Terrble laughter Through an Errûr In! worin. I'sa lazyora and ned ebe stimultlated o'Casinally, edtnusallowcmpeinsc headlache an-d pain u-nder the shool1- der blade are c-auised bynidln liver. Livenl it Up by takinlg a -'hort course et s À deauid ffhe tightig asand Mter Manyof the ' largest wrs nidil]bjd oiyb h i anrd 19 have cae prtes edeor knîfe of the oubsi; or'cisc if, Cortan, 0drgonsan inh, f adnsdy1er)ccpid y treo Uof te orealad ths ucaon. xvo hite tow of Tkum A ore of pnsntsteptLte maintauin ïsoe ert ofsc o cky,; is Ihe mcaif[bis scar, &0 oe teplace and sMu cpudtan sevie, Upcialyte the Gr- s e is et oosiemd ïnet directly it. Tho draoons u:-rcd when maxirniLer, and aise te kelp open ii fro to litu. their aammunitie n wvas golle an counîuictio ith peints aroa%%Oe WO gls n c ,inder aiiithe eoenus[ yieided up thehr weapons on a g Reportq s revu-d bore frm Mos-ow irtoA ail exrciseseumconrm. Ho ateOf proa aey ur ',('on Wdedyntroaindicate liosl n1,t ub -ýthe oy. le rmay takc a Thle pnathwvr immeclate- "tiat the strike was succssfiiyin- glasýs off dean wac, trowx in a piuch iy te ais wr andled over t igiae n sraig rpdiy. off esait j, thln put the headjowýn 50 1ha1 tbem trate tie dago n a a1Even he lectic iight plants aae Ceo ye Ainlitthe vat auJWouk seveal -, ~~2 T V . ,f-in. nn f0) Mon frgottha<ttheyworeconý,% dt monon iacwol s siad ariy on Wednsdaymoring henthe 'maie iprisoer,marsaui i b!y their keep- er noafre fihtngad 111e-sav inig copsboe ro o efin ming floors off thle mn' rs five hundIreod andnneyuurfnujor ,and! Stinbt1he Soinlg room oýf theu -workhouse andirom a caulse, hich hns flot yet booýn definitelydeie thie fire bcd roached a fierce bire at 2 o'clock, wben il was cic: eei The fire engino on the island prox od inadequate and a tali for hý ,it Was sent to the city departmoàknt Seven englues wore sent over, buti wero not sufficienit te savo the wo-1 mon's w orlhouse fi om destructioin On. the top floor off this 'ouildin.- wero ceils for tbe wofien, and ever-y one beid one or twe Qrisoners when the fire occurred. These wemnen be-j camie frantic with fright and wei-c1 soon choking with the dense smoke that filied ail the halls and thieir AND CONSIDER THE A L L -I701 YR0ANT FACT That in addressing Mrs. Pinirham you, aret eonfiding your private ilîs te a weman -- a woman whose experionce with we- mnan's diseases covers a great many years. Yoen a talk freeiy te a woman wben At is revoltîng te relate yenr private troublies to a maa -bosides a man deoes net under- stand-simply because he is a mac. Many wemen suf:' er la silence and drif t al ng" from bad te werse, kýnewing full woil that they oug-ht to have immediate assistance, buta natur'ai modesty impeis them te shrink frein exposing them- selves te the questions and probably examinations 0oE even their family nbvsician. I-. is neeýav I -f f f f i .-' - ->1 f r -0~ 21,