t ~te~nx~ ~:r* .-UI.UUrer Annam VuR TowN AND COUNTY iRluT; Tn" WoRLD APTEItWAIDS. Aavance. M. A. JAMES & SON, Proprletors. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, ESA, JULYi 26, 1905 VoLuME LI No. 30) p .4 w ~. '.,~ No Troubld!e toï FAMOUS PEOPLE 1Rail and Water EXCURSION Toronto - anld - Nliiagara Fa-ls - 01N ý- -Meîu'us Box Cait, Laed- Goodyear welt, MPherson's round tocs. Regular value 83.50, $2.89. Chld'a Strap Sllppers, bows on straps. Sizes 3 -te 7. 50c. AIl suxurer remnantýs ueduced in pric ris. Bargains luShoesanid Strap' elîppers. BURS &00 Oshaw. Stop it, or you will soon be bald. Give yeur hair some Ayer's Hair Vigor. The fait- ing 'wail stop, the hair will grow, and the scalp viii be clean and healthy. Why be satisfied wîth poor hair wh!-en you can makc- it rIch? t>efvliu. Nýw beh a r ei, rezithick an d Ni."-u8ï. M aua Tis-.,a Mr. A Hilis, bas purchase d ,is daugh. ters a nlew piano.... Mr. jas Camecron bas- purchased the loo acre farirn west of where lie resides... .Oshawa Division are cxpected to visit our Sons of Temperance here next week .... Mrs. MeKessock, Chatsworth, s visiting ber son Mr. R j bIcKessock,. ..Mr. Wesley Gerry, Toronto, us visiting bis grandunother, Mirs W. H Gorrill.. . .Mr. and Mrs.A. Hogarth gave a picnic Saturday at Burk's beach in honor of Mrs, (Dr) L. N., Hogarthi, iDetroit, and Miss Helen Fletcher, Kala. mnazoo, who leave for their homnes sbortly. A pleasant time was speat.. . . M1r. Albert Murphy, H4armnony, and Mr. and MuIrs Chas. Stnirgess, Oshawa, visited at Mr Ca.Blanchard's ...Miss Gertradte Pascoe v-isited recently at Taunto. . . Retv. W' . 1H. Montgomxury, B. A., B. D. and br-ide arcemepected to bechmeata rcption at bis fathe's, 'Mr. D). Mon- gomery, Squarefiid FaRrm' hrd. Monajoye; r. and Murs. tboldge, ooupencaji Buffallo ,'at M r T. B. E oi d -n's; Mr. C MNa.v the day lie briglut anti sunny, Clemenees Orono, Miss Bila Cole, While yo)ur holiday yûu Lake, Hampton. ut Mr. Wm, Staiton's...' Put some fôLolks will think it furnny, Rey. C. 0. Johuston, New York, delivsr Eatiuug fish with saffrou cake. ed an excellent sermon in the Methodist While thei-lks of Madigissey churcb here Sunday eveningl. ,. Follow- Will lie fiîhing- on the lake, ing are the Publicecho promotions jtlreur folks will say 'tis "ily Names lu order of meitý 'i ,hose arked To lie eating creanu oui halte, '1recommended" feil be-hind 1 in oa or Take a nl a basin, more subjeets and areý promoteod only And a pse in a bug, conditionally: Clatis V--Sadfie Virtue And th.s squab'ipie let me '"tastel" Sr. IV-kIazel Pascoe, MarIl Bel[, Mary Mxd -itqpples4, fl3seandam e Craig, Gertie Stevens, Ritta 1,obbins or '~ bns la Tor;cnato, and AImer lerring recommended Sr-F 11-H1owaurd Lye, RusseliWttn Lita mnteGad rukrinte LeakMagieOkeo' asBarton tal ver, Ettie EBrunt. Sr IMand CîeFor arcoand the o iih :.!e Daisy Gayv, WarretnPreton, Lenififladcs? n ii Ial Sharp, Leslie oiis tle ie3r jtlCcut' ~oui urupae TI-lgaHodge, Adàam hrp dith oial"Cýuai,*tn n i Gay, T,. Bý ODQ~teaiýher..j alv 1,5, 1905.N. N. COLE, WVinnlpoeg, -Noreu~-~A~4m- - 1-! . -V r. -' Leta Jacktson, Elsie Bragg. Harvey Wight. Jr. 111 to Sr. 111-EIta Wight, Ella, Wight, Hattie Trimm The standing o f the junicr pupils for the eoming iear is as dollows : -Sr. Il- rvleHenderson, Oscar Luxtou. Irene tirag'g, Florence Trimm. Jr.- Il - %WViluie Har. Sr. Pt Il-libea B!ewett. IIa,el Crago, Pearl Luxton Jr Pt. Il -Mileta b-lar. Sr. Pt, 1-Glady8l Bragg, Bessie Crago. A M. Wuourr, teacher. Mliss Ad& Wight le vlsitlngr relatives i Toronto and Bamilton. ... Miss Zalfla Garvin, IiaruilL on, at Mr. Alex. Wih'.. . .Miss Ai'bertâ Wight le visît- in is eatrice Hgli Port Hopeo. Not ong a a man,7no wa always wife ta Islvr rulews 'ue t temin lon;pi Ce 2 nte,' umyspepsa 19 aen indicain that thq stmach and other *istv org ns1reweak, Ur v: d=bltated. IL causesU9 Md Of aches anid painsan 18 most, commoii whe1d r opI boit> thefr meals m anrýq!d worry as Lhey do ina this coimtzry.ý mapCtouch"ir himds For t.sth>Qo" JsOf rwk" C" 't - -9t i Am,