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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1905, p. 8

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ox~ j Mis Deanuis bias returned te Cobourg. >M N AC L . Sam Edwards receutly ii h I AT AU ORUGISTSjJohn Warren ha-i returuod 1rom Manitoba Sr-, ~atdat Cobourg "10"-NX-i-i-id.B'~aildruggists THE tui Lsold. T 3iMrs. G.Bartett recentiy vi-ited friends THA1issO uiga has returned f rom bier Busifless College, 7is it at Dejtreit. BELLEVILLE, ONT. MIr Atkinson, Cliprlesen, le viitiug nrt 1. M Gibson 's AL'FIL -)T A WT 'm INTiII, - 0 Miller's Kiduey and Bladdeir Pilla are Cil eRE»A( couý[1A"T'. solýd at 25c. per box. Sold by Stott & Jary o'ed h hghst>tndard i iaCmm- d-at duatonSend Ifor ctaegl r8 S. Masou and dauigbter Hattie to Ui Pricira, hae returued from Ortilia. J. W. JOHNSON, F C, . %Mr. Kerr, pestinaster at Fenelon Falla ýisîted hIsn phew, C uuir erospeople sbould take Mlier'î AI ~ fl~i i ompundiron Pilla Soîd bv Stett & AI b u [ j e e Miss Care bas refuruei ePrî1p a ccomp-aniLed by MNrs P. Knfe Bel lie, Ont. Thoa. Montagne lbas retnrned from Be evihis buutlug trip in tha Western States. Over Mo0 îtudents eroled annually oea-bal! Mill er'.s CGrip, Powders Cure. Seld by of wbom are young ladies. - Stott & J ury, Druggista. Colle e Buildings are heated by teani and HretBeu otGab.tl u lightedn 20 electrîc lights. HretBon otGabfi u New Pi pe Organ, Art Studio and Dometile of au apple tree, breakiug hie tnp boue. Science 1Room recertly added. Fuil ceuser- Pale people eheuld take 1ilr's Coin- vaeycourses lu instrumental and vocal music. Comercial orna amonq the fi nest ln Ontario' pound 1hon Pilla. Sold by-Stott & jury Speciai attention given te Elocution and Drupgistî. Physical Culture- New Gymnasiu. and large Mr. sud Mrs. Pelkinghorne, Ottawa, athletic groundg. aev8tn r n rýPlpa h S Wl!! re-epen Tuesda,, Sept. 12th, 1905 Forarvltng r.sd rsPiptte illnstrated catalogue a.d. . -station. y-Sm Principal DYER, D. D Thin, Deople sbould take Miler's Coin- poundlmon Pilla. Sold by Stoit &Jury BetteThanE j-er Druggists. BoterTha ïv * We are pleasad te hear that Mr. H. * Are the splend1d advautages offered 6 Gibsou's eldeet daughter, Olive, le *lu cevery department of our school-The * improviug. Ras it ever oeurred te yen that meet sickuess commences witii the stoimachP Thie la because the bioed becemes lut- fpo veriabed 'tirough iack cf ueurish- ~fffIjfAment. If.veu want te get weli sud ke well take Vite Toule. R. M. Mitchel 'or of Toronto. Cot., druggists. keep it lun stock. Frquickly and thorcughly training* Mies Margaret Wilmot sud Mra Wm. : 11 o ng -PiePlte earn god-alaries hin McIntesh have returned froin their visit as p -lý8tQn.,:Wt 2teachers, bu'eru. tbeatteqipî1rent, up-to-date courses, i orno niedeenmetods and therough systeni, : Tbey make eue feel as thougb lite Z w ca gurauee xcelen reult, *waa wortb living. Take oeeoetCarter's Our new catalogue lsa Little Liver Pillea ter eatiug; it wilI A "dandy." Write foritt. rleevppi,*i ietogv ENTER ANY TIME rleedsesa i ietogv yonge & Gerrard Streets, Toronto, Ont.* toue aud vigor te the systemn. * W. H. SHAW, Principal. * Mrs. Hlarrv Jouess, Bowmauville, is ~ ~**~*'**,,,speuding a few diava wîth bier sitatera, the Misses Rose. It te net wbet -jeu est, but wbat assi. j-v -'~ R ilaes that nourishes. MILLER'S C ~ T 0v '1BE iCOMPOUND JR )N PILLS cure faulty * Sborthand snd Book- i assimilation j epn oreo the I Allan Brown and wife wbo, have been keepng Curse cfdown front the city vîsiting theîr people Business Colkegc I A gin Cottgb drives sîeep sud Really, truly fit thefi comtort uwav Yen eau couquer il by '108-N04-Cid.Bv al duggste A very Pl _.4 avent teck place at> it le eold. the. week r' 't service lu the. Maoe- .Vigitors., Miss Ada Wilon, Lifford ' dist> eurob, on Thuradsy evealug at, ais Visitiug ber cousini Mrs, Arthur W,' whgneu ti .e W. Joliffe,-whe ha$ Aunis-. ..Mise Âlicd Creeper, Hampton, r.lded here fer e number of yearta- viited Mire Jossie Bxugbsw. ... Mss Shirley Morrison, Bowmauviile, ie guest WaPreaeuted with an uphelatered ot Mrs Rebert ýMeColough.. . Mir. Chas. MorrIeRiecking()hair. The rev gentle Hsddy, Bowmanville. epeut Sundsy %P-iiad juêit elebrated hle elghtietb with Mr. Perey Cemens.... Vr. Fredm a Rab.», Oshawa, apent Sundsy with bis b,thday and bis friande teck thua brother Mr. H. Ram.. Mr. IV m. Brent opportuulty cf proenetîng hlm i wth s rand Mrs. Samuel, Pellard receutl y visit- aultablo e teeto of tho. occasion. ed their brether Mr, Benjamin Brant. Uxbridge.... Mr. John Mutton visitéd After a fow prellmiary remarks from i Chatham lIsat week ... . Our village le Pastor Emory, he requesteid Mr. Jel- once more ou the move. 'Mr. John lie te take a aeat on the platfornâ sud SSauders bas moved inte Mr. O. Stock's 'ldo Lv .W otfe yhouse. .. .Mr. Wm. Wight moved iuto~ then csleone.T.WJlitewh his uew residence iset week. Mr. John read the followiug s ddrra, hMr, JoI- eTrick bas moved jute Mr. Robert Mart- hif. being plsced in the echaIr, at thei yua bouse serese trom cooper aber.... er iue, by M.P rblnk TI;st tired, lauguid feeling sud duil propeM.P rblok headache je very diaagreeabie, Take 2'. tAc Re&. Wilm Jolfife, Bowmenville. two of Carter's Little Liver Pilla before DErÂR BI4rrxai:-Youe many friands in retiring. and you wil Sud relief. They tuas church desire'to cougratulate yen on noyer fai te do geed. the compleicu eofjour èlghtiqth year,-a GIadte ear hatMrep, NFarehile prie etlite roeed by verv few. We recd oeg roth' sP. N. Farer ll s nite wlitb 'eou la thaksivimg teGod, that recoerig frm tphoi foer, .. ev-yon bave reached ti i ileatone, ou iife's oral cidren et our village have wheop. jlurney witb powerm et mmnd sud bQd'y oc iug cough ... .Congratulations te Mr. well preserved. and tbst jon are obili par- «Perey Clemena ou securiug two firsts mitted, likeý your Divine %aster, togeo abont, ansd oue second prize ou mare sud dotli good.. W. canuot torget your workE colts respecti,veflv at Millbrook Falr.... f faith aud isJ'er et lors duri'g the years *Tyrene choir wil ing at LeeI, ard An- you bave speut amengat un. W. recal i nivesar uet SudaysudMouay. with uufelgnEýd aatlstactiou the service yen nivesarynextSulnay ad Moiday tbave reud(er8ed iu the palpit. ou the. plat-c A plain questien : De you really get 'for», ilu jour claFs a ud lu jour visitations the ouly Palnkillr- Perry Davi'- amoan he ged, the. lufir.», tte ick, aud wbeu yeu aak for it? Btter b. sure the. aerrowiug. Your loviug sud varledÎ than aorry. It bas net, in 60 yesrs. fail- exp&riecc b as fitted Yeu n us pecial Man. ed t etp loseese ud ainlu he er to sympathizýý wlth thete that are in adtso l oeesad an n trouble,1bSPea Words et confort sud cheer __________ to tiioae wbo- are àlraoet, dishearteuad in the JDNISILLN.strugle ef liteYoer lveIy lutereat in al t that pertaiua te) the wlfare et this cbarob la - kuown te us &Il. Mauy of thoeaWho entered, m "10"-Nx-aCol, ai drggite erauika cf the. Mlnist>ry Wbou yendi, it 8ýNx--od B ldrgite have fialshed thair work, white jon are yet t ssold. "aa te help in sidvaucing the Klngdem Receut visitera: Mrs-. Moise snd oet he Lord feea Christ. Asa allgbt token P daugbter Phoebe a'nd Mr. Wm. Lakeef,,,rürgarditoryen,.we uew amk you %a Newcstl, a Mr Wm.Hering'a;Mr.accept thia easy ehair. witb the. hope that 1 Nu e ce sasu at r m iiy at 'sMr. yen may Sud lb couveulent aud ceinfertable.u adms Mentey's ss î n amHiug s M. ud nope and prayer la that jour Ister Jame Montjy'sMisInaHerrng nd eara m w be tii. brigbtest sud bent of yonr Miss Nettie Reeves witb frienas in Bow-tf@ sud wheu the. eveuiug comas sud jour manyllo; Mrs. C. Mountjoy in Bowmau- star as!! lset 2a, the close et yonr existence, t viJie; Mises Louetta Stewart witb friende May lt et as sets the, star of bbc moruing, ci in Tronlrasd Long Brancb; Mrs. A. which geetb net dowu bebiud the. dankeued tl Arnet with her dauquter Mrs L B. weet. but meuts away itubeths brigbbuescf Williams, Toronto; Mr. Webster Virtiu e Sigedn. bhî fOmlteVro sudMr OL. yeeToronto, with B. mr.T.W olffe, P. Trebilcock, friends; Mies Laura Rau ton bas returu- F.i A. Hnddy, T. .03 Jewell, .3 J. Muson. e, James Vice,, Solina; Miss Elford at Mr. ci~gt epyM.Jllfdtak Geo. Reid's; Mr. sud Mrs. Wm. Stain- ed hlm friende for this expression of ton sud son Milton. at Orone.. -. Mise thelr good wii towardm hlm. It was Jenesti, Bewmanville, aî,d Mies Wîilson cmlt srrs u b etta Newcastle, gave a very interesiing ad -acmlt upieadh etta dreas in the Methodiot chu rch Sunday he was hardly werthy eoftthe maziy kiud Ocet. 8, Miss Joness reorganiziug- a thingas sald of hlm in the Addreaa, Ladies Auxiliary sud Miss Wilson Auj service that> h.aiad rendered the or&anized a Mission Bandi ...., Mr.Bd- miaou, the. junior pastor, Tyrone, toek ehurch had been doue lu the Maater'm 0 charge of the service here Suuday nana suad he hoped that atreath G evening would be gîven ýhlm, as long as I fe la One et the beat old time remedies for W 1 1l It, b. It many yeza or few,fi ait skia affections, sucb as Eozema u. Ringworm, Scald-head sud simlar toemtIll continue bo do aoinetbing. affections is Weaver's Cerate. It is su Short, cougratulatory speeches tel. sR OàÂN,î, eLLH curtyD E Tun Uï4 or DE. WILLIAMSq' P1N<x PILs. -More than hlf 'the diseaue In thE4 woûrld 18 a suad by bad blood-weak blood, blood polEoued by impurltIea. Bad biood lis the.one cau5e of aillthe, heada-hos, the. lumbago and rbeuma- tii.», tii. neuralgis auid acistios, the. de- bility end blilluaneaaud ludigeatloan, the palenemand pImplea aud ail the dlaliguziug akin d'ýîesaâem 1ke oczea, thst ashow hew impure the blood actu- aliy te. it la no urne trying a different maediolue for each dlaeaase, beaua3- they ail sprlng f reinthi e o aue-bad blood. To oure dIsease you mat get rlght down te the root of the trouble lu the blood. That la what Dr. WiII- lama' Plck Pilla do., They make new rloh, blood. Commion medicluea only touch the symptôeaof diacia.. Dr. Wiliama' Pink Pilla root out the cause. That la why these pilla cure wbeu dootorsand oommon medloluei faiIl 0 Here las positvu proef: -i"1 auf- f.rred agony from ldgaucsaya Mr. Fred Fillie, of Grand Dart,N. B. 1 had uo appetite for my inealti sud no euergy for my work; my stomach caused me constant d1atreas, and ev erythInq 1 ste -lay 11k. lead ou my chemrt. At trnes I felt my life a bur- den. I wasaslwaya- doctorlug, but It id me uo, good.. Then a lIttite book came luto my bauda, aud 1 read that Dr. Willilams' Pink Pil!a would cure indigestion. 1 got thora ,sud began takIng thora», sud 1 mooun fouud t>hey were helplug me. My appetîte began to Improve, sud my food te digeat bat- ter.* I uaed the pila for s couple of aonhasd I ws well, Now I amn ai- waya ready for 'y rme ansd I eau est anythlug, aund ail the credît la due to Dr. Williams' Piuk Pilla. I keep the uilla lu the. houa. aIl the tîme, sud 1 ocoasaonally take s few sas preosuition. 1cau houcatly advia. ail dyapeptlcs to ua. this medielue, s asuare it wll cur. thora s It dld me." Give Dr. Wlliams' Pink Pdis a fair trial snd they wlll cura you, aimply be- cans they makre that rlcb, stzoug blood bhat dimese cannut restât. Se. that 'ou get the gennine pille, wlth the. full inme, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla for Paie People," ou the wrapper sround every box. Yon cian get thorm frout your medîclue dealei or by mail at 50 eouta a box or mlx boxea for $2.50 by wrItIng the Dr. Wiliama'. Medicine CoBrookville, Ont., CARTWRIGHT COUNOCIL. Begalar monthly meeting, held on Oot. 9th; membae ail prenent; Reeve G. MoLaughuin, preaidlog; minutes cf at meeting, read, sud ou motion cou- frmed.1 Moved by Mr . obb, aeconded by Mr. Broce, tthat W. 1. F. fleacock art ae assitant Clerk. Carrled. Y-'--' lie A Critic INVESTIGATE, ORITICIZE or ANALYZE The more you Investigate, the more CONVINUED you wMt b b that there is none so good as BLUTE UIBBON. ONLY ONE BEST. BLUE RIBBON TEA. THE MASON Con Bowmanville ~D3TABLE B &NZ 31T If you hîave not already experienced the delight of wearing tho,e comfortable,' styliali and well made dress skirts, ask a friend who ka&. This style is patented and are sold only by us ini Bowmanvilile. SKJRT No. 107, made in fine Vicuna cloth, Black, Navy and BroNvu, with wide pleats on each seam; knitted flounce effeot, fiuished hjuttonq, price $3.00 SKIRT No. 129, made in Black, White, and Mixture, Donegal tweed, very nattytwenty-one gores with welted seams; avety dist-,g'I uished garment. Price $3,95 SKIRT No 161, a oil quality of cheviot; eleven gore3, three.- quarter in pleat on each &mmr, made in Black, INavy, Oxford and Browr, Price, $4 50 SKIRT, No 175, Venetian Broad Oloth, made in Black, Navy and Brown, kilted flounce, cross straps of own material, finished off withi buttons. Smart New York model Fric. $5 25 Aiso other lines at $6 50, $7 50, $8 50and $1000 etc. Corne and see our stock F'PLL an&dWZNEEPGQDS Are selling fast, chilly -weather makes it go -LADIES COATS, our. lot samiples, no two alike, are a big hit, corne quick We are leaders in Fur Coats andl Fur lined Couts Bit- choice and big value OUJR NEW OVERCOATS, are simply elegant Evey ize ia~

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