..Omm-e0b ana Ouit TowN "ND COU4T' BOWMANVJLLE, ON In Advance. Great SIýale of SumA M * mner Goods From to-day Couch, Johnston & Crydorman will g11-e great bargains in ail kinds of Stnmoer Goods, Muslins, Ging-r hams and some lines of Prints at very low prices. Also a lot of Dress Goods at about haif price3, H ~Men's Pntfo H a IReady-to-wear Coats and i is fr Sumnmer wear at reduced prices. - ~Just opened out an.other shipmnent of4 Men's perfectly-fittiag'ç Summer Vests.t B owmanville. The Corner S'hoe S'tOre S)umer, eomfort Lady's Strap Slippers, -,.itli or without bows, medium or broad toes .......................$1,00 Lady's Prunella Gaitens, also Elastie Front Sippers, finest grade, turn soles. Close prices. Lady s Soft Kid Comfont, elastie front, laeed front, or ons strap, low heel, broad pliable soles. 12 Lady's Low Slioes,. soft vic! kid, lurnedI pliable soles, white kid lined .... ................ $1.40 Lady's Fins Laced Shoos, extra thick soles, cliocolate or blaek kid ................... $1.50 Lady's Gibson Ties, overlap lace pice ibbon laces, chocolate or black Idki................82.00 Soft Kid Lace Boots, ideal sam- mer com!ort style. Men's, Boys', youthB' 6to Il .....$2.00 1lto 5...... s1.50 il to13 ...$1.25 Men's LigIs Canvas Boots, Good- year welt, comfort sales .... $ 2.00 Ohldren's Strap Slippers, baud- saie bows, chocolate or black kid, urn u ±i& coeprices. Chioclate Kid Laced Boots, very sty]ish goods. Men's, Ladies, Misses', Boys', Chld's. Large as- sormment. Easy prices. Misses' Kid Low Shoes, sizes 1l ta 2, wiIh beavy soles. Chocolats ............. $1.45 Black.....**'.........39 Inlant's Soft Sle, button, lace, one strap, four seTaps bigli, black, -&itt-, ctocolate, red, blue, Sunliner Wear Ligit IBoots, -viCi kid tep, tuti ned or flexible soles. Lady's....8.1.65, $2.OO, $2.50 v-Qshawelp S.S. No. J Darlington, Promotioný Examiuatioùs Jr. IV ta Sr. IV- Glad, s Galbrathi, Otto Bragg., Bertha Allun, St III ta J>-. 1-Robent Tre win, EdIlas Rick ard, Mary Galbraith (equalli, Editli Bennett. Jr. III ta Sr. III- Ethel AIlin. Sr II to Jr III-Roy Aliin, Fred Gibson, Verna .lewell, Poey Mauning. Jr. II ta Sur, Il- Carl Cleilnence, Leta Buarg, Bert Jewel Florence Tnewiu Pt, Il ta Jr. Il- Clarence ýLovekin, Ruby Bragg, Rubv Jewell, Frank Trewin. The pupils deserys credit as ail who tried were SUCCes811uî. F. M. GALBRAITH, teacher. Sick headaches are euned by Miller' Granules. Sold by Stoît &Juçy, drufr gists. TYRONE, Visitis: Mrs. Chao. Dawsan, Miss Eoxrb and Mn. Percy Dawson, Montreal et Mn A. W Clemons'; Mis£es Lila and Sentie Vitue nud'NMaud;i Fîncli oron- ta, at Mrs S,Vitue's; Miss Mary Hoopen Toronto, at Mr Chas. Haapsr*s; Mr. Sandonrs, Uxbridgo. witb is brother Mn. JoLn Sandens; Miss Osborne, Ton- onto, at Mn. Jas. Collacutt's; Mrs. Peter Wer sud Miss E. M. Wenny sp'eut Suuday with friouds fn Montrealon, route ta % isit MnI, Fred WV. 0. Werny, B A. Savausc Lako, New Yark .. . Al number frcm T' roue and viinity aI- teuded the deconation services in Bow' manville cemetery Friday l4tb.. ..We cougratuiste the membens o! Tyrone L. 0. L on thein neat appearance aud geutIemanl', deponîmeut wheuthev duiy celebrated the glanions Twel!th by aI- leudiug the dernonstration at Blaek- stock. 4yers BaldP Scalp shiny and thinP Then it's probably too late. You neglected dandruif. If you had only taken our ad- vce, you would have cured Halr Vigor the dandruif, saved your hair, and added much to ît. If' not entirely bald, now is yeur opportunity. Irnprove it. 1~ have ued AMer', Hair vigor for over 40 yenra I 1rm now 91 years oid and have a heavy gro wth of ricb brown hair, due, 1 think, en- ei N .Hr'vA, ieIviIIni. goaot±îe. J.C.o&ER a00. Al drugglte. for L aI L God- ai Visitons :-Mr. W Gibent,ý sr, Bow- mauvile; Mrs (Dr) L N Hogarthi, De- trat; Miss Helen Fletcher, Kalamazoo; Howard Maokey, Kinsale; Miss Helen and jean Gray, Toronto; Misses McCul- locb's, Manchiester; Misses jean and Jay McCullocli, Lindsay; Eddie Thomas, Toronto; Miss Mabel Jewel libas been visiting frieuds nean Bobcaygeoa ; Mrs J Alexander us visiting aI Oshawa ... Arthur Hulibard lias punchased a uew 20 hanse power traction englue., .Enteld aud RaglIan played foot-bail aI Columbus J hyol. Enfield won i ta o. Eufield h as uaotlohst a game Ibis summer. Pain ftom indigestion, dyspepsia, and 100 beatty eating, i8 telieved ât once by laking ans a! Carten's Little Liven PuIs immediately after dinnen. Don't for- get this. HAYDON Miss Rilda Siemon !o visitiug fieuds aI Oshawa sud Bowmanville.-, Oun teachen, Mrs. Caddy la speuding vaca. lion wiîhhbsnmother lu Bawmanville.. ..Miss Mai Gilders lias neturusd ta Toronto .... Misses beus Siemon sud .VeraMouutjoy vi8ited friends lu Carl wright necently. ...Mr. C. W. Sîsmon speul Sunday at Base lin..... , sud Mns S. Mounitjay spent Sunday with friends nean Eufleld ... Mn. sud Mrs. H Samels and !amily, Mn. sud Mis. W. Phulp, Cadmus sud Mrs. Rodman, Mariposa, visîted at Mrs. T. Mountjav,s st.... Miss Frances Canloy is in Baw-i mauvi île for a short lime..Mrs. R Moore, Taunton, speut Suuday aI Mn. A. MeNeil 's ..-. . Farmers ans fanding il bard ta presenve the liay lu good condition. 1! yau are tired taking the large aid- !asbioned griping pilis, tu-y Carter 's bitîle Liven pis aud take some comfort~ A man cau'l stand evenything. One pili a dose. TrY thom WEDDING BELLS. LABELLE-BURTOIS The maniage o! Miss Florence M. Burtou eider daugliter o! Mn sud Mns. E. J, Burton, ta Mn. Wilfrod Oscar La- Belle, son o! Mn. J. O. baBelle, Bow-: manville, was solemnizad' an Wedues- day aflernoan Juir 5, aI the nesidence o! the bride's parents 399 King Street west, Toonto, R 'ev. W.H. Vauce a! the chuncli o! the Ascension performiug the ceremony.- The bride wlio was given away by bier faîlion, was handsomehy gownsd lu ivary crepe de ebene aven laffeta witb berthe of Duchess lace. A Brussels net veil (having beau Ilie bride's motber's) was wonn witli a cononel o! orange blossomns. She aIse carried a sbowen bouquet o! rases snd lly o! tbe Valley, The bnridesmaid waA. Miss Celia Burton, sisten o! the bride, The groom was supportedby Mn. Chas. J. Hutchinson. Thoso uinsighlly y imples eau ho eu- tirel'y remioved bv the uise of Miller's Compund Iran Puis. 50 doses for 251 cents. Sold by Stott & Jury, druIggîsts, WORID AiITERWARDS. M. A. JAMES & SON, Proprietois, LI,1 WEDNESDAY, JULY- 19, 1905. Preservîng TIme Is wiîli us agidn, also thiosel dirty poils, Flies. You mnay be Iree f'nom ICi s eiocvauce whhlel doing your preservlug if y ou whl spend about one bal! hour lu using Insect Po wder iu your bouse. Close ahl the denrs sandow âd -by-M ans of of o!ur Pow- der Gû114, peruaeath Ie air witbj tIsepowder. Leave tlhe room closed' for 20 minutes,1 Thon you ma,,,-sw55 p a i the fIles and barn t-iiens. Thse Powder lis î ozs for 1c Th,-e Guns are 10 ets eoaci; TheDrg$ and Optician, Phone 49. omnyle Eyes Tested 1ree, NigIsI Cahîs aI Phono No. 76. Thse executors whlsoe-loc thse praperty o! thse HiesEstate situated on the North side o! King st., Bowx.mauvlhle, nonas týI Haines Canniage Wosksand Plauling Mill, o-n Satllrdy JLiay 22 i At 3j p., On 41premises TERM'S: ý$1000 dwn eia.nder1 $200 or more yearl -'ù 55 per cenit Execut o r s { &~ JAMrES BisHtoi, Auctionreor. 1 Bowmanville, July 141hi, 1905, ENTRANCE EXANINATIONS. Results a! promotion examinations o! pupils who tried at Oshawa: Mitebell's Corners, W.-.Michael, teacher-E Fintoif 392. Mt. Carswell, Miss J. Garnow, teacher-C, Penfound 408,1I Short 480. Roln,R J. McKessoek, teacber-H, Hogarth, 418. jOIA A cammittes lias undertaken ta cars fan Biack's Burylng Graund., Anyone haviug friends buried thons and desir. ous o! baving their graves caned for may s e n d contributions ta B. G STE yEN«.S, Sana, Secretary-Treasurer. ....Mn. WiII Baker bas gone ta Edmonton, N. W. T, ana two monîlis' trip . . ..-Mn. W. IL, Gonnill lias impnoved the appearauce af bis hanse witb a coat o! paint .... Receut visitos:-Mrs, Robt, Arnot and daugliter from Dakota; Mns. Laird, Toronto, and Mrs. Jna Hall, Enlieid. aI Mn. A.L. Pascae's; R. J. Mec- Kessock At Cîiatowonth; Mildred and Esteila Penfound, Courtice, at Mrs' -J T. Ruudle's; Mn. sud Mrs. Jackman, Bowmanville, at Mn. John Vice's, HlGH SCHOOL PROMOTION £XAMS. DURBANV COIJNTY'S SONS. Dr. Gea A, Bingham, the new Pres- idetit of the Ontario MedicalAssociation, is a West Dur-ham boy who bas Won the respect a! bis fellow practitianens as well1 as distinction lu bis profession Hue is 01e, o! many Dalington beys who bas won success lu bis chosen profession and bas been elected and appaiuted ta several positions o! nesponsibulity and banon. Iiesidesoccupyingb'. the choice of bis medical brethren a position at the head a! tlte Ontario Medical Association, Dr. Bingbam was elected at the head of the poli a Seuston o! the University a! Tononto aI the lait eleetion, a distine tion ou wbieb be cetaiuiy deserves aur beartiest cangratulatians. OleoRGO A. BINGIIAM, M. B., Toronto. Dr. Bingh.am's Parents, Mn and Mn., William Bingliam. came !rom the uontb o! Irelaud, from whicb country came-so xesuy a! the stundy and worthy pioneors a! Ibis Proveince. About 60 ysars aga Ibis nespec-ted couple settied at Ennis- kilien wlieue their familv wnsraised and neceived thini Public sebool eduestion whicb mutst have formed a gaad founda- lion ian future building, for aill Ireesoaut are see-u medicai mon. Dr. Geo. A. Big 'last Public ichool teacher was Dr. Elisha Jessap, M. P. P , St. ýCatharînes. (The editor of TEn STATrES- MAMiewise graduated nder Dr. Jessaop'stuilian.) le atteuded Bowmax- vilüle Hligli sehoal wlien Mn. W. Oliver,, B A, was anatesd matriculatcd lu Arts ln Torouito Un)ivetsity lu 1878 1-te was Principal a! the Central school aI Harniston for 2, vears aud lu .t881 he gradua,,t ed iiu Medicine witb finst cîsasý houons i TniiIy % ,Universýiysud also lPi.h yniariyo o rout Tm s yean be was apvoiuted Demonstrator lu Anatamnv li Trinity eiaColg u bel-An practice in Toronto which lie entin-ued 10 o holow successfullv 1111 1900i wlieu hog-ave up zenenal praetice, sud bas siuce devoted bis attention eutirely ta the duties o1 consultin)g surgeon. lue is Associate Professor cf Clinical Surg- eny lu the Univesity of Toronto, Surgeon ta, the Toronta General Hos- pitl, the Hospital for Suck Childnen sud St. Mlchael's Hospital. Fout yeans ago lie was elected President of Toronto Clinical Society. lue is a member o! TonontoDurham0ld Boys' Association and is mucl interestedl lu the suecess o! bis AIma Mater- Bow-, mauville 111gb School-and lheQ good eld eauuty o! Durham. luis residence la ait 68 Isabella SI., Toronto. Have you sent TEE STATESMAN ta your absent frieud ? Do il now. The very latest lu Wedding station- ery and Wedding cake boxes aI Tuia STATESMAN Office. BASE BALL OSHAWA-6, BowmANvILLE 5. Be! are a large crowd o! spoctatans [rom bath tawns, Osbawa defeated Bow- manville Satunda vaflernoan ina Mid- land League gaine that was very even- ly played, Excitement rau bigh aI mnany points, aud some superiar r1ay- in.- was witnessed, A one-handed tatch by Smith o! Oshawa in the Io ver flsld was a genuine gold brick for the visitons. Seare-e The ollwin ar th reult ofthePu Y nuvillo ...... a o o o o-piè The!ahoin ae horeuis ! Oes~hawa .........1 O 0 2 0 0 3 O 0-61 annual promotion examinatians a! B3attenies-Phelan aud,Cadam; Hickey.t Bowmanvillo 11gb Scliool. Namnes au- sbreadWlc. mi-Jki arrauged tbnaugboul IN ORDER0Fosoe a aa ee. UortnH-pae MERIT:RsvaPr oe FORM IliI JR-Finît class houons: Bowmsnvilhe stihi leads ln thehleague,t Leslie Cox, James Beilli, Esteiha Rut- as Coboung lait ta Peterbcno. On Sat- ledge. Second class houons:- Elsie iitday Oshawa was sssisled by ans o! Rundîs, Evii Parker. Passed, Florence Torontos best batteries, which, o! Osborne. Eva McGill, Roy Riekard, course is cantnany ta thé haws o! the4 Carnie Hawkins, Berý1 Poney, Mildned Midiand League. It is rumored that1 Jury, Creigbhtoa liggtubotham, tbe3 must eiîber play the game aven FORM JI-First class homons, Garnet with thein owu men on give the game b Jardine, Rupert Hamîyn, Maud Power-. to Bowmauville Had flfckey been lu t Second cass houons: Ellieen Joabus, Faod forai the game would bave boonî Millie Jackson, Alus Cole, Elnier Rundle, un layon o! the home team. Poey Wenny. Passed e Florence Tnsw-1 lu, Leua Peunington, Ethel Freehaud, Thîin v Rbea Manning, Mary MNcClium, Olive ' h i n y Bennett, Jean Galbraithi, Gardon Mit- a. i. .£ chosll, Charles Mason. vvuen tey uYre w«k oa, OI FORM 1-First class houons: Norman pid, or stagaSt, the Whole Tnchilcock, Dorotby Edsall. Myu île Bragg, Hsnny Hooken, ýNellie Gould, sYsten suffers. Don't, negu Bernce Tucker. Second cless bonots: . l:e4,. u Poney Westlake, Mabel Cox, Frantz let temat ta-aaA@ ut Hutchinsou, Ponr Plyn Pas:hedtew rn gotto Laurence Wilsan, Emliv ilîis, Flornue hedtk w s f âeî Nlarris, Manlsus Raeuigk, Elsie Colla- a*hUUJg 5FdV-iL, tDJO oaL.tq eutI, Mabel liasr, Oive ,ýOsborne, face, the Waiow complexion, Gondon Reynolds, Vieton Legge, Edra Le - îoe n TaloHaly'e bY ucy thGalbnai'b, sreran VioaTiahornton, Irne Hohlaid, Chanles begLmn treatmentat oiioewith Painton. Rena Benlhamn, bannie Gaud.t Thene ans a few athers wbosenamnes Iu~I. ~ f do ual appean in the above list8 wboo %--y %s a3'sap arMsUa t may stilil be pramoted The promotion J lu the higlien frns wilh be doermiued w<iMcl cofltâans t.e best, Sid by the nesuhîs o! the Dopanîmental Ex- aescua1vesbsncs aminatïiaus. Tho names o! thoseo oiket uaAesbtâ s have won rupizes will ho aunauced .<r teS 118 0< ofremaui*ôje CO-8' later. em e ok-o WO3 ',~*. N& t C. L Nm c4 wm& mm DECORATION DAY. FINE WEATHER, VmERy LARGE ATTEND- ANCE, AN APPROPRIATE ADDRESS ANI) SJOCESIE.UL DRocoRATioN SERVICE. Favored w i t h pleasant'y warin iweather, the union decoration service Friday afternoon was fin alï respects successr1ul. The procesFion composed chiefly of members of the principal frat ernal organizations ln town and mar. shalled bv Mr. Richard Jarvîs, Chie! of Police, and Mr W J. Bragg, County Councillor, as deputy rnarshi'dl, was formed at 2 30 p.m asud headed by the Durham Rubber Co. Band under direc- tion of Mr David Morrison, marched to the cerneter 'v. Besides citizens on foot there was a long string of carniages. A sp)ecial carrnaze contained the minis. ters-Revs. W.E. Caroil, Une,,h Munroe, Vernon H. Emory, W. Hipkin. W. J« Cadinan and L. . Wighbt. Badges were worn. on which was: "Union Decoration Service, Friday July 15, 19u5-" Arriviing at the cemet- erYa ring was forxnedjust inside the gates The baud- played "Nearer My (dad ta Thee," the people joining in tte singing Rev. V. H. Emrory read a portion of Scripture, L1ev. H. Munroes, B.A , offered prayer and Rev. W. E. Carroll. B. A., Rectar of St. John's (Anglican) Church, delivered the follow- ing exceedingly appropriate adclress: BRETHREN.AN» CmuISrrÂN FRiENDs,- The place where we have met this after-i noon and the circumstances under which 1 we have met sug-gest the subject upon which JI-urpose addressin.-you. Situ- ated as weare thîs afternoon ln the rnidst o! the graves aio departed friends and surraunded by monuments erected to.their memory, thie sulbject upon which ane's thanghts naturali.y turn is the subject of Death.-a subject upani which we do not like to dwell, a subject fromj whiceh we naturally shrink and yet no0 subject is more otten forced upan our attention. Death can neyer be a pleas. iug subject becau8e death is the uuiver- sal curse upon the human race There 15 no0 other word in our language witli which. are assaciatedf in the mmnd sa many sad and melaucholy thoughts is with the word death Wit-hthe thought of death there cornes iuta the mind thej image and remembrance of those with 1 whom we associateil in time pnst and ( who are now no longer with us. Th, ( thought o! deatb recalîs ta most o! our ( minds the time when we staod by an 1 open grave and saw the remains of one who was near and dear ,ta us buried 1 from, aur sight The mother with lier iLnocent child, corteM-1plaPt . g the jay be will be ta her lu h e ti Me tocorn eü. issa , ,( Dden e d by thie thought that in a few sears at most, ther, shah ,be spaatd y eaband ' tha~ h muatwoep vr lier egrav, shcver bis. The thauglit a! death casts a gloom aver aur happiest mom- ents. Death is that invetinate euemy i o!£the biuman race fnom wbicti no one caD make bis escape. We read of the ancient patrianchs, when the terni of lifti was nearly-ten-times what it is now, but the stary of each ane ends witb the words, "and hie died." and so it will bec said af each of us. We mnust go the way of ail the earth, eÏeryane his little wbile ta îiye and then pass away. It isi as natural ta die as it is ta be born, sverv binth means a death. 1Deatb, like many thiugs with whicb t we are most familiar, we know, little ( aboA. t, lais impîr the cessation of life. t But what 18lifsi'Life issomething we cannot doline, Itita subtîs for analy- t sis, it admits o! no defifion- We only E know that when that which we eall life t leaves the body, the bod *y becornes a i stiff and motionless mass and 60011 lases' its forn aud decays away. The bodv 1 without the Iles bas no self preserving f elements Just as a tree without the 1 sap withers and dries, se the body with. out the lfie dissolves into the elements of whlcb it was camposed, i Sad hawever as these thoughts may be it is flot for the mere dissolution of the body we grieve wlien we are farced by death ta part from thase we love. We grieve because we cannot stilI hold communion with tbe cansciaus soul that inhabited the body, -It was flot simply i the body we loved, it is flot simply for i the body we grieve, it is for samething ' wbich existed 'nu the body, wiiich cauldc sympathize with us, thinli as we thought É and recipracate aillaur feelings. Son- r row ia a tributs we awe the dead and E theo is not one of us biera this afternoan i wbo wauld flot be pained ta thiDk that 1 after lie is gane there wauld be no one c ta visit his grave- non shed a tean aver i his mauldering remains. 1Saoin the dischauge af the duty for wbi h we bave met ta-day wp are only giving expression ta the feelings and instincts whicb Cod and nature have t put lito aur bearts. lu tbis busy, rush- t ing and pleasurs seeking age when there 15s s much ta drive out of the miDd ail that is serlous, 1 believe that caming ta plce f tils kind occasianally would Lt t~t~in an (S -8iOofer Anujum. VOLUME LI No. 19 Rail and Water EX CU RS IoN Toronlto - anld - Niagara Falls Monday, Jllly 31, 1905 Bowmanville's Civie W- lHoliday. The Durham Old BovshaveCompleted arrangements for their annual autmng.ton above date. Last yar this excursion was pronounced the best of the season, Tlie day was ana of unalloyed. pleasur4e, This year the attl'actions areceven great. er than last year and eveny ane shculd pack thein baskets and go with the crowd, Special Features Ist 3hliurs v1sit with aid frlends on m'agnîficeut steamer of Niagana Nav Co. 2nd Pivileg !sedn r3dy iu Toronto. eeo1 pnng2Or3di 3rdElectric Railway trip 0Queensto-i ta the Falls 4tli Compîtte arrangements for picnic.; inz. (Hot and cold water tables etc) 5tli ' -ours at Fa'Is and viciuity, Gth Výit ta Lundy's Lane Battlefleld. 7tli Col. Cnuikslhauk is exp)ected ta thrill excursiouîsts with a description of this famous battle. 8tli Vis;it ta Brock's Monmeint, gave and home of Laura Se< ord and oid hom of Wmn, Lyon McKerkzie. 9th It is expected that the well known poet and historian Môiss Carnnchan wll give an adidress îothà Delightful evening sal on th;* staunch steamer and a 3 liauns chat wt friends new and aid. 1 1 tli Train wihl be in waiting at gate- vay ta steamer at 8 30 p. m.- for thOse who wisb ta return same nigbt. i2tli AIl tickets good for two dîayý. except Toronto tickets issued from n Kewý. castie ta Oshawa Jc incluç-ive. Train Fare ta Leaves Tonautýo N FaHri; Trenton 5 30 $2 35 $2 7o, Brighton 5 45 2 10 3 6a1 Colbonne 557 2 05 24-1 Grafton 607 2 05 23 Cobourg 62L2 2 05 -Z 3 5 Port Hope 6 36 1 go 72I0 Newtcnville 6 5i I 7 5 2 0 Newcastle 70r7 î4i i1 Bowmnanville 7 15 1 30 i )arlingtuu 7 21 I 30' U )slhawva Tc 7 32 I1T10 71 CHtLDR'EN HALF FARE, Toronto Coitues, jas L lIuglies, Local 3'lanagui, Il IH Hfury. in the belle! that be would need thons on fte, hunting grounds ta wbiich liewa passing by death. Wbat was it that stimulated the anelent Egyptians ta thse study a! the art o! embalmiug and an- abled them ta bring that art ta _sueh a wonderful measure of perfection ? it was ther belle! ttuat the spirit that de- parted from that body wauld some tinse in the fan distant future return ta thse body and therefane tbey were'anxious to keep the bady lu a state o! preserve- tion They did not know the doctrinei ot the resurrection as we know it but, they bad a klnd o! belle! îhat there would be a ne-union o! the spinit and :lie body Slave holders Lave bad their slaves put ta deatb and buried araund thein masters in tbe belie! that they would serve them. lu auotlier wonIJj I'lise were the customs of people wlio knew not God non the doctuine o! thse future life and the resurnection o! the body as nevealed ta us ln the Sacred Scniptune but thev are Instructive be- cause they show that there is implanrts! in the beart 0f man b v the Creatorhl. self a désire fan and a belle! lu the futuLre ifs. and this makes It easy for man tra believe the teaching af revealed Truth upan this subject when it is pre,3entes4 tv hlm. There is flot a defire in the lisant tc be remembered a! ter death, but -u a proOf o! the immortalitv o! the souLj Tbere la ual a wisli for the pnsservatioa of the body aud ius safe-keeping a fter death bat i8 a proof that that body shaR rise again. There Io flot a monument erected ta the memony o! the dead, therô s not a stone ta mark the spot where is nemains repose, there la nat a line carved ta perpenuate bis memony that is not the nesuIt of that yearning for and almost intuitive kuowledge of a home beyond the grave, W e eau imagine the Apostîs Paul aImait iu astOniýhment asking "Whysbould it bo liaugbt a thing increduble with yoiu bhatUod shauld raise the dead?" W>Iih- out the assurance o! a 111e beyaud îthe grave, this present life would indeed be ad an1-s. To-1eÎeve at th bil- ==P==