TWY r onqee ilz uiOerlin the Past ThirtvV Velfi3 MI_ - - 0.- ner acL wien sch ocasi-e-d peppers, ma '-'-'i ""6 monts to otlinr branches, s om eilI con- Mdfr rve n 1,at she is anxious, te plan a meal.which, (cold, rice, ý hopped mneat, ciurnbs, Ouus and intcresting facts ari t ) adfitrvli h at while consistine- of the usual humber e.', aarge head of lettiice, ithree ourd. n-> . i,,- 1 CANADA 1\1 i UE FTI a ceatiiîg of the following ingredi- Iveli beatenl. ents: A quartr of a pound of shel- 1 Add a liftle viii .,r te the water 1 premises means increased opportunriti sfor serving the