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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1905, p. 5

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xInas is ainiost nere. Âlready we are busy showing our Xmas goods and setting aside the choicest novelties for those who hiave iearnied by experience that EIARLY XMAS SRO-PPING PAYS EBONY Cloth Brushes,H air Brushes, Hat and Bonniet Brushes, Mirrors, Nail Brushes. The"e goods like many ot.her lirtes are imported by us anid ou .cannot afford to buy without seeing our prices. infants--- -Xuas PreSentiS, Don't forget. the baby at >,'mas, :See our beautiful Infants flair ,Brushes, 25c, 35c , and 50e. SAlsoail kinds of Baby Oomiforts Norman's Famous Teething NeCk- Ipaces, etc Our new impDorted odors are the finest the world has ever pro- ,duced. If youi contemplate making a. Xmias present cal] and sam pie our latest imported goods, Brush and Comib Cas es, Glove iflandlterehief Cases, Cuf and, lar CJp, Manicurs Cases, Photo vving Cases, Mihitary Brush ,es, Jewel Cases. The biggest k aild the smallest prices are twe atrc ionve offer in these A Nice Brush and( Comb Caýse Chlrn75 ets, for Adults $1.70. Somne extra fine values as high1 16.00 (W'orth $20.00 in reg. way) Those 40 Years old and over b-boRld Wear spectacles. We gnarantee to fit mIost per- Bons withont seeng theni. Malte use o! this offer and let Ils sel Vou a pair of Spectacles for some one for Xmas. If it should h(appen that they do not fit perfectly we will test the sight and Change the lenses free of ail charge a! ter Xis Purseis, I-and Bags, IMusic Bolis and Music Satchels, ýsome extra ,fin.e value in these lines, You should not' fail to exam- ine our prices. We carry the largest Une of these goods in town and, our priees are exceptionally low. Rair Brushes We are safe in saying we have a larger stock of flair Brushes than ail other stores in town eombined. We irhport the best brushes made and save orrcustomers the Wholesale flouises' profits. Buying, for our Oshawa, Collingwood, Lind- say and Bowinanville Stores ail at1 one timne enable us to secure prices that will surprise yoIL Doos ne Shave ? If so our stock of Razor s, Strops, Shaving Mugs, Fancy ,Shaving Soaps, Shaving Cases in Leather or Celluloid wilil please yoii great ly as it mrakes the selection of a Xmas gif t au easyv problem. STOTT & JURY, The Pruggists. Bowmanville. '"CATCHING COLD"* FROM DAMP FEET THEsoles of the feet have more, and larger, pores than j a.ny other par-t of thec body- STh,ç-e pores are to Carr off, through perspiration, the p0qsonous wastes of t'he body. Swhr hen po' SiCop Icingt his A Il the work of "UCaven- S gtng» filis upon theLvi n ide Thsesoon kken hfr ovei-work, and then posonocua accumnulate, "evzïopinig into serious illnes f pot To " Catch Cold - La to have just these things happen. Theoszt frcquent cause of " Colds " La getting the fret wet, thr1ough ih, ole leather of shoes. Th~a moIiem without, chifis the skin, which then contracta, closing up th. es, checking circulation of the bIQ d ?shitting in perspirate. , - 5.ithe'_ Now sý 11.Ofne of ihehighcst priced regular Oak sie I if pîiaceci n a jar of wafè±', will soak through in one sinje Thc pumrping action on the leather i walking, carnies ilmaa hrough ini less than that time. If ighpriecir~glarOak Sole Irather wilI do this, *what hapenswit flc Epoorer Iinds, as usect Ln the vast majoity of Lik aI oher, The Siater Shor " suffered, ini the past, fro ths eakngtrouble, though as far as we could we But no tiI tissea.son has there ever Ibeen a process of taning oleIri e~which woud prevent foot damp. The nw "'Quickf--Oak " proces dos this at Iast, andrnaesth-e Icather wear like rawh-Ide. iPtpi .-ee0ofthis " Quick-Oak"- Sole leather ia waerant ouc it make t soak through in lesa tif -'-'four 3hou'rs while regular oak soles soak through in onehur WVe control this branci of leather for Canada., and ît can he had only Lan the gen-uine " Slater, Shora" whLicht are made oaly by thec Slater Shoc Company. Consider what this tougheat, moat wear-worthy, and lmos - water-proof of leathers means to your fet, to yrour health, at nio extra cost to your purse. Rcmbýý.î1er that more peopie die of sickness orLgi- DatLtiag in colcis than of aay other cause, and that more coldsa ar due to damp fcet 'than to aay other Cause. \v mrk nsie the shetop. 'ne- GOODYEAR PROCESS ter BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 6, 1906. Chrisbtmae STATESMAN I2Oe per copy.- Hear the Swies Bell Ringers Dec. 12. Watch for the date of the big amna- teur ministrel Show. A hýeavy, thunder and rah stormn passed over this section Wednesdlay night. Queen Alexandra wvas bora Dec. Lit, 1884ý may shie enjoy many happy an-ý niversaries. Mr. W. W. Noble, Principal o! Brook- lini Pabli Sholias regignted and accepted a similar position lu Gý,eorge- towný. Mr, Alfred Tracy, Claremont, one o! the oldeast and most reppected residents o! Ontarioeaunty died recently lu bis 8Sth ' ear- Next Friday at 9 o'cioclt The Mason, Co. will offer 50 pair of boys' pauts at hai pic,50 pair ef mens panta ut hait price. See advertisement for particu-' iars. Pev. J. W. Pe iler-, Secretary of dhe, Caniadian Jubiles fund ini connectien with) Congregatlonal ChurcesL, states [that the debts on ail the churches enst o! Toronto will be paid off by Dec. SI. Eckardt Famiiy Swiss Bell Ringers are sýplendid eutertainers. You will miss a gýreat treat if 'ou fai[ to be at the Opera flouse Wednesday Decemrber, l8th. Don't miss liearinig'the Swiss Bell Ilingers next Wednesday nilght. Mr and Mrs. Th-.oyns Vanstone en- tertained a niumber of friends very pleasantllï at their residence, Kingl St , East. Monday svs3ning Nov. 27, it being Mr. Vanstoue's 89th birthday. AIl had a joily gocd lime. The farmer to pursue bis businiess te the best advantage must know the value o! his produce; failure la this -)articular ofteu resuIts ini beavy loss. Yhe Weeltly Suni is recognzed as the farmers'market paper. Every year it saves itH subscribers tousands of dol- lars. Yen should read The Suin and share in theprofits. Mrs. Patrick King's trame residence and contents, Port Darlingten, wejre de3stroveýd bv flue) Wednesday nighit. Mrs. King waàs iii and ber son arose arîdbuilt awood fire in tha steve and a! ter giving his mether a hot drink, retired and somectime aftn3r iscovered the bouse was con lire Ilet habtiiy- carried bis mother to Mr. Wiiamn Shaw's residence but hefore help arrîved everything was doomed. Losb wiii bel covered bv insurance Mr. W. J. Bragg. C. C, attended the StAiidrew's dinner in Cobourg Thurs- da' night uder auspices o! Abbotsford Camp, SonsoetScoatland The espeakers were Revs. Hi. T. Lewis, W. Beatty, Cobourg, W. R. Jobuston, flarwood, MeFarlane, Warkwortb, sud Messrs fiolgate, j D. Hlaig sud C1îarIes Craig, Music by Messrs. flenderson sud Anderson, Mr. Murray, Toronto, and others. - THE CHURCHE.S. TrinityCogrgttna hurch are -rranig te bave a public service lu cenecton itbtheburuing e(tÀ s TheJunor Auxiliary o! St. Jehin's cburcrb, will ba9ve a ,'Caudy Sais, sud CbitaIinse," in the Scboolreouî on Fridav eueung Dec. 15 at 7,80 p. m. Rev. Chias. Adams, Breioklil, lectures at Maple Grove, Tbîursday Dec. 7. Bis lecture rccecived very frynrabÊ; m- merit when given aiBro ïn sd Kedren. flear h'm if convenieut. Sec notice elsewbere. 'lhere will be a Christmas entertain- ment given in the Saivatien Army Hall on Tuesday. December 19tb. The pro- ocram wiil cousist of drills, SOngS and "~ns b.y the children. Admission vz- elcome. Dou't miss it. loc. AI1Lmr- -f 'e lu st. Paul's church uext dii is1 -Sermons lu Suinbeams." iWb6rié h bas been, given it bas been received wltb great fa'. or It will be precedeil by, a radupper te Le served trem 6 p m. St. Paui's ladcies have a reputa- iou forsupesthat vwili Le spiendidly sustaiueil, Attend sund take a tîlenil. The MetboUist churcli et Deseronto bld their annuaI tes meeting and en iertainment on Thursdav evening Nov. 9eh. Ituias agreat success A splen- did orchiestra wasla attendance during the evenussg, andl Rev. J. J. lise de. lighted bis very large audience with tuiat iuiterestiuoe lecture entitled 1'fort- une hunters." lu his opening remarks Mr. lisesaid that this -as tbhe sixth time ho had tectured on chaRrges br IIey. Mr Strike was pasturan bs .lausbeen greeted Nwithlag ad enthusiastie audiences Tiseaddress given by M'.ýr. Thes Hoar, the Wandering Boy, ilu the S. A. Hall1, Monday No,ýv. 27t, was ejoy)3ed by a large aun apreia1v1c1w w h aidreas wrs very insýtructiveau the, peopie etBumovfiewere pýOeaeed te, rîcar ot their Imanu rind l inse tr West and made rmany more of us wish -e -ere-there aise.Ifils Wership, Mayor 'Tait -resiaed. The Durhama Rubber Co's. Band furuisbed geel music. At tIise closesa Vote of thanka moved by Mr. '1 . Rekard, ex-M. P. P., seceud by iIW W Tambli.sasd uuauimeusly an 'îed was teudered to the speaker, tha, layer andl the Baud. -Annixera.-arv services lu the Metho- diist churb Suday passel off Most suc- cessuii Re. J A.Rankin, pastor of Carlton St. Metetchurcb, Torouto, wuaS t h e aeher asudAle rtainvgv forstrightIprectkialeversdav reilion1 wehae seldm 1beard a b)etter expo- siton cf Cista uy utee iu nd epece pactiotie ser CMne nain-ui ýng dreain ihth ud dacihol, litatre, st m ssdtise choirspeuieyreudered se%.eral n l t r me i t Enfield and Oshawa siows ini5ide. Four columus news e rowdod (out, IIIustrated STÂ iATE, neUXt W2eek lOS wiii cost *ýou 25c. at, Nichoils'. Counities Council report inside page., Couservative meeting--Ree inside page. Fuil unes o! gents' fribusat Mayer's Qystersin bnik or by the plate atý Thos. Tod's Doit now, dont wait, go te iboi fer Xmas gooda. Geo. Smith maltes good photos sud prices are rigbt. Ail sizes in Christmas Cakes atTh. Tod's.-Try one. Great variety of Feit sud Fieece-lined Footwear at Foiey's Someýtbing tg remenibe)rnt XmasL Nicholîs sells cbeap. Nýew weddingz eakeboxes-loveiy cnes -at STATESHAN offiCe, flomemade Hunibuge lOc. per lb Sat- urday only at Thos Tod's. Try Lewney's coiebrated Importeýd Chocolates at D. Luttrell,'s. Have you sent Tiirs STATEsMAN te your absent friend î Do it uow. An amateur ministrel Show wili be given la town. Watcb for date. Head cur elubbing offer on another page. 65 .50 worth o! papers for 803.25. Men's aud Boys' pealt caps inu eudless vaniety at The Mason Ce., aiso fur caps Men's flue fur-iined Coats lu ail quai- ities at Coucb. Jobustoii & Cryderman's Pratt's Poultry Food, Pratt's Stock Food, Ppatt's Lice Powder at P. Mur- doch's. flot drink season bas opsned. Try L), Luttrell's bot Vil-oral sud bot Bovril. Swiss Bell ringers in the Opera flouse Wsduesday Dec. I? AdImiss-ion 25 and If you want a dielous and refreshing hot drink on a coid night go te D Luttreli's. Dont worry ever mak;iug a ChristmRs Cake but get one from the large assort- ment at Thos Tod's. Don't worry about how icolsseils so ehbeap. Just take aIl the suaps that are ceming your wvay. flot Viori d flot Bovril are just the tbiang for a eeld ight. Týry theni at D. Luttrel'H, baltery. Thoe7Masen Ce have3 somne 80 diff erent ,stîe leof Ladies' Underwear Somne lunes are wonderfi values. People wonder bow Neoi selîs se cheap. Weli come uov. sud have a look, sud you will wonîder more. If yen want auy of thoseodod pieces of China that N'cbol!;isis slling at iess than haIt prîce, you will bave te burry. For the finiest stock et Dress Goods and Siîks in al colorsansd ail qualities, caîl nt Couch, Johustonl& Crydermau's., Bea sure and se Ge. Smaitb's ne0w photo mounts. The new white Tor- schon is aL beauty. Stuio1 STATESýMAN Coucb, Jerhnston & CrN derman atre sbiewiug a fine stock of Sable Ruafts. No liner goods and ne better value Pauywhere, I -I It's Surprisin H ow Xmas Steals Upon Us. There -will be ronst Turkey, Plum Pudding, CJake ana Santa Glaus ,,ahnost before we k-now it. Yes, a-ndMie Pies tO, hundreds of them. For what else Could b-e done with ail the Mince Neat we've been selling Iately. Christmas, Meats. There will be plentY too, this we know by the amiount o!fIPeels and Raisins and Santa Clatis' supiplies by the bushel o! ,Nults, Candies and Fruits o! every good ltind. Now it wouldn't be a bad idea At ail for you to buy everything you need for Christmas at this store, then you- will be sure o! parity, sure of getting blghest grades, and not a cent extra to pay either. Ir WILL SURPRISE YOU-Aâ run through Our-China Parlor to see. the immense Stock of Fancy China we carry, in fact everything- to malte a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year ~ Brin your outr , te an' Egjgs to uas and get the very highest price for them., Kindly sol(iitng a share of your patronage and wlshing y-ou ail tlne Comaplintts of the Season Jiespectfully yours, Alreie Tait, BOWMANV\ILLE. MVonday, o.Th George Argue Harris to Mr. and Mrs.!Edwýin Harris. Hockwood, Out. COLa-On asULne. EaMSt Wity'NOV. l8th thie wIfe cf Hartnelicole, of a dnhe GoRANin edrdaeNOV. h', ewlle cf Geo. Gormnon, of a bou. TUciçE-A t Medcaif St Parsonage, Osliawa, Nov. 28, to Rev. and Mrs. W. Benijamin Tucker,. a son. M ARR1ED. JAMIESON-MASON-At the Mettodift Parsoni- atge. Bowmainville, by Rey. V. H. Emory, Nov. 25th, Mr. Geo. Jamiesoit Toronto, san Bila, daughter of Mr John Mason, Orono. CR'IANEY-JoH)NSTON- In Oshawa, Nov. 29th, by Bey. J. FI. Talbot, George Chaiuey sud L ottie Johoston. bolb of Oshawa. M11CIL-UAKfsir.-At the residence of Wm. manning East Whitbv, by Hev. W. B. Tuekei, No)v. 2nd, Robert MGlJanet vilI; le, auMiss Fona-Wsaes-InDarlingin, Nov 29, by Mill. . uier., .Erneat \W.-]J'oley, ad àliss IaM., daug-hter cf iMr.EdadWlis bLtth ûf Dairlington., IS Il' IlIUNDERSTOOD), OR Wl-W? In talking with a youn ima a few,, days ago reLard(ing the possibilities of advancement for yorng mren who have a th-Qoouh knowiedge of Gregg Shorthand and Tou Ch Tpwiig esae that these possibilities could flot be flv under stood or t here ,wouldI flot be su great a aemand and su eive preparmng te meet the djei.ndm. Young men ! Do you know you are missing the chancecof a lifetime? It is a fact that we have had niany7 more cails for maie stenographers during the past two months than we have male stuçents in the class room, at the sati e we have a record attendance. These positions are worth mofey. Marly cf our graduates go direct from the Coilege irnte. positions a t salaries that, in two or in many cases one month, pay bck he imoney spent on the course, when withijut the course thev couidnot get hialf the salary. Boys ! fi you hav e ability adabiin-et the re even if you have te brro the mroney te do it. Tt -wiIi pay you iii dollars and cents. It wýili p)ay you in sati>fac(tion in knowing that you are Fîft upîilsare Dat present atitindingDID I lutewrd T h e s h a 'w a n s h t o l g . A l B U ) ' À T - A I B o o k l l nj , N o . eSe t b , Wdm . 0 . t ý _ _ _ I speakh1blyof the wr.Free cata Brysot, ae yars. Entertj.inv floi.There is 1ne tîmle aasgdasNWnde fD-Iolor th-e aSk¶ngïl. iPAXT.O-At Broukjlile, o.2 ,Oie c ourse merei cthoreough ithan that oet the ST.CAHRNSB- Ladies' fine Astrakan, Bokýhar-aniagedL2 Years. Sisterlf Mrs. Thos. E.1aernSS COLLEGE, St.Catharine, ont. 1French Saland Persisu Lamb Coatsomuvle -the finest stock lu towvn-at Couch, IHRl ecslNv 5 ae lia The ascuCo'sfur coats sud [tir AcKÂx- . B.WJ,o, Nv 8 1e.W_______________________________ A. Mîo a1 M A,,,P,,stbs GlliY dsy'tweîtvade,; talU- ýe, affur NovrkA furmeri P,: parieshadben aoun. Ilov iUileHIl l iool. _ Dec. 3, John Vîrtue Net juat like th'e Ordinar u tagdOyas clothing but a wheie l3 ot better is, the Bi AiOREaN--At the residence ef ber brother- _ 2th. Century brand fo)r sale enly at iu!-law,1 Mr. Alex. Ripgs. Darlington, Mvrs. An West End house. Special ordiers takeo. Piraidbria, aged 85 years.__ FtRiisAt General Hospital, Guelph, Dec. àk- I __I i Ladies' fur-iined cotltsmadeteo rder 4tlî. ldleh M. Argue, heloved wtt e of Ed1vio E by ýM. Mayer, Furrier, Bowmanville. Harrio, Rockwood. aznieC7 years. Fuiieral front i th rsdeeeo brfather, Mr. Geo. Argue INow la tbe time te have your furs alter- E rulskillenThursday at 1 p. m, te Bowvmaui' ed and repaired sud made eveir into the ville Cemetcry- iatest style. BILY-Là Bowmanville, Dec. ,,11, Eliza.beth We have just oprdOut a fine assert- 83ffy,rlcotliNtatl alr aei~ Worseds.85 yars.Funeral f rom ber late residence - '--e tei leave your order for to the Ccmetery. pr ï l)I 1N a as ~4 si, ~CLARK'S PORK AND BEANi a Crsde.'a, cold weatber necessift. to M. ýmaer, the Fuli;erý, has i 5j- ': WIi h ef mn'I s coats uRcooWm . etofl IDeo ezi oLn Wlay, RussiatCaif and 1Bulgarian 1s ný iwraht h c> uLts t al'te1 sty jïles Allîe o hsSao' lamb. 'Fur liined coats frein $4 u. ts ttsc tio r 1 ,th , Lpetit1 e, Calite se tbm. tade e 01eny 4 9 Cet these Cuats ie",, Toge Call to eo them.eoff7id The interestt luthe Tigeýr Bra.nd Clotl j[0 RN -BjriK Rý esideuce, ýiI0 thi f dahalrrY We-will sell thena at the tellowilng. ing Sale isincreaSing, ,not much W01 otanll.Apl eAl .Wl-îs der when you cousîder thle vle 8ie ment. _X_ k:Ï,wu as lthe orbies bouse.,, b oe-rcs Coueh, Jebuston & ]rderra re 5 l RCiYŽtOSale, showino. a superb Fstock (ifLaisCat- B3mull.6tf BagiiLdeCot g.$3.0&14aeprs Il7 î TO RN-F1is3,o ar'galin 1,LîdiesC s 12.00 Tbey have the tjnestsqtock et )fthese goods fuushed wlho ithoti-ad uiii Bagan adesC1td"-0.0-:i à7 shown bl a1sný bous,'e in th3ese cutis pttt soiy.Apy ox21.Bwîa-C a We bave a ftulitine of Ldis'jakes llc.a.. gain Lad' es Coïats 8.00 & 9 in Seal, Persian Laminb L'Bcai ~ TO1N-ielag rn r alies Coats " 7.00 alise Mink, Sable4, Eleoterie el esa Iipre erem ievhaeladfrcv Lamb, WestlerinSalef,Coon Sabe muffs iaheli Apply to MR5. GE!O(. !BITCFîA!T,, iSe ad ses 3oly Sîor( Oats, audrutta. Caliltoese be.M.Ma"L eligiSt., BwauvIIIe. 46 f.i Furrier. Bwavll.ZRg7a 60 t 1,0 Bools. es ooka Se thna a Nib- T0OVE FOR SAL-E-Souveniru ar B(;O s.y ," B Oks Se', te-!ýiit îîtc,-(eeok lea t iuew. Wiillle seu ilep-~ euls'. A pply te Jots!utai re elogo -dý -. . Great value(s iLoce ootsý -tY rl".. omavle .)i -~ ~ e~ rc ron o~ Foi0 1e y'le Buy your Pouitry ,supplies ,;at P. it0 ceaPounga te'- Mudc.blaeksmithing. Apply te A. W. PICK ARD, 'è=Aise part (! a manufactures Stoc.k of Ladies and Humbugs-îOc. per 'ýlb atulrdaï;y Ot-IY ~±dBakmtlouavlr i~ Misses Tailor àMade Skirts. !Newýst dsiu igh -at Thes Ted's. AUES-TRAY-Came ou lot 2 Èr class lunelL raeriaI andwrkanhp This is a chanciýe i L) . DarlitgIon, about end e c oleebe Biood meal, Mea-maOse ba caif. Qnmy have same by payi'îg c.~ thatnoldorMs epîL-asiitculs. IMica grit, at P. uc'. panses audpti-ng-riproperty. GEOROR Aâx-_old o isrqiin Er a afr ebn SpeialSkit aleat heMasn C. Cores 7 ~ E Bargain Skdrts veaarpice $600ù Sale rie $47,5 Sec. the exhýlibit onlthe'ctO1re -abe. A INCOAT'LGi«nS.aa -Bargain Skirts " 5.0 " 37 0 go ils. - Geun agis la îilinery1a -___------ agi krs "-3.0 2 2 carr au A esîabl liri casatar, Fr a rgar stc ve.~Los7ail8 eaiocesoîniscr1gsni fte7bv5bran rartetrheaases'La of The ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r prcs il l ll)onS*îcsin iSttaîdSlicue SIbih.Ap lt Jvae- A. Bua, 1ragiau. orjoR auEiW $2 5P, Boys'al 00. lu ue!ail ove rCan -CIiATeL STRAYED-Frm lot 19, , corlyte-lai1e secrao, anil dehortel lu- ar~'~ ,,.,~ ,,'g.,i~, ..,~ ~ trmi Ur IJIna u rcvr vl i , N1 , P b extDort t and fa rii-,d 5Bai', Bowrnyî! e. MR, ýý y

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