Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Nov 1905, p. 7

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-sý7ncn{ or Irst two years. The good,(l adwie0 ' ,fOlfahave undertaken the entire1 c risinCo -Culuidig. om wok gefot w-a s ri ade, toù,p ro iles omleu mdo o aIig -in lrilre mion b l )ui l ii 'n Bomanvde but1,1 prcticai moves- ruent bas been agreed upon W,L ia coodw"rArnwtt ie dontefor te t you o Iden Pathwlýay to ÏEterncal F î-,s ftis -towJn if we hadl t'e moe1 s ecessary. atf his iG %ýWe baie on tareran fo mer ceccUonmi_(sol ci.eacher for the town sehoosbut o f rhliihli pechat surcPcouc! hn-c coisî c leh'l d,.-e une proposai liasnhot been aeted ulo Wlieresoevmr Cbis Gsel sahbetiei 4c1llwthe ,Ž'rco ithe Bord.ive hm avenopurs ipeached tbrouguout t( h o e etIrýual doircfail - uteprest lieond the genera weame OP worMthis aIsotu sco a lu e Tbeîo %M- n de lu aCrIe ertl en coMMucni y.but we WH! giadiy p ! Mshah Ucwoknicfor a imeioilcftu 'nppu ,icox la , caot -% r:,iluti _________________ ~~rr haro of the extra exeudi t wyer-Miari, rxi, 89 Pir, ifii il ,or +,'ir" i a Tht ipaper cotume mïe editoria cave, Tou anyfrmrfc'instance. o tcessa3yt gve verIchVdHuomasce d' u Liow mei cPcs ceuci oco u i liogitetwa Poblc soKWIa good Hor ttl se îd artcls hanusai a flc diorhy okalte errudregardyess f rimnry mical education. W e Cop- 1uns realy dmo.' Qw ue simplent,'lual, auJ"\11,ho se dsirete teco ntbandsormany pesinwgmns.adr rsstr,'th an Who workscdq h arns0f Bowvmauvile if itbhvaut ud ceuipiexrempuits, lan J",iO ht he i rta ltis oftubeen a cnemtiu wtin hiabpaadwwiithotans3sem ieywHll 01tendorrse cur suggesioln unmed iroman dinga simle deed hý Iei,- and haph nns yhIcrv u le vr2 er foiciic-i lnawv os5 adedv t Plie towu of ibliwe seeby Asho co et c kiussor tbe Lord cf gîcr, sra Uswca fPtay ' perene i i sif a ~,ea aqrïr;l ,,1e te Ochiimeeif ainiddoceflot accomplEli 1ies appointd a lady mi e acher nt si luaridnntrstsof wcumul %"A r- a sipleded cnitflssbd ove, lichthe people geeral w)ealy o ucli as flic one whi warks R Oa year,Zance . Jesus irs njoin o-a iitd:ors f ii is, s ib ~prcaemore, ,editorais or uews w toimse d1fillite prearr-ange;d planasilta natlip 'd o -Ape We hve ssued tat he utt x- threglrtheworughour sudWH! ptltyc io i oilmu!maltrasueudno op petdof us e'Ttrbaiy iras toguidec lne Hk lehrdlii ila ejdorLr uJbeoa i epece boo"boxtib oid thoghsofou redes-o l n onprcite teretaud thlerfarmer hiruseif CuJtire s uaarna Daf bst loxe and purd is ountcet-hsacta h abdu teie o ficda sd 0 rseuiltof-ie -pi cstfedwith the fresudaigt to1'i of intulnt cf siinrlilup!onilsPl pokeýn cffor a'ieoalc pub1uicyouriîblughts asbreFIaASxp ameitrwok ro dvlgb tiser fra-nkýlyas if tat-ugfla trsting1longVficer drrk, but have reguier hours ns leditirsnsct0 eotc n friend Thisduty we lbroueb.hvl!c ekwin lubad Railyo bearwc Geulf h id ifer tifslo e. nDe-netfdolars, a1 re acre aiJ- ain ci LI .9 dbut- c ei uavi a > Pis di'i'ity- 1tirred ingeauJWU!teroal. Tre.wk andhi' thif andlie w moe huesu 01pc uldii<Wu ipwileuoyyoiuor aJ yomiei Cures bty Ureaîthîng iritn Hil], anncuned bht.erailfU-cunoi ta.Tee b c cn view pofints irnlilar te -what rwe have McT.dicated Air fOs auIfmeintheeieds Sen'Ieît sy o esntn Hz T;,, f abath do (Ilý Jue rbtsh ould **** U or u'lini lu otsfol or, taienis to ko i, Do our ravarc rrai' , cl or1)5ml e ed in Cobourg nex, os tn, ,il .,fI:,i;;ý ; ý'a 1sý, apprciete car ec oet-r wi Woule ut 1or tht',(ý', in i 1iPl ,1t l ratL ber bavefi iofl]adw loWloul. Tela sciled crer fis vear toI lutht traaeatel f deues ij;pracbe ihougcettPe haihhcrgtea iscsanadf consder tht illuse of REfuge question. otenaresuit cf ecaarr, Homoî setsivol.iisas ht h ah oefibf'ns t ii tetsc un»m? We have a mne sudvari The peeteuci uwIerday Nimos Wt immedictci lyon the iumed salnob. spoen cf for a nmemnoracf beusuare pro ratp, rather than consifuecy tdserW ti hmi Ases f cr necsu Wleh fM gel flicpick. nmbraucsud flD e ariug igîrs t e"Se uh ete atteniýt i pr npf'tai. te n-n cdsîef ebill e îu's cf comalli mont; nextycar on r ltuîn t once, ofteiboeiol, ra ore U I'D IIT,,,ECOLD aIl, len e siouhild ik tewriescr- lreudrahigPripefe r inss esof MteaN. Y ,()eha f faîthfol sriewbc st iy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d adwsiounttritretgteolhumanannsd fot te be deaied fAc 'Hermei s tuwviy odefl.Ibaera verbr dig i ine duty. but she il hifalonue wthtP ail wo rend ths journal, lustcohance but itwoid Siamu nwiteqused f Hbut a sbort time atM ste a getieopmtrslo, iti s muid euni Cd esesdcl ea 1 er a dprIug bdy Ao idnifaes1nban change ilu My conditinon. my irig1iisth in H bervK tb1ho1 mehiaup Yie a e1l ees1, famcus sintci H me ev uJ ic arduedif e usdefakug' Thre e h goerunt1 's improving rapidv ana Ilied ne ides s a, J ho itfinge,ýýr di(1-1u\01 liiw 5anap+t Jc exprss candi»;v our p eaidsret ii m nohrt~foe e tltif Iwouid impreve ta rapidly in se shorts a raedimondesrtho osao'into thso Gc \es- iss-oin',ýnry cf eteal wùiu cmeygon-miisud good opiions cf buiîiug if te ieuse of Rofuge uM i cimeM y bronaf h w hicbhwas v ery co,&f e11 letri fscfagra sstm au1eu urreaersina wordý,tea pp rislacte natMt accos îlufe o c.MUsr emsi u th h 1lid o'-t ifsnt e rbttatmssg -a1e lrgefha siir 1lny univrse poplarty-rfhc by ealug bookRepoterbed odor entirei, 1 have speut a irme i siigo auJ M hat 'lauiagw udc uJfye tril 1ou u, ichligenfiy Aimpressionuit îuay mae. is bi ai treeVluay meur c comene ficmasesthali 02aer0g e o nethinuk ficdmotinucntain scnhs ttsd eo rurse bl h uty te sad tic es sag iihfhoPtNlr.Ti-oi;e il lu1y- tQ put if enoîber mev. me prefer 10 uizv nim in ommasnviliebut m e n eul e iemi" P noI. rjlsp, u hibraJai iaouulay t 6esmt chensk cftr-iepOF p-clte dndron"- i cayw orn tjivc it Capplies auJ mwiA cpWO m? cs ti ?j J()apinonet semueI iaP % i ouu ih te sudr s Jao JilasU ii optl tuse0f lipprthr tisumri u T u d ls hihh edt:Weecaryniss 0f anbibane trs tcru lie cas Cou iat is i uiaodno 0mcli'oas u on t aeu domu tesmtheirparic âuerdeicswThta rni idîslposedl ë>kijk at crer' liedlibn Deet pccket a michine drepon rafle sa o Peg-etss oke o hl, i la Pfhseir baacdjourl. ý)cnliigaiflcfit ss0otui eftt is toPwunhaler m ss nailîue csud flire 1>;( is l i t' i intaquoie, bis rousucioncleiysCa l~feege ferles cvmcus oupesîng fr ul d areaamasuifer batmta ir 2eeu.Adimoai otf es oh mi: SIILD lEuiINFL SJ ithrcaebanu evnt ïld icu0-io cf alimetecf o tdhh srcoslif mutli s cru-el eau lie procued for 50 cent s spomîsi&,ble usev Pschredb qonUe foh rec-usaicu0 U ~iî mu Xo i is pape meareeud arciug te ublili. arethtcul one b wa fs sl sritiz e dl iged lv p i s uboheo iv cr w &- mW li Wosco l vl fiui u ý_i " iI t-, eu a lr "7 akatheli7ad-idllotrl ctîzdn Ifyencanrtobtia s-meiol eu iy ee'ratt sanup-todate markerd s-Y ti e lcupbuuaiig cf biS MU% r:s' os, paid, on retpr. rt ut priesuiar ipedtd fdî àrPnfs ~oou: imt'sîA noru s aanprecatd bliscUal cunes acfle cc-0-îie iWyanJdlicmiiinef iMtper- ite f %day fwr conetatio Paun uytefol-,bc i c'spo segit le) ueii iri.l peýjcole s-wislm tufc erraorsfi.Mo1 a .iutemi's stand whlI1ific ema-vbairîwl ieienu tf mie os CfEue siAdencef ccnim0nd 1l piersin 1the 'iras c-ny itiel t fi nsrii~ Ibis respect flic lutol-motien gien lcfiletiCof redci eprmef iisutcare piita nrl. 'Se ah on 0 i;,;i:,oe rs ierýalsd o Tht Weekiv Globe ud Caua-r ar- s* - mRT. l3cMh Commpauy,Ussornimpawlaope coiud i ir %e,'o, f o h'JeItllieau ip fs elle.TIfisnjeciahiv pepare frtie aerîllrooaiiotu, PlieteINTRItSE11 ndrie=TEos ieeî Urs'tcfdeorsg icf(brt uqse of aruîrses, sudlhoPas ds fraist fos 3 UIf A 10 impuwre lcbus ce r iehîîn u iifs. P lisia ir oi! heia tb.heir1bun. supn11 iscft se i l speets iou av oirurte ske M.Anim e liuand iiersf rTs au ouses i is leuorsol !,!,-hes a 1hese ho xn isn1cf Ii formationgiren. TiiWofcaescuslot'cbucempis. uîke fsi gea nm~aor b~Iuei cltnt if hi il"csontalil-c!!e su , Winat's. .mr erlNcrhee i Primne~elf dv s iotrn i10irsiere. Sensui itiîg- pu ary te ifs racesmWho uste lu art- Tistaresp!om ,un et reusled VineIlriis, Bowrar.n'me, la ie huPhi m e«M oithtihrg ttefuueaJge, u 7C, ç mnau)peoIe baChtpoe's se ' - Unewtin, e; pafrq - loit..,.14.sud irsa. T.NW Tau, ~~~~-' ~ ~ ~ ~ i e1 ~ lca d C n d e m rfr l l',an pumau cgnuit .o r 1 mille sîaud pais ! br, SBradly ud il dro cn 'm- ecr l ; ' suebum e 1 l Il 1h aie trcr b 101 um Po G 55cm~e teir usiess uccee. chite funin!rsire absoi ledlin mair D--~ited fnind, lent,... Bske Social - nudla1usne baJ i Cro11sin tise cheese irsccbhd utheisciso use at Oaîvia ltetPeMarsypbs chMeoi rfri'sti crr. sl's' l-fs ýl wtc çýtt ec l ,ý- c h io e anet a f i uit as tisese lied Fnday nighLt.. .,iiss id yLY îgy,luir bi- peut.L 'urtb'sva" wsarenisui-"anc('hlB tlîny shrses i Wcbaemaciefhteic aîec ise ,ie sserM s o-ike m " n s \(e' r- CiýivI1 :i, - Tis Tvofo Daly Globe f-riin.codtions dtfynis siili.viieibrttr rLcked.. ,rgseei-elnsnyhriemiisil ea yuto npussss Teu e sr une(m 89>tic !aja "lTntpasi yar'bas beau uu!uckv for e ,r Ms John Moffact, Nmreie is set r uni thiga heloinc bese daii cîeul ieumas23,83. ~e er baak r-muinadr ns. -lhusec Brown cf 1te WtSoir parents bore.lr,î& . ________A,_____________ agi fr be irt eu insecf -!Ç 5 ise Cu , oh Hausiltn lise br'eu 1,inea al- n s Ca cd te ar-at River on 52,14, 5sifnf mure Mtti Iias ruser sere cars in Kingston pententiary. shiont1 e«hfe sse r. ýie fsi ots-r hc i Ï-1' cii...FwlSperatM-I a bocf Purlisiin wisisoesas stdi ers areprinieci.Ttis record, we Stock specuhaficas bave, mc fane,, lce1 GF7friC aïe IoN'upprf beimeis unprailed liy suy higà i muied fari momnihan tlicy have CreIa's churcisaadecidled success. Aasagv. pncedaîrpaerinf e amuiu.This madet ncis. Toomnaur peopie in tus p spiendid Progrnru as rendered.vtîo- ]RF. i itiho girl irears sohoo-l frocks gi tali Globe a sfron g lead as au W aJ.J s irst to get ich quick and su maire P roceede $75. of sergo Prigbttued h oie tmuacli curfis eriigmetilu Rus c culaf ion is rbaf pinuges fliat land flicrula gaci or mc+.-----Soeynnt rse vma ord-chlr u otolsulfkd ceuI emil fic uteliguiadvertîsep r. fler coe quert crs. 'Thé eiJ fabletiesJpcossovrheisan Loeruf cfscdPtofi ** ef flichefrrteise anJ thé hare t sf111cetaine lu Time of Peace hgif h vst iefi oge-bmarauJreclifng uenry te tMe bot- * a ieson lmauyrnv emhev mli -theleeit, and they arie Mwerifu oto;f b res re the nmosi str- sý-av rFrd iele Eau must t I peiy" ge"Hlonesfy islichest lefIc hefiref mentie el tiheilussia-Japan rnnisthe pSZeai i] mrremoes av mi'iJd liey $2 e $ r(ltielb! , cese happis ts UY i sforcful as wwm wOt ewar We bod a stncliiig exampie of tsj lb sdm odr ss eda enîile ralm, aJivsomvete mar- 18e. er iî, muten aprcabînH flinour copy books fremth ie Leachersnecessffy foi preparation at-J the earlyupntecrtsitfismuete-- a3-imoleruinf wreati, luteri sud cggs * *advanfage of piose Whio, ,se o 10speak j othso2-sMt ti 7lttle coats show n for chfîdren arc bniugini -top rî-itt nca înîv ' 'aveshbuxgi -d their roofs in dryumeaunresfl ia b.lte loudPi ii0tre nnde-tego-de-nand-tigh-ig-ns-What le kuomI;a as fhe salria The viirfe ofpreiaarwiosiae 1 hv -p'uh ttopeot ne Frsbo rse br sau usniurngrlutgondend-ltrar etc -zimAsptier- unt-cuaturwqgreuhauJlUhue£plad cotton muih( Yen sblould lic lappIv andconiend taais meeting wit h verv istroug te y aud gir o suen aewekigfoete, iar1arduoafnish ib 1iudersiha louglng for Chtlniîu t o mtrn 0 afod defvor froru Liberaissud Conserva Tiseindividuias meli as tisenation should £gici e, in bi eiu.Tesmii- eî lu- et ad von ise hanc te ake Sour mif e a - ik4e, as it sloul, No satisfact- be prepared for any emnergency Are 1(rout mdlîakdaieol acs Cnmgi i[ hr et flc haudsoru present.ou sfifcaro u enlie advanced for vo-, prep ared te succes<3,it:y combhat fesidtsauhtol es cru n !lae aJmiuîuae sîcîfr th babies hile peasione tri cabinet ministers wbo frtcoiti yatuke? A coiti au lie cured ý! nýsw no c 's hae scved int ears Wbue mebavemurcore quickiy wlic a freafed as soonfo fi mdiseste ak gI.,s OTby r ui o(1ea uioos lu Heare i norgeetfDariw-n condencd the increaseta thse as if las bloneacoutr ad dbefore ifà t fi, lbut nowir ibaii-ho m refoooareintende te P shipelo ovo teue oly yrsireherimnMa. Flader of flicOppeitin,tie increase haslieccomne ecthed in the systrm. 1amstyls arc Porc tis ccrsimake l'sibeinfan's obs iesi is crioi_ T. Gu q P. M. At QunIer & Seu'sit encissOns -mals uuuecessery anJ un- iser11%'sCorglisRcmedy jefaos orfs edy f0 îOPèIwIi ,lsinJ.'Te fnodmiiursu stetreivvs- disersonsal ofAyehic cile iat iîarrauîed. Cnadien iectors irat- caret oWcolde snd il slouid le kept s~abdriotiihtotilestc os weekaI Muvilo, nt,,41 lts mreaver ibeir polilical bias csiould demend bnci1ready forinstant use. For sale b L'v ioosppoters nssislucniva, Clresscsfo drsw'r eold,10o!f iil ereunder I-)1 mouflis sredjastruent cf th.,-sshan,'iuicrcaees al dragestand- auJ hePglhosi-cisigerlutebv panteuerososaJ od, ning; 2Zî-a total ,f teni $10 , l0,matie hast session iu ths, Commens. _______ ak siela b oî p r b ui' lr îuly hvfJ uI lppers. higlist fIgueleîng $709 hî efl Bls r Pgi ie ueru xas renae uinbt eitiîmsdIl !lcu a ntiwoid'srcrdfrprîtes. lu 1! Bushnýies 1s1menantdIilfY dylug udden. 9(ONW 1 XU~IN$,0 hema, huittie ilbeos ue tesatimfIioî bou orrosettes., tu be f allTIc averag pn Ire, 01rubar filre1rcwok !a i igur, irbereafs thPei- liat ris l rsecns u as ei bein biger fee-ibo afpidet auy mmrid îud body, aleug irthteauxicfy Fridav December 1st via ihVal- hi gis t fieoPa%&iauJdpuIm& dem' , n lirie, sle ut.orclireof previeutAvrsbinsye in Aeic rirics fic sEerere strain of business icy Haimcad. Ticketsgd odOas am wail fafosi et sois sioi use' uo ~c l1i'lnd Prlaesmeepeetconspetition lueurs, lias mucis te do iflioci? $900 froru SuspendinBig, if trn cndeeî,<r nnieer fir ca-nubaclltapy up adl Yur accouts sud ciay FiorMida, and -tbe se-ulb, via LdbigI - PAsSaiTT-,,,. innnedateru icnm cma oiiiMrns cososh u ourunsrssupy fc!fvi f o n, Ilalîreaeh 'VnectIoir won yurerdhrCoHnf t PhiideIpia, WaAhigton ivscisvorsntra 1oe or rdtrsmi«ymhz NewYork Wihi btdtrinsforAisoMevs dau ntcnitngc vfille, Pn Ane.SutcuPinu ern-tecLaam.iosir sfnib' fluinmug oie- 0!"d,,unervH, alctuSrnnb ie EiesSt. Vit.us' Dance, or Faflhing 1if ih aJee o ofifs ou n mu- r FEsîn' e 1naicoand ou-u lise s, enMan sd jameia King St9e1% cet N, W. erroCa=n Aa. beaithce whg cllps , !a ise canad, ~ t e w~rk ba bec liegn. "ha ste csf Cal ouor atdros, Relt, S Lewi for rug5iis mli o cariobtanfur oiî rnbro'er!' hy aud. If le suiF >eîssrea. e~- - s'JO, tise b igleta Ce $16 000 Haes, Time Tables and Iisrîdoa~w-o-ust a SCson thfe, cioro- iC anmd tht Cïtimlated mainitenae l 20Literafure. 4u -"w. L1 -ocre -roiemeJ vustl'iJmos Q urng / .S unqu i ifed cdercaese Ko thr ediînlas scarecod of cures o female trouble or S"cl1 htaof gaeu insas la Lydi E. inkarn' Veetable Compound. Wom, ndcoisquntS2na Wakes, uJispeularl y a da-ptLe d t th it hlcre eca M OsAsof Balialieand Leuorhoa than an y other rem- edy heno rMld i'S eu r known it àsaimst nfalibl l _u1 icase&. It veloprueiuiutgcelda Ireguar, Supprsnod or WPinflMenstruation, Wake rd'ofthe1ic aci Indýigestion. B]eatin g, Flicg Nrvusprostration,.edce enrlDbl i ty qiekly yield to it. Womb troubes. causýi ng paýin.wih u ekce n stant! réMiced aend crmmscilctrdytms.Inealiemtne inivigorates the female sy sîcuauJiýs as liarmlc,ýss swtr It q&ickyre'uom s that I}eaing dmygFeing, extreme ilaitude, "don't nesI ziess, mpFaîntnc sslelesnssltecrymesianoiyor the"bes and headache. These are ere idications of Femae Weakne or some de- ard Baekache, ofWeiîber nextheVegetable Copond alrasces. Thus woen vhorefse o acep unting else are rewardcd a hcndredi huadtiefrtiygt tthey wa-nt-a c2ure.SodbDrgit Tbersîsciso1'Fianu a id'id?8 a-are aiaiy wevopenrc r flrnil c "y- 'dac c n ad1i Th 'oa ef b~ u o ttioalh Disaac hc'~nrXcd d succd L- rfecfanay- prmu y-ui ac ap GOn,("iteri; i L-tfn-i aDrs. Kba md xfErry m tont auumauny Cua-ç bands- a.d d or aci FuyLa _z too ýjo e ezva ud ns c ci- ei- . e y-re accu s v. Ilred Of CNc Nalea i-'e m iri anrt pi rlimns, ai fvut. i ,Crecl TLi ý-. A rshd T, n-1loUs S vgr iai t. and aPPY LIFP Crri. "i i; roc ou.. .orauso ela fariHOcaO e f.cnî At lmoolI l 148ad Sun e ly ii-t ei ~anmrama - ,u.maEo,, - a ~ TOBCCOIM SSE. ad e isas br iougt e tehoit) Shee islcoananiuihcndiionoan I'he Crop ,Will lie Tw:,elve P linslgthpsarcentrandfrh Pounfis.recovery 'rire sali ebjîdren irerio AÀ de'sp a teli ïfre(jntAmhleratbgI 1 11s av S. in the house eut the tie. :It is esîmate thaz Ltj1tPecrcp of te- bpacco grown in Essex ,,Ceunty lest MAQIIT STN . icsnwas about tivelve millionDsoeryCeas sautJp - pouds. The, crep averaged 1,2()jDsrel oen sal ,p peunds per acre in Essex Couutv. ese iiister in Seoul. The average yield in KCentucky is 300 A despateli te a, Leudiýon e pounds per acre. aec rmTekýi4) anys: A xes~ Seîanething noir aud Up te date! 1en ttsta aqi t 'a Th f5i is aIl v( very irol, lu- i h1ie tst cidtnn' ortin naation 1for ail ugtruls Ilis. GOOdn.icli Was Sfartfng Fire W-'-Ifh Coal Ou.l A2e1 ibfrmPr g la Pmaiie vesfes i blushati tPe0h111 jrI- armse-m-sýl .t of tue tW:- iras teîriblyv ans el psffa C(0a1 cil Murben i epîde antdi fus- cas ~ ~ ~ 11d c u-ainau.aio ri- irL Le Godîh d bercctig ua 'fi,~ ~ ~~~l tidmclmndutover ilii tlyiy ljurcd by ia sto1, nIethrw býy ee a perIty lcf disci dorilyCr was 5epe mecitey ndth darîes, rbearretedfour ntvs it i beicve thtlle aýcf iasCen- Ail1tosestif ering -with av Lsrence Co., Ltd, Motreil a

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