sending us one new subscriber on above offer, we willseud for the sine perlod one, two or more of the following excellent publications for 25 cents adclitional each one-they are ail good; 1 Wee.kly Globe and Caniada Farmer $1 a year, to Jan. i11906 for 25 ceDts jFaniiiv lerald and Weekly Star 25 cent, Montreal Witniess " " 25 cents Woman's Home companion 25 cents j Household Magazine 25 cents Farming Wonld 25 cents YVou can buy a 2.5 vent p stal note at your post office for 9S5ents-thls ls the cheapest and sa e8t way to senti erall amouâts to newspapers. A postal note for Si costs ouly à 2 ceits extra. à l About the *.. o s TESTED 1{ECIPES.

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