- a = __________________________________ M _________________________________ M S A'R'ES3 FOU S A. L E- N IS LL . J-17 6 'J bing part of thleJme ht4i es.tate, comlpoSed of parts of lotl ;and 14il-ithe I -Il and Stl o, of VE;ýt Wlitby. Apply t Great preparations ara on jAMES A.BU\- , aglan", 'rJOHN SPE.the District LMaguo Conveni GolumbuS1-. 3 fhold here Frîdat Nov., 10. AT ALL DUGISS time is ani iat.The -prgram le very interestiflg. Particulars next Visitors: Mr. Mwre, Toronto Uni- versity. at Rev. T. Snowdon s-, Mrs Samuel Souch and daughter Dorothv,ý Bowrnanville. Mr. Harris Rockwood, at Mr. G. Arguo'b;, Mr, T B Hoidge at Whitovale and Toronto; Miss Maggie Stewart with friends in Toronto; Miss (0111e Wiliains !lu Pruo .W are BABY'S A AEIG t ouglit to be a pleasure to look for- ward to baby's awakontug. H1e should awaken bright, smling an d full of fun, refreshed by sloep and readv for a good~ tirne. How many parents dread their chld's voice, becauso they know wben- ho awakes ho wilI crY and fret and keep aver3 one on the movo until ho failli asloep again from sb&,r exhaustion. These crying lits make the lite of the inexperienced mther a torment. And set baby is not crying for the fun of the thin--. thora is somethinge wrona', thoueh A SUOGESSPUL EXHIBITOR. 'What man lias donc man can do" is an adage that gave us inspiration as a yeuth. and youiig man and it is as true to- day as it ever was, boys Again and again we have advised the young farm ors of Durham county to rise to their privileges and make the very best of their o portunities-in a word, to be lead- ers in Meiir callbng. Farming is as hon- orable callinig as this earth affords and thr satisfaction that cornes frorn haVi«nx everything arouad a farm-horne, build- ings stock, fences, oroihard, fields. lanes, roadces, etc , indicative of a thrifty, live, energetic intelligent, tasty, orderly, The Rich Cie ar Color of TORTURING NEURALGIA. Snfferd for Ten Years, Oureti by Dr. Wifliamu' Pin-k Pilla. Nouralgia La the king of torturera. A tinRgllg of the tender akin, a sharp saddenu tab from smre sngry nerve; than plerclng paroxysme of pan-that's neuralgla. The cause of the trouble lis d1mordered nerves dn, to thin watery blood. The cure la Dr. William.' Pink Pilla, whlch inake new, rleh rad blood, and thus soothe and strengthen the disordered nerves sud cure neuralgia. - ~.- '1~. -~ -~ .-~ -~ )'1t~ (lUI -xx~. .~ mward:for tion to ho A grand Is suggestive Of itS UNUSiJAL PURITY and STBENGTH..