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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Oct 1905, p. 4

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j htQ~na1iB at~l1a1 TEROAL14NsEAND THE ROYAL Z- R E T R 1 GSudden Cb.,ngos of wtiather are es-I [ý~eialI tr3 ic4g, and prob ably t 0 noue cf oîr can Qebec w1Il open at Lon- sýumpjtive. Tb. progres;s of serofula 5j con Ot t o. Ln Dryen is during a n nai l titober la comnmoyily FI'o nii nt great. We no8ver thini of serofula-its * b)ucles% ciutaieous eruptions, and ~ 5wasting, of the bodiiy subtan1ce-witli- 5 cliidre 0,11e db c'ut thiîîlu»IDof the great good imany ('100 s Beow Co t I. el Deaconess Departrneet of the ý ethodistl Goo s eI~v os Vchuarch t te Fresb Air Home wIitb. Hoicod's Saisaparilla, whose radical and $16.O God bFiIled Watelhes at $20. 12 100 codFidenough ogket b mo fm s Watýhes at $8.50. Everytb'iflg equnav l,-,%-. Cai ea i and Tlnugh !efforts (cfJ.Cuerel Port meiiel h ol.Tvmrelapo- et ý1(' i. ý l,ý,r Hopeý t liasG0ds sc daohrindu-,stry, whicli byfo ae rtaown where 1Hood'& get choice of Gooda.W w 1io be-,in oreriations, mauatr araailslas net proved ils merit in Silver Watches fo $2.00 up. ing ahests, ui dinig paper, board paper- more homres than one, in arresting and for boes, fur sacs s, cenent bags, etc comnpletely eradicatiug scrofuawI cl Wýedlding Rinýgs share the siamne ceut ipce. Everythilig Pisthe on v concern of the kind in Can- is almnost aRs serionfls and aismucli to be adauindwï!t1 ernploy ;0 to 10e mcn. feareli as its near relaïtive, ensumption ý must POlcl i gÎvingup __________ besod.gIifg 1ev James WNoodsworth, D D., Cor ZýEW 0 ASTLZre ail ai~~~d get P rices. ~ à resp)ondirg Secretary of Nlethodist Mis- JR.ihrwa uteCtrcety Leallaw.-g, ~~~~~~~~siors in the West, has returned fromaj R.FsewsinteCyrcul. Any goods net nsuaily in sto kwl v roue ta isit to Great Britain and Ireland. wherc Mrs Chaplin la visiting city friends. liec obt iined about 50 young men as pro- Geo Barifett recmntlyý visited at Col- * advance of 10 per cent on et. bationers for the rinistry in the North- borne, West I heinajority ofttienil)ave arivcd T. H. Gibson rectently visited in ~r Wacei lend50 o 5.iii Canada or are on their way. Toronto. Mainspriflgs 50o to 75c. Msr .A n .Goflo Mrs Wm. Mcntosli is visiting in 1 hereby tbank my numerolis custemers for liberai patron. eMsr ..ad1F odelwTorono. ébavpretdîsof d tersip J. F.eelPres, is aoIl. By ail d-t age during the last 42 years. hrverietos of d trh MîdJand.Erce res , ,jd-o-aCld uýîs tain the busi iiess, while C A. will con- Mis elweo)d lias relurned homne te ~O R ~ I ~ U centrate al bis energies in the publication s aue of thie Whitby Keystone, which is a vcery Mies ini1 enyvfiedB.mn L4 2 J Ucîcan and newsy local paper. vile ne Ieo.ds.edBjvnqn Oct 1.41-3m. PoWMNVLLLE _______ Miss' Elleen Tliogrnielias returned Better buy your boots andl shoes soon -from New York. for leather has been going up by lcaps Marsalali Welcli is visiing lis sister eeee and bounds of late Haïrnes rnal crs and Mrs. D). J Gibson leather dealers throughiout tlie counitry Dr. llawkîns, Canton, visited Dr. wîin Mail probability lav,ýe te miake an Fanncemnbrect utiv. 1.advan(-c iin the price cf al leathec goods ni. andr. ElIford, WeVlcomne, visit before long and if se tlie leatlier post ed at Jeo. Riukard's. cýard may take an indefinitc exitMisDniCbugisa usta Do a r ns sBactoriological Department cf Ont Mns. Pearce aud son Erie liave re-1 You wat H~nssof nyKin A ~ Agrieuittiral fciHege, basbeenstudaýing turned froinBriglitonl.t Pc s orCah. S~woula like te aseert-ain if the diseasýe lintliei dutinNla York. rtne ~ es ha W oesle nsiiîlar tothe oeeVc caused so much h-,;ifatber-in-aw,Mr. Perrin. dlainage last year, Pandl(lecwould like Mrs9.1urnlaam,Cobouirg, is visiting The undersigned firm lias decided to dis.ontinue the farrners troubled witb this disease te ber daiugliten, Mrs D. J. Gibson mail an affect cd petato îýnd stsLte at tlie 4~manufacture of harness and will close out thie present stock saine time if theyý were troubled withl arumaby Ma rtin bas moved ever inte 4~of Single and Double ilarness, Collars, Sweat Pads, and ni the soft or wet rot laýst ýear and te wbat MrsC L Bar;rett's vacant dwelling Se.JeBt the rot isp2rusenin the present M isFs Chî-istine Biagliara, Chlca go, la every part of llarness, Horsemen's SUrpplieS, Cur-iry Combs, u ý sason 's crep. îigher auntMs~~gtn 4~Brushes, Whips, Robes, Blankets, ius utrs, etc ; I____ t ensibîf v el, thet te n w STrunks, Valises, Suit Cases. HORBEMDCMN. t~rao h.Wlterae l HORRILE IDICTENT. Vite Tonie bas cuned se muanv severe Thsafrd nsaloprint o gtiga upyof cases la because it baUlds up tbe tissue Thinssfords uhnu a potnth ityfoe ttbing ra Strrj blser n hseUitdof whicb the humnan body ismade- it la harnes oranyting ou wnt l theUne t bi redctios. ted nt s iutdCounties are a natural tenie, compeaed of erbs, publsh te grndluroýra barks and fruits. R. M. iMtclicll & Ce, Spresentment te Mr justice Teetzel at Ce- druggista, keep it in stock, Il (I ~ bourg on the condition of the Counties' The Brown M Jll n arnesa o. n Gaol and- lieme fer Aged. Itisaterrible Royv Butler, accempanie~l by Mn. 33-f. lO MANVILE.~ ,atagory ef "deplorable conditions," Louglnridge-, Toronto, visited at lieme. B*MNVLE stating that "inniates and indigents arc Teaninig Down SignaIs does net delav lerded like animals"in Ç"quarters reeking stormsOid-laden 'lmedicines" May x.wjth bad odors." The hospital. "was a cbeek coiÏghing, but the cold stays. Do lioro 'FeMe'lnatica, indigents net tri ffle; wlieu You bgnt og _ and cenvicts were discovered aIl incar- taeAle' -ung Balsam. free fnemn cerate-i togetlier " It la presumed that opýium fuil ef healing power. a. . A A.A.. Gev. Sncîgrevebad te escort the s i Mn. and Mrs 1Iuali Gibson etr gruand jurera eut of doors -after slocking aodanmbne bi finan ent- thetlr sensitive o'factory ergans witb theîy i afores;aid "reking edors" thatpead Their eteato and groed et fect __ UVthe unloly precirncts ef hs horrible castle o iesse elymk bmapn e 1 ad set the cexpenFsive ýý iudiid ýin rapl»id fetk itl IJ.Tbev le a awlie uise mrotýi o eprevent asphyxiation aýnd t*en iem a~e' iteLvnPu a te prepare tem for anether venture inte we'llÏ)ce tenmed"Preto. N ew Buggies h rileplace as a d 1netn~a isWcnla libraV Muý iistbune ro = ~ h £ ~ 1f -Counciil-wilhaiojw undeistnd hy-bitts for B1"ffal h p -o .'fse mch whiskey coeinlat every session Neone knews îbutter tisu isse Wlio -an învîigorating antidote te those reek la e usef Caïrter'sý Litte Liven Pilla _4ý ~ ing eodors). When tley lad been fully wliat relief tbiey haveý given wlen taken .n In or in - irto m p. rnnm far a netw inie 1 â ,-avie. tevfoA 1'thp m-i iq-i, Ii..,î.,1 fur ,djnn i,. riiness Dan,,in s, VIF- -i Ea bse .-One Most Conpletel 'Stocks This Store New Furs, New Wrapperettes, New Blankets, New Neclçwear, Way To Economize Is to do your dealing at tflis store. You are always sure of the best quahity of goods, no matter in which dept, 'rou buy and you can rest assured that satisfying low prices mie rin every department What leMurtrySel Dry Goods Gro'cerîes Clothing His and Caps 1flctlurtry Wants Your Produce You bring your produce to this store and you receive youtr due bill and receive in exehange goods, at lowest prices, just as if you were paying cash. We ean hauidie any -quantity of Butter, Eg'ars and P\rnl-,trýy. rShowed. New Flannelettes, New Silk, Waists, New Lnderwear, Ne-w Glove, This Store Selis Priestleys Dress Goods-World Renowned. TIýs Stor-e [lave the Agency FoL Latest Styles in Empress Footwear. Thi stre ave Sole Agency For.,-,,th Cen-tury lVen's Clo1thing. Tfhis Store Selîs niany exclusive Lines Whiich Others Have Not, lEver New Linens, New Dress Skirts, New Comforters, New Hats, Fali and Winter 5to' I West End flouse.

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