INQX AC0OLD. THE ONTARIO Buisiness College, ELL,ýEVILLE, ONT. AI-,ÇLAf1': WITH TUE INSTI'ITE0O C1iAS EEDACC0UiNTA1M'5. Fr S yars CO. B O b»s majuitain- d h igîs tandard la C)rnmer- ialucto Send f or catalogue ,W.JOHINSON. F. . A. WEST DUJRHAM FAIR, PRIZE LIST, hstrPower, Williamnilso Brood sonl 2 ~ r ld fhyor ldmng -FUAllEin, W Wvilson, S. RUickard1 & Soi.. 1',- old fitly or giin- HI. Gro e~,Go. F A nuis, \VW Wilson. Entire colt 2 %rs- F. Benewtt, W Wils0n. Foal-FI. Gýreonlo sý, F Allun, WV. Wilson. Span -W. EJOwl, R VWcodiey, F . Hl. AGRIULTRALHouSES-Brood mare H- J. Hgncock. A. E Ciemens., John (' borne 2.yr old filhivor 2oldin,--H. Greenless, J. J.Ormiston, D Hoddon. i %,r oid filly er gelIding-A E Clemens, Di Ileddon, A're & ou. Foal-A. E. Lewis, A. E Ciomens, 11, J flancock. Span-A. E. Lewis, John Davis & Son, T. Baker & Son. CARRIAGEHORSES. lab- I 1i Iand 2.1 Berkmhirc, boar-S Snowvden, W P Ricbh. Sow-W P RZich. S Snov den 2 and 3. Boatr undo-r 112 and ovor G mos -S Snowden 1 an..-!8, W P Rich 2. Sowv under 12 and over 6c mos-S Snow- den 1 and 12, W P Rich 8. Boar under 6 ms-S Snowdon I aid 2 Sowundor 6; mos -S snowden 1 and 2, WIP ltieh. Large white boar-T J Cole 1 and 8, W Allun & Son 2. Sow-T J Cole, 1, 12, and 3, Boar undor 12 mos aud ovor 6 mos-T J Colo. Sow under 12 mos and over 6-T J Cole 1 sud 2- Boar under 6 mos-T J Cole Iland 2, W Aluin & Sons 8. Sow under 6 mos-T J Colo 1, 29 and 3. Col will Bros. recelved prizes on Tam. worth mwine as follows: Boar 1 2 3; Hsow 1 2 8; boar under,1 yr 12-, sow under 1 ýr 12; boar under 6 mos 1 2; sow under 6 mos 1i 2. Bacon hogs-TJ Colo 12,8 Snowdon 3. POULTRY. Judge-Rev. S. T. Bartlett, Coîbarne. S J JaC'KMan; ngblood boots, W RGulter, A L Pssooe; bliQod rurnIp boots, Richard4s and Cox, S Snowden; parsn<pý, C Flet- cher, John O3borne; long socariý-t radjah, radieh, S J Jaokman, Hl Fletcher; to. inatoos, W Ada~s, Richards and Cox; sweot corn, C Fla3tcher, H F'"Itoher; long red niangoids, E BeImga, Richards and coi; yellow mângoldo, J F Osýborne, Jonas S2,mis; white carrots, D Heddon, Geo S Cocheane; long red carrots, Rich- aide and Cox; short rei carrots, W AlIlu and Sons, RIchards and Cox; turnîpii, D Iloddou, i Leak; tablosquaeh, S J Jack- mnan, Âyre and Sin; hubbard equash, A R Vice, CFletcher; pumpkitns, Rich- ards and Coi, W AllUn and Sons; citron$,, R Fltcho, OFlether;ayklnd pots. toeoe, D Heddon, Ayre ind Son; Col]. potatos, A IR Vice; lsrgest squash, C Fletcher, Ht Fietchor; AssorÉment vege- tabies, C Fletcher, Richards and Cox. FLOWERS. Judge-Jaâ. Phip, NewcaF;;ieý. Co11. groohoulie pleants, S J Jacknian, Mrs. G C Hïaines; window planta H Flet- cher, Mms Haines; dahlias, S J Jackman, SUFFERINO OE Filld Health alld Strength in "I consider Dr. William3' Pirik Pille a moat marvellous medicino," sys AMre Louis Turcott, 665 PapineRa Sstreet, Montroal. 'They restored meto health and strongth. when I was in a most hopeless condition, and alnost despaired of recovery, My trouble began a few 3urs aZo, when I passed through a sovero iilness, fromi which 1 did flot re- gain my accustomed health and strength, thongh I had the vers' bost of care and troatmont. 1 seemed to grow woaker overy day. 1 was pale and emaelatod, had no appotito could hard- IV-go about, and found my life almost a burden. Lt seomod as though my blood had turned to wator, and my nervos seemed completely shattered. Ail the timo I was under, modicai treatment, Are You Aware of the Fac That you get moro SOLID VALUE PER DOLLAR when you ïnvest it in a package of hioh ilagree is SI1IMPLY DELICIOIJS. TRY THE RED LABEL. TE MSONCO1% Bowmanville 'i