anabian t ate~m1an ) Pe er. . d n... ----------- - '.UASJTOWN 4AND I.OUNTY<"BIRSr H OL ATRÂtS At K lAMER & ÇIfl~ P4~*~wa p -. BOVW MAL'NV UaLE, NTAR&t WEDNIESDAYt SEPTEMBER 13. 1905. ~k. 4~Ak ~ ~IL~ 4aAL.~. ~Ub~ ~ ~ ~ ~Uk ~..Mb ~W, 4AAb ~AI1~ ~Ab~ 'AIL. I ~~*44444à6ô.ééé~ Coüeh, tJàhnston & C'ydlerrman Are very busy opening out their Fail Importations And they are already showiDg an immense Stock of High (lass goods in ail departments. Ladiles' Coats An elegant Stock, bought from the best and most up-to .date makers. Both German and Canadilan. Dress Goods In ail the latest weaves at&dcolors. Also abig stock of Silks in Black and colored, Ladies' Raincoats made up in the latest styles. Gouli Jonsou~& rydoiin Bowmanville. The Corner Shoe Store. NEW BOOTS LADIES' Kidi Ca1f or Patents, Straight lace or overlap litc, also Large Oellett Ribbeu Laeed styles. Our e2,50 and $3.50 speelals arc amiong bhe mest tastetul shovu Sis seasoni. In spect our . ,50 walking beet, great value 1ev lieds, a speeialty.- Kld, box caif or o1l'pebble, loy licols or spring licols, liglit and streug, bhc best value, easy te pay prices. Boys' and Youl,-hs) Just what yen need for school or Suniday wear,' fine beathers, heavy or light, close prices. CHILDREN'S A ece eotetineiuding OU? reliable Genman sehool boots, also the liglitest and fiuest for dres purposes. MEN'YS Our extensive variety centaine great values. Sec our vlndow dis- play. If yen vaut a fine «b-oot taI onitlast auy yen have ever worn try a "Douglas," tbc groat Amern- eau leader. 0wir bargain boxes mnay Contanta somnething youa need. BIINS & -c00. Oshawa. - A Vary protbyvoidding ob place at 3 P. M. Septembor 61b nt the homeofe Mr. and Mri Alexander Riga, Dan iingbon. vhou their second dangbter EdIth vafijoined lunbel>' vediock vibli Rev. Albort Ormîstan et Shawvilie, Que The bride vas govned lu vitie crepo de cheno rimmed vibh ali-oven lace and camied a aboyer bouquet et vhite roses. She vas attouded b>' ber lite niece, Miss Ruth Simpson, Sreets- vile, vho carniod a basket et Ameican vbeaul> roses, and looked verv daiuty lu pure vhite. Rev. R. M. Phalen, B. A . Biackatock, pertormed the coremeity lu the presence et the immediate relatives of the contractiug parties. The bouse- vas protusel>' deeonated__vibh choicoit floyers ot tbe soason. * fter or cgratr- iatiens ait Bat dîrvu le a aumptueus re- paît te vblch bbc>' did ample justice The proseuts vere numerous and costy as veli as usetul, tostiIyinz te the hlgb esteem lu vhicb thov ere held b>'their fionds. The bride's geiug avay cos- tume vas a suit et bine homespun vltb white siik vaîst and bat te matcb. The happy coupie lefI ou the eveuîng train- for thoir future home atSbawvlle,Que., carrying vitb ththehe bcgond vishes et their manv tieudsanad a bountitul 8uppi>' et ice - Au interosting socrat event vas colo- hnated aI the re3sideuce et Mn. and Mrs. William Coram, ltI38, cou 9, Clarke, ou Wednesday Sept. 6, vbcu thoin second danghten, Miss Lanra, vas nnited iu marriage vitb Mn. Albert John Tambiyn et Orone. The cere- mon>' vas porfarmed on the lavu tho bridai party standing lun front of a bauk et golden rod, dahlias and asters About one buudred guesîs vitnessed bbc marniage. R8v. H, V. Mounteer bing brie offiiating clenlgxman. The bride vone a wbite silk gavu tnimmred chiffon and carried a bouquet et white roses.. Miss Bertha Coram attendod her sisber dreased in cneam es shmere and carried a bouquet et white air nations, Mn. Miton Tamblyn, brother ef tbc groom, vas bea; man. Atter congratulations a splendid vadding dinuor vas senvod and the happy couple boak bbe eveniug train for the West The bride received a very baud- soma collection et vodding gifla, Hon going ava>' costume vas green cloth v ith bat te match., Ou Ihein re~- turu rrom thoîn boneynoon the> vilii n nd t unuaruaje Farm, Orono. The Weekly Sun says that a nov rnetbed et deaîing vitb miik la bing t. led at Darlingbtou cheeso taclorv this soason. Ail the whole milk is tabe o t the factory vbere il is put bbnough a eoarqThe cnaiis then ahi ppmd 10 Too.ub, and the skim mitin neturn- ed te the targr-t. l'1h. miik la pal4 ton on the basis et bbc pice of cheese. The rosuils ate quibe satistactony se tan, tbey are getbîn- mueli botter results freux teodi;3Z sklm ilk Iban tho>'vonor troua Vhs.' and noaiziug as nîuch rnuy for bheceam as for cheese, - DO YOIJ WANT IU±RNESS? Farmers, Hersernen, ,snybodt- and overybody ewning a herse, now is your tgreat opportunit>' for getting a goed, now set of harnoas. double or single, or any part or parts ef harness or herse geeda at wholesale pricos and some things fer lois than wholesale for cash. The Brown & Martvn Harneosmr- pany, Bowrnanviiîo, have decided te go eut of business and everything viii be sold at prices that compeit your attention if yeu need anything in stock. The advt i this paper wiii give you an idea of what is offered. Leathor ha"s eeup10 por cent and il you miss th!,% chance ye' viiipay much dearer fo 9ane and al ether leather geedae in tno future.' Cati as seon as possible and seo the gonuine harness bargains -nov being offered at this groat clearing sale of The Brown & Martyn Harnes Ce., Bowmanville. Rev. D. O. Crossley was greeted with large congregations at the i'al.rnacle laât Sunday af ter his menth's holidays. T.hey -vere -delighteu, tee, -with -the inspirïting sermons, and more than over feel assured that the ministrations of thoir nov pastor will prove exceed- lingi>' profitable and helptut -Wltitby Victoria Hockey Clu-b, Winnipeg. sent ong Sept. 7th, thoir 9th annual remembranc-a very handsorne wreath et floypers te bu placed on the gravo of their former comrade Mr. Fred T. Htggiubotharn. It was one et the larzoat and moat beautif ut vreaths vo bavie seen in this cexnetery, Visitors te the grave were nuinerous Sunday. Duririg Thîs Month You wiii be troubldt more with Riles than the rcoat of the year. They corne ini *hen you are preserving and piekling, and more espeeiaîly wheun it gets cool. Juat Jet tiem in, and tLÉ; give them a dose of Pure Inseet Powder. If you -will close Up the lieuse for 15 Min- utes you eau sweep up ail the fies aud buru them. lu this way yen eali be fretý fromu the nui1Sance.ý We sel the Powder at 4 ozs for 15c. or 5c, au once. I I The Druggist andý Optlc!aig Phono 49. Bwavt~ ETES TSEPE IFroper Fit Gaaed 44~44ê644444.4é444... *44 FALL FAIR NUTFES. You can stili become 'a nember oif West Durham Agricuitwral Soýciety for $100o. Dartington Council veted the usuai granrt of $50,00 to the Agricultura Society. Five expert judges sent b>' Govern. ment wili judge live steek ineludlng poultr.y. Directers are requested te Bell tickets sent them and report ailDonce to theý Secretary. Prize lists were mailed te)ltai-l embersr last weetr. Parties whc wish a cepy shoutd apply to M. A Jms Secretary. Ladies, decide te eixhlbit in your de. partments of the lFair, PLÈncourage your girls te enter coolking, buitter and the other ladieis' work. Boys of West Durhame What are you goirig lufshow at the l'ir Fit swxme animais; il yGn have Dn'-;eod enOUngh, Jein the West Dur).,ka A %;-teultural or any officer or director before Sept.I or 82 alter that date makes a member for 190)5. The Commitree have deeided to spend some hundrede of dollars in provlding- better accommodation for herses, cattle, sheep and swine. Thoeiùd sheds and pens have hecomo unuilable. Ladies, are you planning tu compete for those spl*endid prizes Dr John Heskin, K C.., ils effering for butter? You should mako a good try for it -There are several other liberat p)rizes Don't put off getting ready for 'the Fair. Do itnew It promises ito be a great exhibition this year Hundreds 01 people wiIl want te 'ese Mr. Robert Beith's grand importation of Hacknoys -the finest lot Veot seen in this town. The Directors -are loaving neo Stone unturned to make this year s Fair sur- pasoasny former exhibition. Thoy are paving big meney te gel the fanions 91@t Highlanders'Band as anattraction. Everybodv wtlt want te Seo and hear these, TiRD ALL TuETimic. MasGEORGEi BATIE, Carr's- Brook, Colchester-Co.. N.S writes :-'Las-t -sp-riug 1 was very much run down. foit tired ait the time and did net, see mte have life or energy enough te do my work, Three boxes of Dr. Chase s Norve Food did me a world of goed, and made work a pleasure te mel. 1 have net had Occasion te use anY medieine since, and have recorn- mended Dr Chase's Nervo Food te ai My friends" 9lst HIGHLANDERS' BAND- No mare pepulan mîtitar>' baud eau ho fend lu Canada tiis sason than bbci 9Isb Highlanders' Regimontal Baud ef 4yers Hamilton Thîs fie musical erganiz- e l .3 allen have teuned the United States and won unatiuted praie evoryvbene the>' Aycr'u Cherry Pectoral Thie West Durham Fair Diroctersi quiets tickling throaes, hack- have been exceodingt>' tOrtluasO te iag coghs, l the ecune theiniton tbo comiug Bovrnan- ing'couhspain I h lungs. ville Pair on September 293 as oving te It relleves congestion, ub- the great expenseofets-ecuring 'themi bbey oiv appear nt tîLe iarzeor exhîbi- ~ lions iu the city. The 9lst Highlanders' h erry Baud vili plav ah BovlamvtloPFain on1 .î .r Frldav Sept. 29th aud tunnish bbc pro-l p à% a-% gram'ntna -randcspncernthebbcOpena IV-,M M% H M ioueilou L'air night. Tins vli ba duesinfammaIon leheal, Ieatthat -ve are sure bbca people eftIbis duesInflmmaton. t hcls, di8tnicb viii appreciate. strcngthens. Your doctor viii As an indication eftIhe populanit3 ef explain thLsto you. He kaows eftitie 91s1 kiighlanidens' Rogimeutl %fi abot thîbs cough medicine, baud, vo nia>'mention that bboy bave l btW'9bavz n aeyeoa been engaged te pliy ah bbe folieving Mr emUl ri y Uero 141r bmot N&4 ruuagIeveuts: Sept. 1i aud 2, aI Lockporb, N troble an ~: o~ie'uj~a IY., Niîag ana Pain. Sept. 4, H1amillena oj.. g.oe. 5 0 0,,U c Labor Day Domonstrabion. " Sept 5, 6, el% ar p2. fer Leii. M1e, and 8, Eassieru Michigau Pal-n. Poutime, MieL. Sept. 9, Canadiani e jI Naional Exhibition, Torouto. Soptý 12,1 W e k T hua ts ~e4e 1,ad 14, W esbcmu Pain, Loudon1 W ~wi AIW UL~ Sept 16, concert iu Armor>', Tore.nbo Ayer'm Pille gratly id 1, Sep. 9, Wost- Durb&M Pair at Boy- Pvr.y Wgtbie seny ~ manivitie.. 1 à.&ÀLA 1 ib q FAIR NOTES. DARLINGTON HISTORY. nint go and the order had hepn givon F -1 that a company v holerred and niarch Get entries in earty. Mi'. S. WAsmIGTON'5 LETTRrý. te Toronto., Thow startod froni Cava&n What wiiiyo show?-- and thon pa4rties joinod in at Port Hfope YOU ? ami Cobourg ; Clarke and Dariii-ton Boeimanville Fair Is on Sept, 28-29, (Condluded from last weelc) aise vers te fait inte lino, so I join, d ln P Great show ef live stock is certain this Arnong the settlers ln the noighbor- the front. It was on at Saturday and it year. hood, there was George Saxten, oneofet as ;ate in the day bef ore thev go; thoir jucieof stock wiit begin at i p. mn. tay, and he 8014ut and rnoved tare. The roads vare dreadfnt bad- Judging waan gpassed away, ais? his about 3 inches ef mud, set t as mortar. promply. ite. I had the eppertunityoet saving a We numbered about 200 or perhaps Beysget that colt ready for Boewman- fov verds et cheor te bier on her dyrng more and not hait et us were suppltod îb ville Pair. bed near Warkworth. Sho iearned I vith a gun At dark vo arrived iu the t Five cents wrili bc charged for every was there on business and sont fer me. neilhborhecd ef Po8t's botol. We entry after Menday Sept. 25. lu a tew days she vas gene I believe te filled every standing place and a nurn- tEvery farmer's son should have sonme a botter venld. Thon the late Johna ber vers sent off te faror beuses Borne spca neet nhscut fair Coleman, son., ho and his daughter ut tho poor follow-s that had cerne fremn 5?Cialintres inbiscoutyJane bad beon in about a sear. Tbey Cavan and Port Hope wore nearly Messrs. John Dryden & Soni, Brooklin witix William Coleman came in 1888 starved. Wo bad whÀlt bread they had won $278 in Shothorn Cattlc at Toronto and punehased 275D acres, nov ewned had but there was net ovo-tenth who T C. Langniaid, J. P., nov ot this got anv. Tbey gave uoseiome ot the Mr Thos. Redmond, Milibrook, carri- tovu, and Mr. W. N. PaEcces 75 acres fattest pork 1 evor ate, il vas put in l ed off $i6o for Shorthorus at Toronto lie 0vnod 100 acres, the soutb part et the frving pan and before il vas haîf Fair. Mr. John Staiton's place; bis son John ceoked thoèy bo pieces eut vith their Messrs. Graham Bros.,. Claromont, ewned lot 25 ln tho 5th concessioni nov bards, nnmhors gel mnoe; but te ho Fcia,$300 in pnizes on borses at Torýonto1 evnod by Mn. T. C. LangmaidA and hungry vas net the vonst. Tby Fàir. occupled by bis.son Charles. Tho rosI could not gel auv thing te sit on. Mud Look over your orchard, garder, field et the tarniy came in tbè sprinz cf 1884 vasi about as thick ln overy reern lu relots, grain and sce what is good enough -Richard, Pranicis, Mary Ami and the houso as the road. We put in Ste show. Elizabeth wlth Iheir mother. ln vhat might ho *callod a nather un- Decmbo 185 JneColemnan becaîno pieasant night, longing for dayiight. flirecters, what have veu doue silice the vite e!t Ibe vriîer an'd Wvo Ive On Suanda&y mer.ning vs started for the you etcton e elpth FarAsk your- jourueaved togother for tort y years. city It teekus tenear night. Wbon scît this question seriouisly. Mary.Anu vas marnled te- the tate Mr, vo had gene a lev miles some oes e- In witing te frienda, tel them Bow- Joseph Langmald father et Thornas C_, ported Ibat the robots vere flu arbuah P manviiie's Great F'aIt Fair is on Friday Joseph and tho e OW. H.- Langmaid and vOuld make for -us Ou the vay, Sept 29 and invite tbem te come. It wiîî aud Mng. BenjaminAsht... Elizabeth se vo thonght that a shitiaieh voutd ho be a re*uioiu ef id frieuds. vas married te Mr, W. Aninis, nov botter than ne veapen, se axes werû living vith bis son Levi Annis. near gel and abiilalehs eut and vo ivere thon Twe fa"mers came in last veek anid Ehonezer, Barîholomeiv Mitchell. vhe ait armed. Hoveeor, tho sticks au- became members et bbe Agricultural died rnany yearîa&go, vaIs one ef the svonod for vaikinfirsticts but vo had Society, sayun, 'MINy boys vaut te show eariy settiers hiavlng meoved lu 1834. neuise for lhclm tolbeat dovu Ihe nobeis. colts." That's right, fatti ers, encourage Mra. B Mitchell la now rosidiug ilulier Whon vo got t. Htghland Creek, about the boys. beauttuil home lu shava. lu ioaving 15 miles [rom Toronte, bro ther Anthony Mir. A. A. Colvili, Newcastle, yen fi veh berne wvbe sho had se long resided vho had gene up before muet ni. We firsts. six seconds, tva thirds and tour she vas greatlv mtssed, eapeciaily at bold hlmr vo vore all ueanly starved fourth prizes on bis Tamworth hogs, Zice chunch vhero she and ber tato and te go ancad &tnd tetl moîher that amouuting te $280 at thE- Canadian Na- husbapd had been membens se many she miuaI give us everi thing in the oniExib'ýition at Toronto. years. The labo Wm. Bain, brotheor-- bo use that cUld bW eaLînL3,Bse e bey- f ~lav et Mn. Mitchell, rnoved inu about the od ordons vitb a great deal et pleasure. In a circutar sent eut from bbhe Ontario saine time. Mr. Bain vas a very in- The officers and ail made a gonenai Department ùf Agriculture this statement timate tniend et mine, vith vhom I1 hait and ail vont for the bnead and 15 made:- There are very few socicties in have hadtrnany intorosîing visita. Wo cheeso aud vhen aIt vas dovoured Itheý Province vbich baye not at least twe vere ail greatly troitbled about bis sad caled for tbree cheens fer bbe gonerous or three bard workin- directors. There end. It viii ho remembered Ihat Mn. old lady and they gave a rouslng cheer. arce. aiso very few societies in the province Bain and Mr. George L4e eto Whitby. When vo arrived thon. vere seornany -which have ual gat at icast a few direct- nean Kedron, viith another fariner lu the place ahead et us il vas bard ors Who onty turu- up on bbce day ef the trioud started on a trip te Engtand and verk to gel us 'billeted. We bad t0 exhibition in time te vear t'Ueir badges tho steamer struck au iceberg and saunk vait on the sîneat aItoast au heur. anudtakýeanylhonor that is geig Direc- and aitthreo tound a vater>' grave Hovover va got pleut, 10 eat and bok tors wbe have net donc their share of thc Mn. Bambnldge of Oshava vas On the ne barm af ton thal Tho figbling vas work preparing ton the cxhbhion sbouîd saine boat but vas pickod up lu an un- ail over and after drilting a lttie fon ho asbamed te ask for a badge. conscîcus state and bis lite aaved. tve er îhreeýds vo voreonteulhome. rDinectors in charge ef classes are: Mosans. Annet vas aise lu among the My fathen vas lu the fighî at Mont- Hieavy hases-A. E Ciemnons; iight final. Robent ArLot moved te the States gemoery'a hetel; ho said the rehels seat- herses--John Davey; Cattie: Duîhams, mauy years a g eand I undcrstand bas tered lualil directions atten tbe finat Grades and Herefords- W C Blackburn, doue voil. T ho lato Daniei Arnelt shct Several vere taliou priiorai. -Hoistiens, jerseys and Ayrshies--Fraruk moved ou te bbe place south et my eld Uine man refused te surnender ana ïn Allin Shecýp:Sbrops and iDo-ewýns--H. G. boeetead about a >ean atter I came.ilb. appreach et the efficers fired h18 Pascoet; Loir esters and Cotswo1 ds- Levi Mra-.Arrotîis stili on the homë6lead -rifle and shot oee etthemf in tho ,5 Skinner Swine-W., M. Joncss. peuitry vith ber tve sons Levi and Daniel; 1lhey thon shot and vouindod the mai. - -R C Hioar. Iriy)enents-jehn Oke. they have atvaysý been ebliglng neigh- Hol was taken te the hospial. I deu'i Dair- H.Grentee Gr i Smsbore and eroAty rapced heitt L-uov vht the resulItva;ova .-A C. Allin. tatne. >a>'1-nlo eg 0arbh etied vilb hià methar jgrea te blainas bmsif as ho vas as- Vegetabls-H 4 W. Jewell. Plowes-.,aud brother Geuorge .la '36 -or '37 sured by îlJe officers ha voutd net hoa Rd. Jarvïs. Ladies' Dept-Mrs. L. A. George moved vest vhere hoý diedj hurt lif heou-ldi ay dovu bis arma. Tole, MissWidt and 14rs j A MNc- aged oven 80 -voans about throe yeans My brother John. vas sent vlth a cenx- Cielian. Decopatie and Constructive ago. and William and John rboved pan>' te guard the Govenuimetit Hanse;ý Att-J.A. McCleilau Fine Arts-H C voit. WIiliam asdead ; John lives in1ho vas about 18 at the limae; wbilo H-oar. Damcstic Science-Mý. A James. st. Man> 'a ; is vite bis dead. She vas there ordors camne that they v-ero at iDomosbic Manufacurs -Mrs.'l'olc and daughten et the late Jacob Mitchell once te buave for the Don bridge' The Miss Windatt. Aarou Thornpsou meved in about '34 Matrhevs' party ef robels brui set tire or '35. Hovas a noble- man greabi>'te ebridge. In bhe meautirne Ibm M-r H. B. Cowan, Superintendent et estes*med. afaiîtul ebnistian Ho met fine campany had gel vend and thoy Fairs, in a circulai letter ta Agicultunal vîtb a sadt accident. Theyerer besh- arrived on the spot about the time bbe Socîctiles, trutbflly says: As a ruIe bbc ing aI bis ovu place on a Menday. Ho company trom the Government Hanse sccnetary is the tiardest vark ed officiai put bis bod nd uto 500 the reasan the dîd. A fey roda Ibis aide et the bridge conccted vlth the societ>' and bbc dir- machine threv the beoff oand it caugbt a cetored man fired aI thora getting ecters, theretore, dco everytbing in, Iheir bis head and ho yaa killted on the spot hehind a canner te loadibis rifle. When pover ta relieve bim of as mucb respan. I sat by bis aide iu the church during the fineecurgino came lu sigbt, they sibilily as possible. Betore the exhibition Ivo services on Snnday, the day betore s upposed il vas the cannon and they commences certain duties sbould be as tbe accident MnrJJobn Henry, son o1 cleured ton the veoda The bnidge lire sned ta each dinecten and they should the labo Thomas Henry, bas been in 1 vas pub out vitb very littledmago bemade ta understand that tbey viii be Ibis neighborbeod a long bigue. Ris i But the caEe ef the young Engiishnian beld nesponsible ton bbe vork in- their sou A. E. Henr>'lais postrnaîtcr at who vas in the employ et bbe Ta3 tor's% section. The sccrctany sbould be made Taunton Thomas Hennyv as oee otf carnpain, up the Don, being cihet 1,y tu feei that the ncsponsibiliîy et iooking those vho settied on thie lake shone bhe Mattheva' ordor vas veryisad. It vais alter bbcé affains connccîepd witb bbc differ- -iery fmi Holi and the labo Jesse Van- a most beartîcas act on Maîtheva' part. ent dcparbmcnts is off bis sbou'dcrs and Camp uaed le preach lu the settlement Th-..firit erden vas disobae.%ed; they tht eca epcnd on1 bbc directors in near Zion 60 yeara age. The>' vere dropped Iheir rifles ivitho)ul fling. charge ton bbc performance 0f Iheir duties botb voil t rcelved 'John «VanNest i latthuews gave bhe second ondor vitb satistactenilv.' A Ian ge part et bbc succes eefethl.eld sellions I have kuaivu Le bctreat tbat hoevorild fire on them. et tbc exhibition wlidcpend on bhc cx- %In. vanNe.t pensonatly ton over 60 That was the reason Mattbeva vas ecutive abilityfletbcPresident. Liketbbc 3eana Mis mot hon and steptaîbhen bange-d Wh!Jitl thedv IattOnidod directors bbc president shoffld not ho au whose naine vas Blake, Iivod ou the the ueriai efthm.bc oung iman. Ho bad e-xhibitor He sheuld devote speciai at- adjoiuing lot vhen bie moved in. Mle ne relatives iuntrIls ceunIr>'. Sonu tention te seeing that tbc directars anc vas a great man te buuitiand ho trapped htamed the goverumneul for this ex- each looking atter their respective duties lu -bo Fait et 1886 no elos Ian nineteen ocublon, but undor thbccIrcamîltances Shoutdbe fiud Ibal bbe directan n neot on bens-somo very large ues. Ho had thoy could hardi>' ho biamod b aud he sbould assigu tbe work te saine a tango steailnap as rnuch as a man S. WmAqnqaNQTN anc cisc and maic, sure tbal bis instruc- could carry and baîted il vith a piee______ lions are bcing carrird out. The presid- ut perk, covering il over wilb beaves. cul et an A-ricultural Society requines Bear s voutd amoil the meat and put lu pcyof back-beuc. As tan as passible their pav te gel il and ho- caught. Onol 'lbhm Oddtellovs viili give a wreat in th, sccretany should rernain in bis effice bean beok the trap near a mile auýd thon bhe Florence Nightingale iodge room durnug bbhe urs et bbc exhibition te lu itg deaspenation guavined off th,ýe arn on Wedne5day Sept, !13 aI 8 p Sîq ansver questions and te atend te the and lot the pav lubbthtmp, wheu Newtom Beers, tîre great person , vauls et bhc exhibitors. 1 conîli interest the Youngtfolks8îeîîing aber, yl gîve a dramnaticirnpensenation Mn. R. Beith made a great sveep, car- about killing beas and voîves. We cf David and Jonathan la a monologue nying off neani>' al bbc houons in Hack- bad a large numfber uand tbey ever reprosentation et Saul, Jonathau,David ucys aI the Canadian National Exhibition,, des,,tructive; vo bad sevenat sbeep andI Goliath ana manv other noted people aI Toronte vinrîing eight finst pnizes. calves kiiled and eateu bv the brutes et thal perlod. The lime set is 1065 Ced r G Ba g, ad Ya bam W a er' y a d s me ,esc &,u d Dot lem D t nightî , ear s be ore Christ and M n Beers un - Deumark, Tcrnîngtan Ada, Londeabor- t on their noise -Yen eould bean lbroe persenatea 15 ancients both in dre. s ouZh Lady-and ailiers are bbc victons or t.ourpucks o oveq at once tnylng mannor and volce- lb ta a spectacle,%v 9 The Tarante Telegntubas bbc foiio ig hicb eould mako bbc mosl noise. For seidornsec, and it la te ho hoped ait vhlo te say: "An impression seenis te bave byew or tbkrec >ears vo bad te save our euvi tedteOdolv'hl gene ahread thal atter Mn Robert Beitb's sheep, built a p on about 10 feot bigh thia evoning. great sale et Hack, neya during iastU ancb and put thom ituaI nigbl;-bhen volves he vas neliring tram bbc business This wonld gel round the ptn in lange mni.- 1ppr -n-y asbbctar p-s--am bc e, .And thepoor seep woldai t got & VoruxE LI No. 37 1