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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1905, p. 8

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'NEW LIVERY STABLE.RIIT flj( STORES CLOSE PAY MIORTS. PReMOTION EXAMINATIONS. WEDDING BELLS. be~ to notï(v te publie I havere- '~~' hL~MÙ Bowmanville stores wil! close, at the BýOYMANVWJLLJ5 FrUBLIO ScirooLs-. HTHL-TE.C l r 'a v r r g a Illi 1IIIUI3ïe regular heur 6.30 P mn. each, pav ukght TO SU IVCý ASS.-Hîo,,ons-Ne) lie A very pretty houge wedding took aete Srn onso pndtb'Ct"1Livery and bave a ln4tead of keeping open as forrnerly. Mingeatud, He,311n Mitchell. PASS8 place at the borne of Mr and Mrsj J Lbr hsrn goo n'nerof Pirrîagýý and horses _______ 22,Mabel Barrie, Winnle Brittain, Fred WeSt-4wav, Port Hope, in the presence fGr puj'- ie hire solicit a share of your Keep well by Steglelgthe, TYRONE. Cyderm~an Ary Downey, -Tom of afew intimate 'friends, 'Wednesday ~îasu ecustomers of -- t, Jacýsïtil, Eva Curtis, Loule evening, Jiily 5tb, when Mr. Fred r patrnae~If cHall, Harold H1eal, Hhlda Horsey, Hutchins, inephew of Mr. Rtichard West - gon ~evîc. rtirs ig't r dayý wîI OfaliIR,1flf~ Mrs Frank Ruadie, Port Perrv, visit- Winnie Morrs, Bell Murdoif, Kathleen away, was united in marriage to Miss receive prompt aeni. aed lier mother Mrs S Virtue, recently.. McGill. Mlldred Penfound,' Florence Maud Steér, late of Devon, England, 'W it'fb io a .... Miss Irene McLbaren, Toronto, is Roenigk, Greta Scott, Hilda Tabb, The young couple were unattended, WL&oCLWLguest of Miss Maude Curtus.,.Mn Norman Varcoe. Grta Wickett. the ceremony being peformed by Rev. Um tmeo 13,)wmanvlle uL time of war the~ most responsibility Mrs Jos Hawkey ...Miss Collacutt, Bottrell, Charlev BQunsall, Wlnnie The-bride looked very attractive, inaT E ,F retsapn heguard Ilhei à $p 1outh Darlington, is guest of hier cous- Bounsali, Hazel Dilling, Hewitt Edick, gown of pale blue iiilk voile, trimmed in vgilnce diasir cn esiî ovr- s The Misses Skinner .. .. Mrs, G. A. Eva Fox, la Gould,'Harvey Mingeaud, wfth white silk and lace Àle h t ih JerClr rs rgac n eiini SEinN tvgiake e, rmy. Le anesiyov Watts and daughter Mary Manning, Eva Reynolds, Hazel Sinclair, H-arry ceremony, congatultin er te SR hCer ol ,fesiFa FIRT 0 TE Wth heindvidallif, te tomchMalton, are with ber parents Mr. and Spencer, Olga Tod, Eva Todgham, showered upon the young couple, 1and Flavor have made it host offen . ma h tel rerntiui t he sad"agin Mrs James Bingham.. .. Mr and Mrs Minnte Trebilcock, Carnie White, Vida the company then adjourned to the Seashore Excursion $îo. four Specialmywl ersnt '!ud"git Robt Scephens and daugliter, Mitchell, Worden. PASS-Muriel Calver, Frank dining room, where a sumptuous wed. Excursions from Suspension Bridge. sickness. If it ie strong- and vigilant, at Mr Thos Woodloy's .... Mr James Christie, Gladys Edick, Gladys Fielding, ding supper was served. The heaîth of!R - YO N Niagara Falis, ýto Atlantic City, Cape May any disease germs that mnay bo swallow- Souch le reshinrgling bis barn.. Farmers Alba Fishleigh, Cora Frank, Gordon the bride was proposed by 11ev. Mr ONLY OINE BEST T A U EUB O ' T Ocean City or Sea Isle City via Lehigh ed. will be neutralized by the digestive are busy having and report si heavy Gillis, Lola Hienry, Roy fiooper, Grant Daniel in a neat speech, to which the _______________________________________ Valley Railroad, july i i, August 4 .and Juices, or else driven from the system. gield. Grain crops are promising and Lion, Millan McDonald, Edna groom fittingly reeponded. Short ii, and Sept. i Tickets only $îo for the Everyone with weak digestion should small fruit very plentiful. . .. We wish a Matbews, Robert Morrow, Lizzie speeches were RISo) made by Reveral round trip Goodî5 days. Ailltrains via use Mi.o-na i this season and so pleasant holiday for R"~ and Mrs Painton, Morley Vareoe. others present Shortly atter 10 o'clock &M Iw I Philadeiphia. Tickets allow stop over strengthen the etomach that disease Wight who leave this week to visit hie TO SR. Ill Clagse-Hosous-Helen the happy yotlng couple repalred to rýeturning. Tickets good on Regular germe con have no effeet whatever. brother in Winnipeg .. .. Measies are Bird, bullie Bounsall, Norman Hamley, their home, corner Charles and BramleyS Express trains leaving Suspension Bridge This remarkable remedy pute the whole prevalent north and east of the village ReginaîdJolliffe.MarjonieKîng,clarence etreets, amid showers of rice and goodW at 3 50 and 7.15 a ni. 6 2o and 10 15 p.m. digestive evstem in se healthy, dlean geMutton, iHardy Nichols, Rita Roenigk, wishes. A number o! clwoice presents* 1 L.[ FAP N I For Tickets, Pullman Berths and turther and sweet a state that fermentation of SLN.Clark Taylor,. PAss-Elva Andrus, testified te the eeteem o! the happy pair.~ «b m ~ pus('1~ ~I1 particulars, apply to ROBT. S., LEwis, the food cannot exist, that any disease Ida Bennett, Iva Blewett, la Bonnetta, -The Guide. Mn. Hutchins and is Canadian Passenger Agent, io* King germs may enter tbe wiIl be destroyed, lnBon aodCtn etueueevstdBwavlefinsso Street Fast, Toronto, Ont. 2,7 4 w. and food will be so readilv assimilated Vieitors:-Mr Geo H Hlogarth, B A , Alan Brown, Hold Ceia, Etrmd unle vris ited iomanadal faindtey aool that a rapid and healthy increase, in Whitby, at his mothers; Miss Bryant, Kenipthorne, Monedi&h Linton, Kate join in hearty congratulations. fiesh wiîî remuit. Detroit, at Mn Wm Taylor's. . . Mn and Mannig Kate Peney, Winnie Piper, HARRY WILKS' ROUTE. Nervouenees and eleeplesenees corne Mre W J Bragg and daughters Irene Max Qulc1,k, Lloyd Sandene, Frank more often froin a weak stomach than, and Elsie, Salem, at T. Baker's C C; 'Sor RoeSut-iaSaeNti ATRO-IiD HÂRRY WiLKs, JR, (1004)-the best frorn any other cause; headache, back- Mrs W Colw; ise B oreancVie, at nFWilson, Robt. Wilson. A pnetty daisy wedding was ceie- .. will be fua tnd or io s r ice a D uthe m ache, c a d by a i aci aron dition ! th Fole3; M r and M re R 1 M cKessock at TO J R. III Class-HoNO RSd-sobel Bird, brated at 42 W right avenue, Toronto,sr o! uaiy a d A t n i Du am ac e a d rh u tc p in a e dre l H ka a s;ie F or n e V e at- so a h io a co r cs al t i, Toronto; Mrs Emnerson, Nestleton, at Grace Barton, Er e ot ea, G ta W d e ay ve i g t8oco k, w n Elouse,,Buwmanville, on Saturday noon stme lon orcsaltiMr Silas Williamns'; Mr and Mrs j Bickell, Alecia, Creeper, Sulas Dell, Flo Mn. Ira H. F Patterson and Mise EllieW duigthe season of 1905 .Harn'y prevents the formation of acide, and Couleon. Oshawa, at Mr Walter Vice's; Dilling, Greta Jackman, Inene Manu, Maude Pierdon were-made man andi Wils r i s h ieo EaWls3 nervouenese, kidney trouble, or rhe Mis- oaAgea oot . 0 Hazel Mercer, Ethel Moïse, Jamues wife by Rev. W. W. beach. The bride tria rl th sirek ofary Wilks 23qan atisrn, ie quickly cuned. lia babl Arge ae our ti ..o Moïse, Guennsey MeClelian, Leslie who was given away by bier fathar, Mr o!rial WiiHr iks 2.o4. thaon dwl Ask Stott & Jury to show you the Satnays-b en ad wen ie onae Nîchole, Cannie Painton, RosB Slute, Thois. Fierdon, wore a beautîful drees match aga t any green horse owned guarantee unoier wiceh they seli Ml-o rla 15 to 3. Thos Westlake was umpire. Bentie Thompeon, Ruseell Williams. o! Bilry silk chiffon, oven white silk. in West Deurb'am whicb bas neyer faced Price 50 cents. It eOsts nothing unlesse...Officers instailed by Bro 8 E PAss-lrene Biek'eil, bonne Butson, Hen cousin,.Mise Ellie Mande Fow!er starter. Intending breeders of light it cure. Werry, D G W P, o! Solina Division S ery(enfedChliMuonIaKngileinagwo!hteace over horses wili consuit their own intereets of T for the curnent quarter are- W P, Plvin, Lena Payne, Oscan rugle, taffetta, was rnaîd of honor, and the bi calling and inspectinq this horse. PROVIDEN CE. Johâ Baker; W A- Mise bola Argue; ii Norman Peate, Robent Richards. '_neoom's sister, Miss Minnie Patterso, For" pedigree and rout& see bille. ,Ja oat;A SMisHla TSrI taEDoa;'aaBa.iWheslkbitwsbidmî, Terms $10 to insure. A. A. GAMSBY, S, Jasay HoSArthu Ba kr R 5, M ss lyo Sr l ClasntonCaecCann rin hither cosin batise aie b ristnad 15 Boys 2 pice Suits, sizes 22 to;28, twed n Propnieton Maple Avenuea S tock Farrn, Miss NeIllie Wight, Providence, who AHockaay; Fhp. nthur Bakert; Tas eOic Brwanto, eren anlng Aldsnosthe ouid!e a er chistlaegsnQua rie815 t Onono) 21-tf necently paesed lier Intermediate Piano Con, B Balson; A- C, Miss Hîlda West- Depew, Hlelen Jahnoton, 'Kathleen honor, littie Mies Ellie-Mande Henry,segreuapie$15to275fr - $.0 Eathle Conservatorv o! Music is ýlake; I Sent; Mise Mabel Argue; O Sent, Kntght, Norma Losicombe, Norman Mo- of Kingeville, in adrees o! -whit-e ehsi3pec ltrsie 7tk3,srn now prepared to toach and will be Frank Westlake; P W P, 8 Shontnidge; Crimmnoti, Gordon RIce, Mlie Sinte, Eva and lace, carrying a baeket o! flowers17By3 lc Satie 2'o2 ~~~ ~~ Miller's Compouil Ion Plls, only 25 Loyal Crusadene, Mrs S Shrnde iaWinly ldWsaaBz1 h eeoyM.W lret~Suit in the lot, reguar $3.50 to$50,ou Juy 7r5,F'ts Shor WilcexVva Wiherldg, Elen Wowarado th w ere ndoyan Mis ý ebertudchiefrhssaet .$2 Cents for 50 doses, Sold by Sttt &Ico Ev 'tedgEluWowr hompson, the best man, sanîg 110, Fair, 7 5jefo hs aea To Suzm er an.d Touirist ______ANX!OUS KOHES Pases,-Merritia Bagueli, W 111e Berton, Cawken, o! Bowmanvill!le, played the * 14 Youths 3 piece Suite, long, pants ilnedu R 5 t IETNV LE--treBernt. Rese'l, George Bedford, Lily wedding rnarch. About svnvfv n ih-wes ek n li 1SW OVLE unReelCandier, Aggie Ohrlatle, guests were preeent, the bride's mothen nrih wes heeadpan eua Muskoka Lake Teanagaml. The summer menthe are a badltm CE'fford Crawf(yrd, Roy' Dell, Alice Dow- weaning a gown of black siik. and the ~ price $ 5 .0.0 and $6,00o ýto elea( t - 35 L ike of Baye 'Magnetawan River Mr ecc n o arMi-for littie mie& and an anxirns rime for ney. Samuel Dewpey, Harold Eliott, groom's mothen black silk grenadineW Cleorgian Bay Kawartha Lake& bro, is vhitirk andso ar Meill- -lucers. Stomach and bowel troubles eog Freemwa, Heracbeil Hoopen, Arnong the beautiful gif te received was These Suits ýwill be put on sale o nsyJl IJpper Laites Thousand Imlands bro s h sitieri a. r £an areitr.g. quickly during the hot weather, Mlie Lr.xon, Gordon MannIni', Eva a cabinetý of silver froin J. W. T.h ewl lohv on pca rcsi e' nt Qi.eoboe, Poi'tIan& &ucld Ola Or- friends at Grimsbý _. Col Hughes has and airnuen before the meother reaiizes Moiriw, Gert!e Meyee, Andrew Nlchels, Fairweather & Co. Mn. and Mrs reundfrom camp ...Miss Ethel that there ie danger the Iitte (;ne mâiy Isaac Pointen, Willie Roenigk, Fred Pattenson le! t for a tip teRochester f1O$40Upaswhveimneoerplcd oraî o&.K.WhtNo.den. bas returned from a pleasant bd beyond a:d. la eý.ory home at riàs Short, 1 a Sinclair, Airlýu Stacey, Wlnnie and other points ln thtvcnt.Bo 0 adw r bound moiakea clearance. Ail reeched via the Gaud Tiunk Itaiîway visit with friends at Rosenoath .... M r season there ahouid be LePt a box ef Trimble. manvlle fniends join in heantiest good the Tfourîst Roue4 f Amezàia D)irectcori- Geo Hancock and farnily ef Port Hope Beby's Own Tablete, and at the tiLt To Jr 1l .leeesi-(Central,>-Alau Gale, wihs a e k v a nectien with a&l Boat Lînea TüurAst T.ck- visited bis father Sunday... .Mrs G W 8yalptoai of lma i îey ashouil ho given. Arhs lgsu.Hod ele u- 11 i.4Uç oieonsae diltoailReor~, Jones and famnily are visiting friends at They prumpt~y cure choîtra irfý&nLU,a, fli Chart-rn, Mabel Rodding, Gieta Homq Seekers Exeni-sioni ta pinîste i aîns.-. W Rutheniord visited diôrrhota aud etomach, troublus, and Morris, Cynhl Souch, Kenneth Fletcher, WILLARD-LOGANW ae js eevdto h auatrra _ Ma.nitoba, Asin-hni Sarkaetiwau and in Oihawa, receul. M ebigngaejuhhave a ok.redaà HbetStcy LeePone, rta Avrypetyeet ok lc e lgatasoten !ne olas teet. Tes r Alberta. Rtaflei $39.00 ie A0.50. Good o- and wife, and Kennetb Wood visited at this time tu kep lier chîldi-en W0,. Hbertman, Loulse Hardy , ithA Wednesday Juirthat.0p.n.atilryadpefohtwahrbtth rcsae ing July 15th, Return, uiàtii AUý>Ui NIrs' \ od's, Dominion 'Day.,.. Miss Mrs. Frank Moore, Bnokfield, N S- BEllm M ois Hardy Q dit Kîlin th "Eenrens Daîto the P.e. parcual adpe ooo ete Foticet ndnoraoneionAnt at Oron ray...Mn Wh J S Tonenothotn o edl aou oeguy Biig r McDoUB] Johni Tyle, Wnnîte "vege iss Hri gMe o gn, *oi Fo ikesud noma1hoa.o Aeta Thopeon iatte.de. Mhe W S C onveto eays: -1 alwaya keep Baby's Own Tab- UraWîfrd, Marie Livie, Frank Calver dence o! Mn. and Mre. Robert Collacott dWfl to zero. Siolfi & Jury Town Agentsý and wife are spending vacation in dot o hany caser umeiin et1Oif)L ,Dial Joh Tyer Win heu M iss o!d DrMaer Toan WWood, Dapat Ticea Bowmanville cen equal them lu cases o! etoraach or Kydd, Rota,. Pnîngle, Lp A luane Willand, Toronto Junction, in thle pre- ____________ Perey SnlhErnent Hart, Newtcn Al nceo bu iî eaie u Ladies' Read3r=to=we rIi t bowel troubles. And thie miedîcne le Nelîle Malrl~ry McDonald Fred sec of abu __________relatives________and_ I ~~~guarantee te contein nu epiate orani-brse-ahn u h edn march ~ TeeaeRt ot 12 nti o. Cenn t4e Ea ful drug. You oen get the Tablais To Jrz il Clasi (SuhWard,)-Roger was piayed by Miss Eelile M. I-attinsen. S Dmiio Da we oleraedvenromyu eiiedae byma l Brd, H1arold Omborne, George Heail, The bridai party stood benealli a floral ., r* quietiv in Oshawa. ... Mn. and Ms et2 ejaboby rlngteD- Lily BrwFrank Britton, Lottie LWm elwuetecreoywsbigpr L.aulees' w-aincoats ilr Joseph Boy or mnd son, o!f Detr oit, - isit- Wîlilams' Medîcîne Ce.;- Brockvlle bert, Lelend !idger, S+anley Dann, Vie- -formed by Roev. b. S. Wight, B.A.,B.D. pca eue rcsti ek 7~ u 80 FkrmW go ear d Mn. W. H. McGili .... .Tre Cornsh- ont.. lot Diobieo, -Darwin Blekell, Dorothy Ty noue, assisted by Rev, W. McM. pca eue rcsti e NewWaonGer.men el Toruhto intend baving a . pienic Soeh, Fred Tenry, Olive Morris. bogan, A. B , Brooklyn, N. Y.,.brotherG Spin Prospect Park boe 3Satunday July on~.To Par iIl Cls-eteo! the bride. The bride 1was gowned * Coats for 05.00. This ia as great a bagi1s ehv ,Second lland farm wa g- 22ud .... Goldwin Melrose V. Gould, B -GracEmaAcabacMn e lh,"i eream eûlienne over taffeta vith ever offered. on with box, cheap, $12_00 . A., L. L. B,,lamilton, and Mrs. Gould MieNv rih iie red ino~ma&cmnc îneeb rimmings o! chiffon ambroideny andG recetlyvisiedther paent ... Mr Mis Nva Sith viitedfrindsPerey Luxtou, Ina Borne, Albert Vesle, ribbun and cannied a bouquet e! «bride's First-clss secod-hand oe are spending the summen ait the City; Mies Ida Jaynes, Toronto, MDonald, Nerail loh rina Gr dant, o athre grom a so brn idemad oand wsGmnctaJblrn ee-l btier.W.Gryvstdi arl efrAtn rafrGearss isMyWlad at lt vitn rltvs te ale eii nPr Hope; AI.Grean Alonmbnack,,Greta Bottrel, Thea and carried white carnations, Lite T% "P buggy, ~ ~ av Aila. Osaao-b.ae...Mn onB ehm;M.Brd oe shm;MeDnad, Norisa P le; Chrstia Garant, atisseMdindeeso reen Dsik orgnî w - ~~~ NwÀ th metaun& fniends. ... Mr. Ru port Moore, Saunders, Sixth bine, bas meaBles;WilaGornaeaeBgnVrcMse adin tpnDrintn No s h im o aeBnoolcdyn, N. Y., visited bis grand- Mrs. J. MeCrea 'visiting bier mother lu Laurence Tyler. Rnby Jaekman, Leslie made a pretty littie flower girl dneesed l vehicles tixed up for.Summier. Re. parents, Mr. and Mns. Jos.- Moore ...Montreal; Mn.' H P.LnvsigGîonLmnButWlrdTnbInl white dotted swise muslin, and pairing and Painting done promptly Mr. W. Canu bas gone teotheNorthwest Mn. W. L. Long at Elona; Mns. A. Mary Humeo, Anale Barton, la Nicholos, erîdabse !wiesot su for holidays. ...,Mn. Arthur iMeMil'lau, Garwood, lu City; Mn. Fred Dobson Marjonle Browv, Panay Alin, John smilax. Thegroom was, supported by * * * * * * * * * PortPerry, was home for the holidays.. visited hils Mother lu the City; Mn. Mayer, Rae Kînrkendali, Mn. John Iancock, B. A, Gaît. IATn E ,uner, ... .Mrs. Wili King and tamily, are Clînton Gambsy, home frem Contrai ot ad Dainty re!reehmeuts were sonved thse " ' occupying their cottage at Oshawa-on Business Coilego, Mn, Albert Barnett, SohWdbride'is table belug very attractive NEWCASTLE, That tndfeigwl iaer BOWM.ANVILLE. the Lake .. .. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan home !rom Toronto; Mn.- and Mrs. R. Noiz.-Miss Hanoook, wli annonuce with streamers ,o! white nib-yorapte wiipoe;yu Hezzlewood and daughten, Ismlay City, Heekin vieited at Mn, H. Hill'o, Tyrono; the promotilon. to ber part Il clase when bon ,ntwined witb aimiax. The diton a ilb efct fpuw Micb., are '.ieiting relatives bore... Mns. Frank Peate vlsuted wlth triondâ achool reausemblea afler holîday4. presonte were a veny beautiful celleet- JsPhpn.viteCoorfbndesti iies opud ro Pi. Mrs- Jas. MeBrion, St. Louis, with bier in Toronto; Miss Ruth Kirkpatrick, _______ion o! gifte. The groom's preBont to hils Ms hrehsbe A L N L N lîamily, are visiting lion sisters the Miss- Port Hope, at Mn. R C. Cowan's; Mn. bride wasa handeomne crowu Missan Olivein ienige Theonto an L es King.....,Mr Rd, MePherson, Jr., Poney Doncaster, home fromt New A SUSTA&ININiG DIET, o! whole peanîs, to the bridesmeid and City. Ms A L N L N E Cleveland, Ohio, le gucet o! his uncie, Ontario; Miss Loua Foster, Bowman. -pia.nist, lie gave lily of the valiev peani Mise Winnie Henry visited lu Fort honr brotheEwri!Rcetr r IVR O " ODNECI Mr. G. MePherson...Miss Dora Bull ville, visiting lier aunt, Mrs. Doneaster; These are the euorvating days, when, Pin s and to the flOwer girl a peani ring. Hope. homie.- LVROAL MAIL STEAMNER. who bas beeu assisting Mns. Whituey Dr. b. B Power, Port Hope. guest of as somebod(y bas said, mon drop bv the Dr. and Mr.Q. Willard loir; on the even To.uil, aane trcon Are yeuern rmIdgsin BOTAL AIL STAMERS. for tbe Past season bas returned te bier Mr. Wes. Thornton; Mise Edith Chàp- ustroke as 1!ý' the day o! Fiîe-had ing train for a trip down the S t os enz in au ba e tato icknpse fe aigondi eîsI Erorn MONTRIiAL. From, Qnebec home lu Bloomfield. .. Mr. Walter man, Oshawa, at horne; Mrs. 'Sherniff -dawned. They are frangtit with Lawrence and on their roîunu wiîî ynie our stomlh ocnasib ue 13vran........Wnipbt, Hastings, visited bis parents, and sou, Toronto, witb bier mothor, Mrs. danger te) peoaple whoee systemes are reside nt 896 Annete, St , Toronto Mise Scott is home !norn Lindsay on il you takVtoTneNtu'sem Bavrla .,... ..JIy14th, " iMn. audMre. G. Wright ., ,,Mn. adWatscn; Rev,Tbos. Jackson, Brantford, poorly snetained; and this bed st ucin hr hywleA omne vacation. s Vct ..a... ..,4h 1 a..ae..t. M.1.Kne., M.T n n n. .W lwtOsaa u edn, hthfle~ o! -od' com we a v lue bodoh A th oias eep itluock Rae f asge .Mrtnbs euud oefrr o Pesd e30Mn ot rxeu aspail u osggs hepaned ot pun oe bos ! ht el o efe fo ic odchblus. MesE areBtflanehs The cbn$n ,d pads coriw ot,..M. li bade bas.h 4euu Ng_î a!ttnS hie sinsillus M- W e! -aeln -bis meicine somohin b .à.iid v at Toé t h. An tMIuet ne,- coýnsipatiomn etc. usem Can's War ren Seea1.Y, iî wilnt ecnodrdunesmdeCnue O h Johdyn Miii losett o! P.Pv08Our w1ise ceunsol, genial disposi- 1 lame, aching bacit, anti BABY EczEmA-M dau bteth Mn.aiJls abaî,acrpno -wit nt b cnsiere cbesmad00 the Meudelessohun choir, anti official exam brook;hn H eitM . .lack- tion anti choorful eompauionship. The - ý bat becomne se crt 'let efflicteti witb eczema !romn wben thnee by the dûe oeaJMissWio, priotedifor s upplied, and elgneti will tiscir iner ci the Toronto Couservato-y of stock, with fnieuts, Mfýies Julia Momenti League. theý choir, the community as a th% D ol ere~~if ek od o niefc nib a drv. ont otHp oiin actuai signatures.muita1 ol cregif ek l Hretefcendhd Eacli tenider muet ho accompanied by a-sui , examineti five pu.il o! Mr. W.y Raleigh, N. C., at home; Mrn. Thomas Iwboîe will cberish lu gratoful mon ory anMige il eeraat h wsu wn er t' wero I lie~~~bd pasnfi ia thse armâ distrose. Wbeu doctore lale we began tIOnsGitodr Cr.Sib accepteci cheque on a cuartered bauk, maÏe F. Piekard, aIl et wlîlch weesuccessmul McComb te slowiy impnoving in health; yonr efficien tanti self-sacrificinig service, m es nibgnt the use of Dr. Chase's Oiulment whichStt&Juytrugt. a'yabie te tihe order ef the Honourable thie as f!ollows --junior piano, Mies Floreuc Mn. J Heorbert Barrett anti bride, aulvn eimnnc erqotyncndlers n myel! n aotebsetri ueibrat h a r niMs .J an o~n cent of ameount of the tender, whlch wil Y, onorsv .,cýp thse pudirgth a tethoosMsNlie(Rllu. agln), Terouto ....in bie Paer Marn. has.a te nl e-p bsptdu.ha used uf et suxty.Bevennvebtiheeatyrpo e!teaemaeibyM.JCcau Ms. forfelted if the party tenderlng declîne hove ente houns Misst symptoe Gofyn pase Inv:Bar .TePnsrfrr a bo tkno!o em toto a contrD et wbencaiied upen te d s0 oer if modiate ergan, MJiss S. Burns, houons; bonght by MnI. Ge3o Cain, Sixtb Luneo.ed.Ir~ie rul ine"M.Ptii ulvn uiDtot eercu usso tie tatil te complete lthe work eent-a.eted for. le Miss MareBclhnr..TeOagne rCak teddr fbo inyGo Ï re trndp seric net acepei tetohe chqulxun Saemh.-em herid 1,tmIutSdoe Bo bNn Diai te DCH-m r Suuday111th 'eningis 11ev:h Sa- LeMe IL.DAT disease anti its symptom Mr. Wm Penny anti Miss Meda TheD(prtmntdoe ne bed tsef a Dnca %IPhrgo, CntntAlt, ewtenviîîe, uda vnn- Ro. Miss Loý,an la ber graceful mauner ad fouati eut the nature o! my ailment. 1 Coucb visiteti Mns. W.T. Nicholis, Hope acceunca tePeroe Content Ait an ede.J W. Bunior pneaehed ....M,%r F. G. acknOW16e-geti the gift anti the gooti begaa ue.ing Dr. Chase'e Kidney-Liver Pilli acep lteîeee orteder. wnts--'IwHfrmn 'astebe oney, who bac boon clerking witb bis wîes o!b feliow.workere. The ne- nintct aktiipoeetwa h Mme Goa. Barfett vîsîtet is te . FRE. ELI -S --ih nieto n beadache, n te-iniw Mn W ,LnEoamidro b vungwssee o a ijhd dutinueti te nIl Barfett, Tornto, who le in poerhealth. FRy D orer, S ei1n ieio at e anti-bohri-aLVr . .LnEoa 1 vnn a uet in a fln !om tise tetshe, anit-ey 0mne Miss Laura Riekard bas mueh irn-1~h Seeretery, devI t d ne reifrnomth anyse them viet bomne presienos te leeving oer ploasant soceil maýUne- -Miss Logan weî mroîy cueteti o! hacnch to-i kiu &nov lu.atbtMs v l o ~jtAI D)epaîltmeut of Publie Warka. Use O! Dr. _Cl-ase'j KidIney-Liver Pulis, M acdo naldi, Mau will be giîsatiur miesetiý not oniy in e ] -iseae. ur ae' Koy-Liverh- la uine P rvd nbatbu isEai Ottwa Jue 6, M.. atiafe,-ta iu fur oxsthe3 resuit Miller's Gran»ules" are srnall; Echiltiren hmburhatomnaivpili -a dose, 25 cts. ak box. To projteot you ii r.vs 'NewspIDeýB~goo wÀIrsg haavetsmn lclor shý wnd vev in 3er m :fiittin tihe Portraàit anti m gnatUr# Mn antirs Baker, Monte fro th DParmeh~7w: lst o te bosiog o!goti eaw,, & ur, dugiat, verybody who knew ber, othor, Sr* e2 *err box. . land., i

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