S~BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 1, 1905.1 19% f n ePUBLIC RECREÂTION ROOMS. DoYou want Hamness of Any Kind At asogatnior oung men's Churitsîtin 4î ~association. Fr iday night week a meet- 4 esThan WAIlesl IIes o Cash. ib ngiwas beld in thie Primary Room of .~.es ~ yioesa Pries tr.te Methodist church and the preposi- 4î~~I tie)n was discussed at considérable lengtli and opinions differiug widely The undersigned firm liasdele to discontinue the- wr xrse s owa n en 4î manufacture of harness and will clusee out the presen t stock ~ and the character of the amusements 4q of Sigeaxdc Double I-larness, Collars, Sweat I'ads, and proper to bc provided and allowed. The Singleupshot of the meeting was that a smali every part o! Barness, florsemen's Supplies, Curry Combs, but representative committee was ap- 4Î Bushs, hip, RoesBlaket, Rus, ustrsetcpointed to formulate some concrete BrusesWhis, obe, Bankes, uge Puter, ec ; proposition as to character of organiza- 4t Trunks, Valises, Suit Cases. ticii and the past-tiuses to bc permitted. We are frank te confese t'iat we have 4Îluei affords unusual opportunîtY for getting a sapply of littie expectation that au3 thing defilbite 4Î arnssoraythngyouwan i tle lnoat igreductions. wiil be accomplished because of two harnes r aythig yu wnt n th un atbigmajcr considératione. First, snch an ,sscitin whatever be its program cf M~tvn fl ssl Co. entertainmellt will require ta suitabte DIU II Y. LLLLJA 'J UV fuit equipment, a capable instructor in 4~ 3-tf.BOWMAN VILLE. athletics and a caretaker; and, secondly, ad ~ the establiishment wil have te be main- (N- tained at a considérable annual expense In short, there must be pr.yided the cost cf establishingsuch a building and BAREYWANTED. 2 Barley Highest prices will be - bUSeptime-nt isl te warrant the necessary expenditure whicb as indicated for a gimnasium. publicbaths and recreation roome would be a larger sum than manY imagine. The pa ramount question f acing the pro- ject is, Wbere is the mc ney ccming frorn? We have ail heard cf the public lib- rary philanthrcpist, Mr. Andrew Car- negie. who will erect a $10,000 building provided the town wilU furnish a free site and guarautee an income of 10 per cent. or $1000 per annum for its main-1 tenance. The site can easily be found,i but what about the $1000 yeart.v for maintenance? Can that be pledged?1 We think poesibly it can. We have aj public 'ibray and reading rocm, but thei rtun rooms would rent readity for busi-q It te aIwav~ a double pleasure te recommienda reaily gdPulicaio býecpuse we threbv contfer a doublei lavr-ou the publisher and our reýader>s whe are inr-aeted There aro several high class farýn journals publiphed ini the United States, but oiie cf the verv beet ef ite c1alss-and in a senge Itstands majestically alone-is the country Gentleman of Albany.ý, N. Y., an agri- cultural uewspaper. Irs reporte cof crops and prices, especially its market quetationli, are vers' fuit and reliable. It te an ail-round agricultural and tamilv journýal. You cann get a sample copy for the asking. Young people, the long winter even- inge are coming. What plans have vou in mhid f or seff-improvement ? Do Dot epend al our evenings in pleasure. Tt le well te lnaulge in a fair share o! amusement-goGd for older folk as well as voenng folk-but with it should be a larger proportion of ad- 'Fancement in some une of usefuluese. Thousands of young men and young women are preparing themeelves to be commen drudgee or slaves, just because they make ne epecial effort to- raise themeselves above that dlase. All labor ie honorable but In this country as in others, thousanda cf persons areeoccupy- ing less remunerative positioun4 than they hudemlv because they have not mprvedtaeir oprunities for ftting themselves for =iger pheres cf labor oruefie. Plan for ad'7ance- ment the comting winter by reading. sFla 4okinw' er e n tge.neof CANADA'S U1. Se ADMVIRERS. American journals are giving edit- criaIs and libe3ral space te Canadian affaire. He3re are extracts frcm an ed- itorlal iii Ticoe Ohio Former of Oct. 7, meaty ana fitcof food for thought: A handhock, treating cf the product- iveness a nd naturel tee jrces o! Canada, comapiled and recently issuedb h Department ce Agriculture et Cana, gives us soine vury interesting fects re- garding the iwdustrlaI greatuess of thet country. Canada began the twentieth century at adenit the same agricultural I ~ Ro~ I Everv or literarv o o e z o c- tD~ o z LU -4 r-F or