YOur Money Baclzwiïth Snih o~ j Sulight Soap la guaranteed perfect1y pure, genr»re, ýd fe from I adltertionalidealers are authorized to returi purchase noney to anyone II mdiing cause for cosnpiaint. Thecrefore you lose nothing by trying the bread flakes and the nuts, d- ing a teaspeonfil cof sait and a tee- * speenful of mixcd herbs, pairsey, miarjorain, and aily other savory herb J ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ We do'1Wn the big things. The iittic IInto pie, plates it,, wvithll ese things idown ýus. îj 3ake ili 'atuiioven. Whendonc Il the, i-Èortgage must. be given hus- spread wjtihatri ucmd of the band and wife discuss the subjeet whites cf the ohertwýo ieggs, two with grace and forbearance until aialsonfi Ypwdîd sgr agreement is reached. and he tabiespoonfl 0 joi ice, and Thîet samne bufsband and wife quer- stand them in the even t io broiwa. rel until thie dust riscs exer the pro- Ths1att ilmk wopies. per place to hanig a cer tain picture. Each thinks the thing is too littie /DSJG for the other to hoid ont about. Neither happens to thiak that the ,Certain. 'ruieýs imust govýernsys,(e- thing is tee littic te hang out about. li usig sc s i'nl gth Neither thinks that the thing-is toc, highOst t ing-ýs first, se)tHat an1y littie te quarrel about. leese flig di aybe emve Ail threcgh life it is the littiefrom he lo Ctin, fer1ad things thut nmake the 1trouble. Dt(s1oul b ateedu adnet Al through 111e we ciinib Týhe i w isedfin place te place. It rougb places and fret 'end sweat bè- shoulid beoclone uiclyand aise cause we stub our toi,,-ul.n the lit- (i e-1)iy fr ia firnpoint tic lumrps of Clay. righ roud f t11x, duster is kept Ail through lite w e fuss ex er littleiejan arge tint. pad tPe dust-ia net things that do't make a v hit's scatterEc nnd ac iýcir1ents are ne t se wortb of idificrence eue way or thc îikeiy te odeI, ur esînnl ernaments. other, ihat cant be help cd by fret,-Certain isir soultilbe previîoed ting, Iihat cannot be Cremn <ied by for rsetv purposes, and then al- naggiug. ways usced necordigiy, and 'occas- sowas always nagging about iounally the lsould bave a shaking litile thinigF." la the open air. Twe dusters should Mary another husband couid bcbng be used fer'ikaiituire, as a good the saine chardo against bis w ife. werker Cali use oilG neand and thon lt's a pity. It*spOils a w oman's the other, And lfilager marks saay bo happiness andi wrecks hier husband'sI avoided byhedigthe furniture lufe. It ents the peuce eut of 'a l'oYnei ihý,dý' 1'c eksol as a naqty wor-m eats rout the bcart ihadser alwekhud briî.g c ýinone into play. QIa rose.11, 1-- CAKES AND) COOKIES. C(hecolate Cookes-Beat te a ercni ene-baif cupful of butter, antI or<e tablespoonful cf lan'd. Gradually bcat into this ene cupitl u sugar, lien add ocquiarteýrteponu of saIt, coetcaspoenful of cinnamion and two ouuices ot cherolate nîeited. Now add one well beeten egg, one- balf teaspeonful of soda dissoived la twe tablïspciifuis cf milk, andi stir jin about ta o ancl ne-baif cupfls cf Old shet 3wihavie been eut deown andi ee ad are ne lenger suite bic for bed, er cts, old print d(rcsses, obld po old hangiîîgs, oidcote frntur cvei~gsmev ail be aeino itbes ne ices heîaiednndused, b'ut ceeecoth isý bes e sttý iti ad is aifntr wben used tdry;foei iiy polishied sfaebut for tPe resna(,idning ar- ticl-s itwrebetertedampen it siihtyroî *a fr i;rjihg, aiicw tteresacin fer- a miýinte or two, thon sak ileu and coniue. This 1D RE S S CU T T1 îIN fiISà HOVE DRE',SSIAKING FOR THRIFTY WO1VEN. Soîne Vailuabje Pointers for the Aînbitfious Armateur Numbes(qtgirls cenmatethi find such n ccîpishetjfih Very greatesýt use ,c thei;r pur!s anLd tbeir appe(,.arnce. Netse man,, but, stili, a largo proportion of tbenx are able te make their ewn dresses "aI ter a fashion," as tbey thoînselves terîn it, and a very use- fli fasbion it is. Buct the ambitieus amateur dressînaker nover rests un- tii lier offrts dispiay nothing cf the home-mnade look thet labels thern her own productions, but strives te eccenîpili work that beers the air of a skjlled rnodiste's aptitude. Te this end a gccd paper pattera is the fIrst essentiel, or the cid lin- ing of anether bodice that is a per- foot fit. But a pattera is net every- thing. What is wanted aext la skil ia cutting the meterial wbiclq is te be uscd, thon the teching end fîtting process înust be iateiiigently fli iowed, and, next, the atltching and linishing cf the garment, whatever IL mnay bPc. Hff0W TO USE VOUR PATTERN. No amateur uPc wants te mke a g-reatsuccess cf lier gown sheulfI cheose e plaided or stripeti mn - teriel ,fer ber initiai venture ita drcssrnaking. A self-ceierud, plain- surfacrd material is lier w 'L cheice. Plaids, stripes and _eveîî spots, baffle the meat accemnpl,ihd dri-ssmaker, and often rescît. in feu - It is comparatively Ts Pandora Range tsaas Me tri/tp houseseif' «mile. easy to buld a range that will malce a lot of heat, but it r.equires the exact science of Pandora range building to produce a range that will use ail the heat ini the coal without waste. A cornmon range may burn twice the coal that a Pandora wilI, and yet doý, only haif the work.' If you use a Pandora range you can be certain tha,-t your coal money is not rasted, but used. muat botd--ilh hll te rind o 1 reejit s ai niefrem icry staiising by S'oIt CGinger Bre ei lemon, addca)neuce.cfsugar, ad dding t-,, oor three drachmns of citrine!fillof measses È Ici'pemik etc. stadn-hoaI;xcirIyeaeh-lii,,-ýfD fio e cap- eg'altiuieg, iL unoac] wel oldthe pattern andi nurabes cf employeca,4,5 ;wne ut oie groluîd lîtti iîut ein a ,,t,,,,,tfully ~ ~ atn ~,e<ar u ~ . ~ ~ 1 r V.' * -t. h . . . i. ,..Avr hiaitlie e _ht the Horse Too E-xpe-nsive,--Can.not-Get-1paid,- $15,506,466- Common ranges makthde riaitman maile.