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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jul 1905, p. 4

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Absolutely pure. Thorotighly teliable. Sure to kili every tirne. Paris Gyreen is used for a pur- pose which makes poor grades worse than useless. It's a ques- tion of death to the bugs or Itwont payyou t expei.î ers rackingia~hs A. F. & A M. Six members 0f the imet with Paris Green of in- .'e She becaine o dta re eebaes eesTHSr inenit affected ber nprvous John Lyle, J. J, Mason, Jule RoenîgR x 4 feirqaiy erger's Pari's e:> ystemn, and shelelt mnis- Jos Pattinson and J.B, Mitchell Gereis s qua y. Mad bymrble most of the tt 0, Service was conducted bv 11ev V I Lewis Berger & Co., Ltd., Lon- -Fjr Throshe aerF . Emorv and Rev, W. JoûIlif üe le aves don, Eng, and distributed in this mina 11OBBINS condition is entir a widow, 1 son and six daughters ail of country by The Sherwin-Williams changed. Her nerves are steady, the yej whom were present as follows: Mr. and aches are gone, and the action of ber heart l Mrs. Geo Wrigcht, Brantford; Mrs. Geo.""' Co. The narne of maker and strong an regular. WTe have every reason ta Detman and son Eddie, Mr and Mrs distributor both are guarantees give the credît to Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, for Samn Hillman, Mr. and Mirs. IIarry of hnea gods.besides curing ber of these ailments, it'bas Merriday and daughter Gertie, Mr. and Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, b0c. a box, asuall ars J o Co roy and Édaughte r dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto.gre. ornoMr. . B ickenll, Le ~sSuyet ,yedu Portrait and signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, th@, and Miss Mary WrighBwmnil famous receipb book author., on every bgx. BsEEC F IC R . BOWMANVILLE, JIJLY 19J 1905.iation of Toronto at Y. M. C. A. Rooms t'Gbld Medal" Binder Twine at the; Lowest mîarket- are:- Honorary Presidents-Dr John The uI oskin. K C.. H. Ofiara, John Hughes, prce al ndsc sbefore plaeing your order. TheJuy number of Canada First 15 Dr. Gilmour, C. D Massey, Toronto. pi ce Clian se S p-to date witn interesting reading for Jas, H. McGill, Washington, D. C; t> bot weather. ?i per year or 10e per President-J. L. Hughes; lst Vice -Dr.- Opposite- POSt ffice. Ph- - G. copy-.- Send for a copv toUoorn 19,- 77 F, Bowie;2n2jdVice-Rev.Dr Talling. _________ _____Victoria Street, Toronto. B. A: Secretary-Thos. Yellowlees, 23 ______________________-__-___e Division St, Toronto; Assistant Secret- An excursion was mun from Whitby ary-W. F. Maas; Treasurer-J. D à . Ilîtto Trenton inclusive to Kingston anà1 Keachie S p in i e e1000 Islands last week by Cobourg AEEY:IV COMMITTEE:- Scott, B ChsnFriends, bta twsntad ,WSak rCarveth, PofSquair, WitSh ler warmn sun and twittering biri e and Spring suits ver tised in the local papers very few W H Orr, H Bennett, W Craig. Dr ,people knew about it and only il adulte Goggin, J J Copeland, E Fielding, W will soon be the order of the day. What more fitting then than ' and two children went from here We A Sherwood, T E Washington, John to go and be photographed when y ou aie booKing your best.« have received a letter from a Darling- McKinnon. John MeGili, S Hl Jefferv-, ton subseriber who says - "Dear Mr. J 8 Bond, Dr Marlow, A J Hook, T A Why flot drop in one of these Spring 'days at Tait's & Co's James,--About three xears aZo 1 took Weldon. Dr Hamilton, George Porter, Studio, opposite the New Post Office, where you ean be sure of a in sour excursion to the Thousand N S Young. Annual excursion to Ilnsand enjoved the ttip very mueh. Niagara Fls odyJl i good likeness, satisfactory work and riglit Iun an excursion tbis summer and voans oda ul 1 prices. When the day is very bright we shut out corne of the wî s odynme rmhr. light and when duli we Jet more ligit in on our suibjet so you If peopie who would like to go on an see that iry Clay xvildo-Childs-en's photos are a specialty with excursion to 1000 ,Islands early in us. Brig alrigthelitte oes.Augusi will let us know we niav ar- us. Brig aiong h! lti oerange one,.NR Mn il i.1hotographers, 'TFx '*& (ýq0jeeps fee T lýT O ,Mr. W. Scott, B A., P rincipal o! Tor-i 'iml ___________________________________________onto Normal School, delivered a lecture ii~ iiiir some time ago to the Young People's j UIIIi Guild in Oshawa on the subj.ect of Habit. Hie spolie of the case of fomming à good or bad habit. and compared it to a smal t Strengthen the Stomach siream wearing a channel for ilseif If the stream should stop and start again With Mi-o-na and .ieep it would have less trouble in finding ils WeI N L P Pway then than at firet lHe showed the value of education to Britain by point. A wealthy philanthropîst iu New~ Musthav mor meits haning to the tact that during the reizn of York spends ihousands of dollars evers Mue hae mre eris tanthe laie Queen the prisons were unabie summer providing milk for the babies, othee, 'cole on' expessa. ~ ~ '~'.-~ u acumodae ie pisonrs, number- with the resuit that the mortaity i prefrene wthou amle easo. *. ~ing over 50,000. Last year, as a resut greatlv deecased 11e appreciates the prefrene wihou amle raso. o education amoug the common people, tact thai diseasa g ,erma are common in The,, we painte, whieh wc cii l I this number had been reduced to about the summenr iý., t that the biomach must moreo! hananyothe kld, 6, 000. During the, lecture he refemmed be kepi heaiihv to resist iheir attacks. hav may god oits 0 rcom -at different times to street corner uni- Older peopil, do niot live on a milk 91 h y ood oins torecin-vcrsitiei{, and said if ihere were any in diet to insure health, buw thev ean so the town they should be broken up, as strenghntcsoae nlietv mcn îhm. f yu avepait- - ~ ~bad habits are always formed ln them. organs by the use o! M-o-na that they ing to do try thcrn. They will esoie for over an.hbour in a -Most 'too, will be freoc fromi sickness lu tht, pwasyuad h eutwl ntemepsting wav aridinsibetupon train- summer season. ~' _______a____ lîutngto!eihe stomach, gigeton rnga cildin ic ay l soul go as Take a Mi-o-na tablet before each show you why they are so h istorv' goes to show ihai moral reforma eladi ilsoteadha n popular. are seldom effected a! 1er the age o!f40. infammation that may be preseut in Our- stock of Paint and Kal- /f/ AMERICAN CELEBRATING KILLING anàistrengthi to the whole digestive soi~c breheela cmplee. ORE ITIZNS TAN AY BATLE system, and aid you in naturally and ~ somèRebruhesiscomlet. e àpi.MOR CIIZES HANANYBATLE easily digestIng the food,. h is ie onlv £ Sum-iner 4Sa1li.-elà AM-Summer sale. g Made to Vour Ileasure Leave your order at thîs store for yuur Outing Suits and in one week it will be delivered at this store. We guarantee to fit you and give you m~ore sfyle and real satisfaction thân the average customu tailor eaiu, Over 60 dtfferent patterns of outing cloths to show you. 27 Men's Outing Suits in Flannel and Hlomespuns at Bargain Prices. M/en's Wasli Vests, a good assortinent left id Reduced prices. Parasol Bargaîins 25C Duchess Sa.tini ioc Crash Toweling 8c -per 'yard -$2.50 Parasols ....... $1.75 Ribbons î5 c j 3weso!thsgo 2.00 .....1.403 esoth gd 1.0 ... 10 Evcry popular, much. wcaring toweling on sale 1.50 "i00 99 Wcdnesday morning at 8c 1.0.... .75 xvorn shade is amonget this per yard. .75 ci..... .55 assortment and as the vaiue, Women's Fine Dongola Children'e Faney Parasols was riglit at 25e it je 'a Strap- Slippers' ôr, Patent Tip Oxfords, ail sizes, 19e andi 39c. dcided bai-gain at 15e yd. special value .per pair $1.25 Chambray. Bargains. ÎÏ4 r Uphosterig. W eakaveeart ra-aias uphosterer who and Palpiftation Il u ob cjVnt1 E.xhausted nervsand severe rnonths before týC ,e&lEaUrsh. headaches cured by' Dr." M. 1). W ILLIAMS & So N. Ohagee's Nrve FOOdI. BowmanVille, 29.tf. Among the early indications of thin, Watery blood je a weakness of the hear4'a action and THE LATE WILLIAM WRIGHT. shortness of breath. ,Thousande of young women are in tliio an4 mio condition who cou1d be etronoe snd well it Oiio 0f the tOwn's oldeBst Citizens they wouid but use Dr. Chaee's Nrve I'ood. passed away Sa turday in the person of Mas. D. IloBBNsz, 420 ChpSlotte Street, Mr. WVr Wrig-ht, Duke st. Deceased Peterborough, Ont., tates : " My daughtet as been ailing for soîne ý ears, but un- wastroqbledwithalwc ., tiI recently was able to corne up town flutteri»g heart. Th~ nearly every daLy. The funeral toolr ý"à leaet excitement seeme~ to agraate'er'roule, acq Monday afternoon under the i-i- teagu g r *avt-- -- Print Bargains. Muslin Bargaîns. Hosiery Bargains.

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