it lis SO Easy to Cure Yourself o1 'hInIUr IIEALI~ whoAa e bN qHA I ~fl I U Ii~ Fri ý-tvswill de it-surely lsud qiekly. We say so-as do 14 - - -H-4 1 nd cnstit iVuro uabe tro Fodr ru it ivr iiies tli eSaie weu' as acGt reinï-Torturing Raw and ScalyEce ,ni- sare perfect c,rstip5.tSpersens. TheT are easy Sn in, 1' tisu or (dii 1htaLîi a At km t a aci;np und leave no unpieasaulterefels have recotuiended lheInmyflried." o' 0 constaýlnt xvatelifuiiess 4, Grew WorseUne Two Doctors' Mes. KN Amhrst, N& n~cssai'vnitera patk lit ias t Teamn frThu onh th seitariinni apparently in ouiiramntfr ivois yhealthj. "if cutrabile why lot Face in Terrib!'e Cnii. cuired?"is ofteîî nskecl ly peuple who sec their frientis reli ps-iiig citer nip- r'--" Vr in i tL ~101 ANOHER MARVEýLLOUSà fering again froni synîptenistîîey CR YCTiCURA had imagiieed to, bu gonie for geedl or FuitLive T 111, Ilis wthsoviLa bdishearteiie'1 5oc. a box. At drugbists. MenuaLfacturea by Fruitl.-tives Llgnted, Ot w. feelinigs flic etrnteth' «aIn, My baby was affil c ec Ïtei a bcath- the sanatoriunm which they qu$tdSanie runining eczerna. Todocý_tors J sent tic bfere, looking s pluinp treatcd hlm for three onha bat hie ansoute nîd lelig n 'xrarbn- grew warse-and is -face -was -siciten- real fi uth îng sight. We then statcd 'lta use thee ar V" Cuticura ReMedies,, and nloticed a Iie ra tuh was aura mcd up improvemen a oce. Wtha fort- -î earsa ge by Laeiînac, who sati. ihdhernig a esd dthe El N -T~~he cure of tubercular -phthisis Js scabs were nearly dicd off, anîd in i psible te nature; it is nlet iet sO a month his face was pcfclcar. teu ne, in. What sanatorium, You are ut liberty ta use this state-0 trearaint dcs s oputthecon- nient, ns I should_Èlte ail ta know ofb Chi.arles W agner' Says the Young Thave -~npiel h oiinuiha-tevleo niua-illiaiH loi s nature te olerbs or bert Quirit, No. i \W/es't Eicottages. t TT4.~1 hiUe, a renîedy which 5eun(5s siple Ruywood Road, N.Suh o. " t Witflin Tlin an Ulaimetht'UColt. en ugli. but lias îvalted a grea i a _______u ef finding eut. The csanataorium p ;hyv i hts the disease idîcty TIL A OTIIER CURE h If youi observe him carefully, youjshade the lîttlu enes caniiet grow. he helpa): the consuîuptive l'O cur'e Wt uor ýVillac that a child bas iii hira two ;But, on tlîe otfler Ihanti, theme are hinif l(by iproving 1115 genern,,ll Daby Raw HÉor Spinte be gaas St. ul de(clared 1great peopl leare, se ta spcak. 1than iurasngbis ipoescf " erilesr odhuorbr, inrspc o us. There is lian rnpret oeedaextertmastnehleco eto ui n nMy baby, îing li-e:U ciilti a lt untanieti colt who ove%s slîhcsand se-ofeu are they et verFit., crnino., of teha flesh. and cuusing t1ic ciild untold nepithelr [the bridie nef disei1iun; lbut 1 lofe,. Tho their liînplid soulsirewiîig coaches of tho present da ageny. My physician could flot bnlp ian ec hilt there is ails,> a (is;- igt from oi n iigh shines upen the iwbo liipeoed te sec îî getoo ind Ihia n a isorgd hn cîplewh is willing te liston and 1hearits of childî'en. scae'urle 'sfa h ra-tricd Cuticura Soap and Cuticuira for othig btterthat, I ýfo- snatoiui,ý lfe, ,,sliatlli, t l-oinàtrent with almost inr2.edlio.tesuc- asis fr nthng ettr hanto e-0f il the moin who have passed Ment ajt îeared to beinîuch the saine ceas, and a compiete cure iii two low a gidle, ai even anx.ý,oiusl1y upo tiîis eamth, Christ bas Most e- Cs the traîiing foi' a 'varsity beat Mce-s. _ Mrs. j. 1-. Biocl-21 oe ~lsu sroet eat ii.siledindividuai libetty. in this, race. Anti so it la the aim lan beth daetRchtr,.Y" Thlat dscbal waywardness in . Me is Jike ,un to our Father wh o ia'cases beiîîg the sam, amlyït a e the (cild mwho nres-ists and disobeys i ilaheave, , ,and whese aimuighty power ef atîîgth ihs1psil e at precatioqi takeit by nature, Or, b as mna rked as a inîiit the p rebl geof physicalefionyAT TIT A'T.l alte, lby God inlmf, sa, that par-! dl the' huàiasi soul. 'Nthinig foced iThe question eaaiîîs, thotn, hard-1 AND SIdL 1..A11 ents and guidjes in general shoîlti net !or censtrained cun please Mini. Heil ly se îMach hon farCcati I he sana- "At four months aid ïmy b 1abjys facec have it too nîuich their ewn way. Wei asks fur the free git et the heart ,anti tarljur physician curetur.loi as and body were so cove red with sores,1 artleipted te ablâse of>lthe pniviý- ninùii. Christduoes exactly heane.te what exent, under favorable c*on- and large scales 3,ou could rot tell loge cf blng ,4the limt coners and[ Ileo bas nover iînposed - dctidtas, is the disease curable ly lia- whitt she locked bite. At 1, t we gojtd ailnwn hnsthat littie eues upon anly oene. li bas ktîocke-d at tureý. Cuticura Soap and intment. '£let ignore. j to door fthei ea10t ta hri acol'-:I Ntulre utie-tales the repaîr of sares began ta hea toce h Som pope outidisp)Sosftt itionlinto it antdiawal]. ug-thÏajrd(un1n13,ytilrotcoldsleeptight,aqndin onemioîîth .younig as ;though tbey were theit' mnll-l.tlMe bas appealed terthatlimr a ndinîuch of the elf etofthere was flot a sigu of asore. -Mrs. 1cha1-1,s. That jfu what bnci te be pro-. tîibuîîal thýat sýits la each of lis anýItithe -tdepenrls on shp ext Mary Sancrs 79 Spnuý;g -St., C.r venoti unierpealt otnipiîg te: ielbeate upnIwaila good or procesa by wviich the arrest of thedn,.j" future 'iniits buti. Ged has, there- lbad.ýll li huaalppealed tethe tarer- ises h'uh bu.Srue ye 'itzua r -_ "'],' u~h fume, put lîtto every child's nature a ruiptible jutige that la each ofus istintes, a case, or' envelope, te use a à R-, du la Fà.ix Austreile,Jil. TZ.CCeSdey. lie n ntrpetr ndanoue f r Deg &,chem. corp., ouSoePp. praevlg uadio f persocaljuelea int errtr nia ch theraely expression, wili gather round Miefe.HOet c-re, ttimur grity anid ibertl, , just as ho matie the very voice of Goti. the infecteti spot , et' patch, upon the the thora te uard'ti th rose. Let us At Mis lok and Mis word every lugandi thocouhl eclseit. Wlispr Mw otlyïvnar pesnrlH~nofris-a--e-upss-t--ei4rm--n-t-hte Cdestructive myicrobe i ta e st. a not eabusethe toms o roinorl c fcosiecanti et personal de-fcuiy ipestei h vort oit. We knlow,hoerta noy dar rI thi trens d a ouheult rc isioni, and at the saine tiîneunde,'- mapiti elirinatioti of the nvaste pro- thor n ecaarl.gees the Most irceSistile motlral as- haa h cr a.n nilvrdcal boucyncaay ta1th' Nover Jet tus oexaggemte ayting coden Fla o tuue u,,the two ani 0r Plesig ymptum ds-ce ltucoio eat-îo nl e Wehve to eg t al1k wtthif lemnstht1 it aec clapirnTedsas a a at r as ller heaîiley ilhefur- onle o h aoi 1" ;(ulti s otot terwhmch a re an.naspiration towardila- maetaniateetlw te ptitu týiare, tîtese uvaýsýotorda1cts w sll ht thn l'a other ouir walk wouîdutiiid uaiyat înigfra guide nut aectsteeihmeft oott'datat u u h iei ia lauh. l ho footsteps ho ýwcan uiak ;are perlctly ureti ~.Fo themaiîtentîc of quilbrlm saiafeti it te pesene 0 Chrst. So hle is, for fthe ltinebut for aaloeitacuutbtaseni consîtiereble ]mcriod ohow îoîîg la î.oî eaçeialiybcue aye te r both la neeniueant i i epciîathe lootee liýeqat turc: "ollnom." Thant is equal . tee(i4ietho iih htî~ be0 rcesh ïlschiei,; shoult ilteteto 1e teu a ag-"e oursei1f anti take cudso hr nti h aiaywalls that kecp lintlanbreak dowl, Sr-citema oeflat c liaapiratioa t roral M3 spirit.- !f oalhauy . uen reitîfectioti would almost cor-tvef hapicuareimnei By the spîirit et inciepentience e Gootinesa a-wtua not hc OO teoipem a- tainiy take placeý. If the itattitivofLsejo-i*aeliiiljfl wtive- it'iust net impose itacuf with la careful te maintaina, bisi guactii oerigiaality, wlicb it la the a me cn eeheai ant maion-1i isgerîeral et eiî,at hi eeto i a frwnin foiehca, an as ld Mn- i . ne oothelt (s can of Brighrt'... is j l duty of evemy, one te rultivate as the taigne put it ini bis picturesque ani serioh n th ontion eenLthebod(ncsso 1 personal mnark brandeti by God oni guage, vth tuee atasterful a physiog-i eou cases te disease raay e- eCase, for exanîpie) w-Vil cain a lus creatume. Ily the spirit ef e- ntiy ~~Mainqu iescetît alunsot indntielvt3,fra fbodpionn hcbl sport nwe beconie capable 'of recivlag i steglw e'pin petsbut ahoult ieho îeturi te, a ianer of leiueia what othema irnpart te us andi of adsnsautail-r le that iewers bis general strength tepio nuoi~st bol profiting by their experlence. trteani en lit its contact just as butis burat ant i vtality, or indulge lu violent upon the nervous s tnant i fidsi DOCILlTY 15 NATURAL. when touchet I y the narra breath ofr aniuar exeîtioa, such as lifting epeso abaire rwies The willingness te bew donc Apriu anti let theit iraprisonietiflow- ev egt rtkn ugl- anti, inally, la convulsions 'anti un- makes chiltiboti able te beconie the ers blooi forth. E ducation consista-4 swing, there la a riak ef the scara conarioaiesa. inheritors et the past. 'Eeceptivity lan<rawing out the goti geras that brcaklng deîvn. The writer b as Whea a persoît kncow. ut have kiti- anti tocility are the indispensable are ini eacb one et us by on eoîiiag1knewu eue "aî'reateti" scion after ney disease complains 0f severe andi c' omnplemenits of orgiîîality. A ceai tUera la the wai'rath of geodnitss anti1 returtiing homne te jetna knot etf continuons headache anti bc_oîncas chiltihod te is freedora, and t ietUtiiging thora te 1i1(e by the fervor of lathletes at a "tug-o-war," anti an-i voyaeyitlte rilcn the ametuiie be ladocile anti trust- anaiaready pewemful lite. v e ther te go ini tom a swiîîîmlng exuîsin eiD t t h ertti. con- lui. Nherecse will you finti Ou tUe day whcîî time conscltc faarbhhineou ato tt treatment consista int nîuiug up for lmustll~ess ill ~ore toucblng terra a cUiliti as beemi ahortetiby soîaeithey fel well erough te do it. lu the. deflrienoW et the titiîeya by la- lthan lui a cilti. There are no pic- ngly actionm, anti by an equitableibotb rcases esuts were disastrous. raigemnto bohrca- tirs ror rd dea rivt iens that are juigmoait lbe lias ceactirnuttiit, m- Sllght caseset cettauraption. that cesing teimin and hbyoorha capable of exrsl w. hat la seen puilseti it and insu ardly tieýtachetifrora ta, those la wl-drU discase ia arresteruul-ytosînat h oea iaith'0wyes t acii xvhoi heu tnylok it,lhe lbas doubtlnssaodeastep loi'- at a verv early sltmgt., are- certainlyIl hsiin utsmtnnsi i up a t a growni-up persL-ointi trst- wadWutit is enl a -1ý,imalvstop. curable. We 0ee xalmples 0f it Colt-aberaravsonîyhovrti fuly a~- W bliveinOU")ituheuit the im cornets Mwhea a staatiy, but even intes casesý the byiaduicing ti-reprprte by ")%blese blie," mybrebre. jchiti aswitessd at ati tati) tmu',,iiet wisdom is lte artas caroli.y lgte-ain l etsme Atiisiprth liti nabli evo ts la rotîtaineithtrw1uie essnceetoot-il js if timcy weî'e the w', l 5 ni hncoell w1bseea us, let us place befoe or ra a bulý1 ii- mia, thedetî11wîa of a hmanicase oyuug girls Oi:e i. batt nteîtg at u~ouit maaty a wirbthe ra beievo ati bing toive bialf ul lp t tt a.lxehur fa oia ueianti Ii,'hlm n bt icks t-dottando for ttis ~chat ve shw Chrst tethes untiratooi thubeautiantithe i- 1 eema.anticerstanraIlover-tigu seLuls of disciples thau tlraber ila1 fnite vaInc e tor saCion anti bas it] hisoefooti, ati na nlayt tflue e îidagr eaich 'oîi f tho(se ch11ilttreî Mean-welyadimireti it, witbou-,it rostric-er ,c scesieyel0 inbt-usii. Titis May aveî' eertionîs swers equally te thl1e neeti etinde- 1tien or reservation, ont that day hlte elpestegttnstesynapteraý)ýs and ti rvont -a, convulsion positive tep fomnt-ti. Mejmuîtieyluillitcedertor ca aîî'ive anti ap- p(ondeno antiidtthlat of resu-et. i bas matiapiie sp daim a0 d Ef c-' esuutvet enuerpymoepw--uîruet, Crsisa grcataesathatis ine t op- bas realizeti the .higber ife. lt s1te i imueif baontei cueti p)rea slxo. Thero are4authorlitative heur of his aew bitb-oi bis blrtb - it is lbere the ideal lbealtb rotîdi- getessthiat gîvo shaie; tîere te a magulficetît anti spiritual bu- tionts f thïe sanatoriumi routeiluse, Chamnberlaln's Cough - ' emedy Acts are grea.t peuple lu wbose naîllty. u ________________________ Inl that hour Goti bas caîleti te - efuluy. There is neorkimna on Nature s Plan, hint by bis namine; lie bas begun tu, doing as evemy one else is doinig, anti ARE yQ be reuscieus of bis uobiuity. Me rieoee te gumble at open wi,.mtIowvs em scasflndcîear U- R E>ba s crn uwofreat'tre, iti. H me oliwatewhr hehry The tmait ad ure ALlii4dchaîberlain' <tandruti permmentty, thnr, ai-. te stopi îat prdillIeby U CIItU 1ANR fallasg hair. that gerîn must be killed..... -..,- Chnrisete syle to'be ChemIetetyln, e prîmîsete beo ritb ns thiaifatheagain, in apite of erdreat pepuarty ail aring ati tmerý,îbut thesor acn rtmore sa Senate fîai hn f a exqia iteit 0f treti metiainti eacnadreictiote bohre are prini, nîmîab eu oes of lia- oa anti pique, turteci or trirameti vitb a bit of sturdy ombre itery. 1 l'hc pmettiost toi aIl ai-eut 1 l- irether in lut elveti tasîmiens. Fot- tapa a bit of cmbwebby- linon mates one, dividoti and cnossed hby tiny b anda ofl meiîîimg. Laco anti cmbrel- lery stripa îvbipped together atake îp .earotiter-the eaîbîoîdery soîne- times uight, s ouetý,imes beavy, or mac in jalatornate strips, like the combinati 'ous of havanti 1îigh t areslaa iviterhrouhtout. IrisU lace titssonme stuing CigUt hapor mai up et thîCe or ocîur iitiestrips, caugbt t ýogetiter, witUh aniother atri1pust for a coller. Broderie Arglaise, donceanbaud- rer-chiot lincu, weara aplendidly aand is exquisitc, as the womn who mutiles a itetle easiiy shoulti ce-j neer(r.. Sprays' of fîtto vinies, in- ;oî'rnptcd at irri-iu;lr inter'. ais by nyls, atbe protl sio t y ut ap- Pl ing it; tee Studieti a, desigispoils A neîv Freîcb triet is la the atdig Of tsny IPompaclour hlds tebotb lao ainti emnbr'ldcry . Vluiae lare, its a, desiga ef dots, 1bas -vory dot matie cospicuîoua sby tho aii t ion of a ba!, demie, l sin mstr Loua wey, witb emibro)idfry rttn lTe, flowers la the orabroiderýly have nacb a wee hall tiin'ertly la the centre. Atiether Frech trickt is the use of Swlss mbroidery-edgiug, not hl- sertiotmn-auDthelaj oftopioces toeterer a bit of laco insertion makiîtg it lotk lite a tiny vest. Semei of the pretti!stt chemisette. ihave a -pair et untiersleeves te match. These, of rourse, are the hurni, f(anti th( exceoptions te the geýnera1 rulo as wel. Sini"c utfirat levor n'oan bJiit u1pon the idea 0f a ligres In't go wib linerieblo)uses a grea al cfil progresa bias btn aiii oa rich, simiplicity otenbidry anti bondý-rua )tuctsa ati lace. They uvore boUclthe amouuat tho doarage ne- lman feela justiidtinlu pa, ing îfor*a ,whitc dresa, let alonle.the sirirt to orme. Bat gratiualuy neutem welce up to tht' faci cof their bectuty, antdifrmn that te am econeamirai acceraplisb- inmg was but a short stop. TUe tbing that matie linge-ie shirts exqîîisitc wnsni't their elabor-1 ate,-thoitgh paratioxiraiiy enomîgb, siniple-trimming'. It was tUeesheer, heautittîl atuffa they were matie ef and1 tUe inytreatrit Of eu-el-y, seai. The actual îvotk was easy euough, andtithe resulta ocre charni- Perhaps a. stiîtrt f nine gorea muas ]imut tugelber witbvenig.Frencrh fnsmio, n tht,' unaarount itie but thie saaanti the boit ivasq douie , by bud-ueu tlIse umercarolitil- yV 1lid ant xqiiol ttcei when rufao ncemîsti to laced nc us oinuoro r f111vL. img Mauilcrcheflinon ii a't cap, but it a wel, mhîc aieutsto the saieting; anti a ;iirt rof ifi trrane ilit notb)ing but the vein- iimg antiJ tucits, gees witb overy sertl of linigeîie blouse, anti transforma it, OUQ gsz ugOaUST zIfë r2oe jowr .wagk" The Gold Dust Twins are always ready to work; they are certainly artiste in the cleaning Ue. There's nothing cie-anablewhich viill not clean-and do it better, more quickly and mr eco-nornicaly than anything else can. You are not serving your best interests if you're trying to keep house witheut GOLD DUSTI. OTIER GSE A ci~fl4ors. wasihn!eý kt!e9 and, dises. -clûanine Wcod- USýES r oo it - siverware and tinware, nolishing brass ok GOLU DUSI LzI ierng bath, to.n. Pipes. etg. and rnsldngtibe finestsoit SO P. Made ty TUe' N. K. FAýIRDANK CMINY.MontreaL~P. Q,-Mla1ers of F7,1R Y SOAFý . DON'T READ THIS. Every Day is Ba'rgain Day At the Peop&-le's Fuel and Lumber Pepo. We are stili handfing Best Brands, Canadian Cenients, British Columbia Red Cedar' and other good 1 Lrands Cedar and, Pine Shingles, Fine and llemnloclkç Lumber, Dressed, anat Undressed, Doors, Sash. Blinds and Mouldings- Fresh MAinedl Seranton Coal, Cannet Coal, Steani SCeai, Charcoal, liard and Sof t Wood, Ikng, S8awedt and 1Sp1t, Siabs, Ecdgings, Land P1aýtür, Fine and Ooarse t ptinabarrels and saeks. We always aim to give the betV,1lUý al. reasoniable prices. Hig11hest Cash Prie Spaid fer CGrain and Seeds. j0 's ~t East, Iomak] e AO habi anf al19 cutrctedasro Ns ies Itraed WIthdoWren oor boai YIIQEI Ifnsdtocr eTe o mymoeyav ansi adesseaste. I aof RE OS pILT anuwe afrefiav d pe te daise Drs' h.ave.,wbk loadnd biof Withut ay cofidece Icslid out-eg anieD renyareatwt cedta c phye no no pay. Aft ------ --th j 'Toeo, I'ra:tm thrsi e Io fe11t a e nan. The drains ceasefi, wormy veina disappeared, nerves grew stronger. hair stopped f allii'g ont, urine becamie clear and my sexual orgfans vltalized. 1 was entireiy cured by Dr. Kennedy and recommend hlmirn s the bottons of iny heart."1 WTta and Cuire Syphilis, Glect. Vuiriesecle, Eirfre and ladder MDiseases. garîcts.A erno r venspn! STAGGERING FIGURES, tasrntweaving ia utndenjiabj l Mail, Matter Going Through Erj- djisastr-ous toefet The thin 511k tain's Post-Office. fiet Ste 'eprat thng wa imtaor mal l ýip flic Amrîiran worman a part etA 'n exqisie mhl. wea s lathe ouily solution te the DARKI-tE SAIOI'SU fIT. maitfer wintor wear l îtîosbe For ("ar]y fal mucar mehr h mat bluss a bemear-' naing a F! ROVE-R SIXT- YE.A.RS. we'ight, tlhat wil wsh. This reiews - en userl hyiiillions of! mothere for it grylan anti ilari t uu antl ie he their -clticen whit-tc'otbing. -If iai-i truor au be oî'dered freon a tail j turbedl et iîglît.anti broken aiof u ýor, iamatrlal provideefl, tf course. fe r eat y a sich chilti suffering anti cry- 50 cetîts. Two blouses shonîti ho ing itith pain of C ut ttiîîg _eetb, senti matie for eachpu oge pna tt once anti gel a bettie ef "Ilrs. Mothoers wbo, bave the timo te Xuiw Soothiitg Syr-up' for Chil- tatu fal1 andi sunîinter garumeata for cirenTetttg It will relieve tËe their sutail bcoys insist that euec poor liitie sultecer inirediately. De- hometi-matie suit wuill outo ear two pond( upan il, tiiotiters, tiiere is ne reuad-Maie suits, andti het rakîî ,nistý1ee about il. It cures Diwrbe, la aîclya attr f neranialreniak1tea tlîe -stomacitanti hawels, araccy Once t heppa1ttera litathe cures Vmt oisolteus the Gume, chilîl tho sccoas0f tUegaraint de-roturs Inflanîiation, ant i gves toue en.îenery tathe whoie systera. pendît uenotbismer ýb, is 'quirs. IVislev's SotiugSyr-up for ofne wierarnen orbr hobs ettuej hîltien teetbfnig le pleasaut ta ttc gift~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~,,"t ofahoigrauetfrmaiI anti isthe prescription o! ore beia n'. r ulova c'ryongsorateofa tbe aidest anti hest female physi- don a new suit, bought ready-raade, Ciens anti nurses la tUe Un-i teti util she hlua rua up every searn Stales. Frire twnty-lu-e rentsaa whicb sUe rau reacb with ber na- hottle. Soit by alil dmggista through- cliiric. anîd ont on ail buttons, anti out the world. Be sure anti ast for rerast aIl button holea. Ia ibis '.Mca Winsiow's Soothing Sycup." way sUc prolonga the lite- of the g-arnment, cati forestalîs icoquent re- paiî's.Wben if comes to having gooti opinionsm ai thenîseuves moat people TIIFI INERIE BLOUSE. overdo the tbing. qdtesp ail cousitiration et se-aqoea atid sLatiety, the lingerie blo-useý Figures only t e ho iesrribepd a s ,igoru re deaIt withiî la î'e- tur tat asjuîst been i.sSuetýi by tite Pos-tal Un1iomi for I teya. 93 anti themd f 'aiîs to raiewblat is retnti la tho ý stateuseaIt, iitat in týhat porioiof twCIelv oîh , 597,000!,000 e' f lter]p m se deneof ail other coun riesi, s,(ef cour"se, tabuilateti, lu regard ta postrards Gerumany beads the liat, with 1,16,000,000, to e ho7 ooet hy the Uniteti States witb 770,000>- 000 ot sncb nîlasi-,es. <'n'at l ici tatiug the tîtird pla;e nit 6300, 000. That, howeveî', la a stcikinig total, ant isla agooti evitience cif the popularity of tbe picturecacrd, wviich, of ceourse, bas been a largeliy crntibuting farter te tîhe iast mass Gernany, it la îitesting ta -nIoeliasithe f ouýrtb plce la the wi ord's mpcrau of po,arccs anti useti abou1t 487,500,000 tIuring the sanie perioti. By violent brushing of 4th- teeth we ruin ouir garas and produce d-ca of the' teeth; by leaving a;itiie moistume in the ears aftr ahin we cause neumalgia: b'jDy dikn freely lu hot weaýther we pmlz the stomach.