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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Nov 1905, p. 4

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O-"thers Tell Their Worth We rIYn't Need To. Thie G arnioiyeildes Go We have hltllen usjil a Chapion ,Souve-Iir R'tu6ehl o:ir h'bme durinc the l our Yeqaqr ted we are pe4rfýctl delîghtel wîth it lu ever- wa'. It wsansumos mruch les,ý fuel ttan was e-x- Tpeeted. I,,çweýl dpefor al kitchell purposos "eDa u pi lbakeLr. la feset. we wonld not w>dt ho ýPart with it on any accounit anc we areà, s]'.CHETL rnCE_ Tht Gurne', l iidin CO We areuig Souvenir R-tnge sud tsnd it is oeverythilng it16lwarranBte3dto tho boU tbaking and lu f um! aving. IîetWE, woul d net wunt to exchange 1h for any ýother as we aRre penfectly mstied. Vo arec Yours Truly, JAS C. Dlmvrrri Have more up to date irmprovemerîtsar'd give users better service and more satisfaction. than crdinary stoves. One of these: beautifiil Ranges in your home would save you much time, money and an.noyanc,-. CC., Bowmanvifle Agents The Ir, nSt1aîîeý, a T!wü columHs c.C editorial Inotes appelln On anoti or pa e We are speciaiilv desîirouq thait one of Our Fubgeci,rii Sha1 read olle editoria comet hat alppeers o01,n inside page It 1;, atout 1)mti& who i7keks Tho temperance people of ckrn tnwniship aei maknilinz àa Strong ýeffort to have LclOpion. A by3-lawç wii l N snbmiltted o the poople an t heMnipl kelectigne ln Jannary Lcloption bas been a great succoeailuDtarlngtonçand shnuld be equaiiv satisfaecry lun Picver- lng which lie settied bv n igirmoral and intelligent class of people, A peculiarli' reT-rettabie caýse cýame- bof ore Police Magistrate Heorse>. on Saturday wheu Mr. Humphre'y Wooûd of Cartwright was cha rged with viola4t ing a county, by-taw and was flnod $10 and coste, in ail $t5 95 'fhe circu m- stances are those. An auction sale was annouuced and the people wore 1there in ron&sdorab!e numbers but the ut loneer was absent aud Mr. Woodl wai, urged te c.fficiate as an euctioneer and alter much colicitation roluctan-t;v consnted Charge was maido that h43 solti without a liceuse aud no al1terna- tive is affordeti bv the law but a finle of flot ]me than $10 or more than $5 or a tormu in -aDI 1h seemsa a ardship, 'doesn't it ?> MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONS., Nomination day for City, town, and township cou clils wilI bie held thi's yeazî x n a s î et n Friday Dec. 22ad, instead 'cf, afý usual, on the last Nlona>.cf he mont h C.'. . aitker & Sou, The Leading Purvej ors, bave which this le,.r happens to be christ- b ecuired tI-e folk'(wing fo their Chrstmas trade: * mas. The statute provides tatwher s Dffm tersthe lastiýMonday of the monjt h h Chýrist_ Wes Couch. e thtcsda n atomination shall take plaFce thû t~~~.~ Durham Steer fed bvprcngriabteetondyiI J. Harn ryIethesda. take6 place on ýMondai', ust the samnt 1 Duram Seer ed b although-t is New Yoar's Day Tnos Jackson, Providence. Thus it will be seen that nomination 1 Durham 1lifrle b Tho iJakso, Prodenc da i oty about three weeks away Durha ElefersId ~and it is high time that ratepayers got J. Frank Osborne, Townn. ogtraddiesdtepopeie 45veod er "dî w aeai delycocrne n-h1lt L:i:ýý 1candidates for the coming, elections. 25 Ewa and Wether LambS, ure wei'[are and progress of Bowmaui- j. iH Werry, Bethesda. ville and the verv best men we have are 25 Ewe and Wether Lambs ni:t too good or too smart for assumning R. Hl Souch, Providence C-W responeibility of conducting town bus- 1 4 mois 1old urham Calf res's.Electors, discuss the situaflo nr T. Jacr.son, Providence. b They bave also secured a quantity - of Turkeyis, ~adcos h etmn 4~Geese, Ducks, Chieken and Pigs. Their display will beS HON. A. B. AYLESWORTH, M. P. 4~Up to their usual standar., whieh speaks for itself. - 4 Leave your order eatrly and satisfaction i-s guaran- Five hundred majority was recorded îï toed. Tha-,nking you for the very liberaI patronage durinig by North York electors on Wednesday -omn ears Aking, continuance of Urne, We iare, last for Hlon. A. B. Aylesworth, the new,- Plostmiaster General. This is a spiel- PIwmuanville.. J omkiiouCabinet, in his Ia&t real econ-i - h __________________________________________________________________________________ I ZION. Rev. C. O. Jehuston o! Toronto willi deliver bis popular lecture on '-Inflîert- ces '-sud k is a splendid lecture-on TueýSdaý ec 5. Speelal music will be furnished bhe church choir. I1h haa great troat ho hear this gil*ed locturer suid the people o! this district are highly îfavored te ho given this opportunit>. Admsson20; hîdrn 5cCome sud bring your famiiy. Doors Open at 7; lectuire bogins at 7.30 p. mu. A. WASHINGOerN,? C., ite G A. LAgOMAID. mite Dofot sufer fro sick headache a imoment longer. It ilp not no ay Dose eu titie hil Siailprice. TEETiUING TBOUIB1E cionequecesi nt pr-onv'tL1y resteid. &b Ow n Tablets lie Ls besi wl tne il the world for teethifla cildren. Tney allay the iliflammwatiol, lu the ter)- detr swollen gm.crat ethedsord8r. ed stnmtach, and help thfe teetrn through pailes iMrs T. Nut, KRa>moud, Oet., savie: "My baby suffered tearibly wIietcethicngIlbut as Soon as I1 began glvlng bhlm Baiby's Own Tablets lho im- proved in everi' wav aImd le now a bright hoalthyý child." The Tablets ialso cure- colle, cons4tipaition, diarrhoea, indigailion, Simple fevers a.nAdodetroy Worms. They are gaa e ocon- taini not oneprti e of oplate or harin- tu vrugs, and mable given with eqn.al- ly goucd resuits to tho the new born or the well grown child. Sold b>. al drgit,- oent by mail at 25 cenis a by wrltlnig the Dr. W7ýilllams' Medicine Go., BrockVille, Op. M PEGIROVE. Tue Epworth Loague here has been fortunate in securing Rev. Chae. Adams of Brookîtu to give lis ver>. interesting. instructive and populair lecture '110,000 ailes b>. L nd and oa " in the church onThrdi Dec. 7. Admission 15c; àhildren ijOc Lors Opon ut 7.830; pro grama bogins at S e'clook . Everybody zcome and enjoy a profitable aend pieas- ant eý elning. 48-2w* av e no0equal as a prompt and posit- ive cure for slok headacho, bilhousnes, constipaition, pain in side, and &il liver troûubles., Cartor's Little Li. r Pille Visitors,: Mrs Levi Arnot and daugh Per, Solina, at Mr. A. Arnot's; Mfr. John Virtue, Toronto, at home; Mr. anci Miss Trewin, B&CkStOck, at Mr&. J. Martrins: MrI. C. H. B. williams with frionds lu Oshawa, Miss Olga Wýliiams has roturn- ed' home alter a pleasan--t visit with Lrïonda ln Toronto; Miss Eva MeCon- niace-, Os>hawa, at home, Pleasad to sce Mr, C Pascoe with us again.. Mr. J.ý V ste r,,continues quite fil . ,... Great proparations are beintr made for the -Xmas entertaininent . .. .Mn, Albert Arnot had a vory successful wood sale, Mrs Chas.Smith of Jimes.Oho,writes: 1l have usod every remedy for siek hfàad- ache 1 coxuLd hear of for the past filteon o.ars, but G-arterls Little Liver Pillas dlid me more good than ail the lest Areliable agent for Boa manvilie anai surrounding counitry. Gou9d pay weekly, exclusive territory. Sample case, mr outit free. Our terns are te bet in tha busiiness. We neeti a man of good ulharacter anti abiity durinL, Oit andi winter months. Over 600 Acres Tlue choicest anti mtt extensive list oif tock in Canada,. iiicudinig fruit anti ornama.ntai stock, saatifruits.adee ~Lte.Fast seliing speciaittes offeýred' for the iirst timo,. Write for terranowt T H l'PL L{A M NURSERY C0, 40-im.Toronto. Ont. To select your Xmas gifts. Do rot puittofftintil the best goods are gone CAI and see our extra choice selection of Stationery put ap in. pretty and ;rtistic Iases 0[ ous we have lots of ther pretty and season. w IU l you later, W . e lln BÉg 2c, Boo6wre, ~owm-anvllIe, During Recent Months the TORONTO. ONT. Cor. -oniga andi Alexandier ts. T-Tas received tan, ifteenl, twanty, anti aven l ilty tines s"smany caltaforsie ographer., bock keep.e, etc., as it sati .sîn.tie s graduating turing ,saime miontlss. Somne of the salaries offea warýe from f40 a montb f0112Depr ann1uin Tisseteariy indîcatas tiha beat echoot ,for- yoging men and women to patronizeý. Enter now. 1ifantisoma attuufrvc. W. 3. ELLI7OTT, Prlueipat. jC11OOSE YOUR COURSE- Tho chance la Dow prosenleti. Oibsore nband, you havo thoý eppr uit>. of takiu p aeliue stut'Ii>. tnd practicai werk thatW afioer ye Ira will ceui many iuat over for %ou lu doibemrs tend cents. that wili belp yen ho Stand up among yen fellow,3 anti te foot thaiYou ar8 able ta heiti vour cwn lu the k'eeti competI tien sud butai- ness Rctivitios ef 11e. On the othor baud, ' ou have tha priviluge o! duh~'dal~ngalugini the sanie olti wav, workiugliard witb peor returus anti wondering why John or tharlie, Emiiv or Phoeobe. our fermer sehool maies with atiparent- 1Iv no btter abii>. iban %,on vour- self possea, gel excellent positions aend recel' e bantiseme salaries for their work, while as bar as ý ou eau jîdze the-y do not work near13 as liard as vou aud yot got two or hhree tites the pa.v They wero once ah tItis cro.4ss roadsa tnd turned ho the rig-t b îere You tunud ho the lnft T--eýin patix ledtblrougli a course ah, the S;t. G2atharnes Busineps Coliego. Yenj paýSsed 1h hi'. You have shlii aneih- Pr chanee. WMoil u ccept 1ht Frkandseome deseriptive aç lge a(drae Principal 'T. F. RGIT 1 in ste tflJ vîry PIvPOiy havei ..,rrav.e w ,,naa..u u tu s cpi eutl cloue, but Mr, W. F. àMaclean, M, p,, the Womeui's Instiituto at Guellîîh nei miontb . ..- -Mr. PauIl williamns visitod ah who is said ho asp-ire te the laeai Port Penny .... Mr, T. 'WestI'Lakolias oif bis part.%î, would th consetad h omenced clover threshing. 11eolias flht wout on with the resuit as statedj a uew self feeder attachod. Thieyiold -an o'gen 500 majority for Hon;. Mr, promises faini>. gooti - Miss Gifford of Avlesworth. Oshawa viited here. - - -Mr, A.- Arnot's wood sale was woll attendod tend prices The PeterborD Examiner snio aruehigh, 1h pays to advertise liber- sane chord when it sars that ilu spite 0f al>. lu TaEE STATESMAN. the low estate ho whioh the Cnevtv pr.nty bas been brought by Icrptn CIARK'S BEEF STEAK & UNIONS leadership, reudored more injcomp)eteuýt ln tins, is as whoiesome as it la deiicL0us. by tho intrigues sud self.seekiig (If Ariv -_________for __ ais, thene are thousauds of good-, honlest, patniotie Coniservatives "whl()set, more cT RGT value ou countri' than panrts', ld fpat- iM r S. R. H. Pruaýtaovid ber hoc1ýuhoid ioimmore ighiv lu eeteem thlan effocta Fniait>., Mrs, Pruit ani lamil>. plac; ted 1 wil beUse orko!-tesewiîî renovetoPeherboro 'for the winter. mon te infuse uew vihaiti' inte their 1NoxI spring thoy inteud te go te Mani. part>. and briug it to the enjoymoint o! lob., - The Small Pox soare la dying the important place it can piayý, ait) ut owinz te the prompt action of' oun bas doue lu theo pastýin luouliùYg th Bordof! Health, oui>. a flew cases are etniso! Canada .-inow reported ln outli3ing parts e! the 2"cnný ý iQhos.inship sud they are under strict PUBLIC WARNING.qu hn. Tho disoase la of a vony *Iîd type. -... A frioudiî aend-oif, accom- The Famil>. Horald tend Weokly vStaýr pnei e airassd.us a o! Montrealibis week waruis the pubigven Messrs S. T. Ferguson tend Rob- ag-int falllng- jute a simple error. ert Gibson aend their farailies. "ho 'Aalilèlls antherpape ingatbfering was helu inthe Presby teniant wît asomwbh stularnanobu tiischnrch. These friends l4be are ver>. witha smewat imilr nmebut i muc.h nissed bjarded the train for dist- b>. De meaus the Family eroald anui ant Alberta Nov 20h .... Rev R A- Weekly Star. Wbeil alny invssr elvead miy-vertre h e c-.lis bo sure your receipt lafotr the u aivhv oundhm Family Horald, anti theoworýd ' Famil1 " * Our uew Post Master, Mîr. Robt. ilip is giviug genoerai satisfaction ....- mns beusoi t gt wah on au. 1At the late mîeeting o! Pnosbytery belti l'li bi'Family eani fa a pdey r ich iiiPort Perri' the t ranslation of Boy. R th thz at beaudifart pictre. 'QteonM. 1- halen from biq prosent charge te gives ta eHeri itr, -.)ne; lo-înga Milis tend Prrroso lu the Alexandra, Rer Graudohiltiron n Ld Pebhrcjuevlews rue Doga"'froe teaail subscribers. It is the ,MoryPtarnvos i-es i p asra l. n biggesl doiiar's worthh ver ifered. r - e coe i asoaei n The Famil>. Herald tend Weoklv Star n'kle u atrgttelstSn have aise ssved the Farinons' MtnaRj1,1 lday lu Decenther anti expecha hoeho lu. and Veterinar> Guide9, a bock ne farîiner 1ducte toti i is new charge the first eau well afferd te b)e wihhoul. Thore ý week in Jauuary, Bev, Wrn. Cooper, an enormuuerush of %1nptoi t A , a Port Porry, was appoiuted the ami'.'Herlti ud Veely tarinhitrm Moderator o' Enniakillen sud the FmilvHoral andWeijllv - aý-c rtwright duriug the vacane>- . . Mr. this seasond, and the publI)ishers are SaIt- T. Wbitefield tend wi!o are cemfnrtbl, iug present tasnbesh reuew We' , lu Ihéir xî,ew home in Bisokatock. lu -atvauce, -te hn1p them aeut il! t e Mcs Bruce frorn wls1;ere Mr. Whiteofieid great rush, whicbl will grow tott bnr'cae i omliLsc o.gh tibeir beauhîifulpictunos are scath' redFirtsfrIewner..Mis'2n' LhioughoUl the country., 'ht iuroPr alone la aaid te bho wonth m to a avshugodelsOhMatn dollrs, et ee dolarwillbuy ile 4perDe~mben4t~. rp. z pllinas de- fonne ea su th pe lne ldt to romain lu lit; ordfor theI se Levcr's Drî &p <a pôýjwdeJ wlîr Toa enigtedwf It' -- e LIFE ON THE RýÀ -AIL 18 A BARD)ONE !C. P. R.ýEng iuu'e' xprne withhDodd's 1Kidney Pille.ý- They MBrouglit Bacýk Hl Strnghwe he Goult1 eto es o le WINNIPEG, Mali-,No. r7)<Sela1). -Mr. Bon Raiferhv, h. i.~ouC, P. R. ongineor, whose hom,ýe leah 175 Mapie Street, la unv ,Winnipe Mra wbo swears by Dodd's Kidne ll. "Long heurs ou i5tho 'c,n i ud mon-ri tai aIrain brok iLedwnîn costiutin, Mir. Raferty sa 's. M'ýi' b fack gave eýut euirel>.. Terrible1, tsharp, cuutin-g eials foilowoeti ee noîmrtiti 1J fou J was being slcetiaei eiee 1 wouid cQme lu ireti tdeatbh L oiarin. My sale tiesire would ito 1 e2! et t 0~ tend theY -il n eoitrie verv thinugb 1Icouiti net c,, .Fiuallv I hati te la>. off work, "Then Istarýtedtio take Dodd's Kid.- ne>. PIl, anti the Lt it b atter us!iug thomi I slept soundlv lu threda. asi threw away th lot I bave worn for vears Doid's Kiduev l'iiis cureti me " Upholstering. We have a firet-chues uphoistenen Who la prepaned ho do ail kintis of nepaiing Brig iour furniture ho ho re-juvinated aud upholstened durina' the cunîmer montils before the Fali rush. M. D. WîuLiAaîs&Soet. I3ewmanville, 29-4f! WA N TEU""D. Aisike, ledClvut-td 'l unoihySeeti i wil psih', let unaket prcefor en>. qtFlt4s Jticf ieao J, B. MARTYN. (O D WA GES-f or umore otn anigirls at thle Bowmv.j!Vle Evaporatox IVeter--iua-ry Surgeon and Denîtist F, .S. Lowrey, Y ONORAUY GAUT~ô nai .L.Veterinar'Collage. Trnt.Sp-ecia We nowlhave a full i ne of Heaters andPl-or Cooks, In aIl sizes, and we invite the 1 public to call and inspeeitlr them before buying. We also have a une ,of Coal Oil Heaters in two s /esa wluch are smokeless, odorles a perfect heater and eanu be easîly carried from '-oom i i à PIton e 2i), Boww;!nvie, I2 Dojors at&Puttio e1 eg part of Use jAlles" iastat, cmoecrts of lots 13 R aG1.îI 7th an8th co, f Eas Wb1ltbýy. A 1,1, J BzE A. iNS, Ragian, or J on AF nt 1,jtazlewo1%0M.»., Pittsbnirg, Ke.S OffIce at a s: enuext Dooe't Is Practical Econoniy To rad wlh ~isstoe Qaiiie ar flt s~rficd t prceand yet prices are neyer hlighl. 1We get the best things alid seil themýil as C!lose to cast as possible. Reudy Oomforýts for the cold winter aihead of 3 on in every dtpartmlien t thironghout thle ýlpre. SGood Judgment Welcomed G o:d:jud i s n i :yiZg::::he;0IrW ith Pleasure cnprove your good judgment by wearing Our new styles of Silk Waiste have S 20th Century br-nd overcoats and suts been accorded a warm anld flattering and y cGu'I l ot be the only one who ap- rcpinb hs h r rdtdwt being good jde poto Indian and 'Taffetta ils iibsIk el 2Oth Certary $tut-s $10.00 up u price. broidered fronts, u-o-aefuli l sevr 2Oth Century Overýcoats $ý1 3. 50up in price n-eatly tueked soback and iront (i Other makes of Overcoats and Suits. wast s. Speciaily Priced 'for quick selling at$2.00, Î3-00, 1$3.50, $4.00 $5.00 up ini price. ad$.0 PURS able PIcei The claims of our fur stock on y our consider- ation are flot to be measured by what eau be told in the newspaper, We try to impress the fact that ouly good furs are found here and th.at sucwh are remark- ably low priced, but there's no aýrgument like seeing. We positively glirran tee every f ur garmnent we sel to give pe rfect satisfaction, ' Visit our futr section and S and np crelegant range of stolese 1riffs, mif sý caps, gauntlets~ ai~, grey lauib fur womn' fr oasme'sfuir as-tmig-ht Save yoii moxiey if ou re nt ending id Lr Ls y 't e

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