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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Nov 1905, p. 5

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Grand Trun.k Railwav Svste,. IRAILWAY TIME TABLE. IBOWMAuVD.LE STATION. G 41s 6 ,. Psangr..133 .a Mai. ..,....104 1.m. ltxprese.3 5V.1-Sunday 0111y. 1Daily Except bMondaye Ticts eU :rtaln ipoints sld in actordance wih speclal hoiday rateR announeed lI anoiher coluin W111 net bchomored on trains Nos. 1 or SrOrv & JTUav. Town Aaents Store Open every Nigbt tin nine o'clock. NEW RIIBBBRGOO0DS The largeSt and finest display of Rubber Gooda ever shown in tOvn is now On Exhibition ia Our Windgow. We offer 3 advantages (1) Our Prices ajre iower then (2 oods are fresh from Faet- ory and will last longer than those bat have been kept in stock by Booksyos Boks. Se them I Nieh BOWMANVILLEýF, NOV. 29, 1905. Granîd Division meets in Broacdway _______________________ HllToronto, Dec. fý and 7, GnM-droPs 10e. per lb. or 3 ibe. for PERSNAL.2be. Saturday at Thos.ý Tod's. The Stanidard Bank bas o Ipened ia MUiss Maýyv Bhaw Spent Siunday with brancb aUt Bloormtield, O(nt. Odbhawe fri6nds Lady readers viilwiant to reAd the Mr. Wm. Sanderson, Port H-uron, shtort sermon on another page. Midi., was gusait of Mr. John- Penfound. A bargain in C um-dropS. 10c. per ib. Mr .E. Dixo,Zarrister, Peter- or 8 lb for 25c. Satui dayut Thos. Tod's boro, bias been for a few davs 1the get Swies Bell ingers viii appear lu of bis bi other-in-law Rov. T. W. Jo=li O pera flousie 'Wednesduy Dec. M8. Re- Mr. James Bellaniy and son blanneli serve' the date. Port Whitbv, rocently vislted at Mr. Don't buv e fur-liu.d c,)at, or a4 !Ur Wm. H. Jordan's. collar before you se the big chole Mrs. Wagner, Toronto. formeriy of ebowu by The Mâason Co. Gait, a native of, Cobourg, i8 in ber Everythîng new la Toyb snd Gaines, IO3rd yeur. No old stock. Corne and have a look. Miss Milnan, I Torouto, !is guest o! The prices viii please 3'Ol2 atNiebolîs', Mrs. (Rev,) Hugh Munroe at The The stock of L. Cain, liw~olvenPonity- Manse. psool. bas been purchased by J. S. Shup, NIra. Ulareuce Meathli iirecive with formeriy of Cadmus for 40e. on th&W' biermo-ir Mrs W. B Couch, at ber Try a box of Ganong Brou. 1"G. B." home, (lenti o st., Wednesday, Dec. 6 chocolates or a box cf Lowney's import- Dr, John lioskin, K.. C- iwth hie e hoclates ut Tho@. Tod's. characteoristic liberality has donated Do'RisteEkrtBl ingers. 81000 to the nov Toronto General under auspices of Methodîst Ladies, Ho ýj!îî Aid Soc-oty la Opera flouse Wednesda(Iy Dec 13, Ho0D. SeO1ator Geo. A. Cox sent a John Stantoni, Whitby, bas been atp- check fr80 for the reduetîon of the ponîed License lusopeetor for Soýuth debt ,on Coiborne Methodist churtili Ontario ini the place of R. J. Mackie, Mîr. John Wickett, Port Hope, puc- Oshawa. coe the late William QuaN as a Roud The M-ason Cole advt. for iltiri Director et the Midiau -Loan and Sav- bargainu next Friday, Tte ton dozon ings Co. underwear weare practicaily ail gone ~JJi u Dnarbos. ana UELLIn ULIothewe!- knowu Canadian breeders sud imiport- ers of, horses in Ibtis country,. Tlieg came out by the 1'Oceanic" 10 New York and are makiug a tour o! Canada in- c'uding the North West and viii attend theb Chicago Horse Show. Mips M. Treleven who lias beau speudiug.a year willi ber brother Mr, Robt. A. Treleven aud visitiug nunier- ont friends lu different cilice of Canada aud principal cias in the Uited S-ýtates lefI Wedneslay for Montreal whcle she sailcd by the C. P. R1. "Lake Mlanitboha" for LivRI pool and Ithence to ier hm lu Sîratton, Cornwall, Eugland. --This la MiSSTrsevOU's second viSit tb Cana. da and she is greatiy lu love with tlie people sud country. She lias seau, more of Northi America than thou- sande of people who have lis ail lire a lifetime. Miss Treleven wililibe wel- corne hack again. 1We are prond of tie success of the graduates of TinE STATESMAN office. Everv voung man who served a eom llete appreuticeshiv ini this offize and contirned at nrintinin," e nxu.vin a The srerdoritv of Dr Pitcher's Back. luc raàtiîve sud responsible position . Mr. ip 4che-Kidney Tablets over oblier for"ns ci lierbert J ilooper who lai t TRE STATFSS the treatment.9i due tO the fait that they are MAz effica neariy tWo ears a go to ,the prescription cof Dr. Zina Pitcher, 1th. assume bbc !nrexnanshij! ni tie Lindsa.', ex, famoi.us spcciaisî-were osed successfuliy Wate. man.Wardtr office, lias been ap C.O and àtvsted inpri ate r.xcice by hil foi pointed to a gond position lu the Lon - lg ir1înn years bafOre lhey were giVen to lb. don Daily Adve tiser ottie-one of the s' -uli t laie Thyvaan xpn ie hst sud Most up-to-date priing i,-offices m apcfcigediento not found in any othet uin ),tario. (One evideuce n()ruiis blat o Ki derirnwd, y. la R any wonder, tien, ;a niewr Potter presas' lsbeauie iitaiîei j ot 1h;[.t y ur2 Jumbagio, diabetes, gravei, aduldekrwtIocoreup-Col Brgt' ~eî,unec acid in the blOod, ment It feeds, prinIs, culs, foldsansd dre hertsmneriidropsy, iritabillty delivers2400eIr-p. Fprsa ha zf ti.e bladder, anid 1iduety troubles of aidlno.-2,0 cgitaepprsnat pc~ieadchlrn-1heri other reinedies -îi-î r-~Cia Rcad i0ia Mrs. W.Martin, Orange- are ,tlie greattets elhing har2ains even r vil, Ont., bas 'o say:-" Some lime &go 1I ceea uinBownýian1ville. Tc ttfawhai o z-d a good Cde al of tr0u!le with myback.nine mou -oit of ten wil Say whn krowho an due bcold ,ýthmt aatlled in -he K 1nya4nxtking aboi(tthe malter. eThte r1 1 W.-- also troublýed wibh dzlesand Mason Co: ffltvI an I sarad alingDr Ptchr~ Bahahj %fi. O, i.Si) sou, C., iliasbren Inn uacd ue bo l 51ebv acht jea d_ ie enn~MnfcuigCo M.aecin."Ic fde b aies~O ie puits tutu eve t enterpri.se i;i mwhîch *m e. a bgwe .o.lQftoba 0 bvaube.fay'ee n î orser eii rteu&le ilin bYterialn chburch, WtlitbY, Sunday )k place. . Tbos, Power, Presi- eeig nrt, waH pooe deieg'ate to the 11ev. Win,. Jhoe preachied in Trïi[.. )rovincial Instituate lu Gueiphi, Dec. 13 church verY scceptaýbîy Suuday. PList-1 id 14. Mrs. J. W, Sparling, alternate, Or HiPkin's frieuds wîi b3,Uc.s1dto It S ZodFile vey eektore(,hear that lie i , oq rug il s uoo rIs vey ee ' read Rv. O()Jobuston.,cToronto, wull rat least to glance over every page o! lecýture aI Z ion no t TuesdIaDe., ,la paper lest some very important o Inlece-,O oacontsid5 ticle ha flot seeri. Oniy 'last week a o Iiuue aiùaýutsol su hoe xcsewa "onbuy"l to the peoffle ila that; iocalityxmis ths ex- -ad the paper missed an article that cellent lecture. See otice ii ecoI P e )ncerued hlm very deepiy. Take un Rv.Chs.Adrn.]rokluletue vnng with this paper. PaI Ma ple roeThusdy ec . il Au eriterts-inmeut thaýt l Ai, strictlv etr eevdveyfvrbecm -to-date in t'ery particular, cdean genaRro1und ±ei--etiiing- Tha-t-is- the- -vertdirt Keroiilahmifc -vneuSee ail wlîo attended the entertaiameut Knoi eîswhrsl f cen bv the B"ell Ringers inu Hollex oieeý\h-e iii. The prog'rami is a good one and ' here Y"wî1l le a C- r s tasentrai- Pey ný,inher a star.-Bristol Vt. ln ment given lu the 8lvatîoiiArmi lalf Ë Opor"la louse, Bowmauville, Wed- on Tedy eebrlt.Tero 3sday Dec. 13. Admission 25c; ch;ld- gram 1Wili Cconsist 0f drilis, sonEgs ant Did You ever hear that 'lit takes a 1e.Ai ae eioîo.Do miss IL iteli t make a dulR boy smart?" 1owmanvitle Ds c League have 1sel it aiu't sn. Ail shaving soaps wiîî subscrihed 85-t -Lw ilanïd ow- hall ake anybody smart,adthchae squares-as deslgn-ated (lb y the Christian esmarter, and aiter using Ihem your GadabIeCat elol. ei~sso0dry ud tighlitat 5ou wauî Collegoe fuLd. Rev.J. P. Berrv. B. A., ebuttons !ot ouI. 'En escape sucl au IHampton, gives $5';, or obs-hlf Fquere :perience Coke's Ar.ticeptic Shaving liev. J. A. RkIn. astor of Carlton am, sold at Peth'ick's Barber slopanld St. imethodistCurl, ooto will ga r store. preacli in the Methodist CurHow- ;even columus of editoriai and local mnanville, ex unarîorni,~ n lIter crowded out lasI week appear eeig si ~teuuiTakoft inside pag-e,,nciuding Dr. Chas. P, ing day a4 good uneise xpejc-ed Speen ni arriage. Darlingtoin Couincil, lImseb h hiTebadar'e .lseof Disciples aud part of an ad- akn for [lieusua tlnk-oJffaring ni ess hy Rev. Neil MclPhprson, BP. ,,,an 'liîo.Pbicrial somd îcýe on the prieo! hee!, au edit(,rî Thenrtx etgieWdesv mded Tocout People, Orono saud eai~b h ou epeo rnî arke n-3ws-aill ii one na e. Cogrgatonl hcvaweltcd IORERS0FDIGSTIN."We bave kept ed. Tilerogram nned mtIC a dia. r.Cïiasta'tiKidnev-Liver Piii z i, leogehtenMssBleMrdiau ne asa amily mdciafmoý(r 'si inaMri.Rednswr ifind them itlie inotstiac of ot1wMsss Uceýn V ys sudHaze r rnwed.c wüecan get 1 caitpro-Mr'f eiainb isBsi pr lv ru cotiand lliem toaîî'.oute sfeit igdeeMstrrn u îarc mP K;dn1(-v sud LiVerdrngoatLitx;slaMseFornsHpn Mi VenO'~or; clu1 b viuging v seven SoeThot fd 7r0e n t MIi-ii !grls; nd lhrea ih ,uiple, ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 eft~ n aered , I ha dog ew ' uine h nn and Saviings dman.officeopoIte.1 B be nïews1W0 some. The Ecl.ardt Famnily Mf ell ingar ecsl very wav sud Ilth rogai gaeperfect satisfaction, Everyone sýeMed oerfectiv deiighîed aud imany e('dThat ils the best ili se; an- teeti ce' s"1Ihave neyer beeau: ode agsaîn f.viliibrin-g mv -A ole famiv" Grauby, jQueý.IDont is liýaing tiier Stock wlui t Everyb ody This la The v Verict Wiether You Want koon PaerWiudow Shades, DurtIn PleaP(icture Frames, BokIynBý-sBWsSain (ý,-y or)' Fspc!-Y Gond1s. You can ha Thehas he Vew Po)sti Y01. wii eadmoe nw Try n.y 25 cetand10cen!iue o! book,, by popula'r wies Pâm TrebilcoVk Sale Price from $i.to S$6., iso part of a manufactures Stocýk of Ladies and disin. bo'n mcraand worknîiariship. This Is Pa chancPe 'JIhat no 1aiy- r Miss requiring a s'irt ear afford I;o lose, SBargain Skirts " 5.00 " " 3 7 i3argain Shýirts "4.00 '41 2b Barg-ain Skirts " " 37, " " 29 ~tBar gain ýSkirts " ' 2,50 11. 15 zz Do not delay ini se euriug somne of the above bargainsi ~.as titis is thc biggest suap we ha ve e-ve r offe :-ed Uo' ustom-. ers at luis Season of £he year. Our Geaeral Stock is Coînpleîe in every Deparîment. Wekindly invite your inspection. - ~ Grocers' due hbis taken as ca.sh. zý>Swt: ason &Son e--,et or oStandard Bank, onayle ~ApNes WanTeA M F'R M 0 N l MALE QUARTETTE. F.H Frost, A. E.ý McLaughiiin, To Al ConcernedHJKnhtW..SRcad 11 il viii puy ot.to save i r Cneuie esn 956 euhappesbot peles ad eder E'A{Cnxisfr fiet.iirr tpu e. -bu ilan xp-i"" "ci" Olf; 10~~~~~~~~~~~" bE p10Dc 1 -rbiifd vo~ eramde& t4o.tL, bu kýapnr- o' BOwmarnûL v l-,i Ui, 1~ Paaoltke ro rltods 1u, otlAaO B1ihe n 25 conta; ka«rïe ge 10F' vil coet you 25e. ab Nichol'. p 4e athie ofice,, InsertjoIr FuNIl îefo e t.' rlighing q0aM a"I >Irm. Wni, E. mut'"on,a n.1 s Su p i ng 0yst.r8 inibulk or by the plAte Bt Mail4Ât-±BokiNv 2h oM.a Ths.Td'iP, .JhnLMuynai.c, a du2ht-i'. 1 P r ,Ê%1i a Doit now, doxit watt, ro to Nýichofe'CLI-t takîie Nov, 13, te Mr. and Mvg*. 9 for XmiaH goodei, oh colin, a non. HÂALLOWELL..In StarkVillc, v17, to âMr Gea Slt mke godpbotots and a"(IdMre. Jacob HaUloweIlla Bon. prIces are rlg'ht,. M IWT-In Oshawa, Nov. 23rd * the wîfe of 10 &>omethingv to rementmber ut X1nas James Mowat, of a son. I i' m s S e~ s u p n u Nichons ses l chesp. yAovR us Nýglorweddlu;Z eatk boxes-iovly ones SCORGB-UTEJ>..L 0oL eWa Noý'V,2.ý -&t, ,TATUSâdAN o$3ffCe. b ev. J. EHodgeo, B. A.. AndrewScrýv n Caft'arline Rutherford, b0thQc aîw _____________________________________ 3 Try Lwe'scjbrtdimported ÂSOBSLET.Âî65Duffin Ave., choco1atem at D, Luttrell's. London, Nov. 12 bY Nov. J, GbxaRoe RercîOu cu-hýn oerünP-o'itirvlag Watson and Edith irltlde R~a ou cibbig of o onanoh'rdânghter of Mr. Walter Ba;rUett. Éag.,5 50 wvrïtb oi papers for $88.25 iSSY. IUB..O cul, 231h atheesdei Meîsfine far-iried Coate ii l uai- 0fDr, J. 1B. Silooz, Torou,1 OMarie libbf, m ERE wili be roaet Turkey, Flum PudIding, Cake aid Santa itie At o~ch Jobton Crderman'o dau litcr o!the late Alfred Hobbs Bowman. 1f. Cassms eoew nwiYs n nnto 5 ~~~vilesud William John Tlnney, Cobourg, - lU' lotbfr eko t 's Iý e Tya "Tatti Frutti" or thetri" WavîL~rav i Meîhodjsi Par. hundreds of them For whaî lec1l e oewt i cakat nos To Ysoethijng speCialusoagsrnaNo.21"by 1ev. M. OlIver mitncemeat that we've been ea !gtj frkIx Wakefield o! W, Huron, forierly o ci tlae aille. Iosanquet; and Îdiss Ada Matifda, second fLot èdrink seasoas7Us (optsned. 7Try daugh:er o fMr. Wm. Wiht fWid.er, formn- 1) Lttel'shot 'Vigorai sud thot erYo01Darlingîon. OCARIE if ýou anta delicions aned refreshing Clarke, Nov. î2th, Elien M. Coop. THERE will be plenty too, thig we rknoýw 'Ly zhea1-3ntof bot dink on a colwd Aight go tG1) er, beloved wîfe of Wellington Cowarn, aged 39csaî asn adSnaCas uple ytebse Y1ou l] be l rprieurieu you goninsle.utte]velved of Nuts, Oandies and Fruits of veygodKi b Nihons sl yes to eo i e masLAnKE-In Oshawa, Nov. 10th, Mary Cooper, goodsbeloved wlfe of Frank Larke lhibhr 4Is year. Don'two vaot ho N, ho,)sele 0 fENT-Brick Itesidepce, Stable N vi o1~tbe a aa d da chap UB ak ite uiaps that attacuied. PI OANM.WLIgbD a re üomin g tU r 48 tfBom'lle Apy oAANM ~~I T athforyou to buýy ieverything you ieed for Crsmsa LADIES a - o ;; - t 1s toe.thqri -,i

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