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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1905, p. 4

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______________________________________ The Oudaian Statsan R E T 1 R 1 N G1 BOWMANVILLE. OCT. 18, 1905. UT ~I ou Saturlas the Emperor of R lisia I tii~. Uand the Emnperor of japan signed their F1u , ,-u.çustnes s. respective copies of tlie peace treaty, thus officially ending the war. ~7 ~ Sir William Mulock's resignation as Postruaster-Gefleral was accepted bN the Dominion Cabinet at Ottawa on Good Bel w Co t! Saturdav and lie was appointed Chief J usti ce of the Exchequer Division of the $16.00 Gold Filled Watthes at $12.00. $12.00 Gold Filled Ont1aria 11gb Court. This change is Wate-he.ï at $8.50. Everythizug equaiil-y lov., Cali eariy and made beeause Sir William did not feel gethoice of Goods. ûquaI tu the strain on hlm in the ardu get Oow.s task of hie Cabinet position. Silver Watches from $2.0 UP. Hou. A. B. Ai lesworth having been WeddrgRins sare he ameeutin pees Evrvting appointed Postmaster-General will re- Weddng ingsshae te sae et i pries. Eveythig qtiea constituency. The Toronto muest be sold. Pociuively giving up business. Tele,.1ram (Torv)referring toaua election save: "Mr. aylesworth may flot choose North York. and the Ontario Tories, eal and gle;t vi r et s.handicapped by the Borden leadership, with its responsibility for pensionsan ~Any goods flot usually iu stock wiII be. procured at an salary grabF, are flot in fighting shape." advance of 10 per cent on cost. We challenge The Mail and Empire Watcheu Cleaned 50e to 7 5c. to prove that Mr. A. B. Aylesworth ever said that -in returu for hie elect- Mainspringg 50e to 7 5û. innhle wou!d sentoit that the Trent I hreb thnkmy u .meruscusonirsfor liberal patron.- <anal was brought to Port Hnpe." I heeby hankmy nmeros cutoiursie neyer said such words, and, further, age during the last 42 years. is ln no sense accountable for the canal question being made au issue in the political campai,-n referred to. Oc.1. k ~ RI~ 4Mr. Aylesworth a-beswr in as DoYou want Harness o Any Kindi At S Less Than Wholesale Prices for Cash. s MThe andersigned firm lias decided to discontinue the s 4î -manlufacture of.harness and wlll close out the-present stock s of Single and Dou ble Harness, Collars, Sweat Pads, and s ev'ery part of Haruess, Horsemen's Supplies, Curry Combs, S 4~Brushes, Whips, Robes, Blankets. Rugs, Dusters, etc ;S 4î Trunks, Valises,. Suit Cases. s 4Î This affords unusual opportunity for getting a supply of 4îharness or anything you want in the 1111e at big reductions. Postmaster-General, and the Cabinet le again coruplete. From the tîme lie entered Toronto University Mr. Ayles- worth lias impressed everyone with whom lie came la contact with his solid ablities and splendid capacltv. He has for many years been recognized as ane of the leaders of the Ontario Bar -The Globe MARKETING CATTLE. Prom Toronto Weekly Sun, M. D. Williams cf Bowmauville, who' has been identified with the- cattie trade of Ontario for a great ýmany ' ea ra, lu an interview with The Sun this week, said Ontario cattle feeders mumt realize that a change lu conditions outaîde the Province lias rendered it necessary ta change methode wlthln the limite of Ontario. "The Canadian West is." lie said, "ta day turning off large-nombers of range fed c&ttle. These cattie begin ta came in the latter Part ofAugust or beginning of September, and not anly flood the markets but monopolize ocean shipping epace from that til1 the close of naviga- 7 1 MWORE PAIR IUOKES. Discuskiion an4 d <vrse criticisms in Lindsay paperzs drew forthi a letter from Presidert E[118 in, whieh hle ï s. 1 'There are alwavs men who exhibit at tairaQ, who are a buncli(if fauit-finders bercause theyrdo niot got fir8t prize, ftuch as the man who te imake sure of the prize sentsomé e! fhis friends te the directars asking them ta, intercedo with the judges so tnat bis horses would be worth More nmoney to hlmn if he got first prize. 1 wasecalled up b-e tele- ptione aud aeked tn intercede for hlm, but 1 want the exhibitors 0of thie county to understaud that so lonz as I have auything to do witb the Fair it 18 the animal, net the man who gets the prize." QUESTION AND ANSWER Question: I left echool. Young and began te éarn my living. 1 now real. ize that an uneducated persan is at a great disadvautage ln every way, aod-1 want ta make up for m.-5lest opportun- ities if possible. le there any way ln which you caui help me? Auewer: The Chautauqua Reading Circle lis an organizatian which was plaDnnd ta help meet just sucli perpIex- ities as yaurs. The Circle lave out a deflnite course o! reading cavering four years. lit includes many of the sub-- lects takeni up ili a achoal course. and if yVou tak'e up thisu course andi persue it faithfully, you wlllfind ttatit will help you lu a great measure to make up for your early deficiencies. The amaunt of read1iug is fot great, the expense le moderate, and the requîlrements very simple. Thousanideo! people situated just as you are have tried the plan and have been greatly helped by it. Write to Chiatauquia Institution, Chautauqua New York, for fuil partieulars WHITBY FAIR DIRECTORS. The Torouto Weekly Sun speake out real plainlly about Whitby Fair and telle the directors some plain truthe, saying the e iucational features were mostly eut out, the moet prominent features being trapeze performances before the grand stand aud trotting aud rununug races ' The main building was far from filled;, indeed, thGre were vacaLt spaces eve rywhere." South Onta~rio le without question. remarks ThteS'un,.the mo t important division of the Province so far as pure- br ed beef cattie'are concerned, It is aisea one OF the Most important divisions lu the mnatter of pure-bred eheep and hoge as well. Still, the display ln ail these 1 nes at W hitby last week wae one of the poorest, so far as Lumbere go, seen in the Province this er. na i f West End Mouse West fEnd Hlouse. 0~ n ue tN UA s s 0G Just a word witli you, and it's about your Fali Suit and Overcoat. We won't waste words.- We are sole agents for what are admittedly the finest ready-to-wear garments ofiered in Canada-The 2th Century Brand of Men's fine tailored garmen ts. Don't confuse these clothes with the ready-made stuif. They are differeût and better in every respect, and are the very kiud of clothes you are looking for. They are being worn Sby dressy men ail over Canada. They solIve the clothes problem for the ' ma ii who wants stylish clothes at a reason.able price. We're ready when Syou are.

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