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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Oct 1905, p. 3

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IJPNSLEfýTACY 0Fý W,7AR ha-ýc m XIANE0 RIOES sa V sM 01 nterest oni Debt WVill De Seventy- EussaWl Hni Over 1,866 andi five iltlionis. Japan 64,000. A Tokio despalcis says:.-F ormei' A St,- sor eptc cs Foreige MinIiSter Okunse, Plaer of 510enCc 01 WCMQWn's Orp 011i agri ant thsei thse proigressi ce party, before tise As-& eseeet n" E nedesdeyareedehe lVien ~nd W 1 nien w'ho ae in need== sociatedl Chambers Nt Commerce on Pnhs' S8aI siusl rsnr fwrwsrb ,6 e ciN'lir vv n-P.ed =iThiprsdtay, referring tothe suidd ilC e pnes p isr l iAPssia will hb, pensýion of Iapan's fnncs si î,lsexe sthogi ayainwol thet wisen the wfthdrewal et troopsbreak." Wmeennutter hesntwordsdclxx ere iscmitdse iile srei o--e edoe gibt otnet mfronier etRussind 64,000 frncuated ihnebt c$1ý,25,00- rc iog'j siewtahejete usinwil9dvecat tis 000, the interest on whirh ajn, Oelo iebepi o ot fKb,Nag,-asclýi und Yoko- Threar sorse ý ple jeBw-ts stoachsqemltme&oar plexno, rougisly specking, ,wli Leo ,0,coie,"ern en pains, nerv- ismweneteil ocnce maeleýieixiilyWho mm sMMÇai' gcdrngýtbn h n 'rvous ste. 00,or nrlytwice tliserevenueof osncs anneo rDami-tIon for any tn.tt ldvse etersietas in týiza i. idet cf leu1Uhlssotn Cbc-' ONe uteabler ont of a 50 catitbox tise country ton cars ago.lise1pe1port,7-owinterned etSha, ancd cueema'e a ne d 0 1 f fond, but be- of fi o-a before meais, as uu x epitarate of taxation ,before the,' Seg ncd t ni-orthreie ýother caue te~'ecot igest tise food tbey ea r iwht son lika and wvhe on a HR war wes $2. i\ow it is $6. Tss pe , ij sp lhc are beiýng s-cnt from Vun wMl hale nomoreheadach'-s, a cepita share in tise national debSt b ~ f ds 1o hi aIbeue a.ru . t i Our lead- l 'hec, lieart bure or indi-estio. Il- fore tise war was $6. Tt is now $2.,~ 4Tise American Charge- d'Afairs is In~ dioggst hae rceni.reeems ü o wili gesyoul perfect brai b and. Count., Ohumia, jxowevor wcs not pin- cnevrnOinih pca n large- u prlvof l-ennu. the mosî racent 1stegi. Issi .nRu e ferred eeuetyte r , morespeedy arrangemenrtîas for tise c ~ oleaeof 2.50 sickJaecse for de, tp er orthse cure cf stgmaehlIf cou s e bat .--aof ourftise nece.sity of business nmc:iro-l ' troulles. dragigi 1, M I ibcWE ee bqMaUIo f tdoubing tiseir energy tn tise dcx eop- __ xwomi l opiJaa es'sn MionA isa&nuulnîai cmbinUîbw Ufpéàdon ecipt cf ïpriu,.Write 1u-5for nient ýof Productive works of ci mlns ashiip direct ttise Ba1,ile. ie the stomaeh and doets c tenu yor cae froxu a ieading and tisas securing victorin 1upence ~ - ~ren istý, lieretefore have brn Iîti tmcs eils shcswl be cent as well as ie wvar.Cun lrnwain bi cente J sc~ie;cedf;e. eR. T. Booth Companly, LTESFRTENRH beaxe à doirriatreulosc~ore scf TheeFOR Y. i CI'TRACT LET. tup'sirent Ras Iestituted D a!n _____ici__ ter M1ai Service. Sjwant t" o adi' hto c oest but tise 500 iles cTm senetateAn colt±awe dý-qpàtch sy:Tis ylu cpuyrt Bobby hBoy again bse-i be Started at One osI-Ofice Dea tmeît isas arracged Mn1O J (ite fCIlcold se spread i 1A Montreal despeteis says:-The - fre yy w evc ùHrA round h Pi c nd crou%" 1 d own in lus ceetract for tise construction eftI tiseý llsouion For-Lt eisero ced e- nest. it wcs vcrv ineancd quiet roadbed comWpete, readyfetieictsaprxdclstwnr for Fort 'ie M'Yti 'rcl came ba.athcd flo ami rails, oa tise Lak'e Superfer They denet reafleta iebo streit ons A m,ýail Ilev fat isa to%ýrp of tise trc,ýe cdsanbci s of tise'Crand Trunk Pacifie 1îemansrsg e amnys ernaie, Edmontomn on or abouNv. 290~i ~C-iOrao~Y OOOOOO(4).t><>"Ciseeweo: cisecp xcp"As if Jl -itaîl-a fronn Frort Wiliîam te Lako sudquîcer indicaes by cA9uo aý due cc i. t. ie mai matter for 50113V OY'SNES. Iere SI-'! ccId tjred.ý Sprior Ju;ctic, abuot 010 mile, ese eîto cf tie-Mubo d- tss epthswl olmtdt Tand ndw bggrwlxd wisitr ws srclPdon iurdcyexoNiga nye asud tisat tise achresund pcaas su!iîesol.Tsewiito c sii iisd hl god i-ibtý, "Iwisa Bobby Boy timui iebace.vîepoietnd eca aalr Ly i.iikam's4Vgetabe Cou- cre, Leter mcy ie r-egist, 1 unas a Ky11ebird accdhuivein c Bobby Boy didnt edcoforabe e olo Bos, er1 cciCS, t ),-dfoj tenyeecrs isti's been tieaut e ne. rfrnewf be in11 be" aiis xîst; a, srgg oldt brni inpg a.Ti fx ecci-eecdol efciermd u ui dIntcis b1),d aa fil itLI(ens-t*?" îhcpt pusiîg M bnoeuwetAswny ere a o oflsemot succeul ce' caes.Il sjeeicre's ail -.-vemib a2,-,gven1f,.tte rgierdete, uskcc ~ ~ ~ ~ Sh obytoscel . iso s ho tuir;' an ud ced !rSud Vcrîý- iXn~i',dl railway eonlstuetion ide drdersM cand estne tis fe- Ih cdseo date eriayo etrs; kwrno(ai on tiseflor îih ostile land ci pin a now wy, but nother we!rh on iiscontinent. mi ran o s alt m oditon. cri etsedt tpsig puHýtîh r- ead on i visitepilloW'. brarieh wuicln't tlhlm. it puel oýa adix thtsis oumu Hl Sn ue amn,ý1gtccn "lsxt ths aec soft Ilit bed, cnd jute iis b.ac. IL isgnt gie;moans chtisbot 100 imiles et tise Derr. ikien prett t.ile coLIitert, tnd piump ivory coîd, ced tise >Jin îvit raindi'0u0 lac wHi ho uner mc- 'Isffrda Ilong limec wtith eeln WNE AIAIN wiieplo q aielhan sticks ccd tismougis tise branchecs, ecltsnod uicntneinb ie etrpr trulaignespisuie hnd straus ,and Saves and ppe r oen stircd cI hlm cnd saidlBobby e Otisrcdltsispd-iaMtadoreWce eryec setcse vun Exet eDeie ese orNrts 12c, ls 1, ,l00 nHes xii to undor ronti-s. IDukas tlrd cd nervous l li 1Seieuibra Sris teget~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o be sts ioml is ia e you'e em lito eesd. Cli F, tacî ih-y Nov. 30. Il is stipulAetedn eiet ieuni sgnt areLia A tcadspli a1:Ts x bush nakeaits lttjo ieuse" I u tiseIrce ed gote bc." .tisat tise work shall ho completed se, Z.Pxia' eeabeCnpudsdt "Net~~~~~ qutmtse, adiolYby r do't helieve I jîke 9l m fIer *5 brnc ryl be ae bufot rmtsesdhuiixtrs slepin le tisaI aii tie brain crop ofeceve i Bcy. li voa teimleepyuet ene tise rcr tt-nigistilsaid BebbylBe xixgistan 1u a el"1 iemot t e d l oxgts ri rpe 96 les ceu acu hv neeCerle ise os'fm VM ir andL Coe.. et farro idsse' hlm goedcniit again cedi'grews w8nm, ced jfeeau a PPjes"ý b nd mc, c;diel ich;e eietabout hilm cl elgst Ï~&.iii tt- ,O5e. e Su enetledtie vhtcllewsom ced "You're c gose" said tis neon ~.N .-Manný ,ý 5 ore" i/cie Avýe., Teront,n. St &-s.cd tisea proparedsis ýte ise yoilew curîs and teld hlm [s gin."GO te isý-ý C N.R.Tracis-layers Will 'o-, Nootlier person cau gi-e such rnpr-!for a veSsel wiii ilasuc x~t gotesicp. ielay tiinlg t"All rli, j will,- scid Boub Iler EalyNIMntis, fui advîe te, women wieaesicr epu omniaint e rx abot iow iil ,*,zs for littliirds IBey. Hoe begn te crawl np tis1 iAn Edmonton despelcis scys:-Pre- eaua Mrs. Piekhisau. ïTer ereeis tise island ail wlnter, Whieods n'tw e iadrgarten, and Iî)ma;îcistiat led te bls roux. Wxxcx eldeixt Mackenzie ofthtie C. N. p, Lyne. Mas&., and ber amc frts.- haot'iiug te de, but buitd nests Ise was isnjfway up, he lippoîl right camle in over his lino on Tisursdav WNYI~ASPRSE il ielsie.Wsnh i o bac, cnd s daway down ifaote elgit, adlftfrtishe t next t 1W NYI vlo imlb dere about isert ofet tis rc. e weuld have day. Rails are laid past Vegreville CRE0 COS PTO. trtdOtjFisngBtcd net iiiltbebeeomeert un tellen te tise greund if it isnd ioIlendCURElOreacisNisere eMrl7Pin hovea usth cd ihob-u nciseaili bel for iisshirt cnteiig in a ber.,'riscquestion et c union det-rýA xoursdh-tiseegu et thon cnd funny sharp bîcceis. Bebby Bey w hbre m'as laid before tise RevUiwy Important Itscovery, by Pasteur R1ave Net Been Ilc-ard of. uil 4c. madeet cees. fîighteued. Tisebloc cosefort isad Commission lnforraliy, acded.aset- Institule Expert. A CsreriMli., dospateis NexIday obbylbeyi as very itumlud te il is î; nrl fd, -dls'lmetl xpee, is despteis ecs-Pro. jscsA f;shicg bcd ýtwith four fm- bîSiýy. Ris 1meiser found hlm build- Iscnds wer c w od isehould lis et ldiaxusfrom Grdon Ilnd, ing a àhIrdst cl ui tie ciOset. , I 1îold en I o t-e odl e sriy~Birug edsovered tise sm won in"r Hmm !hotrecîmeatI1er clîphtiseria, sud irise mciÀ Nudiagce"(ar&Vmontomenuccd ibnl- LB-il anc cf-[tise-ment- Land gel, tise!pWna drene1sftTere 1%ptember 6fo old. Fit cd puxo inbranches mei" ll lai ia olxtest relieylruisdts scfi m tte b ha b~ogit usfrcstise wodlie conid seclh tise lq tui lii hi tIe qcxl Augusî c metised (t corfng 1lu- abouit beAg n ux a ls. isr ccdbit elmes nery Ê p 1 i ivisieliho hiss&-xec are supposed tW iCva bocuab out p ar anîlstring. freci the tree. fi s tniîo cu o aen, btIiafic Niglt cae again, anid hobby hobby Bey!" eriofi bis laIlier. Pî*in Re dWemen CL1ed 2 ty II 5Cpevniea rî s ._______ Boy's x the~Iuekef.inletihe blue l"Boish y 3, wisheare youl" ~curatix'e remly. li irîisclý,d isei comIfo xîpattofi tiseirrite pilow Hlexe, ian ny nest," cîllefi Bobby Dodd's Kidney Pille, secret Serge lne, "as iho (d1d1in tse BRÂNOR WOItKS INJAPAN. and -soueised 4tise yelloîv bai and Bey. V Tison fatiser ccd xisteiýecîinbi- case et lis diptserlaserum l:issccul Be!hby Boy gcoefIi-cigist citer ed'out i ontise piazza, Ris eotisorStrog 8tatemzent bv MeNisruhs H ilepan ie.io e lIrs. Armslroeg:,lced Ce. te sabi l.liug euxciMotipel s xeantise a Faclory Tisere. sise ln i ;uîng a 11111 'e-o-Sicli' ias erylug, cnd lis falisr ias honld- cf Mer, Ont-S,;he's strong and appietios t t l reciec a,,th-Adeetesfrc1oietetseLn ecag (e bisi. iiug dfinic'tise appli' Ires, buo I. He.tihy Onde lMore. aplnricio Aluoexg ie nature doStdar sayobtis the; WLia- liois By dd etgo e iep.coolfi not reaci Bobhy Bey. Tison ORLBY, Ont., Aet. 9,- ( peecal) et tish ose eae h:,hik h-oi AuoStccg euuuiCe., hiouilrs ce Hlate bryu al nrîe, m'atcisi"ga lex'cxybody iduliseisouse irahefiup, Whcti Dcdd'sKeer Pinhaare deing bas arIglt le resemueteol nraly ede nce;iauufature, hale c- hi ul n.isiieg tîreugh thie ccd c long laficer wirift up tesefor tise euifeing womeii ef Cantada mi lis înme<lus et oftish exery 1- Oucepted an invitation trom tise Marine apl tr c.l}obhy loy iras waitiig xomy lcamt et tise old applo troc eein tieser be full heorvrI. h l eîrwhen table hlm te prosocute uothoriresearcis Ministry le estahlislraneis worhs Gi ý,Sý,gu"w s5h11, thxe iseBohisy Boy erept inte his father'e 1 sume eeuragecuus irocisu breaks tie se. ProilBehring ndded-"Frot- li apan. A site lbes beeuu hosen meauttegoeut and builci a uîst insarmes. Ho wirnt te eloep iii hie owne1 e-recy tisaI coers ireexcuand ber dayeau ard ,tise victime et tuecu- near Rîratsuha. ti cppe -o. Wîalise itheuisegrew - hurle bcd, uts a isot uralor bottie I troubles tisaI a passing glicp8tsofetIheir ,,is -mev hope an.' ilhob y eycralviefi eut of bcd. e t iis etedacd c bol, xoeily blc.nkc greuul womk 15 given. 1' r tIid reasouu ~ul eux i 11111 treusers ced ! et irrapped abosut hhîr cand sftî uhil A SAMM stmumcdii %bu'ns Jas, lughes, steel les-ic iepudtise blue ýpilleirs onder -hbishcd; and tise lcst o f tisis place, is cf more lisse pcssing LASIESI CURED C îî D IýSa. $M0O REWARD, $10là coiefrl efhue itho ise cd lied itiig ho, reriminisref iras cie big tltms.Fu euesa bspie l epesdt ibl n iss lmmo.Tis, eio re sticks menolookiuug aI im tisreugis tise "9ias enCasufferif or four 1Whct Frenchb Authorîty Baye cf - îeî'a fiset uluro iecr Ciceufiefid mseas tis bituciy, locd imess cuit paper apple îree euîd scying: "Bobby Bey, y5t,5aSM' uge." as Consusupton. tsisieebsbe let ceb t niitsehahçsfemls fenîher výcmu 're, a ee s'î tisaI Ioveîy treaýted! b i deeter ce e RPecialis 1 aslmpA.SY Atib, henge Clid tisa lý ls i'sl.u-r l4a t') Cutuurolh du st ou.Bb Byeeoitie bd etrIsn etl Ieepefo7s tbt-'J.S I tid nurly ever i-rsuepyu ntCr s'i ui etuet-r om els dore~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~!e ccI 'ira arp eutn oulh o aplepnzepie kînd of nMdlîcn Icend pear et, bât Tubercule- isî Cengrease oul dcdyjtîcid-ýeleque outletettet "Cic p xvcpeixpi u dP, !1 L eieillsr"siiBby oeseuf ed e e cd rf rchroee oielci u1c it'îCtri Crt aisnrty ioyioeki aclwnjueir c iiix I r1cot plusrs la Msesainefiiib0l.Mau5encUv il, hýl Mus. Wincloir'ss'ce, comme rup has 1 d t smeu if my lifi ilde.zI t, wfoui'.ires aimi lie icngira sniDO gU.o ise pMoen ud xWh wus e ioisr oi n lexsatDud' K dsy Pile udMnYl la We cicodeie achlz piei bl lw elr e'itu tc Distu o piassa. ~~urised aI ut ght acd brokeün ef -uu 'h ' iror, îank's le Dodd'il Kidnoy physicin dîsemef nasuc~ut Airs .Jaey&O. rldo Thse.'.... e4,i cict plnce u'sr mcclahy:csick cisilfi sùtiermn e r.csemlsunilcîsc Its lb eu yDesu Ovebi lmb benisfiout. Il iras ieg miil Inu Ot Cutîig LTe«tx &1n 1 et tie lung mhIsc is tt di'emP w Takc 'i~ Fsmb'y Plis fer constipation. juelt hihnui eiolfi c 111y, net once andi gel a botte et -Airs. a bicti ho engisî te dlagnoso-tise cedBebyBo hfi ec Wnsei's oeisugSyu' fe Cui MlýïANUPACTURERS GROWING trouble as lubex'cruoi. Seunduuu bo' iol it tom a lcusg. joue dreP" for h iras tise becteud simplest test. jR SEýTTLERS' LOW IiAT3.S WEST. Ibiokieg ai'oî eLrleu 112 .c1 eIcthing. T lrl1ilvth ieTieVltcfrdcs Nar sesfrsuroreinecpicx lim. Ie lib l u n îlsbasspor111 uferer Bsedil., e- 'Vlu -ý NI - fi as 1 ýise 66 u'ea hild e o ise mstai out il. Il curea ueMilce,1IAn Oltama deleis sale-ise dafda .ml e hmcxiis t ond wucls t betr.liehlfyi lise roec tl rguatt, tise stencisancdlbeweiso, ýCensus IBepertnueuit on Tisursday , eO'be lt 90,t ont-nItb - . atIcl le is, '.,î, dc .ie ho ahi, ýuuuc Wind Chic rIfl ieGms +u1fi a voum ---us -_ ustc ns t- tc 'Uctutr 3-19dt, 1905, o , Oml-e, A Chcagodeepetei s ays: Fao 1-1ope,5 yasolfi, iriseha..s e-i d 3£>er biuf ishe bars, pedf guiityon Tusdcy ý;-te a cag penieuhiry fu les yers. iemcclt noe vcFi eS ucsn nii lesi ie s ue 'seec e latveslu;Londir,us, Engia ubb.i digstoubaishbed~ceouzo Tire excaket rN Acetsue Piovd tpas WC sihy ce se oun maselted dhyMiisOrsetState urlîlcemiuuîf Ad îiralTogete "Irig 'lseceblef Jeaîes fetslerrki Bey, îrhere ilL'neefleioies Prtt dif-ficuit, yet an expert cando it ï-,easil, Why ? Because lie can tell by lokn a h ose what'colors are required to pode ta tn "oIhae Hie can daake that rcsL ooreeydyin the eek Just as th ritj oosblends the ctints o f t-e red rose, so my artist s in te ied the "ricli fruity Mivr"o Red Rose Tea. With expert knowledge and intuitive skill lie selecg P the particular picking of rich, strong Iridian tea. and the precisc grade of fra-rant, delicate Ceylon, and by skilful blending produces the peerless flavor of Re--d Rose Tea-a tea which for deiicacy and strength is r ce by no brand of Ceyloe alone. St.Joh, NB.,Tomnt, Wiipeg udde cotais a Carvclos As fa as kcwe toendl wil stmulte lir ýranîof irclaton diestioheaunt cf loo akss-h food" tsty, i creaingthe igetivejuie thrdsole hthe fdr this meanhemdrgestion-iandtaasirifi- Forcow a "Clviig" tereisnoting 1ettr i soneandgleg iliar S a boier thebeter lic cdtin" il. sithe more the cal e gertd Codastp" eeasgiug the det rieli cesthat dîisoethe ocng e For cos ay caIvei1 l,,r:therila-utigbrfr! s il tes udregoà. tise svsehepingr te clee" bTerccd, lessing hsa sgr ship flreaduiaught, building at Ports-I m ouths, ill break nrx a tradtin y having the officers' iiitor ili1e fore paýrt of the ves-l nnid ies mesn's qoarters 7 e .Th noa tienl, it is Sttted(, is d b t thc necessityfe forohigacono- tinfra ccwcf90 mn cde tleahi te th c thed BRAN~CHES 11T A1NîERJCA. One Itesult of the Insurance ileve- lations inNew Yrk A dspatcéh frein 3cii says: It is New rk c To proe to ynu isa e h îc'asolultle c c eri ccd -, e l-ry orIi !lechi3, lise mumntatnmviavs gsaraiteed cr. e les- liuu ls e l iy preux andi a-h uIrr ueIgs g-l n ceY back if cet ciri lt abx, et MORE C. P. R. ENCIMES. Works ile Mocntrenl C('bec Cnr For Til ie A1-ji dep l rocs eni a st: Tish oomt;-îsiMcin ot pay tMuuraaneneio The Ameîýthyst'!basber refe'rred te as3 the "Ïa_ ronly J-vl"-and th epithet iS uedoub edly JV apt. Thse nevý Diamond Hall bas an unus -,ly exteid- ed range cf Amethyst-I Brooches,Pedts Rings, Necletus> etc. u I One, Brooch of cern- elg beautycosss cf a argeArne~yst ur- $32, postpaid. 134=13 VONfI . , T02ONTO -ON 7. coxtraet uiti tseCaadenîbnil Riel'ueyr for :ls±eiSct r5h prady forte m Cand! s aiie lat way >'. 1 lr WHEAT GRA.tIiici' HIC-Il.

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