IS a3 critica-l a time a any in hog raising. The litter eaing cf rmaiy sows is largely due to bad feig causing a constipated anid irritable condition. The Sows digestive organs shculd bix.p free and open to prevent this fevered and hâtter eating condition bhy feeding Cly d es aie tok Foo-ý,d Besdes making a better flo ýf milk owing, to the better blood circulation. This means more and better pigs, as a healthy appie tree gives more and better fruit than a diseased tree. For young pigs it makés moreoe and muscle on, which to -put fiesh, and nothing better for staiin~g and k-eepýing Punis gro-winlg. Its ingredients are absolutely hamlssad pure, and if you are flot satisfied with resuits your moncy -ieheerluy refunded by the de4aler. CARBOLINE ANTISEPTIC MAKE.'S THE PlOS ANO PENS GLEAN-. CLYDESAES ToCK Foon COMFAY, IMITED, Tcrft, Ot A CU-T INDIGESTION. Acte tadige&tien ma y mesuli froni maay1ý, but ulea it telleiva iinnetintlyupon a Iolitiay trimai, i i l uunly attrilutalle te overdis- tenition) et the stomadi, aggnavateti, per)lapa, ly 1lJ)c prosence et sucl 11adigeatihi]e ihinga as paatry anti pluin puidding. It eccurs n lîtie ottenler ta cliltirrn, lut in iem. it la rel !y se serions la its conse- quenics aw it us in aduits, for flan- sai ta mere rendily induceti ant imore premrptly yie:1ded te, anti as seen as île stemnac1l las get nid ot Its Inn- >dtin, î1le trouble is rt an ent]. An admîtj, on tac ether liant], strugglos againsit the feeling et oppression, anti ohý intensifies it w'Iile seeking te melieve it ly takiag stiunuhating potions. Ini maay cascs tic first indication efthîe disturlance ta less et conadi- enancas or n violent convulsion ne- aerabling aiu epieid tenznre. -Somne- titues, indeeti, -t la difbit te dis-, tinguisi île attace from n car fe heant failune or an apeplexy, for loti tec ondtitionsî are favoreti b y evernadullgei ce.' A distinction is j'dliýiinizy f(ýor faaltermina- quit incl e- at eas beorea snseofdiscentoort has eenprouce, ad rornsîculti alunys le nhlouet] for île secretion efthîe gastric juice, uhiel ta an adîtht etten amnoîtats te ncarly a quart. Wlcn the unlîs et thr ston- ach have brion disteadet] te ther ut- meat cnpacity by foot], île additi on -ot se mîtel fliit uouid seeni et itl enougl te intime île attack; or if e instenîlon prevecuts -tle secretien oflte flnit], ns t ties niormal nus- ulai- novenîruts, tie proem et tii- ,,stion is deînycti, the foot] us me- aiet] tee long ta the, stemadi, it adrosalmommual decomposition, ilammîat ion is tinceti, anti tus cx- tendiag te h ml ntsiera lent] te more pretracte] ilinesa. Inl tic- trentinrat et acute indiges- tion, tic produc tio et o nausea sbint le t( averet. Wlon vomriting o ccur!i s, it al nît] bel checketi un- til tir htmc as bon -relieveti ot its but-doen. If it docs net occur spottnieoulyit shoulti geacmahiy ît ucetsconsesson a cosîvuIiien Inas supe-rvene, a physician ninat le- caillti vithlout tiehay, for it înay le nedessumydi te ritmiaistet an risatic Volleuing ihis, a laxative ta gem- emal]ygia andtihîe tiet for n fou ti s !islîiteti te easiiy digestible, /air!tatng oot] Mîilk, et course, us tIcsa, a ferm et nourislment,: except fer those with whon ht roes ]lot ng'cmnid tIe addition to it cf a liti lIme-un ofe Vichy ull et- toni r*einiove ail objection. 110W TO STAT WORK. Su qi t L nc ta1ýlki yeur clair, tie boty 1looseov tle wit, thrn thei Ion-d(ing i lutte forwarti ulen unit- ingl is net inijurionis; for reat]ing et- nretieuo l it s net ncceaaary. Tbia >Pose tVil! sen le touat far lesa fa- - tigning 1than tîip"buîtching" up toit .stooping forti, andt1iei irpreve- mii la anlsape anid crnge oetihe ligure ulill appmoxnmatiie île dignifioti bearing et our getgntmtes wbo ucre a!! trainodt] tesit Ia ibis uay. 1;Is la ot hem a momient sng- orltt tlntone b-a tVever "leounge," simply tînt a sitting po- rsition for any leangtl et tue sheulti bonteforegoing bines. TO SECURE PROPEIR HEST. If only uomea coulti relax ilcy wumlt] eat more it ri minutes tIra in leurs et se rillet] resting ulti tense muscles. Oltri, aite lyiag tiown Ion an leur, a uomen will get -np snying tînat sIc tricha more tiret] -ilan befere. YNoa uendier; hem mnuscles ucre unrelaxeti. Hest i hl- eut relaxation isý impossible. Lot tIhelot], coudh, on clair bran the i bhoe Wigît t oîl4e betiy imal!gine tint yen lave netthîe power wtelift a liail. Loosca tic tension lotI et mmnd anti body, ant inlautshort >time yen arlîl teedreneti strengîl.j At tle first indication et tipI- ilenîn in the thrt-onte a clilti make tiermoom close; take a Un cîtp andt pour into an equal quaatity of tan andt turpentine; tIen bold the cup over a fine se as te tlll tle rooni with the- fumes. The patient, t inIl haiing tic fumes, 1 ill cougli anti spit up tic membraneenis ini1ter anti île dipîtieria xvil! vaiss (,11TIc fumes oethîe tan anti turpeatîne iles- ariatti' trouble ta lhe tirent, ant1i l.tInsa(îedrt1e lief tha4t lias lflt île sk I et hy\sdlamir te îe If n chut] Is Iinjuret] or stusinetil y a taîl or a bleu, tale iim nt once te îl ,e open air. La-p on lis lnck, thelient] slightly bigler than tiebot]y. Put colt] union or tc about tle lest] anti prep-aie a lot nînstard bath for île fret. If the chilti rema as ilan stupor it may le necsmary te apply marin mater te tie bod]y. TIe ame treatment shonît] le givra te an admît, theugi it Oaa lie more ienoic. rOR OVER SIXTY YYEARS. lins. Winslow's Sotlî!ng Siyruehas ibeen omet] ly millions et neihers for thein chiltren uhle ieething. If dis. turbeti ni night anti inoken Of Y'e)ur resi by a sick cdut] eufhering anti dry. Ing miii pahn cf Cutiing Teeth, send ai onoce anti get a Ioule of "lins. wins!ow's Soothing Syrnp- for Gît!. dren Teihing. It ui!1 relieve the paon u-Itie -sutleren -_tnuxndiaielyf.-De-- pend upon it, retlers, tlire la ne istrike about it. I cures Diarrhoea, rýegniaetic stoinnol anti bowe!a, cures Wind Colio, softens île Gunis, reduceri nflammtiation, anti gives tene cnt encrgy ta île wlole systin. "lira. Winailou'e Socthing Symup for chiîdroui terithing is pheasani te the triste ant i thîe Prescription et oe oh thc oldesi anti bat frinale physi- clans anti nurses ln the United ~etates. Pride' tweaty-rlve cenmts a bottle. Soit] by ail!t]muggists thmoîîgh- outi tle ucnit. Be sure anti asis for "Mca. Wunslow's Soothing Syrup." THREE MONT7îS FOR GOWï bin Who Shot Boy in Dummer Muai Go to Jail. tPeterborougl *deapaichsanys:- Chas. G ou, hont]gîdIlty cf iman- sianghor :ni the DîtimLier sleoting, traget]y, uns on Thîmrstiay atternoon sentenceti by lis Lor]mbip, lin., Jus- tu-reStiýet, te a terni of tlre.u mentIs in île deunty jail. Ilis Lorc'ship. int] livern thîe se-,- trace, raid tie prisoner aras foittît - - 1guiliy of 11inug tir shot whihl lelh' thîe boy, lot tle jury lad iteugît t a strong recominmdation ton mercy. The m.'hole agetieSystem E13 On tice' tiondut, it appcars tht deranged and the blood tia-re are îanay fircarîns inii îl1e aig-- I paisoned, bonbooti. h is uecssnry tint sm sulsiauitial î,untsimnît saculd îUc Dy thtir direct anti cembisistiantion on kid.nuantet uinter te îianiv the ic tu- ,iver ril voe disotsuriraethsf hinitlng cflino leuetesystum, pniytheSIc ooti anti prue___ ____ Iront anti cure serions diserte. liR. B. H. BABŽrÂavY, paînter la île D.A.R. 'HE CONSUMIVE CURE. ehoa, eavileN. S., ta'xo: "Ihava nard . D'r. Chase'a Kidney-Liver PuIs for a nnîrbor et years Lancrit Ieprecates PuLbidiy Given uýhenevr I would get conu te Investigati on. s 4p2teti anti moiter freinkid m-y pains anti derangemonts A Londtin respatch says: Thli Lanc - oh the digestive asrem, anti ct aJo:-"hi et. :Behring us a Itatie- havealun muse t lmitr S5 in spbîni Jrecord ef pasi adthiiove- i½r . 30 imnt] Wrlay hope tînrt 1lis, con- lh oteers in pronouneîicng 1fit1,ienceI ,N_ ~tle anexcehea medcîn ta us ua mersavil one pillsficisntt o set iier iht cnn u eronotr geî lMa. BÂRNAYat]amnee îinaMMWAY box Ulhct iil a et ie ea etth~epila .L ta bouse. Icosiertini inesi'[jîol icî iîe piet c lestmediny t'ver îuset." ." , e Dr. Cliae'sKdnUULves Pli, ntpii tre iY i ey fan îm cenpwete dear 2 M s. j baiahlmeteudeahrs.Tgeprat Mlu soung tir ienviaheiiy (f0 anti signatucf Drl. A. AVCbhss, île tamous premnature pulintýî,île!t an-etIeut reccpi b'ols aibe;aî'an Oery box. - Iplai zes tue act ha1 t1la î,lcu-'1, Dr. hea'e.aekcheplaater corcJnqurpamaaott rs î1esîo î '- ' anti aules, lumbago aI remtsu,. u i You rannot ha oxuîeCLcod te bve fijînss b.iIet'a Cguu jn ue h Ln ol. a ane for Cole, Ccusu nid aIl dismeausof the air Passages if yen 1 ava Pat ried il. We lavefa ith i1. M r le ra'uviace yee fiat it wiiI cure yen we sterantec, il. If ut doent rure yau ilceuto yod nashn. fi il don il cotte you 25c. Tha's fsit. Trsil h ta-day. tua oared may heuandi of the paît aIante e-t, ad Nwe deoct hesiiata un Say ihat h will cote auCold, Co.ugh,Ib1roat or Luntoubl. If we d o e iev his i, aculd nutt guare il n-ulIt , c .dSitibu lasd aenobrolura1 recaord of succeso for ihiy yffrr. lu bas seood1 cocu-y possible test wuuloutfi lIota. u't thatprtot, of irs curative prapeties. Furtber1 Aiaph, Pa., writes- I eat a bUtle of ShileW's Conqumptios Cure an l à d lveno' beiciial. 1 have tues childîe end theýy hd a ýterible caiugh. 1 gave thein 1v -.01gI oud tbýinlc of, but they got no bette! anti!h o-aevain -'h . bnhiaboatik of Slilh. W gae itte t0ciý îldren wheethey Vwanst i cý.sn ha'slc t aU i uiht. 1h rond thre zonley. i sa swsys 'kecp ni je th SETTLERS' LGW RATES WEST. TIc Chicago anti North We.stern Re, uill sell lou O-ne mmv secand ci;ass set- tiers' tickets dalla 'rom Se-ptýembrir 15t1 te Octon r is t, 1905, le points la iiUtal, mont-ana, Nevtia. Iah, OrrigOn,' WasLviDgto0D Caitornia a iBritiol Columnbia. Rate t.-m Tororîto te Vaut. couver, Victoria, New WestinserB C ,, Seattîi, Washimgtn n oniast Oregon,*42 25, te Saii Pr e CO r Lus Angeles, Cal. $14.00 Crcpn]ni lo-,v nattes frem inal ceints b;Canada. Choiefr fmutes. Brnest f vieFor hall partiehars anti tolders uiete B H.Benett, General Agen.ts, 2 Eutst Kinsg St, Toronto, Ont. 35-7w; STRUCK A FLOAIIfNG MINE. Britishi SteaDmer Destrvoyçýd axsd Fitteen bien Are biissinig. A Toki9 esa hsas-Ateot received t Moi sats tattheB, tiali seae( Lh'sruka lat rminle nifty 1milesstof.I ISz. tung Ligh.thouse on Sept. W0M the crew anid p sngrs iten arel"re- poirted missing, amna n thei tua I fogn eflgwfeer8 1barrot] on accetu-ttoft tratlh-o-mn on, eton otien di'-eîîts etfthe oye iauniberet Iraxi 2,291 atntiâ-3 vweu-o driarrot] by rea- norc son et nervous tiseases. emites antic these, 86 pensons atere returnedti tertonfi île ports w'hece they carne. 0f tire! ticIl tot!ltieponteti 113 w ccc on île W est tale Coast. te tID _____'lTht GATTLEIE HFT SCAN--DAI. saen- -- teryc Opernitins ohfRiders Along- île Border Exruoned. A. t]spatch fmorn lange, N. T). says: A big seasation is lu'euini)n the ileethwestmiwhtcl proisies te lui > ve!bve inary ueli kitowa mon un a conspiracy te mustie along tIe North o.a Dakota, liontana anti Canatiana2Ze Excess, bordera. nia ir2- theê aOW D USTTI6dOru FEEDING THE CHICKENS A NJGHT CAP JAPANî'WELCOME, Takce two Beecham-f's Piisone- cees fGeaEthssm a INSTRUJCTIONS FOR FATTEN- tiring and avoid a oniii effe enofGetsTa.nhsisi ING THEMI IN CRATES. from a late mieal. Thien o u will_ A 'mari0 epnc fy-V0-A Bulletin No. 7. leals With Feeding s e oii1, aWaken with a n'irai Sir Gerard lleiiry Noee, coin- an Peprig outr fr clear head and a higli opinion madn ieEitish irquadron -o a M Pearketo. r fr o h getsonahrmd at Yokohama, and a numerous suite, eiret arrived here on Thursday by sppcial 11 Sprng chieks usaally bring about 9 train front Yokohamia, and was re- aen cents per pounid live w eigit, ý ceived at theoraiîroati station by when sold wthout special prepara- oticiis. After an exchango of tien. A littie feeding wili give thein e greetingir the, brîtsh Admirai andi4 an extra market v alue whether sold -z"'J i party entered Imperial carniages A alive or dressed, and wiii pay Weil and wero driven through the streets. forthr trubl. her usa god Sold Everywhere. libxet 2 cents. Ilinod by thousandir et people. to dernand --hïs xear for a gooti quality, Hlibiya Park, where the Mayor ef hbut dealers do rsot want the poor Tekio gave a garden party ia honor I scrub. Farmers wtt! do Weil to put of the distinguished visitons. their chicks on the market in geedlbarley and run- bcwha. 5- The streets were decoraleti with condition; one csdn makie a pound of! we part s goni banley, two, parts fiags and flowers -to an exteat whtch chicken ns chuinply as lie can ma'e a, IeW grad(e l ur, on part wlieat recalied the rejoicings ovor the J ap- 1peund of pork or beef, and the dit- bran. 'enese victro-i'-s in the Russian war, ference shows in the price. If you The meal sboti lebcmixýed tO a the diZfrence to-day beingthat the haveflot customers already, ship thil por'idg.e iwitIl thI k sour skiam i ritish Union Jact w as everywhere enly to roliable produce mratmik or batt-.rmiik1. Othle ioragein evidence. hfelgofdpsio If shippiag alive one imust allow for 10 lits. of mieaj reqýuire fromi 15 tol ef the last few weeks had cempietely considerable shrisikage. 17 lits. eof r km iik. A qmaii disappeared, and lad beem repiacad TIIEFATEIN CATS quanitity ()f satit shotil e tidded. by onie of buy.îni-t gooti lumor. TIIE ATTEING CATES Whenl sufficient ski;m ilk or butter The programme iacluded fircworks, in use at the illustration stations, miik dannet le)!ebtalinei for mixing fencing,- iu-jitsu and wrestling. are 6 ft. long, 16 in. wide and 20: the miashei, aiai ntl ii raw v egetat- Many banî1i playeti continueusly dur- in. bigh, inside measuremeuts. Each hibe foo] hlîoddd te the ra-ý ing the athletic exercises. Prior to crate is lividcd ly two tigîht wood-2 tien. the commencement of the programme em partitions into thrce compart-! DonatiOBon tIll e niat-hle Mayor deliveed a speech of wel- monts, and ecd compartment hoids chiekens 5ýhould remainî in the crates comne. Hie said lie was honored and f our chickens. The iramie pieces are net more than 24tay.Some W iil delighted to receive an Admnirai ef a 2 la. w ide, anti 7-inch thick. This fatten imoiereadi-i than clhens. nv ihsc nlin itr trame ta covencti with siats, placed. These ahoulti le picked eutlaweek and beionglng te a country whicl ieagtlwise on threesindes, bettom, before finishedJ, ani dunn tis last Japasi was, prend te call ber aliy in back, and topntin nt onon week h u 1S uit fea littie beet ,uardiag the pence et the Orient. :Re fr-ont. The sýlats fer the beol Li are ll, shavet io ie le iog aieing regretteti that Tokie was unabie ~ ta wd, nt ~i. hik;te bnck, witb the iamash, aot1 b t mlwaore adeqnaîoîy te express ihe sin- top and front siats are thIe samne, per day te 5 or GOciees cerity ef lapan's -welcom:xe. Admiral inch spacca betweetî the saas in were entlasiastically appiaudeti. fronît enable the chickens toeaot Bfr hecikn are pîncet int Duning the day about 1,000 Brit- frent the Irongh. The boiton slsats!t rthe rvbeyeouffli1- -weiidustet i sh sailers and marines as'rived lene are 1-1 la. apart, anti the siai sîcar- WZith anîphir te k'il! t1e lice. They and were everywhere ireaieti wiih est the back is 21 in. frein île cern-:1 ahoulti le sihrtiaa thrce daystegatttrndip er piece. The betteni lats are plac- befere leingkled A dininer attentied by one husatred eti on the top of thc bottoin pieces ef Tlie Firsi ek-etitei iglilyBritish offiters was givra ut the the trame te prevent the chickenis' !thc first week. A smatll unity Of Mapie Club at nigi. The ndinier, feet 2beiag bruised whea the crate ir fod ahould le ted aýlon)Ëg the whicl was served by Japanese girls, piaceti on the greunt. The top trougîs; as this is c-atea, atiti more, daintily -costumod, wns folewed by slats are 2 indhes apant anti the but net as mnuci as ithe chickens an. infrmal danuce. The town ai back siats 1l imol. The top siats w enld consumne. Theyý sheuild le led' nigît uns brilliantly illuminatedi. are cut above each partition and six! nad the trougSleanetanpd tmmid strips Ùvtueiches ulie are aailed uva-i ven three timres a diay.Gvethini don heni rhotîrc doos sefemmd w ttwice a diiuý anti grilt tue orHOT ROI) FOR MENINGITIS. are htnged to the rean cerner piece. thre(,(,times a %veeký. The cratea are placeti on stands 16' Balance of the tm:Tecikn inu. fri the groîînd. The rptg .iîiih iru wrcadyn uhPyiinApplien Ileroîc Cure tIo are receiveti on santi or ether abson- fod as they uiii cat. H7ait-,an heur Tortured Boy. lent material. A ligît -V- treuglihatr edigte rugh holtbe A Pîtînticîphla tespatcl says:.-A 21 in. insirie, caried on tue brackets cleaneti anti turneti over. VW ater anti treatînent appliedti t a case et cere- nailedti thie ends of the crate, is git should ho supplioti as i' the firsi I re spinal suteningitils ly Dr. Otis L., placet] in front of ecd crate. The ueek. Wingaie, lins awakened the interest letton efthîe trough is 4in. abeve l"EATIIERM PLUCK1'ING, et local aedical circies. Hie ns cal!- tle floor andthetI upper n mde edge ta cd ta on WedaIesday te attend Harry 2 la. froin tth crate. Chiekens fattenting ta crateýs soine- Sehuebel, 'en year oit], eoftNo. 817 SITUA~TION OF CRATEi . tues pluck tle feathers frein onei Buckneil street. Dr. Winýate ceuiti In Warin urather the crates sheuit aoter1It hbi'scast by an flnd ne trace of tetanus, aithough the irritation ef the noots oet the (2teos byslc n ett rno le placet] eutdoora in a sheltereti resuligfenoenett loi o a baack a bntithe orneo position. T1i unsettieti aena r1i s parasites.ilhe reetiy us i,,te ritnore leti n acrfl igoi ativisable te construct a rougi the atfecteti chickens ,antd in thcepoeuîe ynpes e board shelier te shed the nain: or otesmr kmmi ienms-nieniagitis. othrie dosense lad reacletin tstage tle crates mi ht Ce carniedt]taieaes, or atit]animai:l ani vgtai oo]icTh diemnad rîeacme atagroe shedi or Carna. Durngcolt] ueather toe traitiea1. if tctobe is hch. ad te o d eide the rates tl-nît] be placet]inta acne yprsts i îtsoal rea tmenott, anti Di-,Wiuoa--te Wartn built]iiîîg. Abuntiat ventila-, feund amoglte -wýhite po den iat-tersntetc Caaetni" - tien us requ-ire t a îtins. ter ut the brase of the qutîl A su d(ision aas made la île boy's lack, luIntirer te have île ciicl'en plum-,piur anti lard oinitmeîïî s hou;lte leantithe rod, Iheatet] se as te hur anti lit for île market when aitice, appliedti t the attecteti parts. spinaleluu. Te ttr was vnetd ln ine meat profitable age, tley should lesia'olm.Teefetwsvr put in the cnates whent fromt tInte te - -------- tually instanianeous. The muscle s, four nientîs oit], tieugli suitaîle uhîch lad becoe r igiti, relaxeti anti mraket 'fhickens et an3 age uilî $100 REWARD, $100 île limbs ucre no longer tiawn bnck- show gains la îhe craies. Select for' wand ly -le ternible pain. The pa- tatteaiug chickens tînt -aie et med- Tha readers eftis paper wiii le plcared to tient regaineti conscionaness ant is ta jinn size, et a broati square shape, thau sene h ee0nabltcu dcr elippnetl oatcien t Ompst uwitb short straigît legs set Weillsteges, and that la Gatarnit 1Jlil's Catarrh receveny, apani, anti above ah uili n geeti Cure is the oly positive cure lnown to the -- censtîîîîeu. iedical fraternity. catanrh teing aconstitu costtuio.tional rîsease, requîrea a eoiMititnional treat- A PANIC IN MOSCO W. EQUIPMENT FOR FATT.IENING. ment. Hlall's Cassrrh Cure la takýl ninternally, jacting dlrectly ulion the blood t] aý ntueounastar- ltis ativisabie te use the crates faces eft ie system, thereby tieatroytng the Entire Famnilies Are Leaving the on0 doscnîbeti in Bulletin No. 7. If eaîy -un1datioti of t hies, o iigVs ain orse a simil aumber are te îe'tatteneni, a-6the ong naturetin aud Tils woOld Capital..stolei packtmg boxes ofsuitalle diesosprictors havegose uh fstbh lu its ou.ýativ he t.Petersburg correspondent nantie ana le atiapîtd for île purpese. The PuwrSteýs tl tey offer One H1uaeoirs Dollars fer et T12e. London Times cables:-Tle ning oenratop et tie box may le matie the M an as .a 5tlst ur.Snifrl fexpecteti extension oettice stnike pensot letton ci île craie andi one aide A(idreos1, F. J. Ousav &ri. Toledo, 0. nevement ti Mescow Ieliowiugîl'the t shouit] le neruoveti for thc front. SOIt 4Y D nggist@, 75c. recent tittunlance las causetiseime- Fo L.atisîhs itlde naileti up anti tiwn Taltà H,11%' Famtly Fille for constipation. thing like a partie. WhVle f amilies oet r tle front anti îengtlwtse efthîe craie are.dearrting thce lti capital. Trains raidec te forin the doer. The latîs are put arrive here creudeti anti roternala- the st thei saine distance ripant as__recoin- DIAXJNfSN:EA.R,_"50" inoat empty, lut île authonities ap- itî meteiin tle construction ofthile pareyeepe meerintouveble. kets, tnttening crates. A board aloulti bë xloi Parties BigSent Oi tie e epneit aebgnamerl loosnet la le op e reeveîle xplrin Sout Biigat St. Petersburg, but île city ta ne- Uniti chien, ant;i ie tp tornlamve tein a c f iGelins. manîaîîy quiet. This ta probally la frnti. A-haitng boart] anti slip- A tiespaidl ta-on tini Ste. Marte, dite te tic extraertitnary tolerance ofro p'ing boxes ire also e rc4ireti. Ont., says:-It ls-a ilmetiby1) pros- île Goverament towarti public mort- andti FATTENINGRATIONS. peciors thnt diamnatý ifantiranets ings, uhicl are daily fild ta île van A saisfl_-nr, ra!'lave borin teunti a loiu ilnotl t fjlua acat]enuic establishmentsata A satifn~t on ra i o eçtînt ts cii3. Ceasidemalie edheen hieh poiiticnl view's anti opinions H is palatahle ;caItitnt utl preduce a prevails as a resoît. Epoigpar etf evesi the nemi advancedi claracter uhite ei.(,ai S, tluely grounti or lies are bcing organjizet] tei osearci arc treely expresset]. EntIer JohnGe with the coar-ser ihuila sitetd ontAlgoma district for gemas. Ticeole. etofKionsta ht is preching sermons ei aloulti forai le Ihse t al] île gical tiepantinent ulîl as ae up againstthîe reorm miovenment. grain ixýtuires. Grounti erted ithe investigation. A exceas utl restlt in a yechou, tIl ________ eE R'shiRTIN go et infeier quaiity; greunt]peas A EA 'SiMMGtAIO. gn" part a hartinessa tnt a nt des!,- Nothîng To Fear. interr able. Grounti enta, buokuleat, b1tan- 117,271 Arrived ai Can.adian Forts dhiets loy anti bu grade fleur are île mt i neihaete eiaev --611. Were Deponteti.tî suitable meais, 4tesne ae ýciaiyi h Snisaror lraI Mituc:r otnunî ivCa 1li'sC I An Ottawa tieapatcl says:-For 1 tuer, Fern Pot of Silver This 8-îinch Fern Pot i a striking illustration of the unequalled values Diamond Hall can offer cuIJtoMers through having its own factories. The article is of first quality sîlver plate in Colonial design off hand pierced effect. Witl, a lining of ric h-colored green potter Y, it sela complete for $5.oo. And Diamnond Hall would return the înone(y if by any chance you were flot satisfied. I2YI2E BI2OS. -LIMITE D- 134-138 V1ONUE ST. TOI2ONTO - ONIT. a charge oet mcceiviag stelen es, !nouing tîem te laie, bora an. A pomme, pursuiug cattle ors killeti a mn ubo u'a rua- 011 nfflohrd ef catile, anti on lia nt uni-e tount] letters mhich led he' Lankem's ai'rest. )r tîrei yeama an organizeti bandi cattlri anti herse thlever Ihavo t] thc lerd etofmanchons anti n steck te varions loca!ttiis, uleno as- leno 'dippecd tyo itrnmn- îlte proceetis bleing nlivideti ug the cliquer. Ih la saidt] tît a ut] States official anti sevemIl inent business mnaare tavelveti expesunes arc t]aily expocteti IOTTENTOTS RUSH CAMP. man Offider s and Soltiiers Kili- ed by Assailants. tiespatcl te a Lontion lieu -'y f-on-i fle lo'T',-.u,,-, na, a nana fnom Ossington givecm tle miatiem thaitite Hottetntot s, Marengo anti Morris capturefl Genauticamp ni Jerneulcmn, le- Y PI80 CA'fRN 01HET en Warmbad anti Santitft, Senti- O KD t NRT-ET Atnica, atter severe fighiing, la HOMESTEAD REGULA"'IONS. Ia lieutenant, five seidiers antid N Y even numberei se'tion cf -mner miere kthled on tIse domiïin a Dominion Lards In Matîttoba or the anti cightitannatone soctousîy'rNortl west Prcvuîcea, exceptire t a t ii2, uot reserved, me ylebomeatea cedle îuày pereis stiit, 'leho 'lottenitots, h le , whoisa leisole lent] f a amliy. or auuy m.ale -t], soflereti ne bases, anticap over ta years et age, So tie exiett f eequai ter d ahi île stockl andtihti stor-es. section ot 160 acres, more or Ions. « yEntry miay le matie peraoalyaStite Iota! cal Germians ure capturet b land] office fer tiee drnn I riii tue nuit is Hotitentots, lut ucee ahouedt] tesituiate, or ifîlie lcmu'atîadac droes, ba im1y, rn n-ten thc lad bora disamnauti, 0" iauniieshen to the Miutater of theaTnteto' îng te Gea. von Tretha., Gover- Winnipeg, or thlhca! agent receivo autlity of Germias Seniti w est Att ica, freont soins eue to maksentry for bleu. comander. of tîletercet,, a hot- The iuomesteadt'c h nîqoîret 10perforai the, conditioîîs onnected tierewitl entier cite of froîn Chieft Mfarengo, statimgtîntht thse toliowing piana -lot-gatots ucre ta a position te (m At lest six moiýti0' reaideece ope.- anti the offensiivb anti wcuit] fight ceultivatior, et tiacinteaci year foc- tIrse te bitter ont]. peara. Lego ciison at Nkaas las bora i lt If tte fatier (ou-mohli-, if t'.- f, !lar 1 ngiheiiot] ly 900 n-arn, anti abat- fermIn tse viut tte ofthe irdîs]a pn1 oh artihhery. rrL-tements s tSe sidouice îti) ati afl' it' l, auch pzrsota resiairitgitiýl!Scftrro - motîter. a iî ut 1i iunas. ti,' ncntttstc ,uri m3i t, ail of Îuliellea t te ontumu tion V%7.i W.e ap!yfe01,i it, n6anity and nSu cidy grave.*- asiO c,ý et.-... -. . eingineers,.and otb'ers whoreai7e Uic advisabil. ity r their Pte.t buiness' treesacted b prta. Prelimlînaryadvice free. Charges moeas. ureinventdr's Advîesent"' nr request. Marion & Marion, Nte* York l.fe BZld, M.ntreal; and Washington, D.C., U.8-Â. DoinionLInoi STEAMSIIIPS. PROPOSED SAiLINGS Montreal to Liverpool Dominon ...Sept 23 Ottawa ... .Sept 10 Ktensington-. Oct. 7 T'n CAAD~A la the fastest 5te~aier i- Zhu Canadian trade. holding i. record of 5 dsiys, 23 bonis and 48 minutes bteen lnishowen Head and Fathe, rAPlst. Midsblp Saloons, EleetrIe, Lights, pe and Comfort . Rates. Pluat Class-$70.00, Second Cls-4.0rid npwaî ds according to steamer tnd bsh Third cIa2s-27.5o to principalBI h t GIitidren:-Yi: A Clsss, under 10 and oiver t1" ilaif lare; underl1year free. Seeoîîd lass. u,,,;çsr 10 river 1 v-ar' halfl are; under 1 year fi te. For al Pa. Lîculars as tu fret ght and passage Ipply 10 ,H. A. JAMES, Agent, Bowmanville, Ont ALLAN11LIR Liverpool and Londonderrv ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. FROss MesNvERî;- Tunisian.........riday, sept. 22, q a mi Victorian........... ', " .1 2,ams Bava-ian....... ...... . Oct- 6, 5.30 a mn Vurginlan ........... 18, Tuîtoian.............. 27, Rates of Passage --ciretUa<bn-675, and upwart]', accu t-it gto stetamer: Secouit] Calta, Lîverpoci etut L,0.- denderri' *42.5o q45.00 *47.50 Lort]-n S2.50 extra. Tht'd Glass, 827.50, Victoria. aud Virginian 628i. 75. MONTREAL TO GLAS OOW DIREGT-. Mongobian ....... Timursay, Sept fi, dviî 'Ionisan ........ u28...... NEW YOIRKvO GLASGOW. Paristan........... Thnrsday Sept 2a, tram Nu-aidin ......... - Oct. 12, 1 hiin For Tickçts and Eveny Inforiti .lion Appiy te Bowmauuvlle. vu. i. 1îeiiey, asair ettac urs taA ,g5un'yaldXîiîts ovr nalled in uplain1NB Uuauliortzed îanblîcatiOn tttiu] Nato-a Bn e ilitevas Z rpckugCaeeilîtOf pri-1 ti.raýpht vertiaeauient asi met hb2 pait ferý rteion Tnesdtay anti boue t] ever -fi QCWa t] Modine Cour Wind.uor, O'oci7 es L1ene vil1I not clean-and do it better, more quickly and more economnicallyr than anythinig elsé can. You are net serving your best interests if yoii're tryingto keep house wTithout GOLD DUST. OTI-ER GENERAL 1 crbine ficors. washing çlothe an didshes. chleanIng Wttod- USES FOR I 01r 1 o cloth. stlverware andi tinware, polfsihtngbrasrs, GOLU DIJST cleanior .bath rose.pipes. etc..tand] ma.king 'ilc;ineL ,taisoap. Vlade by T'HE N. FL FAIRBINi COMLIANY Montreal, P. 0.Mltr f FAIhRY SOAR r- ff- 1 is-lý l'a dm --y d- wh, 1,n,, ! - =ý ý -ýý7 Depu ýf 'le intei,ýoi i -1 - .. - i el ;ý 'l 7a; ieýIîi wiii q