J once again Inside lier prison w~ bound with ropes. Conspkuously a winner. Repy f ie utnersto ilth :e Order to Sredr A NAVAL BATTLE.the1minet te0csenaM here Wood 1y. 71 depth foiS.Ieesugn iodraf sîgtein1hab'- 31y:-T s i uerYtlarmin s rt auts pret t on he city-. T eieia teipprallî frolil Sebastýjo! Ia seIot et ptr Lsih isr L", Uý ROW'S THIS? MarquiIto Has Compieted Hts Aok dac fosSofl, Cron, says-MaquisIte\Xfl rcoicediiia faroncli udiece o Tueday flith porr.livet n edosaya a secil rain for Fusan, his dLi- cuýii task. thf plac-fting t ior itisî jlies Jrdan ansi for we offer oie riiiiiaed r BMigaria anid ROIraiaLkcyto tieu etni Milni assae on edth otcr poers axeng h Brit ishiproposais, ich ý, 'to - ohers powrs ar e w ilin sot o ctalwarfare in !0c~t onCoco e dniands for the I!iýn-a cia,] contr-ol of Macedonia. 1This vien' o f the situation niakes it quite possible that dermonsti atioaý by occupation ny proceed soi.- What'inidelniteiy, 1 The present politicai situation in the Uni*tef Kingdonsi naturafly in- creases the reticence in officiai circles hero, and s (Grt Britain is taking a leafi,th movemnents of theý denion- stratng fcet Lyobedeiaýd for sometim !pening the decision of tien[ or the ýdissolution of Pr The C overomont hais recei(,ved i i- formiationthog Sofia that the Mace.doiii (.Uomiittoo has issuod arMtebust retey for a deranged stomachu TeM arme a saue 'W genielaxtie; rlialecure fo'r obstinat CnsiptinBilions Attaks Sik edche nd A!disoders arisngrmi a weak D- adare a wvorId-fnious ned CV frtic cure of these prevalen compains. heir cost i a trisl; thyir use--a duty For your ou i5l,