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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Nov 1905, p. 8

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301 "FotlCoughs Golds", ,ï saWo fýdeill rfu1MeIÎcLIle h lia relevedand cured "Tbousandïs of People" And it will cure (YOU), Danif uf fi-f.ret a bahcttle tn.daiv nt f H&mprU 'I1 ThL, Woiwer0s brtliute viUI met th. home o! ofMrs. ChasN. Stoneb as,j on Thiursiday d ftir week, Nov. :ali AL gooci pro2yrm le expEcoecRD(ud lii ladies ar r lv«-ced 1A good aftfenc anc e of n(memboelefi tg (q aete 1deihera Is Important bueincss b demi wlh. fHec of meoeting 2 p.mn. 0Cma tar'y anci àrnn« a frIend. MiePs Ecina Dîckinso, Port Hope, bas retûrned homno iaf-er a vcry plvesemnt vit wîth ber qaunt, Mre. T. P..owevt MearsF. L. E;Ilis sd E. G. Groat are reponted evaeaig Mna..W.reepier Il.,serions'>' ill. MesJosse Seiter vs thrown from the cari by tbe pony stumbllog The d'ior fouod if neaeesaty to stltch tIi. woondc la ber forehead. 4, quiet bouse weddlng toak place ai ho home o! theb bde,Wedaieeday e ov. 22ad. Mn, A B. Crydermau vas untted in ma,-,Iaea w eth Me,, Annie J . tiry. m 1 Are You Aware of the Faot? That you ge0t iiuore SOLID VALUE PER DOLLAR wheu you inve6t if in a paekage of TRE NICE WAY EVAPORATOR -RI LPLOYEES ACT~. The closing dlayB of Nlessrf, Filklý & ACiermaD'te evaporator are ïf hanld andl on Saturday a vory pleasant avent took place in that eostablislhment \Whlen noon hour cuaeMr, J1,IR, Finkie was called to the pacllg roomn osteýnslbiv for thej purpose of attending the prosen- tation of a token to the foremn; M'vNr Fenton Dodge. Mr DodIge waii au- ticed thore 10 attend( a presentation t0 Mr, Finlkle. When ihe employees wore gathered Mr W. J, Kano ste'ppeti for- ward andl reaci ibe folio wing addreess f Mvr. Finie Who was completoly eSU)- prLsed but made a -ery appropriat impromptu replv. J. R.Finkile, WKsq, Dear Sir : During îthe past ieason. ive, 3,1o eplo.,ees, banve f0 thank ýou for a splendid (lrensou o! work sand for the many kinesses shown us by your- "elf W. d(esiro te thank yen f rom our hearts for.thie wny in, whielh we havei Our new C hoppiiig iii ,is doing excellent work and lar1m- erls who have favored us wvith 1 0,000ü bushels of Barley wanted. John MacKayi,,raited 43 -tf. Bowman vil le. Belimor for $, 500. Mesers col. Ssples sud R moment hve arrived homef from their hurtlng trip b-ingIDg a fine deer e3ich. Mr. A. J. Lintoa, san old Oeono boy, ~h4s becn Drnlrrdfc ' flrt- -Hope brnch to thec headl office la Togronto-. Mnr. Harry A. Milîson, formerly of Gan town, le3oncte] wlCzu vththe Rural, Msýil D'livery staff ai Cleveland, Oblo, On SuudayIN ov, 19 aften a longfil!- nees, E lan M Cooper, beloved wvIfe of I Mn Wellington Coa, paseed away. Deceaseed vas the yonngeet dauglito? Mt the lata John Cooper, SAud elter of Mr Wmu. Cooper eof Ou r aw. 8-1- vasi o! a bri2ht anci amisble dlsposibten end dcringý ber long ilins cnlne cheerful end h&ppy. 5h. w%3 mach beloved by e vide cirtofI etned. The fanpeal teIoc- plaeWednse3day te Orono Cemetery. Rev. J. A. MeKaeea conûotd th. e rvice 17G VEEA M ,Goodroî,,ne. Dec. 9 h ,,0 , ete in;,unC i Moday Dec 5 W 'Th% eau 'c wheMfr 0aitj ns~ i se - e ýl~t f Live 5iý; k, éto LuOT FAI YLTO SUEI It Direr'ct h 'js t , lplù On, GreundTrn c~out & i.T Mn'r uAmonl Messrs H., Reniwick, Johni and Elvîn Mdeonand Henry D;-ixonarri"dc home fr the nrhhaving hiacitheir usul god uck fwo aden each. iu lodisncessar . MiII- SoI- b Stott & jury, drugSIS Mr iRe. oiward viiecihen broth- er, r. Aihu Bri lu , Toronto. He bas; rEtui-nied from a ilveyeurs' sojeurn !n So-Ith Africa. ro 3 srOn-g' You muet lhave gooci apptit, goddigestion and zood as- simlaton miilr Compound Ion Pils -;&g Il these. SoîcI by Stott & The 66 acre farm, part of the Farn- comb estate, tenanted by Mr AIt. Lake wasSol Mr. Albert Colweil bot the north 130 sicres, sud the. Capf. o! the rSchr, "Goîdinz" of Tobronto,flte ether pronwhich thb. building stands. It broughel$80. NEW LIVERY STABLIE 1 beg f0 nctify the publie I have re- openeci the Centrail Lvery'anci bave a g-oc number of carnaeges anci horses for public hîre. 1 solicît a sllare o! 5011r patronage and assure our customners 0of gooci service. Ord3rs nïgh1t or day will reeltve prompt atontion > WILILP.r ALW3L Telephone 127, BowManvl e TUE ONTARJO0 Business CoIIete BELLEViLLE, ONT,. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 j '-I R PL EY W'Y NTN D ~~IE~- NSNCo W1ýILL FIN» A CEI'LTIN CUIU [IN ¶11 U13E ovr. WILLIAM5 iPiNrE PILLS. Rh8uma'ti8usm Ibo edimesof the Blood. Every dloor now adcfm ibish4 to b. thefact. Doctros eedito uhlnk that rheumatls3m vas broaght on by colcSinl thE jointri and i murese. Now they know that oold nover atart:ed the d1lsen-Cold ouly nefs the pains golng Rheuwatlsm eau only be cuirgd by or- lng the bad bl0Jd whlh cani3es IU. Dr. Wfliýatn'm Pink PIIm always cures r6eu. mat-ýim, bocmiie they actually maire new, rlcb, roci blood, wbilh drives ont the poleonous acide, loosena the B'iffeu- ed achlng joints and mascles and re- sitores the rheuatilc saherer to hesîf h andi happiness. Dr. WIlliam, Pink Pilla basve cureci thousandgs ad thous- auds of rbeumnatio eufferers, nmorn f tbem when they vere almoist hopelîes which ail agree is SIMPLY DELIOTO0US TRY THE RED LABE.. ý.ýff C-r _-_ýrcàr 0-E OC- Qr Cl%-(ým nmyýýw il ýW.

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