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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Dec 1905, p. 7

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or GETTING -PULY ADX 0 OULTRYA BVKET.Fi During tIhe winter large quanlities of ~o~p ~ poultry are sent taermarket by farmers 1a:11d poullrymen in vory poor condition ~!and thie price receiv ed is otu beloxx the - cst of production, xrites Mr. J: B. utes. It is easily within the producrs ploxer ta moke a profit in iloast cases I ad it is simply a malter af knoxvlng L w and applying, proper metliod,7. Driiig several years 1 have grovwn ai-d bought Up large quantifies of pouil[ry Apeecornes wi h eating im .ýd 1have fourid Ihe following meth id and ac-h square of crisp de- ai rotisng, fattening and dressing ta ILc ""Iry salisfaclory. My main abject is aoÏ licousessseerns but to rnake get chickms Ihal xviii dress tram six ta roorn for more. !en pouldS. These xveighits con be se cured only by keoping large breedu, ~1o~v's Perleciion such os Brahmas, Cachins and Orping- Crcm od stons. These ]I rceds aie fairly goad wr te- layers as well as ga-od meat produe- ar ifeetfrom any other ers.' From- the lime the chicks are, crce. Nîig ea v yor atched, they .re kept; in gaod condli-' Nothing eaVy Or tion and growig constantll. A winter doughy a bhemn but so light anirroachés, the grain ration, consisîiog- ad riap thaýt they -are trans, maslly ai corn, is increýased. -A hi or inash is fed in the imornfng and ail the parentý. Mooneys biscuits wl!t grain the birds %,Il!lcal at noon and,'~ dish n yor tale feeding la gel the fawls in prime candi- if you Vw1il 1try thern. t ion. ,JI The large market!s demand dry pickud P S to yor grocer, poulryas il wyilî keep nhuch longerL t'han scalded stock. Vcry few pol W ANI~D- lnel md ds rictuderstand bow la kijli-a fowl sa iil in Agen fo~ Onad's Geat~t ljPbedry pîcked. The brshead ,1is hc We 'e re~ar4 o mkea lbeal ffr I ainic h lefI lîand and a penknife drawn s reTebe ai nerete aeaiantorepeert iiacraoss the x ins and arleries in the S Terlrn wlie rqevedfrr ie jaa mjibaciâ of moulh -and -Bihen the -brain -i; a Wrie frful~pî tcuera STrrE& WLLI«apicrced lhrough fhe lutIle groave in the r 43 5w upper bill. This praduces instant dealli and the feathe-rs r released. andi can be picked vcrreaii. Ail but ra Do ,ýYoa n a Position ? capons are picelzd enlircly dcean. Vhcn t Ail~cooi ae nS lie, miespell. picking is aver, the carcaDssos are put in V !ybhIp W tdents4to ppositions. Do) cald wate1r ta remove fthe animal heat t uot 0vrioo1- ihie point and la cîcan the skia. This makes [ha ct Uan noS su)pplY the doiand madf!inon mneat keep baller and glu es the paultry dl l'y bywsra~ti Wh? Beeauqe "nur rpulatlin for high guate work is a more attractive appearance. Il is P wefl now and we proteet t1U8 repu- usuaily better for Ibr,,ce persans te s lato. vrk tanether in dressing pulliry. One ial TS, 5 aholof the thsstn I doos the killing and picks the neok and. 3 ing WItirTerm oPeus Jan. 2nd. brslIeairsac rknawngc brat theologue hwor o aree.el C'~Y' ni CAINarln ~The sonerhe feathers are afl, the be-l-ui ter the job af dressing. Pullets are ai- P LIT aYs I cgt by Ihemselvcs -white fatten- hF ng. Eacli bird is cxamined beforo Mil- Ur ng and if il is not in prime condition wl Pi, 4 iL s put v lb a lot la be dressed later. ne Tý3ll()NTO ONT.A very common misîake made »y av TORNTO ON. armers an d paultrymen is la try ta lat- i 15.J.~ 1 ~dncpa. en ci kens Ith b ave nat 'reached ' maturity. Il is uselcss la try to attlot ol ____________________________chicks that are net aid enaugh, Evon ke birds aoflihe same age do not laiton Or alike. There are always more or loss irn' THE that have ta be culled ta go -ovor ath second course of corn mueal. Fatîcunra V'-"" TA mn1 Ù'-l te birds and Ilsus socure the top prices m( Business Colleg in the market-. n BELLEVILLE, 011T. WINTERING IDLE ITOIOSES. I AFîV -)W WITH THE INSTITTITE O Grain is always, or nearly alxvays, (ât- irrEE CîUTSD more expensive relatively thar' lodder. \-edhehghU, Stndard in Cimmer- aicbai EdlÀcDtlou Senti for catalogue te tie Prineciral, JW.JOIHNSON, tiC0. A. Andi examine a eopy of aur catalogue* îf yon have auy Ides of taklng a pro* patolry cnuI." fon a Gool Payîng Position We helieve thoeeIs ne snhoî equal Sa f-os for metirudlc husinesa rtraiî.lug 4 suid Ifanprrniuclug good neruts. We soiaitInvstiatins udcomparlson, Y TR NTl-ME. NO 0VACATIONS. A FEINE DITTY O N DIgAMïOND DYES My kttaetirewra White aud gras,- 'Twas liard te kaep them dcean;, No matter how î worked eseis day, Tire kits leokeaI verY mean. 1taeY'd go eu't lu lie orning sad ,1 S 0 tJif Y asud se triLm; Atgt, i' cerneomellcoking cald Wili cltýis se sollad and grlm icouid not ftap t idy, usat, Oue boum e4t lela y When bie,, erea luthlie sl or street, Wîth otier cals 3at play. 1 tissu prceý "ved tise DAMOND DYe, And mFv>o a bye batireS10, AndI te my kittiaus gea urprise, I dipped the3m lu tire pot. To-day, mn i- ttens al aredesd In Biacis e;, rîci sud alSop; 1 monïru ne moire, aud Snow aniblesed Wli7eui'er fIroam o r aîeop.> Tise moral o! rny o lalan Te worm e ihîard w-la.; IBut il woud ha bolIeer te facd sonse Igrain Ilion teall11w Ithe hersas te rua dois n in flash. The kinds aI grain will depend te seeaxtent on what tise arnier lisas. But in locding sucli grain, an excellent opparlunily is furnished of pulliusg into il îvleat bran, graund tiax or aitcake, leaoct fax orabiy on tise digestive argons. In the absensce aI meal, fiel bots ivaulti produco ithe retînt sorugbf cruiti Ton paunds aI roots led doiiy bas o îvontierflly boneficial influence upon thre digestion aofliaises Ihat are being %vin- lered on sîroîs' Withouf same sucli addition te the food, the aimios becomo caîsstipoled, and uisder sîncliconditionîs Iliey'do nat Ibrive la flic besf advantage, os, is seen in tise staring and harsh quoi- Thay-du ol ral lar-ceslly si-Olter-.- Thec shoiter will aI course ho osudliin- luecreel byftis eclinsato anti loclity. Tise shelter luî-nisbed by an openr shedi is ordinorily enaugis, aven in a stormy and colti clirisate. 'Of course a shedt that -moy Le closcti icieriscces4any ou better. Sucis bouses sloridilpossible have a separote v ard Iramn caIlle. Tisey niay, injure catIle by kicking î'.lioî bley rna logotiier, but sometinuos. as ishen ane Sisows flie tenipor aI tle liorses. sucu intslcingling is not dangerous. Usuolly it uili olsa le lounti atixan- fageous ta gise the liaiss ccests laa paddock or- posture. Il il us sheltereti by gras e, s'. iidbreak or foresî, 50 mucli tise btter. tririrusd latitudes obuuîdaus postures w'11l bc greally boiplul. B~ abundoust postures is meant posturesi tirat have nul been gîozed loto enanULgh inth IleaoutOuta pi-o'ent tgrao loi ca'.eriîsg tle gi-o andti vi a long s'..aid thlo e icarrivai aofivinleux XVAX 10 CET LAYERS. WXilli Bull, Barret aund WXhite PIv- iaoul RBocks 1I iiuk Ihat anecocckerei The flavor, essence, nutriment and all that's Mfood in prime beef con- centrated. Thais is EOVRIL It requires, eight pounds of prime beef to make four ounces of BOVRI L. Use it in the kîtchen for economy as weiJ as the palate's -sake- to eiglit ta 12 puilels is ample or ad ruch asmie 16.50 fowie Mr. G. S. Northrup. These pro)portions ha. e alu%,ays -given---satisfactory rsisi -aising chicks. If Ihey did not I1xvould excbange tli I gaI baller anas. For convanienca, cleaniliness, case and rapidity in getting chicks and in arder o have birds af unifarm size in con- veniently large flicks nothing wil lako lie place afthe incubator. The ma chines are run tram April 1 ta the mid- dle of May. This enables me ta have pullets commence ioying in five ta aeven monlhs. Bull Blocks start zut about fîva and anc-hall months, the Barped aI six aýnd ana-half. Wben tho -hicks are about, 30 heurs aId they gel a 1ue worm mash tivice a day and dam- osed ot varions ground grains. Small ard grains are alsa led tîvice a day nîl the birds are twa maniba aid, when they are led iike aider stock. caft scrap ýand fina gril are always ivailable. Free range wilb picnty af green food 'pravided unlil Bicecisieks are raady br winter qîlarlers. They are aiways ept perfectly clean, dry and ivoari. ýnly the hast loyers are usod for breed- rg purpasas. _We are satisCied that he average bas risen tram lire former rIle ai about [20 ta ptrhrrps a third rare byIluese methods ai selecting and ranagrng. n Praise Cf Chamberiain's Coughý Remedy Thera la tDo otrrmedicine rmanu- ýcured that làa s received ndsio mnch praiseanso 0manv ex- resios of ztratitude.as Chpmderlaln'i3 ough Itedly:It la effective, and rompt relief tallows !tg Use Gratetul arents avervwbera do flot ailate to îlîif, t ils manit8 for the benefit of bers. Il is a certain cure for croup id will pravent the attack if given at st appearant-a of the diseaFe Lt la Rpeeal.- adapted--t0 clhilîdren w i s- leasant to laite and coutesins nothing juriouq. Mr E. A. Humphraua, a ,ellknriwn rffident and clerk in the 're of Mr. E Loek, cf Alice Cape olony, Sn)uth Africa, Fays: 'Il have- sad haniberlaîn's Cough Rernedy to ,rd vff croup and colds in familv. 1 md«- i averï-satistactnry- ad L or sale by ail drugg.rsts. NIEW ROUTE TO SOUTHERN CALI- FORNMA. Theà opaning 10 traffi'ceof the San edro. LoB Arceles ard Sait Lake ai4road, knawu as thre Salt Lakte fate, etween Sait Lakte ( itv. Las Angles- inues available a most dasirabla short ne ta 'qrputhaern Californrî- This wil! uùbîless t~e of great in'erasl to the the aer-ilncraasing number of people ho journey eacis winler teIbis sunn.i iue. Li antizipntlon of a large volume ofr Ibis cîss af Iraffie a hgndsome lupiant af modern vestbuled trains îs beem placed ln service in conneat n wît thebaOvarland Limifed, train af ýChicago Union Pacifie and North 'steru Lina lthe mat uxurîous train tbdi world. Tis forma a nfiw and aeresting routa by wb:ch first class uisa travel eau raaeb ths unsbine AI flowers of Sauthern Calitornia, avol ing n-n fast sebedulas aud lux anus eomnfor. Ratas, folders and tubi formati iii eau ba obtainal tram B. il. nualet. General Agent, 2 East King .Torouto, Ont. 494fw. tr uit p r pi an, Cc lis We Fa PI R8 lin do bu cil in iit toi au, lui if Shiîoh'u Consumpiiou Care, thea LuugNWYARSEE Taule. iras beau befone tise public, snd NWYA V dhiii togenluer wiîir the fact that ira sales arewe"ll, Olti Yeart thy dsieirac have steadily incucarecl year Ly year, la the xxiii quicklv luave a ciao; haut proei of the mii t f Ad thon amýon's thy lorelothers, Wit ,'nS loto repose. Bl c r0 e odurkolilviarus shore, as a cors fon Ceugbs, Colds, sud ail TI'y sl,' wings ilsfs hlilit, diaeae ofthe lungusud air passags. I lain ioulti taiIhea 1-Y lie bond. Thouc iho haye oed SI'iioh weuid noS Andti tËndly - sy "Ga-iitrt be without i. Thora whe have naval iiied il should know tira evry hotîle ie Fer tiiotuu .ill Ic tso icuai sold with a positive guaranteea ta, if il Franui lles 011 ellerislîtdI-liore, daasen't cure yen, ithe deaîer svil refund Davs, iveets ant vorls.aTuir what you paid for it, Shiloh train Tliat cous returane more,; Yýel wil the lospros'e gain faV Iose lias1 CuredWho xivalk in truflfs ti ighf; thouranelof. tisa masS obstinate case, of lF hrings Ilionsneoner tetheir hanse CogsCî sudLunîg troubles. _Let itAnti promiseti rest-"Gaat)odiigbtl*' cure yom, ,L,,~'aot wieier I coughed for tIare s a We port la mccl na0mi-ae, al frienc, %40es. 1 wssei ioaConumepiuce. Iioli al'e", cý edc;cs bt otbings ud me any sol Tisen lot us part la pieae 0% aCas pion Cure. lFour Thou speadesp aeaîiy liit.,eucdmc nIi wiricï îI d&v-iba Wbere-Ërut îtý,idiscord ceoe; t seIdjmk» Myabelasse Ani 1,miffuture yeans ar ,ýmine, gne,e And bck, Six befnOýsIIc wf ever ce iasuhave trbe Ui>. Wi tnv harprps a ufl ~, Y'1S, So Tss wsisIlen aI-"aa-ngitl 1 L 0 SHILOII A~~~e wofa uawy eln ide A Paris crepnetwie st louvs: The. ne-elty inib ]is %yoar's eeî costume lies in lie vaieti eddos occemasarynbg it, ai carig rîe are sanie aIfliese,ý. Ts aiin fad, nex-er amises aller seveal et in lier loilet. Shic otnshroixi one, uvhicl slie vaies,oeMn.Pm adour, according Lta ber coîslx lier style aI dres r t olrng r if she con mnagi iacorig a I place lanîvlîchil Ilis aopr.'-d lathion ou'dains 1h01iv ýîilI ile sii anti elassical cul I cauoir U\"n 1' attention must ho p iti 'Iliamasa af xvearing ones ban. Atiil'is in iii' cobifue tisaIlIse snortîxoîu n usa secîns the anly relieIor ieri- exenin foilet. Mlle. Av'ril, oa i te 'ud'.l i a launciretia charnîýiisg ao ;?ily lus fu direction: 1h01aI ofputini ilie tross trpclfloîers ;Inl h lnrîa ofods Ireti. This potle lay b Iascýinaliîîg brunite;henc le oi lion. Te o b pc i, c-culn- o sisîs aI pinkisl ret losos1h1r semblecaeis, iey a- ple aone an eoch sida a I ise frîet i are connectaI in front iil1--a twist af white tuile. Agint ir I)lar loir, anti worn wilb a,,blocS crepl 1 1chine gown-.suigl.Ilysanlt wlsjet the ellocI is ioeoly. AS TO THE HAUiB, Burrne-Jones bas ist-' vra îvitli aesllic lastos t oyls ip coiffures he teill narnigt the cliarming fmnîe fgrsil, hiý canvases. Altracluve fr a lofýir grlstL -very blond bair pa-rIlti dow tho niddl sa la -Jones, antid iltyiaeio o sida, ila anrovbn Iglimr eiiced among li esssvtî ,ap blende favor saoimu' nipa rases tingoti auînnsf le pu)rpie antiid ah-i la palest mouve. Tes fai o s sl( la lise hair cneaeuy iIe haiiesi doris. Thare isunobdya ac la fixing Ibem ns apstobtaFe 1woman neveu- bas tah!ù tugl Ibi Mnie. Bojane, hos -cgieasb qîneen aI tashion, ýremimujs fliliful te, ha siîp le block ire. 1rluair is va n caapdiiely. but net tee mfucis se(, ant il bas a modernizeti Laule cachiet 10iu very fctcliing. THE MUFFES. I alwvs finti il difficulfal I tis imui et tho earnet t taW ouS etiors. Ilýil ui my mietior to e ha derossig, 0 Ii omit slaîislics ant ilnina aissf oîflao la aura aI tise nany bronc(has el Ihis subjecl-muits. Nothîig iniiîtheîay ai tors is marc attractive on a mare becan- ing addition te leminine a tîr hIin this osetul article. I really feel 1h01 Itie muti et ta-day euglt to fbliematie [Ile size and shape aI a drain pipe lacrlise ben,-it (4I thase w-ho are delormursd ot la orsor Isiceves in luhe sîreol. I1 001 il ,n îssy bonos prophetically ant i nf rbouniîadi.c- ally fiat tise winlar is la o a sciera nc MNy lliaary is fiat tHeul aýli la-da is adorable, Il l so areant i isos steadily boca graîvig la sî,ze lac tise lasI 10w years, but flic lanuger il gels lise bolIer I liSe il. If canI h(d bocoolarge for me. XVhen oe is faîllana con "carry off" a inuuifaigourerons propor tions. Thsis brigand nitotîsaioa prace- dure cannaI ho practiceti hy a very smaîllivoman, but tisera is net a tionbt liaI a gooti large muIl teoSs oxpensi-e anti snarr, anstiba th aI Ihose things île, riglîl-mintietiwoman, ho sle 1011 or short, aimsataI iaking. Tisera is a greotL point about tise large. flot muflfitai doos net ccur te evcryhody. The large round nîull must liai-e bath silos o likf- nsc ssaiy,- iut -iho-fiat-ana, -if -ot-a Il l- lie drapati or pictuu-asqua order, cap presealtatethe o voîta face oI sable. ch 'inchilla or ormnîe, wvhite ifs bock moy ho matieaf hacîsonrzing velu et or clal 1 ans having my owîn sables rearrangeti anti five nîca skias, îlthaivault anly make a mridorately largo mufî ilfirseti on bath silos, a- are o bnionteti ona miunIlsigned-fbIhè anc t iï-lhave jisi suggasled.I '-f is la lie fiat,--roîber ider aI the base Ilion attse top, suoiaiirg coch skia as il il hall beous co.relossly' laid nîpon il. Anti, 1hyvIhe uîoy, this arrangement is a n1505v ldof(lie uirirs. TFIE CHEAPER FBS Leaving the gidtiy ieglsotepasv furs, lceare pieîsly aIvoetes tisa xi car u-cland look w iveliaud lare, oîi ail, anîy comparîrilsoy cia uio Per,,ian 10mb,, broatioil, g-yotabu Ihio botter sort aI squirrel, sliver xat chasing inoxpeissi.e fui-a is !lot'ils butt, as il ivoce, tbîy laiav ertaindi- tînctian. IL la only in Ilie smtaIlroufstI anti scroppy lutIle fies uilihorrible clueop dard arisomenîs anti tabla Ili Tiaver '.vgged tioltitey are bapoicssly comrmon in Oppeoraurco. AS TO SLEE\ ES. Speakiug aI sfeeves, ta, purect wuvomon Irons tle îesnuts aI tire foiiy aIof pa are the times tadkan ready to takeS up your dîuties nith a w111. SG simple ta: 11a ke. co'ms but a trifle a j cup.Youcan et rirnnr' ru lu 70 t' iris a -te hi p- IV s ýh 1- il le e m îrANTHE FIR$T - Pety M trn T hroatened ith 'consumption Saved By Pc-ru-na. IMrs. BerthaSuhotLuenQ. raue 4W . C.T. UI., and Fresidant Chrîstianrkeso ý aUrens ChrIbtin Cuxhwrites: 11I ra sforrfrnictth lie lngs lf-r fyCrerssd m,,ýCY helt;wa l'stcka staÈCte iliatwe Jee ilv' nuh rteerr y alashad ja iecough sdte lgantldwud seWe ýou, ' ;mylungsand cause dlstýress ù:brati.I had ---,v sents, and a pain livrny sidecotual. 11wa graaly reduced la flesh, wver> cfehed lied no appeite whotever. Atrtyhg mati' dctas ad nedllne, Jfinaily *0k licad 'vice oiafin and bought a botte oi Permis ~ "Mdelghtwas geat when I' found 1 was ha- prvlg eore the firstbotte waýs takeni. Iused c,, severai more boilles and anirna -,wVperfiiq-ty w cll, ~~ ~~~ C su~~--d hv eandmyweight aurpetie.I r 4 gld *0su> a good word for youýr redC e." eribaSoUthworth. Hnxe Have Ben Cured y Tii.Fdlowin Le ter Prm a Owii Stery, Miss Margnet Falisy, -D ÀAdame St mula lu cur famly for ya'ars sdarn veny Pll fa say tisa' lb curaI me eof cata-rris edthtielun gs wiseu tisedoctors gave îsp ail hope ef My recovarTy. III usaI Peruns for six montis ansd at tihe sud ofttiat tima my cougish isal diai- appeared,my appetîba was much baer, 1 had gainaI tan poundesu lookel tise pictrire cf isaslth. 1 arn lu perfect healtis, uow, sud teel tisat Pertuna flot euly cures catarris, but hîîiids up the ayt n sd le tiserefore a grand mdcu."MrrîFabey. Paraus cures tise BraI stages ef cou- sumption by removlng tisa cause, whicis la chronMa esbarris, The catarris iaving beau cured tise cougis sud otiser dis-- agesabie symptoms cesse. Dootors Gave Hini Up. Mmf.Lei Kiteisen, 214 Worth street, CluinntiOhio, writes.:1"1 cannaS isanis yuen eougis for tise gool your Perrina ias doue me, 4bout six.mouS;hl ago 1 coulflot leave mny hed sud tisaý doaSera g&ave me up, ssyiag isaI 1 ial consumnptiou sud coulî l tlive5. Tissu a frIand recommendcd Peruna Ioci me sud 1 commeneed uaiug iL. u"Wisau 1startel te use Pemuna I wcigised 117 ponda, now 1 weigh 172 pounds. I issd beau aicis for tan yearsand was ic s lis'tisaI Icoulî net turu over lu lied.. I tisiniPerunasletise grateat mal- tillneoetlifs lime I ar nuow feeling nvll sud hearty sud wauîd not ha witiseut Peruna sgaâi."1-Lewis h.tchau, CÂTARRH CAUSES CONSUMPTION Pe-ru-na Never Fails to Cure CatuAr Wherever Locnted. Tlle medicai profession ra se heu L.ouglîly prajudbeed the minds of tise 1)eaple against patent mebcbestisaI Le wlth greaSreinctance tha.tauyone* eaui ha pemsuired 10 y sucGealeed aS firfit. 1"u ueariy every oeoele h hua De remakab4bie curies îtisaIPeruna bhu, m-ade tIhe Patients hal tei bc persnaded b,-y friands ve,ýry straugly bfore isey cold lay aside tiseir prejudicenigainst 1* tulrge imultitude, of course, held eu againt tie pesuaso f Iauldsa su diae sîmply bcas they havealoe tiseir mICs 't0 lxpoisouel agrluSat thIa very exellent remadey, But, fortunately, tisera la anoýthe.r largeý multitude et people 'who re ýable teo shsako off Iheir pra-judice and Iry Poruna befoea lb1latte) late. These eolaare, raraly dlsa.ppioiutad. l They geuerally try otlisrremadlies aItisei 7eg 'clg o their tobe.Tisey show 14 cold tt davelop mbcatarris of' ta i ,Tiey beom cabris et tisedblr at-. l They sîll use the dcesmedîclue or soeaothet lnuftertl amedy. Tie catarihs tealîisily apreaýds de)wua the bronciisitubes sud reachaýsthielngn, Tissu Ibey become ralarmaed.Pat 'iu tise Ioer begina te disappear. Tisa patient reacisas a state et mnainlu -whilhheilewilllg te try al.mosa7 ay- thlng. A bottie of Pemuna la sent for, Tise first week if produices a decîhld change for tise baller, A few we8 ctnudtreatment c!ueýs tise pattant.ý Thousands of Testimimiale. We hava on fila tisousauda f teîf luings, but wlio w-re ïfullyrstrlt isealtis by tise use et Perrn. Addrass Dr. Ilartmani, a ndet e The H-artman Sntrwl eubs 0h10. Aicoesdc hll sIniat confidentlal. sotwiesatin shirt isaisîs 1h01 or? isa orya gold bas been iimode aI the Thonmas Gibson,th supelrîntendent oti uvora for, informai occasions, suds -8as Laulî-cntian Mine, near Loke Manitou, the Bureau I ofMýine.s, iiswa'thr luncheons and the liko. Tbay ortlias ibeen roceivcd ai the Provincial says araeIthe rîchasf somplesaIal stitched xith caored silk or ruis witb Brea fa Minels. Nir. Anthony Blum, bearing rock 1hat1lho bas ever oaie narrais onrir eicveft ,whie sanie bave of Bo 'oie presidersi aI the company. Mr. Blum adds that tîrore rs aI pressai; rows ai paipodour î-iban in.serted ho- ]bas bo i ise cit Mv itissamples aI theisnlasiglit a pay-chute oa i nnal c xternd- tîveen tucks ai tisae salin aqll--orbove rase bond ý inl,1ise ma The-se--- Me, hg-abou-100--tact. blouse, giving a cliarming Dresden__________________________________________ elîccI. The necin finishs is usually o boa af ririr-coiored velvet malching the y. stilching. If luec exîsted any doubt aI tise po- ulaî-ity ai empire styles itlivas dissipalcity by a glance ai tise leaders af lasision ail - ' thie lîst race aroot at Chantilly o iveekl -go. -Y-et nM -ait- -wdwricoo h caufurieres recognîze tisaI il is moi-c suitabie for evening Ilion for day wiea1r, and( ailuirs ise lliir alelorOlatr îîrrncoss ro;be. Givena good figure an i( R N O N E D S KE N aperiet cul Ilior is ia coraorisn copoiseorius ueix l lli as Made Him a riS30ro ngie H ealthyr aad-De- ilt-lii llon s trhcr eedUpcos- Thasauioof laboteerIlieaî vaistn W une, Osâ*yoore Ibice isE TvW as O -telspre air, îl lisesei taedU awal hraUotnc uubsequnt ec Irro moa 0nideal îvalking gais n fnatiro-lai~on o teloodif 5 IU~~ serves lIre long linosAboithout flic dis- gusng li aI l i emprie wire robe teene o piaofte b to. tou ay weaIreot rUNpeno and ueqet Reoidfver Theucg The ýw iii aI the, rigmnd; KIDNEY TROUBLE, CATARRH OF inmb cousumption. 1 hurd a serious trial cf Tho fliaougisîs 0fllho heari 1501 pure; THE STOMACT, OBSTINATEiad asnerramntbserl TIcý words oI tise iips isot Slnd. COUGHS OR COLDS, LOSS 0F physicians cf Tarante, Tise diseasa FLESH, NIGHT SWEATS, CHILLS, gaiiîed suicis ieadway tisaS iospital treat- lat hat is brokon or las': AND FEVER. Ailtaoftisa aboya are tIh ent %vas resorted te, but gava me na hope tiops 101 10 adîg aud dm; utema f dseaed lngsandaratis airecavery. I aIse spent sometilieinutia that are fadng CnnvalescentomHomedsbutetise d aneasremth Love thaft is selfisli andi sain- allies of CONSUMPTION. Cnaecn oe u h ics e turned withi ncreased severity, and 1 was Thoso ýlot hlm carrýy s'.ilh h buta.-AE TR regai-ded -as a hepeless case,- I1-lait -the LUNOSMADE TRONOcity for tise country under tise bellefthtia it Wihispor toroîvel la oyunr doubîs, WITH PSYOHINE wooîd renpw imy strengei and nmoka me To follies and faults tha ou YO toiV, REMAV1 SITRONG we1. On portiug ivitis ay brother ha aid Thon open the wxesterns door, aflerward tîrat "ha niever -expected te ses WVif luhelead year lotthelion go. in liaagi'Wlile eut of tise dity i1 -beaou siug Psychine, and I am piolt 'I ua taIBi unriing oxtsay it bas beau a blessing te mae.I a V. e linl'sudi are grosing thin .callt euuhmeairuigi e (e open t rlier loasternrsngdoor, ' utlseveraa otlsb bcaa usaI o1,dUI remedly nmy lweigli ba beu rdoclht 'Mor iotisullydo ourpart- 10 ponîuow wagistoll 21 pende Waîcme tse bightr hoe, Pyelde laa Woderfl fls-r asnï are awora a1what my cni~nwsat Li (bod i lsehuseld(prayer. m :d1-1eIllte worldlikaPsyclîîua f long tnouhk, ouII rnf sure if'tba e Forgttenha 11 mstaks bCufr i Výl I.WUD AEBEEN A ,ianyniopen tise sasteýru door A,V,' DN Veint-4 o! 001-.100 .. Ceoong ni OORA WLEN e be seen aziy dy Fr a by Il rgiî u 10 e Laurenf iai - 1Mine, on a: Breatdviiew Ave. car, kTer0ot. all.Fer furîtber avc ndifra Tarate dspaîli eys'~omecon- C'îrd wih Pycisae sx y~ra ao, is fcu wte e cal aSDr. Slocurn, Lîrmtel fI Years 1'>"'st.

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