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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1905, p. 1

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£ t~te~ TERMS 3$$i.00 Fer àAnnnum. OuR TowN AND COUIT iiýTT -iTup lWOuRLDAFTIuiWARnS. M. A. JAMES & SN rpitî In Àdvance, iBOWMANVILILE, ONTAlIJ,10 ENSA9AUUT1,10VOL-[ I o3 GreatSale of Sum= W mer Goods Prom to-day Couch, Johnston & Cryderman will give great bargains in amsadsmlio fPit tvr ol kinds of Summer Goods, Muslins, Ging- i prices. Also a lot of Dress G-oods at about haif price. Men's Ready-to-wear C oats and Pants for Summer wear at reduced prices. ensJust opened out anothersip-,ment of M 'sperfectly-fitting Summer Vests. Bowmanville. The Corner Shoe Store SWIFT SELLINO FOLLOW PRICES LIKE THESE: Lady's V i e i kid Blueher Shoes, faney eut, very elegant. Re- gular $2.00.......*.. $1 55 en 's Box Calf 1 2,ece0d up-to-date 8e.apes, mello w soit uppers'. Regular $2. $1 58 Lady's V i ci Kid Strap Sippers French heels, beads on front- $1 OO Reliable shoe polish 82nallbtls.... e Stylish Laced boots, gQod wihsmooth uppers, Dongola, kid legs: .Men's, 6 to 11 -- -1. $1 50 Boys', 1 to 5,.... 1 25 Youths' 11 to13 i15 Dongola Kid Strap Blippers:- * DON'T MISS The exarnination of our dune new Cata of a Colege course. 1h expisins ail about our modern methods and work vhli make our graduates 80 succese- Ifui lu getting the bast positions goiug. * A post card wilI bring il teo you. aud * we beliave il viii prompt you to take 6 the mostIpotn antI uccassful slep * cf yurilfa.Wilyou write ibat poil * card nowasud addres ilte I Sept First will open the forhy-sixhh year of success ln business training by the 1 'y st7..101~fRITISH AMAERICANI (irls 1 to 2, ... 0 551 7e:5 .j, .,v, Infant's 3 to 7, bows, 50fÎ Men's heayKok abouts, ail sizes... Lady's Chocolate or Black Kid Shoes, su- perior- quality. Re- duced to....... 69c. $1 25 Two kinds of Movilder's Gâliters on Sale. BIJNS O Oshawê. Jc)tu-[ILLE aE IWhat a rcord cf suceas' The courses o! Shortisaud, Typewritîng andBo- keapIng are first laso. Ocr gractuates do well aîways. New Catalogue readY now. neats alhow mani-calor write for it.I R, A.~ HuS B. A, Principal, I . MC. A. Bds Tororto, Caada. DROCIP ERP,-TY FOR AEii 'Ni itriated on the EsïI ide of thle Segroad Mile uerth (li V i 011n.Outhe paei 1la rge fra meone.ahao ni mst ableýs abut i arsof ore!,ard ooaui pIts, peaýrs pim, hrrcsasiute aai ru -ts Ise ýhard j 5>N EnilsklloOnt Tbeh!ighýsI or -n eean ao* eess50yaceto3 w, Mn. aud Mme. James Gilmore. Muekeg-on, Mieh,, are visiting at Mn, W. B, Gay's____ OSHAWA. Mrs. J Gibsosi visiteti ber sister Mrs. James MceCulloch, Port Perry..Jas. B Hodder, Bînokstone, Mass.. le guest 01 Jas Gall. . .. Miss Aggie McCulloch and Miss Ceurtice, Hamilton, recently vîsîteti here.... .Oshawa Watér Werks syshem expects te being lu werking order Sept 1 ...Mr, J. W, Borsbery bas purchFüeti a new steam Stanley AutomobÉe ...Mrs. A. J. Courtice and son, Montreal, are visiting her moi-ber, Mrs, Wm. Gummow... Miss Mabel Whitney le viiting Miss Dora Bull, Bloomfield . . .. Mr. Arthur S. Wil- sou, of South Oshawa. Sisited ln Nap- anes and Deseronto ...Mr. Gee. Phillips, Chicage. has been vislting hie mother .... Mr. W. E. D.,'er,, Montreai, lias been visitig relatives bere.... Mr Colin Rae, Bostona, isited bis mother .Miss Brownie Wilson, Mtchell,,le gui o f Miss Edua, Crystiale ...Mr. Chas. Carter, Chicago, visited isi parents ...The S. 0. E. Lotige of Lindsay and their friende te the num- ber of about three hundreti visiteti Oshawa Wednesday on their' animal Base Bail teain with them andi a Mid- landi League game was plaved between Oshawa andi Lindsay, in the Athieti-, ~grounds, The game was a most inter- esting andi close one, Oshawa wining by a score cf 5-4, the winning run be. ing madinlutýe last innIngs. A1yers Feed your hair; nourlali k; ÉIve kt someethinje to live on. Then it wiIl s-top-fallingt, ad wîl! grow long and heavy. Aycr's Hair Vigor is the only Unir Vgo hair food you ca buy. For 60 years le lias been doine fust wha e wc aîi kwiIl do. le wtt! flot cdisappoint you. almoat wthou ny har," 11.00 a bottee.o.. ~00*1 ~~lst, for oaMs. S-hort Hair MI Nerve and Tissue Food-1 As a nerve strilifi er a - tisne buMldr -ur le unequalled. It mtlzethe blood andti though it reaehee ai-l parte et the systein, xpsriglt anti vigor. 1For treatiugwn ig diseases il is peeuliar]y itb. 16 oz. bouttie for 75c anti w guarantce it First QualityaV, The Druggist arl Optician, Poe49, bowmanwille. Eyes Tested Free. i Nigb.t Galle ai Phor-p No,. '76. 1 Fal Teri OesSp ln th1efmo Alil oui gr'ad1c(cýU1t 0 esuoettîrg, *~ ~ ~ ~ t poVtos mo ouûa tedac ts stdetsofte ohe CLees Wýrite for iru ai Wj. ELLIOPY sn a -THE oLD D R B~ OYS" l'une ."Mîarc7dng TIroe G i )-gc our ways And the loyal fiuswe lrnew, in early, happy days Down lu the tome lanid of Durham., CîiORUS. Hurrah! Hurrah!I for Durliam men Io true, Hurrah! Hurrah! for Durham womenk too); Weil do we reniember aIl the lovlng frten-ds we knew Dowu in the homeland of Durham, Durham we shall ne'er forget, wherever we Boyhood'. d1a. and plans. and hopesamd love',% lrst thrillxng glow FUI our lives with joy to day as lu the long ago Down lu the liome-laud of Durham. SUR1 we listen to the sDngs our mothers used to sing, 8h11l we hear the school boy 's eheer, the church belk's sacred ring; SUinl dreama we gather flowers as lu the early sprlng Down in the home land of Durham. Canada, the best of lands, we love from sea tg sea, Mountains. valleys, rivers, laites and prairies wxde anld free, But the learest part of it to us wlll ever be Dowu io the home land of Durham. Durham Boys wiil corne a gain to see you once a year, Hoping for your welcome smiles and word.s 0f heariy cheer ; May y our lives bc happy tili again we meet you here , Do,,n.lu the home-land of Durham. "POOR LIMTE STONE.' Mr. James L. Hughes related the following incident on the retur njourney te which we give space with pleasure At the battle of Lundy's Lane a Cana dian blacksmith whose wlfe was dead ieft hie enlv son a boy of thirteen at home, and went eut to fight in defence cf hie countrv. When the battie was at ite height thefather was eurprised to see hi& littie son by his ide wvi!h a gun firing way like a vcteran, The littie hero was killed ln thA battie., Ris father buried hlm, and ln order to mark bis grave he took a flat tonie from the roadside and with hie cold chisel carved his boà 's name and age and placed ît a: the head of the grave. Cail it not "poor" no quarried shaft 0f rarest marbie ever bore A sweeter message 10 the w'orld; It speaks true love, raught cau do more, These rudely chiselled letters show No trace of Eculptor's studied art, But each deep markiug represents A scar upon a father's heart. The loyal lacksmith's hlood was stirred - -- i " a 7-. 10o8Uaun 'uumue fie hastaned te the Biti h ranks ;And baSde his boy aI home, rem ain; But when, amid thse baIle's sîLe. fils bisse eved son stood by is, sida And salit, '*Iva couse te 1igbt iwill v ou," His patriot haart vas ileS wïith prida. '1Thoni hait thy motber's tieart, b)rave lad, SheS bless thea c euid shre sea thea bhere'. Love for al moment waked the pýast, But t Iuîty-vdi eS the starting lear; For tue ga he dim of sar, Fiercar the feemen's bolS aîhacl k, Anjdsitrouger stili the btarD reselve Of LBilbeharts ho driva Libem baclz, Thse father andI bis noUae lad! Thîoughou he idgnt fougbhtside b.ýsida Till, lair the ceose. the bo ws het, Audin bis fathbr's atiLns he jids. Than, whan tbe battle solrbdp'sd And victory was surely woui. Tire father dug, himseif. tisegrv Iu wich te lay is ga,1litsri WIlbis ow i Ilandibs umlesIns A nli,fIl ell a rks thac ei ot Cal jhnt', poo r,." nel oquai ri et ihf lt 0f ratieat iufiarbi,àeav erj.bo Aweer m 3ssage('l t 1Le Wold; Il spcaiýdt tue v, naurgh euau dlo Imore. - IIa C. furns MR. JOfIN P, KFACHIE, Toronite, Treasurer Durham Old Beys' Association, One of the omignators et the-Durham- Olti Boys' Association was the present, Treasurer, Mlr, John Davies Keachie et Torenito, whesa portrait graces this page, anti whoee fine teor veice bas afforerta pleasure lu former yeame te se many ai our readers thrcugheut titis district. John Da-,ias Keachie wae hemD at Glasgow, Setianti, June l6th, 1852 and was aldeat sont cf theý late Alexandier and Jesele Keachiie, hie tather heing Scotých anti mother a native et Man- c heeter, England. Bath parents were musical, hie, father heiug leader ef the -hurcli singing lu hie native parish, anti the mother a leadiig, soprano lu eue cf the Cathedrais. Be marrieti June 13, 1883, MaPrgaret Paterson Ted. eldieet datightem rf the late Charles anti Jane Ted, by w7hom there lias been issue ot eight chiltiren of wbo.m twa d'aughters anti five sans are living. Mmr. Kýeachie came te Rowmanville trom îScotlant inl March, 1881, te flli apesitien lui the D. 0 & P Co. factory. He bad hoecu erucateti i n GerbaIs Veuths' School, Seotlanti. tht may ha mantionetil incitiantally thtameng bis schoolmat5 s living tj)-day are Dr. Wm. Patrick. Principal et Maitoba Collage, anI Sir Thomnas J. Liïton, maerchant prince, antioet syacht Sbatmrciek fame. Perliaps itLei net gauerRaly knowu that Sir T. J. Lipten is a 'coc 13î, fo!r he le aiwas repute i ta1b>Iris.16ewas. hem lui Giasgow anti llithe onato tbis Whoun luthia town Mmr. Keacýhi fiirst saw IMasonie h'ight lu Jernsale Ldg No. 31, A.- P.& A -M , GBC..a1 stihi takes an juterait lu hie mothor Lotige. He was secretany for manî yaars anti wrote a valuabhe history, of its doin,-e tram its inception, a work taklnig fullv a Vear lu its campil ment. Rising te be Junior Wardeu, hie further -promotion was eut off by hie emnoval te Toronte. He joinati St. Andrew'e Led ge No. 16, the mother cf ahi Toronto Lotiges and bas filleti various offices lu the gif t cf hie hrethren there. He le at present erganist anti choirmaster et St Andreaws Ledge. In addition te thil it rnay be cited inlutasti- mony et his aetivitv, that he le at preobant Recertiing Secnetary et Rase. dale, Lotige No. 357, 1 0 O F ; He- cortiing ibecretary et Toronto Ceuneil No. 86, C. 0. C. F., anti Fiûaneial Sac- retamv cof Court Pmospcrity Ne. 668, We rememnber very well when Mr, Keachie came te Bowrnar.ville 25 . ears ago fremn Glasgow, Seetiauti, like everý youug man ehoulti do, lie immedilatel'. R laced himself lu toucb »wiîli Sabbath Sehoci werk, the choir ef St. Paul'e Preebyterian chnrch 1und heiping e.erý, tbing mu, ical, was largel. instrumental lu tomming the firet choral union in thel tcwni Gitteti witb a got tenon vole, capable of tastef al rendîtien bis services when eouasteti, were neyer nef Ileed lu aid cf auy laudab'e ebjeet, anti ne con- cent was conidereti completa wîthniut bis nama on tbe'pregram, and mereever these services wera alwa s givenfneely anti witheut tee, Indeeti there le liartily a seheol, church or public institutir n lu the county but wbat bas been aitieti h bis veice, lu the raising cf tiinde. Be was for many yeare lu Bewmauvilllc ou the board et managers cf St PauI's antI secetary et the board was instrumentaIl along with the late Mn, Richard Win- tiatt, Toewn Clerk, lu forminîr the first p ublie reading reom lu the Meehanics unstitute. He was a director efthte Mlechanie Institute anti for maus yetro its Treasurer andi afterwarus became its Presideut Ha was a lo.yal supporter et the D 0 & P. Ce Band lu ite palmY d1a3 s Ha was forrmany ýeare designer at that tactery Ha remeove taI ion Us tail 'ears ago te take.a ras ponsible P 0 Lefacories, He bas cceupieda iepbere lu Toronto as equally usbful a,3 bore, ant isj well kuewu amog tIhe musical people ùft ttccit ' v.Be is ai present' ccmmercial traveller fer-thse Weil kncWn musical bouse tif Gaina, Winter & Lecming' Since the iniception et the Durham Olti Beys' anti-Girls' Association Mn K1ýeàchio lias been- on iýs Exeeutivel Committee. As-we have etateti bu wa eue et ita originatareanti reeullv tl us that the idea et the, firet ts ua i tha D. O. B. Ass;oc!atioti iva spîir the editer cf tibis paperhen real I(il- tather cf tCils thepiterognzî' i or. its ltiuid lu oot. hs i rr.bIab'y 2001I) Dîh'.'si os aud that ciîy las e bLUe,we "t' a etI, law abidîn itîzu tIan su3,slah b1ave 3loft tnrcu i bo he aeu credit te the place they left i r-cL they reelde lu. DR. E. FRASER BOWIE, Pirst Vice=President of Durham Olci Boys' Association, Toronto. A nether successful Durham Olti Boy le Dr. E.Fraser Bowie, Pirst Vice-Pres. ident of the Durlham Boys andi Girls Association, who was hemn andi reareti in the village cf Newcastle. Educated lu the Newcastle Publie and High echeois, he enhereti the High school at 5 the age cf oleven, secured bie non-pro. fessional teacher'a certificate at fifteen, Ho matriculateti lu Arts into Toronto University at seventcon,-obtained bis professienal teacher's certV~icate after a >, terma at the Medel School, Port Hope, iu the same year andi began te teach scheel whiie stili seventeen years olti, although the legai age wý,as eîghteen. Hie first effort was lu S. S No. 1, Cart- S wright, which echeel he Was asked te take by the prinicipal ef the MNotiel School, aise an olti Durham and Cart- wright boy, Dr. 1D J. Goggin, te whom the trustees had wrîtten asking hlm te recommenti a teacher. le afterwards taught lu S. S. No. 9, Clarke, mnaking many frientis lu both townships. He then entereti upon the etudynt nmedicine at Trinlty Medical Ceilege, Toronto. zraduating lu 1890, M. B.. Toronto Universityv, M. D C. M , Trinity Uni- versity, ais e mrber cf the Coleage of Physicians and Suirgeons cf Ontario, He immediately fatarted te practi e lu ,i oronte, hangin bhis shingleý on iar- bord st. After prachicing with cons-it- ercauhle suc-cees from ïabeve atdrees for a few Y eams, he removed te a fine location on Spadina aye.une of the e meat central thoroughifames lu Torouto, wbere he le to.day deing an large anic esu generalI practies3. Detor Bowie le a fthe city. In 190ý4 he was offereti with- e ut opposition tne Grand Chancellorship cf the Kuights et Pythiae cf the Grad Domalu cf Ontario. This, ha was ebiiged te megrettliy refuse, because or the press of hie professicual duties, He holds membermbip iu the 1. 0. O. F., A.O0. U. WA.,1.0 F , S.-O. S .A. O. F, C. 0. FE, K. of P. anti others, which alone gîve hlm a verv wide cenuection la the city He is a Liberal lu pelitici anti a Presbi temian, being connected with Erokine ehurch, andtis a member cf its Boardi of management for the past tweiye years or more. For the last three Dr. Bowie bas been chesen as oe eof the Lectamers ou metieal subjeets te the studeLts attending the jTeronto Bible Ceilege. Maniy of these stuL ente go eut as missionaries where a kuowledge of modicine isa great value. The doctor le eue of the meat active spirite cennected i wlh tuie Olti Boys' association, having been contiuuuly electet t its first vice presidency since the firet yeam cf its inceptien anti when net unaveidably absent is aIways te ho' founti preminent at ail gatteringe cf Durmham Olti Boýs The Methodist pulpit was su p liiet Sunday merning by Rev, J J. Hare, Principal of Ontario Ladies' College, Wýhitbv, who preacheti a very thought- fui anti iuteresting sermon from the wortis "Mark the Perfect man, etc." A nevel circumetauce was that ai the choir --iisewere absent anti a sextette et males led the singing anti sanîg an anîhem that wae bigbly appreciateti. Iu the evening Prof. Chas. T. Paul cf Hiram Cellege, Ohio, a Bewmanvllle boy, who was vieiting, here, preacheti ln the evening on '-Character Build- ing " His sermon was exceedingly weil prepaieti antd containedti tcellent ativice for ahl yoni people. The bearty thanke and geoti wislies of the .ongregation wcre expressed by a standing vote te Prof. Paul fom hie timeI-x words andi best wishes for suc- uEds lu is future work in Ciina where ho aijd bis wite are geing. Mr. i. J. Kni-ht sang a ,olo. MissEdith Free- luntiwas erganistïat bith services. h a constitutiofl'al diseaw, originatinii in impure blood and requirmS gconstitiflald treatment acting- through andpurifying the blood for tu raical and Perniaiielt, cure. Be su"e to takec Hood's Sarsaparila Nasal addotbel ocal forma et caarryb yOqlikly releved _ibyCaarei vxLch aila Inlm atOnd deodoAis diacharge. CaZtarlets, mail rder onl, ,50 CUi. F'or testlni@iialhof renwakal cwg DARLINOTON HISTURY. MRt. J. B, FAIRBAIIIN WaRnrS OP YF\ Ë Y SETTLERS JE LOCAL D'Y et' 0LlNA.' Having heard Mr. J. B. Fairbiaimu, Pestmaster, tel many times et bis ex- perienees among the Darllngton farmersi in the pioncer da) s, anti kuewîng his abiiity te write au intereeting article we requestet i hm te give cur reatiers a short aceaunt cf his observations, after a viit te Solina loeality last week. He readily complieti with our request and insteati of a short article has writteu a long eue and a very interesting narra- tive ef the leading farmers anti their familles as be remembers them. Wü shahl publish the article lu instalments, It will likely run through three is-ues. Ameng the mauy visiters wvhe are lri, Bowmanville at present antihurei who have bcen ceming anti geing fer years, there are few who have any adequate conception of what a beautiful country lies almost 'immediately cen- tigueus te Bowmanville , For yecars 1 baye been in the habit of taking city friende who have beeu vlsiting us eut te oeaparticular uefiborhood that ls worth going a ver.' long. cistance te seel indeeti, tethe levers of the pictur. asque cm te anyoue havin.g any artistie taste the enjeyment woulti amply repay tham for the trouble they mighlt take lu roachlng the points et ebservatien. U he landecapa vtews are equal te any. thing te be fount inl any part cf' the world. Indeud, 1 am safe lu saï ïng PA auy rate as tar as Ontario is cencemnad they are net te ha eumpassed anifer art enjoyable afternoon, fer the trip eau be acomplisbad lu a few heurs, 1J know nOthng equal tei) t. 1 weuder that more do net avail thamselves cf [t. We lef t Bow.manvilla at 2 3o p m pas. ing tbrough the vi*llage et Hampton anti 1 waut te saY izht here that if, la oe ef the i tiiebt places et its siza lu this section. Some et the homes are beautifully kept with flowers lu alun. dance. The citizane certainhy knew the art of growing tliem. 1 was alad te see my olti fienti, Mr. Heurs Eiliott, hale anti hearty, stili at the olti standi like mi self dealing lu literai une-a man eof manv letters. I hope he may live as long as bis late father who was s0 universally reepeeted ilu Darlingten, We then went' north te what wag kinown li. the elden time as Aslt-ie's Cerners4. I wonder hew îmany are living now wlio remember Mir. S, Asinantithe e-xtensive tratie Le tdid there? 1 fauecy thiey culti be 11umnbared on Cie linger ends almoet. We then, tumnati West as 1 wanted te eaorce mori the olti Suiphur spring at thu ehee faetomy which causeti sueh e furoe luthe lttis, eil Irememaber geing here eciteti bythe prevailing uniejsity tescethe weniders Jet th placýe A lady Dant gentlemanfmi Clank-e woeathere on horseback -amnong othens.I mention this fer horse-back ridiug wae more prevalent than neow, If Oslr Farley on whosa proerty this spiug was tounti bat iidaretooti how te boom a thing et the kinti as people do now-a>daye-, ha weuld have madIe a fortune Altheugh the Farley familly were prominent citizens lu Darliugton at that time, there is net oeeof the Dame left among us. It le a bit ef ancient histery but the only doctor we hati lere lu the 80's was eue o! that conneetion anti who was kind andi genemous te a tauît. On eue occasion he was aresteti withont any cause except mera suspicion duriug the ebel. lion cf '37 anti sent te Toronto on a cart. He teck ill tram exposura andi thus became a victim with hundretis of cîhers oft he prevaîling political djs- turbance cf the Ètme. Alter passing this spot we went on west te the aide hune passing the cîi Crytierman hemesteati. I rcmtimber Lng thora lu 1813. 1lhobouseuet have beau lun eut the sama place as the- present one. Net lika the FarIîcys the Cmdermans are a virile race Det Ilkely te soon die eut. Mr. Marshall Cr3 derman whe new owns the farmha8 a family et teurteen sens anti daughtems. Any parents might rejeica lu belng sunroundet inl their elti age by suel ait array of fine young people. Wlicn I was a boy the grandtather et Mr J. H. Cryderman, our townsxýna,, was a preminent man anti tii whaýthe coulti for the gooti of hie fellows. Y attendeti hie funcral lu 1852 lu the elti Episcepal Methodiet ehapel then on the corner o! Mr. T. Baker's tamm. It was -a lovcly day ln the summer ime anti there weme huntireds et people thae testif3 ing te tha respect lu whicbhho washelit. Be was interret inluwbat was thon a prctty lttie burying ground,ý I am serry te see that it now locoks semewhat uiezlcctod. II may bceonly a seutioi eut but a very refineti ona where the memorias o! the loi-ct anti lest are kept alive by the surroundinge o! the place whero they are interred. At Hiampton it le different. The cemetemy there is kept as nico lu proportion and iu the Bow i.anville eemetr Wheu we reacreti tho brcw, o! the hlI, 1i baute stop anti allow the party tc teast their ey e anti their open eaouls te anti ou the bandes et Nature VWbat a view! Can an' une bob upona au enîli as ihat without LaÀiug their thoug ,lits rai. cd ta île g-eat Èïl i-cuse tue eattise Cllarbu buhIs are dsicl the towl lship, theiteeng pc madie up e! lot e&Y VailcOYFs wiîtrml otbr v aving fieldo cf gri!n anti tIr hcestadsullindcatruga pro;S- por~ ~ ~ ~~c 'sn'-.nt. f~ cju tho w!uîiutk weo %went n' ';i-t to ýUe het- acr2sï-,e sixîlianti, .-eentbconcession-s Tie arin cf the ltata Mýnm. Crytier. man. ou ile îigt baud, as1I liret recdec itwaaailwootis. Myv lutinatei knoGwladge 'o! Darlington began about 114, ewngetiiahg CUl eted CCnî nodonEj(ra Pg, wbat do You Kniow? Do you kuow that after a Short- hand or Commercial Course with us,, you are sure of a position at 5z4-.0) an)S utpards per month as a starter ? Senld us a pcýstal, wth your naine andI addre.3, aud we willtell you, aIl about ,t. 14 !Rchmonýd S., E-ash, Torouho. R. D. NIMI1O, Principal. là 1 -tir 1 ---r t-- t 1- 1 1 ]Lk -Ki 1 M

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