OuR TOWN AND COUNITY Advance. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. GoUch, J&0*hnston & Gydetrtnatile Are very busy opening out tlheir *~ ali Importationsý And they are aire ady showiDg an. immense IStock of Hligh as goods in ail departments. Ladies'Coats up-to Du"res of Si An elegant Stoc k, bought front the best and most odate makers, Both German and Canadian. In ail the latest weaves and colors. Also a big stock iks i. Black and colored. Ladies' Raincoats ma le up in the latest styles. The Corner Shoe St-orel NEW: FALL BOOTS L A DIES Kid, Cif or Patents, Straight igce or overlap lace, aise Large' Oellett Rýiblien Laced stylos. Our 82,ý0 and $3.50 specials are amiong the meet tasteful shown, titis season. . Inspecteuýr l15 walking boot, great value 4Àtw heels, a specialty. MISISES' Kid, box cal! or oil pelible, low hieels or spring heels, light and strong, the bes-t value, easy te pay pri0ces. SBoys'4and YoA~se Jast what yen need for school or Sun day wear, fine leathers, heavy or light, close priees. A ehoice as- sortinent ineluiding our relia bIe German school boots, aise the liglitest and flnest for tiress proses. Our extensive vafiety contains great values. SeOur wintiow dis- play. If yeu want a fine boot te outlast any you have ever worn try a 'oga, the great Anîori- qan leader. >'Our l6irgain boxes may contain something you Tho Burins-ou. Bowmanville., FAIR NOTES. FALL FAIR NOTES. Getenris n ary.Don't forge t t remember Get ntnes i ealy.The dates ln September Bowmanville Pair is on Sept. 28-29, That bring us the big Bowmanvilio faîr, Great show of live stock is certain this1 Its like sou cau't fiud year. It's th(, best o! its kiud- Judgiug of stock will begin at 1 p. M. Se bc sure, uew, YOU will be there promptly. Five cents will bc chargeti for every Trustees giie yeur sehools a holiday entry after Monday Sept. 25. on Pair Day- SPECIAL PRIzss.-For beet pair Indications point te the best Fail dresseti cockrels for market, accordlng Fair lu the Socieîy 's hlstory. tu instructions of Poultry Division Dominion Department of Agriculture, Speciel prizos for Pouitry are offereti First prise 82 00, second $1,00. this week. Make an exhi bit._______ The Kilties' are Comn' Hurrah! Hurrah!! See antihear thea. Every farmer's son sheuld have some special interest iu bis county fair. Come ta Bnwmanville Sept. 29 to see the best herse, show east e! Toronto. Look ever your orchard, garden, fieldi roots, grain andi sec wbat is good enough te show. Directors, what have yen done since your election te belp the Fair? Ask your. self this question seriously. Town anti country unite te give a flue display tho agicultural ant iIn- dustriel wealth e! Durham. Sehool teachers, get your Trustees to givo yeur school a holiday ta attend Bowmanvilie Pair on Fnidav 29th, We want all the bnvs anti girls lu West Durhami te attend the Pairs, It wlll be more benetit, te theni than a week et sehool. Ladies, decide taeoxhibit in your de- partmeuts o! the Pair. Encourage your girls te enter ceeking, butter anti the other ladies' work. In witing te frientis, tell then , Bow- 'maîiville's Gireat FalFair is on Friday Sept 29 andi invite theni to come It wil be a re unie i of olti frientis Beys of West Durhami, What are you going te show at the Pair? Fit soein animais; if ytu have noue zooti euough. what about grain, fruit, vegetebles ?~ For best pen of 8 pullets anti cockrei for geueral utilitv pu.rpos,-lst prize $2.00l by 5fr. A. W. Foley o! Dominion Poultry Brreding stationl, second pize $1.00 bv Mr. Fred T. AlUin,,Vice-Presi- dent. Hampton Ladies, are vert planning te compote for tbose splendid prizes Dr. John 0osklu, IK C., is offering for butterP Yen shouldi make a goeot try for it There are severai other liboral pnlzes M1r. Robt. Beith has hedtiat decline several req ests te exhibit bis newly importeti Haknevs at outside feins, but Bowianville Pair is the onily favoneti oeethis yeer. Come te 500 them ou Sept 29 Din't puit off getting neatiy for the Pair. Do it now, It promisies ito hoea great ehbto hsya.Huntinets o! peopie willi Walltoteosee r,!'Rohert, Beith's -grand importation o!fakns -the finest lot vet seen lu thîs tOwu. Due warning isg iven tha9t al pensns seeurinz outrance to Pair grountis o or through fonces or by othor tha proper wavs will if" ceulght be prosoýcuteti. Those hevlng gardons adjolning greunds shoult iofrbid fany- tret4passers crossing 8anie.1 "108'"-Nox.a-Cold, By ail drugglste it is seiti. The Womeu's Institute w*IImeet et three o'clock, Wetinestiay Sept .20th. Pregrani will ho a question drawer on 'General Prepýaraction for winter."' AIl welcome. -.SeveraePopIOlu in hie neighbrhood have noceiveti invitations te attend the merriage o! Miss Laura Cox, eider tiaughter of William Cox, fonmerly e! Solins, te 5fr. Boss O. Silverthernt3, et Oids, Aiberta, on Sept, 2151. They wiII hoe t home et Olt s e!lter Oct. 20th, Miss Pearl Gerrv, Toronto, Io vlsltiug ber graudmother Mrs W H'Gorril.... e !You will lie troubled mioi with files than the rest 0f tij Iyear. They core in wbe y are presearving and plîe:,kil, , and more especially wà*en g-ets cool. Just lUt them nhu, th Insect 1'ovder. If Sclose up the bouse for 15 mii Utes you eaul swe-ep np ail th Ifiles and buru thi. In thý way yen can-ho- free from th nuisance. We sedi the Powdere 4 ozs for 15e. or 5c. an ounce S The Draggist and Optic!a n, Phone 49. Bowmanvillg ETES TESTED FREEM proper v* Uuaranieed. FALL PAIRS, Foliewîug are dates of! Peu Pairs : Cobourg-September 25, 26. Peterbore-September 25, 26, 27. Blackstock-Septemher 26, 27. BUWMANVILLE-September 28, 29 Whitby-October 2, 4. Port Hope,-Oeîober 3, 4 Millbok-Oetoher 5, 6. WHITBY FAIR. SCrtOOL CHILDRFrN S COMPETlTTO'-;, MVr P'aul Will aînS is baving Stone work Opnoltepisatndgay put under his barn..,..Miss Edue Spry pbi e ol in o ut OUnaie. Any bas been under the doctor's care. . pu.be sor l cin eSouthay sere tben ýve ymmber o! Solina Division cone byo ilcmeigmvPe h ryeinig" t Il eeraeRlV Various articles shown by then i ay] da, ightto elp elurateRal place they eau get themn. Ail articles nigbt ... . Misses Ellie and Lena Taylor must be lu place ou Tuesdatv, Oct B3rti bave returneti from visitiog et Toronto at 1.80 p mi. Eacb exhibitor ha and Detroit. -...Miss'Clarke, Ifeamptoit, write is or ber name andi post office is visiting et 5fr H Argue's. distinetly on a carl which must be nt- tacheci to the article. TickIets will ho * s founti on tbe table for exhibits which Had PnLray8ismav be used for naines Those who Haa Paraiysis comp!ote in thieapple naming, of the Face Tuesday, Oct.Bd rze nec Loet power of spoech-FIv, 25e 1 Best six specimens o! wildfoer doctors failed-Elotrioity if possible lu bloome, pressed and mount: 'IfedIn-ee -lo. eti, Eacb specimen te be mountpd Ma. Wit. J. BazxaNAN, WesternHi]]. St. singlv on paper andi properiy labelieti, Catharines, Ont., writes : 1For oa year L mi!- 2. Beat six specîmens annual weeds, fared with paralysie, which five doutons failed whicb shouidti e collecteti wbile in to cure or even relises. The trouble h¶aliite hioom. cured anti mounted anci preper- a aah., and endeti hy trawing the .1* ot ye lV nameti 8 Best six bienutal weeds, tifwa owu the eheek, at 0iemouth wbich shoulti be collected Iwbilein l twisting Up towartibomeurdmdtýLC rpS ther lit eye. 1. fn- bo ,crt nimoneat rpr ally became speech. IV unanid. 4. Fe>,t sixpenil weeds, lesu anti dwindled flu wbieh shoulti be collýecteti wbile lu flash. Insomnlia fol, bloom, cuireti amýi î ntd ad jprope. - -lowed, anti af ter try, 1,y named. 5. Besit coý1lectiou o( leu ingAvrythmlcoum beuc iinseCts, im untêt ud proper- - ear o!1, even te tihe labelleti with naine. (i.Betclcin gave np in 1.4 0f isixhinjlmiousinseet,,,s, iounted ti ant "lriga bolt proponl't labelled withnan 7 Fivel r ood cnn sinirto.9Five lrgstpers 1Trüee1 j~ cseI bganit"se, largest pýs0,sesIl Thnie lr*c J' soon to End that 1f dahliias. 12 1hree larges;t asterbs, 18 Mit ERNNA ias improving. Dy Three larges,-t snlwr.14 Three bontinuing this treatimeuý TIbouaswin ' weU i eeryway hav ~ o~n cuilouigeept stalk'scen 15. BE3st five ears eleop woll, anti my e ye anti mouîth Kav6 e pop cern 16. Six lrethnis' , s turnedt t their uoina1 postion. I. would nDot 17. Apple-neinug coniteFt, te be ccm- In tbe country, anti feel that -1I hve Pa new iiiFlor-al lall, S2 00,,S$5 i, $1 00. Beys louseo e ." atigirls Iook a! cor these prizes. P ull Dr. Ciiase's Nqýrv. Food, 600. a bof, 5*a i nonedtni ok dealer, or dmcusual]aa ,1eu., Treebo 4'SALVATION ARMY HARVEST HOMIE. Savio rmy annuai Harvest ZThanksgiving services on Sept. 28, 24, '25, 26. A few Statistics of this work îav 1h61P somne te uinderstand why this jeffort and se heîp the cause They have 180 Food Depots and Shelters. Over three anti a quarter million meals were given a chance o! honest toit for wviihlc 511 in some cases they long for more than 9; fo9cd. Several thousand pass through ït these institutions yearly as a Stepping Stone te more remuneratîve employ- 1!ments, 'h6 Women's Rescue homes, in~ Canada alone, recelved 5Mu IrlS 4ît the a Uc srage of 92 Percent astis- t 4etory (;ver eo,) Ii4ia amlne. il orphans ave heen eared for for some6 Iyears. Forty-seveu chilèdren's homiesi be exist in oither lands. Edutcational day le sehiools numbered 465 have grown out of dire neeess itv in varIoits parts of thro 10 woridi, notably-ludila where there is -ne attendance of 10,000 scholars. Also at NewfouDdland 28day schools nearlv ali *reader wil you help ? TRE ONTARIO BÂNK TH TsINTERIQit 0F TllzLocAr, BRANCH le HAS NEW ANDO MODERN FUT-URES INSTALLED. 3Manager MeClellan is recéiving snouwm 01ucongratlat!1ions rum tue citizetis these daye. We ail know that this is a progressive age and The Ontario Bank in this town Is keeping abreast with this spirit. Custemers eutering bv the front door wiil lti the interior transformed iet a real city banking bouse. New fixtures cf the most approved pattern have been lu- stalleti, inciudinig a Teller's cage lu whch 5fr. Fred. J Mitchell looks secure and serene. Irhe motal grille work is o! steel oxitlized brass finist and the woodwork is walnut to match previeus fixt ares. There are wickets for Letiger, Savings Departmeut and Collections. A handdanne woed cernice circles the curveti corner, supported on turned posta appropriately shapeti anti motuldeti. Euough cýkippeçl glass la uâeto eproteet booka., @e. O! cour -e the scoops ahti other accesories are included, 80 that for canveuieice aud uity we hardly see how the uew fixtures and flttings could be improved, We congrattîlate Mr. J A. MeClellan, Manager, and, bis efficienit staff on the b,,autiful interier of- tle Ontario Bank,. Sornetimes the hair Is flot properly nourished. Lt suffers frfood, starves. Then it fails ouut, turfis prematureiy giray. Ayer's Hair Vigo'r Is a llnir- VIgo r flair food. It feeds, rnourishes. The hair stops falling, grows long and heavy, and ail dan- druif disappears. IMy hzî, 6e oing Cut tferribIy. 1 was alnmosi afraitd se ob it. But Ajer'e PRai Ylgor prom-ptiy etc ped thebo n.andzIo reto tiere eatura~clo. WFaS. E. G. IL. W&UD, Laiiding, N. J. a botlû.J. C. AIES 00., fori- elM,, bande g. yrune, andu bis many iriends PRESETATIN TO R. FOST. in this vicinity join in congratuxlationx. PREEI~TAIONTO R.FROT.BROWN-TA iBLYN. An exeeedlngly prettv wecddrtngink The Literary Society et Bowmanville place at <'Cedar Dale," Orono, theý resiî. Hîgh Schoel, Friday last, met in the dance of Mr and Mrs A Tamblyn, Assembly Roomn At the rcquest of the Wednesday, Sept 13, when their youno- pupils, Mr las. Gilfillan, B. A., Princip al, est daughter, Ellen Matilda, was united took the chair and it was' indeed a in marriage with Joha D-Brown. Oronq. pleasure to see him in bis accustomed Rev'H V Mounteer officiated 'l'ho day place as was manîfested by the hearty was &Ul that eould be desfred and amid applause. flowers and beautiful trees the wedding Alter three piano solos by Misses Lena vartv made a charming pficture Happy Horne and Nellie Goid and Mr. E,.Iearte exchanged warm greetinge and Warren; recitations by Misses Mabel pleasant conversation flowed freely Uutil Cox and Olive Rickard and a very in- 3830 when Miss A& Hughisoii eemmenee4f teresting paper on musical comiposers by piayingULhengrinýs Wedding PMarcaà. Miss Edna King, Miss A. McKowan The groom camne upon the lawn aceom. cameio forward and requested thiat Mr F panlod by his brother Richard, Tbe-i HI Frost, %1athematica, Mastrho< came the bride Who was given Away b e corne to the platform. 1MissMcon ber father. She was gowned in beautii- thea, on behaif of theý school presented fuil white silk, trimmed with ,pleated silk Fi-c-rot .na4dress ilà wiiic.h'wus chiffon andI applique, willxvcil astened expressed the deep appreciation of the with whfeelmti11derr-ngalag immediate school workz and their recog- paragua ferna. Miss Gertrude Loi-,ley3 nition of bis desire to impart to themn a ot Trafalgar, cousin of the bride, actet better understanding of music as an art. as bri'lesnalil and wore pale green erepe ýAs a token of tbeir respect and good de chene trimmed with embroitlered silk wishes on the occasion of his marriage c arrý ing a large bouquet ct pink cýarna- they asked hlm to accept from them tions and asparaZus fera Little Mary some tagible evidence. Miss Jean Tod, Krox niee of the bride-,madea charm.. Fourth Form representative,. Miss Lucy ing flower girl, dressed in white silk andi Galbraith Second Formi representative, hat te match, carr-,ing a basket of white and Messrs. Gordon Mitchell and Garnet sw6et peas and clemnatîs. The cers- jardine, Third Forni representatives, now - rony toek place on the lawn underneath brougbt in a beautiful Morris chair and an arch of evergreens foruîing a mass after prescnting a bouquet of gladiolas o! flowers. The bride stood underneath te Virs. Frost placed the chair beside the a belt of sweet 1-eas and china asters. one wbomn they wished to have occupy The cornpanty numbered about 120 andi it Mr. Frost in afew well chosen words 1atter congratulations Mr R Best took tbanked the pupils for their kindness and several different views Thev then re- after some friendly advice to Mr. and. paireti to the spacicus din!ng room which Mrs. Frost by Mr. Gilfillan the meeting was decorated with large bouquets andi was brought te a close by the singîng of white clematis entwined around the God Save the King."I tables, where the wedding dinner -was spread and the most epicurean appetite RECEPTION TO REV. MR. ORMISTON perfectlysamti.-fied. The groorn's gift to AND BIS BRIDE, the bride was a beautiful gold watcb -f~ and chain, to the bridesmaîd a geilt _j roch etwith epals. The presentat Thie Shawville Equity contains the were both numnerous and costl3', The following kiiŽdly reference te Rev. and bride's travelling costume was fewn Mrs. Albert ormiston ( nee Misst Editti ladies' clotb trimmed with fawn plsIi. Riggs): A large, number of town folks opening over a white silk waist ,witâ and m-embers of the Presbyterian con- bat te match, Amid sbowers o!rice1ýIr gregation from Bristol Corners and andi Mrs Brown left on the 7,35 train "or Starits. asýembied at the railway station Toronto anid London. Thev wlli" reside on Friday esening te welcorne the home at Kirby on their return. The Oen coming o! the Rv A, Ormiston and his orchestra ftiriished music and with bride, On alightiig from the railway garnes the evening passed awayto coach, the di8tinguished couple. were quickly. ______ subjected to copious showers cf tice, as the% threaded their wav a!cng the plat forim tote ecarnage held i inwaiting by NSlL . Liver man Conn Mec'a.,zg, whe made a special effort to perfoin the function Visitors: Mr Trhomas Paul andi allotted tohlm ln regal style, The daugliter Olive, Lindsay, at W M short drive over, the future occupants Wotton's; Mr F W Beacock, Blackstoek ofthe manse were met at the door by a Mrs E Hlarris, Rockwood, at Mr F W naumber of ladies of the congregation Lee's; Miss Nettie Reeves, Lindsav, at and accorded a hearty welcame. After Mr G Preston's; Mr and Mrs J'as Deý - the customary round cf introduction, man, Bowmanville, at Dr F C Tei. hand shakings, and congratulations cock's; Mr and Mrs J L Metcalf, SouDth was over, the ladies busied theniselves Darlington, Miss- Annie, Chapui, in preparing supper for which they bad Leskard, Mrs G F Rawles, Winnipeg. made bountiful provision. A short at Mr C E Stewart's; Mrs (Dr) F 0 address, befi!ting the auspicions event, Trebilccck with friends at Guelph; Mr was read bv NJr. T. W. Wilson. and a and Mrs Charles Pearn, Port Perry, at purse containing a substantial sum cf Mr John Pyo'e. money,-the spontanerus expression of their gcod feeling towards him-was-____________ presented te tbe Bey. gentleman by the inembers of bis foceka. To thesa mani- festatiuns et their eitcem Mr. Ormiston made a grateful and, tauchiug reply. T he evening was most erjoyably spenit members of the choir cotributing frein la very often acce uîred, theirr mthical storesilyinher the eUt. Bad hygienle, foui air, impur. Rev' 5Mr.ormiston is the Yongest are amon its causes. soni- of Mr, Vim.OmitnCoubuWater, argro lormenly eofitl.arnd Mrsý. orivnston i lacalled te sonl for ls daughter of LMr. Alex. Riggs, Enis uece" adweei, kîllen. -_______ tb os, n wher E, Decidedlv the mrost interesting des- ~ t eantbru eriptien oetbte "Amei can commercial bas or . consumptîonlm l ,dinigrp An ti' thefar tas', wich hs pretty uret aer aippeared u lngtue, is an article aOtk oL Qv Arthur I. Street lu ý,eptemnber Sn set againe.'Onthe WoVrld's High- Goie GteHe ree ! hwoldmuiRemoves every Lrace 01 pas. her i aie u eaby Chester scroIda. et H00d's. !>aie?, Ferttald, -Caii the A t cf Fiction 1 o frnokb s Be Tugh?' Adî~ssSouteruPad~lc,*îs fer Book on Sceofna, No. 1. 4on California stret, Sali Fr4ncisco, Q L H= 004 WI&MM1 U alioia, TERMS :--SI OO Fer AÀnnum. k*" tL~D AFTERwAnDs. . A. JAMES & SON, Froprietcws NESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1905. VOLUME, LI No. 38 jWEDDINIG BrELLS. tSANDERS -BURNS. A very pretty wedding was solermiized at 462 Balmoral street, Aug. 23rd, wheni Miss Frances Maria Burüs, daughter, of Mrn Robert Burns, became the wife of Mr. Charles Sanders. The ceremiony ooplce at 7.30 P- m*Re.JD Woodsworth, pastor of Grace church officiating. The bridesmiaid was Miss .........Minnie Burns, sister of the bride, and the groomsnian, Mr. Milton Sanders, cousin of the groom. The bride iooked iovely in a handsome gown of rich em- broidered silk with chiffon and peari trimming and carried a shower bouquet of liliies of the valley and white roses. À Miîss M innie Burns wore a very becoming costume of pale blue silk with embroidery lace and chiffon. with white tulle bat The bride's mother was gowned in a beautiful grey crepe de chene, black velvet and embroidery lace, with an em- broidery chiffon pale turban Miss Olive Burns, another sister of the brid1e, wore a a dress of creamn voile, with peari trim mings.%Master Melvin Stewîart acted as page in a very ,accepta.ble manner, Mrs. Fisher, of Brandon, also assisted at the ceremnony. Suitable music for the . .. .. .. . . .occasion ,,as furnishedl by Miss, Grace Plt.The groom's gift to the bridev was a piano, while ber father's gift was a substantiai cheque. The drawi,;ng rooni looked very picturesque with decorations of ferns, palms and lillies of the valiey. Mr and Mrs. Sanders left on the 9.30 p. m. train for Portland Seattle and Salt ian Highlanders' eg metai Band, kaks and.Thel brid'sgCoin wa wmauilleFairSept 2.qand oneet inOper Houe costumie ,was a blue chiffon broaidcloeh ~'mn~vll Far ept29andConer i.OeaHosewith bait to mnatchi.- Wînn;pegq, Mn, Frree IPress. on Fair Night. The groom is a son of Mr. John