'Y j 'i Aoy the Whole ~ Vear Round The joys of amateur photography are limited to n0 4j place or season. Its de-lights are as great i buddiug 4ý Spring as in fu11.bown Summer, in the tinted Fali or when le the ground is white with Winter's 5110w. Indoors and ont, 4q the whoie year round, is camera time. You are missiflg much real genuIne pleasure if you have no camera NOW. Corne here to our store and let us tell you how far a littie money wilI go in fitting -you out. Let us show i:I- yon cameraà aLid the rest of the few necessaries. Bookieti and Catalogues for the asking., Stot & Jur-y, ~ ~ Phone 78. Druggists and Opticians. PERSON AL* EIghty pet Cent. of the fils of womankind are due to Kidn.y dorangemient. Daç çIlepean in the aide, h0dc.dersln pimplea avd ernptiSoamweling ofthe foot, bad tatinatheo nouth, ail coame (omdmodredneys beca svst*î?ï Dr. tcr'hkc de Table-ta posItively cuzâ al l dney trouble, and frce wom*c from aCl.éo and aiLmoûDt.. Liy~:1 Up4tvere ma u w;iy bacath ablets Mrsob. f)Dr.27na P toher etCo., ot.Ont. Mr. Lorne Frank lias retumned home from Winnipeg, Man. Miss Irene D3er, Oshiawa, le ,visiting Miss Theressa Joncs. Mr. F Windsor, Weodstock, visited friende licre recently. Mr. George P. Freeland, Toronto, was lu town Monday. MIrs. Allan A. Sharpe le visiting frienda ln Chicago, Ill. Mr and Mrs. John Somers a re visitiîîg Mr. u~. Rodgers, Hamilton. >Miss Lena Foster lias been visiing Miss Aima Nix, Uxbridge. Miss Florence futIle, Toronto, lias been, vîsiting relatives liere. Dr. W. F. Tamblyn lias reî urned to Westtern University, London., Mrs, Fee, Qmemee, lias becu visiting lier sîster, Mrs John Melnlyre . Mrs. Robt, Richards lias been visiting friende lu Toronto and Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hutchinson, Toronto, were guesîs of Mr. P. Trebilcock. Miss E Joncs lias been visitîng lier sister, Mrs T, Anderson, Chathiam, Miss Belle Cliffe, Genou, lii. lias been visiting Mrs. F. H. Bounsall, Churcli st. 1Mrs, R. H. Turner has been visiting lier brother Mr. Hiram Borland, Exeter Miýe Margaret Trebilcoek le visiirng hem sîster Mme, (Dr.) Adam, Canaaun, Conu, -Nrs. (Dr.) E. E, Mcek, Altons.,1 Man., is visi iug lier grandmother, Mrs. Thos. bar, kMrs. Thos. Hardy, Whitby, and Mmsi. Jos lnig:hb. Wick, iaý e been visiing Mr. Arthur Hardy. Mr. Bert James, Guelph, visitcd bis grandfather, Mr, John James, and other relatives liere Friday. Miss M. MeFeeters, Toronto, lias been visitîng ber sistem Mrs. W. W. Henderson and other friends. NIrs IH. C. Phillina, Rochester, N Y.. iHealth column is Interestliig. 1 Say, boys, reud Young Foîke' columu. On the Farm columu is fullof splendid Ideas Fashion Rints lu this paper a re up- to-date 'qo08'-Nox.a-Cold. By ail druggiets it is sold. Inside pages thiis week are very instructive. Hlints for Home LiE e is fullilof interest and inîstructions, The Argyle will make lier last trip for the season next Friaay. This paper gocs to press a little curlier this-week on accoun t of Orono Fuir. Canada's Progress the last 80 vears is au article S ou should read-on another page. Trv a dozen German Doughnuts, 10e per dozen ut 'Ihos Tod's. Tliey are deliclous. Millincry Openings on Friday and Saturday Sept. 22 and 28 at the Misses Dingman's. - FALL MILLINERY OPENINGS ut' Mies --Smith's, Friday -and- Saturday Sept. 22nd and 28rd. Mr. H. Gale, publisher of The Enter. prise, Coîborne, had a cow killed on the G- T. R. track recently., Mrs Ludlow,, New York and Mrs. Arnold, Toronto. have been visitîng their niece Mrs. F. Souci. .The Ontario Bank lias opened a new branci in Port Hope witli Mr. J, F. Jolinston, Peterboro, as manager. Mr Walter Hughep, cornet solist of the 57tli Regiment Baud, Peterboro, lias accepted the leadership cf Oshawa Band. Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, re- opcned with a large enroilment and bright prospects for a successful yeur's work. Str "North King" will muke lier last trip this season between Cobourg and Port.Hope and Rochester, N. Y., on Saturday Sept 80. Mrs. F. H.Frost wilreceive utMrs. L. A. W. Tolets residence, Chiurch st., on Tuesday aiternoon and Wednesday utternoon and evening. Don't mis$ seeing the display of Fal Millinery ut Messrs. Haday & Co's., Central Millinery Parlors on Friday, Sept. 22nd and Saturday, Sept. 28rd. Rcv. J. J. Rice, of this cilv, lias becu appointed to supplv the work lu Briglit. on, Bay of Quinte Conference. made vacant by the recent death of Rev. T. J. Edmison. Dr. Charles A. Hickey. the newlç ap- pointcd medical superintendent of Cobourg Asylum, is a Conservative, and reprcsented Dundas lu the House of Commons from 1882 te 1891. Miss McCulloch, and Miss Jean Mc. ,Cullocli, daughters of lie late Dr.ý Wm. 1 MÇull oeh çf TrProL,4 ., arc vsitiS their cousin, Mr. j. B.,,Puirbir n, Great changes have been made ut the station recently. The water tank on the easi side lias been rcmoved, se iethc higli bank just west of Barlier's iCreck. i After digging to a depth of somâ orty feet lu seareli for coul ou the Coulter farm at Pontvpool, thec pro- moters3 have decided to make a further t est by boring 1Mrs. Geo. Mitchell, Toron.to, iais purî- ,cliased a, douable brick dwelling qon Dute streel, formerly owned bY Mr.1',,. Stan- ley NirsMitchell intende coming back ti town 10 reside Mrs. (Dr) William A White and daugiters of New York, wlioliave been visiting lier parents liere are visiing Mrs. Thos White, and oblier relatives P..-*1XIT- .,..0i- .nflA R "f N!kholls seill cheap. Colt for sale. Sec advt, "108"-Nox-a-Cold. 13y ail druggîstn it le sod. New wcddiug cake lboes-lovely cnes -ut STATESMAN CfiCe. Millinery apprentices wunted imme- dlately by Hladdy & Co. Send STATESMAN to friends. Only 25 cents-to.Januýary 1, I1906. Methodist Suuday School anuniversury Sunday Oct lot, Special program. Sehool opening-. Exercise, Dietation and Composition books at NicholsB'. Apples lu New York State are a ligbt crop possibly 50 te 60o per cent of 1904. Buggies for sale. Sec advt. Hair nets and Huirpins ut Nicholls'. Siates and Slate P'encils clieap at Nichoîls'. Sehool opening. Bamy your child a pair of.stockings at Nicholis'. Apprentices wantcd immcdiately te lcarn Millinery at Ha-ddv & Co's. Sec advt. Rev. S. T. Bartlet.t, Coîborue, was a verv-suecessful exhibitor of Poultry- at Toronto Fair. Millinery Openings at the Misses Dingman on Friday and Saturday Sept. 22 and 28. Don't bake during- the hot wcather but get your supply cf bread, buns and fancy cakes at Thos. Tod's. CO.Ugbs. coeidsa, kstess. and olleer tbrot aments are quiffldy rel,-Ied by Cresolene tablets, teli cents perbox. AUdreuggit3tg Be sure andsec Oco Smith's new photo mounts. Thc ncw white Tor- schon le a beauty. Studio STATESMAN Block. Try a 11Hiawatha" at ThPSos Tod's. Try a Fruit Sundae ut Thos Tod's. AIl the latest lu Ladies' Collurs ut Nichlols' Buy your Potutry supplies at P. Murdoch. e Geo. Smith makes good photos and prices are right. Fur repairing now on at Mayer's Fur store, Bowmanville. Blood meal. Mcat meal, Oyster sheil, Mica grit, ut P. Mýïrçoch's. Try Lowney's ëclebrated importeffl Clhocolates at D). Luttrcll's. T. H. Kniglit will puty ighest cash prices for ahl kinds of produce. Sec the fiee assirtiient of kuives, forks and spoons at NicliolI:ý'. G. B Chocolates "'The incast in the Land" a fulli hue just arrivcd at Thos Tod's. Pratt's Poultry Food, Prutt's Stock Food. Ppatt's LicetPwoýder at P. Mur- docli's.,' Trv some of the new hunes of cakes at ThosTod's, Magnolia and Alexandrij% 15ce cdi 11xbrjd&zc fIremn have 88350 te their credit lu thie bank. They netted 8194 Qb from an excursion to -Niagara illis I 108I INOX AOOLD.ý AT ALL DRUGGIST8 I Notices of Bith, i25 et;Mri.a 50 ent;Deah. 0cet, ai n seto.When Marriage ilfensien are obtained or fanerai carde are p)rInted at this office, insertion free. BOHIN. GILFILLÂW-At Orono. Sept. 16, to Mr. and Mes. J. J. Gilfiflan. a son]. FOSTER-At "'Norwood Place," Bowmanvjlie Set 2 oMr.-and Mrs.-Fred. A. Poster, a GoYNE-In Darlington, Sept. 8, the iîe of Wili Goyne, of a dangbier. MeLÂuaniiN-In Oshawa, Sep t. 9ih, the wife of Geo MeLaughlin, of a daughier. BONE-In East Whitby, the wife of David Bone, of a dangliier. DÉÂTTON-In Oshawa, Sept. 9th, the wlfe of Hobett Drayton, of a son. RoWLAND-LEADER-At Port HOpe, Sept. 12, by1e.J .Trotter, Edwin -Rowiland to Ella !ande Le.ader, both of Port Hope. FOURT-RENItY-At St. John's cbnrch, Sept. 12 yRv. E. Daniel, Catharïme, daughter of li W. enry Sseymour st.. and Charles rFonri, son, of M . Fonrt, Port Hope. GIEENWOOP)ý-BLEWETT-At Leskard, Sept 13tb, by Mev. H. V. Mounteer, Mr. Job. Green- wood, Enterprise, and Mary, daughter of late William Bie'wett. CLARK'.-SLIKEMAN-At Port Hope, Sept. 12th, by 11ev. G. W. Hien derson, Thomas Clark, and Mary Ethel, eldesi daughter of Mr. Samuel aleeman, ail of Port Hope. BRowx-TAMBLYN-At the resîdence of the bride's prents, by 12ev H. V. Mounteer, Sept. Ilili, JohnI Davey Brown. and( Ellen,~Mat;lda, yon stidanghter of Albert Tamblyn, Esq., aliof larke. MARTYN-SIIERMAN-In Bowmanvjile, Sept. 14, by 11ev. W. Joliliffe. Wiliam John Martyn and Mînnle Sherman, both of Bowmanville. SUGDN-SLIGnt-In Brooklyn; N. Y., at the residence of the brlde's parents, by Rev. Mr. Saunders. R. E, Sugden, formerly Oshawa, eldesi son of R W. Sugden, and Miss Clare A. Siaigbt, Brooklyn. DIED. CHlusTIE-Ai 50 Shuter st., MontreaiQ e Sept. 15. Olive Brodie, daughicr of Mr: .Johnà Obristie, age 19 years. Niece of the laie Mrs. H. J. Shaw. Interredin Bowmanviile cemetery. Suxvn-Near Streeisvllle, Sept. 16, Sara M. beioved wlfe of J. Smith, dangbter of Benjamir iand Eleaaor Marr , Markham, aged 66 years. OIE-mn Darlingion Sept. 18, Louisa, beioved ofe of Walter Oke. aured 79 years. Fanerai to-day (Wednesday) et 2 p. m. to Bowxnanviile cemeiery. WILsoiq-At Port Hope, Sept. 13, at the resi denceeof ber son-lu law, Wm. Clem3nce, Jane Wlseon, relict of the laie Wxn, Wilson, in the 84th year of ber age. WnB-Ai Welcome, Sept. 12ih. Fannie. beloved wife of Sidney F. Webb, aged27 Years. PARSons8-In Oshawa, Sept. loth, Minnie Teresa, beloved daugliter of Mr. William Parsons, aged 22 years and 7 days. BTJRNETT--1U Calgary. Sept. 12tb, Maggle Calder, wldow of the laie Andrew Burneit, aged 68 years. BLAKE-On Sept. 15th, ai 439 Jarvis st., To ronto, Edward Francis Blake. barrister, seeond son of Hon. Edward B!ake, aged 39 vears. BooTEl-In Mjdland, Augusi 319t, John Booth. Iaged 76 years. Faiher of Miss Boofh, Mairon o the Home for the Aged, Bowmanvile, j FOR PICNIC OR CAMip That article on the PoWer of The Mimd la very atnsig The Ladies' Aid of the Mothodi8t e G o church lheld a very suceesaul ocial on e Gd Friday cvenlng lu the achool, room. Rlev. V. H. Emory, pastor, discbarged the dufies.of chairman and presented a ghort >but good program, Quartettes o l werc sung by Misses Jennie MoLean, E. E. Bcacock and Mesors.'T. E. Hàig.. stili follow antiquated ginbotham and A. W. Plekard. They methods of raising cake, were recalled and gcnerously responed Miss .Florence Emory and Mise Emlly biscuit, bread a trc. pastry Frecland sang much appreciatied solos wtihm-al and werce nthusiastically eneored. wt oemd Miss MeWain and Mr. Fred R. Foley tures of what t furnishcd the literary part of the pro. pose to be creana f tartar gram and both--retited-exeeedingly well. Refreshments of peaches and and soda. creain, bread and butter and cake were Te ontko served and fully enjoyed by &Ul. Pro- hyd ntko ceeds $25-75. that these articles Is 110now The members of Florence Nightingale sold ini the groceries are Lodgc, No. 66, . . . O.. with a num- almost anything else but ber of their friende enjoyed a very pleasant time in their Lodge room creana of tartar and soda. Wcdncsday cvening when Mr. Newton The best housekeep. Beers, dramatie impersonator, of Boston Mass.: characterized in'-monologue the ers-use-the--Royal l3ak-. great historical play "Dav'id and Joua- in Powder instead. Its than," Mr. Beers personated fourteen n different anefent characters and gave a scientifie composition ina- most pleasing and instructive entertain. sures unif orna resuits, ment. A vote of thanks movcd by Rev. T. W. Joiliffe. Pat Grand Master, cf Only by its use can the the Grand Lodge of Ontaýio. seconded finest- flavored, Most by Bro, Rev. L. S. Wight, B. D., was, tcndercd Mr. Beers for, hîs splandid wholesome cake, biscuit entetaimen. Mr J.J. aso. Pat ad pstrybe rodced Grand, presidcdi. Ie crcam 4nd cake T n oskee h were served at the clo,9e;'T n oskee h lias not used th e Royal BOWMAN VILLE MARKLTS. Baking Powder we would i Correeted eaohTunday Boikto send Murk-y fC 100 Pm.......82 40 t 8 0 Bokfre Makyu WH A, Faîl, bush.....7.58 n Sprîn 0.... OC"O75 tion." 'e Red Pife.....090"0 080 SGoose ......0 00 070 BARLEY, VI bush, No. 1 ... 0 40 0O42 sYsssrwSe.swos il l t f2 ... 040 fi 040 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fi 19 fi S...oo00', 0 88 fi ifTwo rowed O 00 fi O 40 We are pleased to note in the illUs' 's?, white fi...........O0Q00 fiO028 trated Suturduy globe that thelag ........ 000 o 56 photos on the tirs" page of the inaugur- BuoKrAw Il ......... 0 00 600 li ation ceremonies ut Edmonton1,IN.W, PEAS, BlCkY, 'bush.. 0o00o " O 00 are made bv Mr.- Cassel Tait, son c Canadirin Beautie4go 00fiO07C Mr. H. C Tait of this town. fiMummey tg 000 fi0 t'Où(J Recreation edited by Dan Beard, M28 fi Smali 0 60 ut 0 6ù West Twenty-fourth Street, New York fi lue 0 00O Il" O0 City, for Sept contains Amos$-,the' CLOVER Suzo.............O 0O00 g00 Mighty Hunter, The Minnesota Itr rlýUmV SIHED ............0>00 " 00 laken, Mr Dooley. her stofry, MountaiU l3llrER, best table, et~ b. o (Xi t 8 -Trails and Travel, Newfoludla.d. ~ fON........... 0 ' 18 Caribou Hunting, Mv friend the CouleD POTATOES, Pt bush riew 0 0o0go t0 Sb and other interesting articles on fishing:' Stont.. ..6 5 7 0"~ hunting etc. i Il [M