7 CURRZENT TOPICS £ee cil-el ill, i r2( -thly 7vi"lc'ýl il, U eau One of the most thoughtful and in LlloduLreesor philosophical papers read at the fui, ordinary F ash ïon 51 lý «I per box iii(>,,Cing of the British Association at 1 _e5e, j 1 tý , , 7 , , - 1 _n thilf, nf Sii Richard U, È A 17J, 1. su -,titiite. 'ind -z Â-4 o C -j 0 1 lý0- C ,C w P nii(ilq iloil, U uJiu1vm fjr lovely j 1,1m e '-i l vl L Vil is a vast ('0111 CaJL ý1P world cor.ipetitioii," said Professer vilomail to pause and Cojjsjdejý Or else E f U ýý11. ri H. -Il 'l ýM1 tahnawennays owtoh1cli 1 il iîj, ýL) It. vc_ýý li Lii 1 .1 1 sý - (j st]i 171 for her husband to do se, before she j Jebb, "in scientific progress, on qsks from the gods the gift of good 1 As finis ol,.flit Si \, ilk bO dressilig. For although it includes, Ù1 2 - À_1 - which industrial and corrimercial pro- changed froin gr(-ý,ii te (Il-%- ý,ý( Il with- mally little arts which are often gress inust ultimately depend, and it out hindrance to Hiu lLýiIiý -ýj' coluiteci in lis economJes, it aise cri- of and the. flLsh of tL(ý I.,ms ;n .1 IS ff ý,1 l is of vital importance for every colui- tails endless accessOrles which becomle the ineantinie be glu;tiýiii, Il. -fr try that it should have men who areýf Positive and sonictimes luxurious net niet-ely expert. in things aIreaA Whether corn or necessitics to those whose instinct serve the purpcwc fQý- un the and traîning niýiIýe thein forever krowii, but who cau take their places re pastures, will depe1IýI in '0 mindful of dress ellects. Just at pre- î- in the for of the oi,,,,;(; d able degre e on localit,,. sent the best Ilicssed woman inay 'ýVraD:"cr Below. The ch'ildren will show you huiii grows readily a-rfý! in rorm, 1 have oilly a Èý%ý ýýjwns to lier naine in the rnerits oie Milooney's biscuits A is better relished by andýbut may Lave ii:,%,ested ait her art will iiýoduce iiiore-fo,),' acrý-. a srnall fortun(ý b-sides in lil cc best feature of the acldi,-ss, if you give thein the chan--c. I,ý ýl in a accessoricsý Proteîn" in food is the food h(,,,,ýever, was its (inlightened and --ld- i's it ý.11 a Tue first tr' islwe in a 1U nt that makes bonei muscle mirable treatni(.iýt of the questiorf oi surc.r crop, ý,iýar(3robe is tho !-,,e c ;ýi W-,eý1,, the clairn ýf el- literai', J Ijl made in all s.i,,ï iii ui,ý ain. cultui -Phere arc- fA,-e in ci, Sei n- XVI te* a short on c inkc>e the --îse Ives farnous tion of the two, of al 1, iý Pure flour', contains more pro tific men who speak with contc-lýpt il,ý,lt, whiý,h -i,;Ie Ara-il and !ý,iLcLýd puIlLts bolero fastcned to -A"! Uanada in a very short ',,ýhould coule into roiý1, 0111d ý'-" Cto- of "inere literature- and who ree-i n1ay or miý cna r(l y 11J 1 form than any c CKm, i:nv;t,.ng, taSty. bel or Noverrb-r. lt ÎS h. Ou%ý or a pepIiý:,i l-1 iý 1. Týiýýse time and 1 enorey devote4-1 te "the y!,,- ust bey-ýrc to iIiý, of t oý -.G--,ur al or llcýl l', irc-1 ','IY Ot % _hIr 1 ý, ý:, M mfi 11,1 1, 1ý Ili 1:1:11-2 fil- U -e -a , an UL ce J_ e îît is gi*'ývýýýl_- j) fi, , Of wll il l;ýoY i1re in he l iý,, el m aýill iý Weil l,1,,,ýý1.',',ýll,ý1!! t11,ý1 L ilàte-ly short in "prcjý1 2 publisileci iute1Lýctuaj Cultul i i 1, al, taching it if you buy an infcr-or, pc 'olil tt-ýe nllýfLtu,ý , ýo in Iýuàir, 'in, il' the oflice il " vv') nafi Block K iil- Street in eiLliiý il) li el'p fftt"'d lfejý "f i ile No Ont., by' James: direction. He says; file inubL Iw lace, is not only the eas:ý A ýl le, it i,:,, itur z1nd Proprietor. S,;bscription of room, s(l 1 hat 1 Il, V cýlr) 'lave of cent which eau bc al milled flour, you are paying for 1 "Tt renu ver 0 o r $1 -00 if paid ains as Lac ýt,ý t1la of exercis' adýance. Aé1vortiý;ing réltes, !,ltýntY e, is ,oi, u?)1y desir t, is aise one of 'the in oqi ý i 1 es- and shorts, not "protein," and to Iiierary studies florin an ii,,iispeti,,3a- t. pecially if the litVo ý1ý il, Iýnu ten cen ii per ý-;n iiý2 fi Il' 1 1' 1 ïî . -à UHa Pullets for pro1ýt lie in l'Hcli; rive-ceiitlj, pri, line ea et; hic, element of a really liberal educa- kept in the shape of cûzýi tiii1ý, ý;hich insertion. Colicl-,ýct rates oen tien. . And the- ed-ucýffioini1 valuc extent yon are wasting money. i o fi. e1Cý t.m.. Wild, sloiles to a slialIc-w (Ic-j 0'l aL the oi good literature le ýýIl illo ainount to much; ilie, irop de- hii ý, is added. -VA HOLD FLC one da3, V. RO L HOUSE A. E. G because tlý,, p;*ý)_,,, fýPQT-l McLAT EIN. the (ýj confidence best plan is te puli-111I,- ore of knowledge i)iore and moiýý FjýOjý,r GREEN TO DRY TEEl)ý ýl1-I co-l (ýrt the 11-1. old or youi -,d Conveyancer. 1 9, ie;Ay fitted crino1ji-(ý girliles and is Milled to make it the purest ii j3!nc_1ý, King Street early specialization. Goo(I Fach lfIà act i "le, t- ýb--Y tol ý,)lull at reason: tends te rrý-(,rNe tl,, The fact is now gererally recogniz- 1 l) the lipili ii . This able inalle 1,o take ail lhe v(ýý,, the buying 1 therefore ît contains i jnteI!lýctuaI iiiý, it cd that wheil during the period of j ble This advice Lz'is ýlt 'If ii, i ' world to lactation in 1 ( ril v.-hile the patic-cils ol a 1_ýl)o(1 m iiipath a dairy cow, the' milk <,ý 3-17p'T 1 a3id vgain, and quile ;îf, )ýý protein is Most nourishin' is 1 les: l'_1ý,ýi'LS a blnuý,iizilig 1,1111clire,110w 18 allowed 'te fait off te any bul'io itin] peplum will to lie, 9) IN 1 f et il, S V V considerable extent, it is not possi- ', : as so far Ibe liftle ý!I 1,% t!!l cliar and beautifill Iscarch for food. If il Il.- ritrane'!, 1. 1 Ille to bring it up again to the for- f-lat'patterti,, of tli.-ý shaio economical to use- fiQ' ývill llý 8 a.m. to, l i iLübie thoughts and sentira, 1- 1 an V, ill Il mer level by any systein of feeciiiig ý ge, over pastiiýi, li Sll,-lý1, ni 't'le imDortcýd mo,ýeis h&-ýTe It pays the hou-sewifé to însist t Night callt, il!, reýidence, direFt- ýtIllý contemplation of gieýýt iu f î ('0111- ite Drill S"Itid. 1 get down te solid Pli ly illes 17-ly. ait d grcat characters; bý fo!Icoýing' that can bc alloptell infitil the cow, 1 clfipt into the stock patterns- pelled te vard theili, ltli týl0 gran, s,,,,Iietiiing which the woman who Il C, 1.- 1, 1 VEN S ES-M. A. the varied developlul ul 11 has produced another calf writes La s ettir oyal Household" gua of Ma'riage Lien lif,, not only as an evolut i - 1 1 go vern- f Prof Thonias Shaw. Of course, milk must bc scattered among- liglit id las cf putting two and twa, to- g g R Centre street. 1 Yieids that have thus fallen awa litter, net a full alicivarce of feed ' her for herself probably will con- --- ain laws, but as get, teed flour instead of taki'ng a po cd by cert, y at one time, but juqi slili',.cient tel ELAM. drama full of intej-iýsf,, ýýIiïch inti ý'!niaýv bc increased though they can sider fortuuate on the ground of ex- S lin-7- keep therri ut work. ', semi-hungry D M T N 1". l, CIIAS P. Inately concern us. as has , not bc fully restored. uch fal condition is the best. ('are, however, clusivi-ross. flour vTl-iieh the grocer may be ii -31 C' * "Ik, production is certain to ThII rIosing summer sales in laces BLA 1 1 iýl i*isý Iý o 1, arles well been said, if literature be viewed " 1 ln m' itnrs, Not occur as soon as the sliriner inust bc taken that ilic\ are iiot un- es CL -ig etc,, up-siairs, KinZ seemingly for the spec te' in sellil as Le fýinc-arts, it iý; foliTý,Cl-to ts - Il - ich wili for fail or elen 'Le losi, ùg O-f-these coa V7 )e the t __I'L -Iiistý(ý -ieuililig. 1!!(ý"cys loiLn- oF filent bail as one, of ovei (11,L se Simple a frocll, as a silk !their SucCulc!ýce, unIüsqýsc-ae meas- Foi- future layers -o!uit enIv the ed üt ici-et rilies silice it cý,1i (-iýlCatr a ý1sil)iIity forl conv are 4o ý-event if. shirt waist dress, !rite a drcssy cos r-ýcyu1 17ouseheld Pli other 'best developed lir(!.,; anfi disclir'l ýýe .11 This resuit is, ýl,ý c'ýutain te folloW runts. We n tume for winter house wear. Liiiei-i n 1 own , do not iii , - th -cad, bought in Ê Ijýi that the sun shines in 'the - E;ky, Il laces of heavy type, butdo pin our Io the sake oi g,.oater Llùýý, sÉall it preventeil. l\ nd l strips foi à., U vig health. l'ii'ýýs Tt is net mer, fý, to 11,1')l or and DENTISTS. 11-v> sI:faI1 t'bc dairy cow bc changed lected for future ývor!, s!ý,OlIoj jýe1 and coi-niiný il \, iiýl and m ental of 0)o iliI;;Iiiiii.ni trj- ,ý(e'jj f,')()(l lo ackstock ff)od illore. Itrv i yarded alone N(ý he filet iý.1oý,i l'l or cOl lj!lillýd I)ý nt LI, on the first that g(,oýI du the Icast fliiýinkagre in the inilk ' il 1 M(Indýi%, eh adriiirtud coý,tý, ciiii- sniartest belts is a broad gir of en, month, at Orono ti-ýi dle four short Sharp pr( jriiciýrinIý ll W? The to îs quesi,.u 2L,-l Mordaý;ý aIl day, and et New- I l v.ll:(Il -Mil hill,01, be hý,ioro ii[tý; casti(, ist Výdn(%ýýday fro bu i1'iý)dJfiid sPeIi(ýcLt!Iv hu n(lý l'i' ili', i G, miifIe over a frame of gold tissue', this a nalf dozen pei talL 1iiý,crîý2 shot with chanieleon colorings. are made in each capý, P- Il but ýi1)inc ý lings fjýL'ýý b,ý Sài(l L Theso, inercasii his pow-' of co)"Prel'c-ljci- wit, tirst, plefoI, ilig 1, ,,f to it that will apply uggý:; at all ni j n)ýi_' f ouses, b-,jt whicà ivill bc e,,ïually are, for the inost part, bucUled with ý of the poppy. The vil]-, rear of Higginbotham's drug j ing, by fostering worthy il flow at once, put q to any locality. tured. We b,,1icvý , in fa(t, liiýj o- lirýtLy Aith aïi.ý win'ler frock Lom a plain, oval, or oblong bucLles fi store. ideais, it will add soraething to bis As selon as the pastures begin to perience has I;iove(l, tliaf i,-i-ch jýii(!s black taffeta ni). One coat of this gilt, biight or tarnished, or in bronze The day -after, the tl fail in qiiantity" so that th l11eý or copper. In the matching the kid carefully gathered, b e Co'w m kind wus made of a remuant of- capacity for co-operation it wiI1ý ake our bast and s-,,iý(,iigest wil)(,nr illust necessarily begin to work for 1 y dallions, the sort people buy to cut belts to the frock, for which there-with a sniall iron inake hini a better citizen, and net No feinale sh,,ýuId bc 1,reà ier food unduly, supplemental food a ers. up, and these' Ilvere separated and ho 1 mass thus gathered U M N T IS I R1%1iý', -L vviien ýhas lately beeii such a fai.cy t ouly a more synipathetic but a more'iliust. bc furnished. As soon as the inounted upon soine plain net of thel prettiest combination was seeli in al earthern vessel al)( eflicient member of soc-'-etv." Tt is grasses begin to materially lose UNDER NINE MONTHS OF AGE. saine shade. All the me-dallions were gown of pale green and white check- stirred for a nionth 0. HARNDEN, L.D.S., their succulence, more succulent food When nearing the layIrg stage, pul- lack ed voile, with Irish lace insertion, 1 Care being taken t( therefore an urgent probleni of the edged with frills of riarrow bý 1 Should be provided. The former may lets are apt to over'fý3tluji, and for Valenciennes and the coat, which was aiidý made over a vivid- silk of the aired, but not expose Graduate of the Royal College of higher education of to-day how' to i bc furnîshed as mill feed or in fila this reason do net fý iii --ry much sleeveleiss, was worn over a crearn light green. Worn with it was a The material is noý Dcntal, Surgeons, Ontario., secure a proper rncasurc of Iit4,raryýfcrnl of Soiling food, the latter will corn. A littie crqehi,,t corn daily net &own with the fllest el rufflelà, white kid belt just iliathing the lace expert tsters, who Office:--Ojpposite T. Bingham's office. culture to tbose Studenis who intend bc furnislied as soiling food. If the 1 is beneficial, but it sliould not bc Sieeves. in shade. Another fresh morning grade or quality, and dilirynian Can furnish both nutriment More than one-third -tIý(- ilipld. Early Another coat was made of an imi- dress was a French cambrie with is put into a large 1 VITALIZED Allt. to pursuo scientific and technicaIý flint and succulence in ample supply in egg- production in puli(ts is delayed tation of point de Venise and vvas bright red spots and large, white worked very'much in. Tt is gratifying te know the soiling food, then outlay for mill by continually Hii, birds il. a baker's dough m'S 1 finished off with a cluster of flowers, embroidery collai-, belted with a red 10 la this ver labout from' one hoit:;c Il) Uli Id gauze leather girdle te match. An old belt required consistency. the London boa:rd of education ha, fed is not necessary, and othur. A fashioned out of thin gu Iý lie desir- with gold cords and dull gold beaýds. fancy has aise returned to us in the Voy a n t undLr consideration carefuily planned, tailllY should bc bis aitn. lbetter plan is to pick oýiL 1 ncw made into balls - - - - The soiling food at such a timp. will able birds about Sep1;ýiH',(,r and keep 1 chenille is ais. run through the, shape of the broad black elastie belt natives wade abou courses of study in which the best bc peas and oats, alfalfa or some them in the saine qiiïýi-tý2rs lhey areilace, Say, in pale greea, which gives! studded with steel, and for the wo- vats contaliiing the i m E 1) 1 c L EXAMINATION FREE. r,,Lglish prose and verse will Le Pre- other sloiling food preferably legu- te occupy dur#ig ýlýiitier and 1 an eIabciýatc, effect, and, where hý,,,e 1 ;ran who cariiot hÉdulge in more and hand it out tel hi E1ý FI, BUtterfle,.d, ý,:3yraCUSsI scribed for college stinients, the minous in character. Such food can spring. This will iiiit', c thujil feel at lis of the cheapest ki il, if can be ihan nue -ý,illy gnnd girelle, this is 1 n1akers Sitting arc) home and they will uni ' v n lEvery man has a sphi N. Y. in ciairvoý, ance or not, study to bc directed' to the sub- ibe supplieu ili an ordinary season by rlfýilc io really lo\ýýl ' v 1, ' l, o;ýl- Hie best Us it al,,ý ays 1 thil-P, 's' the fact that the exercising the necessary forethought. laying earlier, bu! uill I- Ole pntfirii in il !;)0lý1,ý ý-,,ýtiliiiiïig ;iii(1 JýTq Ille figure. with the popp:ý j stance and meaning of the literature, 1ý d,)cý(;" Lý4u tý this source arid causp 1 A nd 4ci e ý liusire te elnphLL-ýi2,,_ý the naiiiily. dilliculty of _cop-ýbefc>re him. Into t1il c'f vc)llr rather than to grairimar and philo-ilvisdom cd preventin 1 be fe 17 either mentil or phsi- K shrir1ý go nt TLtý growing rlillut jilý ý', iý-ý for \ hi, if t1ic ing a coIIiýr I)ýiiA up Lo its rightýreguIation quartity clLiý has re.sà,,r,,ý(j to heâltb ékud legy, and te Li, carried 011 Li cIn-!l,ý-jï a tij-ný,, Hýn', is lit a suL"ý1oi1 %viýh the. 1(i ",fi if) Ouf, oi, pIýicc beiik met in Liw goW this brass riip, ýý,li4ln e, tý, s' ht is liIýsL lil,.,]\ w nceur. I)" hur ýraIne ain] il! oi- 1 t[,,, bývý-I,ý- sih l-i, iiiid -iticli aje now furilisied by ed, the opinin p, whll woudd with stij(lics in i Iitic,ýil ha-ve rVmrdrjlýa aU A lI '111, lit gars. Vor týlis e I1iý They fill a want in' the another man, mlio gi ut : - ý1 1 1. ýý S ' il, V ; ý ý ,, S . . a ý ic i(illoi)g 1 feund li'dililig butýpi- iliali lylornilig - of of Clay. Thie,, gives linir, name, 1 'or il,. thIý it iý> dif- , illid 1-uni %%bicil cut vash, tlie-feather, buii(fs. gý alid Ftanlp to of ilucation, Professor Jebh Uur- mashes of bran, gromid (ocli- 1 olit -Lo appi'- u, iýiLcLS (ti wiggIc Olit, of' their coverings ready for shipment, SLcciihý1l<ll 111LIst, I,(, obý_ain- ruent, and parls pitfteru in ail I,\' ndering proce of a fair sized cannor pl-asized, was te give tIi,ý studentý er effect. ollu (lui iiig the lau Ss. These BUTTERFIELD, cd hy grazing cil autuain pastures, weight, to which , rc il fi- (1 1 coiil of a di-ep croaln color was ii,,\%, upright posts, which are called When well prepared a, ideal and a love of knowledge and fresliened by th, rains. But those ô, S1VracUSeý N'ý y. leat scraps, and 5 1 ones opium will keep !te r fý(ïiL with a little iiili-rnw vest,11 -b wisdom, and mental in thisqulust bc supplemented by nutritious meal. Green cut býýn(,, are topped off with, -jew- fifteen years or more 1,1il . il ran up into a coatl els,- or, knobs, or baroque pearls, foods in the cured or partially cured lL , Ille used, the opium Il S'!' u îs impossible whero literature forni. Thesc will probably be fur- 1 and stale bread shorild cý,Har nia;de of chine si1.1ý of blurred which project over the, -collar. They variety. For the othec nleýils, broken up and furthI land thu arts are neglecteii. j!l green, buf?, Pink, and gray. conne in ail heights to fit the neck 1, nished in the form of corn or Sorg- 1 grain mixture of whent, t v, 'r 'ho ýl,'ýil)le cent was also finished There, is aise a button at the bot- hum fodder, fed frorn the shock. Such hulled oats, one part, an( o 1 wjih il gathered biiidiiig of thisl'i(-Dl %lLich. slips through. the collar, Chamberlain's C0u9ý Pastures, hoýý7ý---,-er, will not, bc had ne part. aff(-r,!,cý n lt,-(ý11-Iii PITY POOR DAD. Corn, 0 if it is of lace, and for which il, unless foi-ethciqý-,iit is used. They will silk. on Nature',( ed ration. The above u ill Le Spüalýýiiig of lace, there is a liew il I-iny hole must bc worked if it is Once, when the son of one of Our not posscss ýýhundant gras5j, uiiless found equally valuable iei a winter i - --- A11j,,1z,1iý fo lill ï eiî pý.sitions.creatcl' ý1,loIititiaiis was ma'king a speech 01, the cattle brln remo,,ud fretin' adorniiient for otherwise plain col-!oi-lineii. Another-pretty idea is to Uýý 1,;of ïeýi,_,rapIico Danles. W q 1 behalf of his father, an o ci politic.,I filera early i!ý the seas( il. feüd ored Iiiien bats. Tt is to drape thern 1 have three quaint studs to match the Tli,,3 most successful LIEN à.d LADr"IES,,,,,de A Tt bas been said t1w thaJ _k those that aid natum 1 with a longlace scarfe, which is carel slidesl if possible, te fasten the bac fh;ý (o\ lirý2 une cri lut occ5m "C'n" M"05 Umm 'y peu w- un Pr ès Ïý'! !l'ý'; Umm 1 v n toi 1 pua ani rimue WMOI wvH 1-nou a rtaApn, In SUP; pýM, e THE inHyp cp, ion ce W- hocw e a -ia,-, 'Stý c, ý csWc eýrenci os-ci Ci 1, C- cont2onc Cr basa Log 1 c tha cour cw sujo ni A ce,,PPI nost ;a 'Oulu À !Aàý 2w soupeý ý7'hüHIIî jlý'gia m.com boa Wcw î - ýw c li et oz il Une 0 tu, noust and